write less do moree with less是在企业文化中是什么意思

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第一篇:Millions of Americans are entering their 60s and are more concerned than ever about retirement.
36. N) spoiling
本空与前面的spend构成spend time doing的搭配,需要动词ing形式。备选的有illustrating(阐述)和spoiling(宠爱),能与空后的grandkids构成合理搭配的明显只有spoiling,意为“花更多时间去宠孙子”。
37. K) radically
本空所在句不缺主干成分,且本空是修饰different ideas,因此需要副词。备选的有mysteriously(神秘地)、radically(根本地)和separately(分开地)。能与different ideas构成合理搭配的只有radically,这里做程度副词,表示丈夫与妻子有着“根本上不同的观点”。
38. C) disagree
39. O) underestimate
40. I) optimistic
本空为表语,且被副词slightly修饰,空气还有more,提示了应为形容词。备选的又confidential(机密的)、forthcoming(即将到来的)和optimistic(乐观的)。注意本空形容的是空后的standard of living(生活标准),能构成合理意思的只有optimistic,意为丈夫比妻子“对于生活标准要略微乐观一些”。
41. M) separately
42. A) assume
43. L) reality
44. E) forthcoming
本空是在形容retirement date(退休日期),需要形容词。备选的有confidential(机密的)和forthcoming(即将到来的)。能构成合理意思的只有forthcoming,意为“常常是马上就要来临的退休日成为了退休规划的催化剂”,即人们只有接近退休的时候才会被迫开始做规划。
45. J) package
空前的an后面需要可数名词单数,但early-retirement并非可数名词单数,因此本空才应当是被an限定的可数名词单数。备选的有formula(公式、方案)和package(包裹)。这里意思更合理的是package,这个词可以表示“一揽子计划”,early-retirement package意为“提前退休计划”。
第二篇:Investing in Bonds
本文节选自Understanding Business一书(McGraw-Hill出版,第10版)第19章节的Investing In Bonds版块。
Investors looking for guaranteed income and limited risk often turn to U.S. government bonds for a secure investment. These bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds are offered by local governments and often have advantages such as tax-free interest. Some may even be insured. Corporate bonds are a bit more risky and challenging.
First-time corporate bond investors often ask two questions. The first is, “If I purchase a corporate bond, do I have to hold it until the maturity date?” No, you do not. Bonds are bought and sold daily on major securities exchanges (the secondary market we discussed earlier). However, if you decide to sell your bond to another investor before its maturity date, you may not get its face value (usually $1,000). If your bond does not have features that make it attractive to other investors, like a high interest rate or early maturity, you may have to sell at a discount, that is, a price less than the bond’s face value. But if other investors do highly value it, you may be able to sell your bond at a premium, a price above its face value. Bond prices generally fluctuate inversely with current market interest rates. This means as interest rates go up, bond prices fall, and vice versa. Like all investments, however, bonds have a degree of risk.
The second question is, “How can I evaluate the investment risk of a particular bond issue?” Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch Ratings rate the risk of many corporate and government bonds (look back at Figure 19.3). In evaluating the ratings, recall the risk/return trade-off: The higher the risk of a bond, the higher the interest rate the issuer must offer. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky only if the potential return (interest) is high enough. In fact, some will invest in bonds considered junk.
36. [A] advantages
36空空前的have为实义动词,本空做宾语;且空后的such as也有提示,本空需要名词。由于空前没有冠词,且空后是在举例,可知本空很可能需要可数名词复数。本句的also提示了与前句的并列,注意到前句是在向投资者推荐U.S. government bonds,称其为“安稳的投资”(secure investment),可见是在描述其优势;那么本句应当也是在描述Municipal bonds的优势。advantages符合与前句的并列。
37. [K] insured
37空为表语,可考虑形容词、名词、动词分词等。注意到本句是顺承上句在描述Municipal bonds的优势,因此形容词可能性较大。上句描述Municipal bonds稳定的优势,本句的even提示本空所说的应当是在此基础上更进一步的优势。形容词中只有insured(上保险的)能表示此意。
38. [C] bother
38空为所在句谓语,且空前主语为复数two questions;本句的often和本句引出的下句的时态也都提示本句需用一般现在时。因此本空需要动词原形。备选动词原形有assess(估算、评价)、bother(打扰、使烦恼、费心)、embarrass(使尴尬)和fluctuate(波动、摇摆不定)。其中fluctuate为不及物动词,而本空后有宾语,故排除。two questions无法做assess的主语,其主语一般是人。embarrass(使尴尬、是难堪)与bother(使不安、使费心)中,比较适合这里意思的应当是bother。后文提出的只是两个会让投资者担心的问题,而并非令人难堪的境况。
39. [L] major
39空是在形容名词性表达securities exchanges,需要形容词。 备选形容词有indefinite(模糊的、不定的)、major(重要的、主要的)和potential(潜在的)。能构成合理意思的只有major。
40. [H] features
40空做实义动词have后的宾语,且空后有定语从句,提示了本空需要名词。且空前无冠词,因此需要可数名词复数或不可数名词。备选的可数名词复数或不可数名词只有features(特征、方面)和potential(潜能)。空后的定语从句提示本空的概念能“吸引其他投资者”(make it attractive to other investors),因此应当是较明显的正面概念,feature最合此要求。
41. [F] discount
41空空前的不定冠词a明显提示本空需要可数名词单数。备选可数名词单数只有deduction(扣除(额)、推论)、discount(折扣)。空后的i.e.(即、换句话说)对此进行了解释,称之为”低于债券面额的价格“(a price less than the bond’s face value),这即是进行了打折。
42. [I] fluctuate
42空是所在句的谓语,且主语是复数bond prices,generally提示本句需一般现在时,因此本空需要动词原形。备选动词原形还有assess(估算、评价)、embarrass(使尴尬)和fluctuate(波动、摇摆不定)。能在这里构成合理意思的只有fluctuate。
43. [B] assess
44. [M] naturally
45. [N] potential
第一篇:Lessons from a feminist paradise on Equal Pay Day
By Christina Hoff Sommers
本文选自日的 American Enterprise Institute
46. Sweden has done more than other nations to close the gender gap, but it continues to exist.
解析:“has done more than other nations”对应第一句“has gone farther than any other nation”, “close the gender gap”对应倒数第二句“close the gender divide”,“it continues to exist”对应最后一句“the divide persists”
47. Sweden is one of the most competitive economies in the world and its people enjoy the greatest life satisfaction.
解析: “one of the most competitive economies in the world”对应第二句 “the world’s third most competitive economy”, “…enjoy the greatest life satisfaction”对应第三句“… also leads the world in life satisfaction and happiness”
48. More American women hold elite job positions in business than Swedish women.
解析: “elite job positions” 对应第一句“elite competitive positions”, “More American…than Swedish women”对应第一句瑞士的政策正在“reducing the number of women in elite positions”,结合后文提到美国的情况,得出更多美国女性拥有高级职位。
49. Swedish family-friendly policies tend to exert a negative influence on women’s career.
解析: “Swedish family-friendly policies”对应第一句“Generous parental leave policies and readily available part-time options”,“a negative influence”指的就是第二句提到的“they appear to weaken it”,这里的it指的是前文提到的“women’s attachment to the workplace” 。
50. The quota system in Sweden ensures women’s better representation in government.
解析: “The quota system in Sweden”对应第四句“an unofficial quota system”,“representation in government” 对应后来提到的“45 percent of positions in the Swedish parliament” 。
51. Though the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents, it may not be accepted by them in its entirely.
解析:“the Swedish model appears workable for most American parents”对应倒数第二句“Swedish system might work well for a majority of American parents”,“may not be accepted by them in its entirely”对应最后一句“unlikely to fully embrace the Swedish model”。
52. Swedish women are allowed the freedom and opportunity to choose their own way of life.
解析:瑞典的女性有更多自由和机会来选择想要的生活。该句直接对应M段倒数第3句话:” the Swedish policies have given them the freedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer.”
53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women for full-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.
解析:因为家庭友好型政策,瑞典的雇主们在雇佣全职女性时会有顾虑。对应E段第一句话,” they make employers wary of hiring women for full-time positions at all.”句中 they 指的就是family-friendly policies,而be hesitant about是对be wary of的改写。
54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.
解析:根据 “Gender-awareness education”对应到A段第3句话:“state-subsidized preschools where, gender-awareness education is increasingly common.” 而 “more and more popular”就是对 “increasingly common”的改写。
55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderless pronouns be used in the Swedish language.
解析:根据”lawmakers”对应到L段第一句“legislators”,”the genderless pronouns” 对应 “replacing male and female pronouns with a neutral alternative”。
第二篇:What If Middle-Class Jobs Disappear?
By Arnold Kling
本文选自2011年11月The American
46. Even factory floor work today has become intellectually challenging rather than physically demanding.
解析:I段倒数第二句, factory floor完全重现,work has become完全重现, less physically demanding对应 rather than physically demanding(而不是体力的需求)。
47. Increases in productivity prove beneficial though some people may lose their jobs temporarily.
解析:O段第二句, productivity increases 完全重现, a good thing对应beneficial(有益处), &though 完全重现, dislocation(脱离,失常) for some workers对应 lose their jobs(暂时失业)。
48. The unemployment rate remained high even two years after the government declared the recent recession was over.
解析:A段第二句, two years完全重现,the official end of the recession对应the government declared the recent recession was over(官方宣布衰退结束)。
49. The author suggests that the recent high unemployment rate is mainly caused by a decrease of middle-class jobs.
解析:C段第二句,I wish to suggest对应The author suggests, that structural change对应 a decrease of middle-class jobs(中产阶级的工作减少即结构变化) the current rate of high unemployment对应the recent high unemployment rate(最近的高失业率)。
50. The creation of a suburban economy in the 1950s created lots of office jobs.
解析:H段第二句, the 1950s 完全再现, creation 对应created , suburban economy完全再现, &a plurality of white-collar workers(多数o白领工作)对应lots of office jobs.
51. In the first decade of the 21st century, only people with postgraduate degree experienced an increase in earnings.
解析:M段第一句, from 2000 to 2010 对应the first decade of the 21st century,, college graduates 对应people with postgraduate degree(研究生文凭)。
52. One economics theory suggests using monetary and fiscal stimulus to cope with an economic recession.
解析:B段第二句, the slump(暴跌) 对应an economic recession(经济的衰退), monetary and fiscal stimulus完全重现。
53. The popularity of online courses may eliminate many teaching jobs.
解析:N段最后一句o,this指代 online courses, teaching jobs 完全再现,eliminate完全再现。
54. Computer technology has brought about revolutionary changes in the record and book business.
解析:K段第三句,Book stores are closing对应 revolutionary changes (书店关门即阅读方式发生革命性变化), books on electronic readers 对应Computer technology。
55. White-collar workers accounted for more than half of the labor force by the end of the 20th century.
解析:I段第三句,the proportion of white-collar work对应White-collar workers accounted for(白领工人所占比), over the past 50 years 对应the end of the 20th century..
第一篇:Texting LOL
本文选自日TIME的Is Texting Killing the English Language? 作者是John McWhorter。
56. C. It will ruin the written language.
解析:题干问到批评者对短消息的评价,这出现在首段首句。这里批评者哀叹短消息是downfall of the written word(书面文字的衰落)。downfall对应ruin(毁坏、堕落),written word对应written language。
57. A. It is crafted with specific skills.
解析:题干所问的书面语与口语的区别出现在第二段。本段,作者用两者历史长短的差异引出了两者特点的差异:书面语是出现在口语之后的一种工艺(writing is just a craft that came along later)。下文具体举例,体现了书面语突出句子的技术性(crafting long-winded sentences)。这都对应A选项。C选项所说的“书面语历史不如口语久”(It does not have as long a history)在本段有提及,但并非是作者强调的两者的区别。其它选项未提及。
58. A. It brings texters closer to each other.
解析:题干问到LOL在短信中的功能,出现在第四段。该段开头指出LOL并不是简单的字面意思(doesn’t mean…in a literal sense anymore),而是演变为了更微妙、复杂的含义(evolve into something much subtler and sophisticated)。我该段中间进一步举例指出,LOL可以消除对话双方的紧张、创造公平感(easing tension and creating a sense of equality)。这即被改写为brings texters closer(将双方拉得更近)。
59. D. the gradual change of word meaning
解析:题干问到meat和silly的例子被引用是为了说明什么。文中meat和silly出现在第五段末的破折号后,而破折号前即是这两个词作为例子要论证的观点:词与表达的意思会随着时间变化(Over time, the meaning of a word or an expression frits)。这对应的即是D选项。
60. B. It is a new form of verbal communication.
解析:本题所问的作者对短信息的观点集中出现在末段。末段首句作者提出发短信并不会导致写作技能的衰退(there is no evidence that texting is ruining composition skills)。第二句提到发短信事实上是一种用手指说话的方式(is actually a way of talking with your fingers),这对应的就是B选项的意思。
第二篇:Oprah Winfrey and Harvard
本文选自日TIME: Oprah as Harvard’s Commencement Speaker Is an Endorsement of Phony Science (by Erika Christakis and Nicholas A. Christakis).
61. B. She worked her way to success in the entertainment industry.
解析:文章首段介绍了关于Oprah Winfrey的信息。首段末提到她为one of the world’s most successful entertainment icons(世界上最著名的娱乐偶像之一),这对应的就是B选项。其它几个选项,A称其为“哈佛大学法学院”的著名毕业生(a distinguished graduate of Harvard School of Law),但首段首句明确提出哈佛只是给她办法荣誉博士学位(honorary doctor of law degree),可知她本人并非哈佛毕业。C说她曾“虐待自己的小孩”(abuse her children),但首段末句只是提到她本人曾被虐待、且曾是一位年轻的母亲(this former abused teenage mother)。D称她通过长期支持伪科学而有名(achieved her fame through advocacy of fake science)。第二段第四句确实提及Opera支持伪科学理论,但这并非她成名之道;她是由娱乐界的身份而成名的。
62. B. She was known as a supporter of fake science.
解析:题干问到作者认为哈佛不应该给Oprah颁发荣誉学位的原因,作者在第二段第三句中提到了这个观点(Oprah’s particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit)。原因出现在第四句,作者提出Oprah一致相当拥护伪科学理论(Oprah’s passionate advocacy extends to a hearty embrace of fake science)。这对应的即是B选项。
63. A. He was strongly against it.
解析:题干问到的Harry Lewis在Blog spot中对哈佛行为的评价出现在文章第四段第二句,这里明确说道Harry表示了他对此行为的反对(objection),并举他具体的话强调了他认为哈佛决定的不妥以及不合时宜。这对应的是A选项。其它选项都无法体现Harry的强烈负面态度。
64. A. They show inadequate respect for evidence-based inquiry.
解析:题干问到作者对许多美国大学的遗憾,这直接对应第六段段首的unfortunately,其后面的内容应该就是令作者感到遗憾的事。这里作者提到许多美国大学只忙于维护品牌,对追求知识的保护则不足够(not busy enough protecting the pursuit of knowledge)。这里的not enough即对应inadequate。考虑到上段末作者曾提到哈佛这类大学应该要公开肯定基于证据的质询(public affirmation of evidence-based inquiry),而affirmation对应respect。结合上述信息与本段首的unfortunately,可知这里作者想表达的也就应该是这些大学对于evidence-based inquiry的肯定做得不够。
65. D. Pursuit of knowledge and truth.
解析:题干问到作者认为像哈佛这种著名大学应该关注的方面是什么,这对应末段首句作者提到的primary mission(首要任务),因此这里提到的produce and spread knowledge(制造与传播知识)即应该是正确答案信息,对应的也只有D 选项。
选自日“时代”周刊:Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer (By Annie Murphy Paul)
56题选:B It should be preserved before it is too late.
解析:题干问到作者对”deep reading”(深度阅读)的看法,定位到文章第1段。第1句话说,“深度阅读”是一种濒危技能,我们应该保护起来。后文更是提到,这一实践如果消失的话会带来很大损失。其中”should”对应”ought to”, “before it is too late” 则是对“its disappearance would jeopardize…”的逆向改写。
57题选:A It helps promote readers’ intellectual and emotional growth.
58题选:B It enables the reader to be fully engaged.
解析:题干问纸张阅读与在线阅读的区别。定位到最后1段,第2句说二者在阅读体验和发展能力方面都有不同。第3句进一步补充,在线阅读 “less engaging”, 可以反推出来纸张阅读更令人投入。
59题选:D It renders reading less enjoyable.
解析:题干问,研究表明在线阅读如何。定位到最后1段第3句,作者认为在线阅读 “less satisfying”,对应选项D,render表示“使…变得…”, “less enjoyable”替换“less satisfying”。
60题选:A Onscreen readers may be less competent readers.
解析:题目问与英国“国家读写信托基金”(the National Literacy Trust)的调查相匹配的信息,定位到最后1段中间到最后。最后一句话说,研究还发现,比起结合纸张阅读和屏幕阅读的读者,只在屏幕上进行阅读的读者” less likely to be above-average readers”(不太可能成为中等偏上水平的读者)。选项中的”less competent”就是对”less likely to be above-average readers”的同义改写。
选自日Human Events:Abstract Immigrants (By Thomas Sowell)
61题选:C Their background may determine whether they benefit the American people.
解析:题干问作者对移民到美国的人的看法,由于第62题定位在第3段,因此反推61题应该定位在1、2段。作者认为,来自不同国家的移民之间的具体差异,将决定他们的到来对美国民众到底是好事还是坏事。选项中的 “background”对应” immigrants from different countries”, “whether they benefit the American people”对应”whether their coming here is good or bad for the American people.”
62题选:A It is hardly practical to find an ideal solution to America’s immigration problem.
63题选:C Unrestricted immigration will undermine the American welfare state.
解析:题干问,作者对美国移民政策的看法,根据细节词 “immigrant policy”定位到第6段最后一句作者提到移民政策必须考虑福利系统 “Anything we try to do as regards immigration laws has to be done in the context of a huge welfare state that is already a major, inescapable fact of life”,再结合上一句”we do not have choice between the welfare state and open borders”(要么保全福利,要么开放疆界,鱼与熊掌不可兼得),表明作者担忧不断涌入的移民会损害福利体系,选项中的unrestrained immigration对应open borders。
64题选:D To show that immigrants’ cultural incompatibility with the host country has consequences.
解析:题干问作者提到最近一次恐怖袭击的目的是什么,定位到倒数第2段。作者说整个西方世界逐渐发现,接受来自对立文化的移民会到来数不清的后果,随后就以波士顿和伦敦恐怖袭击作为例证。选项中immigrants’ cultural incompatibility 对应 people with incompatible cultures, with incalculable consequences对应 …has consequences.
65题选:B Negative.
解析:题目问作者对“移民政策全面改革”的态度,根据”comprehensive immigration reform”定位到最后1段。作者认为这一做法意味着草率行动(in a rush),还意味着一切行动都基于对抽象人群的抽象看法——这恰恰是他在前文中否定的做法。
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