gson map to json的翻译是:什么意思

map是什么意思 map在线翻译 map什么意思 map的意思 map的翻译 map的解释 map的发音 map的同义词 map的反义词 map的例句 map的相关词组
map英 [maep] 美 [maep] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:mapmap 基本解释名词地图,天体图; 类似地图的事物; 〈美俚〉脸,面孔; (染色体上基因排列的)遗传图及物动词绘制(一地区等的)地图; 勘查; 详细规划; [遗传学]比对map 相关词组map的近义词1.
: 把...消灭掉;2.
: 不重要的, 废了的;3.
: 重要的, 出名的;map 相关例句及物动词1. 1. They mapped the South Pole.&&&&他们绘制了南极的地图。名词1. The old man's face is a map of time.&&&&那老人脸就是岁月的写照。2. We're mapping out where to go for our vacation.&&&&我们正在地图上标出度假的去处。3. 3. The bomb wiped their village off the map.&&&&炸弹摧毁了他们的村庄。4. The place is not found on the map.&&&&地图上找不到这个地方。map 网络解释1. 空气流量计:该车型空气流量计(MAP)采用的是热膜式空气流量计,为第四代产品,其工作原理是:ECU通过给热膜不同的电流来保持热膜恒温. 当不同流量的空气流经热膜时带走不同的热量,这时的电流变化就成为进气量的度量. 在热膜式空气流量计中,2. 贴图:20、单击 按钮,返回到[贴图](map)面板. 21、单击[反射] (Reflection)项旁边的按钮,调出[材质/贴图浏览](Material/Map Browser)对话框,在对话框左边的窗口选择[场景](Scene)项,然后在右边的窗口中双击背景的材质Sky02,将其调出,3. map: 平均动脉压4. map:monopha 卷单相动作电位5. 5. map: 蒙特利尔公共艺术载体6. map:mob 移动应用端口map 双语例句1. The paper analyzes workshop's manufacturing process and logistics system and design abstracts AGV's path map based on workshop's layout, uses Gra...&&&&本文在对一个生产车间的制造工艺和物流系统分析后,设计了该车间的平面布局图;抽象出基于后桥机加工车间平面布局的AGV路径图,利用图论原理表达AGV的路径;在研究各种路径规划方法和遗传算法的基本理论基础上,运用遗传算法来对一个具体的例子进行求解,得出路径规划中的最短路径最优解。2. The maps and the database mentioned above are linked dynamically, mentioned above can easily edit the mentioned above and space-layout map, modify the characteristic parameters of irrigation canals.&&&&用户可快速搭建渠系结构,方便地输入、修改渠系的渠道特征参数,完成添加、删除、修改等功能,实现了渠系结构的搭建、渠道参数动态管理、渠系平面布局图绘制之间的交互,提高其容错功能。3. 3. The products of the company are must-have tools for designing, map-making, and studying.&&&&本公司制造的产品是设计、制图、学习的必备工具。4. And it is far from finished, as such is the difficulty of map-making a path to a new destination.&&&&这是向一个新目标切割地图路径的艰难。5. Map-making should be an important function of GIS.&&&&制图应作为GIS的一个重要组成部分。6. His first assignment, in 1876, was to India, where he specialized in scouting, map-making and reconnaissance.&&&&他的第一个任务是在1876年被派往印度,在那里他专门从事侦察、绘制地图以及收集情报等活动。7. In fact, Koreans are much more concerned with what many consider to be creative map-making in Chinese textbooks—see here and here.&&&&事实上,韩国人对中国人在历史书上的创意更为关心,请看这里和这里。8. 8. The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia.&&&&此图并没有很好地显示北非很强的高加索成分,但是却显示了欧洲、西亚、南亚、中亚大部的高加索人种的统一性。9. The first part of this document introduces the development background and gives a short introduction to the system. The second part includes the system instructions and technical details (including WebLogic Server, AGCGIS and J2EE). The third part introduces the main functions and includes an instruction map of the system. And the final chapter describes the design and application of the main system parts, summarizes the characteristics of the system, and details system limitations.&&&&在本文中,首先介绍系统的开发背景、系统概述、实现意义等内容;接着对系统的结构进行描述;对开发本系统相关的技术说明,其中主要包括WebLogic Server、ARCGIS、J2EE;然后介绍本系统实现的主要功能及其系统结构图;最后介绍本系统几个重要部分的设计和实现,最后总结本系统实现特点及不足。10. 10. In order to soft-land on the moon more safely and precisely, a method for detecting and recognizing the hazards based on the Elevation Map in the last descending phase is proposed.&&&&为实现着月末段的自主障碍物识别,提高月球自主软着陆精确度和安全性,提出了一种基于高程图数据的危险区扫描识别方法。11. Scholars have always mourned the loss of works of genius - plays by Sophocles, Sappho`s other poems, epics. These discoveries promise to change the textual map of the golden ages of Greece and Rome.&&&&&&遗失的比保留下来的多得多,学究们总是哀叹天才们的著作,象索福柯勒斯的戏剧、萨福的其他诗歌和史诗遗失了,这一发现将重绘希腊和罗马黄金时代的文献地图。12. Visit our forum on the link in the menu map, you can find out how you can help the project.&&&&&&通过访问菜单中的地图联系我们的论坛,你可以找到如何才能帮助项目。13. To supercharge the impact of the blog, you should also link to a site map on your site.&&&&&&博客来增压的冲击,你也应该挂一幅地图,你地盘。14. Take photos while traveling and link them to a map precisely at a place they were taken.&&&&&&以旅行时的照片和联系他们的地图正是一个地方,他们被带到。15. 15. The link to the blog map is above.&&&&&&上面有博客地图的链接。16. This can include a link to your online downloadable map, or details for buying the map by mail.&&&&&&您可以在此列上直接下载您的绿地图的链接,或者以邮寄方式购买的相关信息。17. You can also put in the address, location, and a link to a map from one of the mapping services like Google Maps.&&&&&&你也可以把地址,位置,并提供连结到地图,从其中的测绘服务,如Google地图。18. 18. Build a site map with a link to each of your pages. Keep it up to date.&&&&&&创建一个站点地图,包含站内所有的页面连接。19. This poor map led us astray in the big city.&&&&&&这个糟糕的地图让我们在这个大城市迷路了。20. 20. Based on the analysis of Google Map and Ajax, a new framework of vector WebGIS mode is designed, and its function is realized too.&&&&&&本文在分析Google Map实现原理基础上,结合未来网络图形的发展趋垫,提出了一种新的基于Ajax的矢量WebGIS模式,并实现了相应的系统动能。map 词典解释1. 地图&&&&A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above.&&&&e.g. He unfolded the map and set it on the floor...&&&&&&&&&&&他打开地图,放在了地板上。&&&&e.g. Have you got a map of the city centre?&&&&&&&&&&&你有市中心的地图吗?2. 图;图谱&&&&A map is a drawing that gives special information about an area.&&&&e.g. ...geological maps, books and atlases.&&&&&&&&&&&地质图、书籍与地图册&&&&e.g. maps on television.&&&&&&&&&&&电视上的气象图3. 绘制(某地区)的地图&&&&To map an area means to make a map of it.&&&&e.g. ...a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus.&&&&&&&&&&&使用雷达绘制金星表面地图的宇宙飞船&&&&e.g. ...better mapping of the ocean
floor.&&&&&&&&&&&对海底地形的更精确绘制4. 使出名;使名扬四方&&&&If you say that someone or something put a person, thing, or place on the map, you approve of the fact that they made it become well-known and important.&&&&e.g. ...the attempts of the Edinburgh Festival's organisers to put C.P. Taylor firmly on the map...&&&&&&&&&&&爱丁堡艺术节的组织者们为使C.P.泰勒名扬四海所作的努力&&&&e.g. This could put cider back on the map as one of our great national drinks.&&&&&&&&&&&这样可以让苹果酒再度名扬四方,成为我们重要的国酒之一。相关词组:map 单语例句1. By dint of hard work over the past two years, the task force has drawn a fundamental " road map " for river basin management.2. The road map calls for disarming the militants, but Abbas is refusing to try to do that by force.3. He reads travel books carefully, draws a map and plans the route by himself.4. The system will help the municipal government map out an energy plan by providing statistics for reference.5. Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said the Americans believe Sharon's plan is an opportunity to revive the road map.6. CAPE CANAVERAL - Two robotic probes began orbiting the moon Sunday in preparation for an unprecedented mission to map the lunar interior.7. Palestinians say the road map was undermined by Israel's continued raids to kill or capture militants even after they declared a ceasefire in June.8. They will have to wait until the end of the month for carbon dating, although experts have said that the map is well over a century old.9. The draft requires that all companies or individuals get a qualification certificate before conducting any activity related to map compilation.10. He denied there was a tacit agreement with Israel in which the United States would accept some settlement activity despite the road map 英英释义noun1. a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)2. (mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)&&&&Synonym: mathematical functionsingle-valued functionmap的翻译verb1. to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)&&&&Synonym: 2. explore or survey for the purpose of making a map&&&&e.g. We haven't even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist3. make a map of&&&&show or establish the features of details of&&&&e.g. map the surface of Venus4. depict as if on a map&&&&e.g. sorrow was mapped on the mother's face5. plan, delineate, or arrange in detail&&&&e.g. map one's future&&&&Synonym: 6. locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences&&&&e.g. map the genesmap是什么意思,map在线翻译,map什么意思,map的意思,map的翻译,map的解释,map的发音,map的同义词,map的反义词,map的例句,map的相关词组,map意思是什么,map怎么翻译,单词map是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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a function such that for every element of one set there is a unique element of another set
plan, delineate, or arrange in detail
locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences
explore or survey for the purpose of making a map
show or establish the features of details of
depict as if on a map
a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)
to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)
Dick spread out a map
This atlas contains fifty maps, including six of North America.
By putting thin paper over the map, John traced it.
In this map, the towns are indicated By a red dot.
&I read the weather map in yesterday's paper, which shows a driving cold wind will blow from the north. &
When I am in doubt about the way, I look at a map
I would like a bus and subway map, please.
M plan out by map
A mode where virtual addresses are not transformed for example,the virtual address is used as an actual address.
On maps,a cross is the symbol for a church.
phr. 平原枫木
phr. 制图员
to match something or have a direct relationship with something
phr. 地图收集
n. 航空地图
n. 一种大型的鸡
n. 电标志.
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数当前位置: &
corresponding to中文是什么意思
中文翻译相当于..., 与...相一致&&&&adj. 1.相当的,对应的,符合…的 ( wit ...... &&&&&&adj. 1.相当的,对应的,符合…的 ( with)。 2.通信的。
corresponding angles 【数学】同位角。 cor ...... &&&&&&本级... &&&&&&相符合... &&&&&&出入相抵帐目, 对应帐户... &&&&&&对应账户... &&&&&&相应的... &&&&&&相应的醇... &&&&&&相应数额... &&&&&&对应角; 封应角; 同位角... &&&&&&同位角,对应角... &&&&&&同侧臂... &&&&&&往来银行; 业务联系银行... &&&&&&相应拱角... &&&&&&对应内容... &&&&&&相应载重量... &&&&&&对应水深... &&&&&&相应流量... &&&&&&相应的边... &&&&&&对应元... &&&&&&相应的计算... &&&&&&同侧齿面... &&&&&&对应影像; 对应影象... &&&&&&对应影像点... &&&&&&拓扑对应的... &&
例句与用法The broad lines on the map correspond to roads ..图上粗线表示道路。The broad lines on the map correspond to roads ..图上粗线相当于道路。The null subset corresponds to the term 1 .空集则对应于常数项1。The translation does not quite correspond to the original .译文不切原意。Perforated plates correspond to heterogeneous media .多孔板相当于均匀介质。Distinct patterns correspond to distinguishable bracelets .不同的形对应不同的手镯。I should never correspond to your pattern of a lady .你为小姐们制定的规格我永远达不到。Sketch the deformation of the frame corresponding to each .画出每一种情况下的钢架变形草图。This corresponds to the percolation phase of the drying mechanism .这相当于干化机理的渗滤阶段。This corresponds to the period of minority in scots law .这与苏格兰法中的未到法定成年期相适应。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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中文翻译电子地图&&&& E,e (pl. E's, e's ) 1. ...... &&&&&&n. 1.地图;天体图;图。 2.〔美俚〕脸,面孔。 3 ...... &&&&&&公路电子地图... &&&&&&将地图用... &&&&&&公路电子地图... &&&&&&MAP =Military Aid Program 〔美国〕军事援助计划。 n. 1.地图;天体图;图。 2.〔美俚〕脸,面孔。 3.〔美俚〕(染色体上基因 ...... &&&&&&映入... &&&&&&地图形式显示... &&&&&&重要的, 出名的... &&&&&&地图... &&&&&&估计; 评估; 失踪人... &&&&&&估价员; 评税主任... &&&&&&芝麻... &&&&&& E,e (pl. E's, e's ) 1.英文字母表第五字母。 2.【音乐】E调,E音。 3.E字形。 4.〔美国〕(顺序)第五等,(成绩)“ ...... &&&&&&东偏南... &&&&&&外星人e.t... &&&&&&到那里... &&&&&&前缀 表示“出”,“出自”,“外面”,“缺”等意: eject, eradiate, escribe, edentateE-,e-pref.表示“电子的”之 ...... &&&&&&南偏东... &&&&&&欧洲运输和环境联合会... &&&&&&林相图... &&&&&&地形图... &&&&&&街区详图... &&&&&&世界地图... &&&&&&交通意外地图; 事故图; 事故现场情况图... &&
例句与用法The realization of e - map for mapx - bas control system面向对象的专题地图管理信息系统的设计与实现E - map of highway公路电子地图The function and acquirement of e - map , and the design and update technique of navigation database are also put forward in detail详细叙述了电子地图的作用、获取以及导航数据库的设计与更新技术。 Gps vehicle monitor system can real - time monitor the vehicles ’ position and state by position technique , communication and e - map displayGps车辆监控系统通过准确定位,配合通信技术以及电子地图,可以对车辆进行实时路线监控和状态监控。 While events occur , the system will indicate the alarm position on the e - map , and pop up the related video file through smart video camera在有警情发生时,系统电子地图上立即显示报警位置,并通过智能分析联动摄像机,弹出报警区域内的视频。 The video surveillance system . it makes all facilities running efficient between subsystems . for example , while the sensor detects abnormal movement in the central control room , the system will automatically present related alarm position in the e - map and pop up video , which is set one minute ahead for the management使机房内各设备系统之间自动高效运行,譬如当机房内的探头检测到有人活动时,系统会在电子地图上以形象的方式显示报警发生的位置,弹出报警区域的视频,同时联动摄像机提前一分钟进行录像,为报警事件处理提供科学依据。 While abnormal event occurs , the system will pop up video pictures on the display and prompt related notice color changing or flashing in the corresponding position in the e - map . the user clicks the relevant position in the e - map to get the running status , the parameters and the picture information from the display当某设备出现异常时,系统自动弹出异常发生的页面,并在电子地图对应位置的设备上显示提示信息颜色变化动态闪烁,管理者可点击该位置直接进入该设备运行界面,显示设备当前运行状态参数和图像信息。 The system requires monitoring distributed facilities which include ten air conditioners , three ups systems and a leaking control system allocated in three different floors . the computer room management will use the system real - time monitoring the running parameters and alert information for these facilities . the system provides graphical alert position on the e - map ensuring the management disposal in - time中国直升机设计研究所坐落在著名中国瓷都-江西景德镇,根据要求对其机房内的十台空调三台ups机房漏水等进行集中监控,其中设备分别分布在一楼二楼三楼,其监控室设在一楼,机房管理人员通过安装在一楼监控室的机房管理平台进行实时的监测,监测空调ups的运行参数和报警信息,并形象地展示,当发生漏水时,及时的通知管理人员发生漏水的具体位置,确保系统的安全。 Furthermore , a standard safety management and monitoring information system was developed , including the subsystem of major hazard identification , safety evaluation and gradation , remote real - time monitoring , e - maps based on gis , gps positioning , emergency plan and command , site locating and safety planning etc , which provided an advanced tool for establishing the information system of major hazard control based on internet该系统主要包括重大危险源辨识、安全评价与分级、远程实时监控、 gis电子地图、 gps定位、应急救援预案及指挥、选址与安全规划等子系统,为我国建立全国重大危险源监控信息网络系统提供了一个标准的、先进的信息化平台。 Gis has been used more and more widely recently , second development of gis is the main application . the thesis introduces the latest technology and the future developing direction , and discusses realizing the automatically building and management of shantou city graphic library with aml grogram in arc / info , the process and problems about joining the e - maps of shantou city , how to build the survey symbol library with arc / info and coredraw 10本文介绍了gis的最新技术及将来的发展趋势,介绍了本人针对汕头市gis系统中运用arc info下aml编程技术实现图形库和数据库的自动建库和管理所作的工作;讨论了汕头市电子地图拼接过程中存在的问题和解决方法;并介绍了本人使用arc info和coreidraw10软件建立测绘专业专用符号库的工作。 &&
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