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The Monster中文翻译与部分歌词解析【eminem吧】_百度贴吧
The Monster中文翻译与部分歌词解析收藏
I'm friends with the monster   That's under my bed
我就是在我床底趴着的那只怪物的好基友  Get along with the voices inside of my head
我们就用心电感应各种交流  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath
你别干出一边想救我一边又怕我的傻逼事儿  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy (crazy)
#rap  I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek
我想要出名又不是当新闻封面  Oh well, guess beggers can't be choosey
得,弱者无权我懂。  Wanted to receive attention for my music
我要我的歌引人瞩目  Wanted to be left alone, public excuse me
我先走了真是对不起啊大家  Been wanting my cake, I need it too
某些人别老想着靠我,我自己都还得靠我自己。  Wanting it both ways
或者你两样都想?(即靠自己又靠我)  Fame may be a balloon cause my ego inflated
名誉能把你搞得像飞天  When I blew seep it was confusing
可惜飞得多高摔得多重  Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf
我就是要到李小龙那样不被舆论影响的地步  Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam
乱写乱说自吹自擂  Hit the lottery (oh wee)
噢噢中头奖了  With what I gave up to get was bittersweet
放弃一些来得到的另一些东西的感觉真混杂  It was like winning a huge meet
特像巨大满足感  Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so big I need a shrink
我特么就是太给人压力了现在要收敛点懂不?  I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep
爷失眠数绵羊,一只羊来两只羊  Going cucko and cuckier as Kool Keith
要像Kool keith看齐唱二逼布谷鸟了  But I'm actually weirder than you think
实际上我比你能想的还要奇葩  Cause I'm…
因为  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed
我是在我床底趴着的那只怪物的好基友  Get along with the voices inside of my head
我们还用脑电波交流哟  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath
你看着我怕得忘呼吸又想来救我的表情算怎么回事儿?  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy
你觉得我疯了  Well, that's not fair  Well, that's not fair
哟,凭什么?  Now I ain't much of a poet
我不擅长诗歌这玩意儿  But I know somebody once told me to seize the moment
不过有人告诉过我要【把握当下】【此为一首诗】  And don't squander it
别挥霍光阴  Cause you never know when it could all be over
Tomorrow so I keep conjuring
因为你永远不知道明天要发生什么所以我保持敬畏心  Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from
【SPAWN还指一个cs天才,人们称他为撒旦的儿子,同时他的游戏职业生涯也是到了顶峰又跌下再爬起。】  (Yeah, ponder it, do you wonder there's no wonder you're losing your mind the way you're brought up)
沉思一下为什么你会迷茫,那就是因为你成长的环境  I think you've been wandering off down yonder and stumbled upon Jeff VanVonderen
我觉得你肯定对自己明明在街上游荡怎么就跌跌撞撞走进了Jeff VANVONDEREN的世界里而疑惑  Cause I needed an intervention in this to intervene between me and this monster
【Jeff VanVonderen是个作家,出了七本书来说什么家庭问题啊,毒瘾啊,精神什么的,他在一个叫intervention的真人秀里面出现过,而这个真人秀的核心是处理各种成瘾者问题。】  And save me from myself and all this conflict
把我从这怪物和暴力中解脱出来吧  Cause the very things that I love is killing me and I can't conquer it
因为在扼杀我的正是我所深爱的,而且我已经不能控制它。  My OCD is clonking me in the head
我的完美强迫症让我无所适从  Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking
没人在家我得锁门不然我就得梦游跑了  I'm just relaying what the voice of my head saying
我只是在转速我脑海里的声音而已  Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the…
不要挑他的刺儿,我只是和  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed
在我床下窝着的这怪物是朋友  Get along with the voices inside of my head
跟另一个我和谐相处  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath
既然想要救我就不要屏住呼吸  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy
你不就是觉得我疯了么  Well, that's not fair  Well, that's not fair!
这根本就不公平!  Call me crazy, but I had this vision
叫我疯子也无所谓,我自有小天地  One day that I'd walk amongst you regular civilians
有一天我也会泯于众人  But until then drums get killed I'm coming straight at
Emcees, blood get spilled and I
在那之前战鼓敲破我向司仪直接走去,血液与我都四跑。  Take it back to the days that I get on a Dre track
让时间回到我跟杜老大一起混的日子吧  Give every kid who got played gat  Pumped the villian and sh*t that say back
让那些玩枪的小屁孩一个有仇报仇的机会  To the kids who played ‘em  I ain't here to save the f*cking children
那些玩到自己的白痴傻逼孩儿我是懒得鸟的  But if one kid out of a hundred million
但如果一百万个里有一个孩子  Who are going through a struggle feels and relates that's great
是在经历挣扎与斗争的我就觉得他们很不错  It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back
就像Russell Wilson又回来一样,这就是报应
【Russell Wilson,橄榄球手,英国人】  In the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make that  Straw in the gold chump I will spend
在词本上我依旧可以从有到无,另外娘炮你觉得我会二逼到花稻草吗  Rumpelstiltskin in a hay stack
Rumpelstiltskin 就藏在干草堆里哟
【Rumpelstiltskin是个出名的角色,以狡猾奸诈为特点。他最初是出现在格林童话全集的一篇故事里。相信看过全集的同学一定对这个故事有印象。】  Maybe I need a straightjacket, face facts
也许我要身笔挺的夹克来让我面对这些事  I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that
说真的我挺蠢但我无所谓  It's nothing, I'm still friends with a…
没事儿,我依旧是  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed
藏在我床底下的怪物的麻吉  Get along with the voices inside of my head
与他心灵相通了  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath
想救我就别没见过世面似的屏住呼吸  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy
你不就觉得我疯了吗  I'm friends with the monster  That's under my bed
【此处伸译,因为人躺床上时影子像似在床下,而monster其实就是心魔】  Get along with the voices inside of my head
与他在脑海深处沟通  You're trying to save me  Stop holding your breath
想救我就别这样  And you think I'm crazy  Yeah, you think I'm crazy
你觉得我疯了又怎样  Well, that's not fair
感觉太刻意搞笑了,好浮夸→_→        这些事情就像发生在昨天,宛如一梦,奈何时光流逝,只剩追忆。   -----airplanes part 2 from 88
。可以, 挺不错
他的创作才华为他获得第75届奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲大奖、13座格莱美、4座全英与全美音乐奖、9座mtv音乐录影带大奖与6座mtv欧洲音乐奖,21世纪以来十年全球唱片销量最高……!!    ------ 从小家境贫寒,6岁时父亲便和母亲离婚,他至今不知道父亲是谁,母亲带他奔波于底特律和堪萨斯城,他转过二十多所学校。他从小营养不良,长得比同龄人瘦小,常常成同学欺负、凌辱对象,所以在他幼小心灵里看到这个世界就是暴力。埃米纳姆开始喜欢说唱乐,他喜欢2 Live Crew和N.W.A.这两支爱惹事生非的说唱乐组合。据美国有关部门作的调查统计,90%左右的说唱乐歌曲都含有性、暴力等不良内容,埃米纳姆就是在这类说唱乐熏陶下畸形成长。他最好的朋友都是黑人,是黑人音乐给了他信心和出路,但这个恨透了白人的明星仍是不停地把“黑鬼”一词挂在嘴边,在他新专辑中“黑鬼”一词就出现过24次。他歌中的暴力足以让每个人震惊,但他对别人横竖看不过:“《拯救大兵瑞恩》可能是我看到的最病态、最恶心的电影,我没有看到一个人去批评其中的暴力。”没受过多少教育的他在很多方面不辨是非。他口无遮拦,言辞刻薄,连英国首相布莱尔也逃不过他的羞辱。“我的母亲就没给我留下什么好印象。”说。神经质、絮絮叨叨、爱钱如命、嗜毒成瘾,这是他眼中的母亲。《杀死你》这首歌就是写他母亲的:“当我还是小孩子/我妈妈就常常告诉我些疯狂的事/他常常讲我爸爸是个恶魔/我大了一点才认识到她是个疯狂的人……”在这首歌中,埃米纳姆恨不得把他母亲一口吃掉。当他长大,认识他现在的妻子金·斯科特,这个女人也不个省油的灯,从他们认识那天起,他们的世界就没太平过,有人这样形容他们:“痛苦、神秘和戏剧性--这就像他们爱恨交织一样激发了这个艺术家的灵感。”他在《金》这首歌中幻想杀死妻子的全部过程,歌曲整个过程伴随斯科特的惨叫,****残忍至极。没有母爱、甚至没有妻子的爱,使他产生痛恨妇女的变态心理,在他的词典里,“婊子”就是妇女惟一代名词,让他认可的女人只有加拿大歌星阿兰尼斯-莫里塞特。
hi men ,good job!
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Last month, I devoted to reviewing some of the more surprising adverse health outcomes associated with excess sugar consumption. While most of us know that sugar is not the best substance to load our body with, many individuals struggle with tactics in actually breaking free of their addiction to sugar -- and yes, it can truly be an addiction.
In fact, the results of one
showed that a greater neurological reward was provided by intense sweetness than
by the drug cocaine.
occur when we look at withdrawal from sweet as well, indicating that getting off sugar may cause the same neurological symptoms as withdrawing from nicotine, morphine and alcohol.
Now more than ever, we are seeing more and more
linking addictions of sugar and drugs in the same bucket.
Additionally, we all face the unfortunate reality that sugar is readily available in our food supply as a cheap fix for our cravings, 24 hours a day, in thousands of different venues and forms. Finally, we often use sugar as a reward (kid stops throwing a tantrum at the store, kid gets cookie at home) and the main food substance during celebrations (when is the last time you saw birthday candles sticking out of broccoli florets or a 1-year-old baby smashing lentils in his or her face for the quintessential first birthday picture)?
So given these studies and the vast availability of this stuff, is there any hope? Can you really break free from the chains of sugar addiction? The answer may be yes, and it doesn't necessarily include admitting yourself to a rehab facility for six weeks. The start of your sugarless healing could perhaps come in the form of seven easy steps.
Step 1: Don't replace real sugar with artificial sugar.
In an effort to provide us with the sweetness we crave without the excess calories we dread, manufacturers created artificial sweeteners. The first, , was discovered in the 1870s by . He wasn't trying to come up with a fake way to sweeten our foods, in fact, back then food actually was actually that -- food. He was actually working on coal tar derivatives and as the story goes, some of the white substance spilled onto his hand.
Later that evening, the substance on his hand transferred to the roll he was eating at dinner making it exceptionally sweet. After that fateful spill on the hands, the world of food has never been the same. Artificial sweeteners have been blamed for a lot of things that ail us -- but most recently, artificial sweeteners and their effect on our ability to lose weight have come into focus.
As it turns out, a lack of calories doesn't always equate to a lack of consequences. A 2013
in the journal Diabetes Care found that artificial sweeteners can actually alter the way the body metabolizes sugar. A 2008
found that rats given artificial sweeteners ate more calories throughout the day and as a result, gained weight. The researchers found that the ingestion of artificial sweeteners essentially caused confusion between the gut and the brain.
that, "sweet foods provide a 'salient orosensory stimulus' that strongly predicts someone is about to take in a lot of calories.
Ingestive and digestive reflexes gear up for that intake but when false sweetness isn't followed by lots of calories, the system gets confused. Thus, people may eat more or expend less energy than they otherwise would."
While these studies provide incentive from a weight approach to kick the fake sugar habit, it's what artificial sweeteners are doing to your sugar-laden diet that is most concerning for the true sugar addict. Why?
that replacing regular sugar with artificial sweeteners is akin to kicking your cigarette habit by switching to cigars. , so you're never really taking away the sweet taste that keeps calling your name. Chances are, you'll go back to the real stuff. I often tell my sugar addict patients on day one that in 60 days, I want them to crave salmon over licorice. They look at me like I have two heads of course, but after three months of truly sticking to a no-sugar plan, their cravings do actually turn.
Step 2: Start an exercise regimen and add milk to your diet.
Eating lots of sugar has been
to enhance reward mechanisms in the brain, thus making it difficult to break the habit. Rats that were given sucrose for example, wanted more of it and self-fed with it if it was available in their cage. While the comparison may seem extreme, I see this as no different than the individual who keeps candy bars, cookies and hard candies in their home or office desk. If it's there, and you've got a preference for it, chances are high you'll eat lots of it and chances are even higher that you'll feel pretty good after eating it -- at least for a little while, until you crash and need more. But what if you could boost one of your most efficient acting "feel good" effects through foods other than sugar?
One study for example, showed that consumption of whey protein (a major protein found in milk) increased serotonin (a feel-good hormone first isolated at the Cleveland Clinic that is ).
have found an association between exercise and serotonin increase as well.
Step 3: Say "no" to fat-free products.
Here's the low down on fat-free foods. Fat (something we like that tastes really good) goes out and sugar (another thing we like that tastes really good) goes in. Why? Because manufacturers are selling you on the fact that the product is fat-free
-- not sugar-free. Huge culprits include fat-free salad dressing (honey or high fructose corn syrup often coming in as the second or third ingredients), fat-free cookies or cakes (angel-food cake for example has a devilish 20 grams or more of sugar per slice), fat-free puddings, muffins and reduced-fat peanut butter are also offenders.
The solution?
Keep your salad dressings and peanut butter the full-fat variety. The
in them will actually help to
and slowly move away from the cookies, cakes, muffins and puddings by trying out some of the other tactics in this article.
Step 4: Improve your sleep habits.
A 2013 found that our circadian sleep cycles have a whole lot to do with whether we reach for a cookie late at night. We also are (sugar-laden doughnuts come to mind) if we are sleepy throughout the day, according to another study. An additional found that when individuals were sleep-deprived, their reward activation centers in the brain were actually greater, thereby making it more difficult to say no to the candy bar. Bottom line, while diet and exercise have a lot to do with staying away from the sweets, neither of them will be as effective if you're not getting enough ZZZ's.
Step 5: Keep snacks close by.
One tactic that's worked with many of my patients is keeping healthy snacks on hand. I had one patient who told me that she'd be driving her car and would see an ice cream shop and without even realizing it, would be entering the parking lot to get a fix. Her impulses were reduced though, when she started to keep trail mix in her glove compartment. She could easily grab it and have a few satisfying bites of peanuts, raisins and whole-grain pretzels. Just this simple action distracted her from the ice cream shop. Figure out what your trigger is and have something on hand to distract yourself. It could be an apple in your purse, a bag of healthy popcorn in your pantry or a string-cheese stick in your office refrigerator.
Step 6: Chew gum.
A 2009 found that individuals who chewed gum hourly and for at least three hours in the afternoon reduced their cravings for sweet snacks. While the study used a sugar-free gum variety, which does in fact contain artificial sweeteners, it nonetheless provides an interesting tactic to perhaps lower your sweet cravings.
Step 7: Never forget the benefit to your body.
One of my patients has a serious sugar addiction. The challenges with these patients are helping them gain a greater ability to lose their sugar cravings without gaining weight. One thing this patient told me was the secret to her success was remaining constantly aware of what . She told me she's been able to stick to her no-sugar plan partly because her desire to be around for her grandkids had become more powerful than her desire to eat a bunch of gummy bears. Remain focused and never forget that reducing your sugar addiction has benefits well beyond the perfect body.
For more by Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S., R.D., L.D., .
For more on diet and nutrition, .
Follow Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S., R.D., L.D. on Twitter:
Manager of Wellness Nutrition Services at Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute
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