
我找了几篇:第一篇:What do you think of Mao Zedong's famous saying that women hold up half the sky?Why is it more difficult for womento move up in society?What are their problems?Do you think society still discriminates against women?Give facts to support your conclusion.In your view,how could we achieve the goal that men and women become true equals?What do you think of Mao Zedong's famous saying that women hold up half the sky?Why is it more difficult for womento move up in society?What are their problems?Do you think society still discriminates against women?Give facts to support your conclusion.In your view,how could we achieve the goal that men and women become true equals?What do you think of Mao Zedong's famous saying that women hold up half the sky?Why is it more difficult for womento move up in society?What are their problems?Do you think society still discriminates against women?Give facts to support your conclusion.In your view,how could we achieve the goal that men and women become true equals?What do you think of Mao Zedong's famous saying that women hold up half the sky?Why is it more difficult for womento move up in society?What are their problems?Do you think society still discriminates against women?Give facts to support your conclusion.In your view,how could we achieve the goal that men and women become true equals?第二篇:Nowadays this sentences has been accepted by alot of people,because women indeed have played an important roal in the society,but there are still many difficulities that cause them to move not so quickily such as mens think,and some other aspects,Take child for example,who will bring up a child,for a man?I don'tthink that man will accept to do that.they are not so careful as woman,tThough womens' right has been increased greatly ,but there are still some unequality in some areas ,for example,some poor place in china,women receive less deucation than man,and in some rich city,women receive less salary than man!what should we do tu change this siution!I think we should first change that think in our mind first.we should admire the women,we should love them.and we should be equal to them!第三篇:介绍春节的:Spring Festival Spring festival is the most important festival in China.It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar.It's China's New year's Day,so usually a month before the festival,people begin to buy food ,clothes and decorations for houses.On New Year's Eve ,each family will get together eating,talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from their parents or grand-parents.On Lunar New Year's Day,pepole will eat dumplings.When they meet their neighbours or friends,they'"Happy New Year!''The New Year celebrating activitise will last about half a month.看看能不能用的上.
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