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hint是什么意思 hint在线翻译 hint什么意思 hint的意思 hint的翻译 hint的解释 hint的发音 hint的同义词 hint的反义词 hint的例句 hint的相关词组
hint英 [h?nt] 美 [h?nt] hint第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:911查询·英语单词大全hint 基本解释名词暗示; 线索,迹象; 提示,注意事项; 微量及物动词暗示不及物动词暗示,提示\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006Dhint 相关词组911查询·英语单词大全1.
: 领会;hint 相关例句及物动词1. hint的意思1. She hinted that I should go.&&&&她暗示我应该去。2. He
hinted that he might be late.&&&&他曾暗示过他可能迟到。名词1. I took the
hint and left at once.&&&&我领会了暗示立即离开了。2. She gave me some useful hints on how to deal with the matter.&&&&她就怎样处理这件事给了我一些有益的指点。3. 3. The speaker dropped a hint of a possible modification of the proposals.&&&&发言者暗示可能会修改建议。hint 网络解释1. 1. 暗示:本篇我们将为游戏添加一个暗示(Hint)功能,当玩家找不到物品时给予一些帮助(相信文章写到这里13件物品闭着眼也应该能找到了),文章中我们仍然会用到多种动画及自定义行为功能.2. 建议:结合客观的产品测试 和20年的市场经验,提供读者远景、建议及使用Mac的好办法,每期都有权威的产品评比、专家的建议(hint)和秘诀,以及深入的专题报导. 评比的产品都是已出厂的,可实际买得到,而不是样品.hint 双语例句1. A lot of things, though ordinary, will hint obliquely at out the different feeling in different persons'eyes.&&&&很多东西,虽然平凡,可是在不同的人的眼里却会影射出不一样的感觉。2. A hint of demonic influence in its beady little eyes.&&&&他那珠泡小眼中魔鬼的气息。3. It can realize personnel know the comprehension occasionally、automatic report and real-time datum of reservoir to control and attemper the interrelated quotiet In addition, it may inspect the safety of reservoir real-time through the sound annunciator, it has alarm hint through telephone as well as exceeding the target of danger. This function is order to eliminate hidden trouble.&&&&通过该系统的语音查询部分实现相关人员对水库信息的实时了解,自动汇报准确、实时的数据,以达到控制和调度各个水库的相关系数;另外,通过其语音报警部分对各水库的安全进行实时监测,一旦超过危险指标,就会自动通过电话给有关负责人进行报警提示,达到预报和防范的目的,以便作出更好的计划和措施来消除隐患。4. Catch a butterfly to send you, wish you a happy wings, pocket hint of breeze to s&&&&捉一只蝴蝶送您,愿您拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风送您,愿您心情舒畅,发个短信给您,愿天天神采飞扬!5. Lin Zhi: Do I detect a hint of hero-worship there?&&&&林芝:我怎么嗅到了一股英雄崇拜的味道呢?6. hint的反义词6. G How much dirt is in a round hole that is 9 feel deep with a diameter of a feet Hint: You don't have to do any math to get the answer.&&&&一个直径3英尺,深9英尺的圆洞里有多少土?7. The only thing that is a hint of safety is that the rope is flat to keep the foot in place.&&&&唯一一个表示安全的迹象就是扁平的绳子可以放的上脚。8. 8. The article seems to hint that the lack of allopregnanolone in the body could lead to neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer`s in the future.&&&&这篇文章似乎暗示四氢孕酮的缺乏会在将来导致神经萎缩疾病像老年痴呆症。<p class="p11查询·英语单词9. This is a hint of feeling......&&&&这是一种。。。淡淡的感觉。。。10. Hint: The standard reduction potential is a it does not depend on the&&&&利用标准还原电势计算电池的电动势。11. He returned with just the hint of a sardonic smile.&&&&&&罗宁再次露出了他招牌式的讽刺微笑。12. Though only a warrior, Rend had a tenuous feel formagic. And he could sense the magic within the strangeold structure before them. It was powerful, immenselyso, and evil beyond imagining. And it was filled withhatred, intense and directed toward anything living. Those creatures had only been the barest hint of its strength.&&&&&&这些生物是从神庙里跑出来的,虽然雷德是一名战士,他也能感受到这里面魔法微弱的刺激,他的感觉告诉他这股力量同样来自于面前这座破败而又奇异的建筑,它既猛烈又强大,邪恶得超乎想象,并且充满了仇恨,直接冲荡着所有的生灵,在这种力量下仅有这种怪物能生存下来。13. She speaks with passion and just a hint of resignation about the current financial situation.&&&&&&对于目前的经济现状,她的评述还是那么锋芒毕露。14. Third, as the outlook for housing and consumption gets drawn into question, capital spending plans -- long highly sensitive to expectations of end-market demand -- co two consecutive monthly declines in core capital goods orders in October and November 2006 hint that such an adjustment may now be under way.&&&&&&第三,由于对房地产和消费前景存在疑虑,一向对终端市场需求高度敏感的资本支出计划也将受到影响。2006年10月和11月连续两个月的核心资本商品订货数量的下降表明,调整可能正在进行中。15. hint的翻译15. It also gave the world economy within the scope of the other economies, China is not only a hint of commodity producer, but there is a huge potential market.&&&&&&这也给世界经济范围内的其他经济体一个暗示,中国不仅是商品的生产者,而且是一个有巨大潜力的市场。16. Vintage:This vintage has a dark ruby-red colour and releases refined aromas of red berries, along with its usual hint of blackcurrant.&&&&&&2004年:这一年有深暗的红宝石色同时散发出红梅果的香气,以及带有其一贯有的隐约的黑醋栗味。17. This is a strong hint that a close encounter between members of a stellar system may have triggered an explosive outflow with motions on the order of 100 kilometers per second.&&&&&&这强烈暗示,一个恒星系统中的成员近距离相遇时,可能会触发爆发式的外流,其运动速度可达每秒100公里等级。18. 18. Once we subtract from these passages any misleading hint that claim 2 is doing justificatory work, what remains is only this: Davidson apparently assumes that the truth of claim 1 will be evident as soon as we take an honest look at the matter.&&&&&&一旦我们从这些段落中去除误导主张2是起辩护作用的线索,保留的就仅仅是:Davidson显然预设了主张1之真只要我们诚实就会是显然的。19. Sometimes I end up with a sweet sadness from a day of solitary contemplation, but even that kind of loneliness is a sentiment I'm reluctant to let go, as if within it I can taste a hint of sweetness.&&&&&&便有时因在整日静寂的沉思里得了点哀戚,但这种淡淡的凄凉,却更令我舍不得去扰乱这情调,似乎在这里面我也可以味出一缕甜意一样的。20. Tasting: This wine develops heady, roasted flavours, lifted by a subtle hint of acidity on the finish.&&&&&&品尝特征:入口柔滑,香气在口中回旋长久,余味甜中带一点酸度,可提高烧烤类等食物的香气。hint 词典解释1. 暗示&&&&A hint is a suggestion about something that is made in an indirect way.&&&&e.g. The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers...&&&&&&&&&&&部长明显地暗示政府正在考虑对母亲们实行税收减免。&&&&e.g. I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here...&&&&&&&&&&&我已经暗示要在这里举办一次他的作品展。2. 暗示;示意&&&&If you hint at something, you suggest it in an indirect way.&&&&e.g. She suggested a trip to the shops and hinted at the possibility of a treat of some sort...&&&&&&&&&&&她建议去逛逛商店,并暗示可能要请客。&&&&e.g. Criticism is hinted at, but never made explicit...&&&&&&&&&&&批评总是含沙射影,但从未明说。3. 有益的建议;不错的主意;好点子&&&&A hint is a helpful piece of advice, usually about how to do something.&&&&e.g. Here are some helpful hints to make your journey easier...&&&&&&&&&&&几条有用的建议可以让你的旅途更轻松。&&&&e.g. I'm hoping to get some fashion hints.&&&&&&&&&&&我希望能得到一些有关时尚的建议。4. 少许;微量&&&&A hint of something is a very small amount of it.&&&&e.g. She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin...&&&&&&&&&&&她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。&&&&e.g. I glanced at her and saw no hint of irony on her face.&&&&&&&&&&&我瞥了她一眼,没有在她的脸上看到一丝嘲弄。hint 单语例句hint的翻译1. Just a hint of a caress is all it takes to stimulate a response.2. A subtly lit spirits cellar at Atmosphere's entrance provides a hint of icy cool and ethereal elegance.3. Tonal stripes dominate suits, although a slight hint of color adds more character to the season's most directional cloths.4. Although it would not be easy to achieve the goal, it was a clear hint that it may come to pass.5. Also hip is a look of mixing comfortable country fabrics - from tweeds to tartans - for a hint of British eccentricity.6. She has a strong comprehension, you only need to give her a hint and she understands the rest.7. It must be crisp and crunchy, with no hint of the gelatinous skin that was its former reincarnation.8. It had a hint of saffron and was so decadent I had trouble finishing it.9. The first hint that something was slightly out of joint came when I glanced at the departure time on my ticket.10. Huang chats about dining culture enthusiastically as we prepare and manages to discuss possibilities for vegetarian xiaolongbao without a hint of despair.\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDhint 英英释义noun1. an indication of potential opportunity&&&&e.g. he got a tip on the stock market&&&&&&&&&&&a good lead for a job&&&&Synonym: confidential information2. a slight indication&&&&Synonym: 3. an indirect suggestion&&&&e.g. not a breath of scandal ever touched her&&&&Synonym: 4. a just detectable amount&&&&e.g. he speaks French with a trace of an accent&&&&Synonym: 5. a slight but appreciable amount&&&&e.g. this dish could use a touch of garlic&&&&Synonym: verb1. drop a hint&&&&intimate by a hint&&&&Synonym: hint是什么意思,hint在线翻译,hint什么意思,hint的意思,hint的翻译,hint的解释,hint的发音,hint的同义词,hint的反义词,hint的例句,hint的相关词组,hint意思是什么,hint怎么翻译,单词hint是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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