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Silicon Valley uncertain after Donald Trump wins U.S. presidency – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home
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“Donald Trump’s election victory is seen as a blow to Silicon Valley, putting the presidency in the hands of a vocal critic of several big technology companies and an advocate of policies tech executives have said could hurt the industry’s development,” Trisha Thadani reports for The Wall Street Journal. “During his campaign, Mr. Trump didn’t offer a specific plan for how he would tackle technology policy… Meanwhile, Mr. Trump’s advocacy of tighter limits on immigration and trade alarmed an industry that prizes high-skilled immigrants and gets most of its revenue from overseas.”
“The electorate’s endorsement of Mr. Trump’s populist message, which broadly blamed elites for the problems of many disaffected Americans, could also spell trouble for Silicon Valley, which has spawned companies that delivered far more in profits and stock-market valuations than they have jobs for middle-class workers,” Thadani reports. “The GOP candidate received scant support from prominent technology executives other than entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel.”
“Alphabet enjoyed a particularly close relationship with the Obama administration and its chairman, Eric Schmidt, helped early development of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. Mrs. Clinton’s technology policy blueprint broadly echoed the Obama administration’s, emphasizing a close relationship with the private sector,” Thadani reports. “Debates over encryption, privacy and other tech issues are likely to intensify during Mr. Trump’s presidency, which will begin as the tech industry appears on the cusp of disruptive innovations—in areas such as self-driving cars, robots and artificial intelligence—that would require new policy responses.”
“There could be a silver lining for tech companies, though. Scott Kessler of CFRA Research said Mr. Trump’s win, coupled with continued Republican control of Congress, increases the chances for changes to the tax code that could enable U.S. companies to bring home more overseas profits. U.S. companies have an estimated $2 trillion stashed overseas—including $216 billion in cash and investments held offshore by Apple as of Sept. 24,” Thadani reports. “And Mr. Trump is likely to adopt a light regulatory touch that could benefit tech businesses, said Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. A Trump administration is unlikely to expand regulatory oversight on encryption, or in areas of innovation like artificial intelligence, meaning there will be “a lot more freedom to innovate with data and algorithms, so that is very good for tech,” Mr. Atkinson said.”
Read more in the full article .
MacDailyNews Take: Peter Thiel is certainly sitting in the catbird seat today. Eric T. Mole is not.
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Reference #9.1c9ffe99..3578cdd扫二维码下载作业帮
&&&& One of the best decisions you can make in your twenties is to explore. Exploring postcollege choiceslooks a in fact
being lost is normal and productive at this stage in life. &&&& In the past
people were penalized(处罚)for getting lost. For example
dropping out of high school for a year to explore made colleges think you were hospitalized for mental instability. But it's a differentstory today. Right after college
you don't get dinged(教训)for taking time off. Most graduate andprofessional schools today would prefer the students who take time to go away
have different experiences
and then come back refocused. &&&& Why is there so much respect for exploration?Part of the reason is that there is no better way of figuring out what will make you happy. "We are not very good at using our imaginations when it comesto how we'll feel in a given circumstance " says Daniel Gilbert
a professor of psychology at Harvard University. Therefore
he recommends that we test out a lot of different careers. He admits that thismethod takes time
but he says it's worth it because otherwise you're likely to make a decision based on money
which does not always lead to happiness. &&&& What about the people who pull their life together in a tight little package by age twenty-four?They're the exception to the rule
according to Wayne Osgood
a professor of sociology at Pennsylvania State University. He labels these people "fast starters" and explains that they are only about 12 percentof the population. Some fast starters are just plain lucky: they love the first job they get after college. The other 88 percent of us have to march through our twenties formulating(规划)a new career plan. &&&& The good news is that this is what most people are doing in their twenties:wandering
taking trips changing jobs every year
volunteering for unpaid work while living at their parents' house
and starting businesses that fail. All these choices are
right on track for making a good decision about what to do with yourself in adult life.
1. According to the passage
exploring after college in your twenties __________.
A. means you get lost in your lifeB. assists you in choosing a suitable careerC. is just a waste of your valuable timeD. is a kind of mental instability
2. Exploration is so much respected because __________.
A. it helps you to earn much more money than othersB. it improves your imagination in a given situationC. it is the best way to find your happinessD. it promises you various choices of careers
3. Who can be called "fast starters" ?
A. People who find their favorite jobs earlier. B. People who stand out among others. C. People who love their jobs very much. D. People who always carry a small package with them.
4. What statement may the author agree to ?
A. The earlier you work
the happier you are. B. Exploration is to travel around the world. C. Choosing a career is nothing but easy. D. An indirect route is the route to happiness.
5. This passage can be classified as __________.
A. humorous&&&&&&B. argumentativeC. narrative&&D. poetic
1-5: BCADB


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