题为什么不能选keep it upup

keep up紧致焕肤精华素心得
KEEP UP紧致焕肤精华素又称能量安瓶,兼具保湿、祛皱、增加弹力3种功效,集中加强营养,全面改善老化现象,重塑肌肤自我修复能力,长久保持肌肤年轻态。
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OMG美语 - 怎么用英语鼓励你的朋友:Keep your head up! 振作点!
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1) Keep your head up! 振作点!
2) Keep up the good work! 再接再厉!
3) Keep it up! 坚持下去!
4) pay off 有回报
Recently I swamped with some boring work,I Said to myself: keep your head up and studying pays off.
I am bothered with some tedious affairs these days,but i will keep my head up and buckle down everything i need to do.Studying pays off.An excursion is the best reward!
I am studying OMG everyday.Just keep it up ! Keep your head up !
Learn OMG everyday, keep it up, your english pays off.
When you get in trouble, the only you can do is to keep your head up and buckle down everything instead of waiting or complaining.
When I am in trouble, I always tell myself that keep it up because everything will past
When i was down,my friends always said to me:"Keep your head up,everything will pays off."
when i watched
this program ,i got so many useful ideas !
When i'm feeling sad,My friend always say to keep my head up and when I succed she also say to keep up the good work and keep it up!
When I was a school girl, my teacher said study would pay off. I belived my teacher ,So I found my dearest husband at college.When my son is in trouble,I always tell him to keep his head up, and keep it up.
Learn OMG everyday, keep it up, your english pays off.
When my frinds
in trouble, I always tell
them that keep it up because everything will past off...
Nothing is easy to do in the world, just keep your head up, and keep up the good work, keep it up, you will get the pay off.
myself that
this weekly
keep it up learn all book,pay
the examine!
Never give up in learing english,just keep your head up and buckle down, you will pays off.
Recently I am crossed in love,but I will keep it up untill I hold her heart!
What wrong with the video? It can not works fluently.Keep up the good work.
These days I have been swamped with a lot of work. Sometimes I feel that I would give up,and my friends said to me :"Keep your head up! You have done a lot ,keep it up!" and now I believe that studying pays off.
almost everyday i swamped with lots of work , so busy ,but i still believe i can do it , i'll keep it up , come on , go for it
i will keep it up to study english , really study english pays off . i believe !
wo study OMG 2 days ago,indor to improve my oral English and listening English。I will keep it up,I believe it will pay off.
keep it up!!
my life is full of free time , i will intergrate studying english into my life . maybe in a fews years ahead by all often i will be swamped with boring work and want to give up , but i have to say to myself ,"keep your head up", when i make some progress , i say to myself."keep the good word keep it up". but now , i buckle to my english.
Must keep it up.
Keep your head up!you just lose an opportunity,there are still more.In my view,you can suit any jobs you like,so keep up the good work,I am sure you will receive pay-offs only if you keep it up.
These days, I am learning English hard. So, keep up the good work, Jona.
If I didn`t shoot the ball , my teammates would told me keep head up!
Learn English well need a long time!So i sad to myself everyday:'Come on!Keep up the good work!'Studying pays off!Keep it up!
When my friends are in desspression or in some trouble, I will tell them that keeping up your head will lead to the good work. We all knows sticking on pays off.
keep your good vedio up!!
In fact I am worry about my English test , but I
always tell myself keep it up, Ican improve English level.
When I am too lazy to do anything, I always tell myself I have to buckle down becase I am the pursuit of perfection . And everyone knows practice makes perfect.
Keep it up !I can get a good job .And I must get it !Examination ,working ,studying ...come on !
keep your head up!buckle down english studying.keep up the good work!keep it up!
If you are an trouble,you should keep you head up ,and keep it up if you do everythink .then,you will pay off!
keep it up ! I wanna speak english very well.
keep up the good work!I like ..
Recently i lose my way,i dont know what should i do ,but just now ,a friend of mine told me something ,so i think i should keep your head up!
I want to learn English well, so I have to keep it up,
Dear,friends!It's time for us to do what we should do.Just keep on going!
Keep you head up!And have some funny things to help you steer up.And never fogret your partner,just believe yourself!
Everything you did will be payed off,just wait .Give both time to have a throughtly thinking!
I watch the vedio everyday. U always say the same sentences at the beginning. U may feel bored, but we love it. Keep it up.
I am so sad,but my friends often tell me :"keep your head up,you will find a good job.Don't worry.''Thank you for my all friends,I will keep it up and pay off.
thank you baijie ,you told me how to encourage my students
I am studying OMG everyday,keep you head up!I think i will pay off.
I will say to my daughter"Keep your head up, you will pay off."
Keep your head up and I will pay off.
I will good study Engish ,i will keep up the good work ,will pay off!!!keep it up!!
although my english is poor ,i
will keep it up ,
it's happy to learn from u.i'll keep it up,and i'm sure it will pays off,3q!love
keep up the good work
the program is so good !!keep up the good work!!
It will pays off ~~and i will keep it up to study english~~
Recently,i have to find a job to earn money ,but thing shows do not well ,i said to myself : keep it up /keep up the good job /keep your head up ,it will be pays off!
Keep your head up!
my friend as a boy is always not happy, i told him some measures to solve troubles, today i want to use a
phrase, it is keep your head up ~
I want to say to my classmates in school:Keep your head up and whether does study will pay off.just do it!
Don't get down on that,keep your head up and keep it up,you will pay off.you really do a good job,keep it up!keep up appearance
四级词汇天天背2 ...
make one’s first appearance 初次登台
keep up appearance 顾全面子,撑场面
in appearance 外表上看起来 ...
当最简单最平铺直叙的衣服不能胜任“配角”时,就要靠配饰来充排场(keep up appearance )了。选对鞋子、包包、金饰,能帮你连忙(immediately)“化腐朽为神奇”,取得不同凡响(out of the ordinary)的特点(charac...
我的天空 ...
摆架子 put on airs
摆谱 keep up appearance
保健食品 health -care food ...
It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearance.
Even white-colored shoes need to be shined every so often to keep up their appearance.
Yes girls need to keep up their appearance, but I don't feel they need to be so preoccupied with it.
If the Stresa get-together is any indication, the fate of the euro area's smaller members is to keep up the appearance of solidarity and equality among euro members, while the big economies, such as France and Germany, bend the rules to suit themselves.
Historians will recall the extraordinary efforts taken by President John Kennedy to keep up a public appearance of normalcy while he secretly attempted to deal with the Cuban missile crisis.
- 来自原声例句
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