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A Study on Discourse Functions of English Passive Voice
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CHAPTER ONE 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY The first dictionary of an African Language in Zimbabwe, Duramazwi reChiShona (ed. Chimhundu, 1996) was a medium-sized dictionary for the middle stage users. This was a dictionary which the ALLEX team experimented with and used the ICT (Information and Computer Technology) to start building an electronic corpus as a resource to produce dictionaries. As a response to the practical need of the language communities in Zimbabwe, particularly with reference to the teaching of Shona and Ndebele as subjects at different levels in the education system, the ALLEX Project deliberately prioritized monolingual dictionaries. p& However, after producing three monolingual dictionaries triumphantly, eight years from its first publication in 1996, the ALLEX Project produced the first specialized bilingual dictionary it entitled Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano (2004). The bilingual Shona-English dictionary of biomedical terms was compiled with the aim of improving the efficiency of communication between doctors and patients. The dictionary is composed of terms from both modern and traditional medicinal practices. p& Nevertheless, in a bid to produce a comprehensive Shona-English biomedical dictionary, the Shona lexicographers encountered some challenges. One of the challenges was rooted in the the process of finding equivalents. p& The Scan and Balance theory considers the process of translation as involving creating rather than merely searching for equivalence which would lead to the untranslatability of some technical documents as those found in medicine. It takes translation as a process of 鈥渕oving in and out of each language and culture with a scanner i.e. brain to identify the equivalent terms and expressions鈥?鈥?(Chimhundu ). When the equivalence have been found or created, the translator compares their senses or ranges of meaning, usage, appropriate registers and impact to make selections accordingly. p& 1.2 AREA OF INVESTIGATION The present research is in the field of Shona lexicography. Alberts (1997:14) defines lexicography as 鈥渢he activity of writing and editing of dictionaries, it is the process in which linguistic information is written down, processed and compiled in a specific lexicographical format and all this is attained through linguistic research鈥? Svenson (1993: 1) also defines lexicography as, 鈥淎 branch of applied linguistics, which is centrally concerned with observing, collecting and describing units of words or word combinations.鈥?However, the process of compiling dictionaries is important ugg roxy sale because it helps to develop a language through terminological expansion via term creation, adoption and adaptation, coinage, indigenization of foreign terminologies and various other techniques employed to deal with translation problems. p& The current study looks at the applicability of the Scan and Balance theory to bilingual lexicography with a special reference to Duramanzwi reUrapi neUtano. It specifically looks at Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano for the reason that it is the first bilingual dictionary in a specialized field in Shona language. The compilers of the dictionary tried to include as many terms as possible from the major areas of medicine, namely general medicine, gynecology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, surgery and urology, to mention but a few. These terms are also both technical and general. Maintaining a balance in the inclusion of terms from these areas of medicine was one of the challenges faced. Preference was however given to those terms mainly used in everyday medical practice and consultation. p& The research looks at the aspect of the translatability of English biomedical terms into Shona language and traditional Shona medical terms into English language. It further explores the reasons why there are difficulties in ascribing Shona equivalence to English biomedical terms and also Shona to English medical terminology. The research looks at the aspect of translation in the field of lexicography. Above exploring the causes of some problems of translation in bilingual compilation, the research notes that dictionary making is not entirely a theoretical enterprise, but is also a practical exercise. It reveals that in addition to observing the principles guiding the compilation of dictionaries, lexicographers should also pay attention to the needs, expectations and cultural norms of their target users. This notion of culture is one of the tenets of the Scan and Balance theory. Bejoint () notes that 鈥渄ictionaries are instruments of self-teaching for, during the consultation process, their users learn or verify something that they did not know or that they had momentarily forgotten鈥? Therefore, the present study seeks to reveal how Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano was produced amid some cultural considerations for it to be as objective as possible. p& 1.3 MAIN RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. How does the Scan and Balance theory apply to bi with special reference to Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano? 2. What are the challenges faced during translation and how does the Scan and Balance theory attend to the problems? 3. Does translation as a process yield some spin-offs to language development? In what ways does it contribute to language development looking at Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano? p& 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1.To explore the applicability of the Scan and Balance to bilingual lexicography, with reference to Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano. 2.To identify problems and challenges encountered in translation and explore solutions from the Scan and Balance theory. 3.To outline the extent to which bilingual lexicography through translation develops a language. p& 1.5 JUSTIFICATION Albert Einstein is reputed to have articulated that: 鈥淭heory without practice is empty and practice without theory is blind.鈥?(Chimhundu ). It is the researcher鈥檚 feeling that there is a great need for comparison between theory (Scan and Balance) and practice (bilingual lexicography i.e. Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano). The need to explore the practicality of theory in translation relating it to bilingual lexicography justifies this study. Bilingual lexicography in medicine is a new discipline in the Shona language. This advent automatically posed some remarkable challenges to the lexicographers ugg gloves sale in their bid to compile a first Shona-English biomedical terms dictionary. The researcher feels that suggestions made in this research may improve future editions of the existing dictionaries and future publications in translation studies hence language development at the stage of elaboration. p& This study comes as an effort to fulfill the recommendation of the not-implemented 1998 Report on the formulation of a National language Policy 鈥渢o combine lexicography and translation as ways of language development and standardization鈥? Since the research looks at both the fields of lexicography and translation, it is the hope of the researcher that this work will expand on the scope of such related fields in African languages. If bilingual lexicography is approached from the angle of its related field of translation, that will enhance the ability of lexicographers in the compilation of bilingual dictionaries which is impossible to accomplish without the knowledge of translation. This research is justified in as much as it paves a way for an improvement in bilingual lexicography if it is approached with an understanding of recent translation theories like the Scan and Balance. p& Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano was compiled using pragmatic translation of technical and factual materials of the field of medicine. This type of translation accelerates the process of language development at the lexical level and at the same time expands the spheres in which Languages of Limited Diffusion (LLDs) function. This study, reveals how Shona as a language has been developed through term creation, adoption and some other translation techniques that have created such terms like 鈥渁yodhini鈥?(Iodine), 鈥渃hiremba鈥?(Doctor), 鈥渃heukwa netsuro鈥?(Infertility), 鈥渄hiripi鈥?(Intravenous drip) and a some other such new terms in Shona related to medicine. These terms are now part of the Shona language through codification in Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano. Moreover, the study reveals that by having English biomedical terms translated through various techniques to Shona, the Shona language has been diversified and now can be used in medicine just like English. This study is crucial as it shows that in translating, 鈥渂oth ideas and words are transferred鈥?(Chimhundu ) from the world languages to Languages of Limited Diffusion, in this instance, from the English medical fraternity to the Shona medical terminology. p& In addition, what makes this research worthy carrying out is that the two languages dealt with (Shona and English) represent both grammatically and culturally unrelated pairs, hence the need to explore the ways through which some terms were created as a way of developing medicinal lexicon of Shona. The Scan and Balance theory shows the stages that are followed in translation and hence the study seeks to explore the extent to which those stages can reveal how some of the new medicinal terms came into existence in Shona. One of the areas of the lexicon of any given language that has an extremely high degree of cultural loading is that of medicine and therefore it becomes necessary to analyse how such 鈥渃ulturally loaded鈥?concepts of medicine were translated into the Shona language. p& 1.6 LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review is crucial to carry out since it accredits scholars and researchers who have done research along the line in which the current study is pursuing. Moreover, it is meant to convey to the readers the knowledge and ideas that have been established on the current topic, and explore their strengths and weaknesses. Much ground has been covered in the fields of lexicography and translation. Shona lexicography as an academic field is still young and striving to provide ways of producing dictionaries that are user friendly in terms of coverage. It is because of this consideration that the researcher hopes to enrich the field of Shona lexicography by relating it to the broad field of translation with which it closely relates, especially when dealing with bilingual dictionaries. The study reveals the extension of lexicographic coverage in Shona language to the field of medicine, which is a specialized area in science and its function to elaborate the language in the process of language standardization. p& According to Chimhundu (), it is essential to 鈥減lan, study and document the twin-processes of terminological expansion and diversification ugg wholesale of the functions of African LLDs.鈥?This documentation is recommended to link to the production of dictionaries and other reference works, and such lexicographic work should be carried out within the wider context of language standardization. Along the same line, the 鈥淩eport on the formulation of a National Language Policy鈥?(1998:36) recommends that 鈥渢ranslation should be encouraged across African Languages and other languages to enrich the language/culture鈥︹? and moreover, 鈥渂orrowing of words from other languages should be encouraged in order to enrich the vocabulary of the local/ national languages鈥? On lexicography, the report recommends that, 鈥淭he importance of dictionaries be emphasized鈥︹? This study seeks to relate the Scan and Balance theory and Duramazwi reUrapi noUtano to the wider context of language development. This is because the Scan and Balance theory provides 鈥渁 model that accommodates lexical expansion and increased domains of use for LLDs鈥?(Chimhundu ). Therefore, this study is a step towards the implementation of the st relating translation to lexicography. The study illustrates terminological expansion and the diversification of the functions of Shona through examples of medicinal terms that are now found in Shona. Through the employment of various translation techniques new terms emerged, for example asima (asthma), bhandeji (bandage), bhangi reropa (blood bank), ekisireyi (x-ray), fivha (fever), gauti (gout), jekiseni (injection) and many other such terms that are now part of the Shona language. p& Mpofu and Mangoya () look at the methods of production of Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano, the presentation of entries in the dictionary and the namely developing Shona medical terminology in the context of diverse cultures of English and traditional Shona medicine. However, this study seeks to develop this research by looking at the relationship of bilingual lexicography and translation theory in the compilation process of the dictionary, particularly looking at the applicability of the Scan and Balance theory during its translation. In addition to that, the study shows how the compilation process has finally led to the development of Shona as a language as a way of dealing with the problems that were encountered during the translation of English medical terminology. p& Landau () says that, 鈥溾? a cultural perspective is necessary鈥?o grasp the social significance of a linguistic feature鈥?r to follow the subject matter of daily conversation.鈥?This study shows how cultural connotations of words are important when defining the words in a bilingual dictionary, with two languages that have different cultural backgrounds. To support this view, Chaffey (1992) talks about the 鈥渄egree of cultural loading鈥?to refer to the amount of culture-specific knowledge a language user must have in order to be able to understand the full meaning of a lexical item. This study links the concepts of the Scan and Balance theory to the creation of meanings in Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano for such culturally loaded concepts as 鈥渃hipotswa鈥?(form of rheumatism), 鈥渃hitsinga鈥?(form of rheumatism), 鈥渃hitsinha鈥?(inability to get married) which are deeply rooted in the Shona culture. Their meanings in English are shallower than the significance of the translated concepts in Shona, not because of the inability to translate, but because they are not part of the English philosophy. p& 1.7 METHODOLOGY This part outlines the summary of the different methods used in capturing information to realize the objectives Drilling machines. of the current study. The current study is entirely based on desk research. Desk research is a term that is used loosely and it generally refers to the collection of secondary data or that, which has already been collected. In the context of this chapter the term is widened to include all sources of information that do not involve a field survey and, in addition to the more traditional sources, this could include speaking to someone at a trade association or carrying out an interview with an expert. Desk research has been resorted to for its many advantages, like its lower costs and fast data availability. The primary source used in this study for data collection is the
Duramazwi reUrapi neUtano. Data analysis is done using the Scan and Balance theory. These primary sources are the basis
they are referred to continuously throughout the research and this serves the purpose of putting the research into its proper context. p& Secondary sources used include published journals, the Internet, published books and unpublished texts as well as papers that were presented at lexicography conferences. p& 1.8 DELIMITATION OF STUDY This section outlines the sphere of influence or geographical boundaries covered by the research. The selection of these geographical areas is based on some basic criteria of transport costs as well as accessibility by the researcher. The study is done on the Midlands State University and the University of Zimbabwe for their abundance of research sources in their libraries, students and lecturers especially those who specialize in the areas of translation and lexicography. p& 1.9 LIMITATIONS OF TUDY This study has some limitations. The limitations are research methodological: one is to do with the reliability of the results of the analysis and another concern the conceptual-analytical research strategy generally. As to the former issue, a limitation s}


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