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英语精读 课程教案/讲稿教师姓名:赵红路 外国语学院 第三教研室学院(部、中心) : 教研室M实验室:2008年3月 有关教育教学基本概念、内涵简介(供教学参考)一、关于教育方针、高等教育 ▲我国的教育方针:坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,与生产劳动 和社会实践相结合,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。《中国共产党第 ( 十六次代表大会报告 》) ▲高等教育的任务:培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文 化,促进社会主义现代化建设。(《中华人民共和国高等教育法》&以下简称《高教法》& 第五条) ▲高等学历教育应当符合下列学业标准:(《高教法》第十六条) (1)专科教育应当使学生掌握本专业必备的基础理论、专门知识,具有从事本专业实 际工作的基本技能和初步能力; (2)本科教育应当使学生比较系统地掌握本学科、专业必需的基础理论、基本知识, 掌握本专业必要的基本技能、方法和相关知识,具有从事本专业实际工作和研究工作的初 步能力; (3)硕士研究生教育应当使学生掌握本学科坚实的基础理论、系统的专业知识,掌握 相应的技能、方法和相关知识,具有从事本专业实际工作和科学研究工作的能力。博士研 究生教育应当使学生掌握本学科坚实宽广的基础理论、系统深入的专业知识、相应的技能 和方法,具有独立从事本学科创造性科学研究工作和实际工作的能力。 二、关于教师 ▲教师:是履行教育教学职责的专业人员,承担教书育人,培养社会主义事业建设者 和接班人、提高民族素质的使命。教师应当忠诚于人民的教育事业。(《中华人民共和国 教师法》) ▲高等学校应当为教师参加培训、开展科学研究和进行学术交流提供便利条件。高等 学校应当对教师、管理人员和教学辅助人员及其他专业技术人员的思想政治表现、职业道 德、业务水平和工作实绩进行考核,考核结果作为聘任或者解聘、晋升、奖励或者处分的 依据。(《高教法》第五十一条) ★教师风范:是教师的世界观、人生观、价值观、道德修养、知识水平、文化水准、 精神面貌的体现,是教师的德与才的统一性表现。教师风范是教师整体素质的核心。 “志存高远、爱国敬业、为人师表、教书育人、严谨笃学、与时俱进”是对教师风范 的最好概括。教师风范表现在日常教育教学活动中,主要反映在课堂教学,科学研究,人 格魅力,敬业精神和教书育人等方面。 ★教书育人:是指教师要关心爱护学生,在传授专业知识的同时,以自身的道德行为 和魅力,言传身教,引导学生寻找自己生命的意义,实现人生应有的价值追求,塑造自身 完美的人格。 三、有关教学基本概念 ☆教学:不仅是对人类已有知识的继承,也是人类知识体系再积累再创造的过程。是 教师和学生在教学系统中通过媒介进行的传递信息的双边活动。 教学是高等学校教育工作 的中心环节,是实现一定的教育目的和人才培养目标的基本途径。《高等教育学》 ( ,谢安 邦主编,高等教育出版社,2001 年 7 月出版,下同) ☆教学设计:是指教学的系统规划及其教学方法的设计。也就是,为了达到一定的教 学目标,对教什么(课程内容)和怎么教(教学组织、模式选择、媒体选用等)进行设计。 它是研究如何确定教学目标、了解学生的准备状态、制定教学程序计划、分析确定教学任 务、评定教学结果,以及激发、维持学习动机的理论和技术。《高等教育心理学》伍新春 ( 主编,高等教育出版社,2001 年 7 月出版) 具体地,如:关于一门课程教学目的、教学内容(容量、知识点、重点、难点、创新 点)、教学方法、教学手段及选择、教学要求、教学检查与考核、教学时间分配、教学步 骤 (计划) 以及教材组织等的总体设计; 或对该门课程一个具体教学内容 (知识点) “个 的 案”设计。 ☆课程体系:在高等教育中,是指一个专业所设置的课程相互间的分工和配合。实现 专业的培养目标,不是仅仅靠一门或几门课程所能奏效的,而是靠全部开设课程的协 调和补充。课程体系是否合理,直接关系到所培养人才的质量。优化课程体系就是从 目标出发调整各方面的比例,并以最后是否能够达到目标要求作为衡量的标准。《高 ( 等教育学》 ,同前) 课程体系狭义是指一门课程的知识点构成、逻辑与配合关系。 课程体系是人才培养计划的主要构成部分, 是实现人才培养目标、 塑造人才培养规格、 体现人才培养特色的主要教育教学“载体” ,课程体系设置是否合理直接关系到人才 培养计划的优劣。 一个专业的课程体系构成,一般包括:人文社会科学课程群,公共基础课程群, 学科专业基础课程群,专业必修课程群,专业限任选课程群等。课程性质包括必修课、 限选课、任选课等。 ☆教学大纲:是以系统和连贯的形式,按章节、课题和条目叙述该学科主要内容的教 学指导文件。它根据教学计划规定每个学生必须掌握的理论知识、实际技能和基本技能, 也规定了(教学内容)教学进度和教学方法的基本要求。《高等教育学》 ( ,同前) ☆教材:也称教科书,是教学的主要依据,它是阐述教学内容的专用书籍,是教学大 纲的具体化。它是进行教学工作、稳定教学秩序和提高教学质量的重要保证。一套完 整的教材除教科书等基本教材以外,还应包括与之配套的辅助教材或相应的教学参考 书。《高等教育学》 ( ,同前) 教材, 还指对一门课程、 一个知识点作教学展开所需的各种素材; 如教案 (讲义) 、 教科书、参考书、资料、案例、课件、挂图、教具、其它教育技术的教学材料等。 △教学内容:是指按照教学大纲要求,所确定的一门课程全部基本理论、基本技能的 教学与学习的内容,以及有关教学安排计划。 △讲授内容:是教师根据教学大纲规定,结合教材而组织的可在教学过程中展开的各 部分教学内容。讲授内容是具体化的教学内容。 △教案:是教师在授课前准备的教学方案,内容包括教学目的、教学内容(讲稿) 、 教学方法、教学手段(选择) 、教学要求、教学检查(考核) 、教学容量、教学时间分配、 教学步骤(计划)以及教材的组织等。 △讲稿:是教师在课堂(实践)教学中,自己组织、撰写并使用的稿本,是教学方案 的一部分及其在教学中实施的一个“蓝图” 。 △教学日历:是教学内容、方式和进度的具体安排,每门课程都要按照教学大纲规定 和校历来制订教学日历,确定每节课的教学内容和教学方式(讲授、实验、课堂讨论、作 业……) ,安排课外自学、辅导、作业、实践等教学环节,提出教学和学习要求。 ★教学计划(培养计划) :广义是指学校各专业保证教学质量和人才培养规格的重要 文件,是一个专业组织教学过程、安排教学任务的基本依据。制定教学计划要遵循国家教 育方针和 “三个面向” 的指导思想。 教学计划和人才培养模式要符合教育的总体改革思路, 拓宽专业,加强基础,加强素质教育和能力培养;符合学校的定位,体现学校的特色;要 整体优化,各教学环节和课程体系设置要合理,体现德智体全面发展,有利于人文素质、 科学素质的提高,有利于实践能力、创新精神的培养。 狭义指一门课程的教学内容分配、教学进度、教学设计等。 ☆教学方法: 是在教学中为完成一定的教学目的、 任务所采取的教学途径或教学程序, 是以解决教学任务为目的的师生间共同进行认识和实践的方法体系。《高等教育学》 ( ,同 前) ★教学方法改革:其中心是加强创新精神和创造能力的培养,改革“灌输式”和过分 偏重讲授的教学方法,实施启发式、讨论式、研究式的教学方法。重视学生在教学活动中 的主体地位,充分调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性。改革要有利于加强学生的自学能 力、分析问题、解决问题能力的培养,有利于学生创新思维和创新能力的培养,有利于学 生个性和才能的全面发展。 ★教学手段包括:要积极采用现代教育技术和手段,特别是多媒体技术。 (利用计算 机综合处理文字、声音、图象、图形、动画等信息的新技术) ★双语授课课程:指采用了外文教材并且用外语授课课时达到该课程课时 50%以上的 课程(外语课除外) 。 在双语授课时,要保证该课程正常教学的基本要求和教学质量。 ★实践教学包括:实验、实习、课程设计、学年论文、毕业实习、毕业论文(设计) 、 社会实践等。不同专业的实践教学环节在教学计划中的地位、顺序、时间分配等方面都要 注意符合培养目标的要求。 ★“双基” :包括基本理论、基本能力。基本理论是指学生对基础、专业的基本理论 掌握与应用的能力等;基本技能是指基本实践能力、自学能力、应变能力、交流能力、创 新意识等。 ★教学研究与实践成果:是指教学改革、管理、建设等方面的研究、实践经验总结, 教育教学改革设想(思考、观点) 、论文(著作) ,承担相关的国家、省部、校级研究项目 (课题) ,获得的国家、省部、校级教育教学改革成果、论文、著作等的奖励等。注:以▲标记的解释分别依据中华人民共和国《高等教育法》《教师法》等; 、 以△标记的解释依据我校的教学管理文件或新的管理要求; 以★标记的解释依据教育部《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案(试行); 》 以☆标记的解释分别依据《高等教育学》《高等教育心理学》 、 。 长春工业大学课程教案/讲稿有关内容填写说明本“教案/讲稿”格式作为教学的基本规范,是适用于我校教师备课和教学的(教案、 讲稿)通用范本;在教学实际使用中,其有关内容的填写(撰写)可参考以下说明: 1、教师编号:根据教务处综合教务管理系统中的教师编号填写。 2、课程编号:根据本科、高职各专业培养计划中的课程编号填写(研究生、成人课 程的编号由教师另行查询) 。 3、课程的理论(实践)学时、学分均按学校下达的教学任务书填写。 4、授课方式一旦选定双语教学或运用多媒体教学(包括某章节使用多媒体) ,须及时 与教学管理部门联系、落实教材选购及有关教学安排。 5、 “上课时间”栏的设置,是为便于教师记准上课时间,并要注意夏季作息时间变化。 6、 “课程的教学内容分配与进度计划表” (简称“教学日历”,一份订入教案/讲稿中, ) 以便把握好教学内容和进度; 同时, 此表还要交给学院及学校有关教学管理部门存档备查, 上报时,须将表中的每个项目填写完整。 教师在做“课程设计”的内容分配和进度计划时,可根据学校下达的教学任务书,用 此表另行填写。 “留存”处,填写此表交送、存档的部门(或教学单位)名称。 7、 “教案/讲稿”栏 (1) “讲授内容” ,按章节备课内容具体撰、填写。 (2) “教学设计/备注” ,结合各章节具体内容和某一个问题、知识点,对应写出自己 的教学设计、注解、备注或教学提示等;关于课程的总体教学设计应该体现在这些分解的 教学设计当中。 8、 “长春工业大学 课程教案/讲稿”可在学校下发的“稿纸本”上备 课手写,或按学校的这个标准格式(校园网上提供了电子版本格式)在计算机上备课并打 印、装订成册。 用多媒体授课的“电子教案”格式自定。长春工业大学教务处 与教师编号 课程编号 总 学 时 课程性质 授课方式 授课对象 上
必修 常规 本科课程有关的信息课程名称 英文课名 讲授学时 520英语精读 Intensive Reading 实验学时 课程学分 41.5(必修/学科专业限选/公共任选) (常规/双语/多媒体) (研究生/本科/高职/成人)/ 2008学年,第2学期 周学时6课 星期 一 第 1、2 节,8:05 至 9:50 时分 时 间 星期 三 第 3、4 节,10:15 至 12 :00 时分 星期 五 第 1、2 节,8:05 至 9:50 时分上课地点东一号楼 301、302 061003 现代大学英语 精读 4 外语教育与研究 学生总人数 》 ,作者: 出版社, 2002 31任课班级编号 选用 书名 《 教材 出版杨立民 年 3 月出版参 考 书 现代大学英语精读教师用书, 杨立民等编 (书名、 突破英语专业 8000 词, 申富英编著 作 者 等 英语词语辨析词典, 李刚主编 出 版 信 英美文化辞典, 胡文仲主编 息) 与 教 学 相 关 的 简 要 记 事 长春工业大学课程教学内容分配与进度计划表 课程编号: 使用教材:现代大学英语精读 周 次 1 日 期3.3 3.5 3.7学年第 二 学期 适用班级 061003英语精读 课程课 次 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3学 时 数 教 书后习题 模拟题 1-2 真题 1997 书后习题 模拟题 3-4 真题 1998 书后习题 模拟题 5-6 真题 2005 书后习题 模拟题 7-8 真题 1999 书后习题 模拟题 9-10 真题 2000 书后习题 模拟题 11-12 真题 2001 书后习题 模拟题 13-14 真题
学 内 容 ( 章 节 )讲 实 习 多 课 验 题 体媒备注2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 集训23.10 3.12 3.1433.17 3.19 3.2143.24 3.26 3.2853.31 4.2 4.464.7 4.9 4.1174.14 4.16 4.188 94.28 4.301 2Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle2 2 105.7 5.91 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle Lesson 9: A Dill Pickle Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 10: Diogenes and Alexander Lesson 11: Silent Spring Lesson 11: Silent Spring Lesson 11: Silent Spring Lesson 11: Silent Spring Lesson 11: Silent Spring Lesson 12: The Needs That Drive Us All Lesson 12: The Needs That Drive Us All Lesson 12: The Needs That Drive Us All Lesson 12: The Needs That Drive Us All Lesson 12: The Needs That Drive Us All Lesson 13: In My Day Lesson 13: In My Day Lesson 13: In My Day Lesson 13: In My Day Lesson 13: In My Day 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 12 2115.12 5.14 5.16125.19 5.21 5.23135.26 5.28 5.30146.2 6.4 6.6156.9 6.11 6.13166.16 6.18 6.20176.23 6.25 6.27186.30 7.2教研室主任:王海云任课教师:赵红路任课教师编号:000417留存: Lesson Nine A Dill PickleI. Teaching Aims:To make a clear understanding toward this short novel and know what is going on between the only two persons in it. To learn the special writing style the author used here, that is, although the man in the novel does most of the talking the story really focuses on Vera and how she views her former lover.II. Teaching Emphases and Difficulties:1. Words: A 2. Phrases: B Be wrapped up in sb./ sth.; prick up one’ 3. Structures: That trick of hisIII. Language Points:This is a story written by Katherine Mansfield, a famous woman writer who is often compared to Chekov (契诃夫), the great storyteller. It is about a young man and a young woman who have been lovers once and now meet again after six years of separation, and as they sit and reminisce, we begin to know what happened six years ago that finally led to the end of their relationship. In the story, the author artfully points up Vera, the heroine’s, sensitivity and the man’s insensitivity to others --- their feelings, attitudes and inner motivations. When he does not even recognize her at first only after six years, and when, after their first few words, he resorts to his old habit of interrupting her, we get our first glimpse of his self-involvement. This theme is repeated throughout the story. For example, his egoism prevents him from seeing how greatly their lives have diverged in the six years since they parted. During those years, he had done, by himself, all the things they dreamed of doing together―traveling to Spain, Corsica, Siberia, Russia, Egypt. By contrast, she, in the meantime, has experienced a deterioration in her she has even had to sell her piano, which she so loved to play. However, he never pays any attention to her plight and continues to talk about himself and his travels. At the end, he has the audacity (鲁莽,无礼) to claim that they are both egotistical and self-engrossed. This statement unequivocally proves to her the extent of his egoism, which blinds him to the fact that it is he alone who has the problem whereas she is sharply aware of his feelings, in fact more so than he himself is. She not only shares but actually feels more strongly his pains and joys. She even remembers the details of his boyhood better than he does. Throughout the story, although Vera doesn’t do much talking, her sensitivity comes through very clearly. She is also courageous. She could have married the man six years ago because he was not without attractions. He was young, strong, financially secure, fond of traveling like she was, and above all, madly in love with her. But she decided to end this relationship because he was too egotistical. And six years later, she leaves him again because she recognizes that he has not changed. Like a few other earlier great women writers, Mansfield is ahead of her time. Modern feminism has produced an entire literature that delves into (探索) similar problems that deal with the relations between the genders (性别)While so much of literature is by men . and about men, this story is not only by a woman, but also about women and relationships as seen through their eyes. In fact, the author has not even given the man a name. Although he does the story really focuses on Vera and how she views her former lover. Warming-up Exercise 1. Take it from me. He has the goods. 译文:我敢保证他可不是等闲之辈。 Have got the goods: 很有本事 Have/ has the goods on :获得某人罪证 2. Sophia was less than happy about having a dancing party. 译文:索非亚不太高兴举办 一次舞会。 Less than happy about:不太高兴 3. To the extent that all the people are united as one, the nation will surely prosper. 译文: 只要全体人民团结一心,国家一定会繁荣昌盛 To the extent that:只要 be seated: seat oneself, si locate at someplace 就座,坐着,位 e.g. He was seated at one of those little bamboo tables. He seated himself at one of those little bamboo tables. 2. He was peeling an orange.1. 于 n.― v. to shear the sheep(to cut down the fur of the sheep); to scale the fish 3. …to meet her eyes.eyestrain, 眼 睛 疲 劳 ; eyewash, eyetooth, 眼 药 ; 犬 齿 ;in my eyes: 我的意见; Eye front: (列队)向前看; have sb. in one’s eye: 挂念; in the public eye: 公然的, 众所周知; keep an eye on: 留神 挂念; run one’s eye through: 浏 览; the eye of day:(诗歌用语)太阳 4. light up: (of a person’s face, etc.) to become bright or animated (指人的脸等)发亮,eyewink, 一 眨 眼 ; eyesore,碍眼的人或东 西春风满面;容光焕发 e.g. Her face lighted up when she heard the good news. 5. D You’ve changed. You’ve changed very much,‖ he said, staring at her with that eager, lighted look. DYou look so well. I’ve never seen you look so well before.‖ No. she was not feeling well. She could not bear the cold weather. She shuddered often from the cold. And she was beginning to feel the effect of her growing age. Quite likely she was sick at that time. Probably he tried to say sth. to make her happy or to compensate for his not recognizing her at the first sight. 6. …loathe it: hate it very much 厌恶憎恨dislike--- like--- possible--- surprise---stun, angry--- poor ---destitute small --- sure --- hungry tired ----interesting - many --- fine ---Comparison among detest, abhor, abominate and loathe detest: 强烈的敌视反对 abhor: 不喜欢 厌恶 因为害怕而退缩 abominate: 强调特别不喜欢 经常指道德上的谴责 loathe: 讨厌 非常不喜欢 主要指人生理上的自然反应 7. You were saying: an expression used to encourage someone you just interrupted tocontinue to speak. In this sentence, the man didn’t encourage Vera to talk about herself. He wants to turn the subject back to himself. 8. that trick of his: = his trick 强调结构 e.g. DLook at that son of yours,‖ the husband shouted at his wife. I like that car of yours. It looks so beautiful. 9. exasperate:a. to annoy, t 使人苦恼,烦恼 aggravate: (informal) 惹人生气 打搅别人 annoy: 故意麻烦别人 使其气愤烦躁 exasperate: 由于一时的不冷静或经历了一再烦恼后无法忍耐而变得愤怒 irritate: 不断重复的 无礼貌的或粗鲁的行为使人失去耐心而恼火 aggrieve: 使感受到痛苦或烦恼 distress: 使忧虑或受打扰 nettle: 尖锐的但短暂的骚扰 rile: 激起怒火 怨恨的煽动 peeve: 经常激起小的或发牢骚的愤怒 v. 恶化 加重 exasperate: 增加严重性或紧张程度 aggravate: 使事情变得更坏更严重 deteriorate: 损害或降低质量 性质或价值的退化 exacerbate: 增加暴力程度 激烈程度使形势恶化 worsen: 恶化使变得更坏 10. haunt: vt.Haunted: adj. 闹鬼的, 常出现鬼的 Haunting: 萦绕于心头 的,不易忘怀的 e.g. A haunting tune 难 忘 的 旋 律 ; a haunting memory 难忘的记忆(1) 常到,常去; (思想、回忆)萦绕; (疾病)缠住;e.g. Memories haunted her. (2) (气氛)充满,弥漫 e.g. Memories of former gaiety haunted the house. 11. …behaving like a maniac about the wasps―waving them away, flapping at themwith his straw hat, serious and infuriated out of all proportion to the occasion. How she had suffered. What happened that afternoon that made Vera suffer? (He was so childish, trivial, and ridiculous that she felt that he had made a fool of them both.) wave sb./sth. Away: to show that (a person or vehicle) should move in the specific direction, by waving one’s hand 向(某人或车)挥手示意向某方向移动 e.g. She waved them away impatiently. Out of all proportion to the occasion: completely uncalledC totally unnecessary under the circumstances 12. Yes it had been a wonderful afternoon, full of flowers and―warm sunshine. Herthoughts lingered over the last two words. Her thoughts lingered over the last two words. Which two words? (warm sunshine) Why? (She wished that she could have some warm sunshine at that moment.) 13. And in the warmth, as it were, another memory unfolded. As she remembered thewarm sunshine, that was part of their experience of Ken Gardens, another memory came to her mind, similarly pleasant. as it were: so to speak. Used to comment on the speakers own choice of words, which may give only approximate meaning. 用以评断自己用词是否恰 当,指词义接近而已。E.g. She seemed very relaxed --- in her natural setting as it were. 她似乎十分悠然自得 ---可以说是自己有随遇而安的天分。 14. He was certainly far better looking now than he had been then. He had lost all thatdreamy vagueness and indecision. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life. He must have made money, too. His clothes were admirable, and…. Vera is secretly comparing the man now with what he was six years ago, and her conclusion is the man has changed for the better. He has become better- looking and much richer, and more mature. 6 years ago, the man might be much younger and full of dreams. Therefore, he was not clear about his aim in life and unable to make his decisions on important occasions. Now he appears quite a different man, discovered what he should do in life. Dreamy vagueness and indecision: At that time, the man was much younger, full of dreams, very unpractical, very unclear about what he should do with his life. Had the air of a man who…: looked like a man who…( air, manner, carriage, bearing) To find one’s place in life: to find a successful career 15. She broke in: DYou’ve really been to Russia?‖ Vera, on the other hand, is alwaysanxious to know about his life in the past 6 years. From here we can see that the man has talked about his plan to go to Russia. Break in: (1) to enter a building by using force, in order to steal sth. 闯入(行窃) e.g. Someone broke in and took several computers. (2) to make a person or animal get used to a certain way of behaving or working 使习惯 于,驯(动物) e.g. Don’t worry about doing the accounts, we’ll break you in gently. (3) to join a conversation by interrupting someone or saying sth. suddenly. 打断,干扰, 插嘴 E.g. Dad would occasionally break in with a suggestion. Sorry to break in on you, but your wife is on the line. Please don’t break in on our conversation. 16. Isn’t it curious? I have really carried out all those journeys that we planned. Nowwe know they have actually talked about going on those journeys together. Six years ago, the man fell in love with Vera, and Vera was far from indifferent to him either. In fact, she almost agreed to marry him. What could she have seen in him that made him not without attraction. For one thing, he was young, energetic, most likely good-looking. And he could sometimes say things that were extremely touching to Vera. But there was one more thing that served as a strong bond, and that is their shared interest in traveling. 17. As he spoke, … she felt the strange beast that had slumbered so long within herCan you think of any other reasons? Which of the three reasons abovebosom stir, stretch itself, yawn, prick up its ears, and suddenly bound to its feet, and fix its longing, hungry stare upon those far away places. The strange beast: It probably refers to her long-cherished wish to travel to all those distant and mysterious places. It had been hidden deep in her heart for quite a long time because it was impossible for her to realize it given her financial and health conditions. But now this old wish seemed to be suddenly awakened. It may not be far-fetched either if we regard this Dstrange beast‖ as symbolic of her buried affections for the man. prick up one’s ears: (1) (of an animal, esp. a horse or dog) to raise the ears(指动物、尤指马或狗)竖起耳朵 (2) (of a person) to begin suddenly to pay attention to what is being said(指人)突然开始 注意听 e.g. The children pricked up their ears when they heard the word Dice-cream‖. Fix sth. Upon sb./sth.: to direct (esp. one’s eyes) on sth./ sb. With steady attention 全神 贯注于; (尤指)凝视某人/某物;确定、决定、商定;把…装上; e.g. His eyes were fixed upon the gun. 18. She made a little grimace. DSold. Ages ago.‖do you think is the most likely one?Why do you think she sold the piano? There seems to be only three possible reasons: One, she lost interest because there was no one to
Two, she had to go from place to place chasing after warm sunshine, and therefore found it impossible to carr Third, she was financially hard up and needed money. Make a grimace at sb.: to give an ugly twisted expression (表示痛苦、轻蔑、厌恶、 不满等时面部的)做出怪相 e.g.The clown made a grimace at the children. 19. He let it go at that. He did not pursue the matter, showing once again howself-centered he was. Under normal circumstances, a man would be dying to know what had happened to the woman to force her to part with her beloved piano. To let it go (at that): to say or do no more about sth. 不再多说, 不再多做, 就那样吧 e.g. He said he hadn’t understood the rules. And we let it go at that. 20. She shivered, hearing the boatman’s song break out again loud and tragic, andseeing the boat floating on the darkening river with melancholy trees on either side… Notice how sensitive she was to natural beauty as well as to music and art. 21. And she seemed at that moment to be sitting on the grass beside the mysteriouslyBlack Sea, black as velvet, and rippling against the banks in silent, velvet waves. She saw the little group on the grass, their faces and hands white in the moonlight. Notice that although Vera was not there, she was able to imagine the scene more vividly than the man could have done. It shows that although it was the man who was reminiscing, it was Vera who was more emotionally involved. 22. Apart from them, with his supper in a cloth on his knees, sat the coachman. DHavea dill pickle,‖ said he, and although she was not certain what a dill pickle was, she saw the greenish glass jar with a red chili like a parrot’s beak. Once again we are impressed by Vera’s sensitivity to beauty: the mysteriously Black Sea, the velvet waves, the grassy banks of the river, the white hands and faces in the moonlight, and now the greenish jar and the dill pickle red as a parrot’s beak. These colors can combine to make a most beautiful oil painting. in a cloth: Cloth is usually uncountable unless it refers to a piece of this material for special purpose such as a table cloth or a dish cloth. 23. In the past when they had looked at each other like that they had felt that theirsouls had, as it were, put their arms round each other and dropped into the same sea, content, to be drowned, like mournful lovers. What is meant by D looking at each other like that‖? Like what? How did they feel when they looked at each other like that in the past? How about now? 24. Was there just a hint of mockery in his voice? Vera is not quite sure whether he isseriously showing his appreciation or mocking at her interest in what he was saying. But on her part, she was obviously touched by their past memories. 25. to: adv. In or into a closed position (门、窗等)关上、虚掩着 e.g. The police kicked the door to. The window was blown to. 26. DYou are not going?‖…Why did Vera suddenly begin to unbutton her collar again and draw down her veil? (She was getting ready to leave.) Why did she suddenly decide to leave? (She was hurt.) How do we know that she was hurt? (Because when she said she was not hurt, she knew she was lying.) What had the man said to hurt her feelings? (The man said DIt seems such ages ago‖ whereas it was only 6 years, showing that he had practically forgotten everything a The man also said that he had to take such a leap to that time, showing again that he had ceased to cherish that memory. What hurt her most however, was the way he described how he couldn’t help laughing the other day when he read her last letter again, the letter she must have found it very difficult to write six years ago. He practically treated the whole thing as a joke.) Die down/away: to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc. 逐渐减弱,降低, 觉察不到等; E.g. The wind died down noticeably. 风力显著减弱。 27. What I really wanted then… was to be a sort of carpet C for you to walk on so thatyou need not be hurt by the sharp stones and the mud that you hated so…Only I did desire, eventually, to turn into a magic carpet and carry you away to all those lands you longed to see. Once again we see the other side of the man. He can sometimes say beautiful things. And that’s why Vera’s anger dies down. magic carpet: The allusion comes from the story in the Arabian Nights which describes how a magic carpet can carry people wherever they wish to go. 28. As he spoke she lifted her head as though the strange beastin her bosom began to purr … as though she drank something: she had just heard something which was so comforting and refreshing that she felt good. The strange beast in her bosom began to purr: Her long-buried love for the man seemed to wake up again. 29. I felt, that you were more lonely than anybody else in the world, and yet, perhaps,that you were the only person in the world who was really, truly alive. It is amazing how the man could have such a penetrating view of Vera. We can only assume that people sometimes do say interesting things without knowing it. Anyway, to Vera, what the man just said seemed to show that he was probably the only man who really understood her. 30. Ah, God! What had she done!: What had she done that she seemed to regret? (Whata stupid thing she had done in rejecting the man’s marriage proposal six years ago! By rejecting him she had thrown away her own happiness.) Was it too late? Could it be too late?: Too late for what? (Was it too late to change my decision and renew our relationship? I wish to God it isn’t too late.) “Could it be too late?”: Is there the least possibility that it should be too late? 31. DYea,‖ she breathed. DJust the same. I am as alone as ever.‖ This would have beenthe moment for them to decide to renew their relationship if the man had felt the same way because they knew they both were still single. 32. It simply was that we were such egoists, so self-engrossed, so wrapped up inourselves that we hadn’t a corner in our hearts for anybody else. Is this a pretty accurate description of the man himself? Do you think Vera is just like the man? How do you explain Vera’s loneliness? Notice that the man is making an important confession: he really hasn’t a corner in his heart for anybody else. Therefore Vera was right to leave him six years ago, and she is right to leave him now. Be wrapped up in sb./sth. : to have one’s attention deeply occupied by sb./sth. 注意力完 全集中于某人/某事物, 埋头于, 被…迷住; 和…有紧密关联 (牵连) 全靠; ; 背包在… 里面;被包含在…之内;被…笼罩; e.g. They are completely wrapped up in their children.IV. HomeworkLesson TenI. Teaching AimsDiogenes and AlexanderMake students know the background information about Diogenes and Alexander and have a general idea of the C besides get the students to know the meaning of the story between the two great men.II. Teaching Emphases and Difficulties:1. Words: 2. Phrases: by design 3. Structures:III.Language Points:The main hero in this story is obviously Diogenes, and his main idea is that we should all live a simple life. A simple life means a natural life, and a natural life means a life without too many worldly possessions. He believes that our worldly possessions have no true value and tend to take away our freedom and happiness and turn us into slaves. Today, few people will accept this view completely, and perhaps nobody will follow his example literally and live like a dog if they have a choice. In fact, according to Adam Smith, the desire to improve one's material life is an absolutely necessary key to economic and social development. If we kill this motivation, we’ll march back to the pre-historical times and live in the tree-tops again. However, an ever-increasing number of people today have also come to realize that our interest in accumulation of wealth can become an obsession (痴 迷), a disease. It can caus it it can de it can pollute our E and it can lead to our self-destruction. At a time like this, when many people are made to believe that money is everything, what Diogenes says can be a very valuable antidote (解毒剂), something that can help restore our balance. Alexander's encounter with Diogenes is no doubt the climax of the story. But the exact meaning of this encounter is open to different interpretations. What does Diogenes mean when he says Dthat Alexander is blocking his sun?‖ Most likely, he means that the kind of freedom he promulgates (宣传) is impossible if a person is blinded by power and money. And power and money are exactly what Alexander represents. Therefore from Diogenes' point of view Alexander can only prevent his followers from seeing the sun, the truth. However not all the people who hear him say this understands what he means. Alexander is probably the only person who understands. DHe knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were free‖. Alexander is free because he has all the power and money to satisfy people' Diogenes is free because he does not have any of those desires. He treats power and money as dirt. And it is for the same reason that Alexander admits that like himself, Diogenes is a citizen of the world, and if he were not Alexander, he would be Diogenes. This essay is an excellent example of contrast, the contrast of two legendary figures. It can be divided into three big parts: the first part describes D the second part describes Alexander the conqueror, in sharp co and then the last part, their dramatic encounter. But the contrast does not stop there. There are contrasts within this contrast: the contrast between Diogenes and ordinary beggars, between him and ordinary people, between him and the other philosophers of his time, between him and all those people who are busy preparing for war, and between him and all those who are ready to kiss the boots of Alexander. There is also the contrast between Alexander and other Macedonians. It is largely due to all these dramatic contrasts that we are left with such a deep impression of these two characters.1.... he looked like a beggar or a lunatic.word origin: Insanity was once believed to be controlled by the moonlunatic: (offensive slang abbreviation: loony) an insane or someone who is extremely foolish or reckless 2. He had ... done his business like a dog at the roadside, washed at the publicand its phases. Lunatic literally &moonstruck&, means subjectfountain. He had emptied his bowels or passed water like a dog at the roadside. It is interesting to observe how euphemisms work.. 3. with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring.to the changes of the moon, and comes from the Latin word Luna, moon.handful: Remind students that &-ful& here is used as a noun suffix, e. g. a spoonful of honey? a glassful of beer to scoop: to lift out as if with a scoop (ladle) 4. out of his hollowed hands: from his hands which join together to form a cup orhollow (empty space) 5. Sometimes they threw bits of food,
sometimes a mischievouspebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse. (Notice the parallel structure of this sentence.) a mischievous pebble: a pebble from a mischievous person abuse: rude, angry, and offensive words 骂人的话,谩骂 6. He knew they were mad, each in a different way. He knew they were mad, each in adifferent way. Some
some were mad about sex, etc. 7. It was not .. .even a squatter's hut. A squatter is a person who lives in an emptybuilding or on a piece of land without permission and without paying any rent. A squatter's hut naturally is in a poor condition. 8. He thought everybody lived far too elaborately, expensively, anxiously. He thoughtthat our life is too complicated, too costly, and gives us too much pressure. 9. the animals live healthy lives. Diogenes's answer to the human problems is to go backto nature, and he does not see why we can't because natural lives are very healthy lives. 10. garment:The technical term for any article of clothing. There are of course special terms for special kinds of garments or clothes such as &shirt&, &dress&, &jacket&, &vest&, &skirt& etc. which proves Diogenes's point when he says life is too complicated. 11. He was the founder of the creed called Cynicism (doggishness). Diogenes was acynic philosopher in ancient Greece, but it is not clear whether he was the founder of the philosophy. Cynicism originally meant doggishness because Diogenes’s philosophy made it a virtue to live like a dog. But today when we say somebody is cynical we mean that this person is not willing to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something. 12. He spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mockingand satirizing its people, and occasionally converting one of them. Corinth: a port city in south Greece, the modern town―now called Korinthos is near the site of the ancient city, the largest and richest of the city-states after Athens. 13. He was not the first to inhabit such a thing. But he was the first who ever did so bychoice, out of principle. He was not the first to live in a cask. But he was the first who ever did so because he wanted to, based on a principle, and not by necessity, not because he was forced to. by choice: voluntarily e.g.I did not become a teacher by choice. I was assigned to be a teacher as was the practice in our time. But soon I began to like my job. Yue Fei did not withdraw his troops by choice. He was forced to do that by twelve successive imperial edicts. out of (principle): because of e.g.Out of principle you should not give the contract to your relative's company. I opened the box out of curiosity and found it filled with gold. I decided to visit him out of respect. She began to learn how to cook out of interest, not out of necessity. 14. But he taught chiefly by example. Diogenes also taught by talking to people, but hemainly taught by setting an example for others to learn from or using living people around him as his examples. 15. Live without conventions, which are
escape complexities andextravagances: only so can you live a free life. Diogenes despised conventions believing them to be artificial and false. C behavior and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal and right differences between the following synonyms custom: usually something which has been done for a long time by a group --- for example, a school, a company or society perhaps every year ( weari expressing love with a kiss etc) 风俗习惯 tradition: is similar to custom, but may be older and passed down from parents to their children ( c eating turkey on T always ready to help others etc) convention: is the generally accepted rules of behavior (married women taking their husbands’ shaking hands when y marrying with wearing suit and tie etc). 常规,习俗,指某一社会普遍接 受的行为准则 e.g. Young people in the sixties rebelled against social conventions. DWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do.‖ Remember to respect local conventions when you are visiting foreign countries. 16. They possess him. He is their slave. e. g.possess: to control,What possessed him to say a stupid thing like that? She seemed possessed. Nobody could talk her out of it. 17. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true,lasting good, his own independence. In order to get a certain amount of material properties or worldly possessions which actually have no value and will not last, he has allowed himself to be controlled by these things and has given away his own independence which is the only thing that is true and can last. (Notice that the author here is deliberately using business language to show that it does not even make any business sense.) 18. missionary: originally a person sent by a church to a foreign country to convert local people to Christianity. Here: a person who feels that he has a mission or sacred duty to do something. 19. His life's aim was clear to him: it was &to restamp the currency&: to take the clean metal of human life, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values. Diogenes is using the analogy (类比) &restamping the currency& to mean of the change of human values. Human life, in his opinion, is like clean metal, but marked with false values, and it is his intention to wipe out the false markings and print true values on it. For the humorous touch of the expression Dto restamp the currency‖. Imprint: cn. the mark left by an object being pressed into or onto something. 压痕;印记 The imprint of her hand on the soft sand 20. The other great philosophers of the fourth century B.C., such as Plato andv. be imprinted on one’s mind/ memory 铭记在 心/在脑海中 be imprinted withAristotle Plato talked to a chosen few about his doctrines under the shady trees and in the cool corners of the Academy which he founded as one of the earliest centers of advanced learning in the world. Aristotle pursued his investigations with instruments, specimens(标 本) archives 档案) and gave lectures to Dthose in the walls‖. Diogenes was different and ( from both. 21. Diogenes took his old cask and began to roll it up and down. DWhen you are all so busy,‖ he said, DI feel I ought to do something!‖ This shows Diogenes's attitude towards war. He obviously thinks that war is silly. War is fought over land and other worldly possessions. Therefore it does not make any sense for people who do not care for these possessions. 22. He looked them over, as a sober man looks at a crowd of tottering drunks, and在…上压印,盖印shook his head. sober: adj. (1) not drunk 清醒的,未喝醉的 e.g. I have never seen him sober. (2) having a serious attitude to life 庄重的。严肃的 e.g. a sober and intelligent young man (3) plain and not at all brightly colored 朴素的 e.g. a sober grey suit v. sober down (使)变得严肃/谨慎/持重 e.g.as sober as a judge 一 点不醉的,完全清醒的 sobering (a.) making you feel very serious 使 觉得严肃的,清醒的 e.g. a sobering thought The news has a sobering effect.Diane sobered down a lot as she got older. Sober up (使)醒酒 e.g. A cup of black coffee might sober you up. 23. Only twenty, Alexander was far older and wiser than his years. Alexander looked far older than a man of his age normally does, and was much wiser than a man of his age normally is. 24. ...the young prince slept with the Iliad under his pillow and longed to emulateNotice the modif a gre a head Achilles, who brought the mighty power of Asia to ruin. Aristotle taught Alexander’ poetry. The young prince particularly loved Homer's poems, so much so that he would sleep with the Iliad under his pillow and longed to follow Achilles's example. His dream was to use his power . for the exchange of Greek and Middle Easterntwenty fivemiles minutesearlier etccultures. 25.a large corps of scientists: a large gro together to do aparticular job. Thanks to Aristotle's instructions, Alexander was immensely interested in science. During his invasion of Persia he took with him a large corps of scientists and shipped back hundreds of zoological specimens back to Greece for study. 26. ... learned to seek out everything strange which might be instructive.!... learned todiscover everything strange which might provide some useful information. Alexander was interested in strange things and wanted to benefit from his investigations into them. F on reaching India he spent hours discussing the problems of life and death with naked Hindu mystics, and later saw a man demonstrate Yoga self-command by impassively burning himself to death. 27. the man/hero of the hour: the most successful, important, powerful, or talked aboutperson of the present time, 当时的英雄/成功人士 Of the hour: of a particular time, especially the present time 某一刻 (尤指目前) e. g. 的 Pollution is one of the serious issues of the hour. One of the burning questions of the hour 目前急需解决的问题之一 28. to seek employment with him to ask for an
to beg the king toassign them t to look for a job from him 29. When a king approaches, all rise in respect. Diogenes merely sat up on one elbow.When a monarch enters a place, all greet him with a bow or an acclamation. Diogenes said nothing. Notice how the author makes contrasts in this essay. Sometimes he uses conjunctions like Das‖ and Dwhile‖, but often he does not use any conjunctions at all, like in this sentence above. 30. DYes,‖ said the Dog. DStand to one side. You’re blocking the sunlight.‖ WhenAlexander asked Diogenes whether there was anything he could do for him, he of course was thinking of money, power, a job, a decent house or a warm garment. But Diogenes did not want any of these. What he wanted from the king was not to block the sunlight, not to interfere with his life, not to stand in his way. Notice that Dblocking the sunlight‖ here has both a literal and a symbolic meaning. 31. There was an amazed silence. Slowly, Alexander turned away. A titter broke outfrom the elegant Greeks. The Macedonian officers, after deciding that Diogenes was not worth the trouble of kicking, were starting to guffaw and nudge one another. “worth: e.g. If it is genuine, a pearl of this size is worth 1,000 dollars. What I have done is not worth mentioning. Anybody would have done the same thing. This bike is not worth the trouble of fixing. Inflation was such that often the money was not worth the paper it was printed on. 32. They took it as a paradox... They regarded it as a paradox.paradox: a statement that seems impossible because it contains two ideas that are both true. e. g. The more haste, the less speed. That is a familiar paradox. People often say that many hands make light work. But the paradox is, in some cases, too many hands spoil the broth (肉汤). 33. He understood Cynicism as the others could not. While ordinary people thoughtthat Diogenes was either a lunatic or a beggar, Alexander understood him because he was also a philosopher in a way, and that was why he later took one of Diogenes’s pupils along with him in his expedition to India as his philosophical interpreter. 34. Da citizen of the world‖: a man whose mission is to help mankind. (DMankind‖ isA life of toil 一生辛劳now considered old-fashioned. It is replaced by Dhumanity‖. ) toil away/ at/ over: to work very hard for a long time 长时间地苦干,辛苦劳作 e.g. I’ve been toiling away at/ over this essay this weekend. Toil up/ through/ against: move slowly and with great effort 吃力地慢行/跋涉 e.g. They toiled slowly up the hill. 35. He knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror andDiogenes the beggar were free. Alexander thought that he was free because he had absolute power and Diogenes was free because he didn't need any power.IV. HomeworkWriting: If you also think of yourself as a person with a mission, a mission to serve the people, would you rather be Diogenes with his philosophy or Alexander with his power?Lesson ElevenI. Teaching Aims:Silent SpringGet the students to learn the new words, expressions and the ne to enlighten the consciousness and the determination of the envi to cultivate the sense of loving nature and the environment around us.II.Teaching Emphases and Difficulties:1. Words: reserve 2. Phrases: find one’ subject sb/ pour through/ come into use/ apply sth. to 3. Structures: were it … possible such thatIII.Language Points:Introduction to the Text This text is written by a courageous woman who pioneered the struggle for environmental protection. Today, environmental protection has become a worldwide movement. It is almost fashionable to talk about this problem. But at the time this article was first published, the author whose name was Carson, was very much under attack. She was accused of being an alarmist. However Carson did not give in. She went on fighting. Soon the idea caught on. More and more people began to join in. So today there is a general consensus that we are facing a very serious ecological problem, and we must do everything possible to keep our to prote to preserve our forests, rivers and lakes, marshland, to sto and to save the endangered species. People now generally agree that we cannot develop our economy at the expense of our ecosystem. We must aim at a sustainable growth. We have become aware of all these because, some forty years ago, this woman first sounded the alarm. In the history of human civilization, there have always been some individuals like Carson who are more far-sighted than the average people, who can sense danger before everybody else does, who will give us a warning before it is too late. These people deserve all our admiration and gratitude. The environmental degradation described in this article happened in the United States. But this problem is usually much more serious in developing countries. China is no exception. It is generally acknowledged that the environmental problem is becoming extremely acute in China. Official reports talk about polluted rivers and lakes, frequent acid rains and sand storms, soil erosion, desertification, deforestation, over-fishing. The list is far from complete. When students read this article and discuss this problem, they ought to have a sense of duty or mission. Pay attention to how the article is organized. It begins with a full-page description of a typical American town, which is extremely beautiful until it is destroyed by chemicals. Then she goes on to explain what she thinks it is that causes the change. Her central argument here is: Human beings are tampering with nature and causing changes that are too many and too quick, so that they cannot adapt to them. Today people of course have studied this problem more thoroughly and have reached a much better understanding of the nature and causes of this problem, but what Carson said forty years ago still remains basic. It might be a good idea to encourage the students to relate the text to today's realities, especially to the realities of our own country, to enhance their environmental concerns.1.There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live inharmony with its surroundings. Once upon a time there was a town in the central part of America where all living things seemed to exist peacefully with their environment. Note the various meanings of the word &life& in the text. In this sentence it means &living things&. in harmony with: (fml) in a state of peaceful exi to agree with another idea, feeling, etc, or look good with things (思想感情等的)融洽,一致;和… 协调一致 e.g.Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project. 2. The town lay in the midst of prosperous farms, where, in spring, white clouds ofbloom drifted above the green fields. in the midst of: (infml) (1) in the middle of a period, situation or event 在…的中期,正值…的时候 e.g. In the midst of the Cold War (2) in the middle of a place or a group of things 在(某地)中部;在(一堆事物)中间 3. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed andPay attention toflickered across a background of pines. In autumn, the frost turned the oak, maple and birch trees yellow, red or brown making a beautiful show of colors against the dark green of pine trees. set up: to start blaze: very bright light or color (光线、色彩等的)光辉、闪耀;五彩缤纷 e.g.Carson's use of color in describing the townbefore its environment was contaminated:white clouds floating above green fields in a blaze of sunshine The garden is a blaze of color at this time of year. 4. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields. Now animals arespring, the blaze of color in autumn, etc.introduced after plant life: from the noisy foxes to the quiet deer, they cried and moved as they liked. 5. ... delighted the traveler's eye. ... gave the traveler great satisfaction/enjoyment/joy(Note the use of the singular form of the word eye. Here it means &a particular way of seeing sth&. life alike. In short, the chemicals tend to be endlessly recycled in the food chains.) 6. when the flood of migrants was pouring throughflood of sth: a very large number of things or people that appear at the same time, e. g. a flood of protests/ a flood of immigrants/ in floods of tears pour through/into/ from/in, etc: to come or go somewhere continuously in large numbers 涌进 e.g. The men poured into the hall for the meeting. Offers of help poured in from all over the country. 7. Then some evil spell settled on the community: mysterious diseases swept thea flock of birds/chicken/sheep/ a herd of the cattle and sheep sickened and died. Then, as if by some evil power, disaster struck the community: Strange diseases quickly struck down larg the cattle and sheep became ill and died. 8. The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. No birds came to feed on whatcattle/elephants/deerwas there at the feeding stations. feeding station: a dish-like container fixed on top of a post where people regularly leave sunflower seeds or the like for passing birds to feed on. Feeding stations are generally put up in the backyards. 9. On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of scores of birdvoices th The morning air used to vibrate with the singing of birds, but there was now no sound. (Or: The chorus of many birds caused the morning air to shake rhythmically, giving the place life.) Scores of: a lot of 大量,许多 e.g. Scores of people are in line for food. 10. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the opposite effect, in which lifeactually modifies its surroundings, has been relatively slight. When we think of the long history of life on earth, the degree living things affect their environment has been insignificant as compared with the effect of the environment on plant and animal life. (Carson implies that in recent years the human race has affected and spoiled much of its environment. ) 11. ... but it has changed in character. ... but the nature of this power to alter the environment has changed. In the past, to survive humans made use of what nature offered, for example, cutting down trees, now they create things that did not exist, for example, chemicals and unnatural radiation. 12. n. (1) the crime of attacking someone 殴打,袭击(罪) e.g. Increase in violent assaults over the past decade (2) a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy (军事)袭击, 攻占 e.g. the platoon's(排)unsuccessful assault on the border positions Assault on: a strong spoken or writing criticism of someone else’s ideas, plans etc. 对… 的抨击/攻击 v. (1) to attack someone in a violent way 猛袭,攻击,袭击 Policemen were assaulted by young demonstrators. (2) to strongly criticize someone’s ideas, plans etc. 抨击,严厉批评 e.g. The Mp was assaulted with a barrage of abuse from angry strikers. (3) if a feeling assaults you it affects you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or upset 使感到难受,困扰 e.g. The noise in the club assaulted out ears. 13. entering into living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of e.g. assault:poisoning and death: the chemicals insecticides contain are likely to enter birds and animals in food, and then pass out in waste matter from their bodies, get into the soil and are absorbed by the plants that grow on it. When birds and animals and people eat the plants, these substances again are taken into their bodies. This process goes on and on endlessly, poisoning plant and animal 14. Or they pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure wells. Or they get deeper into underground streams, undergo some chemical-process somewhere, then become new substance that contaminate wells, kill plants and make cattle and people that drink the water sick. work harm on: to produce/bring about harmful effect on 15. Given time―time not in years but in millennia―life adjusts, and a balance has been reached. When the environment changes, living things can adapt to their new surroundings, but it is a long process and it takes millennia of years for life to be in harmony with their modified world again. 16. But in the modem world there is no time. But in the modern world when man'spower to temper with nature has become so great and he is so eager to change nature for short-term benefits, he does not think of the long-term interest of his own species. 17. The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than thedeliberate pace of nature. Man is changing the nature of his world rapidly while nature adjusts to the changes slowly. Therefore adjustment can never keep up with change, and a new balance between living things and their environment can hardly be reached. Note the antithesis used in this sentence: the rapidity of change vs. the deliberate pace of nature. 18. Radiation is now the unnatural creation of man's tampering with the atom. In thepast, radiation was only sent out from radioactive substan today man creates such harmful rays by causing the nucleus of the atom of such substance as radium to split. Tamper with: to touch sth. or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it 胡乱摆弄,擅自篡改,故意损坏 e.g. They just don’t see the point in tampering with a system that has worked fine so far. 19. The chemicals are the synthetic creations of man's inventive mind, having nocounterparts in nature. Nature does not produce such things as chemicals. They are man-made and the result of man's creative power. 20. And even this, wore it by some miracle possible, would be futile, for the newchemicals come from our laboratories
It would take some magic power to magic power to make living things adjust to these chemicals in the life of generations. Even if this were possible, it would be useless, because new chemicals are continuously being created and produced. 21. ... almost five hundred annually find their way into actual use in the United Statesalone. find their way into actual use: to manage to break into/enter the market and be sold to farmers find one's way: to reach a destination, especially with some difficulty or not as a matter of course, come into use/go out of use: to start/stop being used, When did DDT come into use? The expression came into common use in Shakespeare's day. Now the insecticide has gone out of use, because the chemical it contains remains in the crops and can harm people. e. g.Slang expressions: come and go, and only a small number havefound their way into standard Chinese. 22.described as &pests&: referred to as harming or destroying food supplies for man.The quotation marks show that Carson does not regard the so called pests all that harmful. Any species, when its population is kept under control, forms a part of nature. Wiping a species out would destroy the balance between life and the environment. 23. apply sth. to: to put or spread sth. on the surface of, 使用,运用,应用 e. g. She never goes out without applying sun cream to/on her face and neck. Apply this lotion liberally to the bitten area and the pain will wear off. New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 24. Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a large number of poisons onthe surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life? This is a rhetorical question, meaning &Such a large number of poisons stored on the surface of the earth will surely make it unfit for all living things. lay down (wine, etc): to store for future use, 储存 e. g. It was a good year for apples, and we laid down several cases. 25. The whole process of spraying seems caught up in an endless spiral. The moreinsecticides are sprayed, the less effective they will become in destroying the &pests&. Then more deadly chemicals will be developed to kill them. This process will go on endlessly. (In the rest of the paragraph, Carson explains why. ) be caught up in: to become involved in, often against your wishes, 被迫卷入 e. g. In the end, even the gloomy man got caught up in the cheerful mood of the party. The local government was caught up in a dispute between labor and management of the coal mine. Children who were caught up in the crime are getting a lot of media attention. an endless spiral: a process of never-ending, continuous upward movement (恶性循环), e.g. If the government doesn't take effective measures, the country is in danger of getting into an inflationary spiral. 26. Darwin's principle of the survival of the fittest In his On the Origin of Species (1859) , Darwin developed his theory of evolution. According to this theory, plants and animals that are naturally suitable for life in their environment will continue to live and develop, while plants and animals that do not have these qualities gradually disappear. This process is called natural selection. &Survival of the fittest& is a quote from &Principles of Biology& by the English philosopher Herbert Spencer (). Today the phrase is often used to refer to any situation in which unsuccessful competitors are quickly destroyed or defeated. The phrase is sometimes used humorously in other ways, e. g. remarkable survival of the quickest. 27. evolve: to develop or make something develop by gradually changing (使)逐步发 展,(使)逐步演变 Evolve from/ out of: e.g.Darwin believed that we evolved from apes. Evolve sth. 形成 e.g.Evolving a new management style 28. immune to: unable to be harmed or affected because of special qualities in yourself,免疫 e.g. Most adults are immune to measles(麻疹)if they had it in childhood. By then he had become immune to criticism. 29. ... destructive insects often undergo a &flare-back&, or resurgence often the &pests&Flare (n.) (1) a piece of equipment that produces a bright flame, or the flamereturn in even larger numbers after spraying Flare: (v.) to suddenly begin to burn, or to burn more brightly for a short time 突然燃烧 起来,(短暂地)烧旺 e.g. The match flared in the darkness. Flare up: (1) 突然爆发 e.g. Violence has flared up in the Middle East. (2) 疾病突然加剧 e.g. My asthma(气喘)tends to flare up in smoggy days. 30. Thus the chemical war is never won, and all life is caught in its violent crossfire.itself, used outdoors as a signal (闪光弹,信号 灯) (2) a sudden bright flame 闪光,瞬时的明 亮火焰 Flares 喇叭裤Therefore, this fight between man and &pests& can never come to an end, and all living things are affected by or fall victim to this chemical war. Be caught up n the crossfire: to be involved in a situation in which other people are arguing when you don’t want to be 被卷入(不想参与的他人的)争辩中 e.g. I left the room to avoid being caught up in the crossfire between Dad and John. 31. ... control must be geared to realities ...be geared to: e.g. The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn’t work. Be geared to do sth. e.g. The coursegear sth. to sth.: to allow (an activity or course of action) to be dependent on or influenced by (a particular fact or condition) , 使适合于(某目的),使适应 e. g. Production must be geared to public demand. Tertiary education must be geared to what society needs. 32. Nature ... holds the species within bounds by the built-in checks and balances. Nature keeps living things in proportion, regulating their number through the check and balance mechanisms of itself. (In other words, when the population of one species is too big/ small. Nature has a way of making it decrease/increase. ) bounds: the accepted or furthest limit, 界限,极限,限度,止境 e. g. His energy knows no bounds ( == He is very energetic. )curriculum is geared to spa 3 years.Keepsth.withinbounds 保持限度 Quite a few Congressmen insist that military spending be held/kept within bounds. Talking is permitted in the classroom as long as it is kept within bounds. built-in (adj) : included as part of sth and not separated from it, 作为固定装置而建造 的,装在结构里的,固定的,内在的 e. g. a built- a built-in advantage/disa a built-in microphone 33. Such a system set the stage for explosive increases in specific insect populations.Keep/remain/staywithin boundsSuch a way of farming .creates favorable conditions for the rapid increase of particular insects. set the stage for sth: to make it possible for sth to happen, 为…做好准备,使…成为可 能 e. g. The unjust 21 Demands set the stage for the May 4th Movement of 1919. Border clashes between the two countries set the stage for a five-year-long war. Will this agreement merely set the stage for another war? 34. build up sth: to increase gradually, strengthen, develop toward 逐渐增加, (使)扩Build up one’s hopes (以不正当的方式)使 某人怀有希望大,(使)增长 e.g. Both sides have built up huge stockpiles of arms. 35. Thus it is no accident that our most troublesome insects are introduced species.That's why the most trouble-making insects in this country are not native but introduced. 最烦人的那些昆虫都是些外来户,是有其根源的。 36. ... we need the basic knowledge of animal populations and their relations to theirsurroundings that will &promote an even balance and damp down the explosive power of outbreaks and new invasions.& the explosive power of outbreaks and new invasions: the power of insects to multiply/breed in large numbers suddenly and quickly and their power to invade new territories damp down: to control and reduce; to suppress, 控制,减少,抑制(感情)e. g. The man was too keen on betting on horse races, and his wife decided to damp down his enthusiasm. 37. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons,without their consent and often without their knowledge. By spraying insecticides on food grains, vegetables and fruit, we have caused large numbers of people to absorb harmful chemicals without asking whether they would like to do so and often without their knowing it. subject sb/sth to sth: (written, often passive) to make sb/sth experience, suffer or beBe subjected to 经历, 遭 受 e.g. All our affected by sth, usually sth unpleasant, (尤指长时间地)使遭受,使经历,使蒙受 e. g. Diogenes was constantly subjected to ridicule. Before launching the new car, they subjected it to severe tests.products are subjected to rigorous( 严 格 的 ) testing.IV. HomeworkTranslation on page 329Lesson TwelveThe Need That Drives Us AllIn this text the author at}


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