如何通俗的理解sortino ratio 公式

Sortino Ratio - Definition & Examples for Investing | tradimo
Sortino ratio
What is the Sortino ratio? This ratio is used to measure the level of risk in a . The higher the Sortino ratio, the better a portfolio has performed relative to the risk taken. It is often used to compare the risk taken between different portfolios to achieve a certain . It is necessary to ground the Sortino ratio into context by comparing a fund's Sortino ratio with that of another , , or category to determine whether a Sortino ratio is high or low. For example, comparing the 10-year Sortino ratios of two (fictional) funds in the same category – Alpha Growth and Beta Value – reveals that the latter, with a ratio of 1.24, has generated a significantly higher return given its downside volatility than did the former, which had a Sortino ratio of 0.96. The Sortino ratio tells us whether a portfolio's returns are due to smart
decisions or a result of excess risk. Sortino vs. Sharpe ratio The Sortino ratio is similar to the , however it uses a different method of calculation. It uses downside deviation at the denominator instead of standard deviation. This is because the standard deviation does not discriminate between up and down . By utilising this value, the Sortino ratio only penalises for "harmful" volatility. The Sortino ratio discards any upside deviation – the "excessive" profit. It asks the investor to set a minimum acceptable rate of return (MAR), which is a return that he/she would be comfortable with. Any return above the MAR is not included for the purpose of calculating the Sortino Ratio. Learn more about portfolios in our stocks school:
Define your goals and your risk tolerance. Select the right companies to build a conservative portfolio.
The formula for the Sortino ratio The ratio was developed by Frank A. Sortino. It is calculated by: Subtracting the risk-free interest rate – for instance, the one given by the 10-year US Treasury bond – from the rate of rDividing the result by the downside deviation of the portfolio returns (note that this is different from the standard deviation used in the Sharpe ratio). The formula is as follows: Sortino ratio = (Rp - Rf) / σd Rp = expected portfolio returns Rf = risk-free interest rate σd = downside deviation of the portfolio How to use the Sortino ratio Funds that cite the Sortino ratio are usually those with the least tolerance for risk. In these cases, the Sortino ratio may be presented as a compliment to an investment
that is risk-averse. This ratio allows investors to assess risk in a focused manner than simply looking at excess returns to total volatility. Only when you compare one portfolio's Sortino ratio with that of another portfolio do you get a feel for its risk-adjusted return. When used in conjunction with other measures, the Sortino ratio can help investors develop a strategy that matches both their return needs and risk tolerance. Discuss the Sortino ratio with other traders in our forum:
Sortino ratio
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