Thethere is a reasonn is that the traffic is heavy哪个升调

当前位置: >>
Do you have time?你有没有空 1 一、 、unit 1 Who's that for?这是给谁的? It's for you. 它是给你的. Who's the watch for? 这个手表是给谁的? Who's it for? 它是给谁的? It's for you. 它是给你的. Who's the pen for? 这个钢笔是给谁的? Who's it for? 它是给谁的? It's for you. 它是给 你的. cake 蛋糕 watch 手表 pen 钢笔 phone 电话 二、unit 2 How's it going?你好吗 Great!很好 How's it going?你近来好吗? Wonderful.极好 Fine, thank you.好的 And you?你呢 Unit3 How much does this cost? 这个多少钱 60 dollars.60 元. How much money does this cost? 这个多少钱 Thar's a little bit too much.这有点太贵了吧. That's too much.这有点太贵了吧. It's a bargain.这个东西很划算. How much is that car?这辆小汽车多少钱 2 dollars.2 元 It's a bargain.这辆小汽车太划算了. How much is it?这个东西多少钱 How much?这个东西多少钱? One dallar.1 元 Two dollars.2 元 60 dollars.60 元 buck Unit 4 Do you have the time?几点了 It's 10:30(ten thirty).10 30 了. Do you have the time?几点了 What time is it?现在几点钟了 Have you got the time?几点钟了 It's 10:30.(ten thirty)现在 10 It's fifteen after/past three.3 It's 3:15. 3 15 分了. 30 了 It's 9:30(nine thirty).9 30 分了 15 分了. 也指美金, Unit 7 May I use your phone?我能用你的电话吗 Go ahead.请便. May I use your telephone.我能用你的电话吗 Forget it.算了吧. May I use your car?我能用你的车吗 Forget it.算了吧. Caroline,can you lend me some money? 卡罗琳能借 我一些钱吗 车/手表吗 Forget it.算了吧. Go ahead.请便. May I use your phone/ car/ watch? 我能用你的电话/ May I use your cup?我能用你的杯吗 Forget it.算了吧.May I use your phone/telephone? 我 能用你的电话吗 I'd like to make a local call.我想打本地电话. I'd like to make a long distance call.我想打长途电话. I'd like to make an over sea's call.我想打国际电话. I'd like to make an international call. 我想打国际电话. Unit 6 Where's the toilet?请问厕所在哪? Over there.在那里. Where's the department store?请问百货公司在哪 Where's the post office?请问邮局在哪 Where's the toilet?请问厕所在哪 Over there.在那里. Where's my father?请问我爸爸在哪里 Over there.在那里.toilet 梳洗马桶厕所 lavatory 洗手处,马桶 restroom 休息室 water closet 厕所 厕所 WC 厕所 bathroom 浴室厕所 . Unit 5 Excuse me, may I come in?抱歉我可以进来吗 Sure, come on in.当然可以进来吧. Excuse me, can I come in?抱歉我可以进来吗 Teacher, excuse me.老师对不起.(上厕所) 借过,不说:Please go away.请让开.Step aside.避开. 只说 Excuse me.借过. Excuse me, may I come in?抱歉我可以进来吗 Sure, come on in.当然可以进来吧. Join us in eating.一起来吃吧. Sure, come on in. 当然可以进来. Excuse me,but where is the toilet.对不起请问厕所在哪 I'm sorry. 对不起. Sorry.对不起. I'm sorry, but I did't mean it. 对不起我不是有意的. Maybe.也许 If you are nice.如果你好的话. Do you have time?你有没有空What's time is it?几点钟了 Have you got the time?几点钟了 It's 10:30.10 30 了. Unit 8 Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮忙. No problem.没什么了. Many thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助 Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮忙. No problem.没什么了.No sweat.没什么了. You are welcome.欢迎你来找我帮忙 Not at all.没什么的.You bet.没什么的. You bet that next time you ask me to help you, I'll help you.没什么的. It's the least I could do. 没什么. Unit 9 Could you do me a favor?你可以帮我一个忙吗 It depends.依情况而定. I'm a miser.我是个小气鬼. Could you do me a favor?你可以帮我一个忙吗 It depends. 依情况而定. Could you do me a favor?你可以帮我一个忙吗 Could you give me a hand?你可以帮我一个忙吗 Could you help me?你可以帮我一个忙吗 Sure, no problem.好的我帮你的忙. It depends. 依情况而定. Unit 10 Where's the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪 It's just around the corner.在拐角处. Where is Peter?彼得在哪 Where is the department store?百货公司在哪 Where is the post office?邮局在哪 Where is the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪 Where is the nearest post office?最近的邮局在哪 Where is the nearest department store? 最近的百货公 司在哪 It's just around the corner.在拐角处. For example:例如: Where's the school,please?请问学校在哪 Where is the post office,please?请问邮局在哪 It's right over there.就在那里. It's just over there.就在那里. It's two blocks further down.过两条街就到了. You can't miss it. 你一定会找到它的. Unit11 Would you like some more rice?你想加一些饭吗 No, thanks. I'm full.不用了谢谢.我饱了. Would you like to see a movie with me? 我想请你看 电影 Would you like to do it?你想要一些它吗 Would you like some more rice? 你想要一些饭吗 No, thanks. I'm full.不用了谢谢.我饱了. Would you like some steamed bread? 你想要一些馒头吗 Unit 12What would you like to drink? 你想要喝什么呢 I'll just have water.开水就可以了 Would you like to dance?你想要跳舞吗 What would you like to drink?(eat)你想要喝吃什么呢 I'll just have water.开水就可以了 What would you like to eat?你想要吃什么呢 Nothing. I don't feel like eating anything. Thanks you very much.我什么都不要谢谢 I don't feel like dancing.Thank you very much.我不想 跳舞谢谢 I don't feel like drinking anything. 我不想喝任何东西 What would you like to drink?你想要喝什么呢 Unit 13 What's today's date?今天几号啊 It's January 13, 年 1 月 13 日. What's today's date?今天几号啊 What's the date today?今天几号啊 All the time. 所有的时间(经常)I use the second one.我用 的是第二个(句型). What's the date today?今天几号啊 It's January 13, 年 1 月 13 日. 日期的两种说法 月份+(the)+序数,March (the) second (the)+序数+of+月份,the second of March Unit14 What day is it today?今天礼拜几 It's Friday.是星期五. What day is today?今天礼拜几 What's the date today? Well, It's January 1.哦今天元月 1 号. It's Friday.是星期五. It's Monday.是星期一. What time is it?现在几点钟 What day is it today?今天礼拜几 It's Friday./Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Saturday/ Sunday 是星期五/星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期六/星期天 Unit 15 (Today we will learn unit 15) Where are you from?你来自哪里 I'm from Canada.我来自加拿大. Where are you from?你来自哪里 Where do you come from?你来自哪里 Where do you live?你住哪里啊 Where do you sing?你在哪里唱歌啊 Where do you sleep?你在哪里睡觉啊 What's your nationality?你是哪国人啊 You speak very beautiful English.You speak very good English.你的英语说的真好. Where are you from? What's your nationality? 你来自哪里 I'm from China.I'm chinese.我来自中国 人. I'm from Canada. 我来自加拿大. Unit 16 When's your birthday?你的生日是什么时候 It's just around the corner.它就快到了 I need to buy my friend a present.我想买礼物给我的朋友. Her birthday is just around the corner.他的生日快到了. Her birthday is coming soon. 他的生日快到了. Her birthday is fast approaching.他的生日快到了. Her birthday is near at hand. 他的生日快到了. Unit 17 take it easy.别紧张. Can I borrow some money from you? 能借我一些钱吗 No way.不行. Fair-weather friend.酒肉朋友. Bosom friend.知心朋友. He is just a fair-weather friend.他是个酒肉朋友. You are my bosom friend.你是我的知心朋友. No way/Fat(no) chance.不行.连点机会都没有. Can I borrow you car?能把你的车借我吗 No way/ No chance. 不行.连点机会都没有. Unit 18May I go?我可以走了 May I use your car?我可以用你的车子吗 No, have a seat.没有你请坐吧. Unit 21 I'm feeling a little under the weather. 今天我感觉不舒服. What's the matter? 你怎么了 I'm feeling a little under the weather. 今天我感觉不舒服. What's wrong with you? 你怎么了 What's the matter with you? 你怎么了 I'm feeling a little under the weather. 今天我感觉不舒服. You don't look well, what's the matter? 你看起来身 体不太好 You don't look well, what's the matter with you? 你看 起来身体不太好 I'm not feeling well. 我感觉身体不太好. I'm feeling dizzy. 我感觉有的头昏. I'm feeling a little dizzy. 我感觉有的头昏. under the weather 被天气击倒,喻为不佳,身体不健康 Unit 22 I'm really mad at Bob! 我真的生气了鲍勃 What for? 为什么嘛 What for? /Why? 为什么嘛 I'm really mad at him! 我很生他的气 I'm really mad at her! 我很生她的气 I'm really mad at Peter! 我很生彼得的气 I'm really mad at Mary! 我很生玛丽的气 Don't be mad at me. 不要生我的气嘛. I'm mad about that singer. 那位歌手令我疯狂. I'm crazy about that singer. 那位歌手令我疯狂. Not that one, though. 不过不是那个人. Mad 英语中无生气意思,只有疯狂的意思 Be/get angry with sb. 生 Unit 23 You are so rude. 你太粗鲁了. Can I give you a hand? 我能帮你一个忙吗 Thanks.谢谢 Can I give you my hand? 你要不要我牵你的手 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗 Thanks. 谢谢. Thanks a lot. 非常感谢. Thank you very much. 非常感谢. Thanks a million. 非常感谢. Many thanks. 谢谢. Can you give me your hand? 能拉我一把吗 Unit 24 What's on TV tonight? 今天电视有什么节目啊 Nothing special. 没有什么特别的. TV=television 电视=电视 something special about him. 这个人很特别. 的气What brings you to Beijing?你来北京做什么的 I'm here on business.我来做生意的. What brings you to Beijing/Shanghai/Chongqing/Nanning /上海/重庆/南宁做什么的 What brings you to Beijing?你来北京做什么的 I'm here on business.我来做生意的. I'm here for pleasure.我来玩的. Are you on business or for pleasure? 你是来做生意来玩的 Look at me, what am I like?你看我是来做什么的 Pidgin english.洋泾滨英语.Ching-lish I'm here on vacation.我是来度假的. Wind is blowing Unit 19 (We’re up to unit 19) Where's your hometown?你老家在哪 My hometown is Xi'an.我老家在西安. My hometown is Minnesota.明尼苏达州. My hometown is Xinlin.我老家在新林. Where are you from?你来自哪里 Where's your hometown? 你老家在哪 Unit 20 Is this seat taken?这个座位有人坐吗 No, have a seat.没有你请坐吧. No,This seat is not taken.这个座位没有人坐 Yes, it is, I'm sorry.抱歉这个座位有人坐了. No, you may have a seat.没有你请坐吧. May I open the window?我能把窗户打开吗 Pigeon 鸽子 There is nothing special about him. 这个人没什么特别的. There is a great variety-show on CCTV at 8. 中央电 视台 8 Unit 25 Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl? 恭喜啊 孩还是女孩 It's a boy.是个男孩. Congratulations Congratulations on your promotion. 恭喜您升迁了. Congratulations on your success.恭喜您成功了. Give my regards to your parents. 带我向你父母问好 Unit 26 Happy birthday! 生日快乐 Many happy returns. Thanks. 我祝你过许多生日. 谢谢. I wish you a happy birthday. 我祝你生日快乐. Many happy returns. 我祝你过许多生日. Many happy returns of the day. 祝你寿比南山. I wish you many happy returns of the day. 祝 你寿比南山(美好一天多次重复). I wish you success. 我祝你成功. I wish you longevity. 我祝你长寿. Unit 27 A: I just got sacked. 我刚刚被解雇了. B: I'm sorry to hear that. 很遗憾听你这么说. I just got sacked/fired. =I was just fired. 我刚刚被解雇了. fire ⑴n.火 v.解雇 fire 当 n. make a fire 生个火 00 有很棒的综艺节目.A pair of shoes of size nine. 一双 9 号的鞋. Do you have these shoes in a size nine? 有没有 9 号的鞋 Yes, let me get you a pair.有让我拿一双给你. Do you have the shirt in a size 44? 有没有 44 号的衬衫 Do you have a large? 你有没有大号衬衫 Do you have a large size shirt Do you have the shirt in a large size? 你有没有大号衬衫 Do you have the shirt in a small size? 你有没有小号 Unit 30 Let's take a coffee break. 让我们休息一下 咖啡.Why not. 好啊. Let's take a break.让我们休息一下. Let's take a tea break.让我们休息一下 It's time for tea. 喝茶的时间到了. I'm tired, let's take a rest. 我们很累让我们休息一下 I'm pooted.我累坏了.I'm tired.我累了. Good idea.好啊. Sounds good./It sounds good.好啊. Sounds great.好啊. Unit 31 How do you like my new sports car? 你觉得我的新 跑车怎样啊 It's cool. 很酷.Cool.酷. How do you like me? 你觉得我怎样啊 He is a sports-men How do you like Mary? 你觉得玛丽怎样啊 It's great/ good/ beautiful.很好/很好/很漂亮. How do you like this movie? 你觉得这部电影怎样 啊 How do you feel about this movie?你觉得这部 电影怎样啊 What do you think of this movie?你觉得这部电影怎 样啊 It's cool/ great/ wonderful. 很酷/还好/很好. It's so-so.很烂.It's awful/louzy. 很烂. .Hi, I'm Karen. We are on Unit 28. A: I'm sorry, but I can't come to your party. 很抱歉 我不能来参加你的宴会了. B: What a shame! 真可惜 I'm sorry, but you're wrong. 很抱歉 That's better. 那很好. shame ⑴可惜= ⑵耻辱. pity ⑴可惜= ⑵可怜 What a shame/pity! 真可惜 Shame on you 你真丢脸 . pity 当 v. . (pity 当 n.) Pity me, Karen. 凯伦 Have pity on me, Karen. 凯伦 See you next time. Bye-bye. Unit 29 Do you have these shoes in a size nine? 有没有 9 号的鞋 Yes, let me get you a pair. 有让我拿一双给你. She has big feet. 她有一双大脚. I'm not telling. 无可奉告. . .How do you think of this movie?你如何来想这部电影 Unit 32 (Hi, I'm Caroline, and we're on unit32 today, and finally it's so weekend.) Have a nice weekend. Same to you. I hope that you may have a nice weekend. I wish you a nice weekend. Have a nice weekend. Same to you. I hope that you may have a nice weekend. Have a nice vacation. Have a nice trip. 后面升调 Have a nice vacation. Same to you. I hope the same thing will happen to you. You too. You are mean. Have a nice weekend. Same to you. Have a nice vacation. unit33. What a coincidence seeing you here!在这遇见你真巧啊 It is ,isn't it.可不是吗 What a coincidence!真巧啊 We're born on January first.我们在 1 月 1 号出生的. I didn't expect to meet you here!没想到会在这遇见你 It is a coincidence,isn't it. 是啊可不是吗. Unit 34 Native speaker.以英语为母语的人. What do you do?你是干什么的 I’m a teacher.我是老师. I’m a student.我是学生. I’m a taxi driver.我是出租车司机. I’m a flight attendant.我是飞行服务员. What line of work are you in?你是干什么的 What do you do for a living?你是干什么的 What do you do?你是干什么的 I’m a teacher. 我是老师. Have a nice trip.Excuse me,Nature calls. 打扰了我内急. If you gotta go, you gotta go.如果你非要去的话那你去吧. Please excuse me.请原谅我. Excuse me.打扰了. Please get out my way.请让我过去. Nature calls. 内急. If you have to go, you have to go.如果你非要走的话 那你走吧. Nature is beautiful. 大自然很美. I have to go pee. 我得撒泡尿.小孩用 I have to go poop. 我要上大号.小孩用 Unit 38 That’ll be 8 dollars, please. 麻烦你 8 块钱. Here is ten, keep the change. 10 块钱不用找了. Please give me money, or you should stay here. 请给 我零钱 . Here is a ten dollar bill. 这是一张 10 块钱的纸钞. Keep the change. 不用找零钱了. How much change do you have? 你有多少零钱 How much do you have in change? 你有多少零钱 How much cash do you have? 你有多少零钱 How much do you have in cash? 你有多少零钱Unit 35 What are you doing(duwing) this weekend?你这个周末要干什么 进行时态表将来 I don’t have any plans.我没有任何计划. This souds weird I’m singing.我正在唱歌. What are you doing this weekend?你这个周末要干什 么 I don’t have any plans.我没有任何计划. What are you going to do this weekend? 你这个周末 要干什么 What are you going to do next Friday? 你下个星期五 准备个什么 What are you going to do next month? 你下个月准备 干什么 Well , I 'm planning to take a trip to Beijing.嗯 备去北京. Unit 36 I’m so angry at Bob for buying a new bike. 我因鲍勃买了一辆摩托 车(自行车)非常生气. What’s the big deal? It’s no big deal. 这有什么大不了. Beak 鸟嘴 I don’t know how to deal with it. 我不知道如何处理. I don’t know how to deal with the problem. 我不知道如何处理. I’m so angry at him for sing.他在唱歌我非常生气. Unit 37Unit 39 That’s for sure. 那是当然. Do you have a light? 借个火好吗? Sorry, I don’t smoke. 对不起我从不抽烟. He is a smoker. 他是个抽烟的人. He is a chain smoker. 他是个抽烟抽的很狠的人. He is a heavy smoker. 他是个抽烟抽的很狠的人. Excuse me, do you have a light? 借个火好吗 Excuse me, do you have a lighter,please? 借个打火机好吗 Don’t smoke .see you next time! Unit 40 I’d like to book a table for two. 我想要定一个餐桌供 2 个人坐. For what time? 订什么时候的啊 I like to sing. 我喜欢唱歌. I would like to … 我想要… I’d like to sing. 我想要唱歌 This is a book. 这是一本书. book 作预订只用于餐厅,旅馆 I’d like to book a single room. 我想要一间单人房. I’d like to book a double room. 我想要一间双人房. make a reservation for. 预定一个. I’d like to make a reservation for a single room. 我想 要一间单人房. I’d like to make a reservation for a double room. 我 想要一间双人房. For what time? 订什么时候的啊 Unit 41 Have you got change for a thousand? 你有一千元的零钱吗 Let me see. 让我看看. Do you have change for a thousand? 你有一千元的零钱吗 a thousand dollars. 一千元. Do you have change for a thousand dollars? 你有一千元零钱吗 Do you have change for a ten?你有十元的零钱吗 Do you have change for a ten-dollar bill?你有十元纸钞的零钱吗 Do you have change for ten dollars?你有十元的零钱吗 Let me see.让我看看. Unit 47 Unit 42 Excuse me, could you please tell me where the train station is? 对不起 It’s two blocks down the road. 沿着这条路走过了个街区就到了. Excuse me, could you please tell me where the bank is? 对不起 Excuse me, could you please tell me where the post office is? 对不起 Excuse me, could you please tell me where my father is? 对不起 I’m sorry/Sorry.对不起 I’m sorry,but I don’t know.很抱歉,我不知道 I’m sorry,but you’re wrong.很抱歉,你错了 Unit 48 I’m hungry again 我又饿了 I’m hungry for your love. 我好渴望得到你的爱. Get lost! 滚蛋 算了吧,臭美 I feel hungry. 我感到饿了. What’s for breakfast /lunch/ supper/ dinner? 早/午/晚/晚餐吃什么 Pork chops. 猪排. What’s for dessert ? 甜点吃什么 yesterday? 昨天晚餐你吃得什么 Cake What did you have for supper (/ breakfast /lunch/ supper/ dinner) Unit 44 (I’m hungry.) 我饿了 Can I have the menu, please? 麻烦你给我菜单好吗 Sure, here you are. 可以,给你菜单. Of course. 当然 There you are. 那个给你 /啊哈,原来你在这. Here we are. 我们到了. Check, please. 账单. Give me the check. 把账单给我. Unit 45 (It’s salty.) 这个很y Could you please pass me the salt?/ Could you pass me the salt, please? 麻烦你递给我盐好吗 Could you pass me the salt shaker, please? 麻烦你递我盐罐 Here you go/are. 这是你的东西.(给你) There you are./go 这是你的东西.(给你) Could you please pass me the sugar?/pepper? paper Unit 50 (And I want to ask another question, Peter. Are you free tonight?) Are you free tonight? 你今晚有空吗 I think so. 我想有吧.= I think that I am free Are you free / available now? 你现在有空吗 Are you free(available) tonight/this afternoon? Do you have time now? 你现在有空吗 Unit 49 May I sit here? 我可以坐这儿吗 By all means./ Of course.当然可以. May I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗? Could you give me a ride to the supermarket? 你能让我搭个便车到超级市场吗 By all means. /Of course. 当然可以. What would you like for dessert (/ breakfast /lunch/ supper/ dinner)? 你想吃什么甜点 望有一天去观 What’s a good place for sightseeing? 有什么好地方可参观? Don’t ask me. 我也不知道. Well, in Beijing, you can go to many good places. For example, you can go to Yiheyuan, you can go to some other place. 恩 你可以到很多好的地方 . 比如 去.the Summer Palace 颐和园 Let’s go sightseeing. 让我们去光观去吧. I’ve heard New York(Beijing) is very beautiful, so I hope I can go sightseeing there someday. 听说纽约很美 光. Don’t ask me.我不知道. I have no idea.我不知道. I don’t know. 我不知道. Unit 43 Unit 46 I’m sorry I’m late= I’m sorry being late 抱歉、我迟到了. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好. A traffic jam 塞车 There is a traffic jam there 那儿塞车 That’s an Oldie 老歌 It is better to be late than never to come jar 瓶,震惊What are you doing? 你在干什么呢 I’m surfing the net. 我正在上网 What are you up to? 你在干什么呢 I’m surfing the net. 我正在上网 PC=Personal Computer 电脑 The net = the internet 互联网 what ’s up to you ?忙啥呢?(这是最口语的翻译) what's up ?怎么了? Do you think we can succeed? 我们能成功吗 Yes, I think so.我想会的. Is she beautiful?yes,I think so Unit 51 I have something else to ask you.Peter. Do you have a minute/ second/ sec/? 你现在有空/ Sure, what’s up? 有啊 Doc,do you have a sec?医生,你有空吗? Are you free/ available 你有空吗? What’s up/ the matter? 有什么事吗,后者情况严重 What’s the matter with you? 有什么事吗 2、What’s up? 近况如何 Nothing much. 没什么啦 Unit 52 Would you like a lift/ride home? 你要搭便车回家吗 homeu 前省略了 to,因为 home 是副词 let’s go home! That would be great.thanks. .太棒了 Would you like some more coffee (/food) That would be great. Thanks I need a ride / lift to the supermarket/post office. 我需要搭便车去超级市场. The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重了我举不起来. Unit 53 turn to unit 53 this time. (Oh, come on, don’t go, please stay here.) Then I will say: See you later, alligator. 待会儿见. After (a) while, crocodile. 待会儿见. I’ll see you after a while. 待会儿见. He has bad breath. 你口臭. And alligator has bad breath, I hear. 我听说鳄鱼有口臭. Unit 54 I’d like to turn to unit 54 today Bye. Take care. 再见 You, too. 你也是. Bye. Take care of yourself. 再见 God be with you I wish you success.我希望你成功. The poor old man has no one to take care of him. 没人照顾这位老先生. Unit 55 (You’re a terrible host.) 你真是好差劲的主人啊. Come on in. make yourself at home. 进来吧 /请不要拘束. Thanks a lot./ Thank you very much. 谢谢. Thanks for your hospitality.[h3spi`t 1liti] 谢谢你的款待/招待. hospital . . . .He does nothing but party everyday.他整天玩乐什么事都不做. My son parties everyday. 我儿子整天玩乐 How was the party? 那场聚会如何 I had a fantastic/ good / wonderful time.我玩的十分愉快. I had lots of fun 我玩的十分愉快 How was the picnic/drive? I had a fantastic time singing/.我唱歌唱的好愉快呀. I had a fantastic time driving. 我开车开的好愉快呀 I had a fantastic time learning English with Kalen We are having a fantastic time learning English had a fantastic time 做…很愉快 unit 57(Who’s your favorite singer? Myself./So Pat Peter is your favorite singer. ) Who’s your favorite singer? 你最喜欢的歌手是谁 My mother. 我妈妈. This is my favorite novel/ fruit. 这是我最喜欢的小说/水果 English(Hello Kitty) is my favorite. 英语是我的最爱.Favorite 在这 里是名词 who’s your girlfriend? What’s your favorite music? Unit 58 Where’s your better half? 你的那一半 (my husband/he ,my wife )She is at home. 在家里. I work ,He is at home cooking. 他在家做饭. He is on business in Shanghai. 他在上海出差. Unit 59 (This is your favorite topic.这是你最喜欢的话题) What’s your favorite topic? Language. We have a lot of things in common 我们有很多东西是相同的 May I try on this dress/shirt? 我可试穿这件衣服吗 By all means./ Of course. 当然可以. Can I try on this cap(/ pair of earrings)? 我可以试戴这副耳环吗 try on 试穿 衣裤鞋帽,耳环等 Unit 60 We’d better leave now. 我们最好现在离开. I beg your pardon. (I can’t hear you) 对不起,请再说一遍好吗? We’d better stay here. 我们最好留在这儿. I beg your pardon/ Pardon me./ Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗? May I beg your pardon ? I can’t hear you.我听不清你说的. Unit 61 (What’s so funny? I can’t help laughing.什么东西那么有趣, 实在忍不住笑.) Why are you laughing(/crying/dangcing/singing)? 你为什么在笑 at 可省略 WhoseThanks a lot.后面如果是升调,读得很重表:帮了倒忙 Unit 56 呢 I can’t help it? 我实在忍不住. Can you help me (to) write a love letter? 你可以帮我写封情书吗 Each time I hear the joke, I can’t help laughing. 每次我听到那 则笑话都忍不住笑. Each time I hear the joke, I can’t help but laugh.每次我听到那 则笑话都忍不住笑. resist I will have an exam tomorrow 明天要考试 Unit 62 What time’s your flight? 你搭几点的班机 It’s at 7:30 p.m.? 晚上 7 30 Flight 飞行,班机,逃逸,楼的层. stairs This is going to be a long flight. 这趟飞行会很久. I’m going to see him./ I will go to see him. 我回去看他的. My flight leaves tomorrow morning, so I will not be able to attend the meeting.我的班级明早起飞 了. Unit63 Could I have the check/bill please?麻烦给我账单号码 Ok, I’ll just be a minute. 好的 Check, please? 麻烦买单 Ok, I’ll just be here in a minute. 好的 It’s your turn to pay / foot the bill. 轮到你付账了. Waitress,waiter This dialog/conversation takes place in a restaurant Unit 64 Thanks a million./thank you very much/ thanks a lot/ many thanks 非常感谢. My pleasure(/it was my pleasure). 这是我的荣幸. Urchin 玩童 sea urchin 海胆 Don’t see me again. Don’t ask me again. Unit 65 How are we going to get there?我们怎样去那里 Let’s take a cab/taxi/plane/train. 坐出租车吧.. Let’s take that road(/underpass).咱们走地下通道吧. we have no time at all Let’s take a cab to the station Unit 66 How is the weather? 天气怎么样啊 It’s fine today. 今天天气很不错 It’s awfully hot/cold. 热死了 You can say that again. 你说的没错. You are telling me. 还用你说吗 what’s the weather like today? Sometimes it’s very very hot, we can say, it’s awflully hot / 我也这么认为. 来. . May I have the check/ bill, please? 麻烦给我账单号码 . so I’m not going to be able to attend the meeting. 所以我不能去开会I think Mary is beautiful. You can say that again I think Kallen is beautiful too . You’re wrong Unit 67 I’ll be seeing you around .=See you around.=See you later. =See you.= Bye 再见 Okay, take care. Unit 68 Is Tom there? 汤姆在吗 Speaking. 我就是. Is John there? Hello, who is this?喂 Hello, who is this, please? It’s Cathy I want to speak to George. 我是卡西 》 Hello,this is Peter speaking,can I talk to George Smith. Just a minute,I find s.b to talk with you A living example 活生生的例子 Unit 69 (It smells good. That’s right. Smells good.) Looks like dinner is ready . 看样子晚餐准备好了. Just about 就快好了.=dinner is just about ready. Looks like it’s going to rain this afternoon= Looks like rain 看样子今 天下午要下雨. Looks like he is getting angry . 看起来他开始生气 了. It looks like + that + 从句=looks like about=almost Looks like dinner(/lunch breakfast) is ready . 11 Unit 70 Most of time I bully them.大部分时间我欺负他们. He is a bully. 他是个小霸王. I made my little brother cry. 我令小弟哭了. Shame on you. 你真丢脸. I made my little brother laugh. 我是我小弟弟笑. It’s a shame/ pity that he can’t go to the movies with us. 不能和我们一起去看电影. made a chair/table Unit 71 That’s two for me, and one for you. 我两个你一个. That’s not fair. 那不公平. That’s one for me, and none for you. 我一个 He gave me a piece of candy. 他给我一块 Give me a piece of your candy please.你的糖果给我一颗好吗 I’m sorry. I have to eat at all.抱歉 全要自己吃掉. he is not a real friend of mine.他不是我真正的朋友 He is just a fair-weather friend.他只是一个酒肉朋友. Unit 72 The teacher just cancelled the test.老师刚刚取消了考试. . 真可惜他 This is he (speaking). of yourself. 好的 Are you kidding(me)? / Are you joking 你在开玩笑吧. April Fool. 骗你呢. You must be kidding/ joking.你一定是在开玩笑 He likes to kid me. / He likes to play jokes on me. 他喜欢开我的玩笑. How many kids(children) do you have? Are you kidding (me)/joking(joking 后不能接 me) Cancer,lung cancer Unit 73 (Peter, freeze, your money or your life? 皮特,不许动,要钱还是要命 definitely My money. 我要命) Freeze! 不许动. =Don’t move! Don’t shoot. I give up! 不要开枪 I’m freezing to death. 我冷的要死. It’s freezing cold today. 今天冷的发冻. It’s terribly hot./ It’s awfully hot./ It’s boiling hot.今天热的要死. I don’t enjoy frozen food. 不不喜欢冷冻食品. Unit 74 Help! Help! 救命 What’s the matter? 怎么啦 =What’s wrong? =What’s the matter with you? 你怎么回事 What’s up? 什么事啊 Could you help me handle the problem?你能帮我处理这问题吗 Help! Somebody is robbing me.救命 He robbed me. 我被抢了. rob 不接钱做宾语 He robbed me of my money. 他抢了我的钱. .I think it’s fine I’m tired after all the work I’m tired of doing homework.(/eating ) Unit 77 Peter, I have the news for you.皮特 What’s the news? 什么消息 I’m quitting 我要辞职 ooh,no,there’s no way you should came here,please,come on stay here )you should not quit,you hurt me. Why are you quitting? 你为什么要辞职 I’ve had enough 我受够了 =I’ve had enough of this kind of life/situation. I’ve had enough of this job.我受够了这个工作. I don’t like this boring job. In fact, I decided to quit./ resign 我不喜 欢这个令人讨厌/乏味的工作,事实上 皮特 Unit 78 I’m getting a tattoo tomorrow. 我明天要去纹身. Are you nuts/ crazy/ bananas? 你疯了吗 It’s freezing cold today, it’s awfully cold today, but still I will go swimming.今天太冷了,今天太冷了,但是,我仍然要去游泳. He went nuts/ crazy/ bananas. when he heard that his girlfriend had run away with another man. 他听到女友跟另一个男人跑了时就疯 了. Unit 79 . . You should quit/ give up smoking as soon as possible, Peter.Unit 75 Let’s eat out. 咱们去吃馆子吧. Good idea. 好主意 Let’s eat in. 咱们在家里吃吧. They put too much MSG in the food. 他在食物里放了太多的味 精.(MSG)=monosodium glutamate [m3n4u's4udi3m 'glu:t4meit]谷胺 酸钠 . It sounds like a good idea. .听起来像是个好主 Let’s not bother. Let’s eat at home. 咱们不要麻烦了 .I lost my wallet/ coin purse. 我的钱包不见了. purchase I’m sorry. That’s bad luck. 我很遗憾 我可借你一些. As luck would have it.=Fortunately 所幸的是/幸好+S+V I forgot to bring money with me, 幸好老板今天请我们吃饭 Unit 80 (Easy to get along with. 容易相处 but nothing in her head) I’ve got a job ‘interview today.我今天要去面试. Good luck. 祝你好运. I’ve got a chance to see him.我有机会见他. I’ve got a story to tell you.我有故事告诉你. I wish you good luck. 祝你好运. I wish you longevity. 祝你寿比南山. I wish you success. 祝你成功. I wish you a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快. She is very pleasant.他使人愉快/ 跟这个人在一起令人愉快. She is happy. 他很快乐. Unit 81 My wife gives birth to our first child today. 我太太今天生了我们的第一个孩子. as luck would have it, our boss treated us to lunch today, and I didn’ t need spend any. 我忘了带钱 . Well, if you need some money. I can lend you some. 如果你需要钱吃馆子不能说 Let’s eat the restaurant. Good idea,because then I won’t have to cook Unit 76 I’m tired 我累了. I’m tired of this job. 我已经厌倦这份工作了. So am I. /I am too./ Me too.我也是. That’s what I was thinking. I’m tired of cooking 我做菜做烦了. I work very hard. 我工作和努力. So do I. 我也是. I can sing/dance. 我能唱歌. So can I. / Me too.我也能. He is not happy. 她不快乐. Nor am I. Me either. 我也是. Well, I’m so happy for you.哇 真兴奋,I want to tell you.i’m lying to you.each time I go out,I want to do something else. you’re not really fishing pub. Why do you go fishing so often?你为什么那么频繁的去钓鱼呢. It’s fun.钓鱼很有趣呀. Funny 滑稽的 Why do you go bowling so often? 你为什么那么频繁的去打保龄球 呢 It’s dangerous to go swimming alone.单独一个人去游泳是很危 I want to go shopping with my mother this weekend. 这个周 险的. I bet you go to theMy husband/my wife/ my better half, I'm so excited.我 My mother has given birth to 8 children in all. 我妈妈一共生了 8 个 小孩. I have 10 dollars in all. 我一共有 10 快钱. She is fertile.[f4tail 肥沃] 她真能生. My better half is coming today. excited Unit 82 I’m Kallen,and Peter,you say you’re happy. Well, yesterday I was very happy,but today I know something wrong is going on over here. You don’t look very happy. That’s right,I have some bad uncle past away last night. I feel very sad for what should you say, Peter My uncle passed away last night.我叔叔/舅舅昨晚过世了 My condolences. 请 代 我 吊 慰 之 意 .=Please give him/her my condolences I’m very sad for you.我非常为你悲伤. Please give your father my best regards. 请代我向你爸爸问好. Please give my best regards to your father.请代我向你爸爸问好 It’s sad to learn that his father passed away last night. 得知他父亲昨晚过时的消息真是令人难过. Birth, old age ,sickness ,death 生、老、病、死. I am very happy about that. Unit 83 I know why you are happy today. I’m going to the pub tonight. 我今晚要去酒吧. Don’t get drunk. 别喝醉了. I’m going to the movies tonight. 我今天要去看电影 Will you take me? 带我去吗 Sure, if everything is on you.当然可以 Let’s forget it . He got / was hurt in the accident.他在那场事故中受了伤. He got killed./ He was killed.他被杀了. He drinks like a fish. 他好酒量、 He is mad as a bear.他气得发疯了 She is busy as a bee. 他忙的像蜜蜂. Unit 84 Guess what we’re doing? We have a class outing today. Have fun. 祝你愉快. We went for an outing yesterday. 我们昨天去[郊游/远足]了 Have fun, everybody. 祝你们玩的愉快. We have no time at all,we’re busy everyday.we have to work. We’re busy as bees Unit 85 I want to ask you something.Why do you go fishing so often? 我们今天有校外教学. . .末我要和我妈妈去购物.Tomorrow I’m going skiing with John. 明 天我要和约翰去滑雪. go fishing /skating/swimming/shopping/skiing/dancing/bowling /hunting.go 做及物动词,从事,做的意思 Unit 86 (Peter, I have a problem. 皮特 And what’s the problem? 什么问题 I need your help. 我需要你帮助. Ok, what’s the help then? 好吧 Do you think you can fix my computer? 你觉得你可以修好我的电 脑吗 Well, that’s beyond me.那已超出了我能力/这是我能力所不及 I guess I ask the wrong person .我想我问错了人. Do you think you can fix / repair my computer?你觉得你可以修好我 的电脑吗 I’ll give it a try/shot. 我会试试看. Mum, you should fix supper now. 妈妈,你现在该准备晚餐了. I know this job is difficult, but don’t give up so quickly. At least you should give it a try.我知道这份工作很难 少要试一试. Unit 87 (Peter, I want to have some fun. right. Ok, do whatever you think is Definitely, sailing is fun. No I’d I want to ask you, is sailing fun? ,你至 .As so is shopping. I know you are crazy about shopping. rather go sailing. Ok.) Is sailing fun? 航海好玩吗 You bet/ Of course. 当然 口语,不适用于长辈 You bet 不客气Are you sure that you are coming tomorrow.你确定明天要来吗 Thank you very much for the help. Sail a a car ,pilot/flight a plane Unit 88 (we don’t see unit dad in English. happy today. 皮特 一个叫做巴黎的很棒的地方回来. How was your vacation in Paris? 你在巴黎的假期如何 It was exciting. 很刺激呢 Go on vacation/ holiday(英用后者). 去度假 Bobber went on vacation in Shanghai for three weeks. 鲍勃去上海度 了三个礼拜的假. How was your trip to Tianjing? He went on the trip to Japan. I’ll go on vacation in the park tomorrow Peter, you look especially . Yes, because I justcame back from a very good place called Paris. 是的 Hard work is the key to success. Unit 89 today I have some good news. good news? 什么好消息 今天我有一些好消息 What’s the My daughter said something to me She said: I passed all ,我通过了所有的 Unit 93 I can’t find my keys Where did you see them last?努力是成功的秘诀.yesterday. 我女儿昨天给我说了一些事情 the tests, mum. And I said: Well done.她说 考试都及格了.(And Peter, I heard you lost some money.皮特 oney, but I didn’t buy any lottery tickets.我丢了一些钱 我并没有买彩票. I gambled.我赌博哎. Don’t gamble.不要赌博.) I lost all my lottery winnings (by) playing the stock market.我在股票 市场赔掉了我全部彩金. Easy come easy go.来的容易 . . It’s too bad that we lost so much money at the casino.真是太遗憾了 Easy come easy go. 来的容易 .) I passed all the test, mum. 妈妈 I won first place/ prize in the English speech contest yesterday. 我昨天英语演讲比赛得了第一名. \ Well done./ Great/ bravo/fantastic/wonderful/. 干得好 The college enters examination. 高考 Unit 90 (I think about very nice. Tell me about it. I’m looking forward to summer vacation. 我期待着暑假的到来 . Me, too. 我也是. Now I’m going to ask you a question. You just said: you are looking forward to summer vacation, why is it so? 现在我问你一个问题,你 刚才说你期待着假期的到了 . Well, because then I’ll be free. 因为那时我就自由了. You will be free, you can do many things you like.你即将自由 做很多你喜欢的事情. I’m really hungry ,me too. I’m not hungry ,me either. Look forward to N/ 希望做,企盼 I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.我期待着尽快再次见 到你. I expect to see you again soon. Unit 91 (And today, we’ll talk about food.) 今天谈论食物. I can’t finish this steak. 我吃不完这块牛排.stick That’s all right./ ok. 没关系. It’s all right 没关系. 念 can 的音 k n 音弱,can’t 音清晰且强 I can do the work I can’t do the work.我不能做这个工作 I can’t finish this work. 我做不完这个工作. Will you marry me? 你能嫁给我吗 Of course not. 当然不能. The woman says: This is too heavy for me to move to the 6th floor.女 的说 好啦. Unit 92 (Peter, please wait a minute. I have to look for something. 皮特 么 What are you looking for? 你找什 Peter, I can’t find the keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了. ) 太重了 6 楼. The man says: That’s all right, let me do it.男的说 我期待着尽快再次见到你. Hungary 匈牙利 capital hIt’s too bad that she can’t come today.真是太遗憾了他不能来. Unit 94 (Something bad happen, Peter.) I failied/flunked the exam, because I didn’t study. 因为我没学习所 以考试不及格. Serves you right 你活该.后面 right 声音上扬.service I got a goose egg on the English exam/test 我英语考试得了 0 分 It serves you right./ Serves you right. /S.b asked(asks) for it./ S.b deserved(deserves) it. 活该. Dan has always been rude to his girlfriend, so she finally left him.丹 对他的女朋友一直很粗鲁 It serves him right. 他活该. Unit 95 And I have a question for peter Should I ask/invite Sara to the party?我是不是邀请赛诺去晚会. You only, nobody else. 只有你不要有别人. I would (ask her) if I were you. 如果我是你我会请他. What would you do, if you were me? 如果你是我,你会怎么做 I’d like to ask Bill to the wedding. 我想邀请比尔参加婚礼 What did you do on the wedding night?洞房花烛夜你做些什么 None of your business! 管你什么事 Unit 96 We’re getting close to 100. that’s right Sorry, I Time flies.光阴似箭 well we have a conversation and go like this. Ouch! You stepped on my foot. 哎吆 didn’t mean to(step on your foot).抱歉,我不是有意的. Step on it! 快点. =Step on it. =All right. =Step on the gas.油门 =Make it snappy. =Hurry up. when I want to finish .fast Unit 97 Man/ Boy, that car almost hit me!哇 Yeath, that was close./that was a close Call/what a close call 是啊好 险. He is going to hit me. 他要撞我 the door is close .close the door he has hit me 所以最后她离开了他.Where did you see them last? 你最后一次见到它是什么时候 =Where did you last see them? I lost the key to my room. 我丢了房间的钥匙 I lost the key to my car. 我丢了车钥匙. Oh, that’s terrible. 欧 Unit 98 My girlfriend dumped / ditched me.我的女朋友甩了我. Well, that’s life. 嗯 . Don’t dump garbage here.不要把垃圾倒在这里 So your girlfriend thinks you were garbage 你女友认为你是垃圾. Being a student can be very hard, you’ve got to take one test after another. 当学生真苦 good. 作为一个老师真苦 Unit 99 How is your girlfriend? 你女朋友怎么样啊 We broke up. 我们分手了. I just broke up with my girlfriend. /boyfriend 我刚和我的女/男朋友 分手了. He dumped/ditched me 甩了我 Don’t dump garbage here. 不要把垃圾倒在这. I saw some/a piece of garbage on the road Furniture 家具 不可数 We have a lot of furniture in my house I bought a piece of furniture. I have a lot of baggage. Unit 100 I’m very con’tent. 我很满足. We’re broke. 我们破产了. I can’t believe it. 我真不敢相信. He broke the glass. 他打破了这只玻璃杯. He is broke / penniless now.他身无分文. It’s peter ’s birthday today.Let’s celebrate by have a meal together content 重音在第二个表满足.重音在第一个,表内容 but the content of the lesson is not too happy 重音在第一音节 the content of this dialog isn’t quite happy he is broke,I’m broke,they are broke.,we all are broke Unit 101 (Peter, I forgot my umbrella. And besides is rainging.I guess it’s raining. 皮特 , 我忘了带雨伞 ? 外面在下雨呢 . 我猜在下雨呢 .You were right, it’s raining again.你是对的 I told you ↑so. 我早就跟你说了. I hate rain. 我讨厌下雨. It’s raining. 下雨了. It’s drizzling. 下毛毛雨了.It’s raining hard./It’s pouring./It’s raining cats and dogs 下大雨了 最后句少用为好. Don’t forget your umbrella. 别忘了你的雨伞. Unit 102 (Oh, Peter, something terrible happened 欧,皮特,糟糕的事情发生了 Oh, what’s that? 什么事 I broke mum’s vase. 我打破了妈妈的花瓶.美语发 Veise 不用急 ,你可以再买一个新的. Unit 107 了. Unit 105 (I’m a miser.)我是小气鬼. Unit 104 . 受. Unit 103 Being a teacher can be very hard. You have to take the bad with the.I broke mum’s vase. 我打破了妈妈的花瓶. She is going to kill you. 她会杀了你. She is going to yell at you 她会骂你的. She is going to chew you out. 她会臭骂你一顿的. She is going to scold and even punish you.她会骂甚至处罚你.Who broke my chair? 睡把我的椅子弄坏了. It wasn’t me. It was Peter.不是我.是皮特. Who is going to chair the meeting?谁将主持这个会议 Who is going to preside over the meeting?谁将主持这个会议 president 总统,校长 bench 长椅 stool 凳子(Please call the repairman.) 请叫修理匠. The washing machine isn’t working again./ The washing machine is broken again.洗衣机又坏了. It’s not my fault. 这不是我的错. The baby knows how to pass the buck/ bother to others.这个小孩子知道把麻烦丢给别人. Don’t pass the buck/ bother to me.不要把麻烦踢给我. Nobody likes one who loves to find fault with others. 没人喜欢和爱挑剔的别人的人在一起. leave me alone 少管我,Don’t bother me.It’s my business.cheapskateI’ll treat you to dinner. 我请你吃饭. Don’t be silly. Let’s go Dutch.别傻了,咱们各付各的吧. I’ll treat you to a movie 我请你吃饭. Don’t be silly,of course I love you He is a miser.他是一个小气鬼. Don’t be so stingy. 不要那么小气嘛. He is generous with his money. 他花钱大方. Unit 106 (Please turn to unit 106.) How much do you make a month?你一个月挣多少钱 Mind your own business. / It’s none of your business.少管闲事. I make/ earn 2000 yuan a month. 我一月挣 2000 元.ownThanks for your hospitality. 谢谢你的款待. You are welcome./ You bet./ Not at all.不用谢. John is really hospitable. 约翰很好客. Marry is hospitable, too.玛丽也很好客. Hospital 医院 Unit 108 What do you think of the new mayor? 法, 记起 Nu 音 think of v.考虑, 关心, 想起, 想象, 有...的看Don’t worry. I know that you still have money, you can buy a new one. 你觉得新市长如何 No comment. 不予置评/无可奉告 What do you think of the book/me? How do you like this movie? Unit 109 Where can I get a good novel? 我可在哪儿买到一本好的小说 There’s a book store just across the street.街对面有一个书店. I live across the street from the post office 我住在邮局的街对面. I live opposite the post office. 我住在邮局的对面. across novel [5nCvEl]n.小说, 长篇故事,adj.新奇的, 新颖的, 异常的 Unit 115 Unit 110 please turn to unit one ten. 不念,one one zero How have you been? 你近来如何 Fine, thanks. How about you? / And you? 很好 How about having dinner together?一块儿吃晚饭如何 You pay, ok.你付钱 . . Unit 116 Michel Jackson’s coming to town.迈克尔 Unit 111 one eleven/one one one I couldn’t care less. 我一点也不在意/呼. =I don’t care at all. =I could care less. I couldn’t agree with you more. 我十分同意你的看法. =I quite agree with you. Couldn’t 不能用 can’t 代替 your girlfriend has left.Peter.I don’t care less I believe Bob is a good boy. I couldn’t agree with more Unit 117 I hate doing the damn laundry. 我讨厌洗这该死的衣服. Watch your language! 注意你的用语. Unite 112 one twelve. I hate to do the laundry. 我讨厌洗衣服. I help my mother do the laundry every weekend. Damn it 他妈的./ 该死的. Darn it! 讨厌 Did you talk that damn guy. 你同那个该死的家伙谈话吗 Don’t use dirty/foul language. 别说脏话. Unit 118 Do you mind if I smoke ? 你介意我抽烟吗 Go (right )ahead. 请便. Yes,I mind./ Would you mind if I smoked Unit 113 This is how you turn on/ off the computer.这就是你如何打开/关掉这 部电脑的方法. I see. 我明白了.I understand This is how you turn on/ off the TV/radio. Each time I see you, you turn me on 每次见到你时都使我兴奋 Let me turn you off. That boy really turns me off.那个男孩真是我倒胃口. why is fred crying.well,his girlfriend has dumped him Turn off the TV,please.I am studying Turn on the water.打开水龙头 Unit 119 Where are you going?/ Where to? 你要到哪儿去呀 To the office. I’ll be right back.到办公室 I’ll be back. 我就回来. . Yes, I mind. Please don’t smoke here.是的 抽烟. He is a chain / heavy smoker.他抽烟抽的很凶, (他是个烟鬼) Quit smoking. 戒烟 could I use your car?Go ahead. no,I don’t mind. Sword,剑,a big knife,大刀,White radish 白萝卜 Where did this come from? 这是从哪儿来的 I have no idea. 我不知道. I don’t know. I haven’t the slightest idea. 我一点也不知道 I haven’t the foggiest (idea). 我一点也不知道 I have no idea where he lives.我不知道他住哪儿. I don’t know where he lives.我不知道他住哪儿. I have no idea when he is coming. 我不知道他什么时候来. I’m going to talk about an important question today Are you going abroad to study? 你要出国念书吗.注意 abroad 音 I’ll have to think about it. 我得考虑考虑. Are you studying abroad.正在国外学习 Are you going abroad to get married?你要到国外去结婚吗 I’m planning to study (aboard) in the united states next year. Would you like to go to the movies tonight.well,I’ll have to think about it . 今晚你要去看电影吗 . How about seeing a movie together?一块儿看电影如何 See you at the movies, bye-bye. 电影院见 How about v ing 做 好不好,怎么样? We are on unit one ten. 110 念 one ten that’s all for today.今天到此为止 You hurt Ben’s feelings.你伤了本的感情. So. 那又怎样? He has no feeling. 他没有感觉. He has no feelings. 他没有感情. Otto failed the exam again. 奥图考试又没及格.so He flunked the exam/test again. 他考试又没及格. I have a feeling that Peter will come today .我有一种感觉 今天皮特要来. 你觉得这本书怎么样 Unit 114 (Today’s lesson is a cinch. 今天的课很容易. It’s a cinch. 这很容易 Do you know how to sing English song.It’s a cinch It’s 9 o’clock, let’s go. 9 点了 Where to?去哪儿呀=Where are you going. Where to? The station, please. Take me the train station./The station, please. 带我到车站去. I have to go 有上厕所之意 (开始)吧. How do you feel about/ like this movie?你觉得这个电影怎么样 I’ll be back soon. 我很快就回来. My mom is right there/here. Mary is right in the room. 玛丽就在那个房间里. Unless you want to speak Chinese English. 18 Unit 120 Could you baby-sit for me tonight?你今晚能给我带小孩吗 I’d be glad to. 我和乐意. Could you baby-sit me tonight? 你今晚能照顾/料我吗 Could you baby-sit for me tonight? 你今晚能照顾我小孩吗 I hate to baby-sit Jason. Because he is very naughty/good. 我讨厌做 贾森保姆,因他太调皮 I hate seeing/to see him Unit 121 one twenty-one Let’s go in. 咱们进去吧. After you.你先请. There’ an elevator there, they are waiting for the door to open.哪儿有 一台电梯 Ladies first.女士优先 You first.你先请. Come on in Unit 122 we’re on unit 122 How’s the chicken?鸡肉怎么样 It’s delicious/ tasty.. 很好吃. =The food is really good. =The food is inviting.这食物秀色可餐 how’s that guy. He is a good guy. Unit 123 Would you pour me some of that tea, please?请帮我倒些茶好吗 Ok, say when.好的 倒些 好吗 Stop/ok/enough That wine is very good, could I have some more?这个酒非常不错 Ok, say when.好的 Unit 124 (Peter, you look thirsty. I’m thirty years old.) Would you care for a drink?/ Would you like a drink? 你想喝点饮料 吗?No, thanks. I’m fine.不,谢谢,我不渴.Care for 较客气 Nobody cared for / looked after him when he 时候没人照顾他. Would you care for some tea?/ Would you like some tea? Unit 125 What happened?/ What’s going on?/What’s up 发生什么事啦 It was just a misunderstanding.只是一场误会. I hope we have no misunderstandings between us. 我希望我们之间没有误会. what was up?karl took my toy away. was sick. 他生病的 When you say it’s enough . Would you pour me some of that coffee/wine/soup, please?请你帮我 . 上句是不及物,此句及物动词Unit 126 Guess what!猜猜看是什么事情 What?什么事 Tell you later.以后告诉你. Can you guess what happened? 猜猜看是什么事情 May I have my allowance please?我可以拿我的零用钱吗 Who is going to win the prize?谁会得奖 Take/ Make a guess!猜一猜 Unit 127 (And you look familiar.你看起来很面熟啊 Haven’t we met before?难道我们以前没见过面吗 I don’t think so.我想没有. I guess so.我想有 Get lost!滚 Usually it’s a line 想要搭讪女孩子的一句话 Unit 128 what time is it?人家老问时间,可能是找借口离开.或不愿再谈 I must be going.我得走了.I must go.语气太硬 Ok, keep in touch./ Keep in contact.好吧 Sure.当然了. Hope we meet again soon.希望我们很快再次见面. Though we haven’t seen each other for quite a long time, we still keep in touch by mail.我们虽然已经很久没有和对方见面,但仍以信件 保持联系. Unit 129 It’s good to see yoou again/ work with you/do homework on time Welcome back!欢迎回来.I welcome you back It’s good/glad to be home.在家真好. There’s no place like home. 没有任何和家一样好的地方. Home, sweet home..家 you’re welcome. Unit 130 (Who lets him in?) You are looking great! 你真好看.You, too.你也是. Betty looks fantastic/ wonderful/ great in that white gown. 贝蒂穿那件白色的礼服真漂亮极了. That shirt looks great on you.那件衬衫穿在你身上真好看. s.b look adj in 衣裤 衣 look adj on s.b, 某人穿什么衣好看 衣服穿在谁身上好看 . .Peter,you’re fantastic in that suit Unit 131 (What happened? 怎么了 Oh, nothing. Same old stuff.没什么 老样子.To sigh/ I sighed. 叹了口气.What’s going on? 怎么了 I have a lot of stuff to do.我有好多事情要做.=I have a lot of things to do.) How’s work?工作如何 Same as usual. 和往常一样/老样子. How is your plan coming along?你的计划进行的怎么样 How’s work coming along?你的工作、进行的怎么样 How’s going?近况怎么样 Same as usual. 老样子. I’m moved by her story.他的故事令我感到. Unit 132 (It’s good to be back. We are on unit 132.) How’s business?生意怎么样 Couldn’t be better.好的不得了.不用 can’t 代替. How are you doing? couldn’t be better. You are hard to get along with?你很难和人相处. He is telling a white lie.你在说白色的谎言, Don’t tell me white lies.不要告诉我白色谎言. Tears bathed the cheeks. 以泪洗面 Unit 133 Where did the time go? 时间到哪儿去了 You are telling me.用不着你说/还用你说吗 You should make good use of your time. 你要好好利用时间/你要把 握光阴.好好利用时间 Don’t fool around.不要鬼混/不要混时间. goof around I agree with you.我同意你的看法. You can say that again.你说的太对了. You are telling me.还用你说 . I think Ray is a good boy.You can say that again/you’re telling me There’s a fly here/on my face.they’re flying away.苍蝇,飞 Your fly is open.裤裆开了 Unit 134 The good news: I got a raise. 好消息 The bad news: You are paying for it 坏消息 I got raises.我升职(加薪)了. I’m glad to hear that.很高兴你这么说. I got promotion. 我升职了.(没有加薪) I made a fortune/ Wealth.我发财了. I made a big fortune.我发大财了. Let’s share with me.咱们分享吧.Share the wealth Glad to hear that.很高兴你这么说. Congratulations! 恭喜 Unit135 (It’s been a long day.hasn’t it? ) I’m exhausted.我累坏了. Exhaust 废气,动,耗尽 Ok, let’s go home.好吧 . Unit 140 (When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入境随俗/入乡随俗) Have you eaten?你吃饭了吗 Not yet.还没有. Has he come.not yet What’s eating/ bother you?你在烦什么 Unit136 I’ve moved.我搬家了. Where to? 搬的哪儿啦 I’m moving to Shanghai.我正要搬到上海. I’m moving tomorrow.我明天搬家. I’m moved. He is moved. You are moved. 很感动 I was moved when she acted.当她表演时我很感动. Unit 141 Give me a (phone) call tomorrow. 明天给我打电话.= Call me (up) tomorrow. Ok.好的 What’s eating / bothering John, he seems to be sad. 约翰在烦什么 . Don’t bother./ It’s no bother.不麻烦 That job will exhaust you. 这个工作会使你筋疲力尽 I’m a workaholic.我是个工作狂/我是废寝忘食工作的人. I’m exhausted./I’m beat.(疲乏的, 颓废的)/ I’m tired out./ I’m worn out.我累坏了. Wear 过去分词 磨损 /加薪了 ..) Unit 139 (You feel so down today., what’s wrong?/ What’s the matter?) 你今天感觉这么低沉/忧郁/闷闷不乐发生什么事了 I had an accident.我出事了. That’s terrible.真是糟糕. Kallen is a good actress. What do you think of this movie/Mary?你觉得这个电影怎么样 It’s terrible.糟透了 It’s terrific.太棒了. hey,we got go dancing ,it ’s terrific. is very very bad Terrific,it’s just opposite,means wonderful Unit 138 (And I want to ask something, Peter. 皮 特 情.Would you ever go bungee jumping? 你去过高空弹跳吗 never try it. I’m chicken/ I’m yellow.).我从未试过.我很胆小. I went bungee jumping yesterday.我昨天去蹦极. That sounds like fun 听起来很好玩的样子. That sounds like fine.听起来不错. That sounds like a good idea.听起来像是个好主意. That sounds fishy, 听起来像是让人可疑的. I went shopping/swimming/skating yesterday. I’ve ) Time flies.时间飞逝/光阴似箭 time flies like arrow Unit 137 (I’m so excited.我好兴奋 What are you excited about?你激动什么 Have you heard the news?你听过这个消息吗 No, what happened?没有, What’s the news you want to let us know?什么消息你想我们知道. Actually, you already know the news.实际上,你已知道这个消息了. Peter has a new baby grand daughter.皮特新添了个孙女. And I’ll tell you the truth.我告诉你的是真的. It’s so exciting.真让人很兴奋. Lousy 差劲的 That’s a good piece of news.那是一则好消息. News n stands for north, e stands for east w stands for west and s stands for south What does the &s& stand for? ) I’ve seen him. I saw him yesterday.现在完成词后无准确时间 Give me a ring/buzz/(phone) call tomorrow. 明天给我打电话. Give me a ring, and I will go (to) pawn it.给我个戒指,我把它当掉. Give me a (phone) call when you have time .你有时间的时候给我打电话. Cell phone 手机 beeper 呼机 Time’s up. 时间到了. 前名词修饰后名词,相当于形容词,后词声音弱读,无重音. Give me a telephone/cellphone tomorrow.电话机 Unit142 Somebody please answer the phone./ ring.请谁接一下电话 I’ve got it.我已经接了. Please answer the door./bell 请去应门. Hi, somebody is knocking on the door, go answer it.嗨 . Go see him. 去见他. Go buy me a newspaper.去买一份报纸. I thought it was a pack of cigarettes.原来还以为是一包烟呢. The phone is ringing, go answer it.电话铃响了,去接一下. Unit 143 (Why so nervous?为什么紧张 I have to sing in front of a big crowd tonight.今晚我要在一大群人前面唱歌. That sounds pretty good. 听起来很好吗. I’m terribly nervous.我很紧张. Calm down./ Cool down./ Cool off.冷静下来. It’s terribly hot today.今天很热.Terribly 坏得非常,very 可好可坏 She is terribly ugly.他太丑了. handsome He doesn’t have the nerve / guts to pursue/go after that girl 他没勇气 追那个女孩. He doesn’t have the guts to see me.他没勇气见我. Unit 144 (I’m very noisy.我很吵,You are a babbler.你是长舌根.【胡言乱语 的人 I’m sorry.抱歉. You should be quiet.你应该安静. He is playing the guitar/piano/flute.他正在吹笛子.flu 流感 Work hard,will you? Unit 145 Bon voyage!祝你一路顺风/平安. [b3nv3’ia:d9] Bye-bye. Happy landings. Have a good trip. 祝你一路顺风 Unit 146 Let’s get together this weekend.咱们周末聚一聚吧.. It sounds good.听起来不错. Let’s go.咱们走吧. Lettuce 莴苣 I’ll treat you to dinner.今晚我请你吃晚饭. Sounds like a good idea.听起来是个好主意. It’s a good idea.好主意. 祝你一路顺风 open the door,will you?study hard,will you? ) 音 bubble 泡沫 . Be quiet, will you?安静好吗 门Unit 147 (yes I’m in trouble.)我遇到麻烦了. You just ran a red light.我刚闯了红灯. Did I?我闯了吗 a road hog 路猪/开车闯红灯的人. A jaywalker 闯红灯的行人. You got a ticket.你拿到了一张罚单. Tony often runs a red light when he is in a bad mood. 托尼心情不好的时候常闯红灯. Unit 148 Hurry (up) and get changed.快去换衣服. What for/ Why?为什么 Why are you going to the post office? 你为什么去邮局= for What are you going to the post office? = What for are you going to the post office? = What are you going to the post office for? John, could you lend me 20 dollars? 约翰 What for/ Why?为什么 Unit 149 Are you ready?/ Are you all set?/ Are you prepared? 准备好了吗 后面加 for+n.为 做准备 Are you prepared 主要是针对考试 Not yet.还没有. Not yet/ I wasn’t ready..还没有. Has he come? 他来了吗 =I’m prepared for the exam. I’m all set for the lecture/speech.我准备好了演讲. Unit 150 (Snail 蜗牛 He goes so slow.它走的太慢.) He is going too slow. 他走的太慢了. Pass him.超过他 Don’t speed.不要超速 He was fined $60/200 RMB for speeding. 他因超速被罚了 200 元. Unit 151 (We are going to talk about being late.) Are you going to come home late tonight? 今晚你会晚回家吗 Yes, I’ve got to work overtime.是的 He didn’t get paid for working overtime.他加班没有津贴. Unit 152 Why are you all dressed up? 你为什么盛装打扮 all 是强调 I’ve got a date.我有约会. The beautiful girl is dressed in green/red. 那个漂亮女孩穿着绿色衣服. Put on your coat, it’s ver y cold outside. 穿上你的外套 She is wearing a dress. I’m dressed up today,because I have a meeting. 22 Unit 153 Let’s go (and) eat.咱们去吃饭吧. . I’m ready for the exam. 我准备好了考试.=I’m all set for the exam. 20 元钱吗 Ok! Dinner’s on me.好的. Unit 159 Don’t be afraid .give it a try. / a shot 别害怕 . . ok I know that the job is very difficult. 我知道这个工作很困难. Give it a try / a shot.试一试. I bike on the weekends.每逢周末我都骑自行车.Come see me when you have a time.你有时间的时候来看我. Go (and) buy me a newspaper. /go buy a newspaper for me . 去给我买 份报纸来. The movie is on me but dinner is on you. 电影我请 Everything is on me .一切我请客. You say you will pay. Unit 154 How was my singing.我唱的如何 Not bad at all.一点不差、 Your singing was not bad at all.你唱歌一点不差. What do you think of Lisa 你觉得莉萨怎么样 She is not nice at all.一点也不好. Unit 155 Mike’s really angry.麦克真的很生气. I wonder why.我搞不懂为什么. Calm down!冷静 To be angry with/at someone.对某人生气. He’s angry with/at me.他对我很生气. He’s mad at me. 他对我很生气. He’s madly/mad about Joe.他疯狂的爱 Joe I wonder why 我不知道为什么 I wonder where he lives I wonder when he is coming I wonder why he’s angry. 我不知道为什么生气 This medicine really works wonders. 这个要真的有奇效. Unit 156 I’m so depressed.沮丧 I just got fired 我刚被炒鱿鱼了.. You asked for it 你活该. I was just fired To be fired / to get fired / to be sacked/to be sacked/to get sacked 解雇 If you are lazy, sooner or later ,you’ll be fired /get fired / be sacked . 如果你偷懒 Unit 157 Do you play mahjong? 你打麻将吗 Once in a while.有时候打.sometimes Do you play hide-and-seek?你玩捉迷藏吗 Do you play the piano. I play the drums. Every now and then / Once in a while./sometimes 有时 I call on my uncle Every now and then / Once in a while./sometimes. 我有时去看我的叔叔. Unit 158 Can you lend me your car? 你的车子能借我吗、 Nothin’doin’. (Nothing doing).门儿都没有 =No way. / fat chance / dream on. A brand new car.一辆新车 call on 拜访 .Unit 160 Put that book away .because here comes the bus 把书收起来 . It’s (about) time. / it’s (high) time.该是时候了. Here comes the bus. 公交车来了 It’s about time that he went to bed. 该睡觉的时候了.从句中用过去 式,与现实中相反. 虚拟语气 I’m waiting at the bust stop Unit 161 Congratulations! You’ve just won a car.恭喜,你刚中奖得了一辆车. It’s too good to be true.好的令人难以置信. Please give my best regards to your father 请代我想令尊问好. 23 Unit 162 (Why is it a special occasion?) 这是个特殊的场合. How do you feel?你觉得怎么样 I’m (as) nervous as can be.我紧张的要死. Bride and groom.新娘和新浪 I’m tired as can be =I’m very tired.我累的要命. He’s nervous as can be nervous.他紧张的不得了. Unit 163 (Thanks for inviting me over. Peter)谢谢你要请我过来 Don’t be shy .have some more chicken. 别害羞 Thanks.谢谢. I’d like to eat chicken.我喜欢吃鸡肉.a chicke 可数,是小鸡的意思 I’m chicken./ He’s cowardly./ He’s a coward.我胆小. (coward 懦夫 ) Unit 164 (Oh! Really! That sounds good/great/wonderful.) Why did you stay home today? 今天你为什么待在家里 I’m off today.我今天休息.be off 休假 have+时间+off 修几天假 I’ll be off tomorrow. I’ll be on leave tomorrow. 我明天休息.be on leave 较正式放假, I ’ll have three days off next week.下周我修 3 天. I wish I were him.真希望我是你. I’ll have a week off next month .下月我休一周. Unit 165 I’ m tired.我累了 Ok! Let’s call it a day.好吧,咱们今天就到此为止. I’m tired out 累翻了 . . =He’s very nervous. =He ’ s extremely Let’s call it a day and take in a movie. / watch a movie 咱们今天就到 此为止.去看场电影吧. Should we unpack out one more box. 我们再打开一个箱子吧 No. Let’s call it a day. We can finish this tomorrow. 不,咱们今天就 到此为止.我们明天可以把这件事做完. Unit 166 I’m feeling down.我心情不好. Come on .Cheer up.别这样 Leave me alone.少管我. A blood You should look on the bright side of life.你应该看到人生的光明面. Cheer up. Don’t feel down./ Don’t feel depressed 振作一点.别沮丧.. Unit 167 (She’s snoring. Wake up.)他正在打呼噜 Get up. You lazy bones.起床 He is a lazy bones.they are lazy bones Just a moment. / Just a minute./ Just a second.等一会儿吗. The fish is bony.这鱼多刺. This fish have lots of bones.这鱼有很多骨头.You must be careful.你 必须小心. Mary is bony.玛丽很瘦. 骨瘦如材 Unit 168 Are you ready to leave/go?你准备离开了吗 Give me a sec. /second 在等一下好吗 Are you all set to leave/go? 你准备离开了吗 Give me a sec. /second.等一下好吗 Wait me a sec. /second.等我一会儿.jiffy 一会儿 I’ll be ready in a sec./in a second./in a moment.我马上就准备好了. I’ll be back in a sec. /in a second./in a moment 我很快就回来了. I’ll be there in a sec. /in a jiffy./in a moment 我待会儿就到哪儿 Well! That’s about time.该是时候了. . .Just a minute .He ran all the way to the station.) (他一路跑到车站) The boss is mad at you.老板对你很生气.angry with/at 生气 Who cares?谁在乎呢.管他呢 I’m mad /angry at my sister 我对我妹妹很生气. I’m mad/crazy about Mary 我对玛丽着了迷. sooner or later, he will be fired/sacked Unit 172 (I speak a dialect. He speaks five different dialects.) 我会说一种方言 For example? 比方说. Could you /do me a favor/ help me/by opening the door.你能不帮我 个忙把门打开 Could you do me a favor and mail a letter.你能不帮我个忙把这封信 寄出去 Could you do me a favor by mailing a letter. 你能不帮我个忙把这封信寄出去 Unit 173 you’re not suppose to do that Don’t do that. You are asking for trouble. 别那样做,你在自找麻烦. I don’t care.我不在乎. Don’t sing. 不要唱歌、 Don’t cheat people.不要欺骗人. Don’t be late. You are asking for trouble.不要迟到 To be in trouble.有麻烦. get into trouble.惹上麻烦. The little boy is very naughty.这个小孩很调皮. If you don’t take his advice. You’ll be in trouble. 如果你不接受他的 忠告 . Judy got into a lot of trouble because of the careless remarks. 朱迪因其不谨慎的言论惹上了很多麻烦. Unit 174 . 5 种方言. Tom has done me lots of favors. 汤姆帮了我很多忙.Unit 169 The boy threw up.那小孩吐了. That is disgusting.好恶心啊. I get the idea.peter 我知道了,别搞了 Where’s the toilet./bathroom./restroom.厕所在哪儿 I have to go to the toilet./bathroom./restroom.我得去厕所一趟. That is disgusting./gross.那真恶心啊 Excuse me .I have to vomit.抱歉 呕吐. I threw up after the riding on the roller coast 我坐云霄飞车后吐了 Unit 170 (I’m so proud of you)我为你骄傲.You are my hero.你是我的英雄. Aw! Shucks. Ma’am.奥 I shucks I forgot my key. 讨厌 . gross 年轻人小孩用的多 .You know kallen,you’re a vip. program couldn’t be possible. without you,I will have no money.who is this.I said that,actually Irealy mean that,because you’re very impotant ,without you this Then you are a realy vip,becauseI’m not VIP./big shot/big wheel 我不是个大人物. You are too humble.你太谦虚了 VIP=Very Important Person 重要人 物 He is a VIP ./ big shot. / big wheel.他是个大人物. Unit 175 (He is disgusting)他很恶心. Why don’t you go out with Jack.你为何不和杰克约会 He makes me sick.他令我感到恶心. Why don’t go on the date with Jack.你为何不继续和杰克约会呢 May I have the honor of dating you.有没有这个荣幸和你约会 Sherry is going out with Mill.萨拉正和尼尔约会. Sherry is going on a date with Mill.萨拉正和尼尔约会. I feel sick when every I think of him.每次想到他都令我感到恶心.The sight of him makes me want to throw up 看到她的样子就使我想I’m the one relies on the hero of the world Unit 171 (We’re all the way up to unit one seventy one.我一路到了 171 课) Unit 176 Paul sends you his regards.保罗向你问好. paw 爪子 How nice of him.他人真好.That’s true.对的 181 (Let’s eat out? Why not?) kook 疯子Paul asked me to say hello to you. 保罗向你问好. This is a watch I’m giving you.这是我给你的一只手表. Well, if it worked would be nicer.如果这个表能走就更好了. Please give me best regards to your parents.请代我向你父母问好. =Please remember me to your parents. Please give me best regards to John/ Mary. 请代我向约翰/玛丽问好. Unit 177 (Peter, I’ m in trouble.皮特 你又遇到麻烦了 Again. 又遇到麻烦了) . . . It’s all over. I’m bankrupt.全完了 Don’t worry, everything will be fine. 别担心 It’s all over, he’s left me.全完了 Don’t worry, everything will be fine. 别担心 产公司无力偿还债主. He is on the verge of bankruptcy.他濒临破产. Unit 178 (And maybe there’s a hope for me 也许我有希望.Oh, there’s a hope for you. 哦 .I heard somebody broke up with somebody. 我听说某人和某人分手了) Peter and Mary broke up.皮特和玛丽分手了 Are you serious? 真的吗 /此话当真吗 They broke up yesterday. 他们昨天分手了. What would you see? 你看如何呢 /你有什么念头 If you have any money? 如果你有钱. Only the money you give me.仅有你给我的钱 I broke up with Bell yesterday.昨天我和拜尔分手了. We are through now.我们吹了,完蛋了. Unit 179 (She is yawning.他在打哈欠 To find out why I’m yawning. 弄清楚我 为什么打哈欠.) What’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗 Nothing much.没什么. How are you? 你好 How are you doing? 近来好吗 How is it going? 进来如何 What’s new dude? 2 老兄 Unit 180 (Peter, it happens again, I’m hungry.皮特 I can take the hint.我能听懂你的暗示) Let’s eat out. 咱们出去吃吧 Why not? 有何不可呢. Let’s eat at the restaurant.咱们在饭馆吃吧. Let’s go to the movies tonight.咱们今晚去看电影吧. Why not? Your treat, right?有何不可呢.你请客 . dude 花花公子 .I’ll cook dinner for you. 我来弄晚饭 Eight courses is enough 八个菜就够了Don’t go to too much trouble. 不要太麻烦 My uncle went to the trouble of renting a car for me during my visit. 我叔叔不辞麻烦,在我拜访(做客)他期间,给我租了}


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