
如何看待上海破获特大操纵期货市场案 ? - 知乎172被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="分享邀请回答162 条评论分享收藏感谢收起yatedo.com/p/George+Zarya/normal/b0cb51db8此人还是莫斯科交易所监督委员会的成员:他在国内的公司注册:这里有一个访谈:下面是他的一些言论: "The natural way to boost liquidity on instruments that are not as liquid is to introduce market-making programmes. Basically, we have illiquid commodities and some other instruments that could be hedged off internationally. So, what’s happening right now is that many of our clients take
the liquidity that is here in Russia on Micex and Forts and then they
expose this to international platforms – on LSE, on Eurex, on Turquoise,
on MTFs and so on. This could be one of the ways we boost the liquidity by encouraging the market-makers to trade locally, give them some incentive.""The
way Western exchanges bring liquidity is that they bring brokers and
clients who have the access to multiple exchanges or to any marketplaces
that trade the same instrument. So you know that your competitors such
as Eurex and Turquoise, which have derivatives on Russian DRs, create
liquidity by providing access to traders who already have access to
Forts. So, basically they have the possibility of hedging and trading
arbitrage. The same thing could be done here. Clients who already have access to international markets can provide that liquidity onto Forts""Well,
essentially you can translate the market depth from one market onto
another and if you’re an algo trader, you can hedge it immediately
without any exposure and make money off the inefficiencies, just the
little spreads. It’s not that difficult to transfer the liquidity from
one market to another""As Marina mentioned, the situation with MF Global was potentially fraud-related, so the sort of day-to-day
risk management procedures couldn’t really stop that. These kind of
things definitely make us think more about our counterparty selection.
We are in an environment when any bank can go down pretty much, despite
the size, despite the history, balance sheet and so on and so forth. Our
clients need extra assurance that their assets are fully protected,
fully segregated etc. So we just go on and make sure that all the
processes and all the rules are being followed.""Our entire
business model is essentially based on electronic trading and high
turnover clients and they are being more and more demanding in terms of
what they can do and what leverage they want. So, basically we are
pushed to offer a multi-market, multi-asset class, high leverage
platform which does require a lot of risk management systems and low
latency as well. So, that’s a huge challenge for our IT and for our risk
management to handle but we are doing it pretty well so far""Well, we haven’t really faced this particular question yet because our main markets are mostly Russia-based or out of London and at this point we haven’t really met any strict constraints on expanding our business but we are prepared to do so because we are trying to keep up with the market, with the technology and with market standards, so we are just going where the market goes""We see that the algorithmic trading segment of our clients are catching up with their US and European counterparts quite quickly in terms of technology and in terms of adapting different strategies
and so on. Right now if we’re looking at the specific front ends and
technology the clients use, they immediately look at the lowest latency
possible solution which is co-location, native protocols, exchange
protocols and self-made software. So, it’s all written by them, the
fastest ones usually do it themselves and they pursue this model"另外一位Anton Murashov的linkedin他的blog他的确是干HFT的,他在网上问过相关问题:我估计他们用的是Spoofing操控市场,因为报导中提到:"伊世顿账户组通过高频程序化交易软件自动批量下单、快速下单,申报价格明显偏离市场最新价格,实现包括自买自卖(成交量达 8110手、113亿元人民币)在内的大量交易,利用保证金杠杆比例等交易规则,以较小的资金投入反复开仓、平仓,使盈利在短期内快速放大"这个Spoofing手法在欧美也是违法的。“Spoofing” is an illegal type of market manipulation that works like
bluffing: A trader places big orders for stocks, bonds or futures to get
others to think the price is going up or down. Then, in the blink of an
eye, the spoofer cancels those orders and puts in opposite orders to
take advantage of those traders. .
It skews the marketSpoofing undermines
confidence in the markets because it can make prices move erratically
and lead investors to feel tricked, analysts say. Some firms have
developed software to red-flag suspected spoofing to avoid getting
Government is cracking down
The 2010 Dodd-Frank law
outlawed spoofing. Last year, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Chicago
brought the first criminal case against an alleged spoofer. The
announcement sent a shockwave through the trading community because
traders usually face fines and trading bans, not prison time. Michael
Coscia, the accused spoofer who denies the charges, is facing 12 counts
of fraudulent and manipulative trading. The U.S. Attorney and a lawyer
for Mr. Coscia declined to comment on the case, which is pending.
Lines are blurryOne problem traders and their
lawyers are worried about is whether legitimate market activity could
get swept up in anti-spoofing rules. Since time immemorial, traders have
used techniques to hide their intentions. For instance, a trader on
behalf of a company that needs corn could theoretically start out by
saying he wants to sell rather than buy to avoid other traders catching
on to his plan. Some seasoned traders have gone so far as to defend
spoofing as healthy for markets.
Spoofing can be manual or automatedRecent cases against spoofers
have highlighted the way that some high-frequency traders, who use
computers to send a rapid stream of buy and sell orders into the market,
engage in spoofing. But some investigations by regulators show
point-and-click traders can also allegedly spoof the markets.
It can earn big profits, or deal lossesA seasoned spoofer can earn
tens of thousands of dollars or more in days. But it requires a special
ability to read the market at high speeds and, increasingly, technology
that can help zip in and out of the markets. Spoofers have been known to
lose huge amounts in short periods.101 条评论分享收藏感谢收起上海期货交易所首页
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本司致力于 建立钢材加工、仓储、配送、分销 一体化的现代化钢铁物流体系,不断增加服务项目和完善服务体系,为客户带来更多的价值。 公司管理层对钢材市场行情变化有着特殊的判断力,完全能够适应市场形势的快速变化,规避市场风险,提高公司盈利能力。同时,引进了先进的管理经验, "以人为本,诚信至上",用户所想永远是我们的第一服务目标,增强服务意识,提高服务水平,拓宽服务范围。我们将始终保持坦诚、朴实、公正的经营作风,努力营造更合理、更有效的销售环境。同时把质量作为公司经营与发展中的一面旗帜,无论有多大的困难,都坚定地维护,使公司在维持良好优质的服务、公道价格的同时,有着过硬的声誉。
目前,公司主要经营国内外各大钢厂的冷热轧钢材产品,并与国内各产钢集团如宝钢、本钢、唐钢、鞍钢、武钢、沙钢等大型企业建立了长期稳定的战略合作伙伴关系,并取得了它们在上海的经销权,享受它们的协议优惠价。本公司目前为本钢、沙钢的协议代理,春冶中板的一级代理,鑫瑞特钢的协议代理;在热轧卷板品种的经营上在同行中享有一定的声誉。使我们逐渐成为联系各大钢厂与众多贸易企业和使用单位的纽带。本公司尽最大可能提供满足市场对于各种规格、品牌,各个层次价格的需求, 各种产品规格齐全、保证质量、价格低廉。
公司已是杨浦区工商联钢材贸易行业商会会员单位, "开拓、求实、拼博、创新"的经营理念,造就了今天的聚集实业。
期货可订:热 卷:本钢、沙钢、唐钢协议代理
中 板:春冶一级代理,鑫瑞特钢协议代理
型 材:马钢、唐钢、济钢代理
联系人张荣先生 (销售部经理)
地址中国上海 上海市 上海市中山北一路1250号2号楼17 层


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