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(Biu Biu Biu)
1st debater
1. Constructive speech:
Supporting argument 1:
First of all, there is rare true love existing on campus. According to the year 2005’s Education Blue Book released by China Social Science Academy, about 88.8% of college students regarded campus love was a physical need. It other words, true love on campus is as precious as panda. For many students, either in love or still seeking for love, their main motivation and aim is to avoid boredom and add color to college life. Everyday they go to classes, rush to the dining hall, and drag their feet to dormitories. Then one day they realized how boring and uninteresting their life is and it is necessary to find company. So they start their seeking. When they finally grab someone as their lovers, even themselves don’t know what they truly like is the person or the feeling of falling in love.
Supporting argument 2:
Second, college students are not psychologically mature enough to afford love. Tragic events, such as suicides, murders, violent acts from unrequited love are not unfamiliar to people. Though someone may say these kinds of things rarely happen, it is true that tragedies exist. And once any of them happens, sorrow, harm, and bad influence are not only brought to parents or relatives but also the whole school even the whole society. College students are late adolescents, esp. freshmen and sophomores. They are easily get irritated and desperate, sometimes even can’t help to go to the extreme. If something out of expect happened in their romantic relationships, for instance, break-up, they may do something really harmful.
Supporting argument 3:
Last but not least, college students are not able to take the responsibility of love. Love is not a beautiful rose one can enjoy, but also a fragile vase one needs to take care of and be responsible for. Responsibility means much. For example, when sweethearts get hurt, comfort and a reliable shoulde when lovers get bad mood, jokes and a smiling when companies get involved in troubles, encouragement and helpful advices should be given. But since college students are still not mature enough, sometimes the methods they handle problems are not quite proper and useful. How can they afford the responsibility of taking another person while themselves need to be looked after?
Supporting argument 4
In conclusion, Campus love should not be encouraged because true love is rare, and college students are not psychologically mature or able to hold the responsibility of love. I’ll now quote a famous saying as an example to clarify my stand, “As a member in the transfer crowd, there’s no doubt that we college student should lay emphasis on study, including all-round study of professional knowledge, communication art,
self-planning, rational thinking and so forth. While it is right such character that provides young college students with a fundamental standard for life―always work at the useful and vital things, and be a realistic person. These students are not independent in economic, not mature in personality and not perfect mentally yet.”
2. Questions for opponents:
1) Now that you suggest that students should love in college campus, do you have girlfriend or boyfriend?
2) Can lovers still live together after they graduating from college?
3) In your opinion, can most of boys find their princess in HIT?
3. Predicted Questions from opponents
1) Do you have admired some isomerism?
2) Do you feel lonely when you study out of your town?
3) If you are a girl, can you resist of sweet words from so many rich or handsome boys in HIT?
LOVE right?wrong?
In modern times,love is a popular topic,espacially in our fleshmen.But is it right or wrong on earth?
When we get in a university,we can see many loves here and there.Some people say that it is a good thing but others think it is a bad thing.
In my opinion,love is very strange.It can make you more strong and happy if you can deal with it in a suitable way.On the other hand,if you get struct,you many lost a lot.We should see love as a sord with two sides. we must strongth our study ability at first.Then we can think about love.
At last,I hope everone can have a good love .
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如果不是非对方不可,先做好朋友吧 不要伤害 毕业了一切尘埃落定了有缘分再说
如果觉得非对方不可 就把自己变优秀 然后不离不弃在一起 爱若坚定 只会是两个人的事
成功率不是很高 甚至很低


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