liunx 切换用户中gets用什么代替

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Paul Ducklin is a passionate security proselytiser. (That's like an evangelist, but more so!) He lives and breathes computer security, and would be happy for you to do so, too.
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Paul Ducklin
Paul Ducklin
Paul Ducklin
Paul Ducklin
Paul Ducklin在Linux下,使用
函数报错:warning: the 'gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.
char * gets ( char * str );//Get string from stdin
Reads characters from stdin and stores them as a string into str&&until a newline character ('\n') or the End-of-File is reached.The ending newline character ('\n') is not included in the string.A null character ('\0') is automatically appended after the last character copied to str to signal the end of the C string.
Notice that gets does not behave exactly as fgets does with stdin as argument: First, the ending newline character is not included with gets while with fgets it is. And second,&gets does not let you specify a limit on how many characters are to be read, so you must be careful with the size of the array pointed by str to avoid buffer overflows.
说明:红色部分很好地解释了&the 'gets' function is dangerous and should not be used&这个warning的原因。
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