怎么小程序 获取view idEclipse里view的id

&?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?&
&LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
&&& android:orientation="vertical"
&&& android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="fill_parent"
&&& &EditText android:id="@+id/et_search"
&&& android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content"
&&& android:text=""
&&&&&&&& &ListView android:id="@+id/lv_contactbook"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& android:layout_width="fill_parent"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& android:layout_height="wrap_content"
&&&&&&&& /&
public void onCreate(BundlesavedInstanceState)
&&&&&&&& super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
&&&&&&&& ListViewlv = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.lv_contactbook);
&&&&&&&& setContentView(R.layout.main);
&&&&&&&& //…
&?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?&
& xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
& android:orientation="horizontal"
& android:layout_width="fill_parent"
& android:layout_height="wrap_content"
&TextView android:id="@+id/tv_contact_id"
&&&&&&&& &&& &android:layout_width="0px"
&&&&&&&& &&& &android:layout_height="0px"
&&&&&&&& &&& &android:visibility="invisible"
&&&&&&&& &&& &android:gravity="center_vertical"
&TextView android:id="@+id/tv_contactname"
&&&&&&&& &&& android:layout_width="wrap_content"
&&&&&&&& &&& android:layout_height="36dip"
&&&&&&&& &&& android:textSize="16dip"
&&&&&&&& &&& android:layout_marginTop="10dip"
&&&&&&&& &&& android:textColor="#FFFFFFFF"
View rowview = (View)inflater.inflate(R.layout.rowview, parent, false);
TextView tv_contact_id =(TextView)rowview.findViewById(R.id.tv_contact_id);
TextView tv_contactname =(TextView)rowview.findViewById(R.id.tv_contactname);
有时候居然也会发现rowview非空,但tv_contact_id和tv_contactname都是null!仔细看代码,怎么也看不出错误来。到底是什么原因造成的呢?答案是Eclipse造成的,要解决这个问题,需要这个项目clean一次(Project菜单 -& Clean子菜单),这样就OK了。&
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匿名 发表于 多谢android新手开发,eclipse环境SDK用的是4.1的, mybutton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.mybutton);_百度知道
android新手开发,eclipse环境SDK用的是4.1的, mybutton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.mybutton);
Description Resource Path Location Type
Call requires API level 11 (current min is 8): android.app.ActionBar#setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled Activity_02.java /Activity_02/s...
原因就是api版本低修改的步骤:第一步:修改AndroidManifest.xml里的&uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=&11& /&第二步:修改project.properties文件里的target=android-11第三步:右键工程--&Android Tools--&Fix project properties完毕
你选择的api版本不对。你那个句子是api11才有的 而你选择的是api8
(最多只允许输入30个字)1. Experiment: force specified by the layout editor, the same two button id, and then in the code by findViewById () obtained handle to modify the text after. The results: only one button text changes, and another is not affected. 2. Experiment: the
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Android is finally the courage to look at the source code, OK ~ according to the steps given in the Internet: Steps are: 1, first download the SDK source code. android-1.5 download address the following http://rgruet.free.fr/public/android-1.5-cupcak
Such as the title, the previous 1.5 version has already been collated source code, but some people say that you want to reply to 1.6. Just tried it today, all versions of source code, running well. So simply compiled a download link and installation
Such as the title, has been finishing off the previous 1.5 version of the source code, but some people replied that want 1.6. Just tried it today, all versions of source code, running well. So simply compiled a download link and installation method.
Such as the title, the previous 1.5 version has already been collated source code, but some people say that you want to reply to 1.6. Just tried it today, all versions of source code, running well. So simply compiled a download link and installation
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Original from: Rain Maple Technical Tutorials Network http://www.fengfly.com Original URL: http://www.fengfly.com/plus/view-.html The menu is a variety of software and development platform will provide the necessary functionality, Eclipse is
1.SpringSource Tool Suite:http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts 2.dbviewer:http://www.ne.jp/asahi/zigen/home/plugin/dbviewer/ 3.EGit:http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates 4.run-jetty-run:http://run-jetty-run.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updatesite
我们都是使用xml layout 来去控制UI组件,其实我们也可以完全抛开XML,用纯代码来控制我们的界面UI. 回顾我们学过的,遇到过的UI组件,有容器类的Layout:LinearLayout,RelativeLayout等, 也有视图类UI:TextView, EditText, Button, ImageView等.对应到代码中,我们会发现,他们都是View子类,具体关系如下: Tips:在Eclipse中,可以用Ctrl+T键来查看某个类的类层次关系: ViewGroup 与View
摘 要 孔子云:工欲善其事,必先利其器.作为开发人员,我们致力于为最终用户实现工作流程自动化:然而,许多开发人员却疏忽了将自己的开发流程自动化.企业级应用系统涉及到开发.测试.部署.实施等一系列开发流程,在整个软件开发过程中我们如何借助工具.方法和模式使过程简单自动化,减少一些低效繁琐的开发工作量呢? 本系列文章试图使用一系列的工具的介绍及使用帮助大家在日常工作中减轻繁杂低效的开发工作,借助于现有的一系列工具提升大家的开发效率,使大家日常工作做到事半功倍. 本文作为该系列的第一章,首先介绍大家日
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CNF全称:Common Navigator Framework NCE全称:Navigator Content Extensions Eclipse 对于导航视图提供了很完整的实现,如果看过Eclipse其它导航实现,基本上都是使用这个框架来实现的.在官方提供的文档中,有详细的描述和一个简单的小例子.英文好的可以自己翻译来看看具体的详解. 开发中常用的部分: ViewPart 继承 CommonNavigator Navigator Content Extensions 使用扩展点 org.e
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mapView the xml &View android: id = &@ + id / mv& android: layout_width = &fill_parent& android: layout_height = &fill_parent& android: layout_weight = &1& android: apiKey = &0yxPVuoWg4JGeXCpA3WaJCnbiR2lLfCC
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mysql joint query view to achieve the method instance mysql& mysql& create table employee ( -& Id int, -& First_name varchar (15), -& Last_name varchar (15), -& Start_date date, -& End_date date, -& Salary float (8,2), -& City v
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/** * Performs an AJAX-based update of the list view contents. * @param id string the ID of the list view container * @param options map the AJAX request options (see jQuery.ajax API manual). By default, * the URL to be requested is the one that gene
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一般情况自定义View: 新建一个继承UIView的类后有两个方法:- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame,在初始化的时候添加 子Views - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect 重载它就可以通过代码来自定义View. - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self) { // Initialization(初始化) code } r
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自从学习android的hello world开始 我们就知道了这样一个函数findViewById(),他已经成为了家喻户晓,坑蒙拐骗,杀人越货必备的一个函数(好吧,这句是扯淡) 但一直用也没细致研究过它,直到写程序的时候发现一个由这个函数引起的一个莫名其妙的bug,遂决定好好研究下次函数~ 我们调用的findViewById()函数其实有两种(目前我只看到两种,不确定还有没有其他的),一种是Activity类中findViewById()函数 另外一种是View类中定义的findViewBy
对于需求较为严格一些,应该让ViewPager滑动时,那个指示器也应该滑动才符合逻辑,因此如上代码改造为如下代码 public class AnimActivity extends BaseActivity { private V /** * 指示器偏移宽度 */ private int offsetWidth = 0; private ViewPager mViewP /** * viewPager宽度 */ private int screenWith = 0;
网上有许多介绍Eclipse配置的文章,但大多步骤较多,令人望而却步.在这里,第一部分先介绍Eclipse的安装,第二部分是CDT+MinGW的傻瓜式安装教程.第三部分是CDT+MinGW正统的安装.两种方法没有本质的区别. 1.安装Eclipse和MinGW: 1.1安装Eclipse 要想运行Eclipse,首先需要安装JDK,推荐的是Oracle的JDK SE(原来Java是Sun公司的,后来被Oracle收购了,所以还是去Oracle的网站上下载吧.),地址是http://www.ora
使用 for activity: ViewHelper helper = new ViewHelper(MainActivity.this); helper.id(R.id.text_view).text(&hello world&); helper.id(R.id.button).clicked(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { } }); helper.id(R.id.image
Android做维护开发的时候,Hierarchy view是非常好用的界面分析工具,对于不是自己开发的界面,可以很方便的查看到view的id,以定位view的相关代码. 但是似乎是Android4.0之后,原先在tool目录的启动方式不能用了,硬要让人使用Android device monitor(ADM). 打开了ADM之后,像原先一样的点击device工具栏的Hierarchy 图标,发现获取出来的view不能查看id.. 不能查看id我还要它干毛.... 放弃了好一段时间后,还是觉得没
Activity assigned to you for the correct permissions, you first need to know what permissions you need to allocate. The correct example is the use of Dialer Activity. Access Dailer Activity managed by CALL_PHONE permission. Through the allocation of
Original Transfer from: https: / / txt.appspot.com/pt2club.blogspot.com/2009/12/gwt-20.html GWT 2.0 Introduction Original URL: http://googlewebtoolkit.blogspot.com/2009/12/introducing-google-web-toolkit-20-now.html Earlier this evening, exciting Camp
Original Transfer from: https: / / txt.appspot.com/pt2club.blogspot.com/2009/12/gwt-20.html GWT 2.0 Introduction Original URL: http://googlewebtoolkit.blogspot.com/2009/12/introducing-google-web-toolkit-20-now.html Earlier this evening, exciting Camp
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Activity assigned to you for the correct permissions, you first need to know what you need to assign privileges. Correct example is the use of Dialer Activity. Access Dailer Activity managed by CALL_PHONE permission. Through the allocation of rights,
Job to interview, the interview had to deal with the interview approach. The following questions from me and my friend painful interview experience, raise these issues companies, including IBM, E * Trade, Siebel, Motorola, SUN, and other large and sm
In the RCP program, we often get IWorkbenchPage, if it is from view by, you can use the following method: IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage = getViewSite().getPage(); Sometimes not from the view, but from the outside to obtain IWorkbenchPage, for example,
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Since google 06 Since it entered China on a map, moving developments in the field several times the speed of growth every year basically. Android platform in the latest related applications, if they can understand our google map will be a great help
http://www.huomo.cn/developer/article-b8f0.html 1. Reference documentation 1.1 Obtaining MIPS Android Source Code (http://www.mipsandroid.com/documents/show/1) 1.2 Compiling Android for MIPS (http://www.awakecoding.com/index.php?option=com_content&vi
install when the build failure, prompt: illegal character: \ 65279 -- Resolved Reason: The file encoding problem, eclipse in view the file properties, see the encoding is as follows: Workaround: UltraEdit, EditPlus, etc. Editor
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processed in 0.055 (s). 11 q(s)eclipse找不得listview控件 在java文件里用findviewbyid 方法绑定_百度知道
eclipse找不得listview控件 在java文件里用findviewbyid 方法绑定
1.首先你要确认你的R文件是否是正确的。findviewbyid 方法绑定出现错误,通常都是R文件的错误导致的!查看R引用的是否是当前项目的R文件。2.如果是直接就找不到ListView控件,那可能是你的Sdk包的问题!请检查你的sdk关联是否正确,下载的包是否完整!


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