
【】【】譯汉‍典ZDIC.NET 傳譯四夷之言者。从言睪聲。羊昔切
字面是什么意思 字面在线翻译 字面什么意思 字面的意思 字面的翻译 字面的解释 字面的发音 字面的同义词 字面的反义词 字面的例句
字面 基本解释字面[zì miàn]词典:照字面的;原义的;逐字的;平实的,避免夸张。词典:字体,字样,打字机字体。词典:脸;表面;面容;方面。字面 汉英大词典字面[zì miàn](文字表面上的意义) literal:  例:字面上的意思        照字面翻译        字面上兜圈子     festoons of words{刷} typeface字面 网络解释1. 1. dial index:紫水晶 amethyst | 字面 dial index | 自动玻璃胶水接合机 automatic glass gluing machine2. 2. Word-show:词簇:word cluster | 字面:Word-show | 词序:word order3. dial:鑽石刀批花針-------------------------diamond-cut watch hand | 字面---------------------------------dial | 相紙表面-----------------------------hologram dial字面 双语例句1. 言内行为是说出词、短语和分句的行为,它是通过句法、词汇和音位来表达字面意义的行为。&&&&It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax lexicon and phonology.2. 字面上有意义的音译词并不一定就是音意兼译的外来词。&&&&It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration.3. danci.911cha.com3. 2005年11月杨伯翰大学学报刊登了一篇-绍我教学工作的文章,文章里说:在-方环境中,中国的书法在字面上看是-一种外国的语言,艺术的热心人可能-最重要的艺术里把中国的书法放在次-的位置。&&&&In a Western environment where Chinese calligraphy is literally a foreign language, art enthusiasts may believe that calligraphy takes a backseat in artistic importance.4. 4. 正因为如此,陈蔚会格外推崇杜马斯这样的画出人物内心巨大变化和岁月沧桑的艺术家,也正因为如此,她会在自己的油画创作中另辟蹊径,从中国传统文化的谴词造境和书写形意中,寻求字面与画面形象之外的另一种真实,哪怕这种真实展现的是侵蚀、剥落和残败,而生命原本就是脆弱和短暂的。&&&&And so Chen Wei particularly praises artists like Dumas who can paint characters of such emotions and hardships marked by time. It is also because of this that she creates a path in her oil paintings, and seeks another type of truth from the rhetoric and visual image of traditional Chinese culture, regardless of whether this truth depicts corrosion and destruction, as life in essence is fragile and transient.5. 5. 另外一个字面上的真理生硬,冷淡方面indisposes他们使这些许愿,其中更明智圈可以在一个时刻安抚他的妃子。&&&&Moreover a blunt and stolid regard for literal truth indisposes them to make those lavish promises by which the more judicious Circle can in a moment pacify his consort.6. 这个词的字面意思宽,宽度。&&&&A word that literally means wide, width.7. 所有字符都是普通的,表达式是字面字符串。&&&&All characters are ordinary, the expression is a literal string.8. 不要拘泥于 150%的字面涵义,也不需要使用节拍器来做精确的度量。&&&&In fact, the entire sonata consists of these repeated sections that are 8 to 10 bars long.9. 字面在线翻译9. 个人理解的字面解释:我们的本质从来不改变,但我的身份却从来没有停止过改&&&&What we are never changed, but who we are never stop changing.10. 坏消息。原告按字面意思解读合同的要求开始反噬他自己。&&&&Bad sign. The plaintiff`s reliance on a literal reading of the contract came back to haunt him.11. 911查询·英语单词大全11. 这也是-字面-火灾的危险。&&&&&&It is also -- literally -- a fire hazard.12. 字面在线翻译12. 该方法具有不受领域限制、摘要速度快等优点:同时文档篇章的智能化分析也有助于克服简单机械摘要方法停留于字面表层的局限性。&&&&&&This method is characterized as domain-independent and fast. Furthermore, the intelligent parsing of document structure is helpful to overcome the limitation of indicative abstract.13. 渔业深约六英尺,在水中趟快的话,我还会在今天指标也从字面上停止中旬漂移。&&&&&&Fishing at about a depth of six feet, in water faster then I would care to wade in today, the indicator would literally stop in mid-drift.14. 至于性格的翻译是,完全采取公开,公平的字面。&&&&&&As regards the character of the translation it is, taken altogether, fairly literal.15. 提出这四个名词,不是要玩什么文字游戏和字面概念,是想和大家在一起共同探讨下,假如你是一名互联网从业者,你怎么看这四个名词概念,假如你是这四个创业群体中的一个类型,现在的类型是否适合你,是否想过换一个切入点,是否想过融合另一个类型。&&&&&&Offer these 4 terms, not be to should play what paronomasia and literal idea, it is to want to be discussed jointly together with everybody, if you are an Internet practitioner, how do you see idea of these 4 nouns, if you are a type in these 4 poineering groups, whether does present type suit you, whether had wanted to change to cut a point, whether had thought confluence another type.16. 16. 如果定义了量词和操作符,它们作用于最邻近的表达式,否则作用于邻近字面字符串,字符类,或者术语。&&&&&&Quantifiers and operators refer to the immediately adjacent expression, if one is defined, otherwise to the adjacent literal string, character class, or term.17. 表达式,否则作用于邻近字面字符串,字符类,或者术语。&&&&&&Adjacent literal string, character class, or term.18. dispensational神学出一贯使用的诠释学的原则,正常的,平原,或字面解释。&&&&&&Dispensational theology grows out of a consistent use of the hermeneutical principle of normal, plain, or literal interpretation.19. 他信奉整部《圣经》的字面真理,在这个问题上固执已见。&&&&&&He believes in the literal truth of the whole Bible and has a closed mind on the subject.20. 有人也许要问:这个学说的意图有多认真?这些哲学家希望我们在多大程度上严格照字面理解他们提出的阐论?&&&&&&One might well want to ask how seriously this doctrine is intended, just how strictly and literally the philosophers who propound it mean their words to be taken.字面是什么意思,字面在线翻译,字面什么意思,字面的意思,字面的翻译,字面的解释,字面的发音,字面的同义词,字面的反义词,字面的例句,字面的相关词组,字面意思是什么,字面怎么翻译,单词字面是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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你可能喜欢你现在的位置 : &
  among the rest 在其中
  bad sailor 容易晕船的人
  block-buster 风行的事物
  busy-body 爱管闲事的人
  compare notes 交换意见
  dry goods 谷物(英),纺织品(美)
  familiar talk 庸俗的谈话
  go on strike 举行罢工(而不是继续罢工)
  go to bed 在报刊用语中为:付印
  house flag (商船上的)公司旗
  lazy Susan 旋转餐桌
  land shark 向上岸的水手行骗的人
  merchant of death 军火商
  morning glory 牵牛花
  sea cucumber 海参
  soap opera 电视广告剧
  sweet water 饮用水
  (sweetened water)
  China rose 月季花
  American beauty 四季开花的蔷薇
  English disease 软骨病
  Frence leave 不辞而别
  German measles 风疹
  Indian meal 玉米粉
  Italic hand 狡猾的干涉
  Mongolian idiot 先天性白痴
  Spanish athelete 爱吹牛的人
  Swiss roll 内加果酱的面包
  Turkish delight 橡皮糖


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