bbe more likely to doo有将来时吗?比如说will be likely to

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&& 北美留学
  例如Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level. 改为include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level. 语义重复,前面有possible, 后面不再需要may。笔者在日考试遇到此题,心中窃喜。(考点补充:melting+ the polar ice caps,“Doing+宾语”结构,体现出动词性,不能与a rising sea level平行对称。“Doing+of” 结构体现出名词性,能与a rise in sea level平行对称。 )
  例如PREP1-141/ The federal rules aimed at protecting human subjects of medical experiments were established to ensure that patients must be warned of potential risks and an independent panel would evaluate the experiment before it was conducted.改为 would be warned of potential risks and that an independent panel would。原文ensure和must语义重复,必须去掉must。(考点补充:一、第二个宾语从句引导词that必须给出,两个宾语从句用and连接。)
  例如PREP2-128/ A Food and Drug Administration rule implemented in December 2000 mandates that any new drug that they intend to be used both by adults and children must undergo pediatric study and that its manufacturers list children's doses on the label.改为 drug intended for use by both adults and children。Must和mandate词义重复,GMAT语法中mandate/order/suggest that somebody do something的结构,do要求使用原型,且动词do前面不能加should、must。(考点补充:一、代词指代,They没有指代对象;二、平行并列,原文both…and连接对象不平行,应是both by… and by或者by both…and结构。)
  (一) Must/ Have to
  1、Must:& 原文有must,答案尽量有must,不能说“原文有must答案一定有must”。
  例如Lan303-57/ Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn from “ a fair cross section of the community”. 原文正确,原文不存在语义重复,must尽量保留。(考点补充:没有根据,不能无缘无故改变句子的时态,原文时态90%是对的。nearly a century,在GMAT语法中,出现century和decade这两个词,大段时间,要闪光识别,优先查看使用现在完成时的选项。)
  2、have to体现主观表达,要优选Must,含义客观。
  例如PREP2-134/ If a drug that is already on the market has the potential to help adults and children who have the same disease, or if it is widely used in children and the absence of labeling seems dangerous, the FDA can require that the drug undergo pediatric study.原文正确,不能改为 the drug to have to undergo。Require已经表达了have to的含义,语义重复。
  笔者不认为应该从have to 这个小词突破解题,have to也是GMAT语法接受的表达。
  例如To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic determinants of fertility.
  A.have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic
  B.have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
  C.would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
  D.would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic
  E.would have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economical
  D选项正确,此题五个选项都有have to,可见是GMAT接受的表达。(考点补充:一、economic经济上的、经济学的,economical节约的、经济的,关键是有Cal,抠门的扣。GMAT是商学院入学考试,涉及经济问题,所以要排除cal扣。二、逗号前面的To do表示未来、表示目的,用Would虚拟语气,used when talking about a possible situation that you imagine or want to happen.)
  例如T-4-Q30/ Unlike the short flights of the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which carried sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries, a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its own electricity.改为the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights。考生可看到未划线处的will have to,再次验证have to是GMAT语法接受的表达。(考点补充:Unlike A, B do结构,AB同类名词,比较对象要对等。)
  优选排序:Can& be able to& ability (of sb) to do& capable of doing& capability to do/ of doing从易到难
  例如PREP2-142/ The ability of scientists to provide models of the atmosphere’s complex responses to changing conditions, like seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions, have become ever more accurate. 改为 Scientists have become able to provide ever more accurate models of the atmosphere’s complex responses to such changing conditions as seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions. Be able to do 优于 the ability of sb to do。(考点补充:举例用such as,不用like)
  例如OG12-34/ OG11-28/ Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.改为whether it can broaden its membership and leave,不能改为whether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave。笔者在GMAT语法中尚未遇到capability正确的情况(考点补充:主、宾、介宾、所有格宾语:优先使用名词/名词性从句。depends on介词+宾语,引导名词性从句表“是否”只用Whether 不用if,Whether or not表达罗嗦。但是不能说“whether or not出现就错”,只是相比之下没有whether简洁。在没有whether的时候,whether or not也可以接受。)
  例如PREP1-15/ Even though sub-Saharan Africa often evokes images of drought and famine, researchers say that the area is the home of more than 2,000 grains, vegetables, roots, fruits, and other foods that have the possibility for feeding the continent, even other parts of the world.改为could feed the continent and even。表达可能、能力优选can。(考点补充:非洲和其它大陆是平行并列的关系,用and连接,将非洲排除在外,用other。)
  Lan289-1/ Researchers at Cornell University have demonstrated that homing pigeons can sense changes in the earth’s magnetic field, see light waves that people cannot see, detect low-frequency sounds from miles away, sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors.改为sense changes in air pressure, and identify familiar odors。Can的省略,如果第二项没有can,就不再用can,详见平行并列一章。
  Can/be able to区别
  表示“能力”,Can和be able to等价
  Can除了表达“能力”,还表示“可能性”, Can be done 可能被。Be able to 仅表达“能力”。
  解题技巧:原文是be able to,答案常是can。Be able to 能用的结构有限,不用被动,因为能力是主动,不能说be able to be done 有能力被做掉,一定错。比方说叶问有能力打败日本武士,而不能说叶问有能力被日本武士打。有能力被打,不算你的能力。
  例如OG11-94/The Coast Guard is conducting tests to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find survivors of wrecks at sea.不能改为 that see whether pigeons are able to be trained for help in finding。be able to be done一定错,be able to 人所具备的能力,不能被用作被动,can 除了表能力,还表事物可能性。Can be done 可能被做。(考点补充:一、表目的优选不定式。二、Help用法四项:1、同形动词help优先名词,2、help to do=help do,3、help sb. to do=help sb. do,4、helpful in doing sth.)
  例如70. A President entering the final two years of a second term is likely to be at a severe disadvantage and often unable to carry out a legislative program.
  likely to be at a severe disadvantage and is often unable to
  likely severely disadvantaged and often unable to
  liable to be severely disadvantaged and cannot often
  liable that he or she is at a severe disadvantage and cannot often
  at a severe disadvantage, often likely to be unable that he or she can
  原文正确。考生注意不是见到be able to/ be unable to 就一味换成can。而且able/ unable/ can不能同时出现,语义重复,排除选项E。(考点补充:一、固定搭配Be likely to do,排除选项B;二、 disadvantaged指"hampered by substandard economic and social conditions," is less precise than at a disadvantage,两者含义不同,不可互换;三、often unable不同于cannot often,副词often, only, typically不能随意改变位置;四、be liable + to do常表示不好的结果。)
  Can只有现在时和过去时could,be able to 能表示各种时态。不过情态动词的时态不是GMAT语法考核的重点,建议考生不要从情态动词的时态来突破解题。
  例如She won’t be able to come on January 1。I haven’t been able to get in touch with him。
  Be able to 考点
  Being able to 常在being处做文章
  Be able to be done 不能说“有能力被做”要改为can,表“可能”
  例如Lan29-9/ Lan306-68/There is ample evidence, derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine, that naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug. 改为 can usually be modified to make them more effective drugs。Be able to be done错误,改为can。(考点补充:单复数一致,Antibiotics 复数,代词用them,对应复数名词drugs,而不是a drug。)
  例如Lan30-13/ Artificial intelligence emerged during the late 1950’s as an academic discipline based on the assumption that computers are able to be programmed to think like people.改为 could be programmed to think like people。Be able to be done 错。(考点补充:一、Emerged过去时,有明确的过去时间,during the 1950’s,情态动词can用过去时could。二、逻辑所谓人工智能像人一样思考,而不是作为人来思考。)
  例如大全987-214/ Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the weather. 不能改为so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished。一些学生只记住be able to be done必错,但是看到be unable to be done 却毫无反应,让笔者痛心。(考点补充:一、(some things) are so X as to be Y,so as to前后逻辑主语要求一致,so… that不要求前后逻辑主语一致。)
  Be able to 和ability同时出现,优先查看be able to
  Ability和able 同根, 接to do,ability of sb. to do
  解题技巧:为了方便,考生可以这样记忆:如果不是固定搭配& To do一般优于 of doing。首先表达目的优选To do不定式。在To do结构中do是 实义动词 ,在Of doing结构中doing是动名词。 考生一定要注意前提是没有固定搭配,笔者讲的这些规则遇到固定搭配都作废,固定搭配最优先。例如Long time no see语法不通,但是固定使用。
  例如大全987-883/ Under Napoleon the French were not able to organize an adequate supply system, and it was a major cause of the failure of their invasion of Russia.
  (A)Under Napoleon the French were not able to organize an adequate supply system, and it
  (B)The French being unable to organize an adequate supply system under Napoleon
  (C)For the French under Napoleon, to be unable to organize an adequate supply system
  (D)The inability of the French under Napoleon to organize an adequate supply system
  (E)The French inability under Napoleon of organizing an adequate supply system.
  正确答案选D。考生注意不要一味记忆为be able to 优于ability/ inability,本题中the inability 充当了句子主语。固定搭配ability/ inability of sb. to do sth.,排除E选项。(考点补充:一、A选项中,it指代错误,it不能指代前面整个句子,只能指代单数名词an adequate supply system;二、being able to/ being unable to 是常见错误,排除B选项)
  例如A new study suggests that the conversational pace of everyday life may be so brisk it hampers the ability of some children for distinguishing discrete sounds and words and, the result is, to make& sense of speech. 改为that it hampers the ability of some children to distinguish discrete sounds and words and, as a result, to make。固定搭配The ability of sb. to do。(考点补充:一、so…that用法;二、and平行并列,to make 和to distinguish对称。)
  Capable of +doing
  例如The results of two recent unrelated studies support the idea that dolphins may share certain cognitive abilities with h the studies indicate dolphins as capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and to grasp spontaneously the mood or intention of humans.改为that dolphins are capable of recognizing themselves in mirrors—an ability that is often considered a sign of self-awareness—and of spontaneously grasping。Be capable of doing固定搭配。(考点补充:一、宾语从句that引导词尽量补上;二、consider& sth sth固定搭配,中间没有as;三、平行并列 of recognizing…and of grasping。)
  例如OG11-54/ When Congress reconvenes, some newly elected members from rural states will try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United States farm products overseas. 改为to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers will be allowed to grow and to encourage,不能改为 to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being grown by farmers and encouraging。Be capable of being done“有能力被做”,逻辑错误。(考点补充:一、try to do固定搭配,try and do 是口语化表达,在GMAT语法中错误;二、表将来用will,不用be to do,be to do是口语化表达。)
  例如PREP1-28/ Polio, although it is eradicated in the United States, it continues elsewhere and is able to be brought into the country by visitors. 改为Although eradicated in the United States, polio continues elsewhere and could be,不能改为 Although having been eradicated in the United States, polio still continues elsewhere and is capable of being。Be capable of being done也是错误的表达。笔者班上的有些学生只是死记be able to be done错误,看到be capable of being done意识不到这也是“有能力被做”的逻辑错误。(考点补充:一、be able to 和can区别:前者表示拥有某种能力去做某事,强调的是能力;后者除了表示能力,还表示可能去做某事,表现了一种可能性。Be able to be done错误。二、考生注意虽然是一般现在时(体现在continue+s上),正确答案用了could,而不是can,可见在GMAT语法中并不严格区分can和could。)本题是对情态动词考核的集大成题目,有水平,值得背诵。
  Capability可加to do/of doing,像是capable 和able杂交, 但太复杂。
  例如大全987-311/ 白勇语法第三章33题/ Foreign investors, because of their growing confidence in their capability for making profitable investments in the United States, have been led to move from passive involvement in commercial real estate partnerships to active development of their own increasingly ambitious projects.
  (A)Foreign investors, because of their growing confidence in their capability for making profitable investments in the United States, have been led
  (B)Foreign investors, growing confident about their capability for making profitable investments in the United States, has led them
  (C)Growing confidence in their ability to make profitable investments in the United States has led foreign investors
  (D)Growing confidence in their ability for making profitable investments in the United States have led foreign investors
  (E)Growing confident about their capabilities for making profitable investments in the United States, foreign investors have been led
  正确答案C选项,本题考核ability和capability的区分。Ability to do, capability + do to / of doing结构,排除ability + for和capability + for。(考点补充:主谓一致,B选项Foreign investors + has 错误,D选项Growing confidence + have错误)
  例如The coyote is one of several recent ecological success stories:& along with the white-tailed deer, the moose, and other species that are enlarging their natural domains, they have established themselves as supreme adapters in an era when the capability to adjust to the environmental changes wrought by human beings has created a whole new class of dominant large mammals. 改为it has established itself as a supreme adapter in an era when the ability。Ability + to do。(考点补充:一、代词单复数,句子主语是The coyote小狼、山狗,是单数,用they错误;二、in an era when固定搭配。)
  例如Sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid rain, is an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system’s ability to deal with all other pollutants. especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system’s ability to deal especially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory system’s capability of dealing especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the respiratory system in dealing
  D.a specially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the respiratory system to deal
  E.a specially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory system’s ability to deal
  正确答案A选项。本题区分ability和capability,capability相对ability过于复杂,在GMAT语法中尚未对过。Capability + to do/ of doing, 排除C选项的in doing。(考点补充:一、because of 后面主要+名词,because of + doing降格BE选项;二、Specially is usually used when you do something that is different from what you usually do for a particular purpose,翻译成中文“特殊”,“specially serious特殊严重”,逻辑不通,排除DE选项。Especially is most often used to emphasize something, or to say that something is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things you are talking about: It can be especially difficult for drivers to see cyclists at night。Especially 翻译成中文“尤其”。)
  例如After more than four decades of research and development, a new type of jet engine is being tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or help boost cargoes into space at significantly lower costs than current methods permit.
  A.tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or help
  B.tested that could eventually have the capability of propelling aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or to help
  C.tested, eventually able to propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours, or helping
  D.tested, and it eventually could propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or helping
  E.tested, and it could eventually have the capability to propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or help
  正确答案选A。再次显示could优于capability,注意GMAT语法不严格区分can与could的时态不同。BE选项语义重复,could和have the capability不可同时出现。(考点补充:一、Or前后平行并列,选项B、C、D中的propel与help不平行;二、注意答案A中的定语从句后置现象,that从句与被修饰对象jet engine中间隔了谓语。参见《杨鹏长难句》第一句:That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. 正常语序是:That sex ratio which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted will be favored. 因为主语That sex ratio之后which引导的定语从句过长,有头重脚轻之嫌,所以原文将此从句倒装谓语will be favored之后。)
  例如Because they can reproduce several times each year and produce large numbers of offspring, many insect species can generally adapt quickly to changes in their environment.
  A.Because they can reproduce several times each year and produce large numbers of offspring, many insect species
  B.Because of many insect species’ ability of reproducing several times a year, along with producing large numbers of offspring, thus they
  C.Because they can reproduce yearly several times, along with producing offspring in large numbers, so& many insect species
  D.Due to their capability to reproduce several times yearly and to produce large numbers of offspring, many insect species
  E.Due to their ability of reproducing several times yearly and to produce offspring of large numbers, many insect species
  正确答案A选项,本题涉及can, ability, capability的区分。Ability接to do,不接of doing。(考点补充:一、表示原因because优先于because of,due to只能作表语,不能作状语,排除DE选项;二、because和so不能一起使用,导致没有主句,排除C选项。)
  例如PREP2-85/ Now that so much data travels via light--i.e., is carried in glass fibers rather than by electrical current--one goal of semiconductor research is to develop a silicon chip that can transmit and receive light signals directly, a development that may one day lead to smaller, faster semiconductors.
  (A)to develop a silicon chip that can transmit and receive light signals directly, a development that may one day lead
  (B)to develop a silicon chip with the capability of transmitting and receiving light signals directly, which may one day lead
  (C)the development of a silicon chip that has the capability of transmitting and receiving light signals directly, a development maybe one day leading
  (D)developing a silicon chip that can transmit and receive light signals directly, which may one day lead
  (E)developing a silicon chip with the ability to transmit and receive light signals directly, with this development maybe one day leading
  原文正确,此题涉及can, capability, ability 的区分,和上道题目多么相似,GMAT语法考试就是如此换汤不换药。Can优于with the ability to do, the capability of doing。(考点补充:一、the goal目标,表目的优选to do结构;二、which不能指代前面的整件事;三、句末同位语优选,逗号+名词a development 位于句末,考生通过做题,应该看到这样的结构就觉得亲切;四、may不等于maybe,请睁大你的眼睛。)
  例如PREP2-135/ Whereas high speeds generally cannot be achieved by ramjets without their initially being assisted by a rocket, a scramjet, or supersonic combustion ramjet, can attain high speeds by reducing airflow compression at the entrance of the engine and letting air pass through at supersonic speeds.
  (A) Whereas high speeds generally cannot be achieved by ramjets without their initially being assisted by
  (B) Whereas a ramjet generally cannot achieve high speeds without the initial assistance of
  (C) With ramjets, high speeds generally are not able to be achieved without initially being assisted by
  (D) Unlike with ramjets, generally unable to achieve high speeds without the initial assistance of
  (E) Although a ramjet generally does not have the capability of achieving high speeds without the initial assistance from
  正确答案为B选项。此题涉及can, able, unable, capability的区分,can优选。(考点补充:一、without their being错误,排除A选项,所有格+being降格;二、be able to be done错误,有能力被做,排除C选项;三、Unlike介词,后面+名词,+介词with排除;四、固定搭配with the assistance of somebody/something)
  (三) May/ Might
  May/ Might表示不肯定的猜测,都表达可能性,可相互替换。与中学语法不同的是,GMAT语法认为两个词含义没有程度的差别,互换时不认为错。May/might 不大涉及时态,可以互换。
  例如Lan292-13 /Few people realize that the chance of accidental injury or death may be as great or greater in the “safety” of their own homes than in a plane or on the road.改为may be at least as great in the “safety” of their own homes as。情态动词不能随意添加、省略和改变, May出现一般原文是谁就是谁。May可以看成等于might,但不等于can,即may不能随意改成can。(考点补充:“和……一样大,或者比它大”三种表达:1、as great as or greater than和at least as great as表达等效,2、at most as…as,3、as great as sth, if not more so。二、As…as 要成对出现,原文少了第二个as 。)
  (四) Shall/ Should
  Should 是虚拟要省略,是情态要保持
  1 Shall作为情态动词,用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人的意愿,有“命令”、“警告”、“威胁”、“强制”、“允诺”
  You shall do as I say. 你一定要按照我说的去做
  2 在疑问句中,shall用来征询对方意见或请求指示,用于第一、第三人称 (GMAT没有疑问句)
  Where shall I wait for you?
  3 Should 作为情态动词,表示“劝告”、“建议”,译作“应该”
  You should learn from good students 你应该向好学生学习
  解题技巧:笔者感觉,与中学语法不同的是,GMAT语法不重点考核情态动词的时态,may/might可以互换,can/could有时不区分,不考核be able to比can使用于更多的时态。但是GMAT语法重视考核情态动词的逻辑含义,考生需要阅读原文,理解大概含义,而不是纯粹的语法分析。
  能力都是主动的,不能说有能力被做,那不是你能力,而是别人的能力。因此enable, able, capable, unable后面不能出现Done;enable sb. to be done, be able to be done, be unable to& be done, capable of being done一定错。 Can除了表能力,可表可能。前面已经有详细阐述,不再罗嗦。
  例如OG12-122/ A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern Minnesota would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more numerous than one wolf for every 39 square miles. 改为will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater,不能改为should fail if the timber wolf density in that region was greater。Should在虚拟语气中表“可能”,作为情态动词表“应该”。原文没有虚拟,不能擅自把正确语法结构改为虚拟。此处用“应该”,逻辑含义不合理,所以排除含有Should的选项。(考点补充:一、Predicts 一般现在时,“预测”都是将来的事情,从句用将来时will;二、if引导从句表“如果”,用一般现在时代替将来时;三、Density 不可数,不用numerous,用greater。)
  例如OG11-124/ Canadian scientists have calculated that one human being should be struck every nine years by a meteorite, while each year sixteen buildings can be expected to sustain damage from such objects. 改为 every nine years a human being will be struck by a meteorite。原文Should情态动词翻译为“应该”,泼妇可以骂人“你该天打五雷轰”,但在逻辑含义上没有哪一个人类应该每9年被陨石砸一次。(考点补充:巧用平行并列,While 并列连词,while后面是被动,考生要通读全句,所以while前面也选择一致的表达。)
  例如OG10-204/ In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor. 改为partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers,不能改为partly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers。逻辑思维,情态动词should“应该”,steer没有这个义务去进行杂交来获得某些特征,这不是阉牛所能干的。(考点补充:一、表目的purpose for crossbreeding优选不定式partly to acquire;二、平行并列,in part 不能和and后面的partly平行;三、笔者课上有学生质疑,选择partly because不是和and后面的partly because更加平行对称吗?要知道平行并列,是相对性的好坏,而逻辑不合理是绝对性错误。)
  (三)So that表目的
  so that从句+情态动词表目的。So that 从句表目的,从句中须有情态动词。
  例如PREP1-131/ The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.改为 allows it to draw in its exposed parts, so that。so that引导目的状语从句,后面+情态动词can。(考点补充:一、主谓一致:当句子主语比较复杂时,注意真正主语核心词的单复数。主语是design,谓语是allows,宾语是it,后跟介词to draw…作补语;二、固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.。)
  例如PREP2-99/ Frederick Winslow Taylor, a machinist and engineer who worked in the early twentieth century, believed that the productivity of a job could be improved if one were to separate the components of a task into its individual motions and found the best way to perform each motion, then redesign the job so that each motion could be done as efficiently as possible.改为 by separating the components of a task into individual motions, finding the best way to perform each motion, and then redesigning。未划线So that后面+could be done。笔者对GMAT语法的逐步深入了解就是通过反复研读未划线处,这是GMAT语法所认同的表达方式。(考点补充:the productivity of a job could be improved by doing A, doing B, and then doing C。三个doing要求并列,then提示连续动作的先后顺承,并列的最后一项前一定要有And,表示列举的结束。)
  例如PREP1-17/ Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social workers in philanthropic agencies, twentieth-century reformer Edith Abbott was convinced of social work education belonging in the university so that students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues. 改为that social work education belonged in the university, where。考生不要看到划线后面有could be,就立刻想到用so that。考生也许已经注意到笔者喜欢在讲完一个语法点后举出反例,就是告诫考生要对方法灵活应用,不要生搬硬套。(考点补充:在GMAT语法中,把一个完整的概念用一个名词来代替,造成对概念的解释不完整或引起结构的复杂,该错误常出现在宾语从句和that引导的同位语从句中。原文convinced of介词不能引导句子,只强调social work education,不能强调convinced后面的完整内容,改为that引导的宾语从句,强调整体。)原文不能改为 that social work education should be in the university, and that。(考点补充:一、should be in意思模糊,无法表示出“属于”的意思。请考生注意在GMAT语法中不要把实义动词随意改成Be动词,这是常见的错误点;二、and that从语法上和convinced that平行,但是在逻辑上and that后内容应该修饰university,而where从句表现出university和students的关系。请考生注意:平行并列是表达上相对好坏的错误,而逻辑错误是绝对性错误,不要看到漂亮的平行并列就一时冲动。)
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