列举5个左右的cultural stereotypess

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How smashing gender stereotypes can benefit brands
Ever feel like shredding a fashion magazine because of its unattainable images of beauty?
That was the thinking behind a provocative and empowering advertising campaign for the beauty brand Julep, which is garnering national attention.
In the we see the heroine kickboxing and punching female stereotypes, bashing emojis, beauty magazines, bras, high heels, even a washing machine.
The campaign, which includes a video game, was created by Joan Creative, an advertising agency founded and run by women.
"Women on any given day face just a series of things that get thrown at them ... everything from unrealistic beauty expectations to men who are cat calling them to discrimination at work," said Jaime Robinson, co-founder and chief creative officer of Joan Creative. "And we thought ... could we actually take the figurative things that get thrown at you and actually turn them into literal things?"
Julep's "Throw Anything at Me" ad bashes female stereotypes.
Robinson and her fellow co-founder Lisa Clunie were well aware of how pervasive female empowerment ads have become after Dove got the ball rolling back in 2004 with its "Real Beauty" campaign featuring women of all shapes and sizes.
So to stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace and appeal to women who have already seen plenty of uplifting ads, they knew they needed something unique, surprising and funny.
"You have to think of the more interesting way to reach those women and to really resonate with those women that they haven't seen before," said Robinson.
Stereotype-bashing brands can make lasting impressions with consumers.
Always, the maker of sanitary pads, focused on the drop in girls' confidence after puberty with a campaign started in 2014 that helped transform the meaning of "like a girl" from an insult to an empowering message. The has been seen more than 65 million times on YouTube.
The Always "Like a Girl" campaign transformed the expression into an empowering message.
The women's health company HelloFlo saw similar traction with a video designed to remove any stigma about a girl's first period. has been viewed more than 42 million times.
Authenticity to the brand is crucial to the success of a female empowerment campaign, said Clunie, co-founder and chief executive officer of Joan Creative.
"Striking the both honest and right chord is so important in this particular area," she said.
These groundbreaking ads can also bolster a company's bottom line.
According to , a women's lifestyle digital media company, 53% of women said they have purchased a product just because they liked how the brand's ads portrayed them.
About 46% of women surveyed said they stopped buying a product because they didn't like the way women were portrayed in that brand's ad.
The site annually gives out what it calls #Femvertising Awards for brands doing the best job challenging gender norms and promoting pro-female messages.
HelloFlo's "First Moon Party" ad was designed to remove stigmas around a girl's first period.
Julep's founder, Jane Park, who sought an advertising agency run by women for the company's first ever brand campaign, said it's definitely resonating with consumers. The company has seen an uptick in sales that has been sustained since the November launch. The complexion product featured in the ad is now the top performer across all of its retailers.
"I don't know how else to explain it other than word of mouth about the product and this campaign," said Park.
Stereotypes in advertising can have lasting effects: 92% of women in the survey said they believe how women are portrayed in ads has a direct impact on girls' self-esteem.
"I think it shapes entire generations," said Samantha Skey, president and chief revenue officer of SheKnows Media.
"We see this when we look back on something that was pop culture pervasive 20 years ago or 40 years ago or 50 years ago and then you look at the ads surrounding that moment in time and you're like, 'Gosh, I can't believe I wasn't affected,' " said Skey.
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英语国家社会与文化入门(大学英语专业英美文化概况)Unit 11
Unit 11American way of life :A search for credible generalizations ? Less cultural coherence ? Contradict ? Value of disgreeing 人权情况 ? 绝大部分美国人认为美国是自由的国家,也认为美国已经 建立了一个为人权和民权提供保护的法律传统。美国开国 元勋在制订宪法时就认为限制政府的权力是保证人民的自 由的必要措施。权利法案的目的就是保护公民不受联邦政 府侵犯。其中最著名的第一修正案的目标是保护言论自由、 出版自由、宗教自由和其他的权利。其他的修正案保护公 民受审判团审判的权利、不受无证件的搜查和扣押的权利 等等各个方面。 ? 西方世界各国普遍把美国看作人权领袖的模范,并认为上 面文件所列举出来的权利是世界上人权中最重要的。 One-line stereotypes about the USA? ? ? ? ? ? Stereotype All Americans are rich American society is violent American families are in disarray Americana are all religious Americans are optimistic ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?社会阶层 2004年美国社会学家 Leonard Beeghley 调查出的五类美国社会阶层分布如下[61],收 入单位都是美元: 位于加州圣何塞郊区的一片中产家庭聚集区 高收入家庭占5%――家庭净财富在100万以上,普遍具有大学以上文化;C 其中顶级高收入家庭占0.9%――千万富翁与亿万富豪;中产阶层(白领)占46%――平均男性年收入5.7万,女性年收入4万,基本是大学毕业; 工人阶层(蓝领)占40-45%――平均男性年收入4万,女性年收入2.6万,大多是中学毕 业文化; 贫穷阶层占12%――生活在贫困线以下,平均家庭年收入1.8万,一些是中学文化。 按照个人或家庭收入高低所形成的社会阶层来看,明显得出个人受教育程度与之关系 密切,2005年美国全体家庭的年收入中位数为46326美元,而18%的家庭收数超过10 万美元,而个人年收入的中位数则为32,140美元(仅计算25岁以上的个人)[62]。拥有 较罕见的工作技巧,或从事社会上普遍认为较为重要工作的人,也是较高社会地位的 人,而这些人通常有较高的个人收入:具有专业与博士学位的人的收入是美国收入前 15%的主要组成部分,前15%的收入者平均赚取62,500美元以上;而具有大学学士学 位的人的收入居于中产行列,他们大多属于是中产阶层[63]。 The USA as a ?melting pot‘? ? ? ? ? ? ? Immigrants Asia ,Latin America,Europea&Africa Anglophilic Life in America Israel Zangwill WASP Three faiths ? WASP,即White Anglo-Saxon Protestant的简称,意为 新教徒的盎格鲁撒克逊裔美国人,现在可以泛指信奉新教 的欧裔美国人。 ? 近年来美国保守和宗教势力一直在扩大,很多WASP 从原教旨主义基督教的教义出发,反对堕胎、同性婚姻甚 至同性恋等自由主义者支持的事务,希望能够“恢复美国 式的生活”。这些人是美国共和党的重要支持者,共和党 也一直将实现他们的价值观作为自己的目标之一。 ? WASP价值观是美国的上流社会主流价值观,它并不 仅存在于WASP这个阶层也影响到其他阶层。有教授就认 为新当选的美国总统奥巴马就属于WASP价值观,这跟他 童年时代受到白人祖母抚养的影响和长大后在哈佛大学接 受的主流教育有关。所以,这种价值观和肤色无关,甚至 和党派无关,和社会地位有关,和教育背景有关。 Alternative to the Dmelting pot ‖as national self-image? ? ? ? ? ? Doom to lose Muticultural Saladbowl-decay mosaic Kaleidoscope vacuum A 21st-century metaphor for american life? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? That of internet Reason WWW Characteristic Liberty(freedom),equality(social justice) No guarantees-nobel or base purpose Individualistic and democratic Limitation The ongoing tensions between liberty and equality? ? ? ? Liberty/freedom Interchangeably Freedom-oppse salves The beginning of liberty ? ? ? ? ?Equality/(social) Justice Treat fairly Level playing field French Revolution Fraternity ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Why liberty vs equality Not always compatible The Pledge of Allegiance Specific issues-climate crisis Conservative-Republican Progressivist-Democrat Hard to epitomise the USA
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