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百分网【英语演讲稿范文】 编辑:刘昭
什么是艺术:What is art?艺术是什么?也许有许多人会回答:艺术是音乐、美术等等。但我的回答却很简单,艺术是一种美。艺术通常总是十分高雅而不可及的,其实它可以是一首歌、一次展览、一段经历……有艺术的生活就有欢乐,就有美。作为一个初出茅庐的学生要谈艺术,似乎有点过于高调,但鉴于自己对于艺术的热爱不免在这里扯谈一番。艺术,在我们90后的眼中到底是什么?What is art? Maybe most people will say: art, is music, painting and so on. But my answer is very si-mp-le, art is a kind of beauty. Art is usually very elegant and unreachable, in fact it can be a song, a show, an experience......with the artistic life,there is joy, there is beauty. As a fledgling student,it seems to be a little too high-profile to talk about art, but in view of my love for the arts leads me to talk something of art here. What is art in our post 90s eyes?从中学到大学再到现在的研究生,就我而言学习艺术已经有了一段时日,艺术的一些观念也已经开始有一点点萌芽,但是现在莫名的有些迷茫。我不知道在金钱横冲直转的冲刷下,真正的艺术到底还剩下几成。前一段时间,到一些画室客串了一下。被颜料和碳灰侵染的白墙上贴满了所谓的好画,临近艺考的他们似乎信心百倍。和他们交谈一番后,心中不免有些失落。偌大的潇湘竟是些生产机器的工厂,教育模式完全以考试为目的,看到此景,怎能不让人哀叹神伤。忆想当年,我们湘楚大地盛产文人骚客,不乏一些文艺风范,而现在在他们眼中艺术竟成了应考落地的康庄大道,艺术修养和思维完全被抛掷脑后。这简直是对艺术的一种亵渎。假若不是真心热爱这门学问,又何必学人用此媚雅。艺术本应当是有内心的意念而画,而不是单纯的为了画画而画,艺术本生就是让人在其中享受的过程,并非让艺术来牵着你的鼻子走,那样你只是媚雅途中的一个渺小的奴隶。艺术应当你自己才是主体,要为自己而画。真正的高手能够与每一个观赏者进行心灵交流。From middle school to university to graduate now, I have been studying art for a long time and begin to have some initial understanding of art, but i feel some inexplicable confused now. I don't know how much the real art will left in this materialistic society. Some time ago, i take a part-time job in a art studio.On the wall which full of pigment and carbon ash full covered by the so-called good painting, the students seemed to be very confident for the coming art exam. But after talk with them, i feel a little loss. In such a huge area like Xiaoxiang, the education modes only focus on the examination, what is the difference between them and the machine factory?When we remind of history, in the same land, it famous for abundant scholars, poets and artists. Compare with what we see now, art only aimed for passing the examination in their eyes, what a pity! It is a desecration of art. If you do not really love art, why you pretend to be artsy-craftsy? Art is coming from your emotion mind and heart experience, it not means you paint only for painting. Art is a process for people to enjoy, not to make them to be slaves on the way to artsy-craftsy.The principle part should be yourself in art processing, you paint for yourself. The real artistcan communicate in soul with each of the visitors.我跟艺术的关系:My relationship with art:从高中起就在和艺术打交道,现在我想谈谈我跟艺术的关系,艺术,我不知道它这两个字的背后藏着什么样的魔力,以至于我从小对它充满了憧憬。在懵懂时分,我就羡慕那些从事艺术方面的人们,因为从他们的行为举止和谈吐装饰中我发现了生活原来可以不用这么矜持。尽情地张扬自己的个性才是畅快淋漓的生活方式。当我在中学踏入艺术的大门之时,班上的同学都用羡慕的眼光把我叫做艺术生。在他们的瞳孔里,似乎艺术生的艺术天赋都比他们好,他们都想从每一个学画的人那讨几张画来,幻想这以后他们出名后这画可以顿时使自己价值倍增。现在想来这是多么的幼稚好笑。而艺术生在老师眼里好像都是些不羁的学子。成绩不好了便想去寻找这种“旁门左道”。我的入门艺术就是在这样的环境中开始的。就这样一步一步的走到了研究生阶段,有人说一个艺术生科研是为了什么,又有人会问,女孩子上那么久的学、读那么多的书,最终不还是要回一座平凡的城,打一份平凡的工,嫁作人妇,洗衣煮饭,相夫教子,何苦折腾?我想,我们的坚持是为了,就算最终跌入繁琐,洗尽铅华,同样的工作,却有不一样的心境,同样的家庭,却有不一样的情调,同样的后代,却有不一样的素养。Since high school i begin to received professional training in art. Now I want to say something of my relationship with art. I don't know what kind of magic behind art, made me full of longing since i was a kid.I admire those people who engaged in art, because from their manners and conversation I fell life can not be so restrained. The most carefree lifestyle is to enjoy the publicity of theirpersonality freely. WhenI entered the gate of the art in the middle school, my classmates called me “art students”with envy. In their eyes that seems to be the art students’ talent are better thanthem.They all want to collect a couple of paintings from every students who is learning painting. They dreamed to earn more money when the painter becomes famous one day. How na-iv-e and funny! Meanwhile, in the teachers eyes, most art students seemedunruly. They choose art only because they can not get good test result. I started my art life under such environment and stepped into graduate now.People will ask what does art students research for? Others will doubt, although girls paid more time to study, they will finally come back to the small city, get a normally work, married a normally man, and then do housework just as other common girls without such abundant study experience. In my mind, we stick to what we interest, although in the same work, we will have different spirit, similar family,different sentiment, similar later generations, will have different comprehensive qualities.我的专业方向是视觉传达,我想能在我手下创作出好的设计,能让我于艺术拉的更近,我的理想是当一名平面设计师除了课堂学习外,平时要更多时间自学平面设计,文学素养,美学思维,尤其要把几个主要的平面设计软件弄精通。我要开始有意识地培养自己的创意能力,看有关创意思维的书、学习优秀的平面设计作品,更重要的是我开始从生活中寻找灵感:每做一件事时,我都会联想到是否可以用到我的创作中去。国内平面设计的整体水平不高,我觉得自己还需要更扎实的学习、接触国际水准的平面设计,我要学习国好的作品、好的思想方能获得更大的成功。 中外结合是关键。国外的平面设计很发达,因此一定要充分学习他们的技巧,尤其是创意。同时,也不能盲目照搬和模仿,而是要在学习的基础上融会中国的传统文化所以,在中国,最好的作品一定是具有中国传统文化的底蕴。 我知道,苦练内功是第一,好的平面设计师需要的是综合的素质,绘画以及会使用电脑软件只是最基础的技能。因此想成为一名优秀的平面设计师,一定要有不断学习的习惯,要有追求创新的原动力。内功还没练到家就追求经济利益和社会影响最多昙花一现,难以取得真正的成就。 以前我总觉得任何事情都可以靠后天的努力来弥补,但现在不得不承认天分其实十分重要。好的设计师不仅需要有想法、有创意,还要有高度的概括、总结能力及抽象思维能力,可以迅速归纳出问题的本质。这些不是通过短期的训练可以做到的。 有天分:思维活跃、在交流中经常迸出思想的火花,有很多好的idea,时常记录自己的灵感。My professional direction is the visual communication, I believe i can create many good design, and that will bring me closer and closer with art. My dream is to be a graphic designer. In addition to classroom learning, i will spend more time on self-study. Like graphic design, literary quality, aesthetic thought, especially to master some major graphic design software. I willcultivate my creative thinkingability by readingrelated books and learning good graphic design works. The more important is that I start to find inspiration from daily life. I will think whether can be used to my design when i do something. The domestic design level is not as high as international level. So i should be learn more international good design works and thoughts to improve my own ability to be success. Combination is the key. That means to combine internationals’ skills and thoughts with Chinese traditional culture. So in China, certainly the best work must be full of Chinese traditional culture.I know, the most important is hard skills. A good graphic designer is in need of comprehensive quality, painting and computer software using is only the most basic skills. So if you want to be a good graphic designer, you must have the habit of continuous learning and the motivation to pursue innovation. It must be failed finally if only pursuit economic benefit and social impact without enough hard skills. I used to always feel that anything can be acquired to get in return, but now i has to admit that talent is very important. Good designers not only need to have creative ideas, but also have a high degree of generalization, summarizing ability and abstract thinking ability, the essence can quickly be summarized. All of these can not achieve through short-term training. It needs talent: active thinking, often burst out the spark of thought during conversation, full of good idea and often record their inspiration.没有人说努力就会成功,但总有人说:不努力就会平凡。 我想,大概努力没有什么了不起,努力是正常的生活状态。许多努力的终点,就是好好地——平凡。也许,大多努力,不过是帮助我们把平凡的日子,过得稍微顺畅舒心一点。让我们,做个更好的——普通人。这几年在与艺术的接触中,从中学,大学,在到研究生,我并没有成为什么“艺术大师”也并没有对人生对生活有着什么样的独特见解,我只是想让自己坚持当初拿起画笔那一刻心中的梦想,让我今后的人生有所追求,追求一种艺术的生活。我爱艺术,这话说起来冠冕堂皇,却是发自我内心的真实想法,因为艺术我能成为一名研究生,也是因为艺术我能与他人拥有不一样的生活,也是因为艺术,我认识了一群好朋友,他们与我有着相似的生活,经历,追求,这就使得我们有更多的话题可以聊,使得我们有了更深厚的友谊!No one said that efforts will be successful, but always some people say that no effort will be ordinary. I think, efforts are normal living condition. Many efforts just for ordinary in the end. Perhaps, most effortshelp us to live a better and more comfortable life. Let’s become a better ordinary person.During the dealing with art from high school, university to graduate, I did not become Art Master yet, and also did not have any kind of unique understanding of life. I just want to insist on the initial dream once i picked up the paintbrush and make my life have a pursuit of art.I love art, it is my heart true thoughts. I can become a graduate student because of art, and also because of art I can have a different life with others. In the meantime, i made a group of good friends because of it, they have similar life experiences and pursuit with me, which makes us have more to talk about and keep our profound friendship!艺术给了我一段不一样的人生,感谢艺术!Art has given me a different life, thanks to art!关于艺术的英语演讲稿 [篇2]I think everybody has ever been nervous. Just like me now, I am so nervous now. But I just want to tell you don’t be nervous and I will tell you how to overcome it.And what is nervous ? When you want to show your good side, you’re afraid of doing the wrong thing. The nervous is just a fear of the unknown. Most people think that only a shy, inferior person will be nervous. But in fact, confident person will be also nervous. When you have a high expectations of yourself, When you want to show your better side, When you want to get good grades and so on, your high expectations will make you feel nervous.What kinds of harm will be brought when feeling nervous? Obviously, I forgot the words in my speech just now. And the nervous caused ue inattention. Once you are inattention, your brain will be blank, and at a loss for what to do next. Even, somebody will pay attention to his nervous, and think evertone taunt him. And then feel more and more nervous.And how to overcome the nervous?First of all , you should downgrade your expectation. Don’t try showing your good side . Just like me, I forget the words just now, but it doesn’t matter. It’s nothing serious. And somebody taunt you, you just let them taunt, It’s nothing serious. You should throw away the thought that you are the best. You are who you are. Nothing can strive for.Secondly, you should often talking in public. And maybe you will say you can’t , you are afraid to talk in public. What! It doesn’t matter. I can teach you. For example, when your teacher ask some questions, you don’t have to think about what the question is? And you should raise your hand right away. Remember this! Don’t think about what the question is. It’s so easy. You don’t have to think about anything,just raise your hand. (Does anybody want to answer this question? Does anybody have question? ) I don’t care about what will happen next!I don’t care! Because you will deal with these things automatically! Every time you raise your hand, your situation of nervous will improve every time!So I want to tell you: nervous is easy to overcome and don’t be afraid! When youtry to open yourself more and more frequently, and you will find out nervous is nothing!关于艺术的英语演讲稿 [篇3]English Speaking NotesHello, good morning everyone. I’m Zhang jinsong from the political class of the Institute of political science and public management. Today I’m very pleased to stand here to deliver a speech for you all. The topic of my speech is - Art.Now I’d love to propose my first question - What is art? Oh, Luxin, What is art?According to our textbook 1 on page 108, we can learn that art is often considered the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions.Ok, a standard answer. Well, I just want to put forward my own point of view. My si-mp-le view is that art belongs to the category of beauty and it’s a kind of thing that can bring pleasant enjoyment to one’s heart. This is my own comprehension of art.As we all know, art can be classified into many different kinds of parts. Such as, music, literature, film, sculpture and painting and so on. There is no doubt that we can benefit a lot from these various forms of art. Now I want to put forward my second question, Zifeng, What benefits do you think art can bring to us?Uh, as far as I’m concerned, I believe that what art can bring to us is mainly a sense of enjoyment. And it can add a baptism and sublimation to our hearts.Yeah, I cannot agree more. But I still have something that can be added. Firstly, art provides us with a chance to know something about some great masters’ works, broadening our horizons. What’s more, art helps us improve our connoisseurship and raise the level of our aesthetic judgment. Finally, art can also help us adjust our mood, allowing us leading a healthy and pleasant life in the long run. For example, if we are down, a piece of gentle music will be a not bad comfort to us.Since art has so beneficial an impact on us, thus, I will raise my last question. Onedan, How to raise a person’s artistic accomplishments, letting him or her move forward smoothly under the influence of art?I think attending art classes would be helpful. And we can also go to art museums,
the master-pieces showrooms and etc. to appreciate many different kinds of art forms. This is my answer to your question.Yes, you are a bright girl. In addition to what you have just said, we can also appreciate some brilliant master-pieces through TV, internet and so on in daily lives, even create art works ourselves. Besides, We can also put forward our understanding about a specific work of art to communicate with others,promoting our awareness of art through communication.Ok, my speech is over in the end. Thank you for your listening patiently.英语演讲稿嗨,大家早上好,我是来自政治学与公共管理学院的张劲松。今天我很高兴站在这里来为大家做一个演讲。我演讲的题目是——艺术。现在我会提出我的第一个问题——什么是艺术?嗯,鲁欣,什么是艺术? 根据我们的课本第一册第108页,我们可以了解到艺术经常被认为是一种有意地去安排某种元素使之能够吸引人的情感的过程或者是产品。Ok,一个很标准的答案。好,我就提出我自己的观点。我的简单的观点是艺术是属于美的范畴,是一类能够给人的心灵带来美好享受的事物。众所周知,艺术可以划分为很多不同的内容。例如:音乐、文学、影视、雕塑以及绘画等等。毫无疑问我们可以从这些艺术的不同形式中得到很大的益处。接下来我要提出我的第二个问题,梓峰,你认为艺术能够给我们带来哪些好处呢?呃,就我自己而言,我觉得艺术能够带给我们的最重要的就是一种享受。 哦,我太同意不过了。然而让我依然还有一些可以补充的东西。首先,艺术可以让我们有机会去了解一些大师的作品,开阔我们的视野。其次,艺术可以提高我们的鉴赏能力,提高我们的审美水平。最后,艺术还可以调解一个人的心情,让人过一种健康愉悦的生活。既然艺术对我们来说有这么大的好处,那么,我就要提出我的最后一个问题了,一丹,怎么样才能提高一个人的艺术修养,让一个人在艺术的熏陶下顺利前行呢?我认为去上艺术课是很有帮助的。没错,你是一个聪明的女孩儿。除了你刚才说的,我们也可以在日常生活中通过电视、电脑等媒介来鉴赏一下优秀的艺术作品,甚至是自己创作。除此之外,我们可以把自己的关于某件艺术作品的理解同别人交流一下,在交流中增进我们对艺术的认同。好了,我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家耐心地倾听。


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