
[fɑr / 遥远的; 久远的adv.
很远地, 很晚地
far-flung是什么意思 far-flung在线翻译 far-flung什么意思 far-flung的意思 far-flung的翻译 far-flung的解释 far-flung的发音 far-flung的同义词
far-flung英 ['fɑ:'fl??] 美 ['fɑr'fl??] 比较级:最高级:far-flung 基本解释far-flung形容词广布的; 广泛的; 蔓延的; 辽阔的手机查看far-flung的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 far-flung 即可far-flung 网络解释1. 广布的:far-fetched 牵强的 | far-flung 广布的 | far-forth 远2. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD2. 遥远的:exotic:异国情调的 | far-flung:遥远的 | impinge:侵入3. 3. 遥远的;分布广:Expatriate 移居外国的人 | Far-flung 遥远的;分布广 | Flawlessly 无暇的;完美的4. 广布的; 蔓延的; 广泛的:far-famed 驰名的; 威名远播的 | far-flung 广布的; 蔓延的; 广泛的 | far-forth 远; 甚far-flung 双语例句1. 1. That small town is the last far-flung outpost of our country.&&&&那个小城镇是我们国家一个遥远的前哨基地。2. 2. From both sides of the crest of the far-flung bank of clouds flash what seem to be small iridescent snakes, bright as burnished, glittering silver.&&&&亮得像擦得耀眼的银器。可是,瞧!那跳跃的光柱又向前移动了,带着一种肃穆的欢悦,向上飞似的拥出一轮朝日。3. But they are unwieldy for the sorts of far-flung wars it has been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.&&&&但英国人的不切实际的目标,是那场在遥远的伊拉克和阿富汗进行的战争。4. 4. Some of the human test subjects chosen were in far-flung states and in remote towns and cities of the United States.&&&&试验中所选择的对象,有的住在美国很偏远的小城镇上,也有的住在城市里。5. 5. Lots of rivers and lakes and the far-flung coastline provide us with a very convenient transportation condition and play a main role in countries's development.&&&&众多的江河湖泊和漫长的海岸线为人和物提供了便利的运输条件,对国家的发展起了重要作用。6. far-flung6. World War II took American boys to far-flung places and some rough duty.&&&&二战带着美国男孩去了遥远的地方并且履行一些大致的义务。7. How far-flung and galland the rivers and mountains in our homeland are!&&&&我们的祖国啊河山辽阔壮丽,要去的地方多着呢。8. 8. She's become a doomsday den mother to groups as far-flung as Asia and Russia.&&&&对于远至亚洲和俄罗斯的群体来说,她变成了末日论的女训导员。9. 9. This push-pull between order and happy chaos runs throughout the landscape and ties together its far-flung parts.&&&&这推挽秩序和幸福之间的混乱贯穿的景观和联系在一起的遥远的地方。10. far-flung什么意思10. He dives into the etymology of words, and then relates these discoveries to far-flung biographical and historical fact.&&&&他深入研究各词汇之词源,然后将这些发现同遥不相及的作者生平或历史事件联系起来。11. far-flung在线翻译11. One encouraging sign of cooperation: the surprisingly calm manner in which the Uruguayan government and a far-flung group of foreign bondholders averted default in May by agreeing to extend payments for five years.&&&&&&甚至阿根廷拖欠1400亿美元债务,这个在9月10日谈判一项为期三年的国际货币基金组织规划前最大的闪光点,也没什怎么震动全球的市场。12. The Zephyrs are in the far-flung Pacific Coast League, but travel has not been much more strenuous than it was in Norfolk.&&&&&&Zephyrs队是在太平洋海岸联盟最远处,但旅程不会比他们在Norfolk时更费力。13. I am not afraid to go to those shadowy places where the far-flung fragments of our Father's teachings lie resting!&&&&&&我不畏惧前往那些我们先父教导的残片断章依然存留的阴影之地!14. On the base of the political viewpoint of historical materialism, on the flat roof of use for reference the notion from a lot of political scholars, for example: Almond, the article thinks that Chinese traditional political culture is that it come into being in the past society、through far-flung political socialization, and so for it all the same affects Chinese own political direction of mentality and value, and it is the Chinese support of political life and behavior.&&&&&&本文在对历史唯物主义政治观认识的基础上,在借鉴阿尔蒙德等多位学者对政治文化含义界定的平台上,认为我国传统政治文化是指在中国过去社会中形成、经过漫长的政治社会化过程,至今仍有影响的、中国人所特有的政治心理倾向和政治价值取向的总和,它是中国过去人们政治生活和政治行为的观念依托。15. Born in 1784 in Leghorn into an Italian Jewish family that had settled in London, Montefiore belonged to Britain`s Sephardi elite. They made their fortunes trading coral, diamonds and other commodities across far-flung family and social networks.&&&&&&蒙蒂菲奥里1784年生于意大利莱戈恩一个犹太家庭里,后来全家人居住在伦敦,属于当时英国的西班牙系犹太精英,通过广泛的社交圈进行珊瑚、钻石以及其它产品的贸易。16. 16. When the Israeli ambassador to India, Ephraim Dowek, was touring India`s far-flung jungle states in the north-east, he was approached by a group of shy tribesmen who told him they were one of the lost tribes of Israel.&&&&&&当以色列驻印度大使埃弗雷姆·多尔克在印度东北部边远的多丛林地区旅行时,一群羞怯的部落人走过来说,他们属于一个被人遗忘的以色列部落。17. When the Israeli ambassador to India, Ephraim Dowek, was touring India`s far-flung jungle states in the north-east, he was approached by a group of shy tribes men who told him they were one of the lost tribes of Israel.&&&&&&当以色列驻印度大使埃弗雷姆·多尔克在印度东北部边远的多丛林地区旅行时,一群羞怯的部落人走过来说,他们属于一个被人遗忘的以色列部落。18. 18. Jia Feng of the Ministry of Environmental Protection says the country's chief concern driving energy policy is security. Imports supply only 10% of China's total energy demand (70% of which is met by coal), but oil is essential for transport. Lacking the military power to protect far-flung sea lanes, China feels vulnerable.&&&&&&中国环境保护部的 Jia feng 认为中国能源政策的主要驱动力是安全问题,进口的能源只能满足中国能源总需求的10%,中国70%的能源需求是靠煤电来实现的,但是石油对运输来说是关键的,因为中国没有军事实力来保护海上运油线路,中国感到能源的不安全性。19. The cost of traveling to Thailand from far-flung places like Australia and Japan offsets any gains from the exchange rate.&&&&&&从遥远的地方如澳大利亚和日本来泰国旅游的成本抵消了从汇率得到的收益。20. 20. And the race is on in Eastern Europe, Latin America, China, and Southeast Asia to land jobs and economic growth by answering customer phone calls, managing far-flung computer networks, processing invoices, and writing custom software for multinationals from all over the world.&&&&&&东欧、拉美、中国和东南亚国家都在争相通过为全球跨国公司提供接听客户电话、管理远程计算机网络、处理发票和编写海关软件等服务扩大就业并发展经济。far-flung 词典解释1. 遥远的;偏僻的&&&&Far-flung places are a very long distance away from where you are or from important places.&&&&e.g. Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland.&&&&&&&&&&&渡船是苏格兰边远地区的生命线。&&&&e.g. ...one of the farthest-flung outposts of the old Roman Empire.&&&&&&&&&&&古罗马帝国最偏远的一个边境2. 庞大的;涉及广泛的&&&&If you describe something such as organization or system as far-flung, you mean that it extends over a very large area.far-flung的近义词&&&&e.g. ...a far-flung network of conspirators.&&&&&&&&&&&庞大的阴谋颠覆网络far-flung 英英释义adj1. remote&&&&e.g. far-flung corners of the Empire2. distributed over a considerable extent&&&&e.g. far-flung trading operations&&&&&&&&&&&the West's far-flung mountain ranges&&&&&&&&&&&widespread nuclear fallout&&&&Synonym: far-flung是什么意思,far-flung在线翻译,far-flung什么意思,far-flung的意思,far-flung的翻译,far-flung的解释,far-flung的发音,far-flung的同义词,far-flung的反义词,far-flung的例句,far-flung的相关词组,far-flung意思是什么,far-flung怎么翻译,单词far-flung是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注far是什么意思_far在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
far是什么意思 far在线翻译 far什么意思 far的意思 far的翻译 far的解释 far的发音 far的同义词 far的反义词 far的例句 far的相关词组
far英 [fɑ:(r)] 美 [fɑr] 比较级:; 最高级:; far 基本解释far在线翻译副词久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说)有多远; 到很远距离; 到很大程度形容词远的; 遥远的; (某方向的)最远的; 远端的名词远方911查询·英语单词大全far 同义词副词形容词far 反义词形容词副词far 相关词组1.
: (离...)多远;2.
: 无疑地;3.
: 我决不会(认为...);4.
: 显然;5.
: 远到, 至于, 就...而言;6.
: 远近, 到处;7.
: 到处, 广泛地;手机查看far的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 far 即可far 相关例句形容词1. He lived on the far side of the hill.&&&&他住在山的那一边。2. He lives on the far bank of the river.&&&&他住在老远的河对岸。副词1. Your remarks are far afield.&&&&你的话离题太远了。2. They went far into the forest to pursue the wounded bear.&&&&他们深入森林,追捕那只受伤的熊。far 情景对话Swimming-(游泳)A:How about going swimming?&&&&&&去游泳怎么样?B:OK. Where should we go?&&&&&&好,我们到哪去?A:Why don't we go down to the pool? It's not too far from here.&&&&&&去游泳池吧。离这里不是太远B:Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.&&&&&&好的,我马上准备去。在公共汽车上A:Excuse me, but could you tell me if this bus goes to the National History Museum?&&&&&&打搅一下,您能告诉我这趟车到国家历史博物馆吗?B:No, it doesn’t. There’s no through bus to the National History Museum, madam.&&&&&&不是的,夫人,没有到历史博物馆的直达车。A:I see. Where do I have to change then?&&&&&&我知道了,我要在哪儿换车?B:You can transfer at Fuchengmen.&&&&&&您可以在阜城门换乘。A:How far is it?&&&&&&有多远呢?B:Well, it’s only three stops from here.&&&&&&哦,离这儿仅有3 站路。A:I see. Thanks a lot.&&&&&&明白了,非常感谢。B:You’re welcome.&&&&&&不客气。At the dentist’s-(看牙医)A:I have a terrible toothache.&&&&&&我牙痛得厉害。B:Which tooth is it?&&&&&&哪颗牙?A:(Pointing) This one here.&&&&&&(指指)这一颗。B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.&&&&&&啊,是的。有个大洞。A:Can you fill it?&&&&&&能补吗?B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.&&&&&&恐怕不行。坏得太厉害了。只好拔掉了。A:Then I might as well have it out now.&&&&&&那还不如现在就拔呢。B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.&&&&&&还是等等吧。牙床肿了。吃我给你开的药,三天以后再来。far 网络解释1. far的解释1. 遥远的:Bush(美国总统布什)推着(push)拉着(pull)一头bull(公牛)去bush(灌木丛)里面;给一头亲爱的(dear)的熊(bear)一个pear,结果它感动的流泪(tear他在他妈妈温暖的(warm)胳膊(arm)里面睡觉,后来战争(war)来了,他们去了遥远的(far)的(army)军队农场(farm),2. 容积率:容积率(far)是指某一地块上指定性质建筑面积总和与地块面积的比值. 它直观地反映了该地的土地开发强度. 修建性规划作为一种城市规划工作方法,近年来已被广为应用和推广,如广州市的分区规划、深圳市的法定图则等.3. 3. far:false-alarm- 虚警率4. far: 容积率5. far:frequency- 捷变频雷达6. 6. far:fai 故障分析报告7. ahead of:We were encouraged by the encouraging news.我们对这个令人鼓舞的消息所鼓励.
| 18. ahead of...在...之前,领先,其前面可用well,far,等修饰 | ahead of time 提前far 双语例句1. But, you know, as far as anything else goes, you know, I had a strategy and I applied it.&&&&但是,你知道,我运用了一个技术,而且很奏效。2. 4 If, however, the journey is too much for you and you are not able to bring your tithe, because the place which the LORD, your God, chooses for the abode of his name is too far for you, considering how the LORD has blessed you&&&&如果为你路途太远,你不能把十分之一之物运去,因为上主你的天主选定为立自己名号的地方离你太远,那么若上主你的天主降福了你3. You can use the far aft stern bulkheads for the prop shaft bearing mount or use some ABS of PVC sheet to make the bearing mount as I did.&&&&您可以使用至今尾部斯特恩舱壁为版权轴轴承安装或使用一些ABS树脂的PVC片材,使轴承装入正如我没有。4. During July the thickets at lower elevations come into their own with the pinkish-white flowers of the rosebay rhododendron, by far more common in the park than the catawba rhododendron.&&&&七月是生长在低地的粉红色杜鹃花的黄金季节。这种粉红色杜鹃在大烟山公园要比紫红色的更为普遍。5. So far a number of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to varying degrees to preserve the primitive religion and the concept of the practice of Shamanism and left vulgar.&&&&至今新疆的一些少数民族都还不同程度地保留着原始宗教和萨满教的观念及遗俗。6. 6. London, July 21: Cristiano Ronaldo has said that he finds Oasis a far better band than the Beatles.&&&&葡萄牙足球明星C罗21日称他认为绿洲乐队比披头士乐队强的多。7. As far as colors and the different sizes that you have available to you as well.&&&&以及有那些颜色和不同的尺寸。8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. What am I in a world so far away from home.&&&&远离家,在这个天下上我是什么?9. 9. She gave me about the history here, was the second son of Nurhachuon behalf of future generations to build good so far, more than 300 years of history.&&&&她一边给我讲述这里的历史,原来是努尔哈赤次子礼亲王代善后代所建,迄今已有300多年的历史。10. Turning 50 this year, the company's tumultuous history helps reveal just how far the National Ballet of China has come, showing its range with a slew of imported and original performances along with old favorites.&&&&在谈到今年50岁,该公司的动荡的历史有助于揭示究竟到目前为止,中国国家芭蕾舞团来了,呈现出沿旧最爱进口和原演出摆它的范围。11. 11. For the interest, therefore, of truth and justice, it is far more important to restrain this employment of vituperative lan and, for example, if it were necessary to choose, there would be much more need to discourage offensive attacks on infidelity, than on religion.&&&&&&这样看来,为了真理和正谊的利益,限制使用辱骂性的语言实比限制使用其他武器还重要得多;而假如说限制还必须有所区别的话,那么,作为举例来说,挫折对于不信教的触犯性的攻击就比挫折对于宗教的触犯性的攻击更需要得多。12. There is still some hesitancy among the military to try to venture in too far.&&&&&&是不是翻译为:因此军队对于试图冒险进入更远仍然是有一些踟蹰的?13. 13. Further experiments such as Far-western and immunoprecipitation confirmed this interaction in vitro and in vivo.&&&&&&Nuf2可以与Hec1形成一个稳定的复合物,并且凭借其在稳定动点-微管连接中不可或缺的作用而为人们所熟知。14. A sort of stool pigeon, as far as I could gather.&&&&&&她的朋友—这位伊韦特—在警察局工作。15. Faust, Now that we've come this far, I won't let you die.&&&&&&Faust:「都已经到这种地步了,我不会让你死的。16. The important factors to consider when selecting an electric bike are battery life (which determines how far you can travel on a charge), speed, and durability.&&&&&&重要的考虑因素时,选择一个电动自行车的电池寿命(确定多远,您可以旅行的费用),速度和耐用性。17. And it is far from finished, as such is the difficulty of map-making a path to a new destination.&&&&&&这是向一个新目标切割地图路径的艰难。18. See how far into the mosh pit you can dive as a rock star with your guitar.&&&&&&看到多远反战坑到你可以用你的吉他潜水作为一个摇滚歌星。19. I braved severely cold to return to be separated by 2, 000 miles morethan 20 years hometowns not to go Time is a severe winter, advancesgradually when the hometown the weather cloudy has been filthy Thecold wind blows in the cabin hum the sound As soon as looks from theloose crack to outside, under the greenish yellow nadir far and nearthe horizontal several Xiao Suo deserted village, is not having someliveliness My heart be out of control dismal to get up!&&&&&&我冒着严寒回到相隔两千余里别了20余年的故乡去。时候即是深冬,渐进故乡时天气又阴秽了。冷风吹进船舱中呜呜的响。从蓬隙向外一望,苍黄的天底下远近横着几个萧索的荒村,没有一些活气。我的心禁不住悲凉起来。20. 20. They go as far as to create high-tech systems enabling customers to order items at lightning speed.&&&&&&所以他们创建高科技的系统,让客户能够迅速地购买商品。far 词典解释Far has two comparatives, farther and further, and two superlatives, farthest and furthest. Farther and farthest are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. Further and furthest are dealt with in separate entries.far 有两个比较级 farther 和 further,两个最高级 farthest 和 furthest。farther 和 farthest 主要用于义项 1,下文将予以说明。further 和 furthest 将另立词条予以说明。1. 远;遥远地&&&&If one place, thing, or person is far away from another, there is a great distance between them.&&&&e.g. I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here...&&&&&&&&&&&我知道有家不错的意大利小餐馆离这儿不远。&&&&e.g. They came from as far away as Florida...&&&&&&&&&&&他们来自遥远的佛罗里达州。2. (用于问及距离或位置)有多远,远至&&&&If you ask how far a place is, you are asking what distance it is from you or from another place. If you ask how far someone went, you are asking what distance they travelled, or what place they reached.&&&&e.g. How far is Pawtucket from Providence?...&&&&&&&&&&&波塔基特离普罗维登斯有多远?&&&&e.g. How far is it to Malcy?...&&&&&&&&&&&这儿离马尔锡有多远?3. (同一处的两物)离得较远的,那一边的&&&&When there are two things of the same kind in a place, the far one is the one that is a greater distance from you.&&&&e.g. He had wandered to the far end of the room...&&&&&&&&&&&他转到屋子的那一头。&&&&e.g. A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side.&&&&&&&&&&&一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。4. (某个方向上)最远的,最…端的&&&&You can use far to refer to the part of an area or object that is the greatest distance from the centre in a particular direction. For example, the far north of a country is the part of it that is the greatest distance to the north.&&&&e.g. I've spent a lot of time walking around Britain from the far north of Scotland down to Cornwall...&&&&&&&&&&&我花了很长时间在英国徒步漫游,从苏格兰的最北端一直走到康沃尔。&&&&e.g. I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard.&&&&&&&&&&&我把日期写在黑板的最左边。5. (时间或事件)久,远&&&&A time or event that is far away in the future or the past is a long time from the present or from a particular point in time.&&&&e.g. ...hidden conflicts whose roots lie far back in time...&&&&&&&&&&&很久以前就埋下祸根的潜在冲突&&&&e.g. I can't see any farther than the next six months...&&&&&&&&&&&6个月以后的事情我就无法预见了。6. (用于谈及程度或范围)到…程度(或范围)&&&&You can use far to talk about the extent or degree to which something happens or is true.&&&&e.g. How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?...&&&&&&&&&&&影片讲述的巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少真实的成分?&&&&e.g. But it is not clear how far they could help with the work on a power plant.&&&&&&&&&&&但他们在电厂工程中能给予多少帮助尚不清楚。7. (用于谈及进展)到…程度,到…阶段&&&&You can talk about how far someone or something gets to describe the progress that they make.&&&&e.g. Discussions never progressed very far...&&&&&&&&&&&讨论一直没多大进展。&&&&e.g. Think of how far we have come in a little time...&&&&&&&&&&&想想我们在短短的时间内取得如此大的进展。8. (用于谈论行为)过分到,过分得&&&&You can talk about how far a person or action goes to describe the degree to which someone's behaviour or actions are extreme.&&&&e.g. It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans...&&&&&&&&&&&俄罗斯议院在实施自己的计划时到底会采取怎样的极端措施尚不明了。&&&&e.g. Competition can be healthy, but if it is pushed too far it can result in bullying...&&&&&&&&&&&竞争可以是良性的,但如果太过火,就可能造成以强凌弱。9. (用于表示在多大程度上赞成)我可不那样认为/我这样认为&&&&You can use far in expressions like 'I wouldn't go that far' and 'I would go so far' to indicate to what extent you agree with something.&&&&e.g. 'Does it sound like music?' — 'I wouldn't go that far.'...&&&&&&&&&&&“这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为。”&&&&e.g. I would go so far as to say it's positively neurotic.&&&&&&&&&&&我可以这么说,这绝对是神经过敏。10. (比较时用作强调)…得多,非常,太&&&&You can use far to mean 'very much' when you are comparing two things and emphasizing the difference between them. For example, you can say that something is far better or far worse than something else to indicate that it is very much better or worse. You can also say that something is, for example, far too big to indicate that it is very much too big.&&&&e.g. Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety or depression...&&&&&&&&&&&吃新鲜蔬菜多的女性患焦虑症或抑郁症的几率要小很多。&&&&e.g. The police say the response has been far better than expected...&&&&&&&&&&&警方称反应比预期好很多。11. (政治观点)极端的,偏激的&&&&&&You can describe people with extreme left-wing or right-wing political views as the far left or the far right.&&&&&&e.g. The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left...&&&&&&&&&&&&&现在极右派比极左派威胁更大。&&&&&&e.g. Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.&&&&&&&&&&&&&反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。12. (用于表示不太确信)据我所知/就我记得的&&&&&&You can use far in expressions like 'as far as I know' and 'so far as I remember' to indicate that you are not absolutely sure of the statement you are about to make or have just made, and you may be wrong.&&&&&&e.g. It only lasted a couple of years, as far as I know...&&&&&&&&&&&&&据我所知,它仅仅维持了两三年。&&&&&&e.g. So far as I am aware, no proper investigation has ever been carried out into the subject.&&&&&&&&&&&&&据我了解,目前对该问题尚未进行过正规的调查。Far is used in negative sentences and questions about distance, but not usually in affirmative sentences. If you want to state the distance of a particular place from where you are, you can say that it is that distance away. ...Durban, which is over 300 kilometres away. If a place is very distant, you can say that it is a long way away, or that it is a long way from another place. It is a long way from London... Anna was still a long way away. far 表示距离时用于否定句和疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。如要表示某处离得有多远,可说 ... away。例如,Durban, which is over 300 kilometres away (德班,距此超过 300 公里)。如某处距离很远,可用 a long way away 或 a long way from。例如, It is a long way from London (这儿离伦敦很远),Anna was still a long way away (安娜仍在很远的地方)。13. (比较时用作强调)显然,…得多,大大地&&&&&&You use the expression far and away when you are comparing something or someone with others of the same kind, in order to emphasize how great the difference is between them. For example, you can say that something is far and away the best to indicate that it is definitely the best.&&&&&&e.g. He's still far and away the best we have.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他仍然是我们最最优秀的人才。14. (比较时用作强调)显然,…得多,大大地&&&&&&You use the expression by far when you are comparing something or someone with others of the same kind, in order to emphasize how great the difference is between them. For example, you can say that something is by far the best or the best by far to indicate that it is definitely the best.&&&&&&e.g. By far the most important issue for them is unemployment...&&&&&&&&&&&&&对他们来说最重要的无疑就是失业问题。&&&&&&e.g. It was better by far to be clear-headed.&&&&&&&&&&&&&保持头脑清醒要好得多。15. 根本不;远远不&&&&&&If you say that something is far from a particular thing or far from being the case, you are emphasizing that it is not that particular thing or not at all the case, especially when people expect or assume that it is.far的近义词&&&&&&e.g. It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth...&&&&&&&&&&&&&显然,他们所记录的很多根本不是事实。&&&&&&e.g. Far from being relaxed, we both felt so uncomfortable we hardly spoke...&&&&&&&&&&&&&我们两人非但没有放松,反而都感觉很不自在,几乎没有说话。16. (用于加强否定)远非如此,绝非这样&&&&&&You can use the expression 'far from it' to emphasize a negative statement that you have just made.&&&&&&e.g. Being dyslexic does not mean that one is unintelligent. Far from it.&&&&&&&&&&&&&患有诵读困难症并不意味着智力低下。两者相差甚远。17. (表示委婉地反对或批评)不是我要,不是我想&&&&&&You say far be it from me to disagree, or far be it from me to criticize, when you are disagreeing or criticizing and you want to appear less hostile.&&&&&&e.g. Far be it from me to criticise, but shouldn't their mother take a share of the blame?&&&&&&&&&&&&&不是我要挑理,他们的母亲难道就不应该负点责任吗?18. 在一定程度上,在有限程度上(不错或正确)&&&&&&If you say that something is good as far as it goes or true so far as it goes, you mean that it is good or true only to a limited extent.far的解释&&&&&&e.g. His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他的减税方案还算不错,但并不足以促使经济再次发展。19. 前程远大;很有前途&&&&&&If you say that someone will go far, you mean that they will be very successful in their career.&&&&&&e.g. I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball. He will go far.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我对迈克尔·鲍尔的才华印象非常深刻,他将来会前途无量。20. 病入膏肓的;无可救药的;积重难返的&&&&&&Someone or something that is far gone is in such a bad state or condition that not much can be done to help or improve them.&&&&&&e.g. In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort...&&&&&&&&&&&&&在他弥留人世的最后几天里,疼痛似乎止住了,但那时他已奄奄一息,不再感到丝毫安慰。&&&&&&e.g. Many of the properties are in a desperate state but none is too far gone to save.&&&&&&&&&&&&&很多地产情况都很糟糕,但都还不至于无法挽救。21. 几近正确;相差无几;仅差毫厘&&&&&&Someone or something that is not far wrong ,not far out, or not far off is almost correct or almost accurate.&&&&&&e.g. I hadn't been far wrong in my estimate...&&&&&&&&&&&&&我过去的估计大致正确。&&&&&&e.g. Robertson is not far off her target.&&&&&&&&&&&&&罗伯逊离她的目标不远了。22. 就我看来;依我之见&&&&&&You can use the expression 'as far as I can see' when you are about to state your opinion of a situation, or have just stated it, to indicate that it is your personal opinion.&&&&&&e.g. That's the problem as far as I can see...&&&&&&&&&&&&&在我看来,那就是问题所在。&&&&&&e.g. As far as I can see there are only two reasons for such an action.&&&&&&&&&&&&&就我看来,采取这个行动只有两个原因。23. (只能到)如此程度,这个地步&&&&&&If you say that something only goes so far or can only go so far, you mean that its extent, effect, or influence is limited.&&&&&&e.g. Their loyalty only went so far...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他们的忠诚只能到这个程度。&&&&&&e.g. The church can only go so far in secular matters.&&&&&&&&&&&&&教会在世俗事务上只能做这么多。24. 迄今为止;到目前为止&&&&&&If you tell or ask someone what has happened so far, you are telling or asking them what has happened up until the present point in a situation or story, and often implying that something different might happen later.&&&&&&e.g. It's been quiet so far...&&&&&&&&&&&&&到现在为止还算安静。&&&&&&e.g. So far, they have met with no success...&&&&&&&&&&&&&迄今为止,他们还从未成功过。25. 目前情况良好;现在还算不错&&&&&&You can say so far so good to express satisfaction with the way that a situation or activity is progressing, developing, or happening.far什么意思&&&&&&e.g. Of course, it's a case of so far, so good, but it's only one step.&&&&&&&&&&&&&当然,目前情况还算不错,但这也只是一步而已。26. (故事)说到这儿;(情势)到这一刻&&&&&&Thus far means up until the present point in a situation or story.&&&&&&e.g. Thus far, the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results.&&&&&&&&&&&&&到目前为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果。27. 四面八方;五湖四海&&&&&&If people come from far and wide, they come from a large number of places, some of them far away. If things spread far and wide, they spread over a very large area or distance.&&&&&&e.g. Volunteers came from far and wide...&&&&&&&&&&&&&志愿者来自四面八方。&&&&&&e.g. His fame spread far and wide.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他远近闻名。28. 差不多;八九不离十&&&&&&If you say that someone won't go far wrong or can't go far wrong with a particular thing or course of action, you mean that it is likely to be successful or satisfactory.&&&&&&e.g. If you remember these three golden rules you won't go far wrong.&&&&&&&&&&&&&记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。29. as far as I am concerned -> see &&&&&&a far cry from -> see &&&&&&in so far as -> see &&&&&&near and far -> see far 单语例句1. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.2. Secondly, how far the companies pursue the localization of their business operations.3. The joint venture's role has been far beyond its own business scope.4. The statement said the only other countries to act against " Anonymous " so far are the United States and Britain.5. Although China is far from yielding the biggest volume of business for Merck, Zhang believes it has the potential to do so.6. It is so far the only piece of Obama's American Jobs Act to clear Congress.7. He said some developers were flying over to the Far East to try to effectively dump properties they could not sell to UK buyers.8. France was by far the highest, followed by Italy and the United States.9. The repair work so far is by and large to the point.10. By far, the Pearl River Delta region provides the best opportunities.far 英英释义adj1. located at a great distance in time or space or degree&&&&e.g. we come from a far country&&&&&&&&&&&far corners of the earth&&&&&&&&&&&the far future&&&&&&&&&&&a far journey&&&&&&&&&&&the far side of the road&&&&&&&&&&&far from the truth&&&&&&&&&&&far in the future2. being of a considerable distance or length&&&&e.g. a far trek3. beyond a norm in opinion or actions&&&&e.g. the far right4. being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle&&&&e.g. the horse on the right is the far horse&&&&&&&&&&&the right side is the far side of the horseadv1. at or to or from a great distance in space&&&&e.g. he traveled far&&&&&&&&&&&strayed far from home&&&&&&&&&&&sat far away from each other2. remote in time&&&&e.g. if we could see far into the future&&&&&&&&&&&all that happened far in the past3. to a considerable degree&&&&very much&&&&e.g. a far far better thing that I do&&&&&&&&&&&felt far worse than yesterday&&&&&&&&&&&eyes far too close together4. at or to a certain point or degree&&&&e.g. I can only go so far before I have to give up&&&&&&&&&&&how far can we get with this kind of argument?5. to an advanced stage or point&&&&e.g. a young man who will go very farfar是什么意思,far在线翻译,far什么意思,far的意思,far的翻译,far的解释,far的发音,far的同义词,far的反义词,far的例句,far的相关词组,far意思是什么,far怎么翻译,单词far是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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