
[céng céng bǎ guān]
check at each level
[céng céng bǎ guān]
make checks [check up] check at each level
Control the products' quality from the processing, assembling to real-time monitoring.
Our company regards the quality as company life, be responsible for each procedure, each product, and each customer, checks each level, ensure to provide high-quality drive motors to every customers.
Our quality control goes through the whole research and production processes to make sure that unqualified products will not leave factory.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!层层推进,Carring forward gradually,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 层层推进
1)&&Carring forward gradually
2)&&pushing method at each level
3)&&slicing stoping
4)&&step by step advance
Based on the step by step advance method proposed by reference 1,the defense probability of anti-missile in each layer is analyzed according to the observation effect.
Based on generating function and propability theory, a new algorithm——step by step advance method about the penetration effect of several antiship missiles to singal warfare has been proposed.
以母函数和概率论为数学基础 ,提出了关于多枚导弹对单舰突防效果的一种新算法——层次推进法 。
5)&&advancing-layers method
6)&&advancing level
solid-liguid hybrid rocket propellant
guye hunhe huoiian tui)in)i固液混合火箭推进剂(s olid一Iiguid hy-brid rocket proPellant)见火箭推讲齐,}_
说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。当前位置: &
英文翻译implement at every level&&&& ring upon ...&&&& workable&&&&1.(切合实际) workable
采取落实的措施 ado 生产计划要订得落 ...&&&& tier upon tier&&&&stra stratigraphicthrow&&&&throw&&&&fault drop&&&&tropospheric fallout&&&&fall into place&&&&fall through&&&&under layer&&&&departure kerb&&&&all-round implementation of each and every one of them&&&&all round implementation of each and every one of them&&&&conscientiously implement&&&& work out measures to ensure the fulfilment of the plan for ou ...&&&&era of application&&&&for reconfirmation&&&&all- implement implement in an all-r ...&&&&earnestly implement&&&&make sure how many are going to bring in the wheat tomorrow&&&& takeste todo&&&& lit par&&&&tier upon&&&&thin
例句与用法Carry out post obligation system , make obligation to people , carry out layer upon layer , and do well on daily inspection , weekly inspection and monthly inspection of management work落实岗位责任制,责任到人,层层落实,做好管理工作的日检、周检、月检工作。 The forth chapter is a case of practical application . we will dissertate how to use bsc to construct strategic management system in arc company , and how to analyze the strategic objective and put it into effect我们以apc公司为例,探讨了如何应用平衡记分卡构建apc公司的战略管理体系,如何分解公司战略目标并层层落实,使之成为一套切实可行的方案。 This factory owns the design and manufacturing license on the first and second class pressure containers . the factory had passed iso9001 : 2000 quality system authentication and can be able to produce various types of towers , heat exchangers storage containers and reaction containers本厂质保体系健全,技术力量雄厚,加工设备完善,检测手段齐全,完整的生产技术管理制度,层层落实的岗位责任制,保证了产品质量。 The governmental authority of land expropriation should be strictly controlled . we should establish the responsibility system of land expropriation to put responsibility into effect step by step , and constitute the censor ' s committee of land expropriation to monitor and to examine必须严格控制政府征地权:应建立征地审批责任制,使责任层层落实;还应建立征地审查委员会,对政府的土地征用行为进行听证和审查。 With complete quality assurance system , the plant has strong technical force , advanced fabrication equipment and complete inspection , testing facilities , scientific management system , which assures fabricating top quality products . quality is the life of enterprise , and reputation is the basis of co - operation本厂质保体系健全,技术力量雄厚,加工设备完善,检测手段齐全,完整的生产技术管理制度,层层落实的岗位责任制,保证了产品质量。 First , a communications guarantee steering center headed by general manager cheng xiyuan was established in line with the a - level guarantee system as contained in the network management theory . seven teams were formed to respond to different guarantee targets , which were head of state communications guarantee , press communications guarantee , venue communications guarantee , emergency communications guarantee , hotel communications guarantee , integrated service guarantee and logistics support guarantee首先,按照网络管理的a级保障体制成立了由总经理程锡元为首的通信保障指挥中心,根据保障目标分别成立了首脑通信保障、新闻通信保障、场馆通信保障、机动通信保障、宾馆通信保障、综合业务保障、后勤支撑保障等7个小组,明确责任、层层落实。 &&
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