we 歌曲take me headthe tube and head toward our youth hostel in the city center.

The Vocabulary.com Top 1000 - Vocabulary List : Vocabulary.com
The Vocabulary.com Top 1000
The top 1,000 vocabulary words have been carefully chosen to represent difficult but common words that appear in everyday academic and business writing. These words are also the most likely to appear on the SAT, ACT, GRE, and ToEFL.
To create this list, we started with the words that give our users the most trouble and then ranked them by how frequently they appear in our corpus of billions of words from edited sources. If you only have time to study one list of words, this is the list.Read more...
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infinitely or immeasurably small
minute stain on the document was not visible to the naked eye.
concurrence of opinion
The committee worked in
accord on the bill, and it eventually passed.
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
That confidence was certainly
evident in the way Smith handled the winning play with 14 seconds left on the clock.
a customary way of operation or behavior
He directed and acted in plays every season and became known for exploring Elizabethan theatre
have in mind as a purpose
“Lipstick, as a product
intended for topical use with limited absorption, is ingested only in very small quantities,” the agency said on its website.
something that interests you because it is important
The scandal broke out in October after former chief executive Michael Woodford claimed he was fired for raising
concerns about the company's accounting practices.
perform an act, usually with a negative connotation
In an unprecedented front page article in 2003 The Times reported that Mr.&Blair, a young reporter on its staff, had
committed journalistic fraud.
some situation or event that is thought about
As a result, the privacy
issues surrounding mobile computing are becoming ever-more complex.
move towards
Spain’s jobless rate for people ages 16 to 24 is
approaching 50 percent.
set up or found
A small French colony, Port Louis, was
established on East Falkland in 1764 and handed to the Spanish three years later.
without qualification
No one can blame an honest mechanic for holding a wealthy snob in
utter contempt.
manage or control
Scientists have been
conducting studies of individual genes for years.
consume all of one's attention or time
We had nearly two hundred passengers, who were seated about on the sofas, reading, or playing games, or
engaged in conversation.
come into possession of
He delayed making the unclassified report public while awaiting an Army review, but Rolling Stone magazine
obtained the report and posted it Friday night.
deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand
Meanwhile, heating oil could grow more
scarce in the Northeast this winter, the Energy Department warned last month.
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
Inflation has lagged behind the central bank’s 2 percent target, giving
policy makers extra scope to cut rates.
successive, without a break
After three
straight losing seasons, Hoosiers fans were just hoping for a winning record.
capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares
In other words, Apple’s
stock is cheap, and you should buy it.
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
But the elderly creak is beginning to become
apparent in McCartney’s voice.
a basic or essential attribute shared by members of a class
Owing to these magic
properties, it was often planted near dwellings to keep away evil spirits.
see in one's mind
For a time, indeed, he had
fancied that things were changed.
an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances
As a psychologist, I have always found the
concept of speed dating fascinating.
an assembly to conduct judicial business
When Brown pleaded not guilty to assaulting Rihanna, their violent past came out in
assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
In 1863 he was
appointed by the general assembly professor of oriental languages at New College.
a section of text, particularly a section of medium length
His interpretation of many obscure scriptural
passages by means of native manners and customs and traditions is particularly helpful and informing.
unproductive of success
An attempt was made to ignore this brilliant and irregular book, but in
vain; it was read all over Europe.
an occurrence of something
instances large districts or towns would have fewer representatives than smaller ones, or perhaps none at all.
the shore of a sea or ocean
Martello towers must be built within short distances all round the
a planned undertaking
The funds are aimed at helping build public
projects including mass transit, electricity networks, water utility and ports, it said.
a special group delegated to consider some matter
The developers are now seeking approval from the landmarks
a quantity that does not vary
In 1929, Hubble independently put forward and confirmed the same idea, and the parameter later became known as the Hubble
one's overall condition in life
circumstances leading up to the shootings was not immediately available.
to compose or represent
Oil and natural gas
constituted almost 50 percent of Russian government revenue last year.
a relative position or degree of value in a graded group
Only last month did the men’s and women’s unemployment rates reach the same
have an influence upon
The central bank will start distributing low-interest loans in early March to individuals and small- and medium-sized companies
affected by the flooding.
set up or lay the groundwork for
Corporations have to be more and more focused on
instituting higher labor standards.
give an interpretation of
But authorities had
rendered the weapon and the explosive device inoperable, officials said.
be attractive to
To get traditional women’s accessories to
appeal to men, some designers are giving them manly names and styles.
bring into existence
Qualities such as these are not
generated under bad working practices of any sort.
a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the world
Testing that
theory begins Saturday night, as the Capitals take on Tampa Bay in another important contest.
a variety of different things or activities
Like American community colleges, admission at an open university is not competitive, but the schools offer a
range of programs, including doctoral degrees.
a race between candidates for elective office
At the same point in 2004 — as an incumbent facing re-election — Mr. Bush had taken in about $145.6 million for his
an association of sports teams that organizes matches
"When I broke into the big
leagues until a month ago, Gary kept in touch," Mets third baseman David Wright said.
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
labor is entailed, more time is required, greater delay is occasioned in cleaning up, and the amount of water used is much greater.
have a meeting in order to talk something over
Ms. Stewart said Mrs. Bachmann
conferred with her family and a few aides after her disappointing showing on Tuesday evening.
allow to have
He had been
granted entry into the White House only for the daily briefing, later that afternoon.
think moodily or anxiously about something
But it is hardly necessary to
dwell on so normal an event.
provide amusement for
The first Super Bowl in 1967 featured college marching bands
entertaining the crowds at halftime.
a binding agreement that is enforceable by law
Contracts with utilities will be signed starting next month, he said.
characterized by a firm, humorless belief in one's opinions
Too much praise cannot be given to the
earnest and efficient missionaries who founded and have maintained this mission.
give or supply
It is a very important honey plant, as it
yields an exceptionally pure nectar and remains in bloom a long time.
move or cause to move in a sinuous or circular course
While each animal
wandered through the maze, its brain was working furiously.
be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge
Interior Department officials
insisted that they had conducted an extensive scientific inquiry before moving ahead with the spill response plan.
a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry
knight was gallant not only in war, but in love also.
make realize the truth or validity of something
But though he listened he was not
serve as the inciting cause of
His surprising performance
inspired an outpouring of fan adoration that has been dubbed "Linsanity."
a large formal assembly
Last year, the industry’s main trade
convention, the Inside Self-Storage World Expo, organized workshops in Las Vegas focusing on lien laws and auction sales.
an ability that has been acquired by training
He says many new drivers are terrified of motorway driving because they do not have the
skills or confidence needed.
annoy continually or chronically
There’s something uplifting about hearing a string instrument when I’m feeling ragged or
involving fiscal matters
Meanwhile, universities have raised tuition every year, putting many students in a
financial bind.
show an image of
Teens ranting over chores and whatnot can often
reflect deeper feelings of alienation or perceived uncaring on the part of parents.
an extended fictional work in prose
Before Robert Barr publishes a
novel he spends years in thinking the thing out.
provide with objects or articles that make a room usable
Instead, according to court documents, the money went toward
furnishing mansions, flying in private jets, and retaining a $120,000-a-year personal hairstylist.
force somebody to do something
But the flames grew too large,
compelling firefighters to call off the rescue.
proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
Clearly he would not
venture to descend while his enemy moved.
the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a state
On Friday, West Africa regional group Ecowas condemned the rebels, urging them to end hostilities and surrender all occupied
a characteristic state of feeling
Oscar Wilde, to do him justice, bore this sort of rebuff with astonishing good
temper and sweetness.
fixed in your purpose
The business-oriented constituency of the Republican Party, Jacobs said, has been weakened by a faction
bent on lowering taxes and cutting spending.
marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
The female spider can choose when to cut off
intimate relations by eating her partner, or kicking him out.
enter upon an activity or enterprise
An autopsy has reportedly been
undertaken but the results are not expected for several weeks.
more than half of the votes in an election
Republicans need just four seats in the Senate to take control as the
majority party.
declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
In your talk you
asserted the pill's risks of blood clotting, lung artery blockage, heart attack and stroke are minimal.
the men and women who man a vehicle
Several pilots and
crew members would have to escape at once, while safety divers watched, ready to rescue anyone who became stuck.
a natural or artificial enclosed space
"Today," said the old man, "you must push through with me into my most solitary
chamber, that we may not be disturbed."
marked by not arrogant or prideful
“Challenging yourself, playing up against stronger, tougher, and overall better competition will keep you
an elaborate and systematic plan of action
Some companies in the Globe District of Arizona have started extensive underground
schemes for mining large tonnages very cheaply by "caving" methods.
demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Not one of his movements escaped her
keen she drank in every shiver.
having political views favoring reform and progress
Romney’s actually done well in open primaries where fiscally conservative yet socially
liberal independents have backed him over his opponents.
a state in which all hope is lost or absent
There were wounded love, and wounded pride, and
despair, and coming madness, all in that piteous cry.
the periodic rise and fall of the sea level
In the case of mobile connectivity, a rising
tide does not lift all boats.
a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings
"Behaviours have changed and
attitudes have changed," Mr Taylor said.
show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
He felt sure that if the circumstances
justified it, the necessary proceedings could be taken.”
a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared three days of mourning and ordered
flags flown at half staff.
any admirable or beneficial attribute
Thus far in our inquiry extraordinary
merits have been offset by extraordinary defects.
reveal its presence or make an appearance
A too rapid transformation of existing conditions might very easily lead to an economic crisis, symptoms of which are already beginning to
manifest themselves.
a general inclusive concept
Does that old
notion that defense wins championships still hold up these days?
relative magnitude
And there might not be much money, so fashion shows are done on a much smaller
characteristic of or befitting a person in authority
formal decision to call off the search is likely on Wednesday, rescue officials said.
a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed
“Economists assume that, under normal conditions, markets will allocate
resources efficiently,” he added.
continue to exist
Old ideas, long after the conditions under which they were produced have passed away, often
persist in surviving.
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
And with his backhanded
contempt for all things ordinary, Blake is making some of the catchiest, most difficult music in recent memory.
a route all the way around a particular place or area
He typed in “South Park” and took senior executives on a
tour of Web sites offering pirated episodes.
enter a defendant's answer
pleaded not guilty, but he acknowledged that he had violated some laws.
be oppressive or burdensome
So far, the political turmoil has not appeared to have discouraged visitors, but prolonged strife could
weigh on tourism.
how something is done or how it happens
Speaking of science, he says, in language far in advance of his times: ‘There are two
modes of knowing—by argument and by experiment.
a discrimination between things as different
But such a
distinction at heart the men may be very much alike.
at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position
inclined passage following a seam of coal is known as a slope.
a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
The authors found that when the available prospects varied more in
attributes such as age, height, occupation and educational background, people made fewer dating proposals.
make a great effort at a mental or physical task
School boards may come to
exert even greater influence over what students read.
come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority
Those who managed to survive were later
oppressed by Poland's post-war communist authorities.
compete for something
But eight men, however bold and stout-hearted, could not long
contend with an enemy at least four times their number.
a strong wooden or metal post driven into the ground
His remains were buried in Cannon Street, and a
stake was driven through the body.
toiled in the sweat of his brow, tilling the stubborn ground, taking out stones, building fences.
pass from physical life
Simon Wiesenthal's parents are long since deceased, with his father dying in World War I and his mother
perishing in the Holocaust.
your usual mood
Melancholia — the state of mind — can hide behind seemingly sunny
complain bitterly
railed against lengthy stage directions, saying he crossed them out in scripts before he would begin rehearsals with his actors.
one of a group of prominent bishops in the Sacred College
Each time he names
cardinals he puts his stamp on Roman Catholicism's future by choosing men who share his views.
talk about oneself with excessive pride or self-regard
Mr. Estes was also well connected politically,
boasting that the president of the United States took his calls.
a person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea
Well, safety
advocates, consumers and the government dragged the automobile industry toward including seat belts, air bags, more visible taillights and other safety features.
bestowed public buildings and river improvements in return for votes.
report or maintain
It is being fired into enclosed areas and homes, the human rights group
despite anything to the contrary
He seems to have taken things easily enough,
notwithstanding the sorrow and suffering that surrounded him on every side.
especially standing out above others
He found himself in an enormous hall with a
lofty ceiling.
a large indefinite number
Department store chains in general have been strained in recent years as a "
multitude" of alternatives has emerged, all competing for customers.
having a sharp inclination
It was narrow and very
steep, and had precipices in all parts, so that they could not mount upward except one at a time.
pay close attention to
But Cain was already too far gone to
heed the warning voice.
not large but sufficient in size or amount
A healthy person living in an unfashionable city with no student loans to pay off can get by on a fairly
modest income.
being or affecting only a segment
Generalizations of this sweeping order are apt to contain only
partial truth.
naturally disposed toward
Another reason to display beds at an electronics show: consumers are
apt to use high-tech devices while tucked in.
the condition of being honored
Despite being held in the highest
esteem by his fellow poets, Redgrove never quite achieved the critical reception or readership he deserved.
appearing to merit belief or acceptance
Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has acknowledged receiving the memo but said he ignored it as not
provide the needed stimulus for
provoked a bigger reaction than we could ever have anticipated.
a step in walking or running
The farmer went down, his clumsy boots making no sound on the uncarpeted stairway, so careful was his
learn or discover with confidence
Health care providers and manufacturers can
ascertain alternative treatment more effectively by tackling predicted drug shortage incidences early in the process.
proceed, get along, or succeed
A recent study breaks down how graduates with various college degrees are
faring in today’s difficult job market.
relinquish possession or control over
Some militia chiefs say they will only
cede command of their fighters once an organized military and security apparatus is in place.
continuing forever or indefinitely
The river is a
perpetual enjoyment, always something going on.
a legally binding command or decision
decree takes effect immediately, it requires Parliament’s approval within 60 days to remain in force.
make or devise
The wily Roc, never taken much by surprise,
contrived to escape, but old Tributor and his men were all captured.
formed or developed not original
Modern kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi are all members of the same species,
derived from a single prehistoric plant variety.
marked by complexity and richness of detail
But the tobacco industry and owners of other convenience stores say tribal cigarette manufacturing is just an
elaborate form of tax evasion.
having a material or factual existence
Defence lawyers said the large number of forensic tests which had been carried out had failed to find any
substantial evidence linked to the accused.
a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country
Adding to the precarious security situation, tribesmen kidnapped 18 Egyptian border guards along the
frontier with Israel in Sinai Peninsula.
arrived at withou lacking depth
As one teacher remarks about a troubled student, “There is no
facile solution.”
make reference to
The Federal Reserve has pledged low interest rates until late 2014,
citing in part the weakness of the job market.
show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
In the United Kingdom and Europe the devices are not used unless the need is
warranted by the patient's medical condition.
weep convulsively
He cried and trembled,
sobbing, while they spoke, like the child he was.
a traveler who actively sits and travels on an animal
In horseback riding, a
rider will give commands by squeezing or lengthening the reins and altering the position of his legs.
permitting little if any light to pass through
Dense black smoke rose in the distance as demonstrators burned tires in Shiite villages.
cause physical pain or suffering in
Melanoma globally
afflicts nearly 160,000 new people each year.
grow vigorously
His business had been all along steadily
flourishing, his patrons had been of high social position, some most illustrious, others actually royal.
invest with ministerial or priestly authority
One of the present bishops was consecrated when quite a young boy, and deacons are often
ordained at sixteen, and even much earlier.
having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity
Mother, you see, is a very
pious woman, and she attributes it all to Providence, saying that it was the Divine interference in her behalf.
disturb, especially by minor irritations
vexing problems slowing the growth and the practical implementation of big data technologies.
the force of attraction between all masses in the universe
Once captured, the combined object will have a new center of
gravity and may be spinning in an uncontrolled way.
supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy
Frustrating enough at ground level, but can you imagine the agony about a stranded, ever-soggier Oreo being
suspended 11 feet above the ground?
obvious to the eye or mind
Its bright scarlet fruits are
conspicuous in late autumn.
a quick reply to a question or remark
Having put him in ill humour with this
retort, she fled away rejoicing.
an airplane powered by gas turbines
Typhoon fighter
jets, helicopters, two warships and bomb disposal experts will also be on duty to guard against security threats.
The blare of bugles was heard, and a few seconds afterwards Jackson, still facing the enemy, shouted: "By Jupiter, they're
bolting, sir."
agree or express agreement
His two companions readily
assented, and the promise was mutually given and received.
a sum spoken of as the contents of a money container
She watched over her husband, kept his accounts, held the family
purse, managed all his affairs.&
the arithmetic operation of summing
The survey’s margin of error was
plus or minus four percentage points.
give authority or permission to
The Securities and Exchange Commission said last year it had
sanctioned 39 senior officers for conduct related to the housing market meltdown.
a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked
Chu attended the special court-martial
proceeding on Monday in Hawaii, Hill said.
praise, glorify, or honor
exalt themselves by anonymously posting their own laudatory reviews.
an action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place
Rebellion broke out, and finally the aged Caliph, after enduring a
siege of several weeks, was murdered in his own house.
feeling a need to see others suffer
He viewed the moths with
malice, their fluttering wings fanning his resentment.
recklessly wasteful
Advisers say new millionaires are prone to mistakes, like making
extravagant purchases or risky deals with friends.
increase in phase
Carols had existed for centuries, though their popularity
waxed and waned as different governments and religious movements periodically declared them sinful.
press tightly together or cram
Deafening cheers rent
thronged around him to clasp his hand.
regard with feelings of respect and reverence
venerated me like a being descended from an upper world.
attack someone physically or emotionally
His campaign even issued a press release
assailing other rivals for, in Mr. Paul’s view, taking Mr. Romney’s quote about firing people out of context.
of high moral or intellectual value
He was uneven, disproportioned, saying ordinary things on great occasions, and now and then, without the slightest provocation, uttering the
sublimest and most beautiful thoughts.
make good use of
As humans increasingly
exploit the deep seas for fish, oil and mining, understanding how species are dispersed is crucial, Copley said.
use of physi hard work
One day overcome by
exertion, she fainted in the street.
catch fire
Then a match was
kindled and fire applied.
furnish with a capital fund
The grammar school here, founded in 1533, is liberally
endowed, with scholarships and exhibitions.
set forth authoritatively as obligatory
The Arab League has already suspended Syria and
imposed economic sanctions.
cause to feel shame
The letter claims pensioners are too often patronised,
humiliated, denied privacy or even medical treatment.
a legal right to vote
There has been a great deal said in this country of late in regard to giving the right of
suffrage to women.
issue or terminate in a specified way
ensued months after the approval, when opponents realized the online gambling measure had been slipped in.
a natural stream of water smaller than a river
He walked across the little bridge over the
brook and at once his mood changed.
a strong wind moving 45-90 knots
gale was accompanied, as usual, by incessant rain and thick weather, and a heavy confused sea kept our decks always flooded.
reflect deeply on a subject
Musing about the Big Picture may be a lot more gratifying than focusing on the details of the specific policies that aren’t working.
witty language used to convey insults or scorn
There’s plenty of humor on Russian television, though not much political
satire; Mr. Putin put a stop to that long ago.
cause to be interested or curious
Designing and building models that
intrigue and educate without overwhelming has been challenging.
something that serves to suggest
Authorities said an autopsy found no
indications of foul play or obvious signs of trauma on Houston.
send away towards a designated goal
More than one assassin was
dispatched by the Turkish authorities to murder Napoleon.
crouch or curl up
The knaves lowered their weapons and shrank back
cowering before him.
an established custom
He made his customary slick feeds to open teammates, but as is their
wont, the Nets struggled at times to convert points on his passes.
a system of body parts that serve some particular purpose
When probiotics flourish in the digestive
tract, nutrients are better absorbed and bad bugs are held at bay, research suggests.
a collection of books accepted as holy scripture
For me, all novels of any consequence are literary, and they take their place, high and low, in the
canon of English literature.
cause to move forward with force
Some power beyond his comprehension was
impelling him toward the neighboring city.
freedom from normal restraints in conduct
Great employees often get more
latitude to bring up controversial subjects in a group setting because their performance allows greater freedom.
move out of
Their number diminished sharply after Villaraigosa announced last week that he wanted protesters to
vacate the grounds by Monday or be forcibly removed.
any piece of work that is attempted
"Let my epitaph be, Here lies Joseph, who was unsuccessful in all his
kill intentionally and with premeditation
"It were shame," said Lancelot, "for an armed to
slay an unarmed man."
one who precedes you in time
Heller fills in the blanks about Taft, overshadowed by colorful
predecessor Teddy Roosevelt.
the quality of being exquisitely fine in appearance
This refinement appears in his works, which are full of artistic grace and dainty
leave someone who ne leave in the lurch
"I'm surprised," said Philip, cautiously opening fire, "that you were ever allowed to
forsake your native land."
ask for or request earnestly
Utterly distraught, he ran up and down the bank, hunting for his clothes, calling, crying out, imploring,
beseeching help from somewhere.
relating to the investigation of existence and knowledge
His arguments, like Einstein’s, were qualitative, verging on highly
a small growth of trees without underbrush
Soon after we came to Pasadena, father bought an orange
grove of twenty-five acres.
hinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire
Frustrated after two years of missed budget targets, finance chiefs demanded Greek officials put their verbal commitments into law.
widely known and esteemed
She will be joining an
illustrious list of recipients that include Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II and Princess Diana.
an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
You’ve probably also noticed that the telephone and computer are no longer the only
devices on your employees’ desks.
cheap or pretentious or vain display
Throughout U.S. history, Americans have been fascinated by royal
pomp -- even on a movie screen.
ask for or request earnestly
"Let me go now, please," she
entreated, her eyes unable to meet his any longer.
transmit, as knowledge or a skill
Long before writing and books were in common use, proverbs were the principal means of
imparting instruction.
correct behavior
I felt a trifle doubtful about the
propriety of taking a short cut across private grounds, and said as much.
render holy by means of religious rites
The building was
consecrated as a Protestant Episcopal church in May, 1814.
the income or profit arising from a transaction
His own share in the
proceeds was about a hundred thousand dollars.
come to understand
But after flying for so many years, the idea of hanging up his sparkling wings is hard for him to
the goal intended to be attained
objective was to mobilize students from 18 high schools across the city to provide community services and inspire others.
wearing or provided with clothing
A few of the villagers came behind,
clad in mourning robes, and bearing lighted tapers.
devoted to a cause or party
But given the bitter
partisan divide in an election year, Democrats said they would never be able to get such legislation passed.
a dissenting clique
faction declared it would begin an armed struggle against the government of the United States.
artificially formal
In lesser hands the story about a young man who discovers life among the dead could be impossibly cute and
impressive by reason of age
Thus, after much more than two hundred years, the
venerable building looks almost as it did when the first students entered its doors.
not showy or obtrusive
By contrast, Mr. Pei’s
restrained design took time to claim my attention, particularly since it sat quietly next door to Saarinen’s concrete gull wings.
harass, as with questions or requests
He can’t trot down the street without being
besieged by paparazzi.
a clear appearance
Singing and dancing are
manifestations of what many Syrians describe as a much broader cultural flowering.
an act or expression of criticism and censure
Afterward, the leaders fought court orders to release records showing what they had done, drawing an uncommonly sharp
rebuke from a federal judge.
in opposition to a civil authority or government
The Free Syrian Army, an
insurgent group made of defecting soldiers and based in southern Turkey, claimed responsibility for both attacks.
using language effectively to please or persuade
rhetoric in support of limiting cuts to projected defense spending has surprised and impressed some of Obama's toughest Republican critics.
having ethical or moral principles
The reason is that the vast majority of businesses are
scrupulous and treat their employees well.
approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation
Company officials at Safeway said those replacement workers will remain on standby until the agreement is
ratified by union members.
cause to be perplexed or confounded
Though family members long suspected Evans, a local handyman who frequently hired local youths, the case
stumped investigators for years.
marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint
Sarkozy has attempted to tone down his image, becoming more
discreet about his private life.
impressive in appearance
These buildings were grand and stylized with intricate details and a bit of an
imposing presence.
showing pensive sadness
She turned toward him, her face troubled, her eyes most
cause to feel shame
mortified at this humiliation, the king fell sick, and henceforth his health failed rapidly.
stir up so as to form small waves
That could precipitate higher interest rates that would
ripple across the economy.
a statement that is held to be true
Success, real success, comes to the jack of all trades, a major
premise handed down from pioneer days.
contrary to your interests or welfare
High doses can have
adverse effects and even cause death.
a sudden desire
Nobody is really in charge, and decisions are made on whim and
gather or bring together
Yet Fox needed all the strength that he could
broad in scope
The United States Army developed a
comprehensive plan to address problematic race relations in the 1970s, recognizing that they were hampering military effectiveness.
yield to another's wish or opinion
Therefore he made up his mind to
accede to his uncle's desire.
characterized by intense emotion
fervent applause and scattered fist pumps from two sets of worshipers, he pledged to legally challenge the claims against him.
cause to form a united, orderly, and consistent whole
Two antagonistic values may
cohere in the same object.
an assembly to conduct judicial business
The military has historically been protected from civilian courts, with any crimes committed by soldiers being decided in closed military
severely simple
austere simplicity was noticeable all over Longfellow's house.
returning to health after illness or debility
recovering economy is bringing more people back into the market.
people having the same social or economic status
She belonged to the upper
stratum of the profession, and, knowing it, could not sink.
characterized by extreme care and great effort
conscientious hostess would be very much mortified if she served chicken out of its proper course.
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference
Sandra Nurse, a member of Occupy's direct action working group, said police treated demonstrators roughly and made
arbitrary arrests.
exasperated at the impact of higher taxes and reduced consumer spending, are planning to close down for the day.
summon into action or bring into existence
Vacation homes typically
conjure up dreams of blue skies, pristine sand and crystalline waters.
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
The Count's words were so
ominous, so full of sinister meaning that for the moment he felt like crying out with fear.
a structure that has a roof and walls
They are here erecting a fine stone
edifice for an Episcopal Church.
escape, either physically or mentally
But despite racking up world titles, Olympic gold was
eluding him.
spread or diffuse through
An air of intense anticipation
pervaded the General’s dining room.
promote the growth of
Mr. Horne accused the district’s Mexican-American studies program of using an antiwhite curriculum to
foster social activism.
take to task
"Children, children, stop quarrelling, right here in public!"
admonished Mrs. Dering, in a low, shocked tone.
cancel officially
If Republicans
repeal the law, Ms. Schakowsky said, they would be “taking away benefits that seniors are already getting.”
not arrogant or presuming
Foster was an extremely modest, unworldly,
retiring gentleman.
not of prime or central importance
The models themselves are
incidental on “Scouted,” merely empty planets around which revolve some fascinating characters and plenty more dull ones.
agree or express agreement
American officials initially tried to resist President Karzai’s moves but eventually
a large number or amount or extent
In fact, intense focus may be one reason why so-called savants become so extraordinary at performing extensive calculations or remembering a
slew of facts.
seize and take control without authority
More than anything, though, officials expressed concern about reigniting longstanding Mexican concerns about the United States’
usurping Mexico’s authority.
a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
The prisoners undressed themselves as usual, and went to bed, observed by the
the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
At this time, home ranges of small rodents can not be measured with great
precision, therefore any such calculations are, at best, only approximations.
force to leave an office
Late Wednesday, Mr. Touré, the
deposed president, spoke out from hiding for the first time.
unprovoked or without motive or justification
I am not a sentimentalist by any means, yet I abominate
wanton cruelty.
state of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior
This was one of the men who bring
odium on the whole class of prisoners, and prejudice society against them.
rule of personal conduct
The law of nature has but one
precept, "Be strong."
a courteous expression of esteem or regard
Other rules, as indicated in Mr. Collins' book, concerned deportment, and demanded constant
deference to superiors.
a noisy fight
Armed rebels have joined the
fray in recent months.
openly straightforward and direct without secretiveness
The actor was
candid about his own difficult childhood growing up with alcoholic parents.
What makes the galumphing hubby such an
enduring stock character?
improperly forward or bold
Imagine calling a famous writer by his first name—it seemed
impertinent, to say the least.
lacking stimula uninteresting
Many critics were less than enamored with the kind of “easy listening” Mr. Williams embodied, deriding his approach as
bland and unchallenging.
suggest in an in give to understand
"Good heavens, do you mean to
insinuate that I did anything crooked?" said Bojo loudly, yet at the bottom ill at ease.
i a matter of form only
nominal damages of one dollar from each defendant.
humbly entreating
The colonists asked for nothing but what was clearly right and asked in the most respectful and even
suppliant manner.
lacking spirit or liveliness
Many viewers, bored by the
languid pace of the show, tuned out early.
praise enthusiastically
I have heard lots of women simply
rave about him.
relating to or involving money
A hundred years ago,
monetary policy – control over interest rates and the availability of credit – was viewed as a highly contentious political issue.
incapable of failure or error
But conductors are no more
infallible than other people, and once in a blue moon in going through a train they miss a passenger.
influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
He used his most enticing manner and did his best to
coax the little animal out again.
elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses
He urged judges to resist the rigid guidelines and to write opinions
explicating their reasons for doing so.
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
Gaunt, starved, and ragged, the men marched northwards, leaving the Touat country upon their left hand.
suggesting the horror of death and decay
Earlier in the day, however, his demise was watched by spectators with a
morbid fascination.
wandering freely
His detective work is fascinating and wide
ease the anger, agitation, or strong emotion of
pacified him I don’t know, but at the end of two hours he had cooled off enough to let us go aboard.
idyllically rustic
He made a considerable reputation as an accomplished painter of quiet
pastoral subjects and carefully elaborated landscapes with cattle.
stubbornly unyielding
Some analysts expect Mr. Falcone, who is known for his
dogged determination, to just continue to limp along while slashing costs.
fall away or decline
Although Gardner’s competitive appetite
ebbed after 2004, other cravings did not.
someone who acts as an assistant
She later found work as a teacher’s
aide in a Head Start program in Harlem.
cause to be mor gain the good will of
The king also has tried to
appease public anger over corruption.
make an express demand or provision in an agreement
The mayor has an executive order in place
stipulating that all top officials, except those granted a waiver, live in the city.
something or someone turned to for assistance or security
Bargain hunters and holiday shoppers are bad guys’ favorite targets and have little or no
recourse when shoddy or fake merchandise arrives.
not natural
All his goodness, however, will be of a forced,
constrained, artificial, and at bottom unreal character.
lessen the force of
“You called her ‘an interfering, disagreeable old woman’!” whispered Bertha with
bated breath, glancing half fearfully at the door as she spoke.
a feeling of intense dislike
Already my passive dislike had grown into an active
an artistic device or effect
An urban panorama is viewed from a high vantage point, a
conceit used in topographic art to render vast perspectives.
strongly opposed
Friends and political allies are
loath to talk about her, knowing the family’s intense obsession with privacy.
an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
The night was gloomy, dark, the soldiers, wearied with watching at the
ramparts, dozed, leaning on their weapons.
obtain by coercion or intimidation
The owners, in turn, have called the lawyers shakedown artists bent on ruining their good reputations to
extort money.
leave slowly and hesitantly
For two days I
tarried in Paris, settling my little property.
perform an act, usually with a negative connotation
Come on it’s just a cruel joke
perpetrated by the airline industry.”
propriety in manners and conduct
Wishing to observe the rules of
decorum she invited him to stay for supper, though absolutely nothing had been prepared for a guest.
produced or growing in extreme abundance
luxuriant curly hair, restrained by no net, but held together simply by a flowering spray, waved over her shoulders in all its rich abundance.
insincere talk about religion or morals
It was the familiar
cant of the man rich enough to affect disdain for money, and Wade was not impressed.
give instructions to or direct somebody to do something
He turned to beckon the others forward with one hand, while laying the other over his mouth in a gesture
enjoining silence.
extreme greed for material wealth
The old man's fears were assailed with threats, and his
avarice was approached by bribes, and he very soon capitulated.
a formal or authoritative proclamation
edict was issued by him forbidding any Christian to give instruction in Greek literature under any circumstances.
cause to lose one's composure
Perplexed and
disconcerted, I found no words to answer such an amazing sally.
balance among the parts of something
Even the staging displays
symmetry, with actors lined up on either side in formal precision.
surrender under agreed conditions
"Alas, no," said Bergfeld, mournfully, "the day after the battle our brave soldiers were surrounded by overwhelming forces and obliged to
act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
The Scottish throne was now disputed by many claimants, and the Scots asked Edward to
arbitrate between them.
separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
Instead someone shouts "Go" and he is bearing down on me and almost
cleaves my shield in two with his first blow.
add to the very end
Some specimens will appear in the papers
appended to this report.
the human face
An honest, quiet laugh often mantled his pale earnest
a moving crowd
Hordes of puzzled tourists, many with rolling suitcases attached, poured down the staircases.
a short moral story
In most instances, I have closed my visits by reading some interesting story or
censure severely
She remembers an upsetting incident when a headmistress
chastised her for working too much.
hinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire
On March 1st, a Turkish newspaper reported that the country's intelligence service had
foiled an attempt by Syrian agents to kidnap the colonel.
b real or genuine
The heavy rain had reduced this low-lying ground to a
veritable quagmire, making progress very difficult even for one as unburdened as he was.
work hard to come to terms with or deal with something
But, he said, all coastal communities will have to
grapple with rising seas.
the most powerful members of a society
The mode of travel of the
gentry was riding horses, but most people traveled by walking.
a sudden numbing dread
Residents who fled in recent days spoke of the smell of death and piles of garbage drifting like snowbanks, casting a
pall over the city.
a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
maxim "All is fair in love and war" was applied literally.
a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
Volume is down 25 percent from five years ago, and
projections show even further declines, said Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe.
a superior skill learned by study and practice
While our engineering
prowess has advanced a great deal over the past sixty years, the principles of innovation largely have not.
thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
Though composed amid the unromantic surroundings of a
dingy, dusty, and neglected back room, the speech has become a memorable document.
an outward appearance that is deliberately misleading
He was perceptibly older, in the way in which people look older all at once after having long kept the
semblance of youth.
advertise in strongly positive terms
Testing is being
touted as the means of making the U.S. education system competitive, even world-class.
strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
Leigh Hunt bore himself in his captivity with cheerful
fortitude, suffering severely in health but flagging little in spirits or industry.
into parts or pieces
In 1854, as I have already remarked, Nicaragua was split
asunder by civil war.
an overwhelming defeat
It's how Seattle won Sunday's game in Chicago, scoring 31 consecutive second-half points as an impressive comeback became an overwhelming
characterized by dignity and propriety
He was prim and
staid and liked to do things in an orderly fashion.
influence by slyness
I can no longer remain silent in the presence of the schemers who seek to
beguile you.
have the often specious appearance of being or intending
Of course, none of these
purported medical benefits have any grounding in science.
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
The people who make up this typical Gorky offering are drunkards, thieves,
depraved creatures of every kind.
leave or give, especially by will after one's death
No matter how often she changed her will, she told me, that diamond pin was always
bequeathed to me.
something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
Tails are often an
enigma; many creatures have them, but scientists know little about their function, particularly for extinct species.
marked by care and persistent effort
assiduous diary-keeper and regularly rereads ancient entries to check up on himself.
a person holding a fief
And what was of still greater importance, he could only obtain taxes and soldiers from among the
vassals, by the consent of their feudal lords.
draw back, as with fear or pain
quailed before me, and forgetting his new part in old habits, muttered an apology.
outlying areas, as of a city or town
Ms. Waters talked about how she had spent the day at an organic farm on the
outskirts of Beijing looking at vegetables for the dinner.
a protective structure of stone or concrete
The cliffs are of imposing height, nearly three hundred feet: a formidable
an erratic turn from an intended course
However, I was not going to
swerve from my word.
prepare oneself for action or a confrontation
Protesters are
girding for another police raid as several City Council members have called on protesters to leave.
pledged to be married
We are not
betrothed'—her eyes filled with tears,—'h and he and my father have quarrelled.
of or concerned with or related to the future
prospective homesteaders make the same mistake I did in buying horses, unless they are experienced.
make reference to
In the family circle it was rarely
adverted to, and never except when some allusion to the approaching separation had to be made.
not allowing contradiction or refusal
This time it was not a request but a
peremptory order to go at once to Cuba and undertake the work.
the elementary stage of any subject
He retraced his steps, and came to Cape Girardeau, in Missouri, where he remained some time, acquiring the
rudiments of the English language.
reason from the general to the particular
They then used models of global wind circulation to
deduce which dust sources have become stronger and which weaker.
proceeding in a fragmentary, hesitant, or ineffective way
“I so much love cricket,” he said, shyly, in
halting English.
a state of dishonor
After all, we love nothing better than seeing the powerful and formerly smug dragged across the front pages in
an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group
Bill O’Reilly and others picked up on the theme, summing up left-wing
ideology as “San Francisco values.”
lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness
But too often the music sounded thin and
strong feelings of embarrassment
But he was feeling deeply
chagrined and mortified over his last escapade.
thrust oneself in as if by force
She had no right to
obtrude herself into his life and to disturb it.
disposed to venture or take risks
audacious operation that unfolded like a Hollywood thriller, the Navy Seals executed a daring raid deep into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden.
assign a meaning to
But nothing that was said Tuesday can be
construed as good news.
cross a river where it's shallow
Sometimes they drive their teams through unsettled country, without roads, swimming and
fording streams, clearing away obstructions, and camping where night overtakes them.
the food served and eaten at one time
Fragrant coffee, light rolls, fresh butter, ham and eggs, fried crocuses and soft crabs, formed the
an unbroken period of time during which you do something
He found his unionized warehouse job after a
stint working for his father, an accountant.
a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster
The little church has an ancient
fresco of St. Christopher, placed, as usual, opposite the entrance.
willingly obedient out of a sense of respect
Perhaps he thinks an engaged young lady should be demure and
dutiful, having no eyes or ears for any one except her betrothed.
make or shape as with an axe
They bought a log chain, a the window frames were
hewed from logs.
functional equality
How many of the world’s problems would be solved, or at least greatly reduced, if women had true
parity with men?
diffusing warmth and friendliness
He was well liked and respected in these islands, for his
affable manners had obtained for him much popularity.
seemingly without end
All was going well, but slowly, the time taken for the last few feet seeming to be
take as spoils
In addition great material losses were inflicted: seven hundred houses were destroyed, six hundred stores
pillaged, and thousands of families utterly ruined.
a feeling of evil to come
Mr. Harding had strong
forebodings that the trouble, so far from being ended, was only just beginning.
tear or be torn violently
In the distance heavy artillery was growling, and high explosive shells were bursting with a violence that seemed to
rend the sky.
the financial means whereby one lives
With businesses shut, fields untended and fishing abandoned many have lost their
livelihoods as well as their homes, our correspondent says.
do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
To Mr. Gompers' courteous letter Czar Gary did not
deign to reply.
determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
Her admirers were
capricious, returning to her at times, and then and as for suitors, they entirely disappeared.
so great in size, force, or extent as to elicit awe
The fact was so
stupendous that Terry felt almost frightened over the great good fortune.
material consisting of seed coverings and pieces of stem
The wheat, being heavy, falls, while the
chaff is blown away.
not established by conditioning or learning
In other words, one of our most essential abilities as humans--reading--is the product of a combination of
innate and learned traits.
an abstracted state of absorption
He stood still, seemingly lost in
reverie, and quite oblivious to the group about him.
quarrel noisily, angrily, or disruptively
Here were many fierce and bitter
wrangles over vexed questions, turbulent scenes, displays of sectional feelings.
a long narrow opening
The disruptive power of tree roots, growing in the
crevices of rocks, is well known.
appearing as such but not necessarily so
This already-exhaustive book is studded with diary entries, academic papers and other
ostensible evidence that its fictitious stories of destruction are true.
lacking even the
abjectly fearful
Was it for them to follow the
craven footsteps of a cowardly generation?
an indication that something has been present
Now, there was no
vestige no living thing.
examine thoroughly and in great depth
Tellingly, Ms. Liao said she had great difficulty finding three actors willing to
plumb their own personalities.
temperamentally disinclined to talk
No questions were asked, and few indeed were the words spoken, his
reticent manner preventing any undue familiarity.
an inclination to do something
A longtime colleague, Gate Theatre director Michael Colgan, noted Kelly's old-school charms, punctuated by his
propensity for bow ties and smart suits.
censure severely or angrily
chided reporters as having “stalked” family members, demanding that his relatives be left alone.
choose and follow a theory, idea, policy, etc.
He said Islam should not be equated with terrorism or the kind of violence
espoused by Bin Laden.
especially fine or decorative clothing
Clothed in fine
raiment and faring sumptuously every day, he soon developed into a handsome lad.
invulnerable to fear or intimidation
There are some very courageous and
intrepid reporters in Afghanistan, including some who work for American media outlets.
according with custom or propriety
The Baron was less conscientious, for he ate more beefsteak than was
seemly, and talked a great deal of stupid nonsense, as was his wont.
lessen the intensity of or calm
Our boy was we tried to
allay his fears.
occurring in spells and often abruptly
She had lost her composure, her breath came in
fitful, uneven gasps, and as she sat there she pressed one hand over her heart.
become ground down or deteriorate
Another report today showed home prices fell more than forecast in November,
eroding the wealth of families as they seek to rebuild savings.
f sincere and genuine
His conversation was
always abounding in curious anecdotes.
a major division of a long poem
Folengo’s next production was the Orlandino, an Italian poem of eight
cantos, written in rhymed octaves.
easily handled or managed
Time and again humans have domesticated wild , producing tame individuals with softer appearances and more
docile temperaments, such as dogs and guinea pigs.
treat condescendingly
Ms. Paul herself noted that “glib talk about appreciating dyslexia as a ‘gift’ is unhelpful at best and
patronizing at worst.”
The coast, once
teeming with traffic, is now lonely and deserted.
arouse hostility or indifference in
An atmosphere of distrust, suspicion and fear can cause workers to feel
estranged from one another, Dr. Wright has written.
a quarrel about petty points
spats are rare in the asset-management industry, where companies typically resolve disputes behind closed doors.
sing or play with trills
Meadow larks, as you have undoubtedly noticed,
warble many different songs.
a person's appearance, manner, or demeanor
Nevertheless, before going to meet Samuel, she assumed a calm and dignified
fill to contentment
His appetite was not
sated by any means, but he knew the danger of overloading his stomach, so he stopped.
the body of voters who elect a representative for their area
Each posited that the blue-collar Democratic
constituency rooted in the New Deal had grown increasingly conservative, alienated from “big government.”
characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
Respectable ladies, long resident, wearing black poke bonnets and camel's-hair shawls, lifted their
patrician eyebrows with disapproval.
avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing
The boys asked a few guarded questions, but gained no information whatever, their questions being
parried in every instance.
someone who carries out a learned profession
In particular, modern medical
practitioners are coming around to the idea that certain illnesses cannot be reduced to one isolatable, treatable cause.
Overcasting is done by taking loose stitches over the raw edge of the cloth, to keep it from
ravelling or fraying.
occupy in large numbers or live on a host
Many lived in dilapidated apartments with leaky pipes, broken windows, rooms full of mold, and walls
infested with cockroaches and rats.
give an incentive for doing something
He knew that men were
actuated by other motives, good and bad, than self-interest.
unfriendly and inclined toward anger or irritation
But Blake, being
surly and quarrelsome even when sober, gave the lapel a savage jerk, and reached out with his other hand.
get over an illness or shock
convalescing from pneumonia were evacuated to England or given Base Duty.
lower someone' make downhearted
The storm clobbered many communities still recovering from the flooding two months ago caused by Hurricane Irene, leaving weary homeowners exhausted and
grow worse
As the rhetoric heated up inside, the violence outside
devolved into chaos.
liveliness and eagerness
Every one exerted himself not only without murmuring and discontent, but even with an
alacrity which almost approached to cheerfulness.
do without or cease to hold or adhere to
Low rates have also led retail brokerages to
waive fees on money market funds to avoid negative returns for their clients.
out of the ordinary
He must rush off to see his people, who no doubt were quite confounded by his
unwonted energy.
be in an agitated emotional state
Outwardly quite calm and matter-of-fact, his mind was in a
seething turmoil.
look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
Fans and commentators are
scrutinizing every blemish: his turnovers, his weak left hand, his jump shot.
lacking self-confidence
diffident in the presence of strangers, her head was lowered.
curse or declare to be evil or anathema
When all Great Britain was
execrating Napoleon, picturing him as a devil with horns and hoofs, Byron looked upon him as the world's hero.
incapable of being appeased or pacified
This man was a savage in his
implacable desire for revenge.
a sudden outburst of anger
A talented youngster who smashes his guitar in a fit of
pique finds it magically reassembled just in time for a crucial concert.
a slight but appreciable amount
I never saw anybody so pleased with monkeys as she is, and not one
mite afraid.
Two others were making slower progress for the reason that each was
encumbered by supporting a disabled man.
lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
He had not stopped to consider her rough speech and
uncouth manners.
easily irritated or annoyed
The black eyes emitted an angry flash, the voice that answered was sharp and
make amends for
Wulphere was absolved on condition that he should
expiate his crime by founding churches and monasteries all over his kingdom.
given to haughty disregard of others
Some would have given Nicklaus a
cavalier response: polite nod while thinking, “Yeah, whatever.”
light teasing repartee
banter had suddenly been replaced by strained and awkward interaction.
act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
Slade, despite his swaggers and
blustering, was at heart a coward.
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
Long oppression had not, on the whole, either blunted their intellects or
debased their morals.
a person working in the service of another
This faithful and trusted
retainer is greatly valued by his employers.
force to submit or subdue
The Confederacy was led by thoroughgoing racists who wanted to keep blacks
subjugated for all time because of the color of their skin.
praise, glorify, or honor
How I praised the duck at that first dinner, and
extolled Madame's skill in cookery!
filled with or attended with
But the ocean remains an unpredictable place,
fraught with hazards.
profoundly honored
At all times reserved in his manner and his bearing full of dignity, never before had she realized the majesty of General Washington’s
august presence.
a long narrow depression in a surface
The brown bark is not very rough, though its numerous
fissures and cracks give it a rugged appearance.
a small natural hill
Opened in 2008, the park serves as elderly couples stroll around the artificial lake as toddlers roll down grassy
emotionally hardened
Outwardly merry and good-humoured, he was by nature coldly fierce, calculating,
teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
But instruction in history has been for a long time systematically used to
inculcate certain political sentiments in the pupils.
disturb, especially by minor irritations
Lincoln began these remarks by good-humored but
nettling chaffing of his opponent.
turn pale, as if in fear
He is silent, as if struck dumb, his face showing
blanched and bloodless, while she utters a shriek, half terrified, half in frenzied anger.
of an obscure nature
The fashion industry is notoriously opaque and often
inscrutable for outsiders, even ones as well connected as him.
stubbornly unyielding
tenacious woman, one who would even hold fast a thing which she no longer valued, simply because it belonged to her.
the state of being under the control of another person
Then Kiss commenced in earnest, and quickly held his audience in
a pressing or urgent situation
exigency of the situation roused Mr. Popkiss' sluggish faculties into prompt action.
s incapable of being consoled
Was there a bereaved mother or
disconsolate sister weeping over their dead?
a force that makes something happen
Critics say it has known mixed success at best, although supporters hope the U.S. drawdown could provide just the
impetus it needs to thrive.
an uncalled-for burden
On that far-away day he had considered the little, lost girl a nuisance and an
kindly endorsement and guidance
In March 2009, negotiations between Israel and Hamas were held in Cairo, under the
auspices of the Egyptian intelligence agency.
full and loud and deep
His voice rang out firmly now, a deep and
sonorous bass.
an act that victimizes someone
In a scathing report released last year, Amnesty International found there was widespread
exploitation of migrants in Malaysia.
something causing misery or death
Knee pain is the
bane of many runners, sometimes causing them to give up altogether.
force or effort
If only certain puzzles could be solved by
dint of sheer hard thinking!
deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
The great Ottawa chief saw his partially accomplished scheme withering into
ignominious failure.
characterized by friendship and good will
After a short colloquy the two men evidently came to an
amicable understanding, for they shook hands.
the beginning or early stages
Thousands of families are living in makeshift camps as temperatures fall to freezing with the
onset of winter.
a schoolhouse with special facilities for fine arts
The young instrumental talent that is coming out of local music schools and
conservatories is as amazingly good as you are going to find anywhere.
the point above the observer directly opposite the nadir
In other words it never reaches the
zenith, a point directly overhead.
marked by a ready flow of speech
I find him charming: shy – yet easy to talk to –
voluble and funny once he gets going.
a free man who cultivates his own land
On one extreme was the well-to-do
yeoman farmer farming his own land.
a manner lacking seriousness
The same balance of seriousness and
levity runs through her plays, which put an absurdist spin on everyday problems.
feeling great delight
She was watching the development of the investigation with
rapt, eager attention.
characterized by oppressive heat and humidity
New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics arrive just as school sports ramp up in
sultry August temperatures.
bind the arms of
The prisoners having dismounted, were placed in a line on the ground facing the guillotine, their arms
a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof
The fundamental
axiom of scientific thought is that there is not, never has been, and never will be, any disorder in nature.
catch sight of
Looking off seaward, I could
descry no sails.
the group following and attending to some important person
Despite his
retinue of security personnel, Atambaev had been poisoned during his short tenure as prime minister.
a worker who holds or is invested with an office
He was the
functionary of the assize court, impaneli}


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