求助大神这是什么歌各位大神 《水浒传》英译各版本

  四书五经的英文译名为Four Books and Five Classics,注意,不管是“四书”的译文Four Books,还是“五经”的译文Five Classics,由于是专有名词,它们都是每个词的词首大写。
  四书Four Books
  《大学》:The Great Learning
  《中庸》: The Doctrine of the Mean
  《论语》:The Analects of Confucius
  《孟子》:The Words of Mencius
  五经 Five Classics
  《诗经》:The Book of Songs
  《尚书》:The Book of History
  《礼记》:The Book of Rites
  《周易》:The Book of Changes
  《春秋》:The Spring and Autumn Annals
  对于“名著”而言,从其意思上,都可谓是“经典图书”,即英文里的classic novel/fiction。不过,由于“四大名著”一词久已成形,具体是指《三国演讲》、《水浒传》、《西游记》和《红楼梦》,因此,它也成了一个“专有名词”,其英文译成Four Great Classical Novels
  The Story of Stone《石头记》, 译者:David Hawkes (前八十回)和John Minford(后四十回)
  A Dream of Red Chamber, 译者:Florence 和 Isabel McHugh夫妇
  Red Chamber Dream, 译者:Bramwell Seaton Bonsall
  A Dream of Red Mansions,译者:杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi )和戴乃迭(Gladys Yang)夫妇
  Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三个王国的罗曼史),译者:Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor,1925年,
  Romantic of the Three Kingdoms(三个王国的罗曼史)(节选43-50回),译者:杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi )和戴乃迭(Gladys Yang)夫妇, 1981年
  The Three Kingdoms, 译者:Yu Sumei,2014年
  All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)(七十一回本),译者:赛珍珠(Pear S. Buck), 1933年
  Water Margin, 译者:J. H. Jackson, 1937年
  OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH(沼泽地里的逃犯),译者: Sidney Shapiro,1980年。
  The Marshes Of Mount Liang, 译者:Alex and John Dent-Young,年
  Monkey: A Folk-Tale of China(简略版),译者: Arthur Waley, 1942年
  (此译本还改名为Adventures of the Monkey God,Monkey to the West, Monkey: [A] Folk Novel of China和The Adventures of Monkey,以及儿童版
  Dear Monkey)
  The Journey to the West, 译者:Anthony C. Yu,, 年
  (此译本在2006年出过一个简略版,以The Monkey and the Monky为书名)
  Journey to the West,译者:William John Francis Jenner, 年
  The Peach Blossom Spring,译者:
  (The Record of ) the Peach Blossom
  Peach Blossom Spring Story
  The Peach Blossom Land
  The Orphan of Zhao
  The Golden Lotus, 译者:Clement Egerton, 1939年
  Chin P'ing Mei: The Adventurous History of Hsi Men and His Six Wives, 译者:
  Bernard Miall, 1942年,由德文版译成英文
  The Plum in the Golden Vase, 译者:Roy, David Tod,1993年
  Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, 译者:Herbert Giles, 1880年
  Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisure,译者:George Soulie,1913年
  Strange Tales of Liaozhai (Lu Yunzhong, Chen Tifang, Yang Liyi, and Yang Zhihong). 1982年
  Strange Tales from Make-do Studio,译者:Denis C. & Victor H. Mair,1989年
  Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio,译者:Zhang Qingnian, Zhang Ciyun 和Yang Yi,1997年
  Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio,译者:John Minford,2006年
  Strange Tales from Liaozhai,译者:Sidney L. Sondergard,2008年.
  The Western Chamber(向西边窗口) , 译者:S. I. Hsiung,1935年
  Romance of the Western Chamber(简略版), 译者:T. C. Lai和Ed Gamarekian,1973
  The Story of the Western Wing,译者:Stephen H. West,1995
  The Peony Pavilion,译者:Cyril Birch,1980
  Tale of the Pipa,译者:Jean Mulligan,1980
  Stories to Awaken the World, 译者:Shuhui Yang 和 Yunqin Yang, 2000年
  Stories to Awaken Men,
  Stories to Enlighten Men
  Illustrious Words to Instruct the World
  Story New and Old(古今小说), 译者:Shuhui Yang 和 Yunqin Yang,2000年
  Stories to Warn Men
  Stories to Caution the World, 译者:Shuhui Yang 和 Yunqin Yang,2000年
  Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms
  Shih-shuo Hsin-yü:A New Account of the Tales of the World,译者:Richard B. Mather,1976年
  Investiture of the Gods
  The Creation of the Gods,译者:Gu Zhizhong,1992年
  Tales of the Teahouse Retold: Investiture of the Gods,译者:Katherine Liang Chew,2002年
  Officialdom Unmasked, 译者:T. L. Yang, 2002
  Donald Holoch在其所著的A Novel of Setting:The Bureaucrats中,将这本小说译为Official circles: a revelation.另外,也有其他相似的版本,如A Revelation of Official Circles、The Bureaucrats: A Revelation,或是Observations on the Current State of Officialdom、The Bureaucracy Exposed、The Exposure of the Official World 或Official Circles: A Revelation
  The Scholars,译者:译者:杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi )和戴乃迭(Gladys Yang)夫妇
  Flowers in the Mirror,译者:Lin Tai-yi, 1965年
  The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror,
  Romance of the Flowers in the Mirror,
  Six Records of Floating LIfe, 译者:林语堂,1936年
  Chapters from a Floating Life: The Autobiography of a Chinese Artist. 译者:Shirley M. Black,1960年
  Six Records of a Floating Life. 译者:Leonard Pratt和Su-Hui Chiang,1983年
  Six Records of a Life Adrift. 译者:Graham Sanders,2011
  Mountain and Sea Classics
  The Classic of Mountains and Seas,译者:Anne Birrell, 1999年
  A Chinese Bestiary: Strange Creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas,译者:: Richard E. Strassberg, 2002年
  Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals
  The Annals of Lü Buwei
  Records of the Grand Historian of China,译者:Burton Watson, 1961年
  Records of the Historians, 译者:杨宪益(Yang Hsien-yi )和戴乃迭(Gladys Yang)夫妇, 1974年
  Historical records,译者:Raymond Stanley Dawson, 1994年
  The Grand Scribe's Records,编辑:William J.Nienhauser, 1994年至今
  The Huai-nan-tzu
  Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance
  History as a Mirror(以史为镜)
  Zizhi tongjian: Warring States and Qin,译者: Joseph P. Yap, 2016年
  Stratagems of the Warring States
  Chan-kuo ts'e, 译者: James I. Crump Jr.,1970年
  Records of Warring States,译者:G. W. Bonsall,
  Outline of Herb Medicine
  Compendium of Materia Medica
  Materia Medica, Arranged according to Drug Deions and Technical Aspects
  Principles and Species of Roots and Herbs (直译)


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