有一家叫泰坦科技股份有限公司的公司(Standard Fintech Holding)是做什么?

作者:Lara Wozniak & | & 编译者:spring_zqy & | & 来源:时间: 15:16:46 & | & 浏览:758& | & 收藏:0 & | & 评论:0
——项目参与公司包括ChartIQ, HedgeSPA, KYC-Chain Lattice, Privé Managers, Seerene,Siork以及TNG Wallet
埃森哲金融服务部门的资深执行董事兼亚太地区金融科技实验室执行发起人Jon Allaway说:“我们看到,越来越多的金融机构愿意同金融科技初创公司进行合作,来帮助解决新的挑战,包括从更好的采用区块链技术到最大化信息技术效率等等。我们现在看到的初创公司一般都有银行业经验,并且清楚银行未来的发展前景,或者他们都认为如今的用户体验需要改变,他们很愿意去做出改变。正是他们的热情以及对特定领域的敏锐观察力,使得他们掌握了专业知识,增加了他们对金融服务公司的价值。”
Privé Managers——是一个完全融合且全面的财富与资产管理平台,在专利仿生咨询引擎下运行。这家位于香港的初创公司,其平台已经为几家亚洲、欧洲大型国际金融机构所使用。其基于标准组件的方案满足了各类金融中介与咨询公司的需求,能够更加高效地增加资产,并且通过技术减少成本。
TNG Wallet——为商户、个人之间的资金转移、全球支付、手机卡充值、外汇交易以及全年现金提取提供电子钱包支付方式。通过便利店、ATM终端机、信用卡及各类网上银行平台的充值点,TNG Wallet共有370,000次下载量。商户可以借此获得在承担范围内的非吸纳进支付选线,因为其处理费用较低,从而在TNG告诉结算的帮助下改善现金流动情况,并且它也是一个很好的客户关系管理工具,来推进商户与消费者之前的进一步沟通对接。
Cyberport(数码港)的首席执行官Herman Lam在大会期间宣布,他们将扩大同埃森哲的合作,就在这里继续开展未来三年的训练营项目。
Lam 表示:
放眼全球,实验室涉及的公司在参加完这个项目后,已经筹得超过3.86亿美元。其中四家来自纽约金融科技创新实验室的公司已经被收购,2015年有两家,包括Standard Treasury和BillGuard。
提到德国,很多人会想到德国制造,工业4.0(Industrie 4.0),有些人会想到足球和啤酒,还有人会想到柏林墙和新天鹅堡,有多少人会马上想到德国的Fintech公司?
难道Fintech公司和德国经济和国情不够匹配?或者号称保守严谨的德国人民不吃Fintech这一套?仔细想想,虽然英国退欧已成定局,欧洲金融业的中心应该还在伦敦; 德国的好邻居瑞士的银行知名度更高; 而曾经坚挺的德国马克也早被欧元取代成为历史。德国的金融行业似乎在默默发展,很少成为各界人士关注的焦点。
作为欧洲经济大国,德国银行业的规模远远超过欧洲其它国家,拥有着700多家保险公司的德国保险业也高于欧洲平均水平。但德国人民对银行和金融机构的感情却是颇为复杂。很多德国人对自家银行是又爱又恨,虽然对银行信任度递减,但不到非换不可的情况他们还是会保留原来的账户。德国人民一生不换银行并非是一个空口无凭的传说。根据Ernst &Young 的问卷,百分之五十的德国人对他们的银行非常信任。作为比较的西班牙人和意大利人对他们的银行的信任度排在最末。
此外,重视高科技的德国还有现金至上的传统,那句“现金才是真的。(Nur Bares ist Wahres.)”的谚语在金融科技蓬勃发展的今天也是深入人心。
德国新创Fintech 公司主要集中在的几个大城市:柏林、慕尼黑、法兰克福和汉堡。首都柏林(目前有81家Fintech企业)和莱茵美因内卡河流域地区(87家)的发展尤为引人注目。约有36家金融科技企业的慕尼黑位列第三。[1]
据德国《法兰克福汇报》在日报道, 德国财政部指出,德国正在走向金融科技国家的路上。数码化在给消费者带来利益和方便的同时,其隐藏的风险也应引起重视。一方面,Fintech行业的崛起给传统的金融领域带来更多的竞争挑战和机会; 另外,英国脱欧也为德国创造了吸引更多Fintech公司的潜在机会。财政部将和德国联邦金融监管局(BaFin:TheFederal Financial Supervisory Authority)一起加强与Fintech公司联系,对金融产品进行公平的规范和监管,同时保护消费者的应有权益。[3]
德国财政部在日正式发布了一份关于德国Fintech市场报告[4]。该报告是联邦财政部议会国务秘书 GregorDorfleitner 和德国特里尔大学教授 Lars Hornuf 等人联合撰写,重点研究分析德国Fintech行业从2007年至2015年的整体情况,并对未来发展趋势进行预测评估。该项报告对Fintech的八个区域市场在2020年,2025年以及2035年发展做出了预测。
1. 德国Fintech公司发展现状
2. 德国Fintech公司发展预测
Fintech 融资和资产管理领域的市场成交量预测 (欧元)
比较值:2015年德国Fintech 融资和资产管理领域的市场成交量:22 亿欧元
Source: http://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Standardartikel/Themen/Internationales_Finanzmarkt/-Gutachten-Langfassung.pdf
德国Fintech 捐赠和股权众筹领域的市场成交量预测:
比较值:2015年德国Fintech 融资和资产管理领域的市场成交量:3.6 亿欧元
德国Fintech市场在欧洲的排名仅次于英国,位居第二。毕马威在其2017年2月发布的欧洲Fintech报道(Pulse of Fintech)中指出,虽然面临短期挑战,欧洲对Fintech的兴趣仍然在持续增长。在2016年, 欧洲Fintech投资总量显著下降,从109亿美元降至22亿美元。但好在风投领域有小幅上涨,风险投资基金从12亿美元增长到同期的22亿美元。
Source: Pulse of Fintech Q4'16, Global Analysis ofInvestment in Fintech , KPMG International (data provided by itchBook)February 21, 2017.
稳定发展 vs 抢占先机、速度至上
德国的金融体系相对保守谨慎,其金融监管也是以按部就班,严格有序著称。一方面,这些监管措施减少了许多市场投资的风险,也很大程度上保护了消费者利益; 但另一方面,过于严格的监管和法规也限制了Fintech发展空间。同时,作为欧盟成员国,欧盟的经济监管措施和法规对德国金融科技行业发展的影响也不容忽视。
现金文化 vs 数码支付
欧元已经流通15年了,在德国联邦银行,德国马克仍然可以以2001年的固定汇率(1 欧元 =1,95583 德国马克)免费兑换欧元[11]。据德国《焦点》(Fokus)杂志报道,德国联邦银行估计德国市场上还有20亿马克可用。有的商家(如C &A 服装公司)为了吸引顾客消费而开展德国马克购物周的活动就很受欢迎,大为成功[12]。在德国,现款交易占了日常交易的很大比例。根据德国联邦银行的在2014年的一项调查显示,德国人平均每人的钱包里有103欧元现金,是是澳洲、美国、法国及荷兰等国人民的兩倍。
Original pictures from www.pixabay.com
举个例子,2012年,德国电信 (Deutsche Telekom) 在柏林高调推出在智能手机上的My-Wallet 应用程序,称之为“ 进入无现金时代的一大步”,期望能以此抢占德国移动支付先机,与Google、Apple、Paypal一争高低。但四年以后,由于用户对My-Wallet接受度远远低于预期,公司不得不宣布在2016年年底中止My-Wallet 应用程序的服务[13]。
当然,德国用户对移动支付的接收程度也和他们的年龄和背景有一定关系。笔者认为,在德国经济稳定发展的大环境下,随着德国网络的大力普及、年轻的数码一代的崛起、Fintech投资的不断增长、各大城市的Fintech 新公司市场推广,Fintech在科技之国德国的发展会给我们带来很多思考和惊喜。
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Wences Casares
Founder & CEO at Xapo
Constance Choi
Co-Founder at COALA & Blockchain Workshops
Maja Lapcevic
Senior Vice President, Citi Ventures
Jared Fliesler
General Partner at Matrix Partners
Victoria Cheng
VC at Citi Ventures, InSITE Board Member,
Adam Boutin
Principal - Capital One Ventures at Capital One
Matthew Roszak
Bitcoin - VC, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist - Founding Partner, Tally Capital
Jim Griffin
Currency Risk Management and Cross Border Payments Pro
Richard Webster
Richard Webster is an entrepreneur and advisor to the financial services and FinTech communities.
Richard co-founded Monterey Labs, a company that designs, builds, and delivers innovative software products for financial institutions and micro-finance organizations in emerging markets. He also provides consulting services to firms in the financial services and FinTech markets.
Prior to founding Monterey Labs, Richard led Cisco’s global banking and payments solutions development practice. Previously, he directed Hewlett-Packard’s worldwide marketing and solution development efforts for the financial services industry.
Richard was Corporate Vice President - Marketing for Fiserv, Inc., a worldwide provider of information technology services to financial institutions. He has held management and marketing positions with NCR and The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. Richard also served as CFO for a California financial institution.
Richard has an MBA, with emphasis in corporate finance, and a Bachelor’s degree in marketing and management. He has studied and traveled throughout the Middle East.
David Chen
Principal Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners
Alexander Marquez
Executive Vice President
Matthew Murphy
Investor, Entrepreneur and Marketer
Hugh Molotsi
Innovation Leader at Intuit @hughmolotsi
Alyse Killeen
Venture Capital Investor
Arti Kuthiala
Innovation Network, Citi Ventures at Citi
P. Bart Stephens&
Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Blockchain Capital LLC
Anish Srivastava
Entrepreneurial Executive
David Carrico
CEO and Co-Founder at PrimeMind
John Donovan
Financial Technology Entrepreneur
Robert Claassen
Emerging Growth Advisor and Investor
Chris Sweis
Investor & Business Architect With A Passion For All Things Digital.
Santi Subotovsky
Maxim Nazarov
Analyst at FinSight Ventures
Lee Jacobs
Venture Investor, advisor @AngelList and @500startups
Mircea Mihaescu
Dr. Mircea Mihaescu, P.Eng. General Partner at SBT Venture Capital
Jon Cholak
FinTech Investor, Mentor and Advisor
Venture Capitalist, Educator & Athlete
Edward Yip
Consumer Internet Investments @ Norwest Venture Partners
Jaidev Shergill
Head of Capital One Ventures
Partner at New Enterprise Associateshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/rickcyang
Avish Bhama
CEO of Mirror
Roger Meike
Technical Executive with a passion for creating new technologies and products
Dana Stalder
Early stage venture capital @ Matrix Partners
Jeff Garzik
Founder of Dunvegan Space Systems
William Koenig
EVP Group Head Corporate Banking & Capital Markets at Western Alliance Bank (NYSE: WAL)
Jonah Lupton
Lupton Media, Serenity, Nutraspire, InterCapital Group, ProDessert, Parabolic Ventures, bStrong, DealBurglar.
Anjney Midha
Founding Partner at KPCB Edge
Nareg DerManuelian
Investor at Citi Ventures
Founder & General Partner at Commerce Ventures
Chris Haroun
Partner at Artis Ventures│Software, Cloud and Infrastructure
Alexey Garyunov
Co Founder - FinSight Ventures
Domus Tower Inc.
The Domus Network uses existing Straight Through Processing infrastructure with a proprietary pre-clearing process to securely deliver Real Time Gross Settlement across correspondence accounts between our network of partner custodians and Prime Brokers.
Sedicii’s patented zero knowledge proof authentication service to solve some real world security challenges such as authenticating people to websites, call centres (inbound and outbound calling, social media monitoring) and authorising secure card payments.
Empowering Financial Institutions and their Customers with a Private Blockchain Platform
Alpaca is a VC-backed SV-based company that helps individual financial traders build automated trading systems using deep learning, to expand platform to be an algo-trading marketplace eventually. The first public mobile app will be launching at Feb-end 2016, which is under heavy development by 10+ year veterans from AI, database and financial industries.
Socure is the leader in digital identity verification. Its technology applies machine-learning techniques with biometrics and trusted online/offline data intelligence from email, phone, IP, social media and the broader Internet to power next-generation multi-factor authentication in real-time. Socure bolsters CIP/KYC programs and AML/OFAC compliance for enterprises in the US, and powers financial inclusion verifying identities in over 180 countries, helping them to combat identity fraud, prevent account takeover, reduce manual reviews and increase consumer acceptance.
Use the blockchain as a global platform to verify any data, file, or business process. Developer tools & API to anchor data in the blockchain.
Millions of employed people living paycheck to paycheck (over 80 million in the U.S. alone) pay predatory lending fees for routine expenses like bill pay, money transfer, prepaid mobile phone top up, and for critical household expenses like groceries, rent, and utility bills. The irony is that they have already earned the money but don’t have access to their own funds.
Cipher Tooth
CipherTooth is a superior system for delivering secure content over the Internet. This is a bold statement but we can back it up. Our education page has links to articles and speeches given by security experts detailing the vulnerabilities of the current HTTPS certificate-based system.
Businesses and governments can use Factom to simplify records management, record business processes, and address security and compliance issues.
BlockNotary Video Interview is a blockchain-based KYC solution designed to help businesses reduce costs and risks by providing trustful and pleasant customer experience. We combine omnipresence of mobile devices, richness of video format and immutability of the blockchain to remotely verify customer identity, accelerate customer service and reduce the possibility of fraud.
Token is developing the architecture, protocols, paradigms, and secure identity system for next generation payments. Token allows application developers to use a single, secure, simple, standard open API to move money and allows banks to issue digital currency. Unlike Ripple and Bitcoin, Token was designed by a team of bankers and tech experts for compliance and compatibility.
Neurensic enables a new global standard for understanding regulatory compliance risk, providing insights impossible for humans to find alone.
Revolution Credit
Spend a few moments of your time increasing your Financial IQ and earn great rewards. There are no credit cards required and you can stop at any time.
Automated payment release on open account terms, simplifying the last mile of supply chain finance.
Smart Blockchain. It's awesome! Buy Icecream for Colored Coins. LHV Bank Partners With ChromaWay to Build Cuber.
BlockSeer is a data science company with a focus on blockchain analytics and forensics. Our analysis tools are used by law enforcement (including the Secret Service, IRS, and FBI) and financial institutions.
Risys: Use Machine Learning and Big Data to cut KYC and AML Analyst Time in Half!
Quiet Signal
Quiet Signal provides tradable data. We combine expert knowledge and proprietary text analysis algorithms to provide clear signals to portfolio managers.
Sparkling Logic
Sparkling Logic is the leading prescriptive analytics and decision management provider. They help companies catch fast-changing fraud and personalize their offerings down to an individual customer. Our analytics platfom allows companies to extract decisions from their data and their expertise, and based on their business objectives, to optimize analytics models, business rules and decisions. Most importantly, companies can then immediately deploy this logic on the industry’s most scalable platform.
See your customized finance plan, explore your loan options, and leverage the value of your social capital.
Smart Blockchain. It's awesome! Buy Icecream for Colored Coins. LHV Bank Partners With ChromaWay to Build Cuber.
Amber is a highly secure, patent-protected payment platform that consolidates all your plastic cards. Because its core technology is EMV consolidation, Amber can take a variety of forms—from plastic cards to wearable devices—allowing maximum consumer adoption and 100% merchant acceptance. Capitalizing on consumers’ purchasing and card information, Amber provides unique, data-driven services to both consumers and business partners.
Founded in 2015 in San Jose, California, Places offers a streamlined community-driven marketplace for people to list, explore, and buy homes online. As real estate professionals and tech geeks who've been on both sides of the traditional home-buying process, we're excited about turning something that's often time-consuming and complicated into an experience that's simple and fun.
Flowcast is an advanced analytics startup for trade finance. We build predictive analytics software for financial institutions that dramatically enhance trade financing.
AlphaRank.io is a behavioral commerce platform that ranks shoppers by their influence on other shoppers’ purchases, according to patterns found within transactional data.
Lending Club
Lending Club is the nation’s leading online credit marketplace, using technology to lower the cost of the traditional banking system.
It was the first peer-to-peer lender to register its offerings as securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and to offer loan trading on a secondary market.
Lending Club operates an online lending platform that enables borrowers to obtain a loan, and investors to purchase notes backed by payments made on loans. Lending Club is the world's largest peer-to-peer lending platform. The company claims that $15.98 billion in loans had been originated through its platform up to 31 December 2015.
Acquisitions: 1
IPO / Stock: Went Public on Dec 11, 2014 / LC
Money Stream
MoneyStream is the only financial management service that uses predictive technology to forecast household finances.
CriskCo is a credit risk analysis and management software start-up operated out of San Francisco and Tel Aviv, Israel. We enable credit providers to evaluate the risk of their credit applicants by managing accounts receivables data with a proprietary algorithm, and reduce credit risk by predicting a customer’s potential credit risk while preventing collection loss. CriskCo offers the traditional financial institutes with fintech advantages and capabilities.
Fluent is an end-to-end supply chain finance platform powered by distributed ledger technology designed to streamline and automate settlement, reduce fraud risk, and break down costly data silo’s in the $5 trillion trade finance market.
Eximchain is a peer-to-peer lending marketplace that provides small to medium-sized import/export businesses with access to affordable trade finance product.
Acquired by Airbnb ChangeTip is the fastest and easiest payment solution that connects you to anyone in the world through digital currency.
WIACTS introduced a multifunctional wireless wearable device, called SENSE. SENSE is primarily a human-computer Interaction (HCI) wearable technology worn on the user’s index finger. It enables the user to wirelessly control and interact with computers and other smart devices. SENSE also authenticates the user to securely log in and make transactions. In addition, it tracks users' hand motions to improve athletes, artists, and musicians with their skills. SENSE revolutionizes the way we interact with our digital world.
Build flexible payment features and ACH processing services into your business's or financial institution's operations and applications.
Data Simply machine-reads SEC filings like an analyst, and turns them into signals, to see good and bad things about the companies you track.
CCOBOX brings payments compliance into the fintech era. It is an end-to-end solution featuring an intuitive workflow and a modern whole-team dashboard powered by proprietary machine learning algorithms and interactive analytics.
Instrument Capital
White-label personalized risk assessment algorithms. Customized asset allocation for each private wealth client.
Enterprise software solutions for financial service providers to securely integrate with cryptofinancial networks
The BitcoinWallet for the Masses. The AirbitzWallet presents a familiar experience, from creating an account, to sending & requesting funds. Only a username, password, & 4-digit PIN are required to create & access a fully encrypted and backed up wallet on any iOS or Android device. Users can avoid using cryptic QR codes by utilizing Bluetooth (BLE), NFC, email, or SMS, a process familiar to users of apps like Paypal, & Apple Pay. Airbitz even enables active users to manage and export their transaction details such as payee, category, and notes. Airbitz is also the only encrypted bitcoin wallet that allows users to recover forgotten passwords through recovery questions & answers. Airbitz has also implemented the world’s first “One-Touch 2 Factor Authentication”, enabling a critical security feature that has been underutilized due it’s incredibly tedious and complex user experience. All this functionality is provided by Airbitz while still allowing users to have full control of their data & funds with no 3rd party access.
Lendsnap simplifies mortgage applications by allowing borrowers to securely upload documents, link accounts, and share information with their lenders
CyberFlow Analytics is the leader in network behavior analytics and provides a software only solution that enables customers and MSSPs to secure Enterprise networks and the expanded Internet of Things (IoT). Our solution combines advanced network behavior analytics (Binocular Fusion Analytics), Threat Intelligence and leading visualization capabilities to machine learn acceptable normal network behavior and identify malicious activity within milliseconds.
Trunomi revolutionizes data sharing for th connecting financial service providers to their customers over a secure consent-based data sharing platform.
ShopInbox is reinventing the credit card experience. It is an intelligent assistant that automatically tracks and claims your credit card benefits
Preempt Security
The Preempt team is now leveraging its experience to build the next generation of security systems to help enterprises combat APTs and malicious insiders.
Injector is a mobile password and credential bank that secures your log-ins, credit cards or other credentials by keeping them where they are safe... With you on your phone, not on web based servers where they are open to attack, and not in your browser where they are easily compromised.
Context360 Applytics(TM) gives you powerful new insights into app behavior outside your app that fuels better decisions around when, where, and how to engage your app users.
DoubleNet Pay
With its full set of APIs, web, and mobile application, DoubleNet Pay provides the next level of digital integration to support the automated management of bills and savings. The only financial wellness solution that facilitates action, patent-pending DoubleNet Pay is fully integrated with one of the world's largest payroll providers and in proof of concept with three Fortune 50 employers.
Dobot (“The Robot for Your Dough”) is the first Mobile Personal Financial Advisor for Millennial. We provide tools, motivation and actionable strategies designed to help our members build their financial foundations and achieve goals they never thought possible.
Lenny is a pioneer mobile lender in the US. The app also poses as a credit score education platform through a recent partnership with FICO.
Rippleshot detects data breaches faster, allowing card issuers, processors and merchants to proactively monitor suspicious activities and implement smarter fraud risk management strategies when breaches do occur. Rippleshot knows that what you can’t see can hurt you, which is why we sweat the small stuff – the ripples before the tsunami, the tiny anomalies that signal a looming data breach – and let you know earlier, so you can play a pivotal role in reducing fraud loss, improving cardholder security and reducing the severity of breaches.
Saved Plus
SavedPlus makes saving money effortless by automatically sending a specified percentage of every payment and purchase to user's savings account.
Save and spend confidently. Sweep helps you automatically get ahead of your bills, expenses and savings goals so you never have to budget again.
Drastin offers search-driven advanced data analysis for enterprises, with the convenience of a google-like search box and English queries. In a business environment where data sources are going through an explosion, and it is a challenge to get accurate reports and insights in a timely manner, Drastin solves the problem by allowing users with 100% accurate data analysis instantly.
xPressTap has developed a powerfully simple and elegant payment solution to enable consumers to use their NFC phone as a their own personal POS device for use online as well as off.
Vault is a modern investment platform providing retirement plans for small business.
Your destination for all real estate listings and rental properties. Trulia.com provides comprehensive school and neighborhood information on homes for sale in your area.
TITUS SharePoint Security Suite Graphic. SharePoint Security. separator. Automate consistent security across all SharePoint content.
FitPay offers an entirely new way for transacting payments with a wearable device. It frees consumers from having to carry cash, credit cards or a smartphone.
eThor is a universal API for in-store point of sale (POS) systems. We enable companies who are building a variety of different applications to plug those applications into the POS system at the merchant. Our primary focus is on financial technology such as mobile wallets, loyalty, gift cards, and payment terminals.
SizeUp is big data for small businesses. It provides business intelligence and market research to SME companies so they can make smarter decisions through data.
A decentralized, open-source Android app that bridges between SMS and Bitcoin. Designed for low-end Android phones. In other words, you can connect your country to the global economy via Bitcoin (and earn a little for your time and effort, too.
Bitwage is making international payroll better. The average cost of paying employees overseas is 8% from flat fees and exchange rates, 3-5 business days and the stress of having no insight into payment flow process. Companies using Bitwage reduce payroll costs, increase transfer speeds, and have access to unique payroll tools that cannot be offered through traditional means.
Changing the way people think about investing. We leverage crowd sourced peer comparison data with basic investment principles to empower the average investor.
Saving for your financial future is easy with Swave. In a single sweep move spare cash into savings. Monitor your progress and get motivated.
Payso is a 100% white-labelled mobile peer-to-peer payments + instant messaging platform for banks, credit unions and phone carriers (think Venmo as OEM software).
Stellar.org connects financial institutions, payments systems, and people so that anyone can send money to anyone else quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost.
CUneXus Solutions
CUneXus’ Comprehensive Pre-Screened Lending (CPL) Strategy perpetually pre-approves your customers for your entire loan product portfolio so that they can easily take advantage at a moment’s notice.
Credit Sesame
Get your free credit score each month and monitor your credit report at no cost. We’ll also send you daily monitoring alerts about changes to your credit report.
We're building the kind of mortgage experience we want for ourselves.
Onfido is the UK's fastest growing background checking company, providing automated background and reference checking services for employers.
Modern supply chains are complex. Global commerce continues to operate on a foundation that was established 350 years ago. Blockchain technology has ushered in an era of unprecedented trust that makes collaborative commerce with innovative supply chain finance and inventory tracking possible. Skuchain has built patent-pending solutions using blockchain technology for supply chain and trade financing.
Using the best tools, available or in development, along with proprietary intellectual property, nuco is creating the framework for blockchain-enabled enterprise infrastructures.
Nerture Financial empowers personalization of banking and commerce from end-to-end and building a personalized world at every touch point. We are inspired by data and our mission is to dramatically simplify accessing, exploring, and executing on data at a granular level – globally. We believe customer loyalty is greater than the current norm of reward points and discounted prices. The core of commerce should be customer data which requires no customer action but enables for seamless insights and personalized actions based on preferences, life events, intentions, and historical actions.
We work with our global partners, banks, mobile operators, financial institutions, payment providers and remittance companies to socialize their payment services. By integrating into our open API, companies can leverage our technology to offer their users a richer, social payments experience.
A membership with Stratos Card offers a single place for all your cards, while creating a simpler, smarter and more secure world for you. Simplify your wallet.
Simple Disability
Uses technology and bigdata to disrupt the disability insurance market and reduces the friction in the buying & selling process for brokers & banks
Skymind is the commercial support arm of Deeplearning4j, the most widely used deep-learning framework for Java. Skymind is the Cloudera of deep learning. Our flagship use cases are fraud detection for finance, recommender systems for e-commerce, and image detection for hardware makers.
Netki is a Los Angeles based financial technology startup. We provide a suite of standards based naming and identity solutions, which allow developers to build blockchain-based applications that are easy to use, highly interoperable, and compliant with existing regulatory requirements.
TrueAccord is a seamless, automated platform through which businesses can boost recovery rates and preserve client relationships by empowering those in debt to easily and responsibly address their obligations.
Prevedére has developed best in class Economic Intelligence(TM) software that our clients use to identify, report and forecast their company’s sales and financial results based on external leading indicators. Simply put, we provide Predictive Analytics on the most important drivers of business results to increase shareholder value.
Float is a mobile-first financial service provider looking to revolutionize the way consumers interact with their finances.
We have created the world's fastest and most accessible financing experience for young, early credit consumers. It's a credit card in your hand within 180 seconds. We issue each user a digital VISA card that works with any NFC enabled device, can be used online, or instantly transferred to any VISA debit card.
Trust Atom
Privacy-respecting identity & smart contract solutions for enabling credibility, trust and safety
Incredibly, paper checks still account for 70% of B2B payments, costing businesses $74 Billion in direct costs and fraud losses annually.
SnapCheck’s digital check platform combines the benefits of electronic payments with the universal acceptance of checks to substantially reduce costs, virtually eliminate check fraud, and solve the chicken-and-egg problem that is hindering the migration to electronic payments between businesses.
Starting with KYC on blockchain, Tradle is building a global trust provisioning network using distributed ledger technology.
At BehavioSec we believe that great security can be achieved without sacrificing the user experience. The security is in the unique way that the user enters information, similar to a digital fingerprint. The unique identifier is your behavior.
Trusting Social
Marketplace lending is disrupting retail banking by leveraging propriety Big Data credit scoring technologies. Our mission is to make the technologies available to as many businesses as possible.
Auraya Systems is the developer of ArmorVox(TM)2015, the world's only Universal Core Voice Biometric Engine.
Omniscience provides deep, actionable, prioritized intelligence on high- value targets (people, brands, topics) for sales, brand perception, risk management, innovation strategy, and regulatory affairs, delivered via email, API, and portal. Annual SaaS-based and spot pricing are available. Omniscience commercializes distributed data-mining systems from U.S. intelligence and military research projects.
SmartFi is the first robo-advisor for savings that grows your money by automatically finding and allocating your savings to the best financial product for your saving goals.
CapLinked is better, safer, and faster than other secure workflow products.
iQuantifi determines the action steps necessary to achieve ALL of your goals and will recommend goals you should have based on your current situation.Get continuous advice. Even when life changes. We’re a virtual financial advisor for your back pocket. Start building your personalized timeline today!
The SNAPCARD Wallet is the easiest way to use digital currencies.
Access is a mobile aggregator of equity & debt crowdfunding deals, simplifying investors' search for the right deals. Think of Access as Kayak.com for private dealflow. With Access, investors can curate deals from many asset classes including: startups, real estate and alternative assets. Deal sources benefit by receiving targeted investor leads and analytics on investor preferences.
TitanFile is the easiest to use and most comprehensive secure correspondence and file sharing solution for administrators and professionals in financial institutions and their clients. TitanFile is the only correspondence solution that provides client-side encryption with zero knowledge and integrates with enterprise systems such as Outlook and document management systems to support diverse workflows and security requirements
ShoCard is a digital identity card platform built on mobile devices and the public blockchain data layer, using public/private key encryption and data hashing to safely store and exchange identity data.
The Sun Exchange
The Sun Exchange (SUNEX) applies leading edge financial and solar energy technologies and new world collaborative economics to enable individuals and businesses to harvest sunlight for profit.
Redrock Biometrics
Redrock Biometrics develops PalmID--the first touchless palm print authentication solution.
CEO of Lending Club, Renaud Laplanche, Keynotes at our EXPO
Lending Club NYSE Bell Ringing
Welcome to Plug and Play FinTech
How an Accelerator Can Help Your B2B Startup Thrive
Fintech Batch 4 Selection Day
How We Work With Fintech Startups
FinTech Batch 1 Graduate!
How Our Partnership With Banco Original Worked
Andreas Antonopoulos' Speech at our Bitcoin Meetup
FinTech Selection Day 2015
American diversified financial services holding company headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the parent company of U.S. Bank National Association, the fifth largest bank in the United States.
WEX is a rapidly expanding company with a global presence, and a future of extraordinary opportunity and possibility.
Through the efforts of 2,000 associates around the world, we provide our clients and partners with unparalleled services and precise solutions to help them pursue ambitious goals and improve business efficiency.
The Principal Financial Group is a global financial investment management leader headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa.
The Principal Financial Group (Principal) offers businesses individuals and institutional clients a wide range of financial products and services including retirement, asset management and insurance, through its diverse family of financial services companies.
Synchrony Financial is a consumer financial services company headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. Prior to its 2014 initial public offering, Synchrony operated as GE Capital Retail Finance Corporation and was a division of General Electric.
The company offers consumer financing products, including credit, promotional financing and loyalty programs, and installment lending, and FDIC insured savings products through Synchrony Bank, its wholly owned subsidiary.
Synchrony raised $2.88 billion in its initial public offering, making it the third largest IPO of 2014. It is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Credit Suisse
Nedbank is one of the largest banks in South A however, it is one of the newest banks to be incorporated. It is headquartered in Johannesburg. Market capitalization was ZAR:120 billion (approximately US$9.85 billion), as of 30 June 2015.
Cathay Financial
BNP Paribas
Norinchukin Bank
Bank of the West
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services firm headquartered in New York City in the United States.
Capital One
Capital One Financial Corporation is an American bank holding company specializing in credit cards, home loans, auto loans, banking and savings products. When measured in terms of total assets and deposits, Capital One is the eighth largest bank holding company in the United States. As of 2012, The bank has 963 Capital One Bank Branches including 10 café style locations for their Capital One 360 brand and 2,000 ATMs. Capital One Financial is a member of the Fortune 500, and also conducts business in Canada and the United Kingdom. The company helped pioneer the mass marketing of credit cards in the 1990s, and it is now the fourth-largest customer of the United States Postal Service. Its corporate offices are located in Tysons Corner, Virginia.
The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a Texas-based Fortune 500 diversified financial services group of companies including a Texas Department of Insurance regulated reciprocal inter-insurance exchange and subsidiaries offering banking, investing, and insurance to people and families that serve, or served, in the United States military. At the end of 2014, there were 10.7 million members. USAA was founded in 1922 by a group of U.S. Army officers to self-insure one another when they were unable to secure auto insurance because of the perception that they, as military officers, were a high-risk group. USAA has since expanded to offer banking and insurance services to past and present members of the Armed Forces, officers and enlisted, and their immediate families. The company was one of the pioneers of direct marketing and most of its business is conducted over the Internet or telephone using employees instead of agents.
Banco do Brasil
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank AG (literally "German Bank"; pronounced ['d???t??? 'ba?k ?a:'ge:]) is a German global banking and financial services company with its headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers in Frankfurt. It has more than 100,000 employees in over 70 countries, and has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and the emerging markets. In 2009, Deutsche Bank was the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21 percent. It is considered to be one of the most prestigious and most influential banks in the world.[5][6] Deutsche Bank has offices in major financial centres including London, New York City, Chicago, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Milan, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow, Sydney, Toronto, Jakarta, Istanbul, Madrid, Dublin, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Mumbai, Pune, Kuala Lumpur, S?o Paulo, Dubai, Riyadh, Bangkok, Karachi, Belgrade, Manila and George Town (Cayman Islands). The bank offers financial products and services for corporate and institutional clients along with private and business clients. Services include sales, trading, research and originatio mergers and acquisitions (M&A); risk management products, such as derivatives, corporate finance, wealth management, retail banking, fund management, and transaction banking.[7]
OP Financial
In every corner of the world you'll find a JCB machine. JCB is one of the world's top three manufacturers of construction equipment. We employ around 11,000 people on four continents and sell our products in 150 countries through 2,000 dealer depot locations. Throughout our 68 year history, we have always invested heavily in research and development, keeping JCB at the cutting edge of innovation. Today, JCB has some of the finest engineering facilities across the globe, produces a range of over 300 machines and maintains a reputation for unrivalled customer service. JCB, a truly world-class and still family owned company.
Banco Original
Banco Original is a Brazilian financial institution that supports the agribusiness sector through loans, working capital, and financial and strategic consultancy. Its services include retail banking, corporate lending, structured finance, investment banking platforms and project financing. The bank is part of J&F group, one of Brazil's major economic conglomerates. Banco Original is the result of the merger of Banco JBS, the group's credit operation founded in 2008 and focused on the agribusiness industry, and Banco Matone, specializing in retail loans. It started operations in 2011.
Intuit Inc. is an American software company that develops financial and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses, accountants and individuals. It is incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Mountain View, California. Intuit makes the personal finance programs Quicken and TurboTax, as well as the small business accounting program QuickBooks. In addition, they produce QuickBooks Point of Sale solution for small retailers, professional tax solutions ProSeries and Lacerte, and the Web-based corporate workgroup productivity solution QuickBase. The company also provides web based SAAS versions of quickbooks and multiple payroll products.
Orient Corporation is one of the largest consumer credit companies in Japan and offers an array of financial products including credit cards, direct cash loans, installment credit services and bank loan guarantee services. Orient Corporation operates a network of 112 domestic branches and their services are also available at more than 780,000 member merchants. Orient Corporation has over $1.3 billion in capital and more than 3,700 employees. Visit www.orico.co.jp for more information.
MEDICI is a FinTech startup discovery and engagement platform that provides research on FinTech startups and trends along with contextual engagement. It is a powerful tool to accelerate your growth strategy through quick identification of target companies for partnership, investment or acquisition.
LTP’s strong domain knowledge flows into the MEDICI platform, which in conjunction with curated expert analysis and an intelligent search algorithm, will become your eagle eye in this fast changing sector: explore the landscape and find your targets at the same time.
Financial platforms come to Morningstar for access to one of the largest and highest-quality global investment databases in the industry. Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of products and services for individual investors, financial advisors, asset managers, and retirement-plan providers and sponsors to help them make better investment decisions.
Morningstar provides data on more than 500,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 16 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We set the industry standard with comprehensive global coverage of every major investment universe, delivered the way our clients need it and in formats that investors can quickly understand.
Our alliance clients use Morningstar’s trusted brand and global investment data to enhance their software applications, digital sites, retirement planning tools, trading solutions, and more. They also license our award-winning investment research and editorial content--articles and videos generated by our hundreds of equity and fund analysts. This combination of quality data and independent analysis can set products apart from the crowd and drive business growth.
AWS Activate
You will be eligible for:
– $10,000 in AWS Promotional Credit valid for 2 years
– 2 year of AWS Business Support (up to $5,000). Login and enroll here.
– Access to the AWS Technical and Business Essentials web-based (or instructor-led) training ($600 value per course)
– 80 credits for Self-Paced Labs ($80 value)
– Access to 1:1 Virtual Office Hours with AWS Solutions Architects
– Special offers from other companies that help startups, including Chef, Bitnami, SOASTA, Podio by Citrix, CopperEgg, and more
– AWS Activate Toolbox with offers for Amazon Payments and Amazon Marketplace
Google Cloud
Cloud credits, access to architecture reviews and technical mentors, 24/7 support, and more. Our program is designed to help startups build and scale on Google Cloud Platform.
Plaid is a technology platform that enables applications to connect with users’ bank accounts.
Our suite of APIs provides high-quality transaction data, makes it easier to authenticate accounts, and delivers comprehensive analytics.
Our focus is on lowering the barriers to entry in financial services by making it easier and safer to use financial data. We build beautiful consumer experiences, user-friendly infrastructure, and intelligence tools that give everyone the ability to develop the future of financial services.
Plaid is headquartered in San Francisco, Calif., and backed by NEA, Spark Capital, and Google Ventures.}


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