I'm piaying with firemy cousins in the garden now.的意思

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陈冉动作敏捷,球艺卓尔不群,我们都称他为无人能及的&小罗纳尔多&小升初作文日(一)我的寒假计划The Winter HolidayI like the winter holiday very much.Though it's very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival.I can watch cartoon every day.Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside.With the festival coming,I can play all the time.I can play video game with my brother.I am good at playing PC game.So I often beats my brother.Then more and more relative came to my home.We had dinner together.It's so lively that I'am very happy.But I still have to do my homework.I love the winter holiday.我非常喜欢寒假.虽然它很短,但我可以高兴地过春节.我可以天天看动画片.有时我可以和朋友到外面去玩.节日到了,我就可以一直玩了.我可以和哥哥一起玩游戏.我擅长打电脑游戏,所以我一直赢.然后越来越多亲戚来我家.我们一起吃晚饭.太热闹了,我很高兴.但我仍然要做作业.我喜欢寒假.(二)我的暑假My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are GREen plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.今年的暑假生活非常愉快我去农村过暑假那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课我帮他们读,使他们的口语有所提高他们的父母为此很感激我(三)我的暑假计划I am sure that summer vacation is one of the most pleasant times for all students.This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We'll stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.I'm really looking foward to it.我相信暑假是所有学生最快乐的一段时光,今年暑假我计划到海滨去,我要与我的父母亲和表哥同去,我们将在当地的旅馆住上三天,这将会成为我最快乐的一次旅行,因为我们在海滨可以做很多的事情,如打排球、风帆冲浪及在晚上吃烧烤,我真的很期待这次旅行(四)我的好朋友My Good FriendMy name is &&&.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun.My Good FriendZhang Ying is my good friend. She&s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She&s a model student. She&s clever and she&s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn&t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.(五)我的生日A diary of My Birthday Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou . After dinner , my family celebrate my birtA diary of My BirthdayToday is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou . After dinner , my family celebrate my birthday .I make a wish and blow out the candles . Do you want to know my wish ? Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder ,then get the NO.1 in our class. Then I cut the cake and my family share the cake with me . How nice today!!!(六)我的爸爸、妈妈我的爸爸妈妈(My Mother and Father)My mother and father are funny. They are my dear friends. My mother is not tall, not short but slim. She has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth.She often wears a shirt, a coat, a pair of trousers and boots. She&s beautiful. She is forty-three years old, but she looks so young!And her finger is long and thin. She often uses finger to tooth my ears, wow! Collected by iMy father is strong, he is tall and handsome. He is my hero. He has a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth. He&s tummy little fat. He likes wearing a T-shirt a pair sport shoes.I love my mother and father. I love my family!(七)我的爱好My hobbyMy hobby is lisetening to music.I like listening to music best.Because listening to music makes me relaxed.When I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very quickly.My favorite music is the music that has good lyrics.Good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English wellI love listening to music.I will keep this hobby forever.(八)我最喜欢的老师My Favourite TeacherHello,my name is Steven. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. SWhe is a very good teacher.She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?(九)一次愉快的经历我特别喜欢和朋友合作,因为与朋友合作是一件让人高兴和激动的事在我的成长过程中与朋友合作的次数就像海里的珍珠一样,数也数不清,其中最闪亮的一颗就要数和同学们一起踢球的经历了那是一个阳光明媚的星期天,我和小伙伴们约好一起踢足球我们蹦蹦跳跳地拥进足球场我们先以猜拳的方式来分队,很庆幸我和陈冉分在一个队我们个个摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试首先由对方开了一个吊高球正当对方球员准备接球时,我一马当先,用头顶球把球传给了陈冉陈冉接到球后,带球飞奔到对方的球门前对方球员以为陈冉要射门,便一窝蜂似的把陈冉包围起来这时,我也赶了过来陈冉见我来了,便把球从对方球员防守的真空地带传给了我我以迅雷不及掩耳之势,把球射向球门说时迟那时快,对方守门员把球扑了出来这时,对方球员都把目光转向了守门员,刘伟像一匹脱缰的野马,直奔球门来了一个精彩的补射,把球踢进了球门我方领先一分&众人拾柴火焰高&,果然如此最后,成功之神倾向于我们,我们胜利立了大家开心地蹦蹦跳跳、手舞足蹈望着大家开心的笑容,微风吹拂着我的脸颊,鸟儿的歌声萦绕在我的耳畔,我感觉到从未有过的幸福&&(十)我的幸福周末OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that&s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.(十一)六一儿童节Today is Children's Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. But i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.(十二)保护大自然,保护环境保护环境,从我做起在一个风和日丽的日子里,我和妈妈去海边游玩蔚蓝色的天上飘着朵朵白云,深蓝色的海水拍打着岸边的礁石,沙滩上的细沙柔软舒适啊!多美的景色呀!可是,我却也看到了美中不足的地方,沙滩的角落里有被人遗弃的矿泉水瓶、纸巾和果皮,与这美妙的美景非常的不协调我想,如果大家都这样下去,美丽的环境就会被污染,迷人的景色会慢慢的消失,我们会再也欣赏不到这么美的自然景色了所以,我们要从小事做起,从自己做起,保护我们身边的环境小升初优秀作文:大自然中有奥秘今天,我们水土保持教育活动夏令营的学员乘车到南靖参观鹅仙洞和热带雨林车到鹅仙洞的山脚下,我们下了车,抬头仰望,啊!这山真高啊,我们只见山的下半截,上半截都被云雾笼罩了导游说:&接下来我们的任务是爬山,大家跟我走,要注意安全&同学们都想见识一下仙洞的样子,欣赏一下仙人 居住的地方大家沿着罗伦古道向上攀登,一路上,数不清的台阶,层层叠叠,曲曲折折,蜿蜒盘旋,路两边树木葱郁,遮天盖日夏日炎炎的七月,山脚下热浪滚滚 ,这里却是凉风阵阵快到山顶,台阶的尽头,我们看到一座高大雄伟的寺庙,黄色的琉璃瓦闪闪发光,红色的城墙古香古色我想:古人真行啊!在这么高的山上建这么长的石阶,这么大的圣庙那么重的石头,那么大的柱子,是怎样抬上来的呢?参观完庙宇,大家急忙寻找洞在那里,可怎么也找不着我们疑惑了,导游说:&鹅仙洞虽然称说为洞,但是山上并没有洞,只是因为这座山很高,传说古人认为,只要山高,又有灵气,就可以称作洞了这座山的形状就像鹅的头一样,所以命名为鹅仙洞&我想古人也真怪,没有洞,怎么名字中间有一个洞呢,害得我们到处寻找仙人居住的山洞,空欢喜一场不,不对!古人没有错,是我的思路错了古人不是说山高又有灵气才能称作洞吗?这灵气是什么呢?这灵气就是植被,就是这片原始森林!植被具有防止水土流失、保水吸水功能正因为这原始森林才使得溪流川流不息,浇灌着山下的万亩良田啊!我们的祖先早就知道植被的奥秘,知道植被与农业有着密切的关系他们在这里建寺庙,取名鹅仙洞,把这里尊为圣地,目的就是要教育他们的子孙后代保护好这片森林,让大山的乳汁永不枯竭接下来我们去参观热带雨林,那里的树都是自生,自灭,再自生热带雨林里自然资源丰富,物种繁多,生态环境纷繁复杂,树也有各自的历史,有一棵树已经有1500多年了,它不但靠根生长,而且靠皮来呼吸新鲜空气有的树高达30米以上,我们只看到粗壮挺拔的树干,怎样也看不到它的顶部导游说:&热带雨林里有180多种藤,最长的有3800多米,可跨过三个山头&天啊!一条长藤有3800多米,真是难以想象,它的生命力有多强呀!雨林里的水清凉解渴,与鹅仙洞那&一点灵&的水一样甘甜这次夏令营活动让我感到很快乐,也有很大的收获,我对水土保持工作的重要意义有了更进一步的理解我要做个绿色卫士,保护环境,保护地球,让我们的绿色家园万古长青写好小升初作文的方法书面表达是考查学生综合水平的一个重要途径,很多孩子口语好,却无法写好英语作文而现实情况却是从初一甚至从小学开始就已经有了对书面表达的考查,所以练习英语写作也是我们学而思小升初课程的重要环节,帮孩子们打好基础现将写好英语作文的重要要素,总结1、格式:拿到作文题,一定要把握好题目的要求,看清是哪种类型的题目,确定好相应的格式常考的题如日记,日记的格式就是需要在第一行左方顶格写上日期和星期,右方写上天气,然后再开始写正文需要提醒大家的是,日记基本上都是描写已经发生过的事情,所以孩子们注意一定要用一般过去时哦!还有一类常考的作文题型就是书信,书信的格式更需要大家注意:3rd April 2008Dear Mr. IHow are you these days? I will go to shanghai for my holiday.Yours truly,Nancy2、语法:这是现在孩子们在英语写作中丢分最多的一项(1)写完作文后要记得检查:语法知识需要靠我们平时一步步积累,但是孩子们要注意在写完作文之后一定要细心检查自己的作文,一些学过的语法点不要再错了(2)避免使用自己拿不准的句子:很多孩子喜欢用长句、复合句等可是又对这些句子掌握得不是很牢固,所以很容易出错一切拿不准的词和句子,都应该使用自己会的简单句和简单词,这样才能给考官留下好印象3、词汇:如果在文章中能够正确使用一些高级词汇和词组,而不再是简单词汇,这会让老师耳目一新例如:如果要孩子们来写holiday很多孩子们一开始就会写I went to && last year. 用went就很大众化了,但是如果用take a trip这个词组就会显得你的英语水平跟其他人不一样了!对于词汇这个点,我向孩子们提两点建议:(1)词汇需要平时积累,但是大家积累的时候一定要注意灵活使用学过的词大家已经学过很多词组和单词了,可是大家都不会拿出来用,原因就是在于大家学的时候只记得了它的意思,没有认识该怎么使用,该在什么情况下使用所以大家以后学习词汇的时候一定要翻翻词典学习例句,自己也拿来造个句子,要知道自己以后该怎么用(2)学习语言并不是纸上谈兵,练习写作也应该要多加练习熟能生巧,练得多了,自然也就会知道什么时候用什么词,该怎么写作文了4、书写:这一点看似不重要,却最影响老师对你作文的整体评价我们不要求要做到美观,但那是一定要整洁、认真这样老师也能很快读懂你的文章,更能对你作文产生好的印象


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