should have tostudents have to wear uniform?

& Should kids have to wear uniforms?
Should kids have to wear uniforms?
By , boulder, CO
When kids think about school uniforms, they cringe at the thought of dull plain outfits. But they aren’t thinking about the many benefits school uniforms have. There are a variety of reasons why kids should h the healthier learning environment, the uniforms are not as expensive as regular clothes, and kids’ emotional life (no name calling, pick on).
School uniforms positively affect kids’ learning environment. School uniforms help make a safer school because it prevent gang members from wearing gang colors at school, such as blue for East and red for West. The kids have to recognize each other by their faces and names instead of big gang jackets, shirts, bandanas ect...
Kids who wear uniforms are more instilled with discipline would also be a big factor of kids learning environment, having the discipline to pay attention in class, and do homework every night. The use of uniforms also would decrease the violence and theft. It would also be a safer environment because the school authorities could recognize students belonging to their school. It would also be easier on school authorities since they wouldn’t have to police everything that the kids wear.
It’s also a relief on parents because they suppress peer pressure to be somebody that their kids don’t want to be or wear clothes their not comfortable wearing. Parents would also be assured that their kids are focusing on their school work because they don’t have to worry about what people think about them.
Although uniforms can be expensive, it’s what kids wear most of the week.
Everybody figures the cost of uniforms is a huge downside but it’s really not. Kids need very little outside of school clothing because they wear their uniforms most of the week. Uniforms are starting to become a lot cuter and more fashionable so kids wont have to recoil at the thought of plain dull outfits. “Some schools offer a ‘swap shop’ (option) parents can exchange ‘gently used’ uniforms with other parents for size and fit” Participating in the “swap shop” can save parents hundreds of dollars each year. Even without the option of a swap shop the cost difference of uniforms to a regular wardrobe of a growing kid can be several hundred dollars or more. Uniforms have a positive influence on kids’ emotional life as well. There’s less drama for the kids to worry about since nobody would pick on anybody’s clothes. All the kids would be wearing the same outfits.
Also, there would be less chance of kids dropping out because of being picked on or made fun of.
A kid being picked on at school can lead them to not wanting to go, so they start ditching. Ditching can lead to suspension which could lead to dropping out and less education. Also if kids are being made fun of for the amount of clothes they have or what their clothes look like, kids might be spending too much time trying to look better. So they could stop focusing on school work and have their grades start to drop. “Dr. Alan Hilfer, senior psychologist in Children’s Adolescent Unit at Maomoids Medical Center in Brooklyn says, Uniforms do eliminate competition, pressure and assaults perpetrated by older kids on younger kids for their sneakers and their other possessions. They also allow some kids to focus, especially in the lower grades. (In
states required public school to wear uniforms).
The healthier learning environment, kids emotion (no name calling, picking on) and most of the weeks clothes are there for you. These are few of the many reasons kids should need to be wearing uniforms. School Uniforms have very few downsides but kids don’t realize the very many positive affects there are. School Uniforms are getting cuter and more fashionable so kids won’t have to recoil at the thought of Uniforms.
Teen Ink’s 48-page monthly print edition. Written by teens since 1989.
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bRealTime banner ad on the left sideShould Students Have to Wear Uniform Essay - 1224 Words
Should Students Have to...
Should Students Have to Wear Uniform
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(1224 words
: September 11, 2013
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Should students have to wear uniforms?
You wake up and you ponder on what you should wear what shoes to put on, and what color will look nice on you. It’s hard if you think about it, when deciding what to wear in the morning you usually have to wake up early or set it out from the night before .Well that doesn’t have to be, you know why? Because uniforms should be mandatory in school. Uniforms are so helpful you don’t need to wake up early or set anything out at night. When having a uniform, all you have to do is make sure it’s clean and ready to put on. Yet others may think that having a uniform is just not cool, everyone has to look the same and they can’t express themselves, or it just too much money yet it would be a way of saving money at the end .Everyone has an opinion on if students should have a uniform or not and ‘Student should have to wear a uniform” .This essay will explain to you why students should wear uniforms.
There are three major aspects that will be explained of why students should wear uniforms it’s not a one way street just for teens but also for parents and why they should agree on this too. The points made here should give you a better understanding of why students should wear a uniform. Just realize the good that can come out from this for you and your parents.
Think about this parent, every year you have to do a series of shopping for your kids. You have to buy an amount of shirts, pants, sweaters, and shoes when you could’ve just bought a uniform for fewer amounts that already includes everything for one set price. When you get to at least middle grade, you want what everybody has and sometimes your parents can’t afford to give you what you want, so having a uniform would just be better because everybody would be the same thing. Yes it may seem as if the uniform is expensive at first, but when you pay that one price it will last you the year, then you don’t have to worry about needing new items or anything....
...Are Uniforms A Good Way to Improve Students Discipline and Motivation?
Uniforms have been a big debate for years. Some educators and parents believe feel uniforms are a great addition to the school system while others feel it is not giving student’s freedom of speech by expressing themselves in what they wear.
Should Students Wear
Should students wear uniforms is the big debate across school districts across the united states today. According to, school uniforms are one step that may break t truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts. Some feel students benefit from uniforms because it boosts their self-esteem. Students also have feel like they are in a fashion show dressing in uniforms makes students realize what on the inside that counts. Uniforms decrease the influence of gangs and are known to make things difficult for weapons being brought in hidden inside of clothes. Uniforms improve learning. Uniforms reduce distraction and shapes focus on school work and making the classroom a more serious environment....
...Students Should Wear Uniform
Attention Getter: how many people against to wear school uniform? Well this is the chance to change the mind. According to school Uniform Awesome or Awful author states that “Many experts insist that uniforms improve learning. Make schools safer, and even help students feel happier. It's no wonder that the number of
schools requiring uniforms is growing (Tarshis 2011)
Motivation: Uniform could not only to stop children to compare each other’s but also
helped to decrees teen crime
and help them to focus on study.
Credibility: When I immigrant, I was happy I don’t have to wear the uniform. After two month I was tired of my life without the uniform, because I have to wake up early to prepare myself. As the result, it gave me a negative influence on my learning ability and I would start to judge others. The past experience taught me every school should keep the uniform.
Purpose: Students should wear the uniform, because it would give student positive attitude toward the school that “School is not the place for fashion, is the place for learning”
-Give my own experience and why I am support to...
...Should students have to wear uniforms?
Mostly every single public school has a school uniform policy. I think that school uniforms take away freedom of choice, school uniforms put a stop from students show their personality. It would be way better if public schools could be able to take away school uniforms and let students dress the
way they want to, of course dressing appropriately.
First of all, it takes away freedom of choice. The school already has enough rules, why take away even more. Schools always have specific requirements on how to wear your uniform and that is not fair. Students get it trouble for wearing mix-matched socks or different colors shoe-laces. It’s ridiculous for someone to stop someone from doing that.
Second, school uniforms stop people from showing who they really are. They do not teach the students people who are different from themselves. Many people think that cliques will form. Trust me they will, but why not tackle this problem. You’re giving up and saying since you can’t accept each other when you are different, we’re going to make you all the same.
Third, many people in public schools have different cultures. They are required to wear traditional clothing but school...
...February 2014
Should students have to wear school uniforms?
I think students should wear uniforms to school because it makes the school look better. It also helps with a dress code because students are wearing more provocative clothing giving the school a bad name and wearing uniforms will help the students
appreciate discipline and look more professional. Promote equality and learning is what should be exercised in schools. School uniforms have positive benefits. First, there will be no difference between rich and poor. That will promote a sense of teamwork between students because they will all look the same, and that will make an equality between students. Second, school uniforms will allow children to focus more on learning and what needs to be taught Therefore uniforms will increase students' self-esteem. Finally, school uniforms can be also a tool to save families time and money. Bullying on the other hand is a serious problem in schools. By having uniforms it would eliminate a lot of situations. It can help the bullying problem because kids get picked on for their clothes all the time, so if all the kids had on the same clothes that problem would be...
...Should School Uniforms be Required?
When thinking about a uniform you think of a police officer or maybe even someone in the military, but what about uniforms in school?
Today, there are more schools than ever that are considering switching to uniforms to keep things equal and professional throughout the student body, but is it fair to make restrictions to students on being able to express
themselves personally?
Students may feel like they are being cheated on personalization and freedom to express who they are but the safety and security of the student body is more important than expression of style.
The school system is struggling more and more each day to maintain a sense of security and organization with the ever growing concern of bullying, crime rates, sexual distractions, and social inequalities.
Uniforms will help create a more controllable and relaxed atmosphere for students and school employees alike.
We live in a materialistic world where people are always looking to judge individuals on the clothes he or she is wearing.
The world has put extreme pressure on our kids to wear curtain name brands in order to fit in.
A child that has to worry if other kids are going to laugh or make fun of them because of the clothes he or she is wearing takes away from that child’s learning experience.
...April 2013
Should Students Wear School Uniforms?
The public school uniform debate has been an issue for educators, parents, and students for years now. While school uniforms are typically found in private schools, it was in 1987 that the first public uniform policy went into effect. Then in 1994, the Long Beach Unified Schools District in California adopted a mandatory
uniform policy in some of its schools, making it the first urban district to do so. Though public school uniform use is not widespread it is continuously growing. The question of what students should wear to school rouses strong feelings on both sides. According to a survey that I created
seven out of ten parents and students agree with public school students having to wear uniforms.
I as a parent agree with students and parents who are for uniforms in public schools for the following reasons: it helps with social leveling, bullying, and economics.
Social leveling is the first reason why I agree with students wearing school uniforms. This policy makes all the children at school equal regardless of their family background or income. If students are able to choose their own clothes...
... 1101, MW 9:30
February 27, 2013
All Students Should Be Required To Wear Uniforms
Dress code has always been a problem in schools because students often times don’t adhere to the rules on what they can and cannot wear to school. While clothing is a minor issue when i wearing uniforms does seem to improve an educational environment. Are school uniforms good
or bad? There are many reasons why students should be required to wear uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it creates an organized and orderly atmosphere, eliminates popularity, has economic benefits, and it decreases safety matters.
Wearing uniforms creates an organized and orderly atmosphere ( When students have on uniforms no one is worried about how uncool they look. They are not feeling uncomfortable about what they are wearing. Discipline is in action because you don’t have students teasing others because of what they have on. Uniforms constitutes good education. Students are focused more on learning when uniforms because they are not concerned about what someone else may be wearing....
16 September 2012
Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms
We are living in the 21st century which technology and fashion are designed for the young people, especially students. They want to use and wear something new, modern and style. Most of the students need to wear whatever they want to school to show other people. The school should
have a policy for students to wear a uniform. School is it is not a fashion show place. All students should wear uniform at school. When students wear uniform the school develops a disciplined climate, the students feel equal in spite of the fact that some people say that student should not wear uniforms because lose important freedoms.
Uniform helps students concentrate on studying instead of clothes. Most of the students naturally think about fashion. Some parents spoil their kids about clothes. They buy the expensive clothes or the electronic devices to encourage their kids to study hard. When they have the value clothes, they will not chat with friends about study. They are proud of...
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The students should wear their uniforms at school怎么改同义句
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Their uniforms should wear at school by students.
The students should be in their uniforms at school
扫描下载二维码Should Students Wear Uniforms? Essay - 737 Words
Should Students Wear Uniforms?
Should Students Wear Uniforms?
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(737 words
: November 1, 2012
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Composition 101
16 September 2012
Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms
We are living in the 21st century which technology and fashion are designed for the young people, especially students. They want to use and wear something new, modern and style. Most of the students need to wear whatever they want to school to show other people. The school should have a policy for students to wear a uniform. School is it is not a fashion show place. All students should wear uniform at school. When students wear uniform the school develops a disciplined climate, the students feel equal in spite of the fact that some people say that student should not wear uniforms because lose important freedoms.
Uniform helps students concentrate on studying instead of clothes. Most of the students naturally think about fashion. Some parents spoil their kids about clothes. They buy the expensive clothes or the electronic devices to encourage their kids to study hard. When they have the value clothes, they will not chat with friends about study. They are proud of themselves to have the expensive clothes on them. On the other hand, if they wear uniform at school, they do not have something to say about fashion. They will concentrate about study because everybody wears the same clothes and the same brand name. For example, if one of their friend have North Face brand, their feeling will think about it. How can I get that or I have to have it. In their age, students need to be attractively from the other people.
For this reason, uniform keeps students feel equal of their family situation. When students w they feel in the same page. Clothes can express a lot about people and identify their situation. In addition, they do not have any space for their brain to think about who is poor or rich because everyone wear the same cloth and help to close the gap between students those who is poor and those who is rich. Furthermore, they cannot...
...Students Should Wear Uniform
Attention Getter: how many people against to wear school uniform? Well this is the chance to change the mind. According to school Uniform Awesome or Awful author states that “Many experts insist that uniforms improve learning. Make schools safer, and even help students feel happier. It's no wonder that the number of
schools requiring uniforms is growing (Tarshis 2011)
Motivation: Uniform could not only to stop children to compare each other’s but also
helped to decrees teen crime
and help them to focus on study.
Credibility: When I immigrant, I was happy I don’t have to wear the uniform. After two month I was tired of my life without the uniform, because I have to wake up early to prepare myself. As the result, it gave me a negative influence on my learning ability and I would start to judge others. The past experience taught me every school should keep the uniform.
Purpose: Students should wear the uniform, because it would give student positive attitude toward the school that “School is not the place for fashion, is the place for learning”
-Give my own experience and why I am support to wear...
Should Students Have To Wear Uniform
For many years we have been going back and forth, about the subject: Should Students Have to Wear Uniform, a lot of us believe that they should wear uniform, while others think students shouldn’t have to wear uniform, and should have the
freedom to dress as they feel. Students are more distracted when they wear street clothes, there is enough evidence to change the policy, the board of education, students, and parents, should see if we can resolve this problem. I think, it would help students to get better grades if they didn’t have to worry about what the other students is wearing the next day, students would do anything to fit in and be liked by their peers. And I and going to make my point, students should wear uniform. But there are other views of people that think different and think it might take away from their individuality.
I have interview some parents that most of them think that uniforms are better, than street clothes, a lot of their children feels out of place if the go to school wearing street clothes, I have taken it upon myself to...
...Should School Uniforms be Required?
When thinking about a uniform you think of a police officer or maybe even someone in the military, but what about uniforms in school?
Today, there are more schools than ever that are considering switching to uniforms to keep things equal and professional throughout the student body, but is it fair to make restrictions to students on being able to express
themselves personally?
Students may feel like they are being cheated on personalization and freedom to express who they are but the safety and security of the student body is more important than expression of style.
The school system is struggling more and more each day to maintain a sense of security and organization with the ever growing concern of bullying, crime rates, sexual distractions, and social inequalities.
Uniforms will help create a more controllable and relaxed atmosphere for students and school employees alike.
We live in a materialistic world where people are always looking to judge individuals on the clothes he or she is wearing.
The world has put extreme pressure on our kids to wear curtain name brands in order to fit in.
A child that has to worry if other kids are going to laugh or make fun of them because of the clothes he or she is wearing takes away from that child’s learning experience.
...April 2013
Should Students Wear School Uniforms?
The public school uniform debate has been an issue for educators, parents, and students for years now. While school uniforms are typically found in private schools, it was in 1987 that the first public uniform policy went into effect. Then in 1994, the Long Beach Unified Schools District in California adopted a mandatory
uniform policy in some of its schools, making it the first urban district to do so. Though public school uniform use is not widespread it is continuously growing. The question of what students should wear to school rouses strong feelings on both sides. According to a survey that I created
seven out of ten parents and students agree with public school students having to wear uniforms.
I as a parent agree with students and parents who are for uniforms in public schools for the following reasons: it helps with social leveling, bullying, and economics.
Social leveling is the first reason why I agree with students wearing school uniforms. This policy makes all the children at school equal regardless of their family background or income. If students are able to choose their own clothes...
... 1101, MW 9:30
February 27, 2013
All Students Should Be Required To Wear Uniforms
Dress code has always been a problem in schools because students often times don’t adhere to the rules on what they can and cannot wear to school. While clothing is a minor issue when i wearing uniforms does seem to improve an educational environment. Are school uniforms good
or bad? There are many reasons why students should be required to wear uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it creates an organized and orderly atmosphere, eliminates popularity, has economic benefits, and it decreases safety matters.
Wearing uniforms creates an organized and orderly atmosphere ( When students have on uniforms no one is worried about how uncool they look. They are not feeling uncomfortable about what they are wearing. Discipline is in action because you don’t have students teasing others because of what they have on. Uniforms constitutes good education. Students are focused more on learning when uniforms because they are not concerned about what someone else may be wearing. Students can focus more...
...Should students have to wear uniforms?
You wake up and you ponder on what you should wear what shoes to put on, and what color will look nice on you. It’s hard if you think about it, when deciding what to wear in the morning you usually have to wake up early or set it out from the night before .Well that doesn’t have to be, you know why? Because uniforms
should be mandatory in school. Uniforms are so helpful you don’t need to wake up early or set anything out at night. When having a uniform, all you have to do is make sure it’s clean and ready to put on. Yet others may think that having a uniform is just not cool, everyone has to look the same and they can’t express themselves, or it just too much money yet it would be a way of saving money at the end .Everyone has an opinion on if students should have a uniform or not and ‘Student should have to wear a uniform” .This essay will explain to you why students should wear uniforms.
There are three major aspects that will be explained of why students should wear uniforms it’s not a one way street just for teens but also for parents...
...Students Should Wear Uniform
&What should I wear today for school?& is a question that many students ask themselves in the morning. While it may be true that school uniforms deprive students from expressing themselves, the real point to consider is that school uniforms are necessary for saving time and student safety.
One reason
students should wear uniforms is that it saves time in the morning. For example, students don't have to spend time in front of the closet finding clothes that match. When students have a uniform, they just have to grab a top and a bottom and are ready to go. For instance, my friend Jessica doesn't have a uniform at her school and is always late because she can't decide what to wear. On the other hand, my cousin Maria gets dressed quickly and always shows up on time. Wearing a uniform definitely saves time in the morning.
Another reason students should wear uniforms is because it helps make school a safer environment. To illustrate this point, many students are often bullied because of the clothing or the colors that they wear. Having a mandatory uniform...
...ENGL 0307
March 28, 2012
Students should wear Uniforms
No one can deny the importance of wearing school uniforms because schools have their own uniform to represent them. However, some people still think that wearing uniforms at school is not a good idea. However, uniforms can teach students discipline, teach them to have pride of their school, and
eliminating the gap between average and rich students.
First, schools can teach their students a sense of discipline when mandating a rule telling that wearing school uniforms is compulsory. Every time when students put on their clothes before going to school, they have to bear in their minds that the clothes they should pick is their school uniforms not the other stylish. Being taught this lesson every day, the students can make a good habit and attitude that can be very beneficial for them in the future when they have to obey many rules in their work and in the society.
Secondly, by wearing school uniform, students can be proud of their schools. Every morning when they stand in front of a mirror and look at their school uniforms, they can feel a sense of craving for going to their school, learn and to make new friends. Furthermore, when going outside...
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