
MELBOURNE, Australia – A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs. The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old struck the kangaroo in the throat.Rickard said he was walking his blue dog, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its back legs and tearing a deep cut into his stomach and across his face."I thought I might take action to drag the dog out from under his grasp, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people.""I was stuck having to hold on to the dog with both hands because it was half drowned and I couldn't really see anything because the kangaroo just attacked me.”He added, "All I could do was just keep pushing for the bank and he was trying to push me under the water, so at that point I struck him in the throat and that made him back off a little bit."I don't think I'll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to — it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.
Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.Rickard said he ended the attack by hitting the kangaroo in the throat adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.【小题1】Rickard and his pet dog were attacked when _________. A.swimming in the pondB.he was teasing a kangarooC.he was walking his dogD.dragging his dog out from water【小题2】In Australia, kangaroos ________. A.get along rather peacefully with peopleB.are only seen in zoos C.frequently attack people and petsD.can be found swimming in ponds【小题3】The kangaroo attacked the man and his dog probably because ________. A.the man struck it in the wanted to drown the dogC.the man wanted to drown itD.the dog chased it【小题4】As a result of the attack, ________. A.the kangaroo was killedB.Rickard was left a deep impressionC.kangaroos should be under stricter protectionD.the dog was drowned dead - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:MELBOURNE, Australia – A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs. The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old struck the kangaroo in the throat.Rickard said he was walking his blue dog, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its back legs and tearing a deep cut into his stomach and across his face."I thought I might take action to drag the dog out from under his grasp, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people.""I was stuck having to hold on to the dog with both hands because it was half drowned and I couldn't really see anything because the kangaroo just attacked me.”He added, "All I could do was just keep pushing for the bank and he was trying to push me under the water, so at that point I struck him in the throat and that made him back off a little bit."I don't think I'll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to — it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.
Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.Rickard said he ended the attack by hitting the kangaroo in the throat adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.【小题1】Rickard and his pet dog were attacked when _________. A.swimming in the pondB.he was teasing a kangarooC.he was walking his dogD.dragging his dog out from water【小题2】In Australia, kangaroos ________. A.get along rather peacefully with peopleB.are only seen in zoos C.frequently attack people and petsD.can be found swimming in ponds【小题3】The kangaroo attacked the man and his dog probably because ________. A.the man struck it in the wanted to drown the dogC.the man wanted to drown itD.the dog chased it【小题4】As a result of the attack, ________. A.the kangaroo was killedB.Rickard was left a deep impressionC.kangaroos should be under stricter protectionD.the dog was drowned deadMELBOURNE, Australia – A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs. The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old struck the kangaroo in the throat.Rickard said he was walking his blue dog, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its back legs and tearing a deep cut into his stomach and across his face."I thought I might take action to drag the dog out from under his grasp, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people.""I was stuck having to hold on to the dog with both hands because it was half drowned and I couldn't really see anything because the kangaroo just attacked me.”He added, "All I could do was just keep pushing for the bank and he was trying to push me under the water, so at that point I struck him in the throat and that made him back off a little bit."I don't think I'll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to — it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.
Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.Rickard said he ended the attack by hitting the kangaroo in the throat adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.【小题1】Rickard and his pet dog were attacked when _________. A.swimming in the pondB.he was teasing a kangarooC.he was walking his dogD.dragging his dog out from water【小题2】In Australia, kangaroos ________. A.get along rather peacefully with peopleB.are only seen in zoos C.frequently attack people and petsD.can be found swimming in ponds【小题3】The kangaroo attacked the man and his dog probably because ________. A.the man struck it in the wanted to drown the dogC.the man wanted to drown itD.the dog chased it【小题4】As a result of the attack, ________. A.the kangaroo was killedB.Rickard was left a deep impressionC.kangaroos should be under stricter protectionD.the dog was drowned dead科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】C【小题2】A【小题3】D【小题4】B解析试题分析:本文是一则新闻报道,报道了一只袋鼠袭击人和狗的事情。【小题1】C细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的A kangaroo frightened by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, throwing the pet underwater and hitting the owner in the stomach with its back legs可知,一个人遛狗的时候,他和他的狗被袋鼠袭击了。故选C。【小题2】A推理判断题。根据文章中的It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet &&high, they don't go around killing peopleo"和Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatenedo可以推知,袋鼠不伤人除非它感觉受到了威胁。所以,袋鼠和人能和平相处。故选A。【小题3】D推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and knocked the pet underwater.可知,狗追赶袋鼠进入池塘,袋鼠转身将宠物狗撞入水中,人想从水中救狗,结果,袋鼠袭击了人和狗。故选D。【小题4】B推理判断题。根据文章中倒数第四段中的"I don't think Fll ever be able to watch kangaroo programs quite the same as I used to—it might bring back a couple of bad memories.”可知,“我”被吓坏了,不愿意意再看袋鼠的节目,所以选B。这个事件给“我” 留下了很深的印象。其他三项与文章内答不符。考点:新闻报道类阅读理解知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心RANKED: The 11 Best Dog Breeds
Editor's note: Due to some technical difficulties yesterday,
we were unable to post this list on August 26, National Dog Day.
But we couldn't resist posting it today. Enjoy!
Dogs are the best.
Incredibly loyal, they comfort, protect, and love their
humans unconditionally, making dogs superior to any other pet out
But not all dogs are created equal. These are the 11 best
dog breeds, based on factors including health, personality, and
overall popularity.
11. Portuguese Water Dog
POTUS is a big
Pete Souza/White
Portuguese water dogs were originally bred to herd fish, retrieve
lost tackle or broken nets, and act as couriers from ship to
They’re good for people with allergies and make excellent
companions since they are loving, independent, intelligent, and
easy to train.
Portuguese water dogs also enjoy being petted and are
friendly with strangers. Just be warned that like many larger
dogs, boredom can cause them to become destructive.
10. Newfoundland Dog
Known as “nature’s babysitter,” Newfoundland Dogs are the
absolute sweetest. Perhaps the best-known Newfoundland is the
fictional Nana from “Peter Pan,” who was so wonderful with
These gentle giants are highly loyal and easy to train, and
are legendary for their docile temper.
Newfoundland dogs are also strong swimmers, and the breed
was trained to rescue people from drowning — one dog even
famously saved Napoleon Bonaparte.
9. Maltese
One of the most ancient of the toy breeds, Maltese dogs were bred
to be sweet and adoring of their owners. The Greeks even erected
tombs for their Maltese dogs, and in Elizabethan times, they were
called “The Comforter” because it was believed they could relieve
pain and cure illness.
Maltese dogs are also extremely hypoallergenic, with silky
coats that don’t shed.
And because of their size, these dogs are good for
apartment living, too.
8. Golden Retrievers
Goldens are sweet, loyal, and incredible companion dogs. They’d
rather be sleeping at your feet then running around outside
without you.
They’re also very even-tempered, especially with small
children. Goldens make great service and comfort dogs because of
their friendly and tolerant attitudes.
Plus they were bred to retrieve ducks and other fowl for
hunters, so if you like playing fetch, this is the dog for
7. Huskies
Siberian huskies are stunning animals, with their thick fur coat
and piercing eyes. Most people who choose a Husky do so for their
extraordinary beauty.
Huskies are good natured dogs who are affectionate with
children. They shed minimally, except for twice a year when they
blow out their coat, and don’t have the typical “dog odor” that
bigger breeds tend to have.
Huskies are not considered a great breed for first-time dog
owners, since they need a lot of attention, exercise, and are
very good as escaping and running away.
6. Poodles
Poodles get a bad rap. But they’re easy to train since they’re so
intelligent, and are lively, fun-loving, and loyal family
Poodles can be attention seekers, so don’t be surprised if
this people-oriented breed is constantly with you.
They’re also protective of their families and homes, and
can become aggressive with people outside the family or with
other dogs.
5. Beagles
Because of their intelligence, Beagles are used by law
enforcement at airports to sniff baggage for items that are not
permitted. Due to their friendly nature and appearance, Beagles
don’t worry passengers.
This breed also has a lack of inherited health problems,
and an even temper which is good for families and small
The most common reason Beagles are abandoned or turned over
to the pound is because their owners couldn’t stand their
howling. This can be controlled by training your dog early to
avoid excessive barking.
4. German Shepherds
A relatively new breed (they date back to 1899), German Shepherds
are exceptional animals: Courageous, obedient, incredibly loyal,
and eager to learn.
German Shepherds are very intelligent too, and excel at
most anything they’re trained to do. They’re usually used as
service dogs and police dogs to protect officers and locate drugs
or human remains.
German Shepherds love their humans so much that they will
suffer from separation anxiety, and can become destructive when
bored alone at home.
3. Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Elizabeth loves these guys.
Corgis have a cult-like following mainly due to their playful and
sweet personalities. According to Welsh mythology, the Pembroke
Welsh Corgi was even the transportation mode of choice for
Though they can be shy with strangers, Corgis are good with
children and have a strong desire to please their owners.
They’re also one of the silliest-looking dogs, with huge
ears, a long torso, and a big butt. Just monitor their food
intake closely since this breed is prone to overeating.
2. Labrador Retrievers
There’s a reason why Labs are the most popular breed in
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, as well as
here in the U.S. They are devoted and obedient and have even
temperaments that make them good with both children and other
Bred to be eager to please and playful companions, Labs are smart
and commonly chosen as guide dogs and service dogs for blind or
autistic individuals.
They also make understanding therapy dogs, and can be
trained to aid law enforcement and other official agencies by
screening and detection work.
1. Mixed Breeds
No matter what mix of breeds, mutts are awesome. Mixed-breeds are
believed to have less genetically inherited health problems than
purebreds, according to veterinarian Dr. Sarah Ward Fatula.
Plus, if you adopt your mixed-breed from the shelter, not
only will they already be spayed/neutered, microchipped, and up
to date with vaccines, but you’ll also be helping with the pet
overpopulation problem.
To find a shelter near you, visit the .
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