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你可能喜欢--&|&------------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal33%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal114%sorted by: newWow. You're really beautiful. Seriously.
I don't believe she's real. I refuse. Until I see her, or hear her speak, or something, I want to believe that she's just a made up figure used to prove that Bannon isn't racist. I find the fact that I was unable to find anything about her on the internet highly suspicious. At the most, maybe he did have a black assistant at one point? But hopefully sis got the hell out of dodge a long time ago.
I didn't even like the movie all that much but I'm pretty excited about this!!! Hopefully the show will cover more topics with more depth and nuance. The movie felt surprisingly shallow.
And I can't lie, I'm also lowkey excited bc I know the show will get on wypipo's nerves lol. I know I shouldn't give a fuck what they think about this, but the reactions to JUST the title & trailer have already been pretty fucking hilarious. When the show drops it's gonna be straight ???
Okay, this is hilarious lmao.
I truly don't believe that they will ever, ever, ever let the n word go. Both versions. Ever. I get the impression that saying it makes them feel too good about themselves?? But I can't be sure. Unless a wypipo says it around me/to me (a form violence that demands retribution) I feel it's best to ignore this sort of nonsense. For mental health.
I also would really, really love to see more stories about sexually submissive black women. There really isn't enough representation for us in that particular arena at all (not including porn I suppose). Stuff like this is so rare I just had to share it when I found it.
It's odd, because when I watched the movie I instinctively knew that that particular scene (the bathroom scene) was a fabrication. I just KNEW it. I googled it at the time but I couldn't find anything to confirm my belief.
Yeessss! And also the whole fake country thing she did right when she was just starting out (despite being from Pennsylvania). Nothing about her is authentic.
Try dating men who grew up in Africa or the West Indies. Not to say that they're immune to the sort of socialization that you get if you grow up in North America (white supremacy is global). But I think having lived/grown up in a majority black country reduces the affects drastically. Pretty much all the black men I know (mostly Nigerian, Ghanaian and Jamaican) are only interested in dating black women.
She seems immature and insecure. He seems kind of thoughtless. I can't understand why her boyfriend calling her buddy would upset her lol. And the feeding thing, at the most she should have explained to him why it made her uncomfortable, and ask that he not do it again. It's clear that she already went into the situation feeling some type of way about X and Y and in manifested in those moments.
She's so fucking beautiful. I wish I had her lips.
I'm in love with this.
I just moaned involuntarily.
NSFWThis isn't always the case. Lots of women have very positive experiences in porn. There is a youtuber I follow, , who makes videos about her experiences in porn industry. She seems very happy & satisfied re her field of work.
I started dating my first boyfriend at 15. He was 18. We were together for nearly four years. Overall it was a pretty mediocre relationship. We were more like friends who made out sometimes. And not even really good friends.
I'm 22 now, and I've been in a relationship for the past two years.
Sad that he had to do this. Meghan is bi-racial isn't she? Imagine if he dated someone just a few shades darker.
I have such a massive crush on him.
lol what the hell is this?
I was shaking and crying within the first 10 minutes of the film. I tend to be kind of sensitive, and it was a lot more than I had anticipated. None of it was particularly new to me, but it was still so difficult to watch.
This makes me GLOW with pride. Black women are amazing.
I try not to let it bother me, but it makes me kind of sad when I see these sorts of things. Sad for the black men, and the black women, who feel this way. Internalized racism can really fuck with you, and part of me feels like it isn't entirely the individual's fault. White supremacy is a hell of a drug. I know it doesn't excuse it, but still...It's depressing to know that there are black people who don't love and have pride in themselves in a healthy way. It's depressing that they don't see how twisted disparaging your own people in favour of whiteness is.
Same! I don't know why I like her. I think I feel defensive of her because she's slut shamed/called a gold digger all the time despite the fact that she stripped to pay her way through college and completely supports herself. I admire her hustle.
They will never do it. They aren't even sorry.
Why the fuck would you post this in here? Since when has it been acceptable to share videos a of someone being raped? She is a PERSON. And a CHILD. This should not be available for public consumption. Holy fuck, I am so disgusted. Can we have this removed?
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