
inn是什么意思 inn在线翻译 inn什么意思 inn的意思 inn的翻译 inn的解释 inn的发音 inn的同义词 inn的反义词 inn的例句 inn的相关词组
inn英 [?n] 美 [?n] 第三人称复数:inn 基本解释名词小旅馆,客栈; 小饭店,小酒馆不及物动词住旅馆inn的翻译inn 相关例句名词1. After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag.&&&&我在一家乡村小饭店吃过了午饭,就寻找我的手提包。2. 2. On our trip to New England, we stayed in an old inn.&&&&去新英格兰旅行的路上,我们住在一个古老的小客栈里。inn 网络解释1. 旅馆:不同的建筑也有不同的用途:要塞(FORT)用于训练部队的战斗等级;旅馆(INN)可以招募到不同能力的部队;矿井(MINE)当然是开采资源用的;研究塔(TOWEROF SCIENCE)用于开发科技;工厂(FACTORY)可以把开采的原料生产成工业品;2. 2. 小旅馆:此后随着知识垄断的打破,法律越来越成为一项世俗的职业,围绕越来越多的法庭周围的小客栈或小旅馆(Inn)里,出现了作为法律行会学徒学习法律的人. 此风气一开,<>里面讲述的诸多故事则此第展开,历经数百年而不衰,3. 客栈:1、特殊建筑的 客栈(Inn)在没有人挤你的情况是一直在右边呢?还是下个回合建筑作用的时候就算没人挤你也会被移出建筑?4. 小酒店:「人还没发明过哪一种事物像一个好酒馆 (tavern) 或是小酒店 (inn) 一样,能带给人这么多的欢乐. 」~ Samuel Johnson这种 public house酒吧,或为人熟知的 pub,是英国、爱尔兰、澳洲、纽西兰和一些曾受英国文化影响的国家常见的饮酒场所,5. inn:international 国际非专有药名6. inn:inter 中介网络节点7. inn:impro 改进的最近邻法8. inn:international non 国际非专利药品名inn 双语例句1. inn1. Business and leisure travelers visiting the area will enjoy the same high-quality services and amenities they've come to associate with the Hampton Inn name.&&&&商务和休闲旅客到访该地区将享受同样高品质的服务和设施,他们已经提出的汉普顿酒店的名字相关联。2. They discover, although Internet development of Japan is special advanced, but the shopping habit of Japanese is remained, like to undertake in hypostatic inn, like double ended radius sleeker the IT product of former and so on focuses the land, remain the land of assault fortified positions that each old software firm cannot let off.&&&&他们发现,日本的互联网发展尽管非常之先进,可是日本人的购物习惯仍然是喜欢在实体店中进行,如秋叶原之类的IT产品集中地,仍然是各大软件厂商都不能放过的攻坚地。3. 3. Because British electron business affairs develops flourishingly, englishman already more and more be used to shop on the net, the traditional management pattern of Dick dark got huge concussion and challenge, then, dick dark is flat shut in England all door inn, and suddenly change one's identity, complete transition is network shopkeeper.&&&&因为英国电子商务蓬勃发展,英国人已经越来越习惯于网上购物,迪克森的传统经营模式受到了极大的冲击和挑战,于是,迪克森干脆关闭了在英国所有的门店,而摇身一变,彻底转型为网络零售商。4. 4. There were, however, several horses—farm nags, mostly—tied to a log before the town's inn, the Dragon and Fisherman.&&&&此外,这儿还有几匹马——大多是农场的驽马——拴在这个小酒馆前的一根圆木上,酒馆的名字叫:龙和渔夫。5. 5. Address: Jichang Road, Jiangtai Road, Beijing Human Resources Department Zip Code: 100004 Holiday Inn Lido Beijing was established in 1984. and it was the first Holiday Inn hotel in China.&&&&北京丽都假日饭店是由香港的长江实业集团有限公司之全资附属公司益和有限公司和中国中旅集团公司合作经营的一家大型的饭店。6. inn的意思6. Restaurant 2 分店2: Holiday Inn Lido Beijing, Third Floor, Jiangtai Road. Beijing 10004&&&&丽都分店,北京丽都假日饭店三层北京首都机场将台东路,Tel ,7. Yes, my name is Martin Blues. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, Room 1407 until about 15th of this month.&&&&好哇,我叫马丁·布路斯,我现在住在假日酒店1407房,大约住到本月15号。8. Inn of a lot of nets changed direction of management even, begin special sale to warm oneself article.&&&&很多网店甚至改变了经营方向,开始专门销售取暖物品。9. inn9. You need to be careful of perverts inn the park.&&&&在公园里你要注意色狼。10. C:Is this the citytel inn?&&&&是**大酒店吗?11. Steerforth, lying at the Inn, had nothing to consult but his own humour&&&&&&史朵夫住在旅馆里,来来去去都可以随自己的高兴,不必顾到别人怎样。12. Careful observation can discover, this blow focal point is strict demarcate is to be aimed at B2B to trade the net inn on platform, namely the company is right the electronic business affairs of the enterprise, and have nothing to do with the inn of ordinary individual net of C2C mode.&&&&&&仔细观察可以发现,此次打击重点严格限定了是针对B2B交易平台上的网店,也就是企业对企业的电子商务,而与C2C模式的普通个人网店无关。13. Lu Weixing says, once sell the home to be discovered to sell tort goods, clean out treasure to pass according to photograph judgement to make punishment, include to undertake to the tort commodity that releases in shop automatic Qing Dynasty is handled for nothing, seal inn even.&&&&&&卢维兴称,一旦卖家被发现出售侵权商品,淘宝将依照相关判断做出处罚,包括对店铺里发布的侵权商品进行自动清空处理,甚至封店。14. 14. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.&&&&&&因为我昨晚在假日快捷酒店住宿。15. 15. If you are interested in joining IHG and pursue your career with Holiday Inn Express with us, please apply here.&&&&&&如果你有兴趣加入洲际酒店集团并与我们一起追逐你在快捷假日酒店的职业梦想,请在此申请。16. In China it manages the InterContinental, Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn Hotels.&&&&&&其在中国经营管理的主要酒店品牌包括:洲际酒店、皇冠假日酒店、假日酒店及快捷假日。17. You are an inn-keeper, are you not? "&&&&&&您是客店老板,不是吗?"18. He ran out of the inn and along the road.&&&&&&他跑出客店,上了那条小路,不一会儿就没了踪影。19. In the first Advent, there was no room for Himin the inn&&&&&&当祂第一次降生的时候,客店里没有地方20. Please write in if you are unable to attend our walk in interview on Nov 26 from 10:00am to 5:00pm at Holiday Inn Chengdu.&&&&&&有意应聘者请于日上午10:00参加在成都皇冠假日酒店三楼宏图府C厅举办的专场招聘会。inn 词典解释1. 小旅馆;小客栈;小酒馆&&&&An inn is a small hotel or pub, usually an old one.&&&&e.g. ...the Waterside Inn.&&&&&&&&&&&水畔客栈inn 单语例句1. He said Yuan knew many " influential people " in town because she used to be a prostitute and run an inn in the county seat.2. The young man was so distraught at her treachery that the next day he took 40 sleeping pills at the inn where he was staying.3. The men were arrested after a disturbance at the Lounge Inn, a restaurant close to the junction of Bold Street and Stanley Street.4. Qiu said that he plans to erect a new building for his inn and expand the scale to create jobs for farmers from other villages.5. He plans to erect a new building for his inn and expand the operation to create jobs for farmers from other villages.6. Being a comfortable inn of express by holiday type serving businessmen, this hotel also sees the frequent coming and going of Airbus project personnel.7. " Widow Ma's Inn " combines the traditional errenzhuan plot with new forms, adapting many jokes and farcical acting.8. If they like tourists can choose an inn for the night so they can enjoy the gorgeous lanterns hanging all over the town.9. A couple from Shanghai has converted one home into a popular rustic guesthouse, the Pig's Inn.10. On Feb 24, a restored version of Hong Kong director Tsui Hark's 1992 film Dragon Inn hit theaters.inn 英英释义noun1. a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers&&&&Synonym: inn是什么意思,inn在线翻译,inn什么意思,inn的意思,inn的翻译,inn的解释,inn的发音,inn的同义词,inn的反义词,inn的例句,inn的相关词组,inn意思是什么,inn怎么翻译,单词inn是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 escu&#225;lido
<div id="correct" title="在西汉-汉西词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《西语助手》授权一个">有奖纠错
escuálido, da adj. 1.非常肮脏的. 2.非常瘦的. 3.蔫的(植物). 4.【动】角鲨亚目的. |→ 【动】角鲨亚目.
近义词:, &, &muy sucio, &, &, &asquerosamente sucio, &, &, &, &, &, &, &tan sucio que da asco, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &tollo de cacho
?Conoces al chico escuálido?你认识那个骨瘦如柴的男孩子嘛?El pobre anciano vive en un lugar muy escuálido.这个可怜的老人住在一个很脏的地方
提供大量西语阅读听力资源的免费西语学习站点be sure to do sth是什么意思_be sure to do sth在线翻译_be sure to do sth什么意思_be sure to do sth的意思_be sure to do sth的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
be sure to do sth是什么意思
be sure to do sth是什么意思 be sure to do sth在线翻译 be sure to do sth什么意思 be sure to do sth的意思 be sure to do sth的翻译 be sure to do sth的解释
be sure to do sthbe sure to do sth 双语例句1. Be sure to do sth.&&&&一定要做某事2. 2. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery be sure to do sth.&&&&一定 要看在丽都画廊的展览 19。be sure to do sth是什么意思,be sure to do sth在线翻译,be sure to do sth什么意思,be sure to do sth的意思,be sure to do sth的翻译,be sure to do sth的解释,be sure to do sth的发音,be sure to do sth的同义词,be sure to do sth的反义词,be sure to do sth的例句,be sure to do sth的相关词组,be sure to do sth意思是什么,be sure to do sth怎么翻译,单词be sure to do sth是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 lido是什么意思_lido在线翻译_lido什么意思_lido的意思_lido的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
lido是什么意思 lido在线翻译 lido什么意思 lido的意思 lido的翻译 lido的解释 lido的发音 lido的同义词 lido的反义词 lido的例句 lido的相关词组
lido英 ['li:d??] 美 ['li:do?] 第三人称复数:lido 基本解释名词露天游泳池,海滨浴场lido 网络解释1. 里度:其它里度(LIDO)水上巴士站附近的三星级酒店远不及这里漂亮而且也不像这里那样,那么有特色. 在决定住在这里之前我已经考察过了四家酒店. 多走几步路是非常值得的. 我也很喜欢我在圣马可的那家酒店,不过如果我早知道这里就可以省下几百块钱了,2. 盖子:licenso 执照 | lido 盖子 | lifto 电梯3. 屋外游泳池:lidice 利迪泽 | lido 屋外游泳池 | lidocaine 赛罗卡因4. 露天游泳池:550 level effect 杠杆作用 | 551 lido 露天游泳池 | 552 life belt 救生带lido 双语例句1. Address: Jichang Road, Jiangtai Road, Beijing Human Resources Department Zip Code: 100004 Holiday Inn Lido Beijing was established in 1984. and it was the first Holiday Inn hotel in China.&&&&北京丽都假日饭店是由香港的长江实业集团有限公司之全资附属公司益和有限公司和中国中旅集团公司合作经营的一家大型的饭店。2. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D2. Restaurant 2 分店2: Holiday Inn Lido Beijing, Third Floor, Jiangtai Road. Beijing 10004&&&&丽都分店,北京丽都假日饭店三层北京首都机场将台东路,Tel ,3. 3. Babies are expecting to have an extraordinary Gymboree Birthday Party, Afternoon tea party on the meadow, farm yard fun under the sunshine, supper little hero, royal ball in the castle, ocean adventure……Gymboree Lido Centre make their dreams come true.&&&&宝宝渴望与小伙伴们一起度过与众不同的生日派对。草地上的英式下午茶、阳光下的农场乐趣、小小超级英雄、海洋探险、城堡中的宫廷舞会……让金宝贝丽都中心为宝宝们实现梦想。4. Babies are expecting to havean extraordinary Gymboree Birthday Party, Afternoon tea party on the meadow, farm yard fun under the sunshine, supper little hero, royal ball in the castle, ocean adventure……Gymboree Lido Centre make their dreams come true.&&&&宝宝渴望与小伙伴们一起度过与众不同的生日派对。草地上的英式下午茶、阳光下的农场乐趣、小小超级英雄、海洋探险、城堡中的宫廷舞会……让金宝贝丽都中心为宝宝们实现梦想。5. Lido shopping district and the Taiwan region and will also gradually improve the environment, where Beijing will build the first green isolation belt, 7, 000 acres of forest have been completed.&&&&丽都商圈和台湾地区也将逐步改善生态环境,将在北京建立第一个绿色隔离带,7000英亩的森林已经完成。6. 6. Holiday Inn Lido Beijing was established in 1984. and it was the first Holiday Inn hotel in China. A 4 star joint venture between Yick Ho Company of Hong Kong, and China Travel Service Corp.&&&&北京丽都假日饭店是由香港的长江实业集团有限公司之全资附属公司益和有限公司和中国中旅集团公司合作经营的一家大型的饭店。7. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery be sure to do sth.&&&&一定 要看在丽都画廊的展览 19。8. 8. A: This is Lido Holiday Inn. Can I help you?&&&&这里是丽都饭店,请问你需要什么服务?9. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery.&&&&一定要看在利多画廊举办的这次展览。10. The very simple case is, how can a person go to Lido from Luyang?&&&&一个非常简单的案件,一个人如何从路阳去到丽都呢?11. lido是什么意思11. There are a lot of foreign people at Lido Hotel.&&&&&&有很多外国人住在Lido饭店。12. Tom went to the Lido last week.&&&&&&用在四个方向之前,如13. Elegant hotel with private beach in Lido of Venice.&&&&&&本酒店非常適合休閒以至商務旅客。14. Mr. Christopher Makos, internationally famous as a photographer and also a seminal figure in the contemporary art scene in New York, stayed in Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel and was warmly welcomed by the Hotel General Manager Mr.&&&&&&l 国际著名摄影师、纽约当代艺术界开创者克里斯托弗·马克斯先生下榻天府丽都喜来登饭店,受到饭店总经理柯安政先生的热烈欢迎。15. Lido`s shopping district is located in Cappuccino, low-density, the international standard of refined decoration Floor, sale price in 6480 yuan/square meter of construction, those who live in foreign Lido, the more obvious cost advantage.&&&&&&丽都的购物区位于卡布奇诺,低密度,国际标准的完善装饰地板,销售价格在六千四百八十○元/平方米的建筑,那些生活在外国谁丽都,较明显的成本优势。16. I fondly recall the Lido beach, and Formosa beach, both near Funchal.&&&&&&我很天真的回想起位于Funchal附近的Lido海滩和Formosa海滩。17. 17. First-rate scientific research and education is different from the CBD Lido values, the Olympic Village and Dongzhimen looks remarkable.&&&&&&一流的科研与教育水平正是丽都商圈有别于CBD、奥运村以及东直门商圈的显着之处。18. The new Juwel Lido Marine aquarium.&&&&&&新Juwel丽都海洋水族馆。19. lido的翻译19. All cuffs of ET tube were spray of 10 puffs with BH, 10% lidocaine hydrochloride, 2% lidocaine hydrochloride, and normal saline before intubation in groups BH, 10% Lido, 2% Lido and NS, respectively.&&&&&&在插管前,所有的气管内管气囊分别喷涂上10喷的benzydamine hydrochloride,10% lidocaine,2% lidocaine与生理食盐水。20. For example, Star City region Lido International, 上东三角洲; Chaoyang Park, Palm Springs International A CBD near Chaoyang unlimited Hui J Batong Line along the East Acropolis, sunny day, such as blue mesh.&&&&&&例如,星城地区丽都国际,上东三角洲;朝阳公园,棕榈泉国际公寓区;生物多样性公约附近朝阳无限慧镜;八通线沿东卫城,晴天,如蓝色的网格。lido 词典解释1. 露天游泳池;海滨浴场;海滨游乐场&&&&A lido is an outdoor swimming pool or a part of a beach which is used by the public for swimming or water sports.lido 单语例句1. " Everlasting Love " joins a range of Asian films presented at the Venice Lido, both in and out of competition.2. Spend a unique day with your children at a gingerbread house building competition, at Metropark Lido Hotel Beijing.3. Keep up the tradition with kids egg painting at Holiday Inn Lido.4. Texan Bar and Grill at Holiday Inn Lido Beijing, is known for great steaks.5. Film festival director Marco Mueller announced the new schedule at a closing news conference on the Lido on Sunday.6. The verdict means Asian directors have won the Golden Lion on the Lido waterfront for the past three years.7. An older villa complex located in the northeast of the city close to the Lido Holiday Inn Kerry Center.8. The Patio Restaurant offers a fine selection of pizza & pasta weekend special at Holiday Inn Lido Beijing.9. Some of Hollywood's biggest stars are expected to grace the Lido's red carpet, including Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger.10. The next day the couple is shot drinking coffee at the Lido Holiday Inn.lido 英英释义&#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;noun1. a recreational facility including a swimming pool for water sportslido是什么意思,lido在线翻译,lido什么意思,lido的意思,lido的翻译,lido的解释,lido的发音,lido的同义词,lido的反义词,lido的例句,lido的相关词组,lido意思是什么,lido怎么翻译,单词lido是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 在西汉-汉西词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《西语助手》授权一个
<div id="correct" title="在西汉-汉西词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《西语助手》授权一个">有奖纠错
tr. 1. 熄灭: Apagué la luz y me dormí. 我关上灯就睡着了. Los bomberos apagaron el incendio. 消防队扑灭了大火. 2. 使(石灰)熟化. 3. <> 【转】解除,消除,打消.4. <>【转】镇压,平定,平息. 5.【军】压住(敌人的火力). 6.【美】减弱(色彩,光度)7.【海】使(帆)漏风,减少(风对帆的)压力.Apaga y vámonos.散吧;到此为止了[表示一事无需再继续下去].
版 权 所 有
近义词:, &, &, &apagar de un soplo, &apagar con un soplo, &apagar soplando, &hacer desaparecer, &, &, &, &, &, &, &dejar satisfecho, &, &, &反义词:, &prender fuego a, &, &pegar fuego a, &, &poner fuego a, &, &poner en marcha, &, &, &echar a andar, &hacer funcionar, &poner a andar, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &dar aliento a, &dar valor a, &, &, &, &
Trabajaron juntos para apagar el fuego.他们齐心协力把火扑灭了。Los bomberos necesitaron refuerzos para apagar el fuego.消防队员需要援军来扑灭大火。Los bomberos apagaron el incendio.消防队扑灭了大火. Apagué la computadora y me dormí.我关上电脑就睡着了.?l apagó la luz y se acostó.他关灯睡觉了。Apagó la vela de un soplido.他一口气吹灭了蜡烛。Apagué la computadora y me dormí.我关上电脑就睡着了.Apagar la antorcha olímpica se ha convertido en uno de los principales entretenimientos熄灭奥运会火炬已经成为主要娱乐活动之一。Me tomas la mano, llegamos a un túnel Que apaga la luz.你拉起我的手,我们到了一个通道,一个隔绝了所有光的通道。Los bomberos van a apagar el incendio.消防员们前去灭火。El incendio en la refinería es muy difícil de apagar.在提炼厂起的火灾很难被扑灭。Apagué la luz antes de dormir.我睡前已经关灯。Los bomberos han apagado el fuego.消防员将大火扑灭。Su ánimo se fue apagando con el tiempo.随着时间的推移,他的热情逐渐减弱。Ahora reparo en que no he apagado la luz al salir de casa.我刚想起来从家里出来的时候没有关灯。?Pero es que incluso nos obligan a tener el móvil apagado!啊。 但是还包括强迫我们把手机关机!


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