Kerhay Horler Jarhoy Kerson

Liquid chromatographic analysis of enantiomeric purity of several terpenoid acids as their 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamide derivatives - ScienceDirect
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JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page., 1 August 1978, Pages 97-105Zoecon Corporation Research Laboratories, Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 U.S.A.Show moreAbstractA rapid high-resolution liquid chromatographic (HRLC) analysis for enantiomeric purity of chiral monoterpenoid acids is described. The acis are converted to diastereomeric amides using commercially available (+)-1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamine. The amides are chromatographed on microparticulate silica HRLC columns with ultraviolet detection at 254 the enantiomeric composition is then derived from the diasteromeric ratios. Good separation of various pairs of diasteromers are reported, with very low loadings (?1 μg) required because of high molecular extinction coefficients. No conclusive correlations between elution order and absolute configuration could be determined.Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.ororRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)}


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