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Li LAN told the China news weekly, because Xue Gang villagers build houses, basic is before demolition notice, is not to compensate, is a good building materials, costs about 600 yuan per square meter. The villagers think that if is seven layers architecture, in accordance with the present compensation standard, more than three layers will lose around 0000. The higher floors, the greater the loss.
The Beijing news dispatch (reporter Paul peng wang) on May 19th, the Beijing news "search for the" guest "BBS may be held in Beijing, founding partner of IDG capital chief Hugo shong, HongTai fund founder ChengXiTai well-known investors gathered in the scene, around the" health business and not for "discussion.
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Zheng qiang summary in your big universities according to the experience: "I think it is not mandatory, my personality charm, the whole school ethos can be big enough to drive."
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Gui-hua gao further analysis thinks, zhengzhou "shock therapy" is a massive efforts to promote the policy, take some subway at the same time, take seven vertical and seven horizontal fast track at the same time, is associated with dozens of villages at the same time.
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Meritorious honor for party and government work committee plenary session held in Beijing yesterday for the first time. Of the political bureau of the CPC central committee and the party and the state meritorious honor yun-shan liu, director of the recognition work committee chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. Yun-shan liu in his speech, pointed out that to do a good job of party and state meritorious honor recognition, to seriously implement the spirit of general secretary of the important instructions, xi to implement the CPC central committee decision deployment, fully embody the party central committee accurately intentions, to ensure the correct direction of the work. Stick to speak rules, procedures, strictly according to regulations, according to rules, strict selection of quality and standards, be open and transparent, objective and fair, to ensure the authority and credibility of the meritorious honor for work. To adhere to the mass line, extensive listening, to strengthen consultation, make each system mechanism of scientific and reasonable, practical work.
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In late January, 2016, news from to demolition Xue Gang village, village cadres organize personnel post demolition banners in the streets. Because near the Spring Festival, banner caused the villagers, the villagers li LAN and some villagers offer depends on the government approval, has not been timely reply. But they were told to march begin demolition.
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