
寒冷基本翻译coldchill网络释义寒冷:coldness|die Kaelte,opl.|frigidity寒冷感觉:chilly sensation|chilly se ation沿海寒冷:coastal summer coolness cold [kəuld]基本翻译n.寒冷;感冒adj.寒冷的;冷淡的,不热情的;失去知觉的adv.完全地网络释义cold:感冒,伤风,着凉|冷酷|感冒cold store:冷藏库|冷藏室|冷库cold machining:冷加工|冷切削|冷(机械)加工chill [tʃil]基本翻译n.寒冷;寒心;寒意adj.寒冷的;冷漠的;扫兴的vt.使寒心;使感到冷;冷冻,冷藏vi.冷藏;变冷网络释义chill:打冷颤|寒战|寒气的Summer Chill:悠闲夏日|悠闲夏日|悠闲夏日 英文群星chill block:冷硬试件|冷铁试样|冷铁,冷硬试件 coldness基本翻译n.寒冷;冷淡网络释义coldness:寒冷|性冷感|严寒coldness index:寒冷指数|严寒指数coldness extremities:释义:四肢发冷
coldness 的解释:n. 寒冷,冷淡等
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简明英汉词典chill[tFil]n.寒意, 寒战, 寒心adj.寒冷的, 扫兴的v.使冷, 变冷, 冷藏美国传统词典[双解]chillchillAHD:[ch1l] D.J.[t.il]K.K.[t.!l]n.(名词)(1)A moderate but penetrating coldness.寒气:温和但有穿透力的寒冷(2)A sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.冷:常伴有打寒战和脸色苍白的寒冷的感觉(3)A checking or dampening of enthusiasm, spirit, or joy:沮丧:热情、精神或快乐的抵制或降低:bad news that put a chill on the celebration.使庆祝活动变得扫兴的坏消息(4)A sudden numbing fear or dread.恐惧:一种突然的、使人失去知觉的害怕或恐惧adj.(形容词)(1)M chilly:偏冷的;寒飕飕的:a chill wind.冷飕飕的风(2)N distant:不热情的;不友好的;疏远的:a chill greeting.冷淡的问候(3)D dispiriting:令人沮丧的;扫兴的:“Chill penury repressed their noble rage”(Thomas Gray)“令人沮丧的贫穷迫使他们克制自己全然有理的愤怒”(托马斯?格雷)v.(动词)chilled, chill.ing, chillsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To affect with or as if with cold.患感冒,遭受风寒(2)To
cool.降低…的温度;使冷却(3)T dispirit.使…泄气;使…扫兴(4)Metallurgy To harden (a metallic surface) by rapid cooling.【冶金学】 冷铸,冷淬:通过急冷处理使(金属表面)变硬v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To be seized with cold.感到寒冷(2)To become cold or set:变冷或凝固:jelly that chills quickly.迅速凝结的嗜喱(3)Metallurgy To become hard by rapid cooling.【冶金学】 通过急冷处理变硬语源(1)Middle English chile 中古英语 chile (2)from Old English cele * see gel- 源自 古英语 cele *参见 gel- 继承用法chill“inglyadv.(副词)chill“nessn.(名词)现代英汉词典chill[tFIl]n.(1)风寒;战颤发抖(2)寒冷;凉意a chill in the air凉意There was a chill in the air when I got out the house this morning.今天早上我出门时有点寒气袭人。(3)失望;扫兴;灰心词性变化chillvt., vi.(1)使变冷;冰冻(2)(由于害怕)战栗,寒颤,心凉chilladj.(1)凉的;寒冷的a chill wind冷风(2)冷淡的;冷漠的;令人沮丧的a chill meeting冷漠的会见现代英汉综合大辞典chill[tFil]n.(1)寒冷(2)寒战(3)冷淡, 薄情(4)寒心, 扫兴, 沮丧(5)【冶】冷却, 冷凝, 冷激, 冷淬, 冷硬, 冷铸, 冷模, 冷冻(6)冷却物, 金属型, 铸模(7)【化】失光There is quite a chill in the air this morning.今天早晨的空气颇有寒意。He has caught a chill.他受寒了。The bad news cast a chill over the whole family.这坏消息使全家人感到沮丧。词性变化chill[tFil]adj.(1)冷飕飕的(2)冷酷的, 冷淡的, 使人寒心的a chill breeze带寒意的微风The host gave him a chill reception.主人(对客人而言)对他的接待是冷淡的。chill[tFil]vt.(1)使变冷, 使感到冷(2)冷却, 冷冻, 冷藏, 冷凝(3)使扫兴, 使沮丧, 使寒心(4)【冶】冷淬, 冷铸, 冷模(5)[口]把...热一下The freezing weather chilled me to the bone.寒冷的天气使我感到冰冷刺骨。Don't chill their enthusiasm.不要对他们的热情泼冷水。chill[tFil]vi.(1)变冷, 发冷, 觉得冷(2)冷却, 冷淬I put some beer in the ice-box to chill.我把几瓶啤酒放进冰箱里冷冻。继承用法chill-castingn.冷铸chill-downn.冷却, 冷凝chill-proofadj.抗寒的, 防止冷冻浑浊的chillnessn.chillsomeadj.寒冷的习惯用语cast a chill over使扫兴, 泼冷水, 使...寒心catch a chill风寒, 感冒, 着凉take a chill风寒, 感冒, 着凉feel a chill打冷颤, 发冷have a chill打冷颤, 发冷take the chill off驱赶寒气, 暖和暖和, 发汗, (饮料等)暖一暖, 烫一烫特殊用法air chill空气冷硬[冷淬, 淬火]; (铸铁的)白口化complete chill全白口contracting chill收缩冷铁模corner chill圆棒冷铁external chill外冷铁, 金属型(铸)grid chill栅型(内)冷铁hearth chill炉缸冻结, 炉缸向凉inner chill内冷铁internal chill内冷铁; 反白口inverse chill(1)反淬火(2)反白口iron chill冷铁ladle chill桶中激冷, 桶中降温reverse chill反白口spider chill框架式(内)冷铁wind chill【气】风寒用法词典chill来自中古英语< 古英语 ciele 寒冷英文相关词典chillheat&&&&warm&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典chill寒冷[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典chill霜[七国语言]英汉冶金大词典chill白口层;内冷铁[七国语言]英汉医学大词典chill寒战美国传统词典chillchillAHD:[ch1l] D.J.[t.il]K.K.[t.!l]n.(1)A moderate but penetrating coldness.(2)A sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.(3)A checking or dampening of enthusiasm, spirit, or joy:bad news that put a chill on the celebration.(4)A sudden numbing fear or dread.adj.(1)M chilly:a chill wind.(2)N distant:a chill greeting.(3)D dispiriting:“Chill penury repressed their noble rage”(Thomas Gray)v.chilled, chill.ing, chillsv.tr.(1)To affect with or as if with cold.(2)To
cool.(3)T dispirit.(4)Metallurgy To harden (a metallic surface) by rapid cooling.v.intr.(1)To be seized with cold.(2)To become cold or set:jelly that chills quickly.(3)Metallurgy To become hard by rapid cooling.语源(1)Middle English chile (2)from Old English cele * see gel- 继承用法chill“inglyadv.chill“nessn.[名词委审定]英汉计算机名词(第二版, 2002)CHILLCHILL语言英汉船舶大词典chill n.骤冻,铸模 英汉电力大词典chill n.冷却,冷冻,冷淬 朗文英汉综合电脑词典chill 冷却,致冷 英汉航空大词典chill n.冷却,冷冻 英汉化学大词典chill n.冷藏,冷却物,激冷,失光,冷冻,冷却,冷铸;adj.冷却,急发,寒冷的 英汉海运大词典chill 速冻,激冷冷淬,激冷硬化铸模(使)速冻(使)冷淬,(使)激冷硬化 基本词义chill 速冻,激冷冷淬,激冷硬化铸模速冻冷淬,激冷硬化使速冻使冷淬寒冷的 基本词义chill (使)速冻,(使)冷淬,(使)激冷铸模寒冷的 基本词义chill 寒冷冷淬,硬化,铸模 基本词义chill 寒冷冷淬,硬化,铸模 英汉经贸大词典chill n.冷藏,冷却物,激冷,失光;adj.冷却,急发 英汉计算机大词典chill n.冷藏(冷却物,激冷;adj.冷却(急发) 英汉机械大词典chill n.金属型,激冷铸型 英汉建筑大词典chill n.寒冷,冷冻 英汉农牧林大词典chill n.冷 英汉汽车大词典chill n.冷硬 英汉心理学大词典chill 寒冷 英汉冶金大词典chill n.冷却,激冷 英汉医学大词典chill n.寒战,受寒 英汉中医大词典chill n.寒冷,受寒,寒战 英汉造纸大词典chill n.金属型,激冷铸型,锭模
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音标:[ t&#643;il ]&&发音:&&过去式: chilled&&&过去分词: chilled&&&名词复数: chills&&&现在分词: chilling&&&
中文翻译n.1.冷,寒冷,发冷;冷却;冷冻;【冶金】冷模,冷铸。2.冷淡;薄情。3.扫兴;沮丧,寒心。短语和例子a chill in the air 恶冷,透骨的冷。 cast a chill over 使扫兴,泼冷水。 catch a chill 受寒,发冷。 chills and fever 〔美方〕间歇热,疟疾,打摆子。 feel [have] a chill 打冷颤,发冷。 take a chill 受寒,发冷。 take the chill off 热一热,烫一烫(酒等)。adj.1.〔书面语〕冷,寒。2.冷淡的,薄情的;隔膜的;冷酷的;扫兴的,使…寒心的。vt.1.使变冷;使感觉冷;冰冻(食物);冷却,冷藏。2.使扫兴,使寒心。3.【冶金】冷铸,冷淬。4.〔口语〕把(酒等)温一下,热一下。vi.冷却,变冷;发冷。adv.-ingly &&&&美国政体&&&&急冷晶体&&&&寒冷的夜晚&&&&空气激冷; 空气冷硬&&&&大寒&&&&风寒, 感冒, 着凉&&&&感冒&&&&冷藏区&&&&水冷门拱&&&&激冷面积&&&&冷冻稀释&&&&导热衬垫; 导热杆; 激冷试棒&&&&冷铁试样; 冷硬试件; 三角试块&&&&冷藏舱; 冷藏室; 冷藏箱; 冷却箱; 冷铸箱&&&&冷藏车&&&&硬模铸造&&&&急冷铸造; 金属型铸造; 冷硬铸件; 冷硬铸铁犁体; 冷硬铸造; 铸件&&&&冷硬铸件&&&&激冷件涂料; 金属模涂料,冷硬涂料; 冷铁涂料; 冷硬涂料&&&&冷硬线圈; 螺旋状内冷铁&&&&螺旋状内冷铁&&&&白口检验&&&&冷却槽&&&&淬裂; 激冷裂缝; 急冷裂纹; 冷硬裂痕(铸疵)&&&&奇尔库特山口&&&&混合入冰镇子弹杯
例句与用法His speech cast a chill over the hospital .他的话使全医院为之寒心。The foggy air was full of chill menace .空气里弥漫着浓雾,寒意侵人。Penbury always had a chilling effect .彭伯里总是起着使人扫兴的作用。One chill spring night she died .在一个阴冷的春天夜里,她去世了。It chilled and almost numbed him at first .这使他心冷了,甚至呆住了。Melons taste better if they are chilled .冰镇的西瓜味道要好得多。It 's spring but there 's still a chill in the air .初春季节仍有寒意。His eyes were as hard as chilled steel .他的目光就象冰冷的钢铁般冷酷。He caught a chill from getting wet in the rain .他叫雨激着了。It chilled her usually courageous spirit .这使她永不胆怯的心灵寒颤起来。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释coldness due to a cold environment同义词:, , an almost pleasurable "a frisson of surprise shot through him"同义词:, , , , , , a sudden numbing dread同义词:, a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever同义词:,
"The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"同义词:, ,
"Chill the food"同义词:, , d "The news of the city''s surrender chilled the soldiers"
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