
3HNA CABLE 1/2HVD.X1 - MCCB.X26/27
3HNA CABLE 1/2HVD.X1 - MCCB.X26/27
3HNA CABLE A12/A13 - A2
3HNA SWIVEL MODULE鸿飞达自动化科技&超低价热卖中
3HNA O-RING鸿飞达自动化科技&超低价热卖中
3HNA NOZZLE鸿飞达自动化科技&超低价热卖中
9 x 12 FEP, TRSP
3HNA HOSE鸿飞达自动化科技&超低价热卖中
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马可波罗&&全心服务英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数 578542,L/25042)=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=OTHERS=本网站搜索本词汇表版权为有限会社 MSC 所有,欢迎使用。非法复制存照。 船舶配件贸易分类==& Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z= 女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁射テスト装置 | 油Rポンプユニット | フラットソケ ット Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9 1. L & c issued ledger ==& 开除信用证分类证 2. L aerial ==& L 形天线 3. L antenna ==& L 形天线 4. L cathode ==& L 型阴极 5. L F-substitution error ==& 低频替代误差 6. L grader ==& L 分级器 7. l head cylinder ==& l 形头气缸 8. l modifying mode ==& 模型修改方式 9. L network ==& L 形网络 10. L stair ==& 曲尺楼梯 11. L type equivalent circuit ==& L 形等芈(モ`タ) 12. L&D, Loads and Dynamics ==& 荷重及び恿ρ 13. L-acetylglutamide ==& 左旋乙酰谷氨酰胺 14. l-aminodiamantane hydrochloride ==& 盐酸金刚烷胺 15. L-ANT, L-band antenna ==& L バンド?ンテナ 16. L-B, level-B ==& レベル B 17. L-bar ==& 角板 18. L-BCN, L-band beacon ==& L バンドビ`コン 19. L-Citronellol ==& L-シトロネロ`ル,みずみずしい香りの香水 20. l-cystine ==& 胱氨酸 21. L-DIP, L-band diplexer ==& L バンドダ?プレクサ 22. L-head cylinder ==& 侧阀汽缸 23. L-hoe blade ==& 单刃平切锄铲 24. L-INPUT, L-band input circuit ==& L バンド入力回路 25. L-iron ==& 角铁 26. L-lactic acid ==& 左旋乳酸 27. L-level ==& 低能级 28. L-network ==& L 型回路W 29. L-OUTPUT, L-band output circuit ==& L バンド出力回路 30. L-PA, L-band power amplifier ==& L-バンド高力幅部 31. L-PA-PS, L-band power amplifier power supply ==& L-バンド高力幅部源 32. L-plate ==& 铁三角 33. L-radiation ==& 辐射 34. L-RCVR, L-band receiver ==& L バンド受信器 35. L-Sat, large satellite ==& 大型l星 36. L-share ==& 单面平切锄铲 37. L-square ==& 直角板,角尺 38. L-tetramisole ==& 左旋四咪唑 39. L-TX-SW, L-band transmitting switch ==& L バンド送信切替回路 40. L-type antenna ==& L 形?ンテナ 41. L-type shield ==& 人字型掩护支架 42. L-tyrosine hydroxylase ==& 左旋酪氨酸羟化酶 43. L-XMTR, L-band transmitter ==& L バンド送信部 44. L.P.N. steel ==& 低氮碱性底吹转炉钢 45. L/A, launch agreement ==& 打上げ契s 46. L/C Letter Of Credit ==& 信用证 47. L/C, Letter of Credit ==& 信用状 48. L/D lay down ==& 甩开 49. L/D, lift to drag ratio ==& P力抗力比 50. L/L, launch/landing ==& 打上げと着 51. L/M, local midnight ==& 地方rの零r 52. L/N, local noon ==& 地方rの正午 53. L/N, lot number ==& ロット番号 54. L/P, launch pad ==& 射点(射座を示す龊) 55. L/R, launcher ==& ランチャ 56. L/V, Launch Vehicle(Lanceur) ==& 打上用ロケット 57. L/W, length-to-width ==& Lさ幅 58. L10 (1 hr) ==& 在 1 小时内有 10%时间的累积统计声级 59. la acustica utriculi ==& 椭圆囊斑 60. La Bour centrifugal pump ==& 拉布离心泵 61. La Mont boiler ==& 拉蒙式锅炉 62. la mont boiler ==& 拉孟特锅炉 63. La Plata sandstone ==& 拉普拉塔砂岩 64. La Pointe picker ==& 拉波安特型拣矿机 65. LA, laboratory automation ==& gY室オ`トメ`ション 66. LA, launcher ==& k射台(ロケット打上Cのt称,ランチャ`) 67. LA, letter agreement ==& 文弦 68. LA, level absolute ==& ~高度 69. LA, lightning arrester ==& 避雷器 70. LA, line amplifier ==& 路幅器 71. LA, Los Angeles ==& ロス?ンジェルス 72. LAAFS, Los Angeles Air Force Station ==& ロス?ンゼルス空基地 73. lab coat ==& 实验工作服 74. lab study ==& 实验室研究 75. LAB, laboratory module ==& gY室モジュ`ル 76. lab-gown ==& 实验服 77. lab-scale ==& 实验室规模 78. lab-size equipment ==& 试验用设备 79. LaB6 cathode ==& 六硼化镧阴极 80. Labarraque's solution ==& 拉巴腊克溶液 81. label ==& 厂牌,签条,标号,标记,标记物,标签,标识,标题,记录单=&ラベル,(会社 の)レ`ベル 82. label address table ==& 标号地址表 83. label area ==& 标号区,标记区,标签区 84. label attaching machine ==& 钉商标机 85. label attribute ==& 标号属性 86. label block ==& 标号信息组 87. label check ==& 标号检验 88. label clause ==& 标签条款 89. label cloth ==& 标签布 90. label coding ==& 标号编码,标记编码 91. label constant ==& 标号常数 92. label course ==& 出缘线 93. label cylinder ==& 标号柱面 94. label data ==& 标号数据 95. label data register ==& 标号数据寄存器 96. label definition ==& 标号定义 97. label delimiter ==& 标号定义符 98. label descriptor ==& 标号描述符 99. label device ==& ラベル装置 100. label dimension ==& ラベル寸法 101. label erasure ==& ラベル消去 102. label expression ==& 标号表达式 103. label field ==& 标号栏,标号字段 104. label format record ==& 标号格式记录 105. label glueing machine ==& 贴商标机 106. label group ==& 标号组 107. label handling ==& 标号处理=&ラベルI理 108. label handling routine ==& 标号处理程序 109. label identifier ==& 标号标识符=&ラベルRe子 110. label incarnation ==& 标号实体 111. label information area ==& 标号信息区 112. label insurance ==& 标签保险,标签险 113. label isotope ==& 标记同位素 114. label list ==& 标号表,标号列表 115. label list of a label variable declaration ==& 标号变量说明的标号表 116. label map ==& 标号变换 117. label marking machine ==& 打商标机 118. label number ==& 标号数 119. label paper ==& 标签纸,商标纸 120. label paper tape ==& 纸条 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166.label prefix ==& 标号前缀 label printer ==& 标记印字机 label printing ==& 标签印花 label printing machine ==& 标签印刷机 label processing ==& 标号处理,标号加工 label processor ==& 标号处理程序,标号处理器,标号加工程序 label record ==& 标号记录 label routine ==& 标号程序 label save area ==& 标号保存区 label set ==& 标号组 label standard deviation ==& 标准差标记 label standard level ==& 标号标准电平 label stop ==& 披水石端饰 label subscript ==& 标号下标 label symbol ==& 标记符号 label table ==& 标号表 label terminations ==& 出缘限 label terminator ==& 标号终结符 label trace ==& 标号追踪 label variable ==& 标号变量 label-cutting press ==& 标签裁切机 label-gluing machine ==& 标签上胶机 label-knotting machine ==& 标签捆包机 label-sewing machine ==& 缝标签机 label-tying machine ==& 标签系结机 labeled plant ==& 标记植物 labeled variant ==& 标记变式 labeling ==& 加标 labeling index ==& 俗R指数 labeling machine ==& ラベルはりC labeling method ==& 标号法,标号计算法=&ラベル付け法 labeling requirement ==& 标签需要 labeling response ==& 标定反应 labeling scheme ==& 标号方案,代码电路 labelled amount ==& 标记量,标示量 labelled antibody test ==& 标记抗体试验 labelled antigen ==& 标记抗原 labelled atom ==& 标记原子,显踪原子 labelled common ==& 带标号的公用区 labelled content ==& 标记含量 labelled element ==& 标记元素 labelled field ==& 标号区段,标号域,标号字段 labelled field of symbolic instruction ==& 符号指令的标号字段 labelled gene ==& 标记基因 labelled leucine ==& 标记亮氨酸 labelled node oriented directed graph ==& 标定的面向节点的有向图 167. labelled notation ==& 标号标记 168. labelled phosphorus ==& 标志磷 169. labelled precursor ==& 标记前体 170. labelled series-parallel network ==& 标定的序列并行网络,标定序列并行 网络 171. labelled size ==& 标码 172. labelled transitive digraph ==& 标定可迁有向图 173. labelling ==& 加标 174. labelling machine ==& 贴商标机 175. labelling method ==& 标记法,标示法 176. labelling technique ==& 标记技术 177. labia minora ==& 小阴唇=&小 178. labial and or lingual frenum extension ==& 唇舌系带延长术 179. labial arch appliance ==& 唇弓矫正器 180. labial cavity ==& 唇面洞 181. labial fistula ==& 唇状瘘 182. labial flange ==& 唇翼 183. labial frenum deformity ==& 唇系带畸形 184. labial gland ==& 唇腺,下唇腺,上唇腺 185. labial groove ==& 唇沟 186. labial hymen ==& 唇状处女膜 187. labial lamina ==& 唇板 188. labial margin ==& 唇缘 189. labial necrosis of rabbits ==& 家兔唇坏死病 190. labial nerve ==& 上唇神经 191. labial surface ==& 唇面 192. labial suture ==& 下唇沟 193. labial teeth ==& 前牙 194. labial tubercle of upper lip ==& 唇尖,唇结节 195. labial tumor ==& 唇肿瘤 196. labiall fistula ==& 唇瘘 197. labiate flower ==& 唇形花 198. labiate ladle ==& 带嘴浇包,倾动式浇包,转包 199. labiatic acid ==& 唇形草鞣质酸 200. labile acid ==& 不稳定的酸,不稳定酸 201. labile bond ==& 不稳定键 202. labile element ==& 不稳定成分 203. labile equilibrium ==& 不稳定平衡 204. labile factor ==& 不稳定因素,加速球蛋白,促凝血球蛋白原,易变因子,血浆 加速凝血球蛋白 205. labile factor deficiency ==& 易变因子缺乏症,不稳定因子缺乏 206. labile form ==& 不稳形 207. labile gene ==& 不稳定基因,易变基因 208. labile hydrogen ==& 不稳定氢 209. labile immunity ==& 不稳定免疫 210. labile oscillator ==& 易变振荡器,遥控振荡器 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256.labile phosphate ==& 活性磷酸盐 labile pulse ==& 不稳定脉 labile state ==& 不稳定态,不稳定状态,不稳状态,易变态,易变状态 labilized hydrogen atom ==& 活化的氢原子 labiocervical ridge ==& 唇颈嵴 labiodental sulcus ==& 唇齿沟 labioscrotal swelling ==& 阴唇阴囊突 labium articulare ==& 关节唇 labium internum ==& 内唇 labium laterale ==& 外侧唇 labium majus ==& 大阴唇=&大 labium majus pudendi ==& 大阴唇=&大 labium mediale ==& 内侧唇 labium minus pudendi ==& 小阴唇 labium posterius ==& 后唇 lable number ==& 标记号码 labor ==& 生产,分娩 labor accounting ==& 人工会计 labor allocation system ==& 劳动制度 labor and capital resources ==& 劳动与资本资源 labor and material ==& 工料 labor and material payment bond ==& 人工材料费保单 labor budget ==& 人工预算 labor control ==& 人工管理 labor cost ==& 人工成本 labor cost percentage method ==& 人工成本百分比法 labor cost ratio ==& 人工成本比率 labor cost sheet ==& 人工成本单 labor distribution sheet ==& 人工分配单 labor efficiency ==& 劳动效率 labor efficiency report ==& 人工效率报告 labor efficiency variance ==& 人工效率差异 labor force statistics ==& 劳动统计 labor health ==& 劳动卫生 labor hour method ==& 人工小时法 labor hour rate ==& 人工小时率 labor hours ==& 劳动小时数 labor hygiene ==& 劳动卫生,劳动卫生学 labor in general ==& 一般劳动 labor in process ==& 分步人工,分步人工帐户 labor index ==& 劳动指标 labor inputs ==& 投工量 labor intensive ==& 大きなP力を要する labor liquidity ==& 劳力流动性 labor management ==& 人工管理 labor market with a hierarchical mobility ==& 分层次流动的劳动力市场 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 业 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301.labor measurement ==& 人工测定 labor mix variance ==& 人工搭配差异 labor of low productivity in agriculture ==& 生产率低的农业劳力 labor pain ==& (分娩)阵痛 labor pains ==& 分娩痛 labor productivity ==& 劳动生产率 labor protect and safety devices ==& 防护设备配置 labor protection payment ==& 劳保支出 labor quantity variance ==& 人工工时差异 labor rate variance ==& 人工工资率差异 labor realizes itself in commodities ==& 劳动物化在商品中 labor room ==& 待产室 labor safety and industrial hygiene ==& 劳动安全与工业卫生 labor saving ==& 人力节约=&省力化 labor specialization ==& 劳动专业化 labor stability index ==& 人工稳定性指数 labor standard ==& 人工标准 labor statement ==& 人工表 labor statistics ==& 劳动统计 labor system ==& 劳动制度 labor time variance ==& 人工时间差异 labor turnover ==& 人工周转率 labor usage variance ==& 人工用量差异 labor variance ==& 人工差异 labor which is exchanged with capital ==& 同资本交换的劳动 labor-augmenting technical change ==& 劳力增加型技术变化 labor-exchange team ==& 变工队 labor-intensive goods ==& 需要大量劳动力的货物 labor-intensive industrial product ==& 需要大量劳力的工业产品 labor-related cost ==& 人工相关成本 labor-saving device ==& 人工节约法,节约人工措施 labor-saving investment ==& 节约人工的投资 labor-saving machinery ==& 劳力节省机械 labor-saving machinery industry ==& 劳力节省机械工业,节约人工的机械工 labor-saving techniques ==& 节约劳力的技术 laboratory ==& 实验室 laboratory and green-house ==& 实验室和温室 laboratory apparatus ==& 实验室用仪器 laboratory appliance ==& 实验室仪器 laboratory assitant ==& 化验员 laboratory automation system ==& 实验室自动化系统,实验自动化系统 laboratory bench ==& 试验工作台 laboratory block ==& 实验楼 laboratory building ==& 实验楼 laboratory buildings ==& gY 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347.laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratorycentrifuge ==& 实验室用离心机 clothing ==& 实验室工作服 coat ==& 实验室工作服 computer ==& 实验室计算机 computer hierarchy ==& 实验室计算机体系 course ==& 实验学科 crucible ==& 技工用坩埚 data base ==& 实验室数据库 diagnosis ==& 实验室诊断 digester ==& 实验室蒸煮锅 drains ==& 实验室疏水 drains pump ==& 实验室疏水泵 drains tank ==& 实验室疏水箱 dyeing machine ==& 实验室染色机 engine ==& 实验室试验研究用发动机 engine test ==& 实验室内燃机试验 environment ==& 实验室环境,化验室环境 equipment ==& 实验室设备 evaluation ==& 实验室评定 examination ==& 化验检查 experiment ==& 实验室实验 experiments ==& (实验室)实验 filter ==& 实验室过滤机 findings ==& 实验结果,实验数据,化验检查所见 frame ==& 实验室系 frame of axes ==& 实验室坐标系 furnace ==& 实验室窑炉 furniture ==& 实验室设备 germination ==& 试验室萌发 glassware ==& 实验室玻璃器皿 grinder ==& 技工室磨削机 head ==& 研究リ`ダ` hood ==& 实验室排风柜 infection ==& 实验室感染 inspections ==& 实验室检验 installation ==& 实验室装置 instrument ==& 实验室用仪器 instrument computer ==& 实验设备用计算机 investigation ==& 实验室研究 jordan ==& 实验室锥形磨浆机 knock-testing method ==& 实验室辛烷值测定法 life ==& 实验室试验寿命 measurement ==& 实验室测量 melts ==& 实验室熔炼产品 method ==& 实验室方法 microgrinder ==& 技工室用微型磨削机 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393.laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratorymicroscope ==& 化验显微镜 mill ==& 实验型磨矿机 minicomputer ==& 实验室小型计算机 model construction ==& 实验模型结构 monitor ==& 实验室剂量监测器 mortar grinder ==& 实验室研钵研磨机 muller ==& 实验室用混砂机 octane number ==& (车用汽油的)实验室辛烷值 of materials strength ==& 材料强度实验室 oscillator ==& 实验室振荡器 paper machine ==& 实验室纸机 paraphernalia ==& 实验室用具 performance ==& 实验室表现 pliers ==& 技工钳 population ==& 实验室种群 practice ==& 实验室实习 procedure ==& 实验室程序,实验室研究方法,化验室研究方法 proportioning ==& 试验配合 rabbit ==& gY用家 reactor ==& 实验室用堆 reagent ==& 实验室试剂 reference standard ==& 实验室参考标准器 refiner ==& 实验室用磨浆机 reliability test ==& 实验室可靠性试验 report ==& 试验报告,实验报告,化验报告 result ==& 实验结果 rocket ==& 实验室用火箭发动机 rotor mill ==& 实验室转子磨 salinometer ==& 实验室盐度计 sample ==& 实验室试样 sample divider ==& 实验室分样机 sandbath ==& 实验室用砂浴 scale ==& 实验室规模 service ==& 实验室业务 services ==& 实验室的辅助管线=&实验室辅助设备 sheet ==& 化验单 shop ==& 试制车间 sieve-mesh ==& 实验室标准筛网目 sifter ==& 实验室震动筛(shāi)分机 signal processing instrument ==& 实验室信号处理设备 signal processor ==& 实验室信号处理机 simulation ==& 实验室模拟 simulation test ==& 实验室模拟试验 size extruder ==& 试验用压出机 size reactor ==& 化验室型反应器 staff ==& 试验室人员 394. laboratory standard ==& 实验室标准 395. laboratory standard microphone ==& 实验室标准传声器 396. laboratory standard of frequency ==& 实验室的频率标准 397. laboratory stock and culture of infectious agents ==& 化验室传染病菌 的培养基及其库存 398. laboratory strength ==& 实验强度 399. laboratory suction filter ==& 实验室吸滤机 400. laboratory system ==& 实验室系统 401. laboratory technician ==& 化验员 402. laboratory technique ==& 试验技术 403. laboratory test ==& 实验室试验 404. laboratory test engine ==& 实验室试验的发动机,试验台试验的发动机 405. laboratory test-engine method ==& 实验室发动机试验法 406. laboratory testing rig ==& 实验室试验装置,室内试验装置 407. laboratory tweezers ==& 技工镊 408. laboratory use ==& 实验室使用 409. laboratory vehicle ==& 试验车,车载试验室,移动式试验室 410. laboratory velocity ==& 实验室系速度 411. laboratory wastes ==& 实验室废物 412. laboratory working standard ==& 实验室常用标准器 413. laboratory-dry aggregate ==& 实验室干集料 414. laboratory-prepared inoculum ==& 在实验室里制备的接种体 415. laboratory-scale apparatus ==& 实验室级器械 416. laboratory-simulated degraded imagery ==& 实验室模拟降质像 417. laboratory-size reactor ==& 实验室型反应器 418. laboratory-type instrument ==& 实验室仪器 419. laborer's quality ==& 劳动者素质 420. labour ==& 劳,人工 421. labour capacity ==& 劳动生产率 422. labour condition ==& 劳动条件 423. labour contract ==& 劳动契约 424. labour cost ==& 劳务费用,人工费 425. labour fee or handling charge ==& 操作劳务费 426. labour force ==& 劳动力 427. labour fund ==& 劳动基金 428. labour hour ==& 工时 429. labour importing countries ==& 劳工输入国 430. labour in process(labour in progress) ==& 在制人工 431. labour insurance ==& 劳动保险 432. labour insurance expenditure ==& 劳保支出 433. labour insurance regulations ==& 劳保条例 434. labour intensity ==& 劳动强度 435. labour intensive project ==& 劳动密集型项目 436. labour only subcontractor ==& 只承包合同劳动的分包商 437. labour power ==& 人力 438. labour productivity ==& 劳动生产率 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 路 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483.labour quota ==& 劳动定额 labour rate standard ==& 人工工资率标准 labour reward ==& 劳动报酬 labour saving ==& 省力化 labour sheet ==& 计工表 labour time variance ==& 人工效率差异 labour-protection medical care ==& 劳保医疗 labouring man ==& 劳动者 laboursome ==& 费力的 labrador spar ==& 拉长石 labral suture ==& 上唇缝 labrofrontal nerve ==& 上唇额神经 labrum acetabulare ==& 髋臼唇 labyrinth ==& 曲径,曲径式密封,迷宫,迷宫式密封,迷路=&ビリンス,回zみ回 labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth labyrinth algorithm ==& 迷宫算法 baffle ==& 迷宫式障板 bearing ==& 迷宫轴承 box ==& 迷宫密封箱,迷宫式密封箱,曲径式密封箱 casing ==& 迷宫汽封体 classifier ==& 迷宫式分级机 clearance ==& 迷宫间隙,汽封间隙 collar ==& 迷宫式密封环 compressor ==& 迷宫式压缩机 dust collector ==& 迷宫式集尘器 fin ==& 迷宫汽封疏齿,曲径汽封片 fret ==& 曲折回纹 gland ==& 迷宫密封装置,迷宫汽封,迷宫式密封,迷宫式压盖 gland loss ==& 汽封损失 gland packing ==& 迷宫汽封 ischemia ==& 迷路缺血 loudspeaker ==& 迷宫式扬声器 nut ==& 迷宫密封螺母 oil retainer ==& 迷宫式集油器 packing ==& 迷宫式密封,曲径轴封 packing edge ==& 迷宫密封梳齿边 piston ==& 迷宫式活塞,卸荷活塞 piston compressor ==& 迷宫活塞式压缩机,迷宫式活塞压缩机 pressure ratio ==& 迷宫密封压力比 prevention ==& 回zみ防止 probe ==& 迷路探,内耳迷路探针 pump ==& 迷宫泵 ring ==& 迷宫环,曲径环,曲折密封圈,汽封环 scissors ==& 内耳迷路剪 seal ==& 曲径汽封,密封迷路,拉别令密封,迷宫汽封,迷宫式密封 seal ring ==& 迷宫止水环 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529.labyrinth sealing ==& 迷宫止水 labyrinth strip ==& 汽封片 labyrinth teeth ==& 迷宫齿 labyrinth valve ==& 迷宫阀 labyrinth viewing device ==& 迷宫式窥视装置 labyrinth-grease seal ==& 迷宫式润滑脂密封器 labyrinth-grease seals ==& 迷宫式润滑脂封闭器 labyrinthine artery ==& 迷路动脉,耳迷路动脉 labyrinthine congestion ==& 迷路充血 labyrinthine fistula ==& 迷路瘘管 labyrinthine hemorrhage ==& 迷路出血 labyrinthine hydrops ==& 迷路积水,迷路内淋巴水肿 labyrinthine placenta ==& 血绒膜胎盘 labyrinthine reflex ==& 迷路反射 labyrinthine righting reflex ==& 迷路翻正反射 labyrinthine sensation ==& 迷路感觉 labyrinthine syndrome ==& 美尼尔氏综合征 labyrinthine test ==& 迷路试验 labyrinthine tonic reflex ==& 迷路紧张反射 labyrinthine wall ==& 迷路壁 labyrintine hydrops ==& 膜迷路积水 lac ==& 虫漆,虫胶 lac acid ==& 紫胶酸 lac dye ==& 紫胶染料 lac ferri ==& 沉降磷酸铁 lac gland ==& 胶腺 lac varnish ==& 清漆,光漆 lac warnish ==& 虫胶清漆 lac wax ==& 紫胶蜡 Lac, Lacerta ==& とかげ座 Lacaille's constellations ==& 拉凯勒星座 lacality mark ==& 产地号印 lacbon tablet ==& 肠道安片 laccaic acid ==& 紫胶酸,虫胶酸,虫胶酸色素 lacceroic acid ==& 虫漆醋酸,虫漆蜡酸,紫胶蜡酸 laccijalaric acid ==& 紫胶壳脑醛酸 laccishellolic acid ==& 紫胶壳脑酸 lace ==& 带子,全穿孔,整列穿孔,全区穿孔,花边 lace and band crochet machine ==& 花边与带类钩编机 lace and trimming machine ==& 花边织机 lace bar ==& 格条 lace beaming machine ==& 花边整经机 lace card ==& 整列穿孔卡片 lace frame ==& 花边织机 lace leaf ==& 带花纹的叶子 lace machine ==& 花边织机 530. lace paper ==& 花边纸 531. lace punch ==& 全穿孔 532. lace screen ==& 辫带式滤网 533. LACE, Liquefied Air Cycle Engine ==& エンジンサ?クルの一つでエンジン 内に取りzんだ空荬O低温燃料で冷やし液化してから燃させるエンジンサ? クル 534. laced beam ==& 空腹梁,缀合梁 535. laced belt ==& 接头带 536. laced card ==& 全穿孔卡片 537. laced column ==& 缀合柱 538. laced column of built channels ==& 槽钢缀合柱 539. laced paper cutter ==& 花边纸刀 540. laced valley ==& 搭瓦天沟 541. lacerable ==& 可撕裂的 542. lacerate ==& 撕碎 543. lacerate colony ==& 撕裂状菌落 544. lacerated ==& 撕裂状的 545. lacerated foramen ==& 破裂孔 546. lacerated wound ==& 裂伤 547. lacerated wound of tendon and muscle ==& 筋断伤 548. lacerating machine ==& 切碎装置,拉力试验机 549. laceration ==& 劈裂,挫裂创,撕裂,裂伤,划破 550. laceration of anal sphincter ==& 肛门括约肌撕裂伤 551. laceration of birth canal ==& 产道撕裂 552. laceration of brain ==& 脑裂伤 553. laceration of cardiac valve ==& 心瓣膜裂伤 554. laceration of cervix ==& 宫颈裂伤,子宫颈裂伤 555. laceration of conjunctiva ==& 结膜裂伤 556. laceration of eyelid ==& 眼睑裂伤 557. laceration of hymen ==& 处女膜裂伤 558. laceration of lacrimal canaliculus ==& 泪小管断裂 559. laceration of ligament ==& 韧带撕裂 560. laceration of long head of biceps ==& 二头肌长头裂伤 561. laceration of meninges ==& 脑膜裂伤 562. laceration of muscle and tendon ==& 筋伤断裂 563. laceration of patellar ligament ==& 髌韧带裂伤 564. laceration of perineum ==& 会阴撕裂 565. laceration of skin ==& 皮肤裂伤 566. laceration of spinal cord ==& 脊髓裂伤 567. laceration of tentorium cerebelli ==& 小脑幕裂伤 568. Lacerta ==& 蝎虎星座 569. Lacertidae ==& 草蜥科 570. lacertus musculi recti lateralis ==& 外直肌腱膜 571. lacertus of lateral rectus ==& 外直肌腱膜 572. lachrymal duct forceps ==& 泪管钳 573. lachrymal sac forceps ==& 泪囊钳 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619.lacing angle ==& 角铁牵条 lacing bar ==& 缀条,拉筋 lacing board ==& 绳索模板 lacing course ==& 拉结层,拱圈结合层,挂结层,带层 lacing hole ==& 拉筋孔,纹板串连孔 lacing leather ==& 束紧皮绳 lacing wire ==& 拉筋 lack contents ==& 内含物不多 lack copper ==& 电解铜 lack development in the rear end ==& 后躯发育不良 lack for underground water ==& 地下水不足 lack of balance ==& 非均衡,缺乏平衡 lack of bond ==& 结合不良 lack of contrast ==& 反差不足 lack of fusion ==& 熔合不良,熔化不良,未熔合 lack of inter-run fusion ==& 层间未熔合 lack of interpenetration ==& 层间未焊透 lack of joint penetration ==& 接头未焊透 lack of lactation ==& 缺乳 lack of manpower ==& 缺乏人力 lack of materials ==& 缺乏材料 lack of penetration ==& 未焊透 lack of registration ==& 配准不佳 lack of resolution ==& 清晰度欠佳,分辨率不足,鉴别力损耗 lack of root fusion ==& 根部未焊透 lack of side fusion ==& 侧面未熔合 lack of tolerance ==& 缺乏耐性 lack of uniformity ==& 品质欠均匀,不均衡性 lack of uniformly optimal plan ==& 一致最优方案的不足 lackey ==& おべっか使い,追者 lacking moth ==& 天幕毛虫 lacking number ==& 期刊缺期,缺号 LACO, laser communication ==& レ`ザ通信 lacour motor ==& 拉库尔电动机 Lacour motor ==& 拉库尔电动机 lacquer ==& 清漆,漆 lacquer coat ==& 漆涂层 lacquer disk ==& 蜡克盘 lacquer film ==& 喷漆薄膜 lacquer for floor ==& 地板漆 lacquer formation ==& 漆生成 lacquer layer ==& 硝基漆层 lacquer painting ==& 漆画 lacquer petroleum ==& 漆用汽油 lacquer picture ==& 磨漆画 lacquer relief ==& 漆片雕 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665.lacquer sheathing ==& 漆复盖层 lacquer solvent ==& 溶漆剂,助漆溶剂,助溶剂 lacquer tree ==& 漆树 lacquer type organic coating ==& 树脂漆 lacquer varnish ==& 清漆,喷涂清漆,亮漆,凡立水 lacquer with gold design ==& 描金漆器 lacquer work ==& 漆细工 lacquer-coated steel sheet ==& 涂漆薄钢板 lacquer-removing preparation ==& 除漆制剂 lacquered plate ==& 涂漆镀锡薄钢板 lacquered sheet iron ==& 镀漆铁皮 lacquered wire ==& 漆包线 lacrimal abscess ==& 泪囊脓肿 lacrimal apparatus ==& 泪器 lacrimal artery ==& 泪腺动脉 lacrimal bone ==& 泪骨 lacrimal border ==& 泪缘 lacrimal calculus ==& 眼石 lacrimal canal ==& 鼻泪管 lacrimal caruncle ==& 泪阜 lacrimal dilator ==& 泪道扩张器 lacrimal duct ==& 泪管,泪小管 lacrimal fistula ==& 泪管瘘,泪囊瘘 lacrimal fossa ==& 泪腺窝 lacrimal gland ==& 泪腺 lacrimal gland tumor ==& 泪腺肿瘤 lacrimal lake ==& 泪池,泪湖(池) lacrimal nerve ==& 泪腺神经 lacrimal notch ==& 泪切迹 lacrimal nucleus ==& 泪腺核 lacrimal papilla ==& 泪乳头 lacrimal passage ==& 泪道 lacrimal point ==& 泪点 lacrimal probe ==& 泪道探针,泪管探子 lacrimal punctum knife ==& 泪点刀 lacrimal retractor ==& 泪囊牵开器 lacrimal river ==& 泪河 lacrimal sac ==& 泪囊 lacrimal style ==& 泪管探针,泪管通针 lacrimal tubercle ==& 泪结节 lacrimal vein ==& 泪腺静脉 lacrimalin ==& 促流泪素 lacrimator gas poisoning ==& 催泪毒气中毒 lacrimatory agent ==& 催泪剂 lactaion tetany ==& 哺乳性肢体搐搦 lactalbumin hydrolysate ==& 乳白蛋白水解物 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711.lactamic acid ==& 丙氨酸 lactase deficiency syndrome ==& 乳糖酶缺乏综合征 lactate complex ==& 乳酸盐络合物 lactating cow ==& 产奶母牛 lactation ==& 泌乳,哺乳,授乳 lactation anestrus ==& 泌乳期乏情 lactation atrophy of uterus ==& 哺乳期子宫萎缩 lactation blindness ==& 哺乳性盲 lactation curve ==& 泌乳曲线 lactation factor ==& 维生素 L lactation in Holsteins ==& 黑白花牛的分泌乳能力 lactation length ==& 泌乳期 lactation mammary abscess ==& 乳腺哺乳期脓肿 lactation period ==& 泌乳期 lactation tetany ==& 牛低血镁症 lactational ==& 哺乳的 lacteal duct ==& 乳糜管 lacteal fistula ==& 乳管瘘,乳汁瘘 lacteal tumor ==& 乳瘤,乳性乳房肿胀 lactic ==& 乳的 lactic acid ==& 乳酸 lactic acid bacillus ==& 乳酸杆菌 lactic acid bacteria ==& 乳酸菌,乳酸细菌 lactic acid bacterium ==& 乳酸菌 lactic acid cycle ==& 乳酸循环 lactic acid dehydrogenase ==& 乳酸脱氢酶 lactic acid fermentation ==& 乳酸发酵 lactic acid racemase ==& 乳酸消旋酶 lactic acid technology ==& 乳酸菌技g lactic acidosis ==& 乳酸性酸中毒 lactic agglutination test ==& 乳酸凝集试验 lactic bacterium ==& 乳酸菌 lactic casein ==& 乳酪素 lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme ==& 乳酸脱氢酶同功酶 lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme determination ==& 乳酸脱氢酶同功酶检查 lactic fermentation ==& 乳酸发酵 lacticemia ==& 乳酸血 lactiferous ducts ==& 乳腺管 lactiferous element ==& 产乳组织 lactiferous gland ==& 乳腺 lacto-mycine fermentation ==& 乳菌发配 lactobacillic acid ==& 乳杆菌酸 lactobacillus ==& 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus ==& 乳杆菌属,乳酸杆菌属 lactobacillus (lactobacilli) ==& 乳酸杆菌 Lactobacillus acidophilus ==& 嗜酸乳杆菌 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757.lactobacillus additive ==& 乳酸菌添加 Lactobacillus casei ==& 干酪乳杆菌 Lactobacillus lactis ==& 乳酸乳杆菌 Lactobacillus leichmannii ==& 莱希曼氏乳杆菌 lactobionic acid ==& 乳糖酸 lactogenic hormone ==& 促乳激素,催乳激素 lactone colouring matters ==& 内酯染料 lactone process ==& 内酯法 lactone rule ==& 内酯规则 lactonic acid ==& 内酯酸 lactonic ring ==& 内酯环 lactophenol mount ==& 乳酸酚装置 lactophenol solution ==& 乳酸酚液 lactophenol-cotton blue solution ==& 乳酚棉蓝液 lactose fermentation ==& 乳糖发酵 lactose intolerance ==& 乳糖不耐受 lactose of milk ==& 乳中的乳糖 lactose-litmus gelatin ==& 乳糖石蕊明胶 lactoserum ==& 乳清 lactyl ==& 乳酸基 lactyl-para-phenetiden ==& 对位乳酰替乙氧苯胺 lacunae laterales ==& 外侧陷窝 lacunar system ==& 腔隙系 lacunary function ==& 缺顶函数,缺项函数 lacunary space ==& 缺顶空间,缺项空间 lacunary structure ==& 缺顶结构 lacus lacrimalis ==& 泪池,泪湖(池) lacustrine beach ==& 湖滩 lacustrine clay ==& 湖成粘土 lacustrine deposit ==& 湖沉积,湖相沉积 lacustrine plain ==& 湖成平原 lacustrine soil ==& 湖积土壤 LAD, large area detector ==& 域手 ladder ==& 棚架,梯,梯形裂缝,梯状物,梯子,阶梯 ladder (bucket) dredge ==& 链斗式挖泥船 ladder and cage ==& 梯子和护罩 ladder apes-earring (Pithecolobium scalare) ==& 梯形猴耳环 ladder approximation ==& はしご近似 ladder attenuator ==& 梯形衰减器 ladder bracing ==& 桁架格条 ladder bucket dredge(r) ==& 多斗挖泥船 ladder chain ==& 梯形链条,钩环链 ladder circuit ==& 梯型线路,梯形电路=&梯子形回路 ladder control ==& 梯式控制 ladder diagram ==& 梯形图,顺序控制图 ladder ditcher ==& 多斗挖沟机 758. ladder dredge ==& 多斗式挖泥机 759. ladder drilling ==& 梯架式钻孔,梯式钻眼法 760. ladder effect ==& 梯形效应 761. ladder escape ==& 安全梯 762. ladder excavator ==& 梯式挖掘机 763. ladder filter ==& 梯式滤波器 764. ladder fire ==& 梯次射击 765. ladder for repairing ==& 修理梯 766. ladder fuel element ==& 分级燃料元 767. ladder hypha ==& 梯形菌丝 768. ladder index ==& 阶梯指数 769. ladder landing (platform) ==& 梯子平台 770. ladder load ==& 梯状矿脉 771. ladder marking ==& 梯形蚀痕 772. ladder network ==& 梯形网络=&はしご形回路W,直列に接Aされた L 形回路 Wで成される 2 端子回路W。 773. ladder of cascades ==& 梯级跌水 774. ladder operator ==& 梯算符 775. ladder polymer ==& 梯形聚合物 776. ladder printer ==& 梯式打字机 777. ladder rack ==& 梯级形齿轨,阶梯形齿条 778. ladder rail ==& 梯栏杆 779. ladder road ==& 梯子道 780. ladder roadway ==& 梯子间 781. ladder rung ==& 梯踏步 782. ladder scaffold ==& 梯式脚手架 783. ladder screen ==& 梯下安全网 784. ladder secondary LLM ==& 梯状次极直线悬浮电机 785. ladder shell ==& 梯螺 786. ladder sign ==& 阶梯征 787. ladder sollar ==& 梯子平台 788. ladder stay ==& 梯子架 789. ladder step ==& 扶梯梯级 790. ladder stitch ==& 梯缝 791. ladder string ==& 梯子侧板 792. ladder to manhole ==& 人孔梯子 793. ladder track ==& 梯形线 794. ladder trencher ==& 多斗式挖沟机 795. ladder truck ==& 带梯卡车 796. ladder type ==& (如滤波网络等)梯形 797. ladder type circuit ==& 梯型电路,梯形电路 798. ladder type decoupling filter ==& 梯型去耦滤波器 799. ladder type filter ==& 梯型滤波器 800. ladder type frame ==& 梯形车架 801. ladder variable ==& 阶梯变量 802. ladder vein ==& 梯状矿脉 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848.ladder way ==& 梯口 ladder weave ==& 梯形组织 ladder web ==& 梯状织物 ladder winch ==& 梯斗式起重绞车 ladder winding ==& 阶梯式绕组 ladder winding insulation ==& 阶梯式绕组绝缘 ladder with platform ==& 带平台的梯子 ladder work ==& 梯工 ladder-type filter ==& 梯形滤波器=&はしご形フ?ルタ ladder-type network ==& 梯形网络=&はしご形回路W ladder-way compartment ==& 梯子间 laddershaped distribution method ==& 梯形分配法 lade ==& 装,汲出,汲取,装载 laden ==& 装载,满载 laden draft ==& 满载吃水 laden earhead ==& 满浆穗 laden height ==& 满载状态下的高度 laden in bulk ==& 散装的 laden stops ==& 满载停车 LADGPS, Local Area DGPS ==& LADGPS ladies' shop ==& 妇女用品商店 lading ==& 载荷,重量 lading order for free goods ==& 免税品起货批准单 ladle ==& 浇包,铁水罐,钢包,铸勺,铸桶=&おたま,ひしゃく ladle addition ==& 罐内加料,炉前料,包内添加剂,桶内加料 ladle analysis ==& 桶样分析,包样分析 ladle bail ==& 铸钢桶挂钩 ladle barrow ==& 铸锭车,铸钢桶手推车 ladle body ==& 桶身 ladle bowl ==& 桶壳,罐壳 ladle brick ==& 钢包衬砖 ladle capacity ==& 桶容量 ladle car ==& 桶车,钢水罐车 ladle carriage ==& 铸桶车 ladle carrier ==& 铸桶叉形夹 ladle casing ==& 桶壳 ladle chemistry ==& 桶样成份,包样化学成分 ladle cover ==& 包盖 ladle crane ==& 铁水包吊车 ladle crane motor ==& 铁水包吊车马达 ladle degassing ==& 包内去氧 ladle deoxidation ==& 包内脱氧 ladle deoxidizing ==& 包内脱氧 ladle drier ==& 浇包烘炉,烘包器 ladle forehearth ==& 倾动式前炉 ladle heater ==& 烘包器 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894.ladle heel ==& 浇包结瘤,包底剩铁 ladle inoculation ==& 包中孕育处理 ladle liner ==& 浇包衬,预制包衬 ladle lining ==& 桶衬 ladle lip ==& 桶唇,浇包嘴 ladle mixing ==& 桶内混合 ladle nozzle ==& 钢包水口 ladle of the bottom pour type ==& 底流式桶 ladle pot ==& 浇桶,铸罐 ladle refining ==& 桶中精练 ladle sample ==& 桶样,包内取样,包样 ladle scull ==& 桶内结壳 ladle shank ==& 抬包架 ladle spout ==& 浇包嘴 ladle stand ==& 钢包支座 ladle test ==& 桶形试验,桶样试验 ladle treatment ==& 包内处理 ladle trunnion ==& 浇包轴颈 ladle wash ==& 浇包涂料 ladle well ==& 桶底虹吸池 ladle with wooden grip ==& 木柄汤勺 ladle(pot) ==& 铁水包 ladle-to ladle ==& 倒包 ladleman ==& 铸锭工 LADWP ==& ロサンゼルス市水道力局 lady cracker ==& 吨边炮 lady dress watch ==& 女式表 lady electric watch ==& 女式电子表 lady electric wrist watch ==& 女式电子手表 lae acusticae ==& 位觉斑 laevo-configuration ==& 左旋构型 laevulic acid ==& 左旋酸 Lafarge cement ==& 拉法吉水泥 Lafond's Tables ==& 拉丰表 lag ==& 滞后,延迟,惯性,防护套,罩=&Wれ,残像,限r,r限 lag adjustment ==& W相{整 lag angle ==& 滞后角,连接角钢 lag bolt ==& 短螺栓,方头螺栓,木螺栓 lag characteristic ==& 落后特性,延迟特性 lag coefficient ==& 时间常数,滞后系数=&WれS数 lag compensation ==& 滞后补偿 lag compensator ==& 滞后补偿器 lag correlation ==& 滞后相关 lag covariance 落后协方 ==& 差 lag curve ==& 滞后特性曲线 lag damper ==& 滞后阻尼器 895. lag deposit ==& 滞溜沉积 896. lag distance ==& 滞积距离 897. lag element ==& 滞后元件 898. lag error ==& 滞后误差,迟滞误差 899. lag gravel ==& 滞积砾石,(沙漠地区的)残积砾石 900. lag ignition ==& 迟点火 901. lag in phase ==& 相位滞后 902. lag intake ==& 迟进汽 903. lag lead compensation ==& 滞后超前补偿 904. lag lead compensator ==& 滞超补偿器 905. lag module ==& 滞后组件=&Wれ要素 906. lag network ==& 滞后网络 907. lag of boiler ==& 锅炉外套 908. lag of higher order ==& 高次谐波滞后 909. lag of ignition ==& 发火落后 910. lag of time ==& 滞后时间 911. lag ratio ==& 滞积比 912. lag regression ==& 落后回归 913. lag screw ==& 板头尖端木螺钉,方头螺钉 914. lag spike ==& 螺丝钉 915. lag theorem ==& 延迟定理 916. lag time ==& 延迟时间,滞后时间 917. lag unit ==& 滞后部件 918. lag wood screw ==& 木螺钉 919. lag-error correction ==& 迟滞误差修正 920. lag-lead compensation ==& 滞后超前补偿,滞后超前补偿 921. LAGEOS, Laser Geodynamic Satellite ==& レ`ザ地球力学l星(NASA 略Z集 より) 922. LAGEOS, Laser Geodynamics Satellite ==& レ`ザ地球力学l星 (Jane'sDirectory より) 923. lager ==& ラガ` 924. lager beer ==& 贮藏啤酒=&ラガ`ビ`ル 925. lagged liner ==& 槽底挡料衬板 926. lagged pulley ==& 带套鼓轮 927. lagged type ==& W有 928. lagged variable of unanticipated inflation ==& 非预期的价格上涨中滞后 变量 929. lagged-demand meter ==& 时滞需量计 930. lagging ==& 滞后=&ラギング 931. lagging angle ==& 滞后角 932. lagging capacity ==& W相容量 933. lagging casing ==& 保温外壳,绝热外壳,绝热外壳 934. lagging circuit ==& 滞后电路 935. lagging coil ==& 滞后线圈 936. lagging cover ==& 包衣 937. lagging current ==& 滞后电流=&Wれ流 938. lagging curve ==& 滞后曲线 939. lagging device ==& 滞后装置=&W相装置 940. lagging edge ==& 延迟反馈,后沿,下降边 941. lagging effect ==& 滞后效应 942. lagging feedback ==& 迟滞反馈 943. lagging filter ==& 迟后滤波器 944. lagging half axle ==& 横半轴 945. lagging index ==& 滞延指数 946. lagging indicator ==& 滞后经济指标,落后指标,拉后指标 947. lagging jack ==& 拱架,拱鹰架 948. lagging jacket ==& 汽缸保温套 949. lagging load ==& 滞后负载 950. lagging material ==& 绝热材料,绝热材料 951. lagging of tides ==& 潮汐迟滞,月潮间隔 952. lagging phase ==& 滞后相位 953. lagging phase angle ==& 滞后相位角 954. lagging power factor ==& 滞后功率因数 955. lagging power factor operation ==& W相\ 956. lagging power-factor ==& 滞后功率因数 957. lagging shadow ==& 落后阴影 958. lagging truck ==& 落后履带 959. lagging voltage ==& 滞后电压 960. lagging-type equations ==& 滞后型方程 961. lagoon island ==& 泻湖岛,环礁,内岛 962. lagooning of sludge ==& 污泥池蓄处理 963. Lagrange problem in calculus of variations ==& 变分法中的拉格朗日问题 964. Lagrange relaxation method ==& ラグランジュ头 965. Lagrange stability ==& ラグランジュの安定性 966. Lagrange's equation ==& 拉格朗日方程 967. Lagrange's interpolation formula ==& 拉格朗日插值公式 968. Lagrange's method of variation of constants ==& Lagrrange の定数浠 969. Lagrange's operation ==& 巩膜虹膜切除术 970. Lagrange's polynomial interpolation formula ==& ラグランジュag法 971. Lagrange's theorem ==& ラグランジュの定理 972. Lagrange's trigonometric identity ==& ラグランジュの三角恒等式 973. Lagrange-multiplier method ==& 拉格朗日乘式法 974. Lagrangean decomposition ==& ラグランジュ分解 975. Lagrangian density for Higgs particle ==& ヒッグス粒子のラグランジ? ン密度 976. Lagrangian density of the Weinberg-Salam theory ==& ワ?ンバ`グ-サラ ム理のラグランジ?ン密度 977. Lagrangian generalized velocity ==& 广义速度 978. Lagrangian method ==& 拉格朗日法 979. Lagrangian multiplier method ==& Lagrange \数法 980. lags in response ==& 反应迟钝 981. Laguerre's differential equation ==& 拉盖尔微分方程 982. 983. 984. 985. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lahar deposit ==& 泥流沉积 LAI test ==& 乳凝抑制试验 laid antique ==& 条纹仿古纸 laid crop ==& 倒伏作物 laid down cost ==& 敷设成本 laid dry ==& 干砌的 laid fabric ==& 无纬织物 laid finish ==& 条纹装饰 laid fire ==& 点火 laid on end ==& 立砌 laid paper ==& 直纹纸 laid rope ==& レ?ドロ`プ,婴盲烤V laid up in port ==& 停泊在港 laid up return ==& 停泊退费 laid wire rope ==& 普通扭纹钢丝索 laid-grain lifter ==& 倒伏作物扶起器 laid-grain reel ==& 倒伏作物拨禾轮 laid-in effect ==& 衬热效应 laid-in moulding ==& 镶嵌线脚 laid-in thread ==& 衬垫纱线 laid-on moulding ==& 贴附线脚,安装线条 laid-up ==& 拆卸修理 laid-up capital ==& 闲置资金 laid-up tonnage ==& 闲置吨位 laine de terneaux ==& 美利奴羊毛 Lainer's reducer ==& 莱纳减薄液 laissez passer ==& (车辆)通行证 laissez-passer ==& 通行证,护照 laitance ==& 浮浆,浆沫,水泥翻沫,浮浆皮=&レ?タンス laitance coating ==& 浮浆表层,浆皮,(混凝土表面的)浮浆层 laitance layer ==& 浮浆层,浆皮,(水泥浆的)翻沫层 Laiyang green ==& 莱阳绿 lake ==& 湖,湖泊,媒色颜料,沉淀色料 lake and river mud ==& 泥地 lake arm ==& 湖叉 lake asphalt ==& 湖沥青 lake basin ==& 湖泊盆地,湖盆 lake basin bog ==& 湖沼 lake bed ==& 湖床 lake breeze ==& 湖风 lake brine ==& 湖泊盐水 lake carrier ==& 湖船 lake circulation ==& 湖泊环流 lake clay ==& 湖泥 lake colours ==& 色淀颜料 lake copper ==& 湖铜 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lake current ==& 湖流 lake delta ==& 湖泊三角洲 lake deposit ==& 湖沉积,湖相沉积 lake district ==& 湖区 lake effect ==& 湖泊效应 lake effect storm ==& 湖上雪暴 lake eutrophication ==& 湖泊富营养化 lake facies ==& 湖相 lake floor ==& 湖床 lake level ==& 湖平面 lake loess ==& 湖积黄土 lake marl ==& 湖成泥灰岩 lake marsh ==& 湖沼 lake marsh reclamation ==& 湖沼围垦 lake obliteration ==& 湖泊消失 lake of cold air ==& 冷空气湖 lake oil ==& 琥珀油 lake ore ==& 沼铁矿 lake outflow ==& 湖泊出流量 lake outlet ==& 湖泊出口 lake outlet channel ==& 湖泊出口水道 lake peat ==& 湖成泥炭,湖泥炭 lake pigments ==& 色淀颜料 lake pitch ==& 湖沥青 lake plain ==& 湖成平原,湖平原 lake pollution ==& 湖泊污染 lake port ==& 湖港 lake remover ==& 沉淀色料去除剂 lake sand ==& 湖砂 lake sediment ==& 湖泊沉积物 lake shore ==& 湖滨 lake side ==& 湖滨 lake stage ==& 湖水位 lake storage ==& 湖泊蓄水量 lake survey ==& 湖泊调查 lake terrace ==& 湖阶地 lake type ==& 湖泊类型 lake valley ==& 湖谷 lake with marine vestiges ==& 海迹湖 lake-floor plain ==& 湖底平原 lakes ==& 色淀 lakeshore development ==& 湖滨开发 lakeshore line ==& 湖岸线 lakeside development ==& 湖滨开发 laky ==& 深红色的 laky blood ==& 已溶血,乙溶血 1074. Lalande cell ==& ラ`ランド池 1075. Lallemand electronic camera ==& 拉洛芒电子照相机 1076. Laman spectrophotometer ==& 拉曼分光光度计 1077. LAMAR, large area modular array of reflectors ==& 反射器の域モジュ `ル?レ? 1078. lamb ==& 羊羔 1079. lamb born per conception ==& 每次受胎产羔率 1080. lamb crop ==& 一季所产羔羊总数 1081. lamb crop percent ==& 产羔百分率 1082. Lamb dip ==& 兰姆凹陷=&ラムデ?ップ 1083. Lamb dip frequency stabilization ==& 兰姆稳频 1084. lamb dysentery ==& 羔羊痢疾 1085. lamb expected daily gain ==& 羔羊预期日增重 1086. lamb fast-gaining ==& 羔羊快速增重 1087. lamb fatting ==& 羔羊肥育 1088. lamb feeding schedule ==& 羔羊饲喂时间表 1089. lamb feeding standard ==& 羔羊饲养标准 1090. lamb in the middle of the night ==& 半夜产羔 1091. lamb marking ==& 羔羊打号 1092. lamb routine weighing ==& 羔羊定期称重 1093. lamb shift ==& 兰姆移位 1094. Lamb shift ==& 拉姆移位,兰姆移动 1095. lamb teeth ==& 羔羊乳齿 1096. Lamb wave ==& 兰姆波,板波 1097. Lamb waves ==& ラム波 1098. lamb weight ==& 羔羊体重 1099. lamb's ears ==& ラムズ?ヤ`,e名ワタチョロギ,シソ科の多年草 1100. lamb's tongue ==& 羊舌饰 1101. lamb's wool yarn ==& 短毛混纺纱 1102. lambda ==& 人字点,人字缝尖,拉姆达=&Λ ,λ ,ラムダ 1103. lambda calculation ==& 拉姆达计算=&ラムダ算 1104. Lambda control ==& 拉姆达控制 1105. lambda hyperon ==& 拉姆达超子 1106. lambda particle ==& 拉姆达超子 1107. lambda probe, tomcat probe ==& 基于 web 以实时的方式来管理单个 tomcat 主机的工具 1108. lambdoid margin ==& 人字缘 1109. lambdoid suture ==& 人字缝 1110. lambdoidal suture ==& 人字缝 1111. lamber-core construction ==& 板条芯细木结构 1112. Lambert ==& 朗伯=&ランバ`ト 1113. Lambert bearing ==& 朗伯航向 1114. Lambert conformal projection ==& 兰勃特正形投影 1115. Lambert course ==& (航运)朗伯航程 1116. Lambert equation ==& 朗伯方程 1117. Lambert law ==& 朗伯定律 1118. Lambert surface ==& 朗伯表面 1119. Lambert's (cosine) law ==& ランベルトの余弦法t, Flux per unit solid angle leaving a surface in any direction is proportional to the cosine of the angle between that direction and the normal to the surface. A material that obeys Lambert's cosine law is said to be an isotropic diffuser,it has the same sterance (luminance, radiance) in all directions. 1120. Lambert's cosine law ==& 朗伯余弦定律 1121. Lambert's cosine relation ==& 朗伯余弦关系式 1122. Lambert's emission law ==& 朗伯发射定律 1123. Lambert's law ==& 朗伯定律 1124. Lambert's law radiator ==& 朗伯律辐射体 1125. Lambert's projection ==& 天顶等积投影 1126. Lambert-Beer law ==& 波格-朗伯-比尔定律,兰玻比尔二氏定律 1127. Lambertian distribution ==& 朗伯分布 1128. Lambertian extended source ==& 朗伯扩展光源 1129. Lambertian radiator ==& 朗伯辐射体 1130. Lambertian reflector ==& 朗伯反射体 1131. Lambertian source ==& 朗伯源 1132. Lambertian surface source ==& 朗伯表面光源 1133. lambing down of corn ==& 羔羊自行采食玉米 1134. lambing ground ==& 产羔地点 1135. lambing pen ==& 产羔栏 1136. lambing rate ==& 绵羊分娩率 1137. lambing shed ==& 产羔棚,产棚 1138. Lambton flight ==& 刮板装载机 1139. lamel cathode ==& 薄膜阴极 1140. lamella ==& 薄板,薄层,薄片,薄片层,壳层,眼片,菌褶,片=&薄板,薄膜,薄 1141. lamella alignment ==& ラメラ配列 1142. lamella arch ==& 叠层拱 1143. lamella bundle manufacture ==& 板束的制造 1144. lamella clutch ==& 片式离合器 1145. lamella construction ==& 叠层构造 1146. lamella crystal ==& ラメラY晶 1147. lamella formation ==& 薄板形成=&ラメラ形成 1148. lamella grid ==& 叠层网格 1149. lamella heat exchanger ==& 板壳式换热器 1150. lamella of bone ==& 骨影 1151. lamella of myelin ==& ミエリン影 1152. lamella of the cornea ==& 角膜の影 1153. lamella orientation ==& ラメラ配向 1154. lamella roof ==& 叠层屋顶 1155. lamella structure ==& ラメラ造 1156. lamella thickness ==& 薄板厚度 1157. lamellar ==& 片状的,页片形,层纹状,层状,层状的=&薄板状の,ラメラ 1158. lamellar air-heater ==& 片式热风器 1159. lamellar alignment ==& ラメラ配列 1160. lamellar 1161. lamellar 1162. lamellar 1163. lamellar 1164. lamellar 1165. lamellar 1166. lamellar 1167. lamellar 1168. lamellar 1169. lamellar 1170. lamellar 1171. lamellar 1172. lamellar 1173. lamellar 1174. lamellar 1175. lamellar 1176. lamellar 1177. lamellar 1178. lamellar 1179. lamellar 1180. lamellar 1181. lamellar 1182. lamellar 1183. lamellar 1184. lamellar 1185. lamellar 1186. lamellar 1187. lamellar 1188. lamellar 1189. lamellar 1190. lamellar 1191. lamellar 1192. lamellar 1193. lamellar 1194. lamellar 1195. lamellar 1196. lamellar 1197. lamellar 1198. lamellar 1199. lamellar 1200. lamellar 带状组织 1201. lamellar 1202. lamellar 1203. lamellar 1204. lamellarbody ==& 片层体,层状小体,板层小体 bone ==& 板层骨=&影骞 boundary ==& ラメラ境界 brake ==& 多片闸 cataract ==& 绕核性白内障,板层间白内障 cell ==& 环层细胞 cells ==& 表蛹胞 chioroplast ==& 片层结构叶绿体 clay ==& 层状粘土 collenchyma ==& 片状厚角组织 compound ==& 层状化合物 corneal grafting ==& 层间角膜移植 corneal transplantation ==& 层间角膜移植 crystal ==& 片状晶体 crystallization ==& 成层结晶 deformation ==& 片晶变形 displacement ==& 片晶位移 eutectic ==& 层状共晶 extrusion technique ==& 层状挤压成形技术 fibril ==& 片状原纤 field ==& 非旋场,层流场 filter ==& 片式滤清器 flow ==& 片流,层流 fracture ==& 层状断裂面 gametophyte ==& 片状配子体 graphite ==& 片状石墨 grating ==& ラメラ格子,ラメラ`グレ`テ?ング grating interferometer ==& 层状光栅干涉仪 grating type ==& ラメラ`グレ`テ?ング型 growth ==& 片状生长 lattice ==& 片晶晶格 magnet ==& 多层薄片磁铁 magnetization ==& 薄片磁化 martensite ==& 片状马氏体 membrane ==& 片层膜,片状膜 morphology ==& 片状形态 pearlite ==& 片状珠光体,层状珠光体 phase ==& 层状相 roof ==& 叠层式屋顶 spacing ==& 层间隙 structure ==& 层状组织,薄层状结构,片层结构,片晶结构,片状组织, tearing ==& 层状撕裂 thickening ==& 片晶增厚 vector ==& 片式矢量 vector field ==& 无旋向量场 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lamellaria ==& 片螺属 Lamellariacea ==& 片螺族 Lamellariidae ==& 片螺科 lamellasome ==& 片层体,层片体 lamellate ==& 片状的 lamellate placentation ==& 片状胎座式 lamellated ==& 成层 lamellated body ==& 板层小体 lamellated corpuscles ==& 法特氏小体 lamellated fracture ==& 成层断裂 lamellated granule ==& 板层颗粒 lamellated plate ==& 层状板 lamellation ==& 页理 lameness due to disease of the sole ==& 跖跛 Lamex process ==& 拉米克斯法 lamina ==& 薄板,层状体,片层,叶片,纹层 lamina affixad ==& 附着板 lamina arcus vertebrae ==& 椎弓板 lamina basalis ==& 基底层 lamina basalis chorioideae ==& 玻璃层 lamina basalis choroideae ==& 脉络膜基底层 lamina cartilaginis cricoideae ==& 环状软骨板 lamina cartilaginis thyroideae ==& 甲状软骨板 lamina choroidocapillaris ==& 脉络膜毛细管层 lamina cribrosa ==& 筛状板 lamina cribrosa of sclera ==& 巩膜筛板 lamina cribrosa sclerae ==& 巩膜筛板,巩膜筛区 lamina dentalis ==& 牙板 lamina elastica anterior ==& 前弹性层,鲍曼氏层 lamina episcleralis ==& 巩膜外层 lamina explosion proof machine ==& 窄隙防爆式电机 lamina externs ==& 侧唇舌 lamina fusca ==& 巩膜棕黑层 lamina fusion ==& 椎板融合术 lamina granularis externa ==& 外粒层 lamina horizontalis ossis palatina ==& 腭骨水平板 lamina infra-analis ==& 肛下板 lamina interna ==& 唇舌 lamina keratectomy ==& 板层角膜切除术 lamina lateralis ==& 翼突外侧板 lamina limitans ==& 界板 lamina limitans anterior ==& 前界层 lamina limitans posterior ==& 后弹性层 lamina limitans posterior corneae ==& 后界层 lamina medialis ==& 翼突内侧板 lamina medialis cartilaginis tubae auditivae ==& 内侧咽鼓管软骨板 1251. lamina medullaris lateralis ==& 外侧髓板 1252. lamina medullaris medialis ==& 内侧髓板 1253. lamina membranacea ==& 膜板 1254. lamina mesenterii propria ==& 肠系膜固有层 1255. lamina modioli ==& 蜗轴板 1256. lamina muscularis mucosae ==& 粘膜肌层 1257. lamina of cochlear axis ==& 蜗轴板 1258. lamina of cricoid cartilage ==& 环状软骨板 1259. lamina of thyroid cartilage ==& 甲状软骨板 1260. lamina of vertebral arch ==& 椎弓板 1261. lamina papyracea ==& 纸板 1262. lamina perpendicularis ==& 铅直板 1263. lamina posterior ==& 后层 1264. lamina pretrachealis ==& 颈筋膜气管前层,颈筋膜气管前层 1265. lamina prevertebralis ==& 颈筋膜深层,颈筋膜深层,颈筋膜椎前层,颈筋膜椎 前层 1266. lamina propria ==& 固有层 1267. lamina propria mucosae ==& 粘膜固有层 1268. lamina pyramidalis externa ==& 外锥体层 1269. lamina quadrigemina ==& 四叠板 1270. lamina reticularis ==& 网状板,网状层 1271. lamina spiralis ossea ==& 骨螺旋板 1272. lamina superficialis ==& 浅层 1273. lamina supra-analis ==& 肛上片 1274. lamina suprachoroidea ==& 脉络膜上板,脉络膜上板层,脉络膜上层,脉络膜周 层 1275. lamina terminalis ==& 终板 1276. lamina tragi ==& 耳屏板 1277. lamina tragica ==& 耳屏板 1278. lamina vasculosa ==& 血管层 1279. lamina vasculosa choroideae ==& 脉络膜血管层 1280. lamina visceralis ==& 脏层 1281. laminac ==& 成形用聚酯树脂 1282. laminae albae cerebelli ==& 小脑白质板 1283. laminae medullares ==& 髓板 1284. laminae medullares thalami ==& 丘脑髓板 1285. laminagraph ==& 断层照相机 1286. laminagraphy ==& 断层照相术 1287. laminal filter ==& 片状填料 1288. laminal placentation ==& 薄层胎座式 1289. laminal structure ==& 薄片结构 1290. laminar ==& 薄片状的,层理的,层流的,成层的 1291. laminar aluminum particle ==& 片状铝粒 1292. laminar boundary layer ==& 层流边界层 1293. laminar combustion ==& 恿魅 1294. laminar combustion velocity ==& 恿魅速度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .laminar composite ==& 层状复合材料=&e友}合材料 laminar convection ==& 分层对流 laminar crack ==& 层状裂纹 laminar current ==& 层流 laminar damping ==& 层流衰减 laminar deposition ==& 层状淀积 laminar diffusion ==& 层流扩散 laminar film ==& 层流薄膜,层流膜,片状膜 laminar film in pipe ==& 管壁层流膜层 laminar flame stability ==& 层流火焰稳定性 laminar flow ==& 层流,滞流=&恿 laminar flow booth ==& 层流室 laminar flow burner ==& 层流燃烧器 laminar flow condition ==& 恿魈跫 laminar flow dye laser ==& 层流染料激光器 laminar flow hood ==& 层流净化罩 laminar flow in pipe ==& 管中层流 laminar flow station ==& 层流净化台 laminar flow ultra clean area ==& 层流超洁净区 laminar furnace ==& 恿髀 laminar heat convection ==& 层流中热传递 laminar layer ==& 层流层 laminar low ==& 层流 laminar mixing ==& 分层拌合 laminar model ==& 层流模型 laminar motion ==& 层流运动,层状运动 laminar plastic flow ==& 片型范性流变,片型塑性流动 laminar region ==& 层流区 laminar restrictor ==& 层流流阻器 laminar separation ==& 层流分离 laminar skin friction ==& 层流表层摩擦 laminar structure ==& 层性结构 laminar sub-layer ==& 层流次层 laminar sublayer ==& 层流底层,层流亚层 laminar surface flow ==& 表面层流 laminar symmetry ==& 分层对称性 laminar tissue ==& 薄板组织 laminar vector ==& 片式矢量 laminar velocity ==& 层流速度 laminar wake ==& 层流尾涡 laminar wing ==& 层流翼 laminar-turbulent transition ==& 层流紊流过渡段 Laminariaceae ==& 海带科 Laminariales ==& 昆布目 laminarinase ==& 昆布糖酶 Laminariophyceae ==& 昆布科 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .laminaritriose ==& 昆布三糖 laminary ==& 由薄片组成的 laminaset ==& 纹层组 laminate ==& 分层,分成薄片,层积材,层压,层压板,层制品=&e影 laminate asbestos fabric ==& 层状石棉织物 laminate bulb ==& 带皮鳞茎 laminate material ==& }合材料 laminate molding ==& 层塑法,层压制模 laminate power bus ==& 多层电源配线电路 laminated ==& 分层的,纹泥,页状 laminated (magnetic) core ==& e哟判 laminated acoustical glass ==& 夹层隔音玻璃 laminated adhesive ==& 覆膜胶 laminated antenna ==& 迭层天线 laminated arch ==& 叠层拱 laminated armature ==& 叠片电枢 laminated armature conductor ==& 叠片电枢导体 laminated barrel ==& 薄片卷成的枪管 laminated beam ==& 层积梁,叠层梁 laminated bearing ==& 层压轴承,夹布胶木轴承 laminated belt ==& 多层带 laminated bending ==& 弯曲层积,层积弯曲 laminated board ==& 层压板,板条芯胶合板,贴面板,叠层板 laminated body ==& 板层小体 laminated brush ==& 叠片电刷,分层电刷 laminated brush switch ==& 叠层刷型开关=&成鹰芝楗烽_]器 laminated bulb ==& 膜被鳞茎 laminated bus plate ==& 层压汇流条 laminated calculus ==& 分层结石 laminated chain ==& 叠片链 laminated clay ==& 成层粘土,片状粘土,层状粘土,季候泥 laminated clot ==& 层状血块 laminated cloth ==& 多层粘合布 laminated coal ==& 叠层煤 laminated coating ==& 多层涂层,夹布包层 laminated compact ==& 层状坯块,分层坯块 laminated conductor ==& 分层导体,叠片导体 laminated construction ==& 叠层构造,叠层结构 laminated contact ==& 叠片触点,分层片触点 laminated core ==& 叠片铁心=&e逾心 laminated cortex ==& 分层皮质 laminated dielectric ==& 叠片介质 laminated fabric ==& 叠层织物 laminated feeder ==& 叠板式喂料机 laminated ferrite memory ==& 叠片铁氧体存储器,层压铁氧体存储器 laminated fiber wallboard ==& 层压纤维墙板,叠合纤维板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminated laminatedfiberglass ==& e鹰哎楗攻??バ` film ==& 层压薄膜 film bag ==& 层压薄膜袋 floor ==& 叠层地板 flow ==& 分层流动 fracture ==& 层状断口 frame ==& 叠片定子骨架 glass ==& 叠层玻璃,安全玻璃 glass partition wall ==& 层压玻璃隔墙 glass window ==& 层压玻璃观察窗 glassing paper ==& 叠层玻璃纸 glued timber arch ==& 胶合叠板拱 hook ==& 片式单钩 insulation ==& 叠片绝缘,叠层绝缘,分层绝缘,层状绝缘 insulator ==& 分层绝缘体 iron core ==& 叠片铁心=&e逾芯 joint ==& 马牙榫接 layer vessel ==& 多层容器 lead sheet ==& 叠合铅皮 leaf spring ==& 叠板簧 leaf-spring ==& 多片式钢板弹簧 lime ==& 叠层石灰 limestone ==& 叠层石灰岩,层纹状石灰岩 magnet ==& 叠片磁铁,积层磁铁 material ==& 层压材料 metal ==& 层状金属 mica ==& 云母片 molding ==& 层压模制 mor ==& 层状的森林粗腐殖质 nozzle ==& 层压喷管 paper ==& 层压纸 paperboard ==& 叠合纸板 pattern lumber ==& 制模叠层木料 plastic ==& 层压塑料 plastic board ==& 热压树脂塑胶板 plastic board picking stick ==& 层压塑料板打梭棒 plastic board side lever ==& 层压塑料板侧杆 plastic veneer ==& 叠合塑料板 plastics ==& 多层塑料,塑料层板,积层塑料 plate ==& 叠层板 plywood ==& 层积胶合板 pole ==& 叠片极 pole-shoe ==& 叠片极靴 polyethylene film ==& 分层聚乙烯片 porcelain ==& (电绝缘材料)多层瓷器 product ==& 复合制品 1433. laminated record ==& 分层录声盘 1434. laminated rib ==& 片肋 1435. laminated rod ==& 层压杆 1436. laminated rotor ==& 叠合式转子,叠片式转子 1437. laminated rubber ==& e鹰触 1438. laminated safety glass ==& 层压安全玻璃,薄片胶合安全玻璃,夹层安全玻璃 1439. laminated sampling ==& 分层取样 1440. laminated shield ==& 层状屏蔽 1441. laminated shim ==& 叠层薄片 1442. laminated shims ==& 叠层薄片 1443. laminated silicon steel sheet ==& e婴堡に劁板 1444. laminated soil ==& 层状土 1445. laminated spring ==& 板簧,叠板弹簧,叠板式弹簧,叠层弹簧,钢板弹簧 1446. laminated spring hammer ==& 夹板锤 1447. laminated state ==& 层压状态 1448. laminated striation ==& 层纹 1449. laminated structure ==& 层状结构,片状结构,分层接合,纹层构造 1450. laminated tarpaulin ==& 层压帆布 1451. laminated thermosetting plastics ==& 层压热固塑料 1452. laminated thrombus ==& 分层血栓 1453. laminated v-belt ==& 活络三角带 1454. laminated veneer ==& 层积单板 1455. laminated vessel ==& 多层式容器 1456. laminated water-proof fabric ==& 叠层防水织物 1457. laminated wood ==& 叠层木板,层积材,层压木板,胶合木 1458. laminated wood (lumber) ==& 叠层木材 1459. laminated yoke ==& 叠层磁轭,叠片磁轭 1460. laminated-boom spar ==& 层压伸臂梁 1461. laminated-brush switch ==& 刷形开关,叠片开关,叠片刷触点开关 1462. laminated-fabric plate ==& 层压纤维板 1463. laminated-glass A ==& 夹层玻璃 1464. laminated-glass AB ==& 类夹层玻璃 1465. laminated-glass B ==& 类夹层玻璃 1466. laminater ==& 积层装置 1467. laminating ==& 层压法,分成薄层 1468. laminating machine ==& 塑料薄膜粘贴机,层压机=&ラミネ`タ` 1469. laminating press ==& 层压压机 1470. laminating resin ==& 层压树脂 1471. laminating roller ==& 薄片轧辊 1472. laminating rolling mill ==& 箔片轧机,贵金属薄片轧机 1473. lamination ==& 叠片结构,分层,分层现象,分层作用,叠层,叠合,叠片,成层,交 替片组,层叠,层合,层节碎胎术,层理,层裂起鳞,薄层,夹层=&e 1474. lamination core ==& 叠片铁芯=&e逾心 1475. lamination coupling ==& 圆盘联轴节 1476. lamination crack ==& 夹层裂纹,层裂 1477. lamination detector ==& 分层缺陷探测仪,分层探测仪 1478. lamination factor ==& 叠层系数,分层系数 1479. lamination insulation ==& 叠钢片绝缘 1480. lamination of pole ==& 磁极叠片 1481. lamination stock ==& 层积毛坯料 1482. lamination synthetic leather ==& 层压合成革 1483. laminator ==& 层合机,层压机,贴膜机,胶合机,折叠型压片机 1484. laminectomy and decompression ==& 椎板切除减压术 1485. laminectomy operating set ==& 椎板截除手术刀包 1486. laminectomy retractor ==& 椎板牵开器,单侧椎板拉钩 1487. laminectomy table ==& 椎板切除手术台 1488. LAMMR, large aperture multichannel microwave radiometer ==& 大口径多 重チャネルマ?クロ波放射 1489. Lamont's law ==& 拉蒙特定律 1490. lamp ==& 灯,照明器=&ランプ 1491. lamp & lantern ==& 灯类 1492. lamp adapter ==& 灯头,电灯泡附件 1493. lamp and auxiliary efficacy ==& t合柯(放ランプ及び安定器) 1494. lamp annealing ==& 灯加热退火 1495. lamp annunciator ==& 灯示呼唤器 1496. lamp arrangement ==& 灯位布置,照明器布置 1497. lamp bank ==& 负载灯排,变阻灯排 1498. lamp bank signal ==& 灯列信号 1499. lamp base ==& 灯头,灯座 1500. lamp base adapter ==& 灯座连接器 1501. lamp black ==& 灯黑 1502. lamp blown glass ==& 灯工玻璃 1503. lamp body ==& 灯壳 1504. lamp bracket ==& 灯架,壁灯架 1505. lamp brightness selector ==& 灯光亮度调节器 1506. lamp brush ==& 灯刷 1507. lamp brush chromosome ==& 刷型染色体 1508. lamp bulb ==& 灯泡 1509. lamp bulb for optical pyrometer ==& 光学高温计用灯泡 1510. lamp bulb vacuum pump ==& 灯泡真空抽气泵 1511. lamp cap ==& 灯头 1512. lamp carrier ==& 持灯管 1513. lamp characteristic ==& 电子管特性曲线 1514. lamp characteristic curve ==& 灯泡特性曲线 1515. lamp check circuit ==& 指示灯检查电路 1516. lamp check test ==& 指示灯检查试验 1517. lamp chimney ==& 灯罩 1518. lamp circuit ==& 电灯线路=&灯回路 1519. lamp colr ==& 灯光颜色 1520. lamp condenser lens ==& 光源聚光透镜 1521. lamp cord ==& 电灯软线,灯绳 1522. lamp cup ==& 灯座 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp LAMP lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lampcurrent ==& 电灯电流 display panel ==& 灯光显示牌 door ==& 灯框 driver ==& 灯驱动器,指示灯驱动器 efficiency ==& 灯光效率,电灯效率 extractor ==& 取灯泡器 filament ==& 灯丝 fittings ==& 电灯配件,电灯组件 fuse ==& 灯用保险丝 glass ==& (玻璃)灯罩 globe ==& 灯泡 guard ==& 灯泡保护网 hanger ==& 灯架 heating ==& 灯加热 holder ==& 灯头,灯座 holder switch ==& 灯头开关 house ==& 灯罩 housing ==& 灯壳 indicator ==& 灯光指示器 jack ==& 灯插口 Large Amplitude Motions and Loads ==& 大量载荷物 lens ==& 车灯玻璃 load ==& 电灯负载,电光负荷,电光负载=&灯荷 manufacturing works ==& 灯泡厂 oil ==& 煤油 out ==& 表示 panel ==& 灯盘=&ランプパネル pendant ==& 灯垂饰 pH-meter ==& 灯式酸碱计 plug ==& 电灯插头 post ==& 灯杆 receptacle ==& 灯座=&レセプパネル reflector ==& 灯管反射器,灯光反射器,车灯反射镜 regulator ==& 电灯电路自动电压调整器,电灯调节器 reset ==& 表示 resistance ==& 灯泡电阻 resistor ==& 灯泡电阻器,变阻灯 ring ==& 灯圈 screen ==& 灯罩 seat ==& 灯座 shade ==& 灯罩 shade and reflector ==& 灯罩及反射器 shielding angle ==& 遮光角 signal ==& 灯光信号 socket ==& 灯台,灯座 socket cable contact ==& 灯座接线头 1569. lamp stand ==& 灯座 1570. lamp sulfur test ==& 燃灯含硫量试验 1571. lamp switch ==& 灯开关,电灯开关 1572. lamp synchronizer ==& 灯泡式同步指示器 1573. lamp test ==& 灯泡试验,指示灯试验=&ランプテスト 1574. lamp trimmer ==& 矿灯清理工 1575. lamp voltage regulator ==& 白炽灯稳压器 1576. lamp wick ==& 灯芯 1577. lamp wire ==& 灯线 1578. lamp wire grommet ==& 灯线接头 1579. lamp with internal diffusion coating ==& 内扩散灯泡 1580. lamp-charging rack ==& 矿灯充电架 1581. lamp-socket ==& (ランプ)ソケット 1582. lamp-voltage regulator ==& 灯电压调整器 1583. lampblown glassware ==& 灯工玻璃制品 1584. lampbrush chromosome ==& 刷形染色体 1585. Lampen mill ==& 单球磨 1586. lampholder ==& (ランプ)ソケット 1587. lamprophyllite-lujavrite ==& 闪叶异霞正长岩 1588. lamps constituting a pair ==& 成对灯具 1589. LAMR, large aperture microwave radiometer ==& 大口径マ?クロ波ラジオ メ`タ 1590. LAMRDT, Large Aperture Microwave Radiometer Development Test ==& 大口 径マ?クロ波ラジオメ`タ展_テスト 1591. LAN Local Area Network ==& 局域网 1592. LAN, local area network ==& 局部地区网络,局域网=&内通信W,ロ`カル エリ?ネットワ`ク 1593. LAN, longitude of the ascending node ==& N交点U度 1}


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