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1, JDK (Java Development Kit) Java Development Kit From the novice point of view, using JDK develop Java programs can quickly understand the program, the relationship between the various parts of the code will help to understand Java object-oriented
Variable-length parameters: the bottom is an array, can only appear in the method of shape parameter, the can not be defined a) variable-length parameters of the method only when necessary will call, if not exactly match the varying parameter approac
Reprinted: http://blog.csdn.net/wish_silence/archive//4353815.aspx Disclaimer: This article is JavaEye websites original blog post, without the author's written permission is strictly prohibited to reproduce this work in any web site, unles
I would like to achieve a user after landing show some hidden content, such as buttons, text, whatever, just learning Java web soon remind me! Thank you . The best source attached. . . . .
http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2010/02/cwe-sans-top25 CWE / SANS 2010 released the 25 most dangerous programming error, is a most widely spread and cause serious software flaw list of the key programming errors. These errors are usually easy to find an
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This is the most basic ext used, first of all we want to first determine what the content inside source: &link rel=&stylesheet& type=text/css href=&${ctxPath }/styles/ext-all.css& /& &script type=&text/javascript& sr
ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY COL1 ORDER BY COL2) Said the group under the COL1, COL2 sorted according to the group within which this value is indicated after each sequence number within the sort (the only continuous group) RANK () similar to, but
Some of the features used 1, and, or, non-and matching character Key non-door here. Non ------------ search with Joe Smith's blog, but do not want the page with the Zhang San-feng. Search box: Joe Smith - Zhang Sanfeng Note: The minus sign is in Engl
from: http://junsansi.itpub.net/post/ From oracle8 to oracle10, JDBC driver package directory are different. Looked at the documentation of oracle, learned about their use, I believe we are sometimes very confusing, written to share about
As flies to Beijing this winter is particularly long and generally, the Chinese 3G has not been scheduled in 2010 into the scale of t and compared to highlight the development of the frequent appearance of the first year of the f
If we install debian base system when the choice of the English language environment, and later want to change it to Chinese, we need to complete the following aspects of work. Set locale If the locale is not installed tool, you must first install it
jdk directory: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_16 tomcat directory: D: \ SOFTWARE \ apache-tomcat-5.5.30 \ apache-tomcat-5.5.30 Environment variable settings 2. New variable name and variable value JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16 2.
Demand is to the database if a field is 15 bytes long, all cut
/ / T escape DELIMITER $ $ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `xsgw`. `Goods_mark_up` $ $ CREATE DEFINER = `51xs `@`%` PROCEDURE` goods_mark_up `() BEGIN / /
Open the &Start&, open the &Start&, then you drag the shortcut to start can be used here. After boot, it will automatically start the proceedings.
Encounter a You can't specify target table 'outer_tb1' for update in FROM clause Mysql will not let you update a table at the same time select update tb1 as outher_tb1 set cnt = (select count(*) from tb1 as inner_tb1 where inner_tb1.type = outer_tb1.
Transfer from: http://hi.baidu.com/edeed/blog/item/e0c6b2badd1b2.html
public class ConnectionUtil ( / ** * The database connection * @ Author FanChengLong * @ Return Connection connection object * / public static Connection getConnection () ( String url = &jdbc: oracle: thin: @ or10g&; String use
# worker_processes 1; error_log logs/error. #error_log logs/error. #error_log logs/error. pid logs/nginx. events { worker_connections 64; } http { include mime. default_type application/octet- log_
Logical XOR -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- Two operands (Proposition): A and B, written A XOR XOR general B, or written A XOR B and so on. In the C language, writing A ^
Struts2.Hibernate.Spring Generic integration DAO ( I evaluation : Code development efficiency 30% Code error rate reduction 70%) For most developers, the system for each DAO Almost the same code written so far has become a habit. Although all identif
GPS positioning: GPS Global Positioning System, is cattle X, use the satellite positioning device must have GPS receivers Base station location: Investment in base stations built by the telecom operators in the communication network in the regionaliz
/ / Determine whether the automatic login the next time it is, then save the cookie if (&on&. equals (this.isAuto)) { Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie (&userid&, userid); cookie1.setPath (&/&); cookie1.setMaxAge (365 * 24 * 3600);
In the installed myeclipse6.5, open that press alt + / simply did not respond, a look inside the results to the keys, turned out to be ctrl + space, I put it into the alt + / did not come out, and eventually found word completion is also Shortcuts th
Original: http://labs.chinamobile.com/mblog/427_62947 1. An error code from our discussion leads to: android open API provides access methods, we all know the methods used TelephonyManager provided, but some understanding is wrong, as the domestic fo
MS Front Page is the development of the tools used to develop web pages. Although less used tools, but his own service to be extended or still in use. For example, create a web site using VS.Net when the site will let you select the type. There are f
Problem Description: &Double-click it, will pop up& unable to access XX (folder) Access Denied & right attributes point security, then they pop up,& You are not authorized to view or edit the current XX permission settings
Recent study of software complexity, in which the complexity of how to calculate SQL encountered some problems, ask about you, there is no SQL complexity of computing tools (open source), can calculate the cyclomatic complexity (SQL)? ?
Response header fields: Location response header Location response header to redirect the recipient to a new URI address. The Location response-header field is used to redirect the recipient to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of
1. Hibernate cache on the issues: 1.1.1 The basic principle of the cache Hibernate cache is divided into two, first level stored in the session as a cache, with a default and can not be uninstalled. The second level is controlled by the sessionFactor
OpenRedAlert 网站 : http://sourceforge.net/projects/openredalert/ OpenRedAlert 是一个开源的红色警报游戏引擎,采用C++,基于 FreeCNC 和 FreeRA 开发.要使用该引擎你必须有红警游戏的 mix 文件,只支持红警1. 授权协议: 未知 开发语言: C/C++ 操作系统: Linux
IcoFX 网站 : http://icofx.ro/ IcoFX 是一款免费的图标编辑工具,让您轻松创建 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 图标. 在编辑区您可以轻松的预览.保存.更改您的图标.您可以将您喜欢的图像转换为图标或图标转换为图像.内置 40 多个效果,强大的亮度.对比度.饱和度.色调调整工具让您轻松修饰图标. 主要特点: * 支持 Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista 图标和 PNG 压缩 * 超过 40 个效果和自定义滤镜 *
Talend Open Studio 网站 : http://www.talend.com/ Talend Open Studio 是一个 ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) 工具,可执行数据仓库到数据库之间的数据同步,提供基于 Eclipse RCP 的图形操作界面. 源码:http://talendforge.org/trac/tos 授权协议: GPL 开发语言: Java Perl 操作系统: 跨平台
有时候访问网站,发现页面最下面货最上面加了一段代码,但如果将文件从ftp下载到本地,却没有这段代码,那么就是服务器遭受arp欺骗了,那么我们可以通过绑定arp,就可以防止arp欺骗. ARP双绑脚本,无临时文件(LZ-Myst版)横线以下内容,保存为BAT格式即可用了. for /f &tokens=13& %%I in ('ipconfig /all ^|find &Default Gateway&') do set GatewayIP=%%I for /f &q
热腾7月22日消息 腾讯联手中科院即将推出未来概念力作--智能互联网机器人的消息让一众网友浮想联翩,7月22日,小Q机器人在官方微博透露:&今天是一个值得纪念的日子,something is happenning,敬请期待.&这个消息更让人觉得耐人寻味,同时更加充满期待. 来自小Q机器人的内部 据了解,将要上市小Q机器人包装采用100%高品质环保再生纸,包装盒本身还藏有很多故事和玄机.有很多玩法.看看下面的的宣传视频,为你揭开小Q机器人的神秘面纱-- 看完这个宣传视频,是不是想马上拥有
MySQL数据库是一种开放源代码的关系型数据库管理系统,MySQL数据库系统使用最常用的数据库管理语言--结构化查询语言(SQL)进行数据库管理,MySQL数据库管理有它自己独特的使用命令,下面为您介绍MySQL数据库管理常用命令. MySQL数据库的管理对数据库来说是至关重要的一个环节,要想懂得MySQL数据库的管理必须从基础做起,只有先知道了数据库管理时使用的命令,实际操作起来就容易很多.下面就是MySQL数据库管理常用命令: 安装利用RPM包安装Mysql,设置TCP 3306端口的ipt
Javascript专为与网页交互而设计的脚本语言,由下列三个部门构造 l ECMAScript,有ECMA-262定义,明确javascript这门语言的规则和约定,好比为开始一场游戏指定的游戏规则.规范.约定. l DOM:提供访问和操作网页内容的方法和接口 l BOM,提供与浏览器交互的方法和接口 ECMA-262规定了以下内容: l 语法 l 类型 l 关键字 l 保留字 l 操作符 l 对象 ECMAScript是对该标准规定的各方面内容的编程语言描述,javascript实现了ECM
在Groovy 1.6.0 BETA 1中引入了@Bindable这一新的Annotation,该Annotation在Swing编程中使用起来尤为方便,下面给出一个实例供大家参考.其内部的实现原理应该是基于Observer模式的. 点击'update'按钮,随机更新label的值.请注意,我们仅仅设置了myBean的属性prop的值,未对label进行任何的显式操作(比如setText) import groovy.beans.Bindable import groovy.swing.* im
这篇文章主要介绍了Js+Jq获取URL参数的集中方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 JQ取值方法: jquery本身也不存在取得URL参数的方法,但是已经存在插件,可以直接取得URL等参数 插件连接主页:https://github.com/allmarkedup/jQuery-URL-Parser 下载链接:http://download.github.com/allmarkedup-jQuery-URL-Parser-bb2bf37.zip Examples of use Using the cur
非常不错的方法,用mysql的group by解决不重复记录的问题,看来我需要学习的地方太多了 有个需求,一直没有解决,在google上找了半天,给出的方案没有一个能用了,最后鬼使神差搞定了. 是这样的,假设一个表: id f_id value 1 2 a 2 2 b 3 5 c 4 9 c 5 9 a 6 6 d id f_id value 1 2 a 2 2 b 3 5 c 4 9 c 5 9 a 6 6 d id是主键,f_id是外键,我需要获得不重复的外键f_id的数据,如果用group
这篇文章主要介绍了C#实现HTTP上传文件的方法,包括了发送文件与接收文件的实现代码,具有不错的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考下 本文实例讲述了C#实现HTTP上传文件的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体实现方法如下: 发送文件代码如下: /// &summary& /// Http上传文件 /// &/summary& public static string HttpUploadFile(string url, string path) { // 设置参数 HttpWebReque
本篇文章是对C++中四种强制类型转换的区别进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友参考下 C++的四种强制类型转换,所以C++不是类型安全的.分别为:static_cast , dynamic_cast , const_cast , reinterpret_cast 为什么使用C风格的强制转换可以把想要的任何东西转换成合乎心意的类型.那为什么还需要一个新的C++类型的强制转换呢? 新类型的强制转换可以提供更好的控制强制转换过程,允许控制各种不同种类的强制转换.C++中风格是static_cast&typ
一直比较迷惑:js的setTimeout到底会在什么时候执行,如果执行了,和主执行脚本到底差多长时间 由于不是很了解浏览器的内部执行策略,本文只能是通过前端一些测试依稀猜测些结论: 1)测试举例 做了两个例子: 1-1)脚本在页面中直接执行,通过刷新看结果 &!DOCTYPE HTML& &HTML& &HEAD& &script type=&text/javascript&& var t=new D setTimeout(fun
按键精灵是一个用来模拟鼠标键盘动作的软件.通过制作脚本,可以让按键精灵代替您的双手,自动执行一系列鼠标键盘动作.按键精灵简单易用,不需要任何编程知识就可以作出功能强大的脚本.只要您在电脑前用双手可以完成的动作,按键精灵都可以替您完成. 今天笔者就通过非常傻瓜化的操作,来展示一下按键精灵的强大功能应用. 一. 自动登录QQ QQ(情趣).TM(图谋).MSN(美少女)是很多人每天打开电脑最先启动的软件(windows除外),手动双击图标.输入号码.密码.单击确定--一系列繁琐操作每天都要进行实在是
连连看最难的部分应该是路径搜索,即鼠标点的两点之间看有无可通的路径. 看过有人写的递归写法,心里痒痒,就捉摸了一下,发现不用递归的情况下难度也不大 闲来无事,也写一个javascript连连看,注释比较完整,想学的朋友可要看了. 连连看最难的部分应该是路径搜索,即鼠标点的两点之间看有无可通的路径. 看过有人写的递归写法,心里痒痒,就捉摸了一下,发现不用递归的情况下难度也不大. 路径搜索由简到难分析,先分析一条直线上是否可直线连通,再分析一条直线上的两点通过拐两个弯是否可通,最后分析不在一条直线上
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vpn连接程序hta 版(修改),需要的朋友可以参考下. &HTA:APPLICATION ID=&MySampleHTA& Caption=&yes& SCROLL=&auto& border=&none& borderStyle=&static& SINGLEINSTANCE=&yes& maximizebutton=&no& BORDER=&no
这篇文章主要介绍了C#处理MySql多个返回集的方法,实现了对处理MySql多个返回集进行封装,是非常实用的技巧,需要的朋友可以参考下 本文实例讲述了C#处理MySql多个返回集的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体方法如下: 关于Mysql返回多个集java和Php的较多,但是C#的完整代码好像没见过,研究了一下做个封装以后用 做一个Mysql的简单分页查询,有两个返回集 Sql语句如下 SELECT COUNT(*) select t.PosterID, t.PostT
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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Java by XML Schema validation XML XML validation in the XML processing is very common, if there is no effective way to verify the legitimacy of XML, often lead to many problems. XML validation by XML Schema (XSD) or DTD file to verify the syntax spec
Transfer from: http://www.blogjava.net/Unmi/archive//203014.html Struts2 is the struts.xml sub-package configurations, you can set the namespace for the package properties, such as the &package namespace=&/secure& ....& ...... &l
object references an unsaved transient instance save the transient instance before flushing Mapping error. Of course, may also occur in other situations this error. CustomerFormEntry -------& operationRole Employee-owned operators, the corresponding
1, CAS client HTTPS change HTTP method 1. Casclient.jar modify all the items used to package edu.yale.its.tp.cas.util.SecureURL.class in the jar files (need to decompile java class files into a &SecureURL.java&), will be below code for https acc
Java thread: Concurrent Collaboration - Producer Consumer Model For the multi-threaded procedures, regardless of any programming language, producers and consumers are the most classic models. Each door is like learning the same programming language,
1: In the JAVA program method, hand-write the JDBC code to connect MySQL public void getConnect () ( try ( String driver = &com.mysql.jdbc.Driver&; String uri = &jdbc: mysql: / /; / / Load Driver Class.forName (drive
Java.net package provided by the use of network capacity. Flow of communication are connected to, for example, Operation on the server side for the general as follows: ⑴ to create a ServerSocket object, in the specified port listening client sent a r
ftpclient Annex HttpClient client = new HttpClient (); HttpMethod method = new GetMetho ( & =& + batchNo); client.executeMethod (method); System.out.println (method.getResponseBodyAsString ()); method.r
CHM version of jquery1.4 document
When the visitor browser language is English on the page to enter the Chinese outside the user default browser is not Chinese in English on the jump page &?php $lan = substr(
$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,0,5); if ($lan == &zh-cn&) print(&&
Script Description: The following code to &body& area &SCRIPT Language=JavaScript1.2& &! - var x = 0 var y = 0 drag = 0 move = 0 window.document.onmousemove = mouseMove window.document.onmousedown = mouseDown window.document.onmouseup = mou
Write a string function interception, enter the number of bytes to a string and output string for the interception by byte. However, to ensure that characters are not cut by half, such as &I ABC& 4, should be cut to &I AB&, type &
function isMobel (value) ( if (/ ^ 13 \ d (9) $ / g.test (value )||(/^ 15 [0-35-9] \ d (8) $ / g.test (value)) | | (/ ^ 18 [05-9] \ d (8) $ / g.test (value))) ( ) Else ( ) )
mv1nPlXAywBDCdhxFc9QOVv6TBcQHLAXBQUAKTh3ie4fqSEOnWrPsnVkF yt0wAkJHweoExRJWWVwwCniKNROSdJzJXE6YVapYW7f + tRRXRFI4yn4Nj jZ0RiiqGRCTVzwComUcXB-eiFWRBY6JpSsCNkmIxL5KsRCo442djHh
This evening there was a special issue of depressed, has been tested and hard about the project can not even run because the connection is not on the database, in order to solve this problem after another in a long time, and I am Wohuo, but the probl
Reproduced from http://blog.csdn.net/lanphaday/archive//1741185.aspx According to the above said, I wrote a page noise test class, it works, but for different pages, the result may be biased, especially text relatively few pages, such as pi
1. Automatic timer turn this feature need to set the BIOS and your motherboard must support advanced power management settings of this feature, but now most of the motherboards all support, ease of use it. Step 1: Start the system by DEL, to enter BI
/ / Image object used to indicate the virtual path to your local file ImageI / / According to the local file storage location generation Image object, of course, you can use a relative path image = new ImageIcon (&images / ClientLogin.png o
As you know, each Activity is also a Context, which is information about its execution environment in the broadest sense. Your application also has a context, and Android guarantees that it will exist as a single instance across your application. The
Web browser to download the JavaScript source code, that is, all the long variables are included with the comments. This and other factors will increase the download time, which would increase the total time the script runs. Increase the download tim
Even set 2 weblogic instances as clustering servers, the session can not be replicated by default. let's we have the code to get session as follows. HttpSession session = request.getSession (); Object myObj = session.getAttribute (&myObjKey&); I
Here I paste the code directly. The first method // Get Resources object Resources r = this.getContext().getResources(); // How to stream read resources Inputstream is = r.openRawResource(R.drawable.my_background_image); BitmapDrawable bmpDraw = new
1.Spring Chart 2.Hibernate Chart 3.Struts2 Chart 4.Struts1 Chart 5.JSF request processing life cycle chart 6.Seam Chart 7.Grails Chart 8.DWR Chart 9.J2EE Chart 10.SSH integration chart 11.Oracle Chart 12.SmartClient Ajax Framework Chart 13.JavaSE Ove
If we in the VC + +6.0 Studio EX10 created the project, select the menu [Build] → [Rebuild All], re-compile all the project files, you can see the following output: From this output, we can see that the generation of executable EX10.exe, after two st
session cookie and what's the use? Common usage, such as members of some sites to download things to be logged. http protocol itself is stateless, and no way of knowing whether the customer has logged in, how should we do? cookie and the session can
1. Q. How do you find out the processes that are currently running or a particular user? A. ps-au Myname (-u by effective user ID (supports names)) (a - all users) 2. Q. How do you kill a process? A. kill -9 8 (process_id or kill -9% 7 (job number 7)
Use se38 to enter the program editor, then in Environment-Examples-Performance Examples to see a lot of performance optimization of the data for commonly used statements were compared and analyzed, as ABAPer should take a look
1: DNS Client This service resolves and caches DNS names used, allowing the system through the standard name instead of IP addresses to communicate. With DNS, we can in the web browser address bar http://www.techrepublic.com not
For the code generator to build tools like I have always been quick not very cold, but the recent two things that I caught a cold again First, a few days ago, brothers to show us a line office system software, which contains a custom form features. P
Within the department have a very good program called Tai Chi. We can looking through my blog, I mentioned it to some of the project named Snapshots. This project is the development of products that do a variety of technology integration testing plat
public class HelloLog4jChild extends HelloLog4j { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub logger.debug(&This is debug message!&); logger.info(&This is info message!&); logger.err
C3P0 is an open source JDBC connection pool with Hibernate in the lib directory with the release, including extended specifications to achieve jdbc3 He jdbc2 description Connection and Statement pooling DataSources object. c3p0-config& &default-conf
mpstat-P ALL 1 ; conn system / root @ CREATE TABLESPACE TBS_DATA_PUBLIC DATAFILE '/ opt/oracle/oradata/tbs_data_public/vg03_tbs_data_public_2000m_01' SIZE 2000M AUTOEXTEND OFF LOGGING EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL UNIFORM SIZE 128K SEGMENT SPACE MAN
API summary X5.database 2.1.1 X5.database.X5Persist class descriptions X5db database support, providing create the database, create table, create view, create stored procedures and some DDL operations, as well as additions and deletions to the databa
c annot drop a user that is currently connected SQL& DROP USER USER1 CASCADE ERROR: ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected Since the current user is connected to the database, it can not be removed Solution: 1, check the user's ses
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts file configuration Ip mapping, such as and localhost is the same effect
After starting with navicat mysql connection, Rom has been reported to 10061 error reasons: mysql does not allow remote link to modify the my.ini mysql installation directory solve the problem: 1 In the [mysqld] node add: bind-address = 2 res
xml文档转换程序的一个小应用,几行代码生成饼图.源代码打包提供. 源文档,饼图数据 &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &items& &title&各指标所占比重&/title& &unit&人&/unit& &item& &name&指标一&/name& &value&50&/value&
3月5日消息,昨日晚间,微信官方正式宣布,此前尚处于内测阶段的微信支付接口,即日起对通过微信认证的服务号全面开放.需要申请微信支付接口的商家,首先需要申请成为服务号,并在申请微信认证,签订合同并缴纳保证金后,申请全网发布,即可开通微信支付能力. 微信支付申请流程 目前微信支付确定将面向综合商城.服饰鞋包.运动户外.美妆用品.家装家纺.汽车及配件.数码家电.母婴.图书等约10个大型类目开放微信支付申请.微信本次先向相对成熟的行业开放,后续会根据平台的运营情况再考虑向其它行业逐步开放.值得注意的是,
SQL Server 的数据库引擎组件是用于存储.处理数据和保证数据安全的核心服务.数据库引擎提供受控的访问和快速事务处理,以满足企业中要求极高.大量使用数据的应用程序的要求 SQL Server 的数据库引擎组件是用于存储.处理数据和保证数据安全的核心服务.数据库引擎提供受控的访问和快速事务处理,以满足企业中要求极高.大量使用数据的应用程序的要求. SQL Server 支持在同一台计算机上最多存在 50 个数据库引擎实例.对于本地安装,必须以管理员身份运行安装程序.如果从远程共享安装 SQL
Javascript操作表格 包括获取值,创建表格 中国北京 中国上海 [Ctrl+A 全选 注:如需引入外部Js需刷新才能执行]
这篇文章主要介绍了Powershell脚本中包含文件资源的例子,本文直接给出示例代码,本文脚本代码适应Powershell3.0及以后版本,需要的朋友可以参考下 Powershell3.0及以后版本. 如果你的脚本需要添加额外资源,比如文本中的服务器名.图片名等等,这时你需要考虑脚本的灵活性. 不要使用绝对路径去指派你的资源路径,在Powershell3.0中可以使用$PSScriptRoot替代你的脚本路径(不支持2.0) $picture = &$PSScriptRoot\Resources
Activision的CEO&Bobby Kotick&在接受&Game Informer&杂志的采访时称,95年的时候Davidson和Associates想花费700万美元买下暴雪,但那时没人瞧得上这间公司,自己在午餐的时候还专门跟他们说: &我觉得那一定是失去理智了,暴雪只是一个游戏外包开发商,除了魔兽争霸一无所有(那时还没有星际和暗黑),为此却要付出700万美元,简直是疯了!& 后来Activisionh和暴雪合并并且市值大约188亿美元,Bob
看完jquery基础教程做的笔记,笔记并不适合所有人,觉得好,可以看,觉得不好,可以不看. 1, :eq()和nth-child() 看下面代码: &SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&JavaScript&& $(function(){ $(&#selected-plays & li:eq(1)&).addClass(&a&); //等价于 $(&#selected-plays & li:nth-child(2)
删除文件,目录结构为:ip/年份/月份,每个人都有一份这样的目录现需要删除2012年以前的所有文件,2012年以后的删除特定月份 需求:删除文件,目录结构为:ip/年份/月份,每个人都有一份这样的目录现需要删除2012年以前的所有文件,2012年以后的删除特定月份. 本来想用find,结果发现这些文件time(a,m,c)记录已经不是当初生成的. 没办法只好想了个土办法去遍历,哪位有好的方法,欢迎告知. #!/bin/bash cd /home/wanggy/rmfile/ ls -l | gr
最近做一个项目(Asp.net+Sql Server 2000),在原来开发的机器上运行没有任何问题.但当我在另外一台机器上调试程序(本机调试)的时候,总出现&SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝&.相信在任何一个搜索网站输入这样的检索词,一定会获得n多的页面. 总结起来的关于SQL Server连接中此类四个最常见错误错误解决方案如下: 一.&SQL Server 不存在或访问被拒绝& 这个是最复杂的,错误发生的原因比较多,需要检查的方面也比较多. 一般说来,有
美国宇航局首辆核动力火星车预计于北京时间8月6日13时31分在火星着陆,将展开为期两年的火星探测任务.新浪网将全程视频直播当天好奇号着陆过程,敬请关注. 直播入口(8月6日11:30开放):http://live.video.sina.com.cn/room/tech1 好奇号火星车是美国宇航局迄今最为先进的火星车,近1吨重,大小与一辆Mini Cooper接近,采用核电池作为动力.好奇号于2011年11月发射升空,预计于8月6日13时31分在火星着陆,并首次采用特殊设计的&天空起重机&quot
其实就是通过js将层始终定位在底部,多用于提示效果 aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa [Ctrl+A 全选 注:如需引入外部Js需刷新才能执行] 注意:代码不符合标准,大家可以根据需要自行修改.
看到张宴的博客上关于&http/rest客户端的文章&,怎样安装啥的直接都跳过,下面直接进入测试阶段. 看到张宴的博客上关于&http/rest客户端的文章&,怎样安装啥的直接都跳过,下面直接进入测试阶段,测试环境:虚拟机 [root@localhost ~]# uname -a Linux sunss 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:44:23 EST
i686 i386 GNU/Linux 内存和交换分
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