
miss的名词 完美作业网
miss的名词形式是什么 missing. 动名词可以做名词。
关于miss当想念讲时的名词形式是什么RT missing(动名词)思念But the sudden disappearing of your figure on the screen lingers my missing in theair, which can only be conveyed with my speechless words. 只是突然依赖的隔屏,消失了你的身影,让我的思念在空中流转,无奈只好让无言的文字倾诉我的想念。
miss有名词么?我翻译 ‘’谢谢你的思念‘’这句,是不是thank you for your…在 有的************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!************************************************************
英语中有什么词跟miss一样有两种意思 太多了,比如chart,concern…几乎所有的单词都不止一个意思,你可以查查英语词典
miss用法miss 可当名词,亦可当动词,动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词用法:vt.及物动词1.未击中; 未得到; 未达到; 未看到; 未听到; 未领会[+v-ing]He missed my meaning.他没有领会我的意思.The hunter fired at the deer but missed it.猎人向鹿开了枪,但未打中.2.未履行; 未出席; 未赶上,错过[+v-ing]She missed going to the party on Saturday.星期六她没能出席聚会.3.逃过,免於[+v-ing]4.想念,惦记[+v-ing]I know how you miss your mother.我了解你多麼地想念你的母亲.5.发觉没有,觉得遗失She did not miss her necklace until she arrived home.直到回到家里她才发现丢失了项鍊.6.遗漏; 省去[(+out)]vi.不及物动词1.未击中; 打偏Aim carefully or you'll miss.仔细瞄准,否则会击不中的.n.名词 [可数]1.未中; 得不到; 达不到He hit the target three times without a miss.他三发三中.2.失败3.省略; 避免
miss 的用法根据我的了解,miss有以下几种词性和用法名词:小姐动词:思念,失踪以下句子可以包括以上用法:A miss is missing a missing miss.一位小姐正在思念一位失踪的小姐.
请问Miss?急N-TITLE 头衔名词小姐(用于女孩或未婚女子的姓名前面) You use Miss in front of the name of a girl or unmarried woman when you are speaking to her or referring to her.N-VOC 称呼名词小姐(一些学校里孩子对女教师的称呼) In some schools,children address their women teachers as Miss .N-VOC 称呼名词女士,小姐(有时用于称呼年轻女子) People sometimes address young women as Miss . 【STYLE标签】:OLD-FASHIONED 过时4.N-TITLE 头衔名词小姐,皇后(用于地名或地区前,表示某地选美比赛中的冠军) Miss is used in front of the name of a place or region to refer to the young woman who has been chosen in a competition as the most beautiful woman there.solve是否可以做不及物动词?_百度知道
我觉得可以如We want tosolve forthese unknown values at the new time level。
【 - 写作基础】
  书面表达,首先要抓住所给的提示,然后运用所学词汇、语法及句型,避繁就简,简明表达要讲的内容。下面是小编整理的英语写作基础技巧,欢迎大家阅读!  英语写作基础技巧  ☆定语和状语(时间、地点等)都属于附加成分,在基本句型中一般都不列出。  ☆时态包含于中,任何句子都有时态。  1主语+谓语(不及物动词):S+V  It will rain tomorrow.  He often runs in the morning.  They cried.  Tom exercises every day.  2主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语:S+V+O  I miss my mother very much.  She wants to go home now.  The English club is going to hold an English party.  They all love her.  3主语+系动词+表语:S+V+P  The music sounds wonderful.  The leaves have turned red.  She is a student.  We keep silent about that.  4主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物):S+V+IO+DO  The teacher gave a book to him.=The teacher gave him a book.  They told me an interesting story.  The waitress offered me a bottle of wine.  My father will buy me a bike.=My father will buy a bike for me.  Miss Smith teaches us English.  5主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &S+V+O+C  They call me Xiao Wang.  I saw him swimming in the river.  We elected him monitor of the class.  练习  写出下列句子所属的类型  1.In other words,we are the master of our own & &future.  2.This morning our teacher told us something & & & about the Hope Project in class.  3.A blind man was walking slowly and carefully & &with a stick in his hand.  4.Should we sacrifice our children’s future for & & our own interests?  5.Friends made my life full of excitement, & & & & & & & imagination and romance.  6. The sun sets in the west.  7. My dictionary is in the bookcase.  8. Rainy days make me sad.  9. Tom often hears his sister singing in the next & & & room.  10. She has not received a letter from her boyfriend for a long time.  11. The woman showed her husband a picture.  12. The student offered a seat to the old man.  13. Mr. Green taught us how to use the Internet.  14. Going to bed early and getting up early is a & & & good habit.  15. He is becoming stronger and stronger.  16. He gave up smoking at last.  17. The plane takes off at 8:30 a.m.  18. All of them laughed.  19. Everybody likes Andy Lau.  答案  1. 主语+系动词+表语 S+V+P  2. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语  S+V+IO+DO  3. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) S+V  4. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 S+V+O  5. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语  S+V+O+C  6. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) S+V  7. 主语+系动词+表语 S+V+P  8. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语  S+V+O+C  9. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语  S+V+O+C  10. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 S+V+O  11. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语  S+V+IO+DO  12. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语  S+V+IO+DO  13. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语  S+V+IO+DO  14. 主语+系动词+表语 S+V+P  15. 主语+系动词+表语 S+V+P  16. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 S+V+O  17. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) S+V  18. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) S+V  19. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 S+V+O  句子翻译  1. & & 他站在那里一动不动。(still)  2. & & 我们的祖国变得更加漂亮了。  3. & & 昨天他们踢足球了。  4. & & 我爷爷住在乡下。  5. & & 我家乡发生了巨大变化。  6. & & 他变化很大。  7. & & 他爷爷昨晚过世了。(pass away)  8. & & Tom承诺帮助她。(promise)  9. & & 他们建议Mary呆在家里。(advise)  10. &老师允许他们课后踢足球。(permit)  11. &我们都想他离开那家公司。(company)  12. &爸爸警告我们不要抽烟。(warn)  13. &老师问了我一个奇怪的问题。(strange)  14. &他哥哥给他买了一个礼物。  15. &我把我的照片给他们看了。  16. &妈妈常常给我们讲故事。  17. &他们对这个结果感到很满意。(satisfied)  18. &这道菜味道不错。  19. &你做完了作业吗?  20. &我喜欢这里的晚餐。  答案  1. & & He is standing still.(S+V+P)  2. My motherland became stronger and stronger. &(S+V+P)  3. & & Yesterday they played soccer.(S+V+O)  4. & & My grandfather lived in the countryside.  (S+V)  5. Great changes have changed in my hometown. (S+V)  6. & & He has changed a lot. (S+V)  7. & & His grandpa passed away last night. (S+V)  8. & & Tom promised to help her. (S+V+O)  9. & & They advised Mary to stay at home.  (S+V+O+C)  10. &The teacher permitted them to play football after class. (S+V+O+C)  11. &We all wanted him to leave the company.  (S+V+O+C)  12. &My father warned us not to smoke.  (S+V+O+C)  13. &The teacher asked me a strange question.  (S+V+IO+DO)  14. &His elder brother bought him a present.  (S+V+IO+DO)  15. &I showed them my pictures.  (S+V+IO+DO)  16. &My mother often tells us stories.  (S+V+IO+DO)  17. &They feel satisfied with the result.  (S+V+P)  18. &The dish tastes delicious.(S+V+P)  19. &Have you finished your homework?  (S+V+O)  20. &I enjoyed the dinner here.  (S+V+O)
1. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语
2. 主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分)
3. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
4. 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语
5. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语
一、第一句型:主语 + 系动词 + 表语
1. 系动词一般为be 动词
注意:look, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, become, come, go, turn, grow, keep, seem, stand等词可以作"半系动词"用,按行为动词方式变化,起系动词的作用。
He felt the pockets thoroughly but did not find a single penny.
You look pale. Do you feel unwell?
你脸色苍白,感到不舒服?(look / feel为系动词)
一般来说,动词后面跟的是个形容词或名词,该动词为系动词, 如:The plan sounds perfect. / The flower smells nice. / The dish tastes delicious. / It is getting dark.
"Don't worry. Let me take your pulse first." "Oh, it ______ normal." (脉搏正常)
A. is felt
B. is feeling
解题思路:normal为形容词,前面应为系动词;系动词没有被动语态,故A不对; look, feel, sound, taste, smell, seem等半系动词一般不用进行时,B也不对;D时态错了,故正确答案为C.
2. there be是英语中非常重要的一个句型: there是引导词,不解释为 "那里";这是个倒装句,主语在be动词的后面,be动词的单复数由后面的主语决定。
There isn't enough furniture in the room.(房间里家具不够)
错:There hasn't enough furniture in the room.
There is no doubt that smallpox has been wiped out in China.(毫无疑问,中国已消灭天花。)
错:It is no doubt that smallpox has been wiped out in China.
There is ample evidence that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. (充分证据表明,爱滋病正在亚洲迅速蔓延。—— 同位语从句)
错:It is evidence that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. (可以: It is evident that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. - 主语从句)
二、第二句型:主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分)
*不及物动词 | *及物动词
rise /rose / risen(升起) | raise /raised / raised (提高)
arise / arose / arisen (from)(产生) | arouse / aroused / aroused(唤起)
lie / lay / lain(躺下) | lay / laid / laid(放下)
arrive at(到达) | reach(到达)
wait for(等待) | await(等待)
remain(仍旧) | maintain(保持,维修)
1. 用here 或 there引导:Here comes the bus. (汽车来了。) / There rings the bell. (铃响了。)
2. 在动词 + 介词短语的结构中,往往将介词短语提前:On the top of the hill stands a pretty little house.(山顶上有一座漂亮的小房子。)
三、第三句型:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
我们知道,名词可以做主语和宾语,非谓语动词 -ing和 to do也可以做主语和宾语,
Learning a foreign language is not easy.(学门外语并不容易。)
To learn a foreign language is not easy. (= It is not easy to learn a foreign language.)
1. acknowledge / admit / appreciate / avoid / consider / contemplate / defer / deny / dislike / enjoy / escape / evade / excuse / facilitate / fancy / favor / feel like / finish / give up / cannot help / cannot stand / imagine / include / keep (on) / do not mind / miss / permit / practice / regret / resent / risk / suggest 等词后面的动词宾语必须用-ing 形式,重点和首先要掌握黑体字部分。由于这些次的词义与解题关系不大,没有给出具体词义解释。若需要,请学生自己查字典解决。
It is impossible to avoid ______ by the stormy weather.
A. being much affected
B. having much affected
C. to be much affected
D. to have been much affected
解题思路:1)一看到avoid一词,便可确定正确答案在A、B中; 2)affect意为"影响",及物动词,故B不对。[如果做题时间来不及,此类题目若有"主动语态"和"被动语态"之分,一般选"被动语态"的正确率高些。]
2. remember / forget:后面既可跟 -ing, 也可跟 to do,但意思不一样:to do表示说话时还没有发生的事,-ing表示对已经发生过事的回忆,如:"我昨天出门时忘了关窗了。"显然是指出门时还没有做的事,因此用to do形式;"我不记得以前见过你。"显然是指说话以前的事,因此用 -ing形式,即:
I forgot to close the windows when I left home yesterday.
I don't remember seeing you before.
Do you remember ______ to Professor Smith during your last visit?
A. to have been introduced
B. having introduced
C. being introduced
D. to be introduced
解题思路:1)第一步要确定"发生过"还是"没有发生",即A、D还是B、C,"你记得上次访问时被介绍给Smith教授的情况吗?"显然是已发生的事,选B、C;2)"introduce"(介绍)后没有宾语,说明是"被动语态:,故选C [再看一下上一节中的 "解题思路"]
3. need / want / require等解释为"需要"时,有两种表达方式,如:
A.This waiting room needs to be cleaned. (to 被动式)
B.This waiting room needs cleaning.(-ing主动式)
4. look forward to / object to / subject to / be subjected to / be opposed to / oppose to中的 "to" 是介词,后面应跟名词或动名词-ing。
四、第四句型:主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语
有些动词(主要是"授予动词")后面需要或可以接双宾语结构,如:give, write, buy, send, make 等。
You may send him an E-mail or write him a letter.
You may send an E-mail (to him) or write a letter to him. 所以 "to" 和 "for" 是连接双宾语结构的重要介词。
to cure … of(治愈…)
to accuse …of(谴责…)
to convince… of(说服…)
to inform… of(通知…)
to notify… of (通知…)
to clean… of (清除…)
to warn…… of / against (警告…)
to cheat… of(欺骗)
to rob… of(抢劫…)
We have to inform the family of the patient's condition as soon as possible. / Have the family been informed of the patient's condition? (我们得尽快将病人的病情通知其家属。/ 已经将病人的病情通知其家人了吗?)
May I ask you a question? → May I ask a question of you?
五、第五句型:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语
1. 要不要 "to"的问题
The director wants you to come right now. (主任要你马上就来。)
句中to come 是宾语you的补足语。也就是说,当宾语补足语是动词时,一般要用 "to"连接。但是,以下情况例外:
n make, let, have等使役动词,如:
Shall I have him come here?(要我叫他来吗?)
I won't have him cheat me. (否定式,表示"容许":我决不容许他欺骗我)
上述句型变为被动语态时,一般要加 "to",如:
The nurse made the patient eat something. (护士让病人吃了点东西。)
→The patient was made to eat something.
有时,宾语补足语也可用 -ing形式,如:
His joke made us laughing for a couple of minutes.
他的笑话使我们笑了几分钟。(注意后面的时间状语for a couple of minutes)
to have / get (something) done, 如:
I am going to have (get) my watch repaired.(我去修一下表。)
see, hear, notice, observe, watch, look at, listen to 等感觉动词:
2. 要不要 "it"的问题
1)We sometimes find it difficult to get rid of a bad habit.
* 该句的原始结构可理解为:We sometimes find (to get rid of a bad habit) difficult. 括号部分(动词不定式)为宾语,difficult为宾语补足语。
2)The doctor has made it clear to you that there is nothing wrong with your stomach.
* 该句的原始结构可理解为:The doctor has made (there is nothing wrong with your stomach)clear. 括号部分(句子)为宾语,clear为宾语补足语。
1)在主语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语结构中,当宾语是"动词不定式"或"句子"时,要用it(不是this, that或其他任何词)作形式宾语,将动词不定式或句子移到句子的后面去。
2)考试时,判断要不要 "it",主要看句子后面有没有"动词不定式"或"句子",若有,要选 "it"。
3)宾语、宾语补足语倒装:当宾语(名词)较长,宾语补足语较短(往往是1个形容词,如possible, impossible, difficult, easy, clear等)时,为了句子结构均衡,往往采用倒装,这里不存在"it"的使用问题, 对下句作出判断:
The development of ultrasound has made ______ early diagnosis of some fatal diseases. (超声波的出现使许多致命疾病的早期诊断成为可能。)
A. it possible
B. possible
The development of ultrasound has made [early diagnosis of some fatal diseases] possible.
宾语 补足语
3. 记住以下短语:
to take…as(把…当作…)
to think of…as(把…看作…)
to regard…as(把…看作…)
to refer to…as(把…叫作…)
今日搜狐热点miss game是什么服装品牌
话说现在没有正品 及时是贴了miss fofo的标的 也是仿货
答: 在选购玉镯时,首先要测试你需要戴多大的圈口,主要有两种情况:
答: 你朋友是宫颈息肉.推荐一文,供你参考:
答: li660912同学:


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