
缜密是什么意思 缜密在线翻译 缜密什么意思 缜密的意思 缜密的翻译 缜密的解释 缜密的发音 缜密的同义词 缜密的反义词 缜密的例句
缜密 基本解释缜密[zhěn mì]词典:仔细的,小心的;周到的;慎;心细。词典:谨小慎微的;过度重视细节的。词典:深思熟虑的;故意的;蓄意的;慎重的。缜密 汉英大词典缜密[zhěn mì] deliberate:  例:缜密的布置    met    缜密的计划        缜密的准备    careful preparations缜密 网络解释1. subtila:substantivo 名词 | subtila 细腻;精细,微妙;缜密,细致,敏锐 | subtrahi [数学]减去2. Meticulous:Motivated 动机 | Meticulous 缜密 | People person 人人缜密 双语例句1. 缜密的意思1. 而如果要从利益的多寡来看待基因增强,则以功利主义的角度为出发点就会是相当合适的,因为功利主义在考量一件事情的可行性,就是要考量到所有受到事件影响的事物,当把全部的利益都计算进去,才能够了解这件事所带来的利益是否大於弊端,辛格是一位功利主义者,而且他还著重於每个人偏好的考量,对於地球上所有物种的利益也都平等看待,因此,以他的观点做为本篇论文的论据,在计算基因增强所带来的利弊之外,还能够更贴近每位受到基因增强影响的父母、社会、环境的偏好,将利益的计算考量的更加缜密。&&&&If it provides more interests than drawbacks, genetic enhancement could be supported and could be applied. But if the drawbacks exceed benefits, genetic enhancement must be curded. Taking account of consequences is the perspective of utilitarianism, and hence a good starting for our considerations. Peter Singer, a utilitarian, and his preference utilitarianism and the principle of equal consideration is naturally the best choice for such discussions. His point of view gives weights to the preference of parents, society, and environment and puts the account of interest in genetic enhancement more in focus.2. 所有产品的设计与制造在初期皆经过缜密的计划与思考。&&&&All product design and manufacturing are at the early stage after careful planning and thinking.3. 缜密的意思3. 书中把维京时代的哥得兰人描述为城市人,较其他斯堪的纳维亚人心思缜密和见识广博,并以其知识和技术自豪。&&&&Gotlanders of the Viking Era are depicted as city people, more sophisticated and cosmopolitan than other Scandinavians of their time, and proud of their knowledge and skills.4. 但他明白,在问题迭出、杂症丛生的当下现场中,仅凭浮光掠影的把握,难免流于浮泛,只有在准确、缜密地步步为营、逐个击破的基础上,方可有望察微知巨。&&&&However, he is fully aware of the endless proble superficial observations will be far from enough. It is only with precise and scrupulous steps that insights may be gained.5. 5. 我们以缜密的思维,忠诚的态度,前瞻的眼光来热衷于我们的事业。&&&&Our careful thinking, the attitude of loyalty, forward-looking vision to keen on a career.6. 缜密的翻译6. 大小姐正山小种虽散发着浓郁的松烟香,但却不失其朴实,就像在九曲溪边浣纱的农家女,让品茗的人如身临武夷云蒸雾笼的仙凡界,感受着原生态的自然佳境与淳朴民风;二小姐祁红,天生丽质,娇艳欲滴,浑身上下透着馥郁的玫瑰香气,细细品味她,就仿佛像是在和她在热恋,让人情不自禁要去读懂她的心思,在不知不觉中坠入了甜蜜温柔乡,无法自拔;三小姐坦洋工夫,单从名字看,就可管窥一斑,心思细腻缜密,纤细之余又不失飒爽英姿,需要悉心对待,体贴入微;四小姐滇红,充沛的甘霖赋予了她婀娜的身姿,好似傣族山妹子一般,娇滴滴的,冲泡过程中,仿佛能欣赏到她那翩翩舞步和柔美腰肢。&&&&Lapsang Souchong Tea, the eldest sister, although she is oozed with thick pine smoke, which doesn`t mean that she loses her conservativeness and she just likes farmer girls washing gauze along the Nine-bend Steam(Wuyi Mount., in the north of Fujian Province).Those who drink this tea will feel as if they are in the cloudy and misty Wuyi Mount. Fairyland and experience the original nature environment and unsophisticated local customs. Keemen Black Tea, the second eldest sister, with inborn great beauty, is delicate, dainty and charming. She is perfectly permeated with thick fragrance of rose. If you taste it attentively, you will feel as if you are infatuating with it and can`t help understanding her feelings. Eventually, you will fall in sweet dream unconsciously instead of trying to recover from it. Tanyang Congou Black Tea, the third eldest sister, simply in terms of name, we can have a restricted view on her charm. She is subtle and thoughtful, slender but heroic in bearing who needs careful treating and tender loved care. Yunnan Black Tea, the fourth eldest sister, plentiful rain endows her with curvy figure and just like delicate mountain girl of Dai nationality.7. 询问你的财产价值是如何计算的,之后缜密的检查每一个细节。&&&&Ask how your assessment value has been calculated and then go over the details with a fine toothcomb.8. 在分析金代通货膨胀的过程中,本文结合经济学知识与考古资料对金代交钞进行缜密的分析,结合史料记载与运用经济数量分析的方法描述金代通货膨胀的产生以及其规模,据此对金代通货膨胀的性质以及本质原因进行论证。&&&&Money is the production of the rapid development of commercial economy.9. 雷雨》艺术生命力百年不衰,和它缜密严谨的结构艺术密不可分。&&&&Thunderstorm's permanet artistic fascination is associated with its meticulous structural art.10. 10. 这笔交易是光明正大的,应当经得起任何法庭的缜密审查。&&&&The deal is on the up-and-up and should stand scrutiny in any court of law.11. 北京盛世雨田贸易有限公司成立于2004年初,本公司多年来致力于代理国际知名品牌(优派、飞利浦、三星、NEC、饭山、艺卓)显示设备和装机业务,在众多世界级厂商林立的中关村,凭借自身销售实力,依托严格的管理和缜密的技术力量,公司始终屹立于显示设备销售行业的前列。&&&&&&Was founded in early 2004, the Company has been pushing agent international brands (ViewSonic, Philips, Samsung, NEC, Iiyama, EIZO) shows the equipment and installation services, in many world-class manufacturers many of Zhongguancun, by virtue of its sales strength, relying on strict management and sophisticated technology, the company has survived and display devices in the forefront of industry sales.12. 较强的主动学习能力、优秀的书面表达能力、缜密的分析总结能力&&&&&&B be excellent think roundly and be able to sum up situations.13. 如果每个导体都单独有补充绝缘措施,这是由编织缜密的玻纤布作成的一个套子,壁厚度至少0.25 mm (0.010 in),或者是至少是由两层玻纤带包裹而成,总的厚度至少为0.25 mm (0.010in),那么被绝缘的导体,包括电线上的每一个绝缘的导体,其额定耐温为90EC,105EC或125EC将被视作额定耐温为150EC。&&&&&&An insulated conductor, including each insulated conductor of a cord, that is rated for 90EC, 105EC, or 125EC shall be considered as rated for 150EC if each conductor is individually provided with supplemental insulation consisting of snugly fitting woven glass fiber sleeving having at least a 0.25 mm (0.010 in) wallthickness or at least two layers of glass fiber tape that provide a total thickness of at least 0.25 mm (0.010in).14. 北大的生活是令人兴奋的,但北大人也严谨,缜密。&&&&&&Life in Peking University is exciting, but at the same time, people of Peking University are thoughtful and serious.15. 他们的参加,亦如其艺术创作态度,是缜密而严谨的。&&&&&&Their participation is meticulous and precise like their artistic creation attitude.16. 缜密的解释16. 四年的理论学习和一年多的临床实践,我养成了严谨的学习态度,缜密的思维方式和坚韧的性格。&&&&&&After four years studing theory and one year clinical practice, I have a serious learning attitude, careful thought way and a tough character.17. 17. 你可以抱负远大,也可以知足常乐;你可以胆大语直,也可以严谨缜密。只是,我们希望你能保持你的性格,在若干年后,你仍然是你,你仍然有你独特的标签。&&&&&&We only hope that you can preserve your individuality, in a few years, you still rem you still have your unique label.18. 18. 我们遵循一个严谨缜密的管理架构,保证所有的项目进程都能够有一个关键工作的进度负责人,这样工作组中的每一个成员都能对项目的进度有所了解。&&&&&&We operate a management structure which has a rigorous process ensuring that all processes are linked to key performance indicators so that everyone involved in the project is aware of progress.19. 19. 对于法律规定的不足与空白之处,笔者结合国内外立法的动态,提出自己的立法建议,以期能够弥补法律规定的漏洞,使之更趋严谨和缜密。&&&&&&Meanwhile, the writer, based on the law of different jurisdiction, attempts to give some advice, so as to make up the loophole in the law and make the legal system more precise.20. 广义的文化包括语言,同时文化又无时无刻不在影响语言,使语言为了适应文化发展变化的需要而变得更加精确和缜密。语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的写照。&&&&&&Apart from the difference in words meaning, there are a lot of differences in pragmatic rules and structure, which are mostly relevant to ethnic culture tradition.缜密是什么意思,缜密在线翻译,缜密什么意思,缜密的意思,缜密的翻译,缜密的解释,缜密的发音,缜密的同义词,缜密的反义词,缜密的例句,缜密的相关词组,缜密意思是什么,缜密怎么翻译,单词缜密是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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