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Copyright (C) 2017 toutiao.manqian.cn 粤ICP备号什么膨胀是引起财政赤字和银行信用膨胀的主要原因_百度知道
  投资需求膨胀是引起财政赤字和银行信用膨胀的主要原因。  投资膨胀是指投资规模超过了国家财力、社会积累水平和其它投资来源的可供程度的一种现象。 投资膨胀与通货膨胀有很紧密的关系,与信贷和货币的投放也具有很大的相关性。  经济学原理表明,投资既能产生需求效应,也会产生供给效应。一方面,通过投资形成社会生产能力,为社会提供产品,增加有效供给满足社会需求;另一方面,投资又可以形成需求能力,扩大生产消费和生活消费,产生需求效应,也就是说,投资在调节社会总需求和总供给的平衡中是一把双刃剑。  一般来说,投资引发的需求效应是即时的.因为当年的固定资产投资通常只形成需求,而且还会由于投资的乘数作用引致倍数于它的需求。相反,投资创造的供给效应则有待生产能力形成后才发生作用.有一个时滞,根据我国的情况,一项投资提出的货币需求与它提供的实物供给之间整体着通常要有3年左右的时滞,并且投资转化为供给经常受到如下条件的约束:  (1)建设项目的自然时滞(建设周期)和投资效率(固定资产交付使用率)的大小;  (2)投资方向是否正确,投资方向的失误将使投资变为无效投资;  (3)建设项目投产后的经济效益,等等。
最近在看《人类简史》,有一段话比较触动我。英国哲学家培根热情洋溢地赞美通过科学追求“知识与技能”,但他同时也提到,这种追求需要用“人性和慈善”来加以引导,而且这种追求不应该是“为了自得其乐、争强好胜、高人一等、追逐名利、争夺权位,或其他任何类似的卑微目的,而应该是为了改善生活”。任何社会的首要目标都必须是满足人类的基本需求――食物、住所、健康、教育,前段时间持续进行的“环保杀”,一定程度上是回归了人类对基本需求的渴望。而对于我们纺织企业,需要的是顺应规则,不能只专注于膨胀的胃和膨胀的银行户头。越来越多的企业开始注重社会责任,回归“改善生活”这个主题。环保无水印染技术推出,成本节约超2000元每吨11月22日,广东印染企业松兴泰织造与常州运达印染有限公司达成合作协议,将引进运达印染刚刚研发成功的无水印染技术,一劳永逸解决印染污水排放问题。从去年开始,常州运达印染有限公司与中国航空航天研究所专家合作,研发高分子染色助剂。刚开始,这种助剂只能吸附在白布表面,无法完成渗透。运达印染结合化学制剂研发团队,历经上万次试验,成功实现了无水印染技术的突破。传统印染工艺,必须经过高温高压,产生大量印染污水和废气,对环境造成很大压力。而无水印染整个染色过程不需要高温高压,不需要一滴水,实现了无污染、零排放的清洁化印染。并且运达印染研发的高分子染色助剂耐水色牢度、水洗尺寸变化率等指标全部符合标准。与传统工艺相比,无水印染每吨织布节约用水70吨,加上蒸汽、电费和人工费用,节约成本超过2000元。下一步,运达印染将申请专利,研发设备。至此,运达印染一举淘汰28口染缸,从一家印染企业转型为推广无水印染的环保企业。中国是纺织大国,又是水资源紧缺国家,印染行业集聚的江苏、浙江两省,几乎占了全国产量的一半以上。数据显示,仅湖塘地区就拥有印染企业40余家,每天至少产生1万吨印染污水。无水印染技术节水无污染,推广应用后,将对整个纺织的产业结构和资源节约利用带来重大价值。投资3500万“煤转汽”,每年节约标煤11700吨走进盐城福汇纺织有限公司,由蒸汽管道等组成的架高管道线贯穿整个厂区。从今年4月份起,公司就着手“煤改汽”工程,既是配合政府对环境的大力整治,又是保证企业持久发展的需要。该公司把打造节能绿色企业作为转型升级的方向,自去年起,公司大力优化产品结构,选用高效节能设备,实行避峰用电、变频技术改造,推行固色制软、冷轧蒸洗前处理工艺,节能减排成效显著。据介绍,该公司“煤转汽”工程总投资3500万元,其中,中压蒸汽管道总长度约1000米,目前主体已经全部建成;后整理设备的改造和更换工作正在进行。项目建成后,厂内锅炉将被取代,每年将减少二氧化硫排放53吨、氨氮化物排放30吨、烟尘排放65吨,节约标煤11700吨。工人正在裁剪布料公司还建起生产废水处理厂,废水通过管道从生产车间排到处理厂的收集池,经提升泵转移到加药反应池,化学物反应后进入物化沉淀池。沉淀出的固体经过污泥浓缩、生化处理,可用于烧砖。液体则经过厌氧池、好氧池、曝气、有机物降解等一系列反应,变成符合国家标准的无害气体及液体。台湾纺织成衣企业旭荣集团对外正式发布《2016年度企业社会责任报告》台湾纺织成衣企业旭荣集团日前对外正式发布《2016年度企业社会责任报告》,这是旭荣集团发布的第二份企业社会责任报告。《报告》显示,旭荣集团力行绿色生产机制,积极控管纺织化学品,实现有害化学物质零排放,不断改造染整工艺,发展功能性与时尚兼具的产品。染料自动输送系统从1975年成立纺织事业体至今,旭荣集团由纺织跨入制衣,并从台湾走向国际,成为横跨全球三大洲的国际性纺织成衣集团。几千万元中水回用设备的投入、风力与太阳能结合的发电系统,曾一度被人称为“笨蛋”的旭荣,在严苛的环保关停转行动中,已然成为业界范本。当前,全球环保永续消费渐成主流,绿色纺织产品受到品牌及时尚界的重视,市场对此需求量与日俱增。对此,旭荣集团积极接轨国际趋势,强化环保思维,重视材料的环保特性,采用更优良棉花、有机棉、回收涤纶、回收尼龙等原材料,开发有利于环境与社会永续发展的绿色产品。为保证质量完善,提供对人体不会产生健康与安全影响的产品,旭荣集团全球各地区实验室均依照AATCC、ASTM、ISO等国际标准,对产品进行严格把关,亦遵循国际品牌客户要求,积极申请品牌认证,目前已通过许多国际知名品牌客户认证,确保提供一贯且零误差的完整服务。在原物料管理方面,除了保证品质所必须使用的原物料,旭荣集团尽力减少使用过多材料,在不影响产品质量的前提下,使用同特性材料替代;同时,采购对环境有益的原物料,以降低对环境的影响。另外,旭荣集团也与各采购伙伴合作,积极推动CSR采购和绿色采购,具体落实材料当地化,减少不必要的空运或海运费用,并降低材料运送过程中所产生的碳足迹。中水回用设备在水资源管理方面,旭荣集团以“减量、回收、再利用”为主要原则,目前各厂用水来源为自来水、河水及工业水。除了推动各项节水措施,提升水资源利用效率外,其在中水回收的成效,亦是领先业界,中水回用占总用水量比例大幅提升。其新开发的环保转移印花,使转印技术应用在天然纤维与尼龙等不利高温的布种上,且可印出颜色鲜艳与极细致的图案,同时印花过程不需高温处理,极大降低能源损耗。这三家企业展示给大家的是满满的正能量。人类已经利用其卓越的智力主宰了环境,获得了自己目前在地球上的首要地位。但是,随着这一地位的获得,我们也面临了新的挑战,这一挑战要求我们把聪明转变为明智,明智地回归到初衷――改善生活。长 按 解 锁
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北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
Things, certain things about my old idols bring the tears to my eyes: the interruptions, the disorder, the violence, above all, the hatred they aroused. When I think of their deformities, of the monstrous styles they chose, of the flatulence and tediousness of their works, of all the chaos and confusion they wallowed in, of the obstacles they heaped up about them, I feel an exaltation. They were all mired in their own dung. All men who over elaborated. So true is it that I am almost tempted to say: &Show me a man who over elaborates and I will show you a great man!& What is called their &over-elaboration& is my meat: it is the sign of struggle, it is struggle itself with all the fibers clinging to it, the very aura and ambience of the discordant spirit. And when you show me a man who expresses himself perfectly I will not say that he is not great, but I will say that I am unattracted& I miss the cloying qualities. When I reflect that the task which the artist implicitly sets himself is to overthrow existing values, to make of the chaos about him an order which is his own, to sow strife and ferment so that by the emotional release those who are dead may be restored to life, then it is that I run with joy to the great and imperfect ones, their confusion nourishes me, their stuttering is like divine music to my ears. I see in the beautifully bloated pages that follow the interruptions the erasure of petty intrusions, of the dirty footprints, as it were, of cowards, liars, thieves, vandals, calumniators. I see in the swollen muscles of their lyric throats the staggering effort that must be made to turn the wheel over, to pick up the pace where one has left off. I see that behind the daily annoyances and intrusions, behind the cheap, glittering malice of the feeble and inert, there stands the symbol of life's frustrating power, and that he who could create order, he who would sow strife and discord, because he is imbued with will, such a man must go again and again to the stake and the gibbet. I see that behind the nobility of his gestures there lurks the specter of the ridiculousness of it all & that he is not only sublime, but absurd.
Once I thought that to be human was the highest aim a man could have, but I see now that it was meant to destroy me. Today I am proud to say that I am inhuman, that I belong not to men and governments, that I have nothing to do with creeds and principles. I have nothing to do with the creaking machinery of humanity & I belong to the earth! I say that lying on my pillow and I can feel the horns sprouting from my temples. I can see about me all those cracked forebears of mine dancing around the bed, consoling me, egging me on, lashing me with their serpent tongues, grinning and leering at me with their skulking skulls. I am inhuman! I say it with a mad, hallucinated grin, and I will keep on saying it though it rain crocodiles. Behind my words are all those grinning, leering, skulking skulls, some dead and grinning a long time, some grinning as if they had lockjaw, some grinning with the grimace of a grin, the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on. Clearer than all I see my own grinning skull, see the skeleton dancing in the wind, serpents issuing from the rotted tongue and the bloated pages of ecstasy slimed with excrement.
And I join my slime, my excrement, my ecstasy to the great circuit which flows through the subterranean vaults of the flesh. All this unbidden, unwanted, drunken vomit will flow on endlessly through the minds of those to come in the inexhaustible vessel that contains the history of the race. Side by side with the human race there runs another race of beings, the inhuman ones, the race of artists who, goaded by unknown impulses, take the lifeless mass of humanity and by the fever and ferment with which they imbue it turn this soggy dough into bread and the bread into wine and the wine into song. Out of the dead compost and the inert slag they breed a song that contaminates. I see this other race of individuals ransacking the universe, turning everything upside down, their feet always moving in blood and tears, their hands always empty, always clutching and grasping for the beyond, for the god out of reach: slaying everything within reach in order to quiet the monster that gnaws at their vitals. I see that when they tear their hair with the effort to comprehend, to seize this forever unattainable, I see that when they bellow like crazed beasts and rip and gore, I see that this is right, that there is no other path to pursue. A man who belongs to this race must stand up on the high place with gibberish in his mouth and rip out his entrails. It is right and just, because he must! And anything that falls short of this frightening spectacle, anything less shuddering, less terrifying, less mad, less intoxicated, less contaminating, is not art. The rest is counterfeit. The rest is human. The rest belongs to life and lifelessness.
When I think of Stavrogin for example, I think of some divine monster standing on a high place and flinging to us his torn bowels. In The Possessed the earth quakes: it is not the catastrophe that befalls the imaginative individual, but a cataclysm in which a large portion of humanity is buried, wiped out forever. Stavrogin was Dostoevski and Dostoevski was the sum of all those contradictions which either paralyze a man or lead him to the heights. There was no world too low for him to enter, no place too high for him to fear to ascend. He went the whole gamut, from the abyss to the stars. It is a pity that we shall never again have the opportunity to see a man placed at the very core of mystery and, by his flashes, illuminating, for us the depth and immensity of the darkness.
Today I am aware of my lineage. I have no need to consult my horoscope or my genealogical chart. What is written in the stars, or in my blood, I know nothing of. I know that I spring from the mythological founders of the race. The man who raises the holy bottle to his lips, the criminal who kneels in the marketplace, the innocent one who discovers that all corpses stink, the madman who dances with lightning in his hands, the friar who lifts his skirts to pee over the world, the fanatic who ransacks libraries in order to find the Word & all these are fused in me, all these make my confusion, my ecstasy. If I am inhuman it is because my world has slopped over its human bounds, because to be human seems like a poor, sorry, miserable affair, limited by the senses, restricted by moralities and codes, defined by platitudes and isms. I am pouring the juice of the grape down my gullet and I find wisdom in it, but my wisdom is not born of the grape, my intoxication owes nothing to wine&
I want to make a detour of those lofty arid mountain ranges where one dies of thirst and cold, that &extratemporal& history, that absolute of time and space where there exists neither man, beast, nor vegetation, where one goes crazy with loneliness, with language that is mere words, where everything is unhooked, ungeared, out of joint with the times. I want a world of men and women, of trees that do not talk (because there is too much talk in the world as it is!, of rivers that carry you to places, not rivers that are legends, but rivers that put you in touch with other men and women, with architecture, religion, plants, animals & rivers that have boats on them and in which men drown, drown not in myth and legend and books and dust of the past, but in time and space and history. I want rivers that make oceans such as Shakespeare and Dante, rivers which do not dry up in the void of the past. Oceans, yes! Let us have more oceans, new oceans that blot out the past, oceans that create new geological formations, new topographical vistas and strange, terrifying continents, oceans that destroy and preserve at the same time, oceans that we can sail on, take off to new discoveries, new horizons. Let us have more oceans, more upheavals, more wars, more holocausts. Let us have a world of men and women with dynamos between their legs, a world of natural fury, of passion, action, drama, dreams, madness, a world that produces ecstasy and not dry farts. I believe that today more than ever a book should be sought after even if it has only one great page in it: we must search for fragments, splinters, toenails, anything that has ore in it, anything that is capable of resuscitating the body and soul.
It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop! Away with lamentation! Away with elegies and dirges! Away with biographies and histories, and libraries and museums! Let the dead eat the dead. Let us living ones dance about the rim of the crater, a last expiring dance. But a dance!
&I love everything that flows,& said the great blind Milton of our times. I was thinking of him this morning when I awoke with a great bloody shout of joy: I was thinking of his rivers and trees and all that world of night which he is exploring. Yes, I said to myself, I too love everything that flows: rivers, sewers, lava, semen, blood, bile, words, sentences.
I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sic I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution. The great incestuous wish is to flow on, one with time, to merge the great image of the beyond with the here and now. A fatuous, suicidal wish that is constipated by words and paralyzed by thought.}


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