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  S (sulphur) 硫
  sabin 沙平,赛宾(声吸收单位,相当于一平方英尺开窗的吸声量)
  sac 囊,袋
  saccharascope 发酵糖定量器
  saccharide 糖,糖类
  saccharimeter 糖定量器
  saccharimetry 糖量测定法
  saccharin 糖精,邻磺苯甲酰亚胺
  saccharin sodium 糖精钠
  saccharo- 糖
  saccharometer 糖定量计
  saccharum 糖,蔗糖
  sack 包,袋,囊
  safe ①安全的,保险的 ②保险箱
  safeguard 保险器,防护设备
  safilight 安全灯(暗室用)
  safelight lamp 安全灯
  safe tracer dosage 安全示踪剂量
  safety ①安全,保险 ②保险装置
  safety device 安全装置
  safety equipment 安全设备
  safety funnel 安全漏斗
  safety lamp 安全灯
  safety light 安全信号灯
  safety needle 安全别针
  safety razor 保险刀
  sagittal 矢状的
  sagittal section 矢状切面
  sagittal saw 矢状
  Sahlin respirator 萨林氏呼吸器
  sake 理由,缘故,目的
  sal 盐
  Salah's sternal puncture needle 萨勒氏胸骨穿刺针
  Sale 销售,卖出
  sale by sample 凭货样销售
  sales confirmation 销售确认书
  sales contract 销售合同
  salesperson 售货人
  salient ①显著的,突出的 ②凸出的
  salient pole type 凸极式
  salimeter 盐液浓度计,盐液比重计
  saline 盐水,含盐的
  saline needle 盐水针头
  saline syringe 盐水注射器
  salinity 盐(浓)度,含盐量
  salinometer 盐量测定计,盐液密度计
  saliva 涎,唾液
  saliva aspirator 涎吸引器,排唾液器
  saliva ejector 排涎器,吸唾液器
  saliva pump 牙泵,排涎器
  salpingo- ①输卵管 ②咽鼓管
  salpingocatheterism 输卵管导管插入法
  salpingography 输卵管造影术
  salpingoscope 咽鼓管镜
  salpingoscopy 咽鼓管镜检查
  salpinx 管
  salt bridge 盐桥
  salt-dye 盐类染料
  salting out 盐析,加盐分离
  salve 软膏,油膏
  salve dressing 软膏敷裹
  salve mull 药布
  samarium (abbr. Sm; Sa) 钐
  same phase 同相位
  sample ①样品,标本 ②样本
  sample bottle 样品瓶
  sample chamber 样品测量仪
  sample changer 标本转换器
  sample dish 样器碟
  sample harvester 标本采集器
  sample injector 加样注射器
  sample mill 样品磨
  sampler 采样器,取样器
  sampler micropipet 取样用微量吸管
  sampling 采样,取样,抽样
  sampling action 采样,抽样
  sampling electrode 取样电极
  sampling error 取样误差
  sampling inspection 取样检查
  sampling instrument 采样器
  sampling rate meter 抽样率计
  sampling report 样品报告
  sampling technique 抽样技术
  sampling tube 采样管
  sand 沙,沙土
  sand bag 沙囊,沙袋
  sand paper 沙纸
  sand paper strip 沙纸磨带
  sandstone needle 砂石针
  sanitarium 疗养院,疗养所
  sanitary belt 卫生带
  sanitary glove 卫生手套
  sanitary legislation 卫生法规
  sanitary towel 卫生带
  sanitation 环境卫生
  sapo 肥皂,皂
  saponification 皂化作用
  saponification number 皂化值
  saponifier 皂化剂
  sarco- 肉,肌
  sarcoma 弹簧刀,肌切开刀
  satisfactory 满意的,良好的
  saturated 饱和的
  saturated calomel electrode 饱和甘汞电极
  saturated solution 饱和溶液
  saturation 饱和,饱和状态
  saturation point 饱和点
  saturator 饱和器
  Saturday (abbr. Sat.) 星期六
  save 救,节约,储存
  save-all ①节生器,节约装置 ②防溅器
  saver 节约器,节约装置
  saw 锯
  saw guide 锯导子
  saw handle 锯柄
  saw shape 锯形
  sawtooth 锯齿,锯齿状的
  sawtooth generator 锯齿波发生器
  wawtooth sweep 锯齿波扫描
  Sayre's apparatus 塞尔式吊架(使用石膏背夹时,用以悬吊病人的器 械)
  Sayre's bandage 塞尔式绷带(锁骨折绊创膏绷带)
  Sayre's jacket 塞尔式背心(石膏背心)
  Sb(stibium) 锑
  Sc (scandium) 钪
  scale ①刻度,度数,比例尺 ②天平,称
  scale marker 标度
  scale paper 方格纸
  scale plate 刻度板
  scaler ①刮牙器 ②定标器
  scale range 刻度范围
  scaler file 刮锉
  scaling ①定标 ②刮牙术
  scaling block 定标器
  scaling circuit 定标电路
  scalp 头皮
  scalp clamp 头皮钳
  scalp clip 头皮夹
  scalp disc electrode 头皮圆形电极(脑电图用)
  scalpel 解剖刀,手术刀
  scalpel blade 手术刀片
  scalpel handle 解剖刀柄
  scalp forceps 头皮钳
  scalp hemostat 头皮止血器
  scalp hemostatic clip 头皮止血夹
  scalp hemostatic forceps 头皮止血钳
  scalp heedle 头皮针
  scalp retractor 头皮拉钩,头皮牵开器
  scalpriform 凿形的
  scalprum 骨刮,骨锉,凿
  scan 扫描
  scanatron 扫描管
  scan converter 扫描变换器
  scandium (abbr.Sc) 钪
  scan flyback interval 扫描回程时间
  scanheads 扫描探头
  scanner 扫描仪
  scanner unit 扫描机
  scanning ①扫描(的) ②全景摄影
  scanning agent 同位素扫描剂
  scanning apparatus 扫描仪
  scanning device 扫描器,扫描设备
  scanning electron microscope 扫描电子显微镜
  scanning line 扫描线
  scanning microscope 扫描显微镜
  scanning monitor 扫描监控器
  scanning scintillation spectrometer 扫描闪烁光谱仪
  scanning spectrophotometer 扫描式分光光度计
  scanning speed 扫描速度
  scanning spot 扫描光点
  scanning telemeter 扫描遥测计
  scanogram 扫描图像
  scanography 扫描照像术
  scanoscope 扫描显示器
  scanpath 扫描途径
  scan-round 循环扫描
  scapula 肩胛骨
  scapular retractor 肩胛骨牵开器
  scarf 领带,围巾
  scarf bandage 三角绷带,三角巾
  scarfskin 表皮
  scarification 划痕,划破
  scarificator 划痕器(用以划破皮肤的器械)
  scarifier 划痕器
  scarifying knife 划痕刀
  scatoscopy 粪便检视法
  scatter 散射,扩散
  scatter diagram 散点图
  scattered photon 散射光子
  scatterer 散热器,扩散器
  scatula 盒子,小箱
  schedule 目录,图表,清单
  schema 图,纲要,方案
  schematic ①概略的,图解的,示意的 ②简图
  schematogram 体形图
  schematograph ①视野轮廓测定器 ②体形缩绘器
  scheme ①图表,图解 ②电路,线路图
  Schilling's blood count 希林氏血细胞计数(血像)
  Schilling's specific gravity gas 希林氏气体比重装置
  schisto- 裂,分裂
  schistometer 声门裂测量器
  school microscope 教学显微镜
  Schultze's monochord 舒尔策氏单音听觉器
  schwelle 阈,界限
  sciagram X 射线照片
  sciagraphy X 射线照像术
  scialyscope 投影机,隔室传真装置(将手术情况投影于另一暗室中的装 置)
  sciascopy 视网膜镜检查
  science 科学,学科
  science tools 科学工具
  scientific 科学的
  scientist 科学家,科学工作者
  scintigram 闪烁图
  scintigraphy 闪烁扫描术
  scintillascope 闪烁计,闪烁镜
  scintillation 闪烁(现象),闪光
  scintillation camera 闪光照像机
  scintillation counter 闪烁计数器
  scintillation detector 闪烁检测器
  scintillation eammacamera 闪烁伽玛照像机
  scintillation probe 闪烁探头
  scintillation scanner 闪烁扫描仪
  scintillation spectrometer 闪烁光谱计
  scintillator ①闪烁器 ②闪烁体
  scintillometer 闪烁计数器
  scintilloscope 闪烁镜
  scintiphoto 闪烁照片
  scintiphotograph 闪烁照像,闪烁(照)片
  scintiphotography 闪烁照像术
  scintiscan 闪烁扫描
  scintiscanner 闪烁扫描器
  scissel 金属托片(牙托用)
  scissors 剪刀
  scissors forceps 剪钳
  scissors probe 长剪探子
  sclera 巩膜
  scleral fixation forceps 巩膜固定镊
  scleral hook 巩膜钩
  scleral illuminator 巩膜照明器
  scleral marker 巩膜指标,巩膜标示器
  sclerectome 巩膜刀
  sclero- ①硬 ②巩膜
  sclerometer 硬度计
  scleroscope 硬度计,验硬器
  sclerosis 硬化
  sclerotome 巩膜刀
  scolio- 弯曲
  scoliometer ①脊柱侧凸测量计 ②弯度针
  scoliosiometry 脊柱凸度测量法
  scoliosometer ①脊柱侧凸测量计 ②弯度计
  scoliotone 脊柱侧凸矫正器
  scoop 匙,杓
  scoop forceps 匙状钳
  scope 观察仪器(如显微镜,示波器,示波镜,显示器等)
  -scope 镜,检查镜
  scope and range 范围
  scope camera 内窥镜照像机
  scopograph 荧光射影机,透视照像机
  scopometer 浊度计,视测浊度计
  -scopy ①观察,检查 ②检查法,镜检法
  scoto- 暗,盲
  scotogram ①X 射线照片 ②暗室显影片
  scotograph ①X 射线照片 ②暗室显影片
  scotography ①X 射线照像术 ②暗室显影术
  scotoma 暗点,盲点
  scotomagraph 暗点描记器
  scotomameter 暗点测量计
  scotometer 暗点计,暗点诊断计
  scotopia 暗适应,暗视
  scotoscopy ①X 射线透视检查 ②视网膜镜检查
  Scott venous canula 透明静脉套管,斯科特氏静脉导管
  scourer 洗刷器,刮刀
  scraper 刮器,刮刀
  screen ①屏幕,荧光屏 ②筛,滤网
  screenage 影像
  screen-grid 屏栅极
  screening ①普检 ②荧光屏检查
  screening andiomete 判断听力计
  screening coordinate recorder 扫描座标记录器
  screen intensity 荧光屏亮度
  screen mesh 筛孔,筛眼
  screen plate 过滤板,筛板
  screen-type film 增感纸胶片
  screw ①螺丝钉 ②旋转器
  screw antenna 螺旋形天线
  screw-driver 螺丝起子,旋凿
  screw-driver with voltage tester 试电笔
  screw elevator 螺旋牙根梃,螺旋起子
  screw holding forceps 接骨螺钉夹持钳,持螺丝钳
  screw micrometer 螺旋测微计
  screw nut 螺母
  screw probe 螺旋探子
  screw pump 螺旋泵
  screw-wedge 螺旋开口器
  scrub 擦洗,除去
  scrubber 洗涤器,洗氧器
  scrubbing brush 洗衣刷
  SCV (sensory nerve conduction velocity) 感觉神经传导速度
  Se (selenium) 硒
  S.E. (standard error) 标准误差
  seal ①封印,图章 ②熔封,密封
  sealed tube 熔封管,密闭管
  sealer 密封器,保护屏
  sealing wax 封蜡
  seam 缝,接口处
  seamless alloy tooth crown 无缝合金牙冠,无缝冠
  seamless steel gas cylinder 钢质无缝气瓶
  search 探索,检查
  searcher 膀胱石探杆
  seat 座位,位置
  seat-type microscope lamp 座式显微镜灯
  second (abgr. Sec.) ①秒 ②副,第二
  secondary battery 蓄电池组
  secondary electron 次级电子
  second rib shears 第二肋骨剪
  secret 秘密的,隐蔽的
  section ①部分,区域 ②零件 ③切片
  sectional radiography 体层X 射线照像术,断层X 射线照像术
  sectional roentgenography 体层X 射线照像术
  sectional splint 分段夹
  section biopsy unit 活组织检查切割装置
  section-cutting 切片法
  sectioning 切片法
  section lifter 移片铲
  section preparation 切片标本
  section razor 切片刀
  section staining 切片染色法
  sector 扇形,区段
  sector display 扇形显示
  sector gate 扇形闸门
  sectorial 扇形的,瓣状的
  sector probe 扇形探头
  sector scan 扇形扫描
  sector scan indicator 扇形扫描显示器
  sector scanning 扇形扫描
  sector scanning controller 扇形扫描控制器
  sectometer 真空管滴定计
  security 安全,保证
  security truss 护疝带
  security valve 安全阀
  sediment 沉淀,沉积物
  sedimentation 沉淀(作用),沉降
  sedimentation tank 沉淀池
  sedimentation tube 血沉降管
  sedimentation unit 血沉测定仪
  sedimentator 沉淀器,离心器
  sediment burette 沉淀滴定管
  sediment collector 沉淀收集器
  sedimentometer 血球沉降速度计
  sediment tube 沉淀管
  sedimeter 沉淀计
  sedimetry 沉淀滴定[1][][][][][]
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Medical English is a branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP),and it requires the learners to translate the English literatures of Medicine correctly and perfectly. For college medical students,how to translate the Medical English technical words into Chinese properly becomes an important objective in Medical English teaching.The cultivation of techniques and skills of technical words translation in Medical English was discussed as illustrated by some examples from the textbook, and this will be helpful to the improvement and practical application of Medical English translation.
长治医学院 外语教学部,长治,046000
求助5个临床医学术语翻译 已经解决,谢谢matche
In an average 800 bed acute hospital trust,with an average of 8.4 incidents per 1000 bed days.Many programmes
over-emphasise the prediction of risk in individual patients,he said. "But on a bad day I am more inclined to say, ‘Don't bother. I don't believe it any more.'"the city that has the most successful intervention programme to date.programme , 就是program,程序,项目。acute hospital trust
正规的急诊医院 Acute = fast onsetbed days
床日bed day. 也可以理解为:病人住院日数;病床使用日数programs
计划 楼主可能拼写错误了!over-emphasise overemphasize 过分强调But on a bad day I am more inclined to say, ‘Don't bother. I don't believe it any more但是在糟糕的一天,我更倾向于对自己说:"别烦了,我不会再相信了."我犯了个错误!谢谢matche探讨一下,acute hospital trust应该是指急救医院,trust是指具有法律意义的单位,可以不翻。bed days指住院天数,住院日倾向于同意heizuzu的解释。Acute trusts 好像是英国NHS (national health servise) 的一种信托机构,不知道怎么翻译。NHS trusts which provide secondary care or hospital-based healthcare services. An Acute trust may cover one or more hospitals. Hospitals or other NHS services managed by their own board of directors. NHS trusts provide the majority of secondary care and specialist services in hospitals. Acute trusts provide acute care from one or more hospitals. Integrated service trusts provide acute and community health services, and in some cases mental health services. Mental health trusts cover mental health and in some cases people with learning disabilities. Some trusts also act as regional or national centres of expertise for more specialised care, while others are attached to universities and help to train health professionals. Community NHS trusts provide services in the community through health centres, clinics or in people's homes, although much of their work has been taken over by primary care trusts.intervention programme 干预程序/干预机制, programme= program
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