约翰霍普金斯大学学ms in marking怎么样

美国大学研究生专业排名:房地产 美国大学研究生专业排名:房地产 - 排名资讯 】   不夸张的说的高等质量是全球第一的,在配套设施、师资水平、教育支出、教学等级甚至教育环境以及整个社会对教育的认知及重视程度上,美国都无疑是世界第一位的。每年在世界的国家当周有很大的一部分是来自于美国,美国的高等教育学历在全世界得到广泛的承认和推崇,因此很多人也是更加的青睐于去。去美国留学还有多文化交流、更多职业发展发展等优势。那么去美国攻读研究生房地产专业,有哪些学校可以选择,学校的排名情况如何呢?跟一起来看看吧。   房地产专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具备较扎实的经济和管理学理论基础,系统掌握房地产经营管理学科理论和技能,通晓相关学科主要理论和方法,有经、管、法和一定工程技术相互交融的良好知识结构,创新意识强,综合素质高,能在政府机关等行政、银行等各类金融机构、房地产开发经营和房地产咨询、估价、物业管理等各类企业中胜任与土地和房地产行政管理、住房保障、房地产金融、房地产投资、房地产资产经营管理、房地产价格评估等相关的实务工作,以及能胜任在教学和科研机构从事与房地产相关的教学和科研工作的高级专门人才。 项目英文名 MS&in&Real&Estate&Development 麻省理工学院 Real&Estate 约翰霍普金斯大学 MS&in&Real&Estate&and&Infrastructure Real&Estate 乔治敦大学 Real&Estate M.S.&in&Real&Estate M.S.&in&Real&Estate&Development 罗切斯特大学 MS&in&Pricing 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校* Global&Real&Estate&Master 佛罗里达大学 Master&of&Science&in&Real&Estate Master&of&Real&Estate&Development&+&Urbanism Master&of&Science&in&Real&Estate Master&of&Sustainable&Real&Estate&Development,缩写:MSRED 兰大学学院公园分校 Master&of&Real&Estate&Development 马里兰大学学院公园分校* Land&Use&and&Environmental&Planning 克莱蒙森大学 Master&of&Real&Estate&Development 德州农工大学 Master&of&Real&Estate 美利坚大学 Real&Estate Real&Estate&and&Construction&Management 圣地亚哥大学 Real&Estate Real&Estate&Development 圣(明尼苏达) Real&Estate MS&in&Real&Estate 德保罗大学 MS&in&Wealth&Management 亚利桑那州立大学 Real&Estate&Development 乔治梅森大学 Real&Estate 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 Real&Estate 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 Real&Estate 弗吉尼亚联邦大学 Real&estate&valuation 中佛罗里达大学 Real&Estate&MS   推荐阅读   想了解更多资讯,请访问出国留学网MS in Marketing | Naveen Jindal School of Management Undergraduate Executive Education Centers &Institutes MS Programs Executive MS Programs MBA ProgramsMBA Resources Executive MBA Programs Executive MBA Programs Corporate Education Executive MS Programs Graduate Certificates Professional Certificates Institutes Scholarships/Assistantships UTD Resources Prep Courses Master of Science in Marketing Master of Science in Marketing Questions? Have a question about our program? Related Links Connect with the Director Degree Plan Student Testimonials Students’ Profile Student Ambassadors Connect with the Director Marketing is experiencing change due in great part to the growth of behavioral targeting, social media and mobile marketing. Driving the explosive growth and interest for these areas (as well as the more “mature” digital areas such as search and E-commerce) is the fact that companies can now determine the exact ROI of a campaign due to the availability of all kinds of data. We are both proud and excited to introduce our digital marketing track. The Master of Science in Marketing program prepares students for these growth areas, as well as traditional areas, by emphasizing a proficiency in quantitative skills such as statistics, databases and market research as well as qualitative skills such as consumer behavior. Regardless of the graduate marketing track you pursue, these skills will be what can set you apart from other “marketers” when competing for a job or advancing in your career. Specialization is also critical in today’s marketplace and our MS in Marketing program allows you to take twice the number of marketing courses than other degree programs. Learn more by attending one of our . For the status of your application or questions about the required admission documentation, you may contact the The University of Texas at Dallas is located in the greater Dallas area, home or an important base to many leading marketing–driven companies and advertising agencies such as American Airlines, AT&T, The Container Store, Dr Pepper, Fossil, Frito–Lay, Kimberly–Clark, KBM–Wunderman, JC Penney, Pizza Hut (YUM brands), MARC Research, Mary Kay, Razor, The Richards Group, Savitz Research, Southwest Airlines, TargetBase and Tracy Locke. In addition, the Telecom Corridor of high–tech business that surrounds UT Dallas is also home to several companies including Alcatel, Cisco, Ericsson, McAfee, Nokia, Texas Instruments and Samsung which require professionals proficient in marketing analytics, business development, digital marketing and product management. has assisted with the program design and continually monitors the course work to ensure the curriculum is both relevant to commercial enterprises and generates future industry leaders with successful career paths. The local chapters of the are actively involved with our marketing programs and advisory board. Alexander Edsel Director, MS Marketing Programs Degree Plan Classes are offered on-campus in the evening (some are available online) and are especially suitable for students working full-time or part-time jobs. Work or educational experience in marketing is desirable but not required. The degree plan includes nine semester credit hours of business core courses, nine semester credit hours of marketing core courses and 18 semester credit hours of marketing focused core courses and/or electives depending on the track chosen. Business Core Courses (6 Semester Credit Hours) Marketing Management Quantitative Intro. To Risk & Uncertainty In Business Marketing Core Courses (9 Semester Credit Hours) Marketing Research Consumer Behavior Capstone Decision Making (Spring) or Competitive Marketing Strategy (Fall) Advertising & Branding The following 4 courses (12 credit hours): Interactive & Digital Marketing Brand Management Advertising & Promotional Strategy Advertising Research Plus 9 credit hours from the following list: Database Marketing Marketing Projects Lab Marketing Campaign Management Lab Data Visualization & Customer Insights Development Content & Social Media Marketing Competitive Marketing Strategy Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) Business Development & Sales The following 4 courses (12 credit hours): Creating & Managing Professional Sales Organizations Digital Sales Strategy Professional Selling I Professional Selling II Plus 9 credit hours from the following list: Interactive and Digital Marketing Database Marketing Enterprise Systems and CRM Marketing Campaign Management Lab Data Visualization & Customer Insights Development Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) Management and Org. Consulting Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Digital Advertising & Marketing The following 4 courses (12 credit hours): Interactive & Digital Marketing Digital Sales Strategy Marketing Campaign Management Lab Marketing Digital Lab Plus 9 credit hours from the following list: Database Marketing Advertising & Promotional Strategy Advertising Research Enterprise Systems and CRM Marketing Projects Lab Data Visualization & Customer Insights Development Content & Social Media Marketing Competitive Marketing Strategy Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) Global eBusiness Marketing Web Analytics MIS 6373 Social Media and Business Product Management The following 4 courses (12 credit hours): New Product Development Brand Management Marketing Models Plus 9 credit hours from the following list: International Marketing Building & Managing Prof. Sales Org Advertising & Promotional Strategy Marketing Projects Lab Marketing Campaign Management Lab Data Visualization & Customer Insights Development Competitive Marketing Strategy Market Entry Strategies Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) Agile Project Management Project Management in Engineering and Operations Marketing Analytics & Customer Insights The following 3 courses (9 credit hours): Database Marketing Business Intelligence Software MIS Spreadsheet Modeling Plus 12 credit hours from the following list: Analytics focus Marketing Analytics using SAS Marketing Projects Lab Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) Applied Econometrics and Time Series Analysis (or) Applied Econometrics Database Foundation Database Management Systems Advanced Business Intelligence SAS Data Visualization Analytics Practicum Prescriptive Analytics Customer Insights Focus Management & Org. Consulting Interactive & Digital Marketing Digital Sales Strategy Advertising Research Enterprise Systems and CRM Marketing Projects Lab Marketing Campaign Management Lab Data Visualization & Customer Insights Development Marketing Internship (1-3 credit hours) IT Services Management OPRE 6362 Project Management Web Analytics Data Visualization Marketing Management No track core courses. Complete 21 credit hours by taking at least 9 credit hours from courses with a MKT prefix. You may if you choose take the remaining 9 credit hours from the following list of non-MKT courses: Financial Accounting (or ) (dual MS MKT-MBA only) Management & Org. Consulting Professional Salesmanship Business Model Innovation Technology & New Product Dev Financial Mgt.(dual MS MKT-MBA only) International Marketing Global e-Business Marketing Applied Econometrics and Time Series Analysis (or) Applied Econometrics Business Intelligence Software Advanced Business Intelligence SAS Web Analytics Agile Project Management Social Media and Business Data Visualization Analytics Practicum Organizational Behavior .(dual MS MKT-MBA only) Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Spreadsheet Modeling and Analytics Project Management in Engineering and Operations Prescriptive Analytics For detailed degree plan, please visit . Student Testimonial Playlist Click upper left of video to scroll through different testimonials. Students’ Profile We are proud of our MS in Marketing management students. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience and represent an array of races, gender, geography and cultures. Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Student Profile Class StatisticsPercentage or Number International65%Canada, China, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Turkey, Venezuela, and the USA Domestic minorities: Hispanic, African American8% Average GMAT635 Average TOEFL (iBT)84 Average Work Experience*1.5 years Median Age23 Average Undergraduate GPA3.5 Average Graduate GPA3.4 Typical Undergraduate Degrees**Communications, Business, Engineering, Liberal Arts * Work experience is not required for joining the MS Marketing program. However, prior working experience is highly considered and recommended. ** The amount of work experience greatly determines your earning potential when you graduate, 3-4 years of relevant experience is the best minimum to leverage your Master’s degree. The MS in Marketing helps with career advancement of several domestic graduates have been promoted to Director or VP positions. National statistics show a Master’s degree on average can increase salaries for working graduates by 15%. The following 2015 salary survey was conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, and highlights the demand for marketing talent. The average starting salary is $77,955. This is more likely to happen in growth areas such as digital, marketing analytics and product management and if you come in with some work experience. Top-paid business majors at the master’s level Average Starting Salary Business Administration/ Management Logistics/ Supply Chain Management Information Systems Accounting Source: January 2015 Salary Survey,National Association of Colleges and Employers Work experience is not required for joining the MS Marketing program. However, prior working experience is highly considered and recommended. The amount of work experience greatly determines your earning potential when you graduate, 3-4 years of relevant experience is the best minimum to leverage your Master’s degree. Average Salaries Full Time Jobs Experience No experience Approx. $54,000 3-5 years relevant experience 5 or more years and in a high demand area such as digital, product management or analytics Internships/Job Placements 100% for domestics seeking a paid internship. 60% for international but not always paid-this statistic is highly correlated to your written and verbal proficiency in English, if you have a high Toefl of 95 or greater, then a 90% placement rate is common International OPT placement data for Spring 2015 graduates 34 out of 56 international students who graduated in Spring 2015 obtained 1 year OPT MS in Marketing Placement Statistics: Student Ambassadors Our Master of Science in Marketing program has several student ambassadors chartered to provide help and information via email for prospective or new students on various topics such as the Dallas environment, housing, living expenses, academic and social life. Please feel free to reach out to these MS Marketing ambassadors with any questions you may have. Bangalore, India & Class of 2017, Spring Hobbies: Singing, travelling and reading comics “I have an undergraduate degree in Marketing and started my own start up at the age of 21. The challenges and complications I encountered in my work motivated me to broaden my horizons in the field of Marketing. I chose the Marketing program at UT Dallas for its rigorous curriculum, renowned faculties, and job market in Dallas. I will be glad to respond to your queries about the program, the learning experience and questions related to living in Dallas. .” Bangalore, India Hobbies: Hobbies are traveling and reading books “Hello! I studied Marketing in my undergraduate degree and through my internship experience during college, I learnt how digital marketing and analytics has been taking over the traditional marketing ways globally. Working at Goldman Sachs right after college and then working for a startup company has been a great learning curve and I learnt that with the right marketing, you could take any business to another level. UTD has a unique focus on providing students with a plethora of action-based opportunities that offer hands on experiences, various clubs, organization’s to network and on campus resources I needed to achieve my aspirations. It has been an enriching experience and I couldn’t be happier. I’d be happy to share my experience and answer your questions about the program, college or living in Dallas! Texas, USA & Class of 2018, Spring Hobbies: Reading, Outdoor Recreation, Cooking “I have a BBA in Marketing from UT San Antonio. While completing my undergraduate degree, I found that I really enjoyed the quantitative side of marketing, and I want to pursue a career in market analytics. I chose UT Dallas because of its reputation as an excellent school, the variety of courses offered using analytics programs that real companies use, the commitment of the school to students’ success, and the fact that Dallas holds many opportunities for marketing analytics. I am happy to answer any questions about the program..” Class of 2018, Fall Hobbies: Crafting, traveling, reading, and board games “I am pursuing the joint MS/MBA in Marketing at UT Dallas, and I manage the marketing department for a furniture designer and distributor. The MS Marketing program has offered in depth knowledge, best practices, and hands-on experience to further my career. I selected UT Dallas for its rigorous curriculum and great rankings, though the best part of my experience has been applying these skills to my career in real time. I would be happy to answer any of your questions about the MS Marketing program. Texas, USA & Class of 2017, Fall Hobbies: Jogging, Rock Climbing, Swing Dancing, and Travelling. “I am currently pursuing a Master of Science in Marketing, Analytics and Consumer Insights track. After a career in retail management, I returned to school and graduated from UTD in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. I now work as a Digital Campaign Analyst for a small advertising agency in Dallas. My work background and undergraduate education have given me a strong foundation to draw upon in my current studies. I selected UTD for its location, quality of faculty, and great reputation. Feel free to with questions about the MS Marketing program.” Minnesota, USA Hobbies: Cooking and hiking “I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in mathematics and I am currently completing my master’s degree in marketing – research and analytics track here at UTD. I chose to pursue a career in marketing analytics because it combines my love of math with my desire to be creative. me with any questions you have about the marketing program the University of Texas at Dallas!”去美国留学,读环境工程专业研究生,请问约翰霍普金斯大学与卡内基梅隆大学比较哪所大学更好一些?该如何选 如题,去美国留学,读环境工程专业研究生,请问约翰霍普金斯大学与卡内基梅隆大学比较哪所大学更好一些?该如何选 2013年环境工程专业最新排名:卡梅第七,霍普金斯第九,2013年美国大学综合排名,卡梅第23,霍普金斯未进前50! 这两个的话卡内基梅隆更有名不过约翰霍普金斯排名更高达到了12

来自大科学团队 看专业排名的话,霍普金斯第五,卡梅第八,霍普金斯的名气貌似综合来看比卡梅略强,两所学校的位置都还可以,巴尔的摩靠近华盛顿,一小时车程吧,而匹兹堡还被评为最宜居的城市。

刚才忘记登陆了…… 环境的话不要去这两个吧。。。CMU是做硬核出名的阿就是电子机械计算机甚么的。伯克利环境挺不错的。 看专业排名的话,霍普金斯第五,卡梅第八,霍普金斯的名气貌似综合来看比卡梅略强,两所学校的位置都还可以,巴尔的摩是大城市,而匹兹堡被评为最宜居的城市。
我自己也是今年出去读环境工程的硕士,基本定了打算去霍普金斯,希望跟楼主成为同学 下页更精彩:1 本文已影响人还没有开通? 赶快免费注册一个吧! 约翰·霍普金斯大学工业工程/工业管理专业 专业中文名 工业工程/工业管理 专业英文名 Industrial Engineering/Management ¥262568/年 约翰·霍普金斯大学工业工程/工业管理专业入学要求 专业入学要求 托福/雅思成绩 GPA要求 GRE/GMAT成绩要求 语言考试成绩 申请条件 入学要求如下: 至少满足以下一项条件 至少满足以下一项条件 至少满足以下一项条件 托福考试:99.00单项 听力26.00 口语25.00 写作22.00 阅读26.00 雅思考试:7.00单项 听力7.00 口语7.00 阅读7.00 写作7.00 提供SAT成绩单项 Critical Reading670.00 提供ACT成绩单项 英语30.00 阅读30.00 提供SAT成绩 提供ACT成绩Writing section:1门 展开+转校生 入学要求如下: 至少满足以下一项条件 至少满足以下一项条件 至少满足以下一项条件 托福成绩:100.00单项 阅读26.00 写作22.00 口语25.00 听力26.00 提供SAT成绩单项 Critical Reading670.00 雅思考试:7.00单项 写作7.00 阅读7.00 口语7.00 听力7.00 提供SAT成绩 SAT Subject Tests :3门 提供ACT成绩 约翰·霍普金斯大学工业工程/工业管理专业介绍   工业工程是一门综合应用自然科学和社会科学的理论和知识以提高各种组织的运作效率、有效地应用各种资源、能源,以便取得最大效益的学科改进、设计、管理、评估和测试生产系统对学习工业工程的学生来说,是一个不小的挑战。你将怎么样看待经济,这意味着你怎么样看一个产品的制造或是所提供的服务,你的终极目标是提高产品质量和服务。 不像其它工程专业,工业工程关注的是人。你将学习一些工效学和人为因素方面的课程,学习人们怎么样成为生产系统的一部分,当然也研究他们怎样能更有效率的工作,或者是设计出能更好地为人们服务的生产系统。 尽管工业工程师原本只涉及制造,今天他们有了更加广泛的选择。食品、银行、卫生保健、民航这样依赖于工业工程使他们更有效的运输他们的货物的行业只是冰山一角。工业工程师的这些技能更好的满足了社会的需求。 约翰·霍普金斯大学工业工程/工业管理专业课程设置 线性规划;网络流量;活动网络理论;质量设计与控制;工作设计中的生理学和生物力学;仿真入门;工业实践系统设计;职业生物力学;骨骼肌肉力学;固体力学;工作分析和设计;设备设计;生产计划和控制;项目管理;质量管理和控制;生产和经营分析;职业导向:管理;商业信息系统;组织行为学和领导技巧;经营计划;生产控制;人机互动;设施规划与管理;工程概论;普通化学;理论化学;质量管理和控制;项目管理;信息系统;制造系统;制造工艺;统计学;工程与管理;质量和生产力 ;质量管理和控制;质量保证和检验;质量设计与控制;实验技能;分子和细胞生物学原理;统计学;国家安全技术;防火介绍;工业技术教育;施工安全管理;电工电子技术;质量管理和控制;信息系统管理;制造工艺; 约翰·霍普金斯大学工业工程/工业管理专业排名 获取更多留学信息请点击网页右侧"客服QQ"免费咨询,或拨打免费咨询电话。“免费注册”更可获“您的专属顾问”为您提供VIP留学咨询服务! 约翰·霍普金斯大学其他专业 约翰·霍普金斯大学相关问答 网友对约翰·霍普金斯大学的评价 评论加载。。。 网友对约翰·霍普金斯大学的评价 您登录发布评论,即可获得2个留学币! &教学质量: &研究能力: &综合环境: &生源质量: &品牌价值: (评论的字数不能超过250个字) 最专业的美国院校搜索系统 收录美国大学:1618所&&研究生院:1390所 考试最新资料下载 新用户注册 没有收到短信激活码,可用: 下次自动登录 立即登录下载考试资料,查看专业的留学方案,赚取更多留学币,参与互动更可兑换专业留学服务}


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