guten nacht什么意思novsen英文什麼意思

下垂 的英文怎麼說?
下垂 的英文怎麼說1.&A: What's happening to you? Why are your eyelids drooping like that?&&B: I didn't get a good night's sleep. I'll go to bed early today.2.&If your cactus is drooping, but you are sure it has enough water and is free of pests, then it may be because it is not getting enough sunlight.3.&A: My breasts sag. I have sagging breasts. What should I do?&&B: Go see a doctor.
[1]&droop[2]&sagdroop 常用在眼瞼下垂或植物(例如因為營養不良)的葉子下垂。sag 常用在女生的胸部下垂。eyelids droop = 上眼瞼下垂breasts sag = 胸部下垂
的英文是甚麼? (二選一)
a tea shoppickled plums
她跟我有段刻骨銘心的愛情。 (請填空)
She and I had an unforgetta<input id='challengeAnswerByGuest' data-answerLength="1" data-nextTermPath="/填空題-猜字謎遊戲" data-correctSentenceRed="She and I had an unforgettable relationship." data-correctSentenceGreen="She and I had an unforgettable relationship." data-challengeCorrectAnswer="b" placeholder='1 個字母' type='text' size='7' maxlength='25'/>le relationship.
You failed me 是甚麼意思?
I am well 跟 I am good 的差別?
- 中英物語 -
創立. 歡迎在
From 中英物語
今天的每日一詞是 "體會", 體會的英文怎麼說? 請參考以下翻譯:
1. I just can't relate to the way you feel.
2. I am sympathetic to him for getting fired from his job.
我要訂閱三日一封電子報 每周一封電子報
我不要訂閱電子報軌道 的英文怎麼說?
軌道 的英文怎麼說A train track consists of two rails. The train runs on the two rails from one place to another.
[1]&track[2]&rail一個 rail 指一個金屬條軌道,一個 track 指一個有兩個平行的軌道的總稱,例如火車軌道只有一個 track,卻有兩個 rail。但也有外國人把 track 跟 rail 的意思弄反。
的英文是甚麼? (二選一)
justnot level
只要把自己奉獻給家人,一切都會回到正軌。 (請填空)
Everything will fall into pla<input id='challengeAnswerByGuest' data-answerLength="1" data-nextTermPath="/填空題-替代役" data-correctSentenceRed="Everything will fall into place once you are committed to your family. " data-correctSentenceGreen="Everything will fall into place once you are committed to your family. " data-challengeCorrectAnswer="c" placeholder='1 個字母' type='text' size='7' maxlength='25'/>e once you are committed to your family.
You failed me 是甚麼意思?
I am well 跟 I am good 的差別?
- 中英物語 -
創立. 歡迎在
From 中英物語
今天的每日一詞是 "體會", 體會的英文怎麼說? 請參考以下翻譯:
1. I just can't relate to the way you feel.
2. I am sympathetic to him for getting fired from his job.
我要訂閱三日一封電子報 每周一封電子報
我不要訂閱電子報当前位置: &
求翻译:Guten Tag, um die Anmeldung zum Trusted Shops Shopping Newsletter abzuschliessen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link.是什么意思?
Guten Tag, um die Anmeldung zum Trusted Shops Shopping Newsletter abzuschliessen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link.
Guten 标记,嗯死亡被相信的 Anmeldung zum 购物购物时事通讯 abzuschlie?en, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden 联系。
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