
我认为贫穷国家的人们最需要医疗翻译是:I think people in poor countries need medical care most
我父母从不强迫我做我不喜欢的事。英文翻译:My parents never force me to do things I don't like.
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新概念 2C 测试卷I. 单项填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分)1. Our Chinese teacher is helping ________ with our writing. A. we and she B. she and we C. me and her D. she and me 2. ― Thanks a lot for ________ me. ― _____. A. helping, You are welcome B. helping, It doesn’t matter C. help, No thanks D. help, That’s all right 3. ______I have one healthy habit, ______I’m not very healthy. A. Although, but B. Although, / C. Although, so D. but, / 4. ― How often do you go back to your hometown? ― _____. A. Three weeks ago B. For three weeks C. In three weeks D. Every three weeks 5. He doesn’t go to bed _________ his mother comes home every day. A. after B. when C. until D. if 6. ― I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. ― _____ A. All right. B. Is that so? C. Sorry to hear that. D. I’m afraid so. 7. He is very tired. So he wants to stop ________ a rest. A. having B. had C. has D. to have 8. ―____ your sister reading in the library? ―Yes, she _____. A. Is; does B. D is C. Is; is D. D does 9. Nancy _______ her mother and her mother _______ very young. A. looks like, looks like B. looks like, looks C. looks, looks like D. looks, looks 10. ―_______ in Beijing? ―It’s windy. A. How’s the weather like B. What is the weather C. Which is the weather D. How’s the weather II. 完形填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) What should we do to stay healthy? One important thing is to exercise 1 . Now the Zhang family try 2 every day. Mr. Zhang 3 exercise in the morning because he has to (必须) get to work at seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, 4 . He walks to work every day, and after work he 5 different sports with his friends. Mrs. Zhang goes to a yoga (瑜加功)class 6 . But it isn't 7 this way. Last year Mr. and Mrs Zhang often go everywhere 8 a car, even to the drugstore (药店). They think they should use the car all the time. They don't walk. They are 9 better now. They believe they shouldn't be lazy. We 10 exercise every day, but we should try to exercise as often as we can. 1. A. often B. sometimes C. late D. later 2. A. exercise B. exercises C. to exercise D. are exercising 3. A. may not B. can not C. is not D. should not 4. A. either B. also C. too D. again 5. A. watches B. plays C. loves D. likes 6. A. in two weeks B. for two weeks C. after two weeks D. twice a week 7. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. hardly 8. A. by B. in C. on D. from 9. A. have B. having C. feel D. feeling 10. A. don’t need B. needing C. needn't D. need III. 阅读理解。 (共 10 小题,计 20 分) A It's Sunday morning. It is raining. My parents, my uncle, my sisters and I are all at home. My father is sitting on the chair. What is he doing? He is reading a newspaper. He likes reading newspapers. He wants to know what is happening(发生) in the world. My mother is watering (给??浇水)the flowers in the garden. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. S others are yellow. They look nice. My uncle, John, is my mother's brother. He is a worker. What is he doing now? He is watching TV. He is a basketball fan. He likes Yao Ming very much. And he is good at playing basketball. Now he is watching NBA on TV. Where are my twin sisters? Oh, look! Lily is over there. She is listening to the radio. She likes music very much. She likes popular music very much. Lucy is in her room. She has a computer in her room. She is surfing on the Internet. She is writing an e-mail to her friend. What am I doing? I am doing my homework. 1. How many people are there in the family? A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight 2. What is the father doing? A. He is watching TV. B. He is doing housework. C. He is reading a newspaper. D. He is watering the flowers 3. John ______________. A. is watching CBA now B. is a football fan C. is the father's brother D. likes Yao Ming very much 4. What are the twin sisters doing? A. They are listening to the radio. B. They are surfing on the Internet. C. Lily is listening to the radio, Lucy is surfing on the Internet. D. Lucy is listening to the radio, Lily is surfing on the Internet. 5. Which of the following is not right? A. The writer is doing his homework. B. There are some red and yellow flowers in the garden. C. John is good at playing basketball. D. Lucy likes popular music very much. B Mr. Smith works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesn’t stop talking until she goes to sleep. One day the man feels terrible and can’t go to work. He goes to see a doctor. And Mrs. Smith goes to the hospital with him. Before her husband says what is the matter with him, the woman tells the doctor all and the man understand why. He writes out a prescription (处方). And when Mr. Smith takes the medicine to the doctor’ s room, the doctor says to her, “The kind of medicine is for your husband and the pills (药片) are for you.” “For me?” the woman says in surprise “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!” “I don’ t think so, madam” , says the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will(将会) soon be all right if you take them.” 1. Mr. Smith is ____________. A. very busy and can’t have a good rest B. very busy and can have a good rest C. not very busy and can’t have a good rest D. not very busy and can have a good rest 2.The sentence “His wife doesn’t stop walking until she goes to sleep” means __________ A. She doesn’t stop talking when she is sleeping B. She doesn’t stop talking after she sleeps C. She keeps (不停地) talking until she sleeps D. She likes talking when she is sleeping 3. Why does Mr. Smith have to (必须)get up when his wife is sleeping in the morning? A. Because he can’t go to sleep B. Because he has to go to work C. Because he doesn’t want to sleep D. Because his wife asks him to get up 4. Why can’t Mr. Smith go to work one day? A. Because he doesn’t want to work B. Because his wife doesn’t let him go C. Because he is ill D. Because he is very tired and he can’t go to work 5. The sentence “ Your husband will be all right if you take them.” Means Mr. Smith will soon be all right if ______. A. Mrs Smith takes this of medicine B. Mr. Smith takes the pills C. Mr. Smith takes this kind of medicine D. Mrs Smith stops talking too much at night IV. 单词拼写。 (共 5 小题,计 5 分) 1. Let’s c___________ our classroom. It’s too dirty. 2. Have a good rest. I hope you feel b____________ soon. 3. She has a f___________. She should drink lots of water. 4. ―Does he drink milk every morning? ―No, hardly e_________. 5. Brown is a in our basketball team. He is also the c_________ of our basketball team. V. 短文填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) Running is p 1 in our country now. Most of us run for our h 2 . Doctors say many of the healthy problems come f 3 these bad habits: E 4 too much, drink too much, smoke cigarettes( 吸烟) and don’t often exercise. Doctors tell us, “Running is a good exercise because it h 5 you to keep in good health. It also helps most people lose weight(减肥).” One 68-years-old woman runs three t 6 a week, Running lets her colds and other(其他的) healthy problems go away. “Running is my d 7 .” says one man. Running can also help people to r 8 . So today men and w 9 of all ages enjoy running. Try to running every day because it is good f 10 you! VI. 翻译句子。 (共 5 小题,计 10 分) 1. 英国人见面时喜欢谈论天气。 English like to __________ ___________ the weather when they meet. 2. 我认为人们不喜欢她的新形象。 I_________ think people _________ her new look. 3. 在一天工作后他感到很疲劳。 He ________ very _______ after a day’s work. 4. 你认识那个留着卷发的女孩吗? Do you ________ the girl ________ curly hair? 5. 我认为学生每天晚上 8 个小时的睡眠很重要。 I think it’s ______ for students _____ sleep 8 hours every night. VII. 书面表达。 (共 1 小题,计 10 分) 假设 John 是你的好朋友,你们在同一班。根据以下英语提示,以 My good friend 为题,介绍一下你的朋友。开头已给出。字数在 80 个词以上。 hair, short straight, black, medium height, medium build, glasses, no beard, good-looking, quiet, jokes, listen, pop songs, favorite, pop singer, player。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: I. 单项填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) 21. C. help 后跟人称代词的宾格形式。故选 C。 22. A. Thanks for 后跟动名词形式。用 You are welcome, That’s all right 等来应答。故选 A。 23. B. Although 和 but 不能在句子中同时出现,二者只能出现其中的一个。类似的用法还有 because 和 so 用法。故选 B。 24. D. 根据问句可知问的是“频率/频度” 。故选 D。 25. C. 本题考查 not?until(直到?才)的用法。故选 C。 26. C. 当别人谈到身体不好或不开心的事情时, 都用(I am) sorry to hear that 来应答。 故选 C。 27. D. 此题考查 stop to do sth (停下来去做某事),而不是 stop doing sth(停止做某事)的用法。 故选 D。 28. C. 此题考查现在进行时的用法。问句和答句中都用助动词 is。故选 C。 29. B. 本题考查的是 look like(看起来/看上去象?)look(看起来,后面跟形容词作表语)的用 法。故选 B。 30. D. 问天气的正确句子是:How’s the weather 或 What’s the weather like? 故选 D。 II. 完形填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) 31-35 ACBCB 36-40 DABDC III. 阅读理解。 (共 15 小题,计 10 分) 41-45 BCDCD 46-60 ACBCD IV. 单词拼写。 (共 5 小题,计 5 分) 51. clean 52. better 53. fever 54. ever 55. captain V. 短文填空。 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) 56. popular 57. health 58. from 59. Eat 60. helps 61. times 62. doctor 63. relax 64. women 65. for VI. 翻译句子。 (共 5 小题,计 10 分) 66. talk, about 67. don’t, like 68. feels/is, tired 69. know, with 70. important, to VII. 书面表达。 (共 1 小题,计 10 分) John is my good friend. We are in the same class. He has short straight hair. His hair is black. He is medium height. He is medium build. He always wears glasses. And he has no beard. He is good-looking. He’s a little bit quiet. But he likes listening to jokes. He likes listening to pop songs. His favorite pop singer is Zhou Jielun. And His favorite player is Yao Ming, the great player of the basketball team of China. This is my friend. I like him very much.I am always worried about you 的翻译是:我一直担心你 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
I am always worried about you
相关内容&aHTC Incredible S这款手机还拥有非常时尚的红色版,其硬件配置和黑色版完全相同,搭载一颗1GHz的高通MSM8255处理器,并且拥有768MB运行内存,此外它还对Wi-Fi无线网络、GPS导航等众多功能有着良好的支持。 HTC Incredible S this section handset also has the unusual fashion red color print, its hardware disposition and the black color print are completely same, embark 1GHz to pass the MSM8255 processor high, and has the 768MB movement memory, in addition it also to the Wi-Fi wireless network, the GPS na & aThe Yamato Cannon is the ultimate battlecruiser weapon. A colossal blast of energy is fired from the cruiser's bow that deals heavy hull damage and can can disable the target ships power.|n|cff x Mercoxium|n|cff1FBF0050 x Nontrium|n|cff0852A5Duration :|cff1FBF00 |cff5A9CEF1 Shot 大和大炮是最后battlecruiser武器。 能量巨大疾风从成交重的船身损伤,并且可能装功能失效于罐中目标运输力量的巡洋舰的弓被射击|n|cff x Mercoxium|n|cff1FBF0050 x Nontrium|n|cff0852A5Duration :|cff1FBF00 |cff5A9CEF1射击 & aMr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours flinch先生是凄惨的由于他的邻居 & a亲爱的,一大早的过来真是辛苦你了! Dear, early morning coming really was laborious you! & a白介素 Bai Jiesu & aAre you a feeling dirty?? 您是否是感觉肮脏? ? & a取回 Recaption & aTRY TO UNDERSTAND THEN... 设法然后了解… & a相反的,如果一個人得背負過去的重擔,承擔今日的工作,擔心未來的使命的過日子,縱使擁有異於常人的體力和智慧,結論是,他的人生非但不會美好,恐怕到最後.還將福禍難測呢。 对面,如果人必须担负重的负担,今天承担工作,让未来使命生活担心,即使将有是与一般的人的体力不一致,并且智慧,结论是,他的生活不仅不会能是愉快的,或许最后不会到达。 并且幸运的灾难变化莫测。 & a揭示 Revelation & a业务关系 Business relation & a下一次是哪一次? Which one time is the next time? & a传统上,中国人以农业为基础,相当依赖于水。 In the tradition, the Chinese take the agriculture as a foundation, quite relies on the water. & athe proportion(比例) of human-caused fires has remained stable the proportion (proportion) of human-caused fires has remained stable & a这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的 This reportage is acts according to the actual situation to write completely & a我的愿望终实现了。 My desire end realized. & adbl room dbl室 & a穿另一双谢 Puts on another pair to thank & aThe strong winds curl up the cloud and the woods 强风卷曲云彩和森林 & a如果有来生,我一定选择爱我的人. If will have the next life, I will certainly choose love me the person. & alogin incorrect 注册不正确 & ademonwing demonwing & apal dvd very low quality 好朋友dvd非常低品质 & areturned qty 返回的qty & a没有做完的梦最痛 Has not completed dream most pain & a我需要清醒的去对待,不能再犯同样的错误了 I need to sober treat, could not again violate same is wrong & a我每天早上做的第一件事 I early morning do every day first matter & a盲目追求高层次学历教育 Pursues the high level school record education blindly & a人就应该活得快乐,因为一辈子是很短的。我们要好好珍惜这一切。 The human should exactly joyfully, because is very short for a lifetime.We must treasure all these well. & aUP TO $100.00 VALUE $100.00价值 & aset ltem charges 设置ltem充电 & adefault span 缺省间距 & ayes, it is the politik in China. One-Child Politik ! 是,它是politik在中国。 一孩子Politik! & aZhao dislike his new
school until he get used to the timetable and made some new
friends 赵反感他新的学校,直到他习惯时间表并且交了一些新的朋友 & aSorry, after the attention 抱歉,在注意以后 & a谁玩摩尔勇士啊? Who plays a mole of brave warrior? & a一次性鞋套 Disposable overshoe & aI always live plankton 我总居住浮游生物 & ai like girl with direct speaking 我喜欢女孩以直接讲话 & a不管你爱他还是不爱他,最好还是鼓起勇气对他说清楚吧! No matter you like him not loving him, best has the courage to talk clearly to him! & aThe links below lead to external web sites where packages can be downloaded. Authorship and support availability are indicated on those sites. 如下链接导致外在网站,可以下载包裹。 着作和支持可及性在那些站点被表明。 & a你知道我喜欢你,我不会拒绝你。但是,我在家! You knew I like you, I cannot reject you.But, I in home! & a潘俊含 ? Junhan & aThis documents is complete, accurate and factual 本文是完全,准确和事实的 & a禁止跑 Forbids to run & aDragolympic Dragolympic & a我比你还要累,可是没有办法,人活着就必须累 I also must be more tired than you, but does not have the means, the human to live must be tired & a禁止吃汉堡 Forbids to eat Hamburg & a其实、那晚没碰你、 Actually, that late has not bumped you, & aSophie Sen 后Sophia & a上胶卷 On roll film & aWang lee home,the 31-year-old pop star from Taiwan,has a concert this mouth.Will you be the first in the queue for the ticket?Willyou think about him all time?Will youtalk about him with your friends? Wang庇护家庭, 31年老流行音乐明星从台湾,有一个音乐会这张嘴。您是否将是一个在队列为票?Willyou考虑他所有时刻?将youtalk关于他与您的朋友? & a我认为人们不喜欢她的新形象 I thought the people do not like her new image & aI am always worried about you 我总担心您 &翻译“我认为她的妈妈不喜欢她的新形象”时,我的翻译是: I don't think her mother likes her new look._百度知道
翻译“我认为她的妈妈不喜欢她的新形象”时,我的翻译是: I don't think her mother likes her new look.
还原为完整句式为I don&#39,翻译无误。I don't think her mother likes her new look.是个宾语从句、appearance或figureLZ.(要注意,宾语从句独立出来的意思要理解成“不喜欢”),主句,其实“形象”用得更多的是image,相信你自己;t think that her mother likes her new look.从句动词时态不受主句影响,主句为I don't think,宾语从句为Her mother likes her new look、从句之间省略了that,look较少用。又
不对,应该用原型。其实这句话的汉语式翻译是I think her mother doesnt like her new look但是由于第一人称的特殊性,从而英语标准表达就是I dont think her mother like ....整个句子还是否定时态,所以like 要用原形。希望帮到你咯O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
正确的。相当于I don't think+that从句。从句时态正常用,不受前面I don't think的限制。


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