viewoffamily中文 of中文是什么意思

网页版学习工具get a view of的中文翻译及用法沪江词库精选get a view of是什么意思、英语单词推荐例句Their views often echo each other. 他们常常你唱我和。The view is cut off by the next building. 旁边的楼房阻碍了视野。in view 看得见After you mark your favorite pages for viewing offline, you can view them offline by following these steps 将收藏页标记为脱机查看之后,可通过下列步骤脱机查看Used Binoculars to get a Better view. 用双目望远镜进行更好的检查There you can get a bird’s-eye view of the city. 在那里你可以俯瞰全城。This is just a partial view. I offer it for your reference. 这仅是一孔之见,谈出来供大家参考。An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. 飞机上,你可以观察世界上非同寻常的奇妙的美景。An aeroplane offers you an unusual and Breathtaking view of the world. 飞机为你提供非凡的,令人惊诧不已的地球景色。The administration of medications is often viewed as an intrusive procedure by the child 孩子们常常把吃药看作是对他们的侵扰。相似短语 观看,看到 phr. 看不见 vi.对...感到悲观 在…完全看得见的地方 adv.考虑到,由于 n. 看法,观点,见解 对…持悲观的态度 观察,视察,检查 暗视场 最大视场相似单词 n. 起飞 祖畜 a. 简易快速计算的 ph. 使...知道... a. (人、政党)中间偏左的,中左的 均衡;轧平 见square. a. 直觉的;凭经验的 a. 独一无二的 同义参见: singular single a. 时有时无的 On-again, off-again” refers to any situation where something is scheduled, cancelled, re-scheduled and re-cancelled, again and again 【法】 青少年犯最新单词 无主物(拉丁文) phr. 隆头鱼 工人寄宿处 phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属 6378 一面倒 粗毛 节日包裹焦虑症(指因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。)in view of是什么意思_百度知道
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in view of中文是什么意思
中文翻译鉴于,考虑到;由于考虑到,由于考虑到,鉴于,由于有鉴于,考虑到&&&&n. 1.看,望;眺望,展望;观察,考察。 2.视力;视 ...... &&&&&&在他们的观点... &&&&&&从这个观点; 在这个观点中... &&&&&&呈现在眼前; 在…看来; 在看得见的地方, 被考虑, 被期待... &&&&&&经眼力观察, 经表面的观察... &&&&&&(陈列)展出(中); 为能看到摆出来的; 展览着, 上映着; 展览着;上映中... &&&&&&和后面的从句... &&&&&&公开地... &&&&&&n. 1.看,望;眺望,展望;观察,考察。 2.视力;视域,视野,眼界。 3.看见的东西,风景,情景,景色;风景画;风景照片;【工业】(视)图。 4.看法, ...... &&&&&&检视为... &&&&&&以……为目的... &&&&&&把…看成,认为…是... &&&&&&目的; 以...为目标... &&&&&&动名词; 为起见; 着眼于... &&&&&&以…为目的... &&&&&&以…为目的; 着眼于... &&&&&&为...的目地; 为了; 以…为目的... &&&&&&摄像机视图; 透视视图... &&&&&&呈现眼前... &&&&&&合成视图; 图层视图... &&&&&&后视图... &&&&&&柯特威尔侧相... &&&&&&外腰侧视图... &&&&&&外腰侧视图... &&&&&&内腰视图... &&
例句与用法In view of later new deal policies, it was a poor prophecy .从以后的新政策来看,这真是一场可怜的预言。In view of the seriousness of the matter , i 'll speak from a written text .为郑重其事,我按稿子来谈。In view of the present situation , we 'll have to revise our original plan .我们不得不修改原来的计划。In view of all this, you have to ask a philosophical question .鉴于这种种情况,你一定会提出这么一个带有哲理的问题。I walked mile after mile, till a turn brought me in view of the heights .我一英里一英里地向前走去,直到望见了呼啸山庄。I consider that, in view of the constitution and the laws, the union is unbroken .从宪法与法律上看,我认为这一联合是不可分裂的。In view of the variation in the dip, here could be a local anticlinal fold .鉴于倾斜方向的变化,此地可能存在一个局部的背斜褶皱。This should be expected in view of the much greater mass contained in the cylinder .鉴于圆柱体包含的质量大得多,这是在意料之中的。In view of its physical nature such a sunspot group actually has a structure of its own .从物理性质方面来看黑子群实际上有它自身的结构。However in view of the very low cost of pios, this can be indeed a very inexpensive alternative .然而由于PIO价格低廉,故这种方法是非常经济的。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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point of view中文是什么意思
可以有比较全面的看法吧视点视角&&&&n. 1.尖头,尖端;尖头器具;〔美国〕笔尖;接种针,雕 ...... &&&&&&n. 1.看,望;眺望,展望;观察,考察。 2.视力;视 ...... &&&&&&观点,着眼点; 一种观点... &&&&&&观察点; 观点... &&&&&&辩证唯物主义观点... &&&&&&庸腐之见... &&&&&&能动主义观点... &&&&&&解析观点... &&&&&&解析观点... &&&&&&预算观点... &&&&&&保守观点... &&&&&&不同的观点... &&&&&&财务观点... &&&&&&基于临床考虑... &&&&&&从公众的观点来看... &&&&&&从另一方面... &&&&&&根据我的观点... &&&&&&从营利角度出发的... &&&&&&长远观点... &&&&&&雇佣观点... &&&&&&狭隘观点... &&&&&&中立的观点... &&&&&&乐观看法... &&&&&&全局观点... &&&&&&政治观点... &&
例句与用法I can not bring him to my point of view .我无法说服他同意我的观点。What is your point of view on nuclear power ?你对核动力有什么看法?We each have a different point of view .我们每个人都有不同的观点。I have some sympathy with that point of view .我比较赞成这种看法。We've always understood your point of view .我们向来都很理解你的观点。Try to see the matter from her point of view .尽量用她的观点来看这件事。I'd say it's a pretty sick point of view .我认么这是一种非常不健康的看法。Let us examine this point of view .现在我们来审查这一观点。Can you swing them round to my point of view ?你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view .用科学眼光看待事物。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the spatial property of the position from which something is observeda mental position from whi "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"; "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"同义词:, , ,
point of view的中文翻译,point of view是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译point of view,point of view的中文意思,,,,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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from the point of view of与from the view of有什么区别为什么要加个point,重复累赘,英文不是十分简洁吗.
the point of view 和 the view of 是有区别的,from the point of view of 有从...观点来讲如何如何的意思,from the view of 则是以...观点来说,更趋向于以...为依据如何如何的意思 不知道你想问的语境是什么样的 point of view 在问题当中也有问故事以第几人称写的意思 也就是说 point ofview 分几种情况 比如第一人称,第三人称.第三人称还会详细分为a third-person limited narration和a third person omniscient narration 具体情况具体分析 还是要看两个短语分别处于什么样的语境大概是这样的情况 我也不能确定是不是百分百的准确


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