
Furniture cream
upholstery batting
Modern furniture, a splendid creation.
a sectional furniture
Assembled (Modular) furniture is easy to assemble.
raffle off a piece of furniture
The craft,trade,or business of upholstering.
If he falls into arrears, his furniture will be repossessed
distressed denim.
The orange curtains jar with the red furniture
(N) Kaili (city in Guizhou)
return triumphant
(N) Pingxiang (city in Guangxi)
I bought three pieces of furniture today
I have bought three pieces of furniture today
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1 中密度维板 M.D.F(Mediumdensity fiberboard 2 三层板 3 ply panel 3 五层板 5 ply panel 4 粒片板 P.B 5 粒片板, 刨花板 Chip board 6 夹板, 胶合板 Plywood 7 纤维板 Fiberboard 8 塑合板, 刨花板 Particle boards 9 调理板, 刨刀 Drawknife 10 三角木 Cleat/corner block 11 树脂 Resin 12 硅树脂 Silicone 13 实木 Solid wood 14 木材 Lumber 15 毛料 Raw log 16 树瘤 Burls 17 硬木 Hardboard 18 曲木 Bendwood 19 苦木 Quassia 20 柏木 Cypress 21 松木 Deal (pinaster) 22 水杉 Metasequoia 23 橡木 Oak 24 云杉 Spruce 25 桦木 Birch 26 枫木 Maple 27 松木 Pine 28 红木 Redwood 29 柚木 Teak 30 柳木 Willow 31 荷木 Chinese cherry 32 椴木 Basswood 33 栗树 Chestnut 34 槐木 Locust 35 楸木 Qiou wood 36 榆木 Elm 37 紫檀/热 Rosewood 38 白木/热 Ramin 39 松木/温 Pine 40 赤杨木 Alder 41 樱桃木 Cherry 42 铁杉木 Hemlock 43 水曲柳 Ash 44 水冬瓜 Chinese birch 45 红橡木 Red Oak 46 白橡木 White Oak 47 冷杉木 Fir 48 白花樟 Arch Board 49 柳婴木 Lauan(white/red) 50 山茱萸 Dogwood 51 菩提树 Linden wood 52 白杨木 Poplar 53 胡桃木 Walnut 54 山胡桃木 Hickory 55 落叶松木 Larch 56 黑檀/中非 Ebony 57 印度尼西亚木种 Sumkai 58 橡胶木/热 Rubber wood 59 山毛榉/东欧 Beech 60 西洋杉/香柏 Cedar 61 棉白杨/三叶杨 Cottonwood 62 桃花心木/非洲 Mahogany 63 美洲薄核胡桃树 Pecan 64 水曲柳/柞木/柯木 Chinese oak 65 艳阳花薄片 Prima Vera 66 向上山形花 Upwards Cathedal 67 漩涡状花纹 Scroll 68 竹节花, 地板花 Butcher block 涂装&包装相关用语 1 第一道面漆 1st lacquer 2 第二道面漆 2nd lacquer 3 一度底漆 Wood sealer 4 二度底漆 Sand sealer 5 消光面漆(亚光) Flat clear 6 涂料(配方) Formula 7 有色底漆 Surface 8 色漆,瓷釉 Enamel 9 封边漆,底漆 Base coat 10 布印,修色面漆 Padding 11 抛光,末道漆 Finish 12 喷底色 Spray stain 13 喷点 Spot (spatter) 14 全着色 Drerail 15 重涂 Repainting 16 刷涂 Brushing 17 上涂 Top coat 18 中涂 Under coat 19 下涂 Primer coat 20 涂膜 Gel 21 格丽丝,光滑釉料 Glaze 22 釉彩涂装 Glaze 23 PE 硬化剂 (白水) Catalyst 24 PE 硬化剂 (蓝水) Cobalt 25 间隔时间 Setting time 26 干燥时间 Dry time 27 干燥时间太长 Dry time too long 28 干燥时间太短 Dry time too short 29 气干 Flash off 30 干燥房 Kiln dried room 31 预干房 Re-dried room 32 常温干燥 Air drying 33 自然干燥时间 Flash time 进入炉前 34 可使用时间 Potlife 35 橡木油 Oak oil 36 油性着色剂 Oil stain 37 快干着色剂 Nuglaze 38 吐纳,调色剂 Toner 39 香蕉水,稀释剂 Thinner 40 耐黄剂, 遮光剂 "Sunscreen agent,not yellow agent" 41 添加剂 Additive 42 硬化剂 Hardbey 43 缓凝剂 Retarder 44 灰尘漆 Power/dust glaze 45 防锈漆 Wash prevent 46 木材填充剂 Filler 47 油性填充剂 Filler (Oil base) 48 水性填充剂 Filler (Water base) 49 防白水 Retander thinner 50 慢性水 Bcs.Cas 51 溶剂 Solvent 52 桶装涂料 Barrel paint 53 颜料 Pigment 54 蜡 Wax 55 胶 Glue 56 丙酮 Acetone 57 修补漆料 Touch up paint 58 手砂 Handing sanding 59 机器砂光 Machine sanding 60 砂光 Sanding 61 砂纸 Sandpaper 62 抛光 Polishing 63 补土 Putty 64 布印 Smudge 65 漂白 Bleach 66 喷台 Spray booth 67 喷枪 Spray gun 68 喷漆柜 Booth 69 空气喷涂雾枪 Air spray gun 70 有气喷涂 Air spray 71 无气喷涂 Airless spray 72 喷均匀 Spray overail 73 敲打破坏处理 "Physical distress/denting" 74 牛尾/马尾痕 Cowtail 75 挫刀 Rasp 76 挫刀痕 Rasping 77 V 沟 V groove/scratch line 78 薄膜流涂法 Curtain flow coating 79 浸清涂装 Dipping finish 80 酒精性色精 Dye stain 81 旋转式砂光机 Orbital sander 82 油漆摇动器 Paint shaker 83 高速搅拌机 High speed mixer 84 氮式搅拌机 Air agitator 85 搅拌桶 Mixing tank 86 滚筒涂装机 Roller coating 87 静电涂装机 Electronic coater 88 厚膜 Film thickness 89 粘度 Fineness ratio 90 粘度太浓 Viscosity too thick 91 粘度太稀 Viscostity too thin 92 太快干 Dries too fast 93 太慢干 Dries too slow 94 涂装部 Finish department 95 颜色太深 Color too dark 96 颜色太浅 Color too light 97 修色 Pad stain 98 修红 Sap stain 99 修青 Equalizer 100 明暗对比 High-Light
家具的的英文:movable参考例句:Furniture cream家具蜡upholstery batting家具用棉絮;家具用填料Modern furniture, a splendid creation.新式家具,辉煌创意。a sectional furniture(可拆卸拼拢的)组合家具Assembled (Modular) furniture is easy to assemble.组合家具,组合方便。raffle off a piece of furniture以抽彩法出售一件家具This old table is a valuable piece of furniture.这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。The room contains a few pieces of antique furniture.那个房间里摆放着几件老式家具。The craft,trade,or business of upholstering.家具装潢家俱装璜的工艺,行业,或业务A protective overlay,as for a mattress or furniture.护套保护性的饰布,如坐垫或家具:n. 家具,动产a. 可动的,动产的,不定的movable vice jaw活动钳口 This limitation was overcome with the invention of movable type.随着活字的发明,这一障碍得取了克服。A medieval light helmet with a neck guard and movable visor.头盔中世纪有护颈和活动护面的轻便头盔Movable set of steps (for entering and leaving an aircraft)(上下飞机用的)移动式舷梯.There is only a movable parts of hemisphere type, the action have no breakdowv, depevdable fuvction.●只有一个半球式的球桶活动部件,动作无故障、靠性高。 翻译推荐:


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