I don'not think much off the movie

---Many people don’t think much of the movie.---I think differently. In way, it is a very good film. And photographed scene is very beautiful.A. a, a B. the, theC. a, / D. a, the  题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
---Many people don’t think much of the movie.---I think differently. In ________ way, it is a very good film. And ________ photographed scene is very beautiful.A. a, a B. the, theC. a, / D. a, the 
D【解析】试题分析:句意:--很多人对这个电影评价不高。--我的想法完全不同。从某种意义上说,它是一个好电影。并且拍摄的场景很美丽。第一空填a,in a way从某种意义上讲,第二空填the,指的是这个电影拍摄的场景。所以选D。考点: 考查冠词 
Ruth sold most of her belongings. She has hardly_________ left in her house.A. anythingB. nothingC. everythingD. something 
Flood damage cleanup is an unforgettable experience for me. I have seen a number of news reports on television showing houses that have been by natural flooding and how the different there are coping and starting their flood damage cleanup. I have always felt for the families that have become victims of flooding however I couldn’t imagine what they were because I have never experienced flooding or flood damage cleanup at first until two years back.My experience happened when I woke up early one morning because of the of water. As I started to get out of bed to turn on the light, I felt cold muddy water at my . I then realized that the power was . This probably happened due to the heavy and strong wind that were brought by a hurricane during the .As the rains stopped, I decided to do my flood damage cleanup . Because I had only moved in the house and had only a few belongings, the amount of damage was . It involved only washing shoes and bags soap and water.It was a good thing that most of my things were inside plastic buckets and most of the furniture that I bought was made of and plastic. This made my flood damage cleanup a lot easier. My cleanup work only the removal of mud from the apartment floors. It was also a good thing that the had hardwood floors. Had the apartment been covered with carpet, I would have had to a lot having the carpet cleaned if not replaced with a new one.1.A. drownedB. washedC. affectedD. removed2.A. citizensB. householdersC. ownersD. residents3.A. sorryB. worriedC. excitedD. glad4.A. feelingB. doingC. speakingD. thinking5.A. viewB. handC. thoughtD. sight6.A. cleanupB. floodingC. earthquakeD. landslide7.A. smellB. shapeC. tasteD. sound8.A. headB. neckC. feet D. breast9.A. outB. inC. onD. down10.A. rainB. snowC. frost D. fog11.A. morningB. afternoonC.eveningD. night12.A. slowly B. graduallyC. quicklyD. frequently13.A. unfoldedB. unpackedC. uncoveredD. unloaded14.A. greatB. bigC. smallD. tiny15.A. withB. byC. throughD. in16.A. thrownB. dippedC. displayedD. stored17.A. woodB. metalC. paperD. leather18.A. undertookB. beganC. involved D. engaged19.A. bedroomB. kitchenC. building D. apartment20.A. spendB. costC. pay D. take 
The teacher stressed again that the students should not ____any important details while retelling the story.A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out  
Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals, if properly, may contribute to spreading diseases.A. not handled B. not being handledC. not to be handledD. not having been handled 
Some parents are just too protective. They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A. prevent B. shelterC. recover D. accompany 
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-E for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. ExerciseB. Relax yourselfC. Minimize Television WachingD. Read Challenging BooksE. Early to Bed, Early to RiseFive Simple Ways to Increase Your IntelligenceYour brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. Here are 5 simple ways anyone can squeeze a bit more productivity out of the old gray matter.1._______This is a hard sell. People love vegetating in front of the television, myself included more often than I’d like. The problem is watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity or allow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise.When you feel like relaxing, try reading a book instead. If you’re too tired, listen to some music. When you’re with your friends or family, leave the tube off and have a conversation. All of these things use your mind more than television and allow you to relax.2._______I used to think that I’d learn more by not exercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily.3.______Many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books aren’t mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise, elegant English. Don’t be afraid to look up a word if you don’t know it, and don’t be afraid of dense passages. Take your time, re-read when necessary, and you’ll soon grow accustomed to the author’s style.4._______Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation (剥夺睡眠). You’ll be most energetic if you go to bed early and don’t sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate(弥补)by sleeping late, you’ll wake up lethargic(无精打采) and have trouble focusing. In my experience the early morning hours are the most tranquil and productive. Waking up early gives you more productive hours and maximizes (使……最大化)your mental acuity(敏锐) all day.If you have the opportunity, take 10-20 minute naps when you are hit with a wave of drowsiness. Anything longer will make you lethargic, but a short nap will refresh you.I hope you aren’t disappointed that none of the techniques I’ve proposed are revolutionary. But simple, unexciting answers are often the most valid. The challenge is having the will to adhere to them. If you succeed in following these 5 tips, you’ll be rewarded with increased mental acuity and retention of knowledge. 
If you _________ my advice, you ________ your failure now. You _________ your victory.A. took ... wouldn’t cry over ... would celebrateB. had taken ... wouldn’t have cried over ... would have celebratedC. had taken ... aren’t crying over ... are celebratingD. had taken ... wouldn’t be crying over ... would be celebrating 
His success ________ his hard work.A.resulted in B.resulted from C.resulted of D.led to 
请输入手机号Worst Movies of the 90s
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Worst Movies of the 90s
This is a list of the worst movies of the decade as chosen by our site visitors.
(Disney's) HerculesAside from the fact that Disney now choose stories that just aren't suited to they're style, and rewrite them, tweeing them up on the way, they also cannot write original stories (as they frequently prove nowadays). But that last point is a bit beside the point. Today, or whenever, Disney have decided to take on Hercules as their film of the year. Complete with: well below Disney-par artwork, appalling choices of voice-overs, bad animation, unlikeable (and very badly drawn) characters and crappy dialouge devoid of humour at all.The 13th FloorThe plot (if there was one) was so convoluted.
You didn't know who was who and where the hell they were half the time.
And when the end of this fiasco finally came, you really didn't care.13th WarriorThis movie has to be the worst movie ever made!! Actually walked out. Went into this movie thinking that it was going to be an action flick. The most action that I saw in this movie was Banderas making a sword for about ten minutes in the movie and then using it once in a two minute battle scene. Oh, and the "fire snake" I mean come on, nobody is that stupid. liked the book, but HORRIBLE MOVIE!!!! Makes me pissed that I watched this poor excuse of a movie as long as I did.8 mmNicholas Cage can pick some stinkers sometimes.
I thought this one might be an interesting peek into an underworld we don't hear or see much of, what it ended up being was a mess of bad over-acting and very illogical and imposible scenarios.
Would the wealthy patriarch of the family really pay $1 million dollars for a snuff movie?
Would the bad guys in story really try so hard at identifying themselves as evil?
Would the bad guys confess so much of there bad deeds, damn they were chatty. Bad movie, not worth a $1 dollar rental. Also, didn't see it on this list but that Star Wars Episode 1 was pretty weak, that little kid was terrible.8mmthis was one of the most ridiculous movie ever made. Nicholas Cage did a horrible job in this movie. It was nonesence,and I hope there's no follow-up.8mmThis movie was so bad.
I love Nick Cage and kept expecting the movie and the acting to get better, but it never did.
The plot only existed for shock value and failed miserably. The secondary plot line - Cage and his wife - was terrible and felt as though it had been thrown in as an afterthought.
I can't believe I sat through the entire thing!
AArdvarksYOu guys are fucking stupid have of these movies while not being great films are classics and need to be respected . . . water world and last action hero are amazing films and however much you hate the brave little toaster it is still a movie that needs to be viewed my everyone go choke on a cow dick if you dont know what movie thats from then go dieAgree with all of the aboveWere you people even alive in the 90's?!?! WTF! 70% of these movies were good movies. Devils Advocate, Clerks, Big Lebowski, bad movies??? Are you all out of your f-ing minds? These are cult classics you retards!Alien 3Rubbish follow-up to one of the most enjoyable sci-fi/horror/action flicks of all time. Starting the movie by killing two characters whom most movie goers liked was mistake number one. Scenes resembling video game POV shots (supposedly seeing from the Xenomorph point of view) were also not impressive. Pure crap. A bunch of drunk monkeys typing could have done a better job.All Of The Above!All you people have problems! About a quarter of those movies were awesome. You guys just don't have taste. Go watch Broke Back Mountain, FAGS!!!Anacondaa gay ass moie about dumb ass overgrown snakes. It wuz so cheap they had to
play some of the footage backwards just to afford it. Definetly 2 eyelids downAnacondaGood God! Haven't you people seen Anaconda!?!? All of these movies are much, much better than Anaconda and most of them are terrible... The best part of this movie was that it restored my faith in the resiliance of human beings because those actors that took part in this travesty somehow rebuilt their careers relatively unscathed. This is easily the worst movie ever. Not just in the 90's and the only reason I saw it was because the snake seemed kinda cool but it made like three cameos and they sucked!AnacondaOh my God, the worst thing I've seen in a long time.
At no time do you ever believe the snake is anything but computer generated and it is absolutely hysterical when it eats Jon Voight and regurgitates him...how sad for him to be in this movie.AnacondaHOLY CRAP! This entire page should just be a review of ANACONDA the worst movie ever made! I tried to watch more than 1 hour of this disaster on film but blood almost started coming out of my eyes like the snake was tightening around me. The stupid in this movie almost burnt me alive by the second appearance of the snake! BLAH!Apt PupilBooooooooriiiiiing....i mean what a snooze fest.
there was not one moment in this movie that i was not struggling to keep my eyes open.
I don't know what else to say, but STAY AWAY.ArmageddonMichael Bay sure can make some eye candy, but what he fails at is the actual content of the film. 'Scientifically inaccurate' doesn't even explain this abomination enough. Don't forget the awful performances from the people that weren't Steve Buscemi, especially when it comes to pretty boy Ben Affleck. It's not even enjoyable, it's just bad. Astonauts Wifea corny movie about a man going into space and turning into an alien! I mean REALLY!Backdoor Sluts 9This movie was about the WORST porno i have ever seen! it is definitely not worth the time "whacking off" as you kids call it these days...DO NOT waste your time watching this....there is more naked guys then there are chicks!!! :Batman & RobinOkay I like George Clooney in certain film roles but this wasn't one those film roles that I liked him in.
Why didn't I like George Clooney in Batman & Robin?
Because the script was horrible, there wasn't any plot to it, and he should have chosen his roles a little more carefully. Another reason why I didn't like this movie is because they chose Uma Thurman to play Poison Ivy.
Now I like the Poison Ivy character but Uma Thurman wasn't the best actress to play this role.Batman & RobinThis was a gay Fantasa. Nipples on the rubber bat-suits? Boy, is that queer, but enough gay jokes. Chris O'Donnel was just so bad in this movie. When you see him, you expect Adam West to dawn the cape and cowl. George Clooney, who's just a actor in the first place. He should have stuck to ER, and retire with dignity. I'll tell when it got really lame, when they blow off the doors of the rocket ship, Robin is surfing on the door yelling "cowabunga". I was gone. No more me. But since it bombed, that proves there is a god.
Batman & RobinWhere do I begin? I can see where they tried their best with adapting a film version of this from the comics but it seems like every person involved in the film did care who the audience was. From the Batman suit, the premise of the story, and the acting it was hard to pick which one was the worst part. Batman And RobinI blamed this one on that damn director Joel Shumacher. He made this movie like that campy 1966 version of the TV show. The storyline sucks and the dumbest thing is that the butler Alfred has a niece named Barbara Wilson played by Alicia Silverstone, also as Batgirl (wait a damn minute, does Commisioner Gordon has a daughter name Barbara Gordon who's really Batgirl).
Arnold Schwartzenagger played a good villian so far (I think). But in all, what the hell happened with Tim Burton and the background music by Danny Elfman? The Batman francise is no more, and it's all because of Joel Schumacher. Enough said. Good night dammit!!!
Batman and RobinYou HAD a trilogy! End it there. No, they had to make a 4th film. Starring a horrible casted role of George Clooney as Batman. Batman and Robin make lowbrow comments throughout the movie saying things only my brother would laugh at. And here comes another hero into the batcave... Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl! Don't ruin the Batman epic with Silverstones poor acting, Tim Burton.Batman and Robinthis movie sux ass! george clooney wearing a bat-suit with nipples!!!!! this movie was doomed from the very begining!Batman and RobinThis is the evidence that hollywood doesn't proof read scripts because surely someone would have looked at it and said "wait a minute this is awful."
I will never truly work out what the set designer was thinking and its the type of movie where you feel sorry for the actors when they have to spill ot lines like "Your not sending me to the cooler."
A truly awful film, Uma Thurman what were you thinking?Batman and Robinvery pissed off the way this movie went. Cloony was a horrible batman. Val was better then him but no one could have done it better than Keaton. The whole thing sucked how they made Gotham city look to
Arnold being mr. freeze. All the charaters
sucked. But i can beleive Alica Silverstone she was maybe the only believable character in the movie. Tim Burton where are you. Batman and RobinProbably the worst movie that i have ever seen in my life and i have seen a few bad ones.
They relied to heavily on a big name cast and forgot who and what batman is.
They real batman died when tim burton stopped directing.
Overall corny dialouge like "alright, everyone chill", or "cool party"...ugh, it was awful.
They of course had to change the batman costume so it can make the crotch the most noticeable thing on the costume!...batman is ruined.Batman and RobinThis 1997 movie was an insult not only to the whole franchise, but to anyone with anything vaguely resembling an intelligence.
Terrible acting, terrible plot, and nipples on the batsuit.
What the hell?Battlefield EarthDear God...where to begin? Well...first of all, the story for this film was originally the "brainchild" of L. Ron Hubbard...founder of Scientology and paragon of excellence in storytelling. The story goes like this: some aliens wipe out most of humanity and knock the survivors back to the stone-age, they enslave the leftovers and put 'em to work mining gold, the humans get fed up and mount a revolt, the humans win, and the alien's home planet is destroyed by *cough* ONE nuclear warhead. In other words...this film is about as predictable as a drunk Gallagher in the produce section and about as futile as a Green Party rally at Oral Robert's University. Evidently, this movie was supposed to incorporate overtones of Scientologist "philosophy". Well shit...I guess their brand of "spiritual" discipline is just to damned advanced for me to be able to grasp with my primitive, puny, non-Scientologist mind. It seems that the basis of this cult's philosophy revolves around some lofty, metaphysical concept of "leverage" and around a bunch of childish, simple-minded pathos that surely don't require a pseudo-religion or a scholarly deconstruction of "Dianetics" to appreciate. For shit's sake...L. Ron's little "insights" make Winnie the Pooh look like Friederich Nietzche. If this is Scientology's first triumphant foray into the world of film, then I shudder at the prospect of what might lie ahead. Hopefully, this film will kill John Travolta's little "renaissance" at the root and hurl him back into the inky abyss of the American movie-goer collective psyche...never to be allowed to plague our lives again. Travolta's character, "Terl", was one of the most transcendentally asinine things I have ever seen in a major motion picture. Imagine the guy from White Zombie sporting Gene Simmons platform boots, add a dash of Klingon, give him noseplugs, and bingo...he's an alien! If you're slightly masochistic and don't mind wasting a couple of precious hours of your life, then watching everybody's favorite former Sweathog stomp around in those ridiculous "Ministry-meets-Studio 54" platform boots might be worth the anguish of sitting through this movie. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, "Terl's" home planet is called...*ahem*..."Psychlo". "Psychlo"? Hmmmm...what star system might that planet found in? "Schizlo"? "Mezzo"? What's "Psychlo's" moon named? "Lunator"? Check, please! The "hero" of this fetid pile of shit is some Malibu beach, pre-fab, Hollywood "hunk" wanker that has about as much range as a Pez dispenser and the singular distinction of reprising the lost art of the 80's "movie barbarian" archetype. Outside of Travolta and the guy who played "Ghost Dog", the cast is comprised of no-name, utterly dispensable, Hollywood chaff. The guy that plays the main hero brings an abysmal lack of talent to the table...he's like a cheap, LA surfer wannabe version of the Beastmaster. Minus "Podo" and "Kodo"! For God's sake, he makes Marc Singer look like Laurence Olivier! Well, I guess he isn't completely worthless...I'm sure that this guy will be able to find plenty of work in the soft porn industry or perhaps even as an extra in a USA Network, late-night, made-for-TV movie. It is my sincere hope that I never see this guy "act" ever, ever, ever, ever again in my life. Sure...he didn't have much to work with in the way of dialogue, but for shit's sake, Bobcat Goldthwait could out-act this dick-snot. To sum up: this film is a truly monolithic slab of pure, unadulterated, unrefined, grade-A, top drawer, take-no-prisoners, world class, peerless owl-shit and a poignant example of Hollywood's staggering lack of respect for both its audience and the noble art of film making. Prognosis: destroy this film and all evidence of its existence. This movie should come with a surgeon general's warning label. Considering "Battlefield Earth", "The Phantom Menace", et al, I think we should impose a ten year moratorium on all Sci-Fi movies. Chances are that the damage caused by such brazenly foul movies will reverberate throughout the science fiction genre for years...polluting and disfiguring everything in it's wake. If we want our children to have any decent sci-fi, then we must strike while the iron is hot! It is our obligation to future generations to arrest this pestilence and reclaim our birthright! Good citizen, the time is now! Do your part and burn a copy of "Battlefield Earth"!Battlefield Earthheh...i don't think i even need to say anything here.
worst movie of the 90s hands down, arguably the worst movie ever.
oh yeah, shine's one of the *best* movies of the 90s...just cuz nothing blows up doesn't mean it sucks.Battlefield EarthThis movie was truly the worst sifi movie ever but not because of L Ron Hubbard. If you took the time to read the book you would know it was the script writers that FFFed up the storie. the book is an amazing peice of work.Battlefield EarthJust to give you an idea - they had to pay people to see this movie!Battlefield EarthScientology's version of Triumph of the Will. Pure propaganda. Forrest Whittaker, Larry Anderson (ex Scientologist who appears in the film) and the film's writer apologized for this. It's like a bad Star Trek episode on acid, with John Travolta (in the film that is now a permanent stain on his career) his "wife" Kelly Preston (who I still believe gets good roles in Hollywood because of him because she cannot act for her life) in Klingon gear speaking the words of Scientology's founder L Ron Hubbard, who's works were banned by the cult's current leader (and Tom Cruise's rumored lover) David Miscavige, who has been recently in the news for allegations of abuse of staffers (oh joy...) It's a miracle that this piece of garbage made it to theaters...BelovedOprah Winfrey promoted this movie as a compelling documentary on African American slavery (never mind that 5 minutes of the movie was actually true), and the critics called it the "Best Motion Picture of the Year" day in and day out.
Being a person of African heritage myself, I was suckered into wasting my precious $6.50 for a ticket to "Beloved",
And little did I know that it was the worst damn mistake I ever made.
Basically put, the movie is about a ghost of a baby girl who reincarnates herself in adult form in order to rape some old man who is in love with the character Oprah starred as.
The movie has scenes of fat Oprah urinating, a dog with its eyes out of its socket, two white kids sucking on Oprah's breasts, a scene where Oprah gruesomely killed the baby in order to prevent the slave-catcher from taking her away, and, of course, the explicit sex scene between the ghost girl and the old man.
Normally, even bad movies like "Final Fantasy" or "Battlefield Earth" will make you think, "Yeah that movie sucked," and get on with your life, but after watching "Beloved", I felt disgusted, confused, empty, depressed, and had nightmares about the movie for weeks afterwards.
I do not want to experience that kind of ordeal with any movie I watch ever again.
Art film my ass. The Big LebowskiStupid there was no plot in this movie.
Bridges was to find a kidnapped person.
Goodman came up with stupid plans.
They both bowled a lot too.Bio dome An movie where you'll see one actor bite off the other actors toenail, yuck! Their names are not important by the way.The BirdcageWhat on earth did people see in that movie?
The story was atrocious and I thought I was going to die in that movie.Black BeautyI was dragged to the movie version of the classic Book Black Beauty in 1994 with my mom and my niece. I don't even remember this movie it was so bad. Black SheepThought we were going to see another Tommy Boy, but hell no we didn't. No plot, and no comedy. Typical fat guy falls over and we laugh but that got really stale really quick. I knew Chris Farley's days were numbered after this flop.The Blair Witch ProjectI'm Sorry but the ONLY THING the makers of this film did well was tease the public. They were ingenious in their efforts to create hype for this movie. The fake documetary on The Sci Fi Channel peeked my interest and I later learned it was all a hoax.
It was probably a wonderful experience for the cast and crew in the creative realm, but lets face it I wanted to KILL Heather. She was so unbelievably annoying!!! She couldnt even shut up for 1 second to let that poor old lady finish a sentence! And lets face it I really didn't enjoy watching the camera violently jog around the screen. I got sick to my stomach.
Blood WorkClint Eastwood as a cop who looks and acts exactly like an aged version of the well-known "Dirty Harry" character ... but ISN'T. Until about 15 minutes in I thought he WAS Dirty Harry - until someone called him something else besides Harry Callahan (it was STILL a name that was similar, like McCullock or something)...
Firstly, I wasn't sure Clint Eastwood was still drawing breath, let alone that some unsuspecting studio had either paid off a debt to him or worse, went out and FOUND him.
Jeff Daniels did a surprisingly good job in the movie, but the entire plot was bad, uncomfortable, way "out-there" and when they started hinting toward a love scene between Not Dirty Harry and the not-really-attractive female lead, I began to get this sinking feeling. Sure enough, ol rubber jowls Eastwood was soon engaging in the Democratic National Past Time with her, AFTER we were shown numerous scenes of him having HEART SURGERY, etc, which only REINFORCED how much OLDER he was - eeeyeuch!
You have NOT been disturbed by something non-intentionally-weird until flabby, senior citizen shots of Clint Eastwood's bare buttocks flex and jiggle while he's doing the wild thing with someone young enough to be his granddaughter.
The plot itself was... there, but the subplots were too numerous, too unbelievable and too intertwined in a truly cosmic way - FAR too 'obviously' cut and dried to make any sense. It was like a demo of a movie, where you just go along and check out some of the main features, and are treated to the icky stuff that you are forced to think about... very, very disappointing.
Its not that it was a bad movie, really - Eastwood can never be said to have done a 'good' movie, as he's not a good actor, he's just intense - but he did his thing, Jeff Daniels did quite well... its more it was what I have dubbed a "Null" movie - one which isn't necessarily good or bad (and could be classified as either by most other people), but whose primary characteristic is that after its over and the lights come up, you feel somehow empty, like you're waiting for the movie to begin, as though you didn't just sit through a 90 minute feature - its like it didn't even exist and somehow on the trip from the ticket counter to this seat, time sped up, you blacked out and had a bad dream, then woke up.
Blue Steelludicrous & silly would-be thriller doesn't even succeed at the camp or "so bad it's good" level. Notable only for Ron Silver's uniquely terrible performance, and director Kathryn Bigelow, who somehow managed to rise from dreck like this and Point Break & won an Academy Award for The Hurt Locker.Blues Brothers 2000A really bad squeal, the wrost of them all, it's got just say NO! and be nice to cops lessons, in a film that was the complete oppisite and a late-night classic, and what's with that damn little kid!The BodyguardWho ever told Whitney Houston she could act?
She should stick to singing and cocaine.Boxing HelenaIll fated directorial debut of Jennifer Lynch (yes, David's daughter). This was one of those "physcosexual" thrillers that were very common in the early 90's; Kim Basinger was sued over 8 million bucks after she backed out of this fiasco. Needless to say, it was the best 8 million bucks she could have spent on ANYTHING!!The Brady Bunch MovieLook the Brady bunch was alright in the 70's and 80's, but them living in the 90's? It couldn't be possible,especially with all the violence we have in the 90's. It was alright in the plot, actors were good, but it was confusing to me to see a 70's sitcom become a 90's film. Bride of Chuckyok, what was the point of this movie??? for all of us fans of the first 3 Childs Play movies, this one just killed any hopes for anymore good Chucky movies. Exactly what was the point of the two dolls having sex?? i still dont get how two plastic dolls can do it! This movie seriously sucks!! complete waste of money! do yourself a favor and dont waste your intelligence on this piece of crap!
Bringing Out the DeadBOTD was not about paramedics, it was about redemption. And Jacob's ladder didn't have a single flashback, they were delusions. I like both of these movies very much. You're right on on the rest of the list, though.Bringing out the DeadThis movie starring Nicholas Cage was a disaster with no point. I understand that it's supposed to be about how paramedics doubt themselves after loosing a patient and all that--but it was just insane!!
I think that the only way that it could have been any worse was if they casted Eddy Murphy instead of Cage!Brokedown PalaceOH MY GOD! This was one of the crappiest movies I have ever had the displeasure of seeing! Claire Danes and her stupid whore friend go to Thailand. They get drawn into this big drug scandal and are thrown into prison. The entire movie, you have NO IDEA whether they did it on purpose, or whether the drugs were planted, etc. They try to get out of the prison legally, trying to escape, but in the end, only one gets out. ...And you never know if the other one was really guilty. The movie tries miserably to stir up emotion. I was sitting there as the credits were rolling, thinking to myself, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!"Buffy the Vampire SlayerThis movie was so bad I couldn't even make it through it. Thank God, for the tv series.Buffy the Vampire SlayerThis movie was so stupid and ridiculous, I for one find it hard to believe it was made into a TV series. Buffy the Vampire SlayerThis actually sounded pretty cool, and the script by Joss Whedon was quite good, but those executives! They messed everything up, including rewriting good portions of the script. Then they had to go and cast some of the worst actors imaginable (Kristy Swanson as a vampire slayer? Please. She can't even act!), and use some awful special effects. Thank God they let Whedon do a proper version with the TV version of Buffy, which lasted from , and which was also the best television show of all time!Buffy the vampire slayerthis movie is one of those movies that when you were little, you thought it was cool, then when you grow up and you see it for the first time in years, you look and say to yourself what the hell was i thinking.BulworthWarren Beatty steals the story from "Network," replacing the insane news anchor with an insane senator who speaks "the truth" about blacks in America. A mean-spirited, foul-mouthed parody of African-American culture, Beatty indulged in every stereotype except performing in blackface. The most racially offensive movie since "Birth of a Nation," "Bulworth" is (or should be) repugnant to Americans of all races.The Cable GuyThis movie made me want to stick pencils inmy eyes just so I would not have to watch it anymore!
I knew that JIm Carrey was stupid but I did not think that he was so stupidas to make this movie.
I have no clue why anyone, in their right mind, would make such a movie.
I believe that all copies of this movie should be BURNED!!!Chasing AmyWhere can i start with this one? well ben affleck plays this comic book creater along with Jason lee and he falls in love with joey lauren adams and he comes to find out shes a lesbian. hes still in love with her and is doing and saying everything to her to get her to change her sexuality and get in bed with him.long story short she does and falls in love with him.then all of a sudden jasons jealous cause shes taking him away from his work and life. and of course ben thinks that jason wants him. so ben talks to jason and joey together.and he had this strange idea that he has a three way with jason and joey.But they dont want to.so ben loses the girl again. I got to say not only is this one of the worst movies of the 90s but its one of the worst dramas. Kevin smith what happened? clerks was good, Mallrats alright, Chasing amy? what the hell?A Civil ActionJohn Travolta who I love, is casted in this waste of time, film.
They build up this massisve plot and the civil action law suit lost!
It would be the equivalent if in the movie Erin Brochavich, the law firm lost the case, what is the point of the movie.
Civil Action could have definately stayed in book form on the shelf.
Color of NightThis movie has the most unbelievable moronic plot ever conceived.
Honestly, if I even tried to describe it, it still would be way beyond the realm of human comprehension as it is so incredibly stupid.
Starring Bruce Willis, this is a soft porn disguised as a mystery/suspense thriller.
So bad that it is actually worth seeing, as the simply baffling plot offers a plethora of hilarity.ConeheadsYou could honestly just read the name and see just how stupid it was from that. This move was dumb had a plot that just never even been produced into a movie I knew it then and I was about six. Its been thirteen years and it seems like it just got worse. Don't even think about watching this crap.CongoHorrible movie filled with midgets in monkey suits who smoke cigarettes and do sign language.
Movie was so terrible, i nearly threw up.
Bad acting, bad plot, and those damn ape suits!!Cool As IceVanilla Ice has melted. Who in the right mind would give him a movie deal and pay him 1 million dollars to play in the movie. The movie did't even make a million dollars. Vanilla Ice got creamed in this movieThe Crow 2: City of AngelsThis sequel to The Crow (starring the late Brandon Lee, and actually wasn't all that terrible, but certainly not great), is one of the top conteneders in my book for worst movie of all time. I know we hear that term thrown around a lot, but I believe my point could be firmly made if you simply go out and rent this movie (and believe me, If I could reimburse the money you would have to spend renting this piece of crap, I would). It's the same basic plot as the first movie, a mystical crow returns the soul of a dead guy to his former body so he can take revenge on his killers, he's almost killed every last one of them, and then as soon as you think the movie may finally be over the bad guys find out that to kill the bad man in clown make up they have to kill the bird that follows him everywhere. The only difference is that this movie takes place in the not too distant future, and is shot entirely in badly designed sets with some excruciating lighting (it's indefinately night time in this city). If that's not enough for you, I have two words...Iggy Pop, who plays one of the most poorly cast bad guys in a movie to date. Wow it feels good to get that off my chest.CrybabyThis movie sucked rlly bad after the first 10 minutes i wanted to throw it in my fireplace. You could tell it was a rlly lame teen movie. The can was terrible, the directing was terrible, the movie was beyond terrifying. I advise you to not watch this.Dark CityOk, for those of you who recognize the name will probably go "Ohh Yeaaa" after you hear why this movie was so bad. Ok the jist of the movie is,Aliens have taken humans, erased their memories and put them in a city. Every night it's keifer sutherland's job to inject everyone with a new life. When the movie starts, the main character wakes up, naked, in a bathtub, with a little puncture wound in his forehead. He finds a dead girl on the floor near his bed and cops pounding at his door. So of course he doesn't know whats going on. So keifer gives him a call and tries to explain. Then he tells him to go to Shell Beach. So our hero is running around this dank, dark city trying to find someone who knows how to get to Shell Beach while a cop is chaseing him. Ok, so where do aliens come in? I have no clue, I had to watch the movie twice (luckily i worked in a theater so it was free) and read countless reviews to understand it. SO after what feels like 4 hours our hero find a billboard pointing the direction to Shell Beach. But what's this? A big building with a door is blocking his way!! Oh No!!! So he opens the door steps in and the camera pans out to show that the city is floating in a black abbyss in black metal....OK...end of movie. This movie sucks, where's the conclusive ending. I mean even the most complex movies that are made to make you think have more of a conclusion that this. It's a mix between The Truman Show and The Matrix. I think it was written by someone with a little too much angst in him. Dead Man On CampusThe biggest waste of money: the filmakers and mine.
Mark Paul Gooslarr of "Saved By the Bell" actually found a charcter and film more annoying and stupid than the ones in his television work.
A thin plot at best with the most weak, pathetic and creepy cast assembled during the whole decade.Dead Man WalkingTwo hours of trying to force emotion that just was not there.Death Becomes HerMeryl Streep sucks number 1, and it's not even "dark humor" funny. It's about a couple of rich bitches who want to hold on to their youth, and fight over Bruce Willis who looks like a dressed up pedophile! It's typical of the early 90's sucky movies, they were either really good, REALLY bad.Deep Blue SeaEven Samuel L. Jackson couldn't make this movie worth seeing. The special effects were something out of an 80s cult film--I wasn't sure if I was supposed to laugh or be disgusted at how ridiculous they were. As special effects go, I would have expected more from a late-90s flick. I didn't care about any of the characters, except the one portrayed by L.L. Cool J. I didn't even care when Samuel L. Jackson's character died. . . and that horrible monologue he was forced to give right before the brainiac shark ate him--ugh!! Not even his incredible talent could make that stupid script compelling. Deep ImpactThe storyline can be sumarised into a sentence, a meteorite was going to hit, and it did. I never got 'emotionally attatched' to the victems and the mini love plot was pathetic. If it was supposed to show us how much a meteorite could effect us, i think we know!!!!!! We'd all die and not feel a thing. I don't see the point in this film and it wasn't even enjoyable, it didn't scare me, make me sad or happy. It simply had absolutly NO effect on me, whats
the point in that!!!?? The Devil's AdvocateI would sell my soul to Al Pacino if he could make me forget I ever saw this fiasco.Disturbing BehaviorI thought the critics were a little hard on this film, then I saw it. It's not clear if the title refers to the good guys or the bad guys. The bad guys are apparently clean cut, but engage in murderous acts as the authorities look the other way. The worst part is when the main character proves he hasn't become one of the bad guys by answering "What's the capital of North Dakota?" with "How the f--- should I know?". The only thing that was good about it was the janitor's Pink Floyd reference.DogmaTHe movie itself was stupid. It didn't have a story, no plaot and the casting was terrible. THe stupid jokes were not even funny. I hate this movie and if someone buys it burn it right away.Don't Tell Mom The Baby Sitter's DeadThis was one of the worst movies I ever saw in my life.
Adventures in Babysitting it is not! I bet that Christina Applegate thought that this movie was stupid too when she took a part in it.
:PDopplegangersDrew Barrymore has an evil twin who kills people and follows her....enough saidDr. GigglesAs long as we're bashing Corbin Bersen's film "The Dentist", why not pan one starring his ex-L.A. Law co-star? Larry Drake (Benny on "L.A. Law" and Durant on "Darkman") plays the title character, a total nut job who kills his "patients", then inhales laughing gas. It's hard to believe Drake won an Emmy after seeing a celluloid piece of crap like this one. It also stars Holly Marie Combs (Piper on "Charmed"), who you would expect to act terriby\ly. Actually, she's an improvement over the movie's male co-stars. Don't make a house call to this quack---or rent his movie on DVD. EDTvThis movie was so horrible, I left. It had been done already, 10 times better and was a cheap ripoff of "The Truman Show." The acting was terrible, especially by Jenna Elfman and I was even disappointed with Matthew MConaughey, who can be an exceptional actor at times. The plot was so pointless to begin with, I was sorry I ever even thought of seeing that movie.Empire RecordsVery few times have I felt so against the whole of the rest of humankind... Now, admittedly, maybe I didn't see this film until I was too old to, and everyone else saw it when they were teenagers, and still hormonally schizophrenic, but what a piece of crap. Stupid 'pretty pretty' teenagers working in a krazy rekord shop, jumping, dancing, gambling, stripping, shagging, woo woo! If this is even vaguely like any of the jobs that people had as teenagers, and if anyone looked like this when they were young, you can go to hell... the superficial teenage angst stories are bollocks and solved pretty painlessly, except for a bit of inconsequential wrist slitting. The music sucks too. Give me Dazed and Confused any day.Encinio ManYou all suck!!!!!!!!Encino manIt features Pauly Shore,the embodiement of all the silliest aspects of the 1990s,during his heyday as "the weasel" on MTV's Totally Pauly.I remember him mostly for dating the late pornstar Savannah.This movie reflects perfectly how fashion,music,language were in the early 90s.It's still watchable today but only for it's nostalgic values.The comedic elements are now totally dried out.Enemy of the StateThe only movie that I have ever, EVER, fell asleep during, while at the movie theater.
If you fall asleep in those uncomfortable seats, you know the movie blows HARD.Escape from L.A.If you haven't seen the movie....watch it! and if you haven't I need not say more.Event HorizonThe perfect description for this movie and the one I always use is "This movie stole two hours of my life from me". I was more than disappointed. I was horrified. I respect both Sam Neil and Lawrence Fishbourne a great deal as actors and have enjoyed them in other roles. Some movies make you think "Well, I guess he/she needed to buy a new house and decided to do this." This movie makes me think the director slipped them lsd to convince them to be in it. The plot is none existant, the dialog is bad enough to make you cry, and the special effects are not even close enought to make up for it. The matrix was a crap movie over all, but the special effects, fight scenes, and beautiful people made you not care. Event Horizon stole two hours of my life from me that would have been better spent watching paint dry while flagulating myself. Avoid it at all costs.Eyes Wide ShutThe opening scene with Nicole Kidman on the toilet pretty much sets the tone for this stinker.
I tried to watch it, twice, and couldn't make it through.Eyes Wide ShutI have always considered myself a big Stanley Kubrick fan, but after viewing this dark, disturbing and highly disgusting film I am disappointed to see such a great film-maker have to leave on such a sour note.The FacultyAs hot as Elijah wood is, this movie just didn't do it for me.
It was the same 10 lines repeated over and over again, "your the alien!"
"No you are."
One can only listen to that for so long before it just gets mundaine and overdone.
Not to mention, the effects were absoloutely horrible.
I swear I could almost see the zipper on the alien's costumeThe Fifth ElementHorrendous, One of the only movies that I have cried in, but not because it was sad, but because it was utterly horrible.
The worst movie by far that has ever been released into the movie theatres.The Final SacrificeA boy named Troy McGregor is stalked by evil thugs whos ringleader is named Satoris.
He teams up with a drunken Canadian man named Zap Rowsdower who used to be in the cult, but was cast out.
They go in search of the Ziox civilization and meet up with an Old Prospector named Mike Pipper.
He gives them the information they need to find the lost civilization and defeat the cult.
This is the worst thing ever to come out of Canada!Final VoyageIce-T plays a terrorist that hijacks a sinking cruise ship. Dialog, continuity, acting, plot, special effects all couldn't be worse if you tried. Spectacularly bad movie. FlubberThis was my first movie theater trip.My dad and I were so excited.Unfortunatly, this movie was so boring and the jokes were rehashed
into one of the worst movies I ever saw.Here are some real quotes from me and dad. Dad:Let's go! Me:No.Not till' the movie is over. 15 minutes later Dad:Come on! Me:Let's get out of here!The Full Montythis movie was a waste of time half the movie was just smoking and talking about doing the full monty STUPID the ending even was poor BAD MOVIE!!!The Full MontyDreadful, totally over-rated, not amused with this poor attempt, the fact that i live in the God awful place they made this film, and one of my school mates was actually a backup cast member, (one of those sort that cross the road in the background, and are in the film for near on 6 seconds if they're lucky), well to say the least i was not impressed, i could have wrote a better script myself! (albeit the strippers would be female, much more interesting already)...Future War (1995)Awful movie it was on MST3K. I can't even begin to describe the plot, but the entire movie was a really bad knock off of Jurassic Park and Terminator 2: Judgment day. All it was were a bunch of scientists/students wearing flannel running away from minuture T-rexes out in the desert! Awful, stupid, and really cheezy!GODZILLABig budget Hollywood remake that forgot it was supposed to be a Godzilla movie and not Jurassic Park 3. How can you not include this movie?Ghost DadAwful, dark comedy starring Bill Cosby about a man who drowns in a taxi and becomes a ghost. Extremely disturbing and very, very STUPID!Godzilla (1998)A corporatly engineered piece of crap. Like independence day it was chock full of cheesey dialog. Mindless and cliched humor based on formulaic character reactions, along with the same overkill of comic relief. Dumb, ludicrous plot that like Armageddons plot had so many implausibility that it fails to suspend disbelief, I mean come on, If your going to pass off this movie as being serious, at least try to come up with an original explanation for the monster's size instead "radiation make stuff big!" I hate this movie. In fact I hate all corporately engineered movies. Good Burger Nickeloden made a cute little movie called Harriet the Spy, Harriet the Spy, with a good story, a happy ending, and evan a good preformence by Rosie O' Donnall the next year, they decided to take the most poupler skit of their answer to in Living Color trying to be SNL (All That) called Good Burger of course the skit was funny if you your 8-years old and enjoy watching skits preformed by talentess 13 years, under the control of equeal talentless former cast member of head of the class. Using thier most poupler skits and having thier too most famous break-out stars Keanan Thompson and Kel Mithell, whom had a sorta good sitcom as well. They tried to make a film on the levals of Wayne's World or the Blues Brothers (the only films from SNL that were actally good, better yet memorable) by a having a dumb plot (evil copperate company opens across the street, geeky trainee and airhead make it more poupler with speical sauce) cameos by "big stars" (Carmen Electra, Squelle O' Neal, and Sinbad) and terrible intperation of a bedlem and it's oppupants to make One Flew Over the Cookoo's nest look like Citizen Kane. Kenan and Kell our good on thier sitcom and maybe when they were on All That (which is just stupid,now), but they arn't Abbot and Costello, Paul Newman and Robert Redford, or evan Cheech and Chong, stick with TV, boys because your going to be nobodies by the time your 30. A Goofy MovieDumb! Just utterly stupid. I can stand 10 minutes of Goofy being stupid but 2 hours? No way!HE-MANthe russian dude from rocky 5 plays he-man... set in our own planet in 1988! Half BakedThis really isn't a movie but it's actually a full length commercial to try to get kids to get hooked on weed. The plot has been done to death before and the dialogue is pretty corny. ("I am a master of the custodial arts...or a janitor if you want to be a freak about it") All it is is telling kids that weed is not a drug and that they should smoke it whenever they can. It even gives EXAMPLES of where and how to buy weed and also, at one point, goes into a 12 step program and has millions of people say that weed isn't a drug. ("I've sucked d--- for cocaine. Have you sucked d--- for marijuana?") It also tells you what kind of smokers there are. (SPOILER AHEAD!) Then, at the final scene, the movie changes it's entire pro-pot stance and shows a character quitting weed and says that "My girlfriend is better than all the weed in the world". It's also filled with plot holes. Who is this Squirrell Master and why is he looking out for Kenny. Is Thurgood stealing weed from his job or is he just borrowing it from that guy? Where'd that guy on the couch come from? How does Thurgood avoid being caught by the cops when he's smoking OUT IN PUBLIC?!?!?!?
However, it's not the worst movie in the world. It does have some funny parts especially anything with Sir Smoke-A-LotHappily Ever AfterA Sequel to Disney's Snow White, but not produced by Disney's Direct-to-video crew. Disney TV stole the idea of making sequels to classic animated films from Filmation, makers of the "He-Man" 80's TV show. (See "Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night" on the 80's list.) Let's see... Snow is married to Prince Charming. The evil Lord Malice (the brother of the evil queen who perished in the original) wants the throne and kidnaps Charming. Snow goes deep into the woods to save Charming and encounters the Seven Dwarfelles (the cousins to the famous dwarfs?), some of them voiced by Carol Channing, Ruth Buzzy, and one of the Gabor sisters. The only Dwarfelle name I can remember is "Muddy". Originally relesed in the late 80's as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfelles"; re-released around 1994(?) with the more ticket-selling title "Happiy Ever After".Happily Ever Afterthis stinker and Disney ripoff bankrupted Orion Studios (who made Dirty Dancing among others) and destroyed Irene Cara's career (her manager forced her to do this movie). Even Malcolm McDowell and Tracy Ullman can't save this movie. she's the voice of Snow White with a Love Boat-Hollywood Squares worthy supporting cast: Zsa Zsa Gabor, Ed Asner, Dom DeLuise, Jonathan Harris (from Lost in Space), Carol Channing, Sally Kellerman, and Phyllis Diller.Hard Core LogoI don't know? I don't think musicians make very good actors.
The plot was terrible, if there was any plot to begin with.HardwareThe absolutely worst film ever made. Really. The plot is that a robot/ killing machine all of a sudden rises from the sand in the desert and goes berserk on people in they're homes with various weapons (like drills, razors and saws). I saw this film a long time ago, but I still remember that there was someone peeking through a window, masturbating as a man and a woman had sex in there (not adding anything to the story), and then the man who had sex with the woman somehow takes down this killing machine. And what does he do next? He uses a razor to cut himself in the stomach and worms, and cockroaches pour out. When the movie was over I just sat by myself the mouth open, just trying to grasp what I'd just seen. Believe me when I tell you, this is the worst movie ever made!Harriet The Spythe movie was dumb and overall pointless...Henry ChinaskiFirst of all half of the people on here critique amazing movies in the most negative light. All these people hate on writers/directors like Tarantino, The Coen brothers and Rodriguez, thinking that they could write a better movie.
Enemy of the State, Tony Scott would dump on your chest while you slept in your uncomfortable seat. The Faculty, if you don't like snorting random stuff out of pens, and almost seeing a bunch of side boob, directed by a legend, than I think you're the alien.
Dogma douche, I am laying down the doctrine that Kevin Smith shall not be insulted, even though his humor as of late has gotten old. He was an original creator of comedy, like George Carlin, Judd Apatow or Buster Keaton. And if you bust on Smith, I'll bust in your mouth.
To sum up the rest:
If you didn't like The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then clearly you've never been high.
SLC Punk: Trainspotting is better, but I'd still watch it again.
Psycho, the original was much better, but did you watch it? Basically the same thing. Guy jacks it through peephole, slow as shit.
Pitch Black, Vin Diesel's only good role was dying in Saving Private Ryan (if you don't count Multi Facial).
The Pest: John Leguizamo is a clown from hell. Wrong movie, but sums up his acting career.
House Arrest, who didn't want to lock their parents in a basement?
I want a Good Burger, with less bitching about childhood stars someone wanted to be, and more funny black dudes, who like orange soda and Dance 360.
For the person hating on The Fifth Element, if it weren't for Luc Besson, Mila Jovovich would have never been comfortable enough with her sexuality to show off the Tatas in Resident Evil, and Natalie Portman would've been just as lost.
Encino Man, true, that is any Pauly Shore movie. He was the Jersey Shore or Real World of his time.
Pay It Forward, I want to pass this on to you, you suck, that movie was great. You are upset because you cried, but as some weird dude with blue face paint once said: "Everybody hurts sometimes." Don't take it out on the child star who could see dead people.
Black Sheep, Chris Farley, I say nothing more.
And Finally, The Big Lebowski commentator sucks balls. First of all, your comment barely passed for the English language. If you want to critique a movie for being poorly written, learn how to write. Second White Russians are the tits, the dudes the man, bowling is fun, John Goodman is better as a Vietnam Vet than he was in Rosanne, and obviously you're not a golfer!
HerculesYes, I am bashing a Disney movie!
Not only is the story unrecognizable from the original myth, but this movie contains some of the worst animation ever from the Disney studio. This movie was the downfall of disney animation!
Lazy bums!Here On EarthThis movie was HORRIBLE.
The ONLY good actor in it was Josh Hartnett, who I can't believe actually decided to do this movie.
Chris Klein and Lee Lee Sobieski were both awful.
Sorry to give away the ending for anyone, but her having cancer was SO obviously just the only way they could think of to end the movie.
It was ridiculous, and I'm ashamed to have spent any money on it.
Here On Earth/Love StoryI know that someone else already listed this one, but I have something new to add that they forgot to mention, besides the horrible horrrible HORRIBLE attempts at acting by Leelee Sobieski (remember her in Eyes Wide Shut, she should stay in movies where she doesn't have to talk) and Chris Klein (remember his great skill in Election, turns out he wasn't ACTING to be stupid)....Picture this: you're the head of a major studio...you decide you need a remake this year...you pick...THE WORST MOVIE EVER! People forget how much Love Story (the book, the play AND the movie) sucked. But it did!!!!! Who would have thought they could have possibly made it worse!! Who here DIDN'T want Leelee to die by the end? That's what I thought.Highlander 2There have been a lot of bad sequels but this movie is the only one I have seen which actively reaches back into the original film to destroy it.Highlander: EndgameI remember a few months ago me and my brother trying to decide on a movie to go see, I said I saw the highlander movie preview and that it looked pretty good. My god was I wrong. Me and him both agreed as we left the theatere that there was not a single decent part in this movie. It consists of random flashbacks that have NOTHING to do with the movie in any way shape or form, the plot(if there is one) is so bad that you would think the writers for some latenight infomercial made it, THE ACTING is simply the worst I've ever seen. The last action scene is so bad that there were tears in my eyes, out of nowhere Mcwhatthehellever appears in a MYSTERIOUS UNDICLOSED location where the EVIL SUPER VILLIAN appears out of the blue and engage in one of the worst coordinated fight scenes ever as lighting clashes down that looks like it is straight out of a B-movie of the early 70's. Mere words cannot express the filth that is this movie, I feel sorry for whoever wasted there money even to rent this crap. It's not even laughably bad, it's painfully bad. Highlanders 2+There should've been only one.Home FriesAnyone who has seen it knows why... the plot seems like it was made up on the fly as they were filming it.
It's almost so bad that I would recommend watching it as a joke.Honey We Shrunk OurselfsThis was supost to be the third movie in the Honey I shrunk the Kids saga.
This movie not only didn't have a good plot but it only had one of the two of the original cast members.
The acting was bad the diaglog was bad to put it simply this movie should have never been made.
If I remember right this movie came directly to video and for good reason whould anyone have gone to see it if it had been in theaters.
The only thing that reminded us that it was part of the Honey I shrunk the Kids saga was the shrinking machine the dad used to shrink things and Rick More Rantis.
The senery was different the kids where different and while he had the same name even the dog was a different breed.Hong Kong 97B-grade Chronicle of the handing over of Hong to China in 1997. Basically bad attempt at James Bond. Stereoypical goons of Asian decent flying across the scene with guns and women everywhere. Classic scene? Sex scene where goons leap into the room suprising them in the act. Somehow the two main charatcers pull two pistols out from 'nowhere' and start blasting away. Hot Shots Part DeuxNow this was a pretty lame excuse for a movie if I ever saw one. It starred Charlie Sheen in a spoof of every war movie that was ever made. I can't see any reason why anyone would find dropping a nuclear bomb on Saddam Heussin to be funny?
When it was out on video I didn't even giggle at it.
I don't giggle at it now.
House ArrestI liked this movie..WHEN I WAS FIVE. The premise is totally stupid, kids lock their parents in the basement and totally mess the entire house up. If I didn't kick my kids ass after that happened, I must be nuts. And trust me, there are a lot of things I can say about AUstin Powers 2 and 3, but, I'm a nice guy.Hudson Hawkarguably one of Bruce Willis's worst movies, if not his worst. I Know What You Did Last SummerExcuse me, but when I pay good money to go see a horror film, and I am force fed this sack of crap, I get mildly irritated to say the least. The movie lacks a plot, good acting, or any enterainment at all. This movie should be shot, hung, stabbed, poisoned, and buried alive. Then its grave should be burned.Inspector GadgetDisney's poor excuse for a live action version of the 80s cartoon. This movie was AWFUL! There were plot holes everywhere, the lines were messed up, the ending was cheezy, and the talking car was annoying. Plus, they didn't have the important elements which were in the cartoon: the self destructing message, Penny's computer book, you SAW what Dr. Claw looked like, Gadget's name was Jon Brown(How unoriginal is that?? :P), Brain was a beagle instead of being a terrier-like dog like in the cartoon, and Gadget solved the crime instead of Penny and Brain helping him out. Jacob's LadderOne of the absolute WORST movies ever filmed. It was flash back after flash back and a total waste of time and money if you rent it. Would never EVER watch it again.JawbreakerHorrible! Everyone else I know loved it, though. It's about this group of girls who playfully kidnap their best friend on her 18th birthday or something. They put a huge jawbreaker in her mouth as a gag and stuff her in the trunk of a car. (the girls are disguised so she doesn't know it's them) They drive somewhere and get out a camera to take pictures of her shocked face. Well, they open the trunk and see that she has swallowed this gigantic jawbreaker, thus choking on it. They realized they killed her so they take her back to her house and made it look like she was raped. It was horrible, there's more to it than that, but I don't want to remember anymore!!! It was way too bad!!!Jimmy HollywoodAbsolutely the worst movie I ever saw in my life.
It was boring and pointless, it had no plot and by the time it ended I could hardly keep my head up. If you see this movie in your local video store, turn around and run the other way!Jingle All the WayThe movie Jingle All the Way is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. The plot of the main character trying to find a holiday gift and ending up with a psycho postman played by Sinbad is just sad. Arnold Schwarzanegger just proves once again that he is not an actor, just muscle and an accent. The late Phil Hartman gave a particularly annoying performance, and Sinbad cannot act and never has been able to. There is nothing about this movie that saves face.Johnny MneumonicA dud sc-fi adventure set in the future, which doesn't forebode well for our future. Keanu Reeves could be the worst actor ever, and his totally laughable and self-grandizing monologue proves it. He even keeps his increasingly grating West Coast accent, as he does with his other films. The only "saving grace" is how the main villian (a stereotypical Oriental) is killed off. By then, I'd wish that everyone in this clunker (especially the filmmakers) had died this way. Jury Duty (1995 w/ Pauly Shore & Sandra Bullock)Absolutely one of the most boring films I've seen. But then again, Pauly Shore is in it, so whaddaya expect? (He also got a TV show on FOX for some reason...) The plot was quite easy to figure out halfway through and the jokes were flat... Came out in 1995 near the height of the OJ trial.KazaamShaq in a gay robe doing magic tricks! Need I say more??KazzamOH MY GOD!!!!This peice of trash was the ABSOLUTE worst movie I have ever seen.Why would anyone want to watch a movie about a genie who befriends little kid in the city? Shaq can do something with a ball, but he can't seem to do anything with a script except dunk it!KomodoI had the displeasure of seeing this poor excuse of a film!
The plot (if there is one) centers on a teen whose parents are killed by mutant komodo dragons and a psychiatrist (played by a miscast Jill Hennessey from Law and Order) attempts to help him.
What a crock and a bore!
The film is hodgepodge from start to finish.
The acting is wooden.
They rip off the premise from Jurassic Park(if you see it, you'll know what I mean.)
This is the type of film that would air late @ night on cable (which it did recently.)
This film should be avoided like the plague!Krippendorf's TribeWhere do I begin? This was one of the worst excuses for a movie I have ever seen. It's about this professor who pretends to have found a tribe in New Guinea and is challenged to prove it by his authority. He "creates" the tribe in his back yard. The plot rea}


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