An Indian is coming .Wherwe are comingthe pumpkin pie an

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But like I said, we don't know specifics. If they were speaking more graphically and sexually explicit, then perhaps it would be appropriate. But from what OP wrote, that did not seem to be the case.
just...ask first. It's not that difficult.
&sexting& is a form of sexual activity...
Where are you getting the idea that I'm suggesting that anyone insult someone else? All I am saying is if someone sends you an unsolicited graphic picture that makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to reply, you don't owe them anything. As I have said many time before in my other comments, a simple &I'm uncomfortable by the fact you sent me a dick pic without asking first& would suffice. Or they could just stop talking to the person. Idc, whatever they want to do.
&sexting partners& AGAIN implies CONSENT. In order to be sexting partners with someone, THEY HAVE TO WANT TO SEXT WITH YOU TOO! It's concerning to me that you are having difficulty wrapping your head around this concept...
So you're using that to justify sending unsolicited dick pics? And no, OP stated that she was not happy with the unsolicited nature of the pic either.
you're completely missing the point that consent is needed before you send a dick pic. The fact that she might have been okay with it under different circumstances really isn't relevant. Point is: she received an unsolicited dick pic. She didn't like it. So no, she doesn't owe the person who sent her the pic anything.
&partners& implies that you two are actively engaged in a sexual relationship.
This was someone OP hadn't become sexually active with yet.
Are you arguing that if you are texting with a man you met a few days ago in a club, and you two were talking about golf, and all of a sudden out of nowhere he sends you a pic of his dick, you would send him a compliment about how good his dick looks like because &that's proper etiquette& ???
... You don't understand consent, do you?
Everything you're saying is true IN A CONTEXT OF CONSENT.
If someone does NOT CONSENT then they have no obligation to make you feel good about the dick they didn't want to see.
Doesn't matter how much effort you put into a dick pic. If she doesn't want a dick pic, then you have no right sending it to her. Why should they be considerate of your feelings if you're not considering hers? You don't care about if she wants to see your dick. She is under no obligation to make you feel good about the dick she didn't want to see.
It's illegal to expose yourself to someone in public. How is an unsolicited dick pic any different? They don't know what's in the picture before they open it. It's basically another form of flashing.
Lol I'm not saying to respond with comments on the look of the gentalia. Saying &I never asked you for a dick pic and this makes me uncomfortable& is sufficient
Again, if you are SEXTING with someone you have consent. By all means, be nice.
If you do NOT have consent, then no, you do not have to be nice, as this person is forcing a picture of their dick at you.
Do you understand what I am saying ?
Again, they're not fantasizing about actually being raped. You do understand the difference right? They are fantasizing about ACTING it out with a partner of their choosing, which they have clarified boundaries with, so nothing will happen that they are not okay with. They also come up with a safe word, so they are in control the entire time.
In an actual rape, control is taken away from the victim. They do not choose the sex acts that will take place. They do not choose the partner. There is no safe word.
I hope that clarifies the difference for you, so that you can understand how a woman fantasizing about rape play is not actually fantasizing about being raped.
If they have agreed to sext, then that is consent. OP said that she was shocked, which I read as the pic seemed to come out of nowhere, and she was not expecting a dick pic.
You read the definition I posted and think that sounds fun?? For for who, exactly??
Because based on your other comments, you don't seem to understand that sending unsolicited dick pics is not okay. ( and you're clearly not alone, as there are other comments along the same line)
It's illegal to walk up to women and whip your dick out without permission. How is that any different than sending an unsolicited dick pic? Women don't know what's in the text until they open it. It's basically another form of flashing.
What do you find funny about rape fantasies?
No, I do not hate all men. Seems like you've got something against women though.
A good definition I found online is:
Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture.
Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.
That's called CONSENSUAL non-consent. Not the same thing as telling OP to drug a girl unconscious if she doesn't find him attractive enough to sleep with him willingly. The fact I have to explain the difference to you is concerning
I was talking about the unsolicited part being part of rape culture. Which it is.
Ugh this is rape culture ! So many men think that this is perfectly acceptable behavior, but it's not. I would just dump him. You don't owe him anything, but if you want to explain I would just say &there is nothing that will make a woman want to sleep with you less than an unrequested dick pic&
I wouldn't tell him your thoughts on his dick. I would just leave it as &you sent me an unsolicited dick pic, I didn't appreciate it, please don't text me again&
That's disgusting. There is nothing funny about rape, as the -23 down votes should tell you
Don't focus on changing him. You don't owe him anything. Honestly, I would suggest ghosting, for your own safety. It's not worth putting yourself in a dangerous situation
Looks like you're in another abusive relationship. This I you are telling him to stop and he isn't. He should not be using your vagina as a punching bag to &de stress&. This is abusive, and you should leave this relationship.
Why are so many people down voting this?? It's true...
Sounds like sexual assault, he kept forcing you to do things you didn't want to do
That doesn't sound healthy either. You shouldn't be having sex unless you want to... You're his wife not his sex slave...sounds like your family of origin was a bit sexist
From what you wrote it sounds like he is still very much into you. Eating less than 1000 calories a day isn't healthy. Please talk to a therapist about your body image issues. At 105 lbs there is no way that you are as fat as you feel.
Therapy should help. You are not entitled to sex, so stop mistreating her when you don't get it.
Yeah. I think it's better to just stop when it happens
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Every girl has one. Every girl has that guy that she’s “just friends” with. You’ve known each other for I-don’t-know-how-many years, but you’ve never once been attracted to him. No really, you’ve never ever been wildly attracted to him (it is possible for girls, you know) and the idea of dating him, well, makes you snortle because you’ve always been, and always will be, “just friends.”
We’re Just Friends
Recipe for the best Pumpkin Pie from Cook’s Illustrated is
below. Just scroll down.
Now, he’s not your best friend because, for one thing, you’re only besties with girls, and besides, he doesn’t even live in the same city, so how can you be BFFs with someone you can’t go shopping with everyday?!?! You get along just fine, and when he does come into town to visit family, or even, say, a girl who he’s dating, you and he will at least grab dinner. Whenever he’s around, you hang out, and heck, even though you’ve never been attracted to him, if you’ve been deprived of, well, you know, you might even play a little, but it’s so totally understood between both of you that this is so totally platonically physical.
It’s not like his laugh forever echoes in your ears, or his adorable crooked smile is emblazoned on your brain, or you get hot flashes in the middle of Whole Foods for God’s sake because you are always thinking about him. It’s not like you get butterflies the way you do when that guy from
direct messages you.
You guys are “just friends.”
JFFs. Seriously
The thing is, all your BFFs and your family adore him. They love him. They think you and he should totally get married one day and why don’t you guys just try dating? They don’t understand why you aren’t all over this amazing, charming, funny, intelligent guy, and aren’t those all the man-characteristics that you talk about on your “list?”
You don’t understand why you can see what they’re saying, but you can’t see what they’re saying, you know what I’m saying? You don’t not like him. Actually, you kind of wished that you did because, hm, now that they mention it, they’re right. He does have all the right characteristics, and you guys do get along so well, and if it actually worked out you wouldn’t have to waste all that time. You want to like him.
But you. Just. Can’t. You don’t know what it is. He’s just sort of…you don’t know. You just can’t be passionate about him. There’s something missing. That spark. That je ne say what. The wildly passionate chemistry is not there to take it from *shrugs* we’re-just-friends to *shriek!* clothes on the floor the minute you walk in the door.
Pumpkin pie is like that guy.
Pumpkin Pie and I Are “Just Friends”
It’s an ambiguous relationship. Perhaps “relationship” isn’t quite the right term to explain how I feel: I don’t love pumpkin pie, but I so desperately want to. I love all things pumpkin. Some of it has to do with my wicked sweet tooth falling victim to pumpkin foods most often being desserts, and some of it has to do with the warm spices that are always used with pumpkin. I love cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg with pumpkin in breads, muffins, and . If pumpkin were usually cooked with say, cilantro, I don’t think I’d love it as much.
Unlike with pumpkin, my relationship with cilantro is very clearly defined – I fucking hate cilantro.
Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I hate pumpkin pie, or even to a lesser degree, that I don’t like pumpkin pie. It’s just that I don’t luuuuurrv pumpkin pie the way some people do. In fact, when it’s around, I eat it without thinking twice. I mean, for God’s sake, it’s still a pie. I’ll even eat leftover pumpkin pie that is sitting in the refrigerator because every guest who offered to “bring dessert” brought pumpkin pie instead of thinking to bring pecan or apple. I’ll peel back the plastic cling wrap from the pie dish that’s wedged between a tupperware of mashed potatoes and gallon-size ziploc bag of turkey breast, not even bothering to remove the pie from that middle shelf because I’ve contorted my post Thanksgiving bloated body so that my ass can prop open the refrigerator door while I sneak five or six bites straight from the pie dish with my fork.
Did I just reveal too much about myself there?
It drives me mildly insane trying to understand why other people go completely bonkers over pumpkin pie. It isn’t bad (have I said that a few times already? I just don’t want to get flamed by all the pumpkin pie devotees out there), it’s just that almost always, the crust looks and tastes like soggy cardboard, and the pumpkin pie filling, which can be wonderfully fragrant and flavorful with rich spices, always has the mealy, squishy consistency of . Now that I think about it, another key ingredient of pumpkin pie, evaporated milk, kind of reminds me of infant formula, too.
It’s Libby’s Fault. That B!tch.
Libby’s. I blame it all on Libby’s and the
on their can of pure pack pumpkin.
They make pumpkin pie too easy. In an effort to sell their monster cans of pumpkin pie, they give you a recipe that makes two 9” pumpkin pies, and make it sound like it’s easier than heating up a Lean Cuisine in a microwave oven. All you do is dump eggs, sugar, and evaporated milk into a bowl, mix it up, pour into unbaked pie shells, and throw them in the oven.
Somehow, I think they are subliminally telling you to buy Pillsbury pre-made pie crusts instead of making the pie crust from scratch. Libby’s famously easy pumpkin pie comes out famously soggy, famously squishy.
It’s Not You. It’s…Pie
I want to love pumpkin pie because it’s pumpkin. I want to love it because it’s a dessert. I want to adore it because it’s made with all those wonderfully warm autumn spices. I want to look forward to the prospect of pumpkin pie with eager, longing, heart-pounding anticipation as soon as the calendar flips from September to October. Pumpkin pie comes around only once a year, and I want a spring and summer absence to make my heart grow fonder…but it doesn’t.
I don’t. I don’t love pumpkin pie.
I don’t love you, pumpkin pie.
But we can still be friends!
We just don’t have that connection the way others who love pumpkin pie have that connection. See, I have that connection with . I am so head over my stiletto heels for pumpkin cheesecake. Pumpkin cheesecake is my twitter flirtationship, but pumpkin pie? Pumpkin pie is just my friend.
Something Happened on the Way to…
And then something happens. You’re running an errand, stopping off at the market, and your friend tags along just for the hell of it. While you’re standing in line and he’s rummaging through your purse looking for your club card because he knows you hate to not get that club card discount, you look at him with your head slightly tilted to the side. Did you do something with your hair? “Yeah, put some gel in it,” he replies, punching your telephone number into the keypad because the card is on the other keychain at home. Is that a new shirt? “Yeah, just got it. Cool, huh?” Very cool. And weird, because suddenly, he looks different to you, but you don’t think it’s the gel and the new shirt. He looks hot. Very hot. You snatch the celery and eggs, grab his hand, and run for the car, dragging him behind you.
That is what happened to me and my “just friend” pumpkin pie. I ran into a recipe from . It promises a flaky, crisp crust. It promises a smooth, delicious, and firm filling. I baked it, sort of unsure of how I’d end up feeling.
After a little more effort than the damn Libby’s-like recipes we’re used to (pre-bake the crust and cook the filling on the stovetop to hot), I slipped it gently into the oven. When it came out of the oven, slightly longer than the prescribed 25 minutes, I let it cool down. When it was time to try it, I pierced through that soft, quivering custard with an 8” chef’s knife and pulled out a perfect, enormous piece. It was heavy. I put the piece on the plate and I wanted it naked, but I surrendered to the gentle pleas for whipped cream (not the Cook’s Illustrated brandied whipped cream, just plain), and I took a bite.
After all these years, I finally fell in… like.
A very very strong like. Not love yet, since after so many years of “just friends,” these weird new emotions with someone with whom you’ve never experienced them takes more time to get used to, but yes, the spark was finally lit. I had to call Mom and tell her.
Pumpkin pie and I? There’s a little something going on between us now.
The Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe
From . Serves 8
“If you do not have a food processor, the pumpkin may be put through a food mill or forced through a fine sieve with the back of a wooden spoon. Alternatively, you can cook the pumpkin, sugar, and spices together before pureeing, then whir the mixture in a blender, adding enough of the cream called for in the recipe to permit the pumpkin to flow easily over the blades. In either case, heat the pumpkin with the (remaining) cream and milk, as indicated, then slowly whisk the mixture into the beaten eggs.
Flaky pastry can be successfully produced using any all-purpose flour, but a low-protein brand (such as Gold Medal) produces a more tender crust. Doughs made with low-protein flours are also easier to handle, and, perhaps most important, they are less likely to buckle and shrink out of shape during baking. If you wish to blend the fat and flour with your fingertips or with a pastry tool instead of using a machine, decrease the butter to six tablespoons and add two tablespoons of chilled vegetable shortening. The pie may be served slightly warm, chilled, or — my preference — at room temperature.”
Flaky Pie Pastry Shell Ingredients
cups all-purpose flour, measured by dip-and-sweep
teaspoon salt
teaspoon sugar
10 tablespoons (1 1/4
sticks) unsalted butter, chilled and cut into
1/4 -inch pats
tablespoons ice water
Spicy Pumpkin Pie Filling Ingredients
2 cups (16 ounces) plain pumpkin puree, canned or fresh
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
teaspoon ground cloves
teaspoon salt
2/3 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup milk
4 large eggs
Brandied Whipped Cream Ingredients
1 1/3 cups heavy cream, cold
3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
1 tablespoon brandy
Best Pumpkin Pie Directions
Pie Pastry Shell Directions:
1. For pastry shell, mix flour, salt, and sugar in a food processor fitted with steel blade. Scatter butter
process until mixture resembles cornmeal, 7 to 12 seconds. Turn mixture into a medium-sized bowl.
2. Drizzle 3 tablespoons of water over flour mixture. With blade side of a rubber spatula, cut mixture into little balls. Then press down on mixture with broad side of spatula so balls stick together in large clumps. If dough resists gathering, sprinkle remaining water over dry, crumbly patches and press a few more times. Form dough into a
wrap in plastic, then flatten into a 4-inch disk. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. (Can be refrigerated for 2 days or, if sealed airtight in a plastic bag, frozen for up to 6 months.)
3. Generously sprinkle a 2-foot square work area with flour. Remove dough from wrapping and
dust top with flour. (If it has been chilled for more than 1 hour, let dough stand until it gives slightly when pressed, 5 to 10 minutes.) Roll dough in all directions, from center to edges, rotating a quarter turn and strewing flour underneath as necessary after each stroke. Flip disk over when it is 9 inches in diameter and continue to roll (but don’t rotate) in all directions, until it is 13 to 14 inches in diameter and just under 1/8-inch thick.
4. Fold dough in quarters and place the corner in the center of a Pyrex pie pan measuring 9- to 9 1/2-inches across top. Carefully unfold dough to cover pan completely, with excess dough draped over pan lip. With one hand, pi use index finger of other hand to press dough around pan bottom. Use your fingertips to press dough against pan walls. Trim dough overhanging the pan to an even 1/2-inch all around.
5. Tuck overhanging dough back under itself so folded edge is flush with edge of pan lip. Press double layer of dough with your fingers to seal, then bend up at a 90-degree angle and flute by pressing thumb and index finger about 1/2-inch apart against outside edge of dough, then using index finger (or knuckle) of other hand to poke a dent through the space. Repeat procedure all the way around.
6. Refrigerate for 20 minutes (or freeze for 5 minutes) to firm dough shell. Using a table fork, prick bottom and sides — including where they meet — at 1/2-inch intervals. Flatten a 12-inch square of aluminum foil inside shell, pressing it flush against corners, sides, and over rim. Prick foil bottom in about a dozen places with a fork. Chill shell for at least 30 minutes (preferably an hour or more), to allow dough to relax.
7. Adjust an oven rack to lowest position, and heat oven to 400 degrees. (Start preparing filling when you put shell into oven.) Bake 15 minutes, pressing down on foil with mitt-protected hands to flatten any puffs. Remove foil and bake shell for 8 to 10 minutes longer, or until interior just begins to color.
Spicy Pumpkin Pie Filling Directions:
8. For filling, process first 7 ingredients in a food processor fitted with steel blade for 1 minute. Transfer pumpkin mixture to a 3-quart heavy- bring it to a sputtering simmer over medium-high heat. Cook pumpkin, stirring constantly, until thick and shiny, about 5 minutes. As soon as pie shell comes out of oven, whisk heavy cream and milk into pumpkin and bring to a bare simmer. Process eggs in food processor until whites and yolks are mixed, about 5 seconds. With motor running, slowly pour about half of hot pumpkin mixture through feed tube. Stop machine and scrape in remaining pumpkin. Process 30 seconds longer.
9. Immediately pour warm filling into hot pie shell. (Ladle any excess filling into pie after it has baked for 5 minutes or so — by this time filling will have settled.) Bake until filling is puffed, dry-looking, and lightly cracked around edges, and center wiggles like gelatin when pie is gently shaken, about 25 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for at least 1 hour.
Brandied Whipped Cream Directions:
10. For whipped cream, beat cream at medium gradually add confectioners’ sugar then brandy. Beat to stiff peaks. Accompany each wedge of pie with a dollop of whipped cream.
{post originally published November 2005}
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