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Sign up and choose which charity you'd like your free funds to go to, or simply log in to your account to track what you raise.GiveLiveExplore - The Blog of Matthew Trinetti
“A lot of people feel really helpless when it comes to climate change…What our research is showing is that your personal decisions really can have a big impact.”
I try my damnedest to be environmentally conscious in my everyday actions – but honestly, most of the time I don’t know how to be. Thankfully I’ve just discovered a series of bite-sized 8-10 minute videos from University of California that’s basically Cliff’s Notes to environmental consciousness.
Air Force flight instructor Commander John Boyd could beat anybody in an aerial battle using a simple strategy: make the first move, lightning fast.
Often that first move was an erroneous one. Nevermind. Speedy Boyd would change directions and reposition into a better position – before his opponent moved at all.
Dr. Meg Jay recently wrote an article on women and men who rose to success after overcoming difficult childhoods, displaying what’s commonly called resilience.
“I don’t need time. What I need is a deadline.”
— Duke Ellington
I woke up at 3:15am on a Saturday morning, stumbled into clothing and biked 30 minutes across town from East to South London. Zombie-like and bloodshot, dodging broken glass and other remnants of a Friday night, I cursed myself.
Have a hard time “being present?” Or maybe, like me, you don’t know what it actually means to “be present?” Last week I heard Dr. Ellen Langer offer a more helpful and actionable alternative definition:
Boulder-based agency
realized its weekly “team check-in” meetings had become pointless and dull: “It felt like punishment rather than a way for people to know what everyone else was doing and see how we could best help each other.”
“The moment my legs begin to move my thoughts begin to flow.” – Henry David Thoreau
A few weeks ago, I was preparing for presentation at Unilever on “why people leave their corporate jobs to follow their purpose.” Two days before the talk, a bit stressed with no slide deck or outline yet prepared, I chose not to sit down at my desk to write, but do something counterintuitive instead: I took a long walk.
Feedback can be hard. First, drumming up the courage to ask for it. Then actually listening to it without taking it personally. And perhaps hardest of all: sifting through conflicting feedback to know what to listen to, and what to ignore.
The paradox of chiseling away at your goals.
50 days ago, I wrote
which led to a project called .
It was a call to arms to make the most out of the final 100 days of 2017, born of a personal pain. I looked back at the progress I’d made on my goals for the year, terribly disheartened. Then I remembered: we still have 100 days!
130 people joined me and together we each committed to a personal mission to finish 2017 strong. Some people set 100 individual tasks (i.e. 100 nature drawings), others decided on a singular goal.
Here’s a song I wrote and performed over the weekend for Escape The City’s London , about the troubles of wanting to change your career but not knowing where or how to start.
I typically only play guitar in the comfort of my own room, so this was a comfort challenge for me. But I wanted to role model acting with discomfort to the brave group of people in the room embarking on a career change.
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About Me: Matthew TrinettiGiveLiveExplore is a blog about being deliberate in work, travel and life. I launched this site in 2012 to explore writing while physically wandering around Northern & Eastern Europe. Today it's the home for my writing, work, travels and projects.
First time here? Start here.
Weekly NewsletterEach Monday I publish a newsletter sharing 3 thoughtful resources on work, life & travel. New subscribers get a handwritten postcard. It's free & fun!
Leave this field empty if you're human: Related Posts
"Tales of Iceland" is the story of my trip to Iceland. Written by Stephen Markley, published by me.Blog Topics
选发音不同的1.a.sad b.back c.make2.a.give c.bike3.a.sweater b.cclean c.speak4.a.some b.coke c.other找错误1.she like pandas very much2.Are Mike and Sarah danceing适当形式填空1.amy [drink] milk and [eat] bread for breakfast every day
选发音不同的1.C2.C3.A4.B找错误1.she like pandas very much -like改成likes,第三人称位于要变形2.Are Mike and Sarah danceing - danceing改为dancing.适当形式填空1.amy [drink] milk and [eat] bread for breakfast every day-Amy dranks milk and eats bread for breakfast every day.
4. b1. likes
2. dancing1. drinks
c c a b likes dancing(去e加ing) drinks eats
1,c2.c\3.a4.c 1.likes2.dancing 1.drinks
4.b找错:she likes pandas very much.
are mike and sarah dancing? (danceing是你打错的还是题目就是这样的?如果是你打错的那么就应该是:are mike or sarah dancing?)填空:amy drinks milk and
eats bread for breakfast every day.
1.she likes pandas very much
2.Are Mike and Sarah dancing
1.Amy drinking mike and eating bread for breakfast every day .
发音不同的:1.C 2. C 3.A 4.B找错误第一题是like应该加上“s”,she likes pandas very much第二题是danceing,应该把“e”去掉,Are Mike and Sarah dancing填空因为是第三人称单数,所以要加上“s”,drinks 和 eats
  发音不同:1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B   改错→likes
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