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For Everything A Reason-Carina Round, For Everything A ReasonMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
For Everything A Reason
And so they say lord, for everything a reason
For every ending a new beginning
Oh so they say baby, for everything a reason
And so they say baby, for everything a reason
And those who loved before will be brought back together
Yeah those who loved before will be brought back together
And so they say baby, for everything a reason
And so they say baby you will be brought..
...brought back to me
I saw you leaving, I saw the light go out
I saw you leaving
I saw you leaving
And so they say lord, for everything a reason
My house is haunted by wrong desire
And on my skin left the scent of indignation
And so they say baby, for everything a reason
Don't call me back, I had everything I needed
For every lie, honey, the truth lay underneath it
Oh so they say baby, for everything a reason
And so they say baby, you will be brought...
...brought back to me
I saw you leaving, I saw the light go out
I saw you leaving
I saw you leaving
Come back to me
编辑于 12:15
编辑于 16:11
from AHS S01E03 上主明鉴,事皆有因,此之终,彼之始。上主明鉴,事皆有因,屋下三尺,罪欲横流。
每个人心中都有一个六角凉亭、下面埋葬着永远不想被挖掘的过去 不齿 悔恨 背叛 阴霾
看美恐S01的时候不知道为什么总是莫名泪目 不管是因为泰特瓦奥莱特还是兰姨或者是哈蒙 甚至最讨厌的海登和火男在看完以后也觉得很悲伤 上主明鉴 事皆有因
那个时候是我最好的时候 我迷恋美恐 开始有点迷恋那些黑暗的 却不恐怖的东西 有点对女巫文化着迷 没日没夜地看着美国恐怖故事
喜欢泰莎喜欢香蕉姐 喜欢兰姨 明明是恐怖故事 为什么这么悲凉
I love you,but I can't give you my heart.Honey.Sorry,forget me.
(?????? ·? ??????? )
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关注虾米:Carina Round,影视原声 for everything a thing 电视剧背景音乐
此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有5人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频作为鼓励吧!
& & 当前播放模式:
for everything a thing Horror Story背景音乐}


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