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A viral video released this week caught a woman on camera launching a racist tirade against an Asian-American service member in a parking lot in California. James Ahn said he was driving earlier this month when the woman pulled up next to him and pulled her eyes back in an offensive gesture.
“This is not your f--king country,” she says in the video. “This is my country.” Ahn is a Korean-American member of the Air Force Reserve, according to Huffington Post.
Ahn's passenger recorded the incident and Ahn posted the video on Facebook earlier this week after the altercation.
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You're extremely optimistic about your ability to be in two places at once, prompting you to pack more into your day than you can handle. Your enthusiasm may be opening doors whichever way you turn to...feed是什么意思_feed在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
feed是什么意思 feed在线翻译 feed什么意思 feed的意思 feed的翻译 feed的解释 feed的发音 feed的同义词 feed的反义词 feed的例句 feed的相关词组
feed英 [fi:d] 美 [fid] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:feed 基本解释及物动词喂养; 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物不及物动词吃,以…为食; 流入,注入,进入(如油流入机器); [电子学]馈入名词饲料(尤指粗饲料),施肥; 喂送; 草料; (尤指向地方性电视台)馈送电视节目feed 相关词组feed的翻译1.
: 养肥;手机查看feed的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 feed 即可feed 相关例句及物动词1. We feed the birds every day.&&&&我们每天给鸟喂食。2. 2. He has a large family to feed.&&&&他有一个大家庭要抚养。3. 3. This moving belt feeds the machine with raw material.&&&&这条传送带供给机器所需之原料。不及物动词1. feed的解释1. Bullets fed into a machine gun.&&&&子弹压进机枪。名词1. Corn is used as animal feed.&&&&玉米被用作牲口饲料。feed 网络解释1. 进给:24 F 进给(FEED)指令 (FANUC 21i-T有特别说明. 当使用G98时. 指的是mm/min每分钟进给. 当使用G99时,指的是mm/r每转进给. )2. 进料:SMB系统构成如图1所示,多根色谱柱首尾相接成一闭环系统,进料(Feed)和洗脱液(Eluent)入口与萃取液(Extract)和萃余液(Raffinate)出口将之分为四区. 每隔一定时间Δt,四股物料的进、出口位置分别沿流动相方向切换至下一根柱子出口(如图1中虚线所示)3. feed3. 馈送:这一名称的由来,就是因为网络的每一层神经细胞的输出都向前馈送(feed)到了它们的下一层(在图中是画在它的上面的那一层),直到获得整个网络的输出为止.4. 4. feed:front en 前端工程设计feed5. feed: 进给feed 双语例句1. I feed Mickey twice a day. It likes to eat meat and rice.&&&&我每天喂他吃两餐,它爱吃白饭和肉。2. Our main agents operating in Japan are piling of the product chain, Chun Emerson geared motor, clutc Kobelco Motor electromagnetic clutch, brake and electromagnetic vibration feed Machine, AC Kobelco-made mac Association all kind Mitsubishi General Motors, deceleration Motors, Drives and PLC fine, all types of motor slowdown, the ch Hitachi all typ Japanese machinery is
SPG small fixed s Panasonic | music small Set s Yasukawa AC servo motors and PLC; E Fujitsu O I Xu into, such as oil and water separator And so on.&&&&我司主要代理经营的日本产品有椿本链条、椿艾默生减速电机、离合器及扭矩限制器等;神钢电机电磁离合器、电磁刹车及振动供料机、AC伺服马达等;神钢造机液体联轴器;协和各类万向联轴器;三菱普通电机、减速电机、变频器及PLC控制器等;日精各类减速电机、变向齿轮箱等;日立各类减速电机;东洋机械纠编器;SPG小型定速及调速马达;松下|乐声小型定速及调速马达;安川AC伺服马达和PLC;爱普生机械臂;富士涂油器;伊东电动滚筒;旭化成油水分离器等等。3. The riv they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes, and feed our children.&&&&江河是我们的兄弟;是他们给我们解旱止渴,让我们载舟运物,让我们抚育子孙后代。4. And then a ship generator excitation compound control method with rough neural network inverse system feed forward compensation was presented, and the stability and reliability of compound system was analyzed.&&&&利用粗糙集数据智能分析与决策规则自动提取的优点以及神经网络良好的泛化能力,提出了粗糙-神经网络逆模型的具体实现方法;在证明五阶同步发电机模型可逆的基础上,研究了船舶同步发电机的粗糙-神经网络逆模型,提出了基于粗糙-神经网络逆模型前馈补偿的船舶发电机励磁复合控制方法,并对复合控制的稳定性和可靠性进行了分析。5. Aiming at the characteristics of ship power system, two hybrid intelligent rough control methods were presented for the first time. The one is an adaptive neural PID control strategy based on RS-RBF neural net another one is excitation compound control method with rough neural inverse system feed forward compensation. The simulation results prove the validity of these methods.&&&&针对船舶电力系统的特点,首次提出了基于粗糙-RBF网络辨识的发电机励磁神经PID控制和粗糙-神经网络逆前馈补偿的发电机励磁复合控制两种混合智能粗糙控制方法,仿真结果验证了所设计方法的有效性。6. In order to allow Ni catalyst work at a mild temperature with little sintering and carbon formation, the influence of composition of reformer inlet gas on reforming temperature at a certain space velocity and conversion of feed CH4 was studied. At the same time, a method of changing inlet gas composition by introducing circulating gas into the feed gas was also discussed.&&&&为了使Ni系催化剂在不易发生烧结积炭的温度下工作,分析了在一定原料CH4空速和转化率下人口气体组成对重整工作温度的影响,并探讨了在原料气中导入循环气来改变重整人口气体组成的方法。7. 7. When a user clicks on a node then we get that feed?&&&&当一个节点用户点击,我们得到的饲料?8. The management team of our company are experts in domestic feed industry and fishing gear industry, who are of more than ten years of experience in production, management, distribution and customer service of feed material, fishing gear, and net products, etc.&&&&公司管理团队均是国内饲料行业和渔业用具的资深人士,对饲料原料、渔具、网类等产品的生产、管理、销售及售后服务有着十多年的经验,其产品质量及经营理念在业界有着深远的影响。9. I don't know it is a vagrant dog at that time, and I thought that who feed a dog as such a stupid way?&&&&我当时不知道这是一只流浪狗,心里还想,哪个人这么养狗啊?10. I don't know it is a vagrant dog at that time, and I thoughtthat who feed a dog as such a stupid way?&&&&我当时不知道这是一只流浪狗,心里还想,哪个人这么养狗啊?11. This second exhibition by a definite date a year, install bus of kitchen division, study area, bathroom area, sitting room area, number in all area of station, future 6 exhibit an area, content is covered feed, cure, live, travel, happy wait for many respects, reveal in grass-roots life, pass the automation environment of IPv6 application, let establishment of electric lamp, cinematograph, freezer, acoustics, microwave oven, medical treatment wait, can pass long-range computer to control, implementation future wisdom the network lives.&&&&&&本次展览为期一年,共设置厨房区、书房区、浴室区、客厅区、数字公交车站、未来区等六个展区,内容涵盖食、医、住、行、乐等多个方面,展示在一般民众生活中,通过IPv6应用的自动化环境,让电灯、摄影机、电冰箱、音响、微波炉、医疗设施等,都能通过远程电脑控制,实现未来聪明型的网络生活。12. The type of crushing chamber depends upon the size of feed and fineness of the crushed product.&&&&&&庭破碎的类型的大小取决于饲料粉碎的细度和产品。13. 13. By seed emulsion polymerization method. The effects of various feed methods on particle size were investigated.&&&&&&系统地研究了加料方式对乳胶粒粒径大小及分布的影响。14. It is found that the relationship between feed particle size and characteristic parameters of comminution exist agreement.&&&&&&矿物颗粒粒度与高压粉碎特征参数之间存在一定的对应关系。15. With feed particle size and increase the growth of fish and fish population remained at about half full at the time.&&&&&&饲料粒径大小随鱼的生长而增大,并维持在鱼种口全开时的一半左右。16. 16. The coal feed rate and the size of the grinding table are variable.&&&&&&原煤在辊和旋转的磨碗上磨粉,并在离心力的作用下甩向外部17. 17. The tool diameter for second feed is the designed size.&&&&&&第二次进刀为理想的形状尺寸。18. Another approach is to develop a number of new tax policy, any occupier of land must pay taxes, let you invest in buying land must be taken into account the cost of the land to feed at the same time can not be ruled out by the central government to local government some large-scale municipal infrastructure facilities tax to limit its large-scale investment, and so on.&&&&&&另一种办法是制定了一些新的税收政策,任何占用的土地必须交税,让你投资买地时必须考虑到成本的土地,饲料,同时也不能排除由中央政府向地方政府一些大型市政基础设施建设税,以限制其大规模的投资,等等。19. 19. Since the increase of raw coal feed leads to lack of plank filter capacity in slurry system, ZKG300/2000-type quick-operating diaphragm pressure filters are used in Pansan Mine Coal Preparation Plant that decreases the moisture of filter cake and shortens circuit time, solves the problem of lack of slurry throughput.&&&&&&针对由于原煤入选量增加引起的煤泥水系统板框式压滤机能力不足的问题,潘三矿选煤厂在实际运行中采用ZKG300/2000型快开式隔膜压滤机,达到了降低滤饼水分和缩短循环时间等应用效果,解决了该矿煤泥水处理能力不足的问题。20. 911查询·英语单词20. Should not be filled with concrete hopper online, on-line super-size aggregate and debris to be cleared in time, when the mixing hopper card axis was never transferred, it is necessary to suspend the pump, and a timely reversal operation, troubleshooting, hopper of the concrete should not be too few to prevent air suction pipe and plug the cause, when the feed can not keep up, it is necessary to stop pumping in time.&&&&&&、料斗网上不应堆满混凝土,对网上的超粒径骨料及杂物要及时清除,当料斗内的搅拌轴被卡死不转时,要暂停泵送,并及时反转操作,排除故障,料斗中的混凝土不能太少,以防止因吸空而导致管路堵塞,当供料跟不上时,要及时停止泵送。feed 词典解释1. 养;喂;饲养&&&&If you feed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths.&&&&e.g. We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds...&&&&&&&&&&&我们拿了几片陈面包来喂鸟。&&&&e.g. She fed him a cookie...&&&&&&&&&&&她给他吃了一块饼干。feedingThe feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.乳牛的喂养方法发生了巨大的改变。2. 供养,养活(家庭或群体)&&&&To feed a family or a community means to supply food for them.&&&&e.g. Feeding a hungry family can be expensive.&&&&&&&&&&&养活饥肠辘辘的一家人花费很大。&&&&e.g. ...a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months.&&&&&&&&&&&足够苏丹人吃好多个月的食物储备3. (动物)吃食,进食&&&&When an animal feeds, it eats or drinks something.&&&&e.g. After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding...&&&&&&&&&&&几天后毛虫停止进食。&&&&e.g. Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material.&&&&&&&&&&&蛞蝓以腐烂的动植物为食。4. 吃奶;给…喂奶&&&&When a baby feeds, or when you feed it, it drinks breast milk or milk from a bottle.&&&&e.g. When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often...&&&&&&&&&&&婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。&&&&e.g. I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby.&&&&&&&&&&&我对如何抱婴儿、如何给婴儿喂食一无所知。5. 饲料&&&&Animal feed is food given to animals, especially farm animals.feed是什么意思&&&&e.g. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed.&&&&&&&&&&&谷物完全烂掉了,他们能将其派上的唯一用场就是作动物饲料。&&&&e.g. ...poultry feed.&&&&&&&&&&&家禽饲料6. 源源不断地供给;输送&&&&To feed something to a place, means to supply it to that place in a steady flow.danci.911cha.com&&&&e.g. ...blood vessels that feed blood to the brain.&&&&&&&&&&&将血液输送到大脑的血管&&&&e.g. ...gas fed through pipelines.&&&&&&&&&&&通过管道输送的燃气7. 将…放到,将…投入(容器或装置中)&&&&If you feed something into a container or piece of equipment, you put it into it.&&&&e.g. He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player...&&&&&&&&&&&他从她手里接过光盘,放入播放机中。&&&&e.g. She was feeding documents into a paper shredder.&&&&&&&&&&&她将文件放入碎纸机。8. 向…泄露(秘密);向…灌输,向…通报(虚假信息)&&&&If someone feeds you false or secret information, they deliberately tell it to you.&&&&e.g. He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies...&&&&&&&&&&&他周围的人都在给他灌输可怕的谎言。&&&&e.g. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.&&&&&&&&&&&至少有一个英国官员在向他提供机密情报。9. 加深,加强(厌恶或渴望)&&&&If you feed someone's dislike or desire for something, you make it stronger.&&&&e.g. The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.&&&&&&&&&&&离婚的事张扬出去,她十分痛苦,更加厌恶媒体了。10. 给…施肥&&&&&&If you feed a plant, you add substances to it to make it grow well.&&&&&&e.g. Feed plants to encourage steady growth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&给植物施肥促使其不断生长。11. (因…而)壮大;(从…中)得到滋养&&&&&&If one thing feeds on another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing's existence.&&&&&&e.g. The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.&&&&&&&&&&&&&酗酒和犯罪彼此助长。12. 将(信息)输入(计算机)&&&&&&To feed information into a computer means to gradually put it into it.danci.911cha.com&&&&&&e.g. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.&&&&&&&&&&&&&自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。13. to bite the hand that feeds you -> see &&&&&&mouths to feed -> see 相关词组:feed 单语例句1. The local government should clarify people's doubts immediately and act on the feedback of taxpayers, who help feed the officials.2. She had a Caesarean section to deliver her baby son and was given milk powder to feed him for six months.3. The keeper entered a cage to feed a tiger on October 21 but failed to lock the den where the animals were kept.4. Kang has to buy more than 40 yuan worth of meat, other food and calcium to feed the dog every day.5. He said the most pressing issue was flooding in the six miles of underground tunnels that feed steam to campus buildings for power.6. Cancellation of the rally undoubtedly will feed a positive public image among the local community.7. It proved that the previous news about cancerogenic chicken feed was not true.8. Video images showed the rocket soaring into a cloudless sky, with other pictures from mission control showing a video feed of Yang inside the capsule.9. Children feed the carp in a pond at Yu Yuan in Shanghai.10. Carrefour said it would monitor the entire breeding procedure and would inspect water and feed, to ensure the quality of the prawns.feed 英英释义noun1. food for domestic livestock&&&&Synonym: verb1. introduce continuously&&&&e.g. feed carrots into a food processor&&&&Synonym: 2. provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to&&&&e.g. We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants&&&&Synonym: 3. give food to&&&&e.g. Feed the starving children in India&&&&&&&&&&&don't give the child this tough meat&&&&Synonym: 4. take in food&&&&used of animals only&&&&e.g. This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat&&&&&&&&&&&What do whales eat?&&&&Synonym: 5. serve as food for&&&&be the food for&&&&e.g. This dish feeds six6. feed into&&&&supply&&&&e.g. Her success feeds her vanity7. provide as food&&&&e.g. Feed the guests the nuts8. gratify&&&&e.g. feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view&&&&Synonym: 9. profit from in an exploitatory manner&&&&e.g. He feeds on her insecurity&&&&Synonym: 10. move along, of liquids&&&&e.g. Water flowed into the cave&&&&&&&&&&&the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi&&&&Synonym: 11. support or promote&&&&&&e.g. His admiration fed her vanityfeed是什么意思,feed在线翻译,feed什么意思,feed的意思,feed的翻译,feed的解释,feed的发音,feed的同义词,feed的反义词,feed的例句,feed的相关词组,feed意思是什么,feed怎么翻译,单词feed是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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visited your feed什么意思
feed 就是互联网上的阅读源的意思。visited your feed就是这个已经访问过你的阅读源的意思。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。电容cap feed是什么电容??_百度知道
电容cap feed是什么电容??
  电容cap feed是馈通电容。  电容器,通常简称其容纳电荷的本领为电容,用字母C表示。定义1:电容器,顾名思义,是‘装电的容器’,是一种容纳电荷的器件。英文名称:capacitor。电容器是电子设备中大量使用的电子元件之一,广泛应用于电路中的隔直通交,耦合,旁路,滤波,调谐回路,&能量转换,控制等方面。定义2:电容器,任何两个彼此绝缘且相隔很近的导体(包括导线)间都构成一个电容器。  电容与电容器不同。电容为基本物理量,符号C,单位为F(法拉)。  通用公式C=Q/U平行板电容器专用公式:板间电场强度E=U/d ,电容器电容决定式 C=εS/4πkd  随着电子信息技术的日新月异,数码电子产品的更新换代速度越来越快,以平板电视(LCD和PDP)、笔记本电脑、数码相机等产品为主的消费类电子产品产销量持续增长,带动了电容器产业增长。  
feed through capacitor
英文意思每句猜一个名称You visit this person when you are ill.This personcan make you laugh.You use these to see things beter.You ues this to find your way in a new place.You use this to take photos.
You visit this person when you are ill.医生This personcan make you laugh.小丑You use these to see things beter.放大镜You ues this to find your way in a new place.地图You use this to take photos.照相机
---医生 这个人能使你笑.----喜剧演员 你使用这些看东西更好.----眼镜(望远镜)你使用这个在一新地方中找到路.---地图你使用这个拍照片.---- 照相机
doctor(医生) zany(小丑) glasses(眼镜) map(地图) camera(照相机)
You visit this person when you are ill.--- doctor当你是身体不适的时候,你访问这个人. ---医生 This personcan make you laugh. ---zany这个人能使你笑.---小丑You use these to see things beter. ---glasses你使用这些...


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