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3秒自动关闭窗口上传用户:zxmyelwtvc资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)本文从经典阐释的视角切入,引入古代阐释学的普通实际和办法来不雅照韩非对老子思惟的诠释与解读,在文本细读的基本上,采取比拟法和对读法,从哲学理念、政管理念、人心理念三个方面周全剖析了韩非对老子思惟的吸纳、转换和抛弃。同时,在此种横向的文本比拟、对比基本上,从纵向上经由过程对两者源流关系的梳理,初步探访了其生成进程和生成途径。个中,哲学理念上重要从援道入法、辨证思想、沿袭人道三个方面睁开阐述,政管理念上重要从道体、国民不雅、智贤不雅和社会幻想四个方面睁开阐述,人心理念上重要从人生立场、性命价值及摄生思惟三个方面睁开阐述。研讨的结论有三点,一是韩非以法、术、势一体的思惟为本身的懂得“前见”或“前懂得”,这使他对《老子》的说明具有浓重的法家颜色。其重要表示和完成方法是:韩非在对《老子》停止说明和懂得的进程中,老是力图寻觅原文与本身法治思惟的类似点以印证自我——关于可以符合逻辑地从原文推出的就加以吸纳和引伸,弗成以符合逻辑推出的则锐意寻觅类似点而加以傅会,停止成心有意的歪曲以使之合于己意;而关于与己意完整不合者,则经由过程对文来源根基义的转换、改革,把本身的思惟注入个中,取其情势而遗其内在。因为在说明进程中韩非的这类原有“前见”力气过年夜,《老子》文来源根基义已退居和隐蔽,成为韩非更好言说和分析其思惟的对象。二是韩非学老不只仅表现在“援道入法”这一点,照样触及到各方面的内容,这是学界轻易疏忽的。总的来说,在哲学层面上重要是吸纳与引伸,在政治层面上重要是转换与改革,在人生层面上重要是排挤与抛弃。然则,这又不用然分歧,每一个层面的详细情形是庞杂的。在说明进程中,韩非老是说明旧的思惟命题而又融进新的时期精力,沿用旧的名词术语而又注入新的文明意义,关于老子思惟,在依托中完成冲破,在冲破中葆其性命。三是韩非的解老、释老不重视对文本的注解和训释以到达对文来源根基义的复原,照样力图从中发掘出新时期配景下所须要的资本,到达经世致用的目标,这类以现实、适用为动身点的阐释方法,在中国现代经典阐释史上具有首创性的意义,也构成了中国经典阐释传统中分歧于东方的一年夜特点。Abstract:This article from the perspective of interpretation of the classic cut, general theory and Hermeneutics in ancient methods are introduced to indecent according to Han Fei of Laozi's thought and interpretation, based on a close reading of the text, take analogy method and the reading, from philosophy, political management read, people from three aspects of concept comprehensively analyzed the Han Fei of Laozi's thought absorb, conversion and abandoned. At the same time, in the horizontal comparison, contrast text basically, from the vertical through the origin of the relationship between the two, visited the preliminary generation process and production methods. Medium, philosophy important from signing into law, the dialectical thought, follow the humanitarian expounds three aspects to open, administration concept important from Dao body, the national indecent, don't ya and social fantasy opened four aspects elaborated, human philosophy important from three aspects of open attitude to life, life value and preserve one's health thought elaboration. Conclusions of research are three points, one is the Han Fei's law, the technique, the potential of various thought itself know &before& or &pre understanding&, which made him has a strong color of Legalists explanation of Laozi. The important representation and complete method is: Han Fei in &Lao Zi& to stop the description and understanding of the process, always tried to find the similarities of the original and the rule of law itself is thought to prove self - about logical from the original launch will be absorbed and extension, Eph into to conform to logic introduced by is determined to find similar to be Fuhui, stop mean deliberately distort to make the combined in one' and on and has complete incompatibility, through to the basic meaning of conversion process, reform, his own ideas into the medium, take the situation and left their intrinsic. Because in the description of the process of Han Fei's this kind of original &of strength in the new year night,& Lao Zi &the root meaning has been relegated and covert, become Han Fei better speech and analysis of the object of their thinking. The second is Han Fei old not only embodied in the &aid into the law& this, still touches all aspects of content, it is academic easily negligence. Total, in philosophical level important is to absorb and extended, in the politically important is conversion and reform and important in the life level is crowding out and abandoned. However, this is not necessarily the differences, with every aspect of the situation is complicated. In that process, Han Fei always mean old thinking proposition and melt into the new spirit of the times, follow the old terminology and injected new meaning of civilization, on Laozi's thoughts, in relying on the complete break, in breaking through in Bao the life. The third is Han Fei's old, old do not attach importance to commentary and explanation of the text in order to achieve the restoration of the basic meaning, still trying to from excavated under new era background needed capital, reach the statecraft of target release, this kind of to the reality and application as the starting point of the interpretation method, in the history of China's modern classical interpretation has initiative significance, also constitute a in the tradition of Chinese classic interpretation is different from the one big characteristic of the East.目录:摘要3-5ABSTRACT5-7引言9-14第一章 哲学理念上的吸纳与引申14-31&&&&第一节 援道入法15-22&&&&第二节 辩证思维22-26&&&&第三节 因循人性26-31第二章 政治理念上的转换与改造31-48&&&&第一节 论体道31-37&&&&第二节 论人民37-40&&&&第三节 论智贤40-44&&&&第四节 论社会理想44-48第三章 人生理念上的排斥与扬弃48-62&&&&第一节 柔弱与刚强49-53&&&&第二节 个体与集体53-57&&&&第三节 贵生与死君57-62结论62-65参考文献65-70致谢70-71分享到:相关文献|}


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