
这是个干干净净的平台,没有功利,只有奉献以及你我纯洁的友谊。说明这是2017年苏锡常镇高考一模试题解析,内含PPT视频。想用不同的方式对试卷进行讲评,希望能够节省高三老师的备课时间,让试卷讲评做得更有效、更细致,让学生从中收益更多。一模英语昨天下午(3月15日)考完。试卷我拍照附在本文后面,以备参考。拿到一模试卷后,自己做了一遍,总体感觉试卷基调还是比较本份的,当然其中的亮点也是比较多的。试卷科学性较强,各类话题涉及点颇多,离奇出格的题目没有。试卷基本可以反应学生的真实的学习水平,区分度也应该是不错的。这里提供给大家一份不成熟的试卷题目详解。说不成熟是因为时间仓促。如果有错敬请大家容忍吧!说是“详”也只是相对而言的。对于现在教学时间紧张,需要快节奏、高效益复习的老师来讲,试卷不可能需要我这样面面俱到的。对于学生来说,由于层次不同,需要不同程度的“详”与“简”。而我这里却可以利用平台的优势,给之以详,取之以略。不管你是学生还是老师,可以在这里找你需要的那些“略”。第一部分:听力只给参考答案,不作分析。听力原稿附后。1~5 CBACC;6~10 BCCBA;11~15 BBABC;16~20 CCACB第二部分第一节:单项选择参考答案是:21~25 ABBAB;26~30 DBBCA;31~35 CCACC做了一个PPT课件,有很详细的解题过程,大家可以看一下。第二部分第二节:完形填空参考答案是:36~40 DCDBB;41~45 BDAAD;46~50 BAACA;51~55 BCBAD完形填空是细活,需要反复读个两三遍才能确保答案的正确率。核对答案时也不要纠结于某一小题与你思考的一致不一致的问题,那样会徒生烦恼,浪费时间。如果把文章的每一句话都读通了,完形填空的正确率一定不会低。这里就用拆细的方式帮大家讲一下吧!Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine (真实的) version of themselves. Not on the outside — on the inside. It’s not about a brand or a reputation. It’s about reality: who you really are.真正快乐成功的人会形成真正最好最真实的自己。不在外表,而在内心。重要的不是品牌或者名誉,而是真实的自我。看看选项:“品牌与人格personality,品牌与品质quality,品牌与天赋talent,哪个合理不是很清楚吗?因为只有a brand or a reputation才是外在的。Sounds simple, I know. The problem is, it’s very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to figure it out.figure out弄明白。这问题听起来简单,却需要毕其一生才能搞明白的。(put out 长出、出版;leave out 忽略、省略;check out 结账后离开)Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy.人生值得一做的事都不会容易。此意是与下文一致的。If you want to do great work, it’s going to take a lot of hard work to do it. And you’re going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare you so much.成就大事者必先苦其心志。因此,你必须走出你那舒适的圈子,去勇敢地体验那些会让你害怕的机会。take some chances是冒险之意。若说take advantages (取利)或take responsibilities(担责)显然不合理吧?But what’s the sense of life if not finding yourself and trying to become the best?sense在这里明显是“意义”之义。若到头来辩不清自己是谁,又未能努力成为最好的自己,那人生的意义何在?That’s what Steve Jobs meant when he said: Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. You have to trust something — your gut (直觉), fate, life, or whatever.看看美国苹果公司联合创办人乔布斯是怎么说的吧(mentioned与informed只是泛泛地告知,而meant才能让你辨清经纬)。现在所有的心灵鸡汤都是用乔布斯的,哦,对了,用马云的也很多,所以要想考好试,这两个人的话多记一些有好处的。时间宝贵,不要虚掷光阴过着他人的生活。不要让周遭的聒噪言论蒙蔽你内心的声音。(一查,居然是乔布斯在斯坦福大学的毕业典礼上演讲,我说怎么那么眼熟?)drown out 淹没;cater for 迎合;submit to 顺从你要心有所信,生活中的偶然冥冥中也能指引未来。你要心怀信念——相信你的直觉、命运、生活抑或如此等等。or whatever是一个词组,表示“等等、诸如此类”,可以记一下。This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.这个方法一直给我力量,促使我过得卓然不同。其实上面所说的don't waste ..., don't let the noise ..., trust something等是对待人生的一种方法,所以选择approach是正确的。Now, let’s for a moment be realistic about this. Insightful as that advice may be, it sounds a little too challenging to resonate (共鸣) with today’s quick-fix culture. These days, if you can’t tell people exactly what to do and how to do it, it falls on deaf ears.现在我们来实际一点:建议或许很深刻(insightful),但似乎难以与到当今的快节奏文化(quick-fix culture)产生共鸣。现如今,如果你讲不清具体做什么、该怎么做的话,那么说了也等于白说(fall on deaf ears,本意是落到聋了的耳朵上)。Not only that, but what Jobs was talking about, what I’m talking about, requires focus and discipline, two things that are very hard to come by these days. Why? Because, focus and discipline are hard. It’s so much easier to give in to distraction (分心). Easy and addictive.不仅如此,乔布斯说到的和我要说到的话都需要集中和自制——这两个品质在当今社会非常难能可贵(come by在此处是“取得”的意思,come by也可以作”从旁经过”解,这一题估计有点难的)。何以见得?因为集中和自制都不容易做到(give in to向……让步、屈就于,若用pay attention to,想想后面的distraction就不合理了,哪有“请注意分心”之说?)。人们很容易分散注意力、寻求即时快感——舒服且容易上瘾。There’s a business concept called opportunity cost. When you choose one course of action, you miss out on all the other opportunities you might have chosen to persue but didn’t. People rarely stop to consider that until it’s too late.有一个商业术语叫“机会成本”。当你选定某个行为时,你也会错过其他原本可以选择的机会。很少有人能意识到这一点,就算意识到也为时已晚。这一段意思很好。有几点提一下:miss out on 错过(机会等),persue 追求,其他词肯定不合理。至于后面的rarely,看看连词until就知道只有表否定的rarely合理。And yet, the opportunity for adventure is right there in front of each and every one of us. Until you take it, you’ll never know what you might achieve. All you have to do is start the journey. So, take action!而且,冒险之门向每个人敞开。打开这扇门之前,谁也不知道能获得哪些收获。因此,你所要做的,就是启程。怎么样?开始行动吧!第三部分:阅读理解参考答案:56~57 AC;58~60 CAB;61~64 CDDB;65~70 BCDBAC阅读理解与完形填空答题过程不一样,阅读理解可以读得粗一点、概括一点,但一定要看出文章的主题、主线与主干,如果找不出这“三主”,那你答题的正确率堪忧啊!Passage A阅读理解A篇是一则牙医的广告,主要宣传的是这家牙医诊所运用新科技,让病人减轻各种牙病治疗的痛苦。广告中有state-of-art advancements之类的词语,因此,只要能找到关键词,本文的两个题目的答案简直可以秒答的。Passage B本篇文章介绍流行于好多国家的一种长曲棍球叫lacrosse,有时也翻译成棒网球,读音:[l?'kr?s]。这里给大家看两幅图吧:阅读理解B篇58题是比较新型的题目,好在那一句:“Today, lacrosse is known as Canada’s official summer sport!”中间的Canada太突出了,所以要找到它的合理位置也只是a matter of seconds!第三小节重点介绍长曲棍球的一些规则,而不是延续多长时间、长曲棍球的性质或是介绍不同的球员之类。所以第59题不难。那这篇文章本身就是一篇一项运动的介绍。所以60题选B是毫无疑问的。Passage C阅读理解C篇是科技文。主题是:人生的首次感染的流感会决定一生的流感感染风险的大小看第一句话:A person’s chances of falling ill from a new strain (菌株) of flu are at least partly determined by the first strain they ever met with, a study suggests.一项研究表明,新型流感病毒株对个人的致病能力有一定程度上取决于这个人人生首次感染的流感病毒株(的株型)。看图片:科学家们发现:同样的流感病毒,对某一人群影响不大,但却对另一人群影响很大。现在的研究发现原来与这一人群出生的年代有关系,也就是与他们接触到的第一次流感病毒的类型有关系。先接触到了,自然就产生了免疫力。下面一段很重要。Even though there are 18 types of influenza A, there are only two versions of hemagglutinin. The researchers, led by Dr Michael Worobey, classed them as “blue” and “orange” lollipops.尽管甲流有十八种亚型,但它们只有两种亚型或者说“口味”的红血球凝集素。由Michael Worobey博士领导的研究组将这两种红血球凝集素分为“蓝色”和“橙色”棒棒糖。(看上面的图就知道为什么叫做lollipops了,的确很像啊!)为什么用蓝色的和橙色的棒棒糖呢?这样可以清楚直观地说明这两类毒株的样子。这样,62题的答案就出来了。至于61题的答案,我想根据以上的分析也能够找到答案了。如果这个发现得到证明,那今后就可以提前给易感人群提前做好预防工作,有助于find out who are easier to get infected with a bird flu than others。当了解本文的主题后,题目就好加了:First Flu Affects Lifetime Risk(首次感染的流感影响一生的流感感染风险)。Passage D阅读理解D篇虽长,看上去有点难度,但不妨读个两遍,主题基本可以明确。这往篇文章就是一个book review,这本书的名字叫When in French: Love in a Second Language,是由一位女记者Lauren Collins写的。她是美国人,讲英语,却嫁给了讲法语的她的先生。以后在语言上产生了好多有趣当然也让她很困惑的事情。这本书就记述了这些故事。这本书的封面是这样的。这本书主要还介绍了法语学习的一些理论方法等,第一小节有When in French ranges from the humorously personal story to a deeper look at various theories of language acquisition and linguistics一句,所以65题答案应该是B。It introduces a variety of theories about French learning.66题是猜词义题,其实这个题目通过这个单词所在的句子就可以想出词义了:The normally voluble Collins found herself at a loss — “nearly speechless.”本来……的Collins却一下子不知说什么了,几乎没话可说。那你说voluble该是什么意思?不就是talkative吗?67题要看文中第三节:… because of its singular ability to take in millions of immigrants and make their native languages die out in a few generations. 因为其有非凡的能力,能够吸纳数百万移民,并使他们的本国语在几代人之后消亡。所以答案是:Because American culture swallows up immigrants’ native languages gradually.要回答69题,先要了解Jhumpa Lahiri如此hooked on Italian (对意大利语着迷)是因为他想用意大利语来写作品。但一开始的Unlike一词就说明Collins的goals是不同的:Collins’s goals for learning French were more modest …70题是个不错的题目。在书评中,作者讲到了When in French的主题(这个必须的),也讲了书的结构:最后一节Arranged by chapters named for verb tenses, When in French works its way from The Past Perfect (Le plus-que-parfait) to The Present (Le Présent) and The Conditional (Le Conditionnel). 也说到了本书的写作风格,第一段中有When in French ranges from the humorously personal story to …一句。第四部分 任务型阅读任务型阅读主题是对于一个实验发现的介绍:手机残留分子揭示机主生活方式的秘密。翻译第一节:What does your phone say about you? Molecules found on mobile phones reveal an astonishing amount about the owner’s health and lifestyle — including their food preferences and medication.你的手机会说些关于你的什么呢?在你手机上发现的分子披露了大量令人惊奇的东西,比如你的健康状况以及生活方式,甚至饮食偏好以及就医情况。接下来我们来看看如何找到正常的答案。71的答案是Previous,因为文中有Previous research by the same team found that people who had not washed for three days still had lots of traces of health and beauty products on their skin.一句。72题用information、details,是对于research的细节描写,看表格中的内容可以想到。73题的despite对应Even washing hands thoroughly would not prevent the transfer to everyday objects一句,其实就是一个句子改写的过程。74题比较容易,这里可以追踪500 samples这个关键词,看到这一句:Using a technique called mass spectrometry (光谱测定), the University of California San Diego research team tested 500 samples taken from 40 adults. 便可找到technique这一词了。当然真正得到这个答案还得从With the help of a _____, researchers tested 500 samples from 40 phones.本身句意着手。75题也只是个改写:They then compared them with molecules identified in a database and produced a “lifestyle profile” of each phone owner.其中compared是关键词。做76题时看文中有By analysing the molecules they left behind on their phones, we could tell …之句,analyse的名词形式应该写得出来吧?analysis。77题只要找到倒数第二节中的The study said the testing method could identify an object’s owner without fingerprints.就不难了。78题对应Besides, it could provide useful information about a person’s exposure to pollution.一句,exposure — exposed,就是这个变化。最后一段话说的是The researchers now want to find out more about …,从这句话能否联想到他们的Future research (79题)呢?80题答案是knowledge/understanding,需要根据最后一段文字以及上下文还有题干结构综合看出来,意思上容易想得到,真正找到答案也不容易。总结一下。这次一模的任务型阅读中的用词的分配是这样的:改写词、近义转换词共5个,文中原词共2个,概括性的词或者根据文章意思进行逻辑推理的词有3个。这个大概就是任务型阅读比较典型的方向和思路吧?第五部分 书面表达这次一模的书面表达话题比较冷门,内容是:父母为了防止小孩哭闹,惹恼周围的乘客,特意准备了装有一些零食的礼品袋goodie bags,作为提前的道歉(beforehand apology),礼品袋上还附有道歉纸条(note)。看图:其实这样的行为在国外已经很多,有关这个话题也是受到热议的,总体说来,持反对意见的人还是多一些。对于这一类作文,学生应该注意这样几点:不要因为冷门而产生胆怯心理。其实,这样的事件也许并不曾听说,但你可以仔细理顺一下你的思路。第一步:决定你是支持还是反对。如果是支持,则你的观点不外乎有:噪音影响乘客出行舒适感;保证安静的环境是每个人的职责;为能为乘客着想,做beforehand apology的父母点赞;提前道歉是一种道德善举。如果是反对,则你的观点可能是:没必要为小孩在公开场合哭闹而道歉,因为babies will be babies;送礼品包给别人会是一个带小孩子是不好的事情的信号;成年人应该对于小孩哭闹有足够的承受力;成年人不应该用食物包来哄骗。如果有上面四条之三者便可动手写作了,要把这些观点条理分明组织一下,然后再写出来,如果平时注重文字表达能力培养的话,这篇作文还是能写好的。这里提供三篇参考范文。参考范文一:(You approve of the behavior.)To apologize for their babies’ possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of babies to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic.Such an initiative and behavior, from my perspective, should be encouraged. To begin with, it’s polite to make an apology to those suffering from noise babies make even though sometimes we can’t avoid it. In addition, this nice gesture may ease tensions crying babies create and get understanding from people around. Most importantly, it’s an absolute adorable way to remind people to be patient with babies in a very sweet way. After all, in public places, everyone is responsible for the maintenance of a peaceful environment so as to leave people around in a better state of mind. &All in all, such a thoughtful and simple act of kindness can convey genuine feeling and I’ll give the mother a thumb-up.参考范文二:(You are against the behaviour.)To apologize for their babies’ possible annoying noises, some mothers hand out goodie bags and notes in the name of baby to passengers around. This soon becomes a buzz topic. &(30words)I don’t think it necessary. In the first place, as young parents, you should not be scared of other people’s ill looks because of your kids making noises, for kids will be kids. What’s more, I am grown up enough not to be pacified with a goodie bag. Probably the best goodie bag for parents would be a kind word of encouragement. Last but not least, these goodie bags send the message that you should feel bad for having babies who act like babies, which has rubbed many parents the wrong way from the start.To sum up, you don’t need to bend over backwards to please others and you don’t owe strangers candy for sitting next to your babies.参考范文三:(You are against the behaviour.)The behaviour of parents giving out goodie bags to their fellow passengers on flights went viral online. With the bags there were notes giving an apology for the baby making possible noise.I can understand what the young mother was thinking about. She’s trying to be nice — a good gesture to avoid others’ being disturbed if her baby made terrible noise. However, I don’t quite agree with this sort of idea. Taking candy from a baby is easy, but there's hardly any reason that parents should be handing it out to strangers on a plane to buy cooperation in case their kid screams. Is it necessary that we should feel bad or guilty only because our babies act just like babies?If a child screams, it may annoy the adults around. But there are a million ways adults can be equally annoying — and they should know better. Does smoking annoy kids? Does people’s talking loudly annoy kids? Does adults’ quarrelling annoy kids? So as a parent, never feel guilty even though your kids make noise.附:听力原稿第一节Text 1W: I simply can’t put this toy car together in a proper way. David, can you help me? &M: If you follow the instructions step by step, you’ll find it easier.Text 2M: Hi, Jenney. There’s a dance party tonight on campus. Wanna go with us?W: I’d like to, but I have to practise the lines of my play tonight. The yearly drama contest is only one week ahead, you know?Text 3W: That’s crazy! I have been waiting here for more than 3 hours!M: Don’t complain. I stayed up all night for the chance to get the seventh version of the iPhone!Text 4W: Oh, my God! Your lies really drive me mad! Are you trying to make a fool of me?M: No, I didn’t lie. I was telling the truth this time.Text 5M: Excuse me, when do I have to leave my room?W: Normally it’s before 12 o’clock.M: Well, you see, my plane doesn’t go till half past five tomorrow afternoon.W: Then you may keep the room till 2 pm if you want.第二节Text 6M: Hello, Susan! What’s up?W: It’s about the test we’ve just had. It made me feel terrible. What about you?M: Well, not bad, but no use worrying about it. Anyway, the test is over and you can’t change anything.W: Absolutely! I really should go home and prepare for the next test, but I’m feeling tired.M: Come on! Let’s go and grab a coffee. You’ll soon cheer up.W: Sounds great! I should do something to relax myself.Text 7W: Hey, Terry, could you be a little faster? My train leaves in about 30 minutes.M: Sure…. Oh, a text from my mom about her doctor’s appointment.W: My God! You’re not going to text and drive, are you?M: No worry! I’m pretty good at it.&W: To be honest, I feel uncomfortable with you trying to do both at the same time…and it is against the law.M: I’ve had a lot of practice.W: Please pull over. I’ll just take a taxi there.M: No, no, no. I’m almost finished with this text…just a second.W: Watch out! (Sound of crash)M: Ah! No! My car!W: Forget your car. I think it would be a good time for you to text or call the police.M: Oh, my God!Text 8W: Steven, shall we go shopping tomorrow?M: Hum...Why not go shopping the day after tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. I hate all the &hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.W: But it is the same with Sunday. If you don’t mind, that’s OK.M: Hum...Maybe it will be better. The most important thing is that I can have a day to get relaxed after a week’s work.W: I see. Let’s fix it the day after tomorrow.M: By the way, what kind of stores do we need to go to?W: I want to buy some clothes in a clothing store. When we are going back, go to the butcher’s&to buy some chicken. What’s more, I guess we’ll pick some comic books for Peter, for next&Friday is his birthday.&M: Ok. Let’s also go to the jewelry store to buy a diamond necklace. I want to buy one for you&as your birthday present.W: Well, forget about it. Diamond things are not my cup of coffee. Thank you, anyway. I’d&prefer a dinner cooked by you. You were such a good chef and all the beautiful memories.&M: Sure, that’s a deal!&Text 9&M: You look tired. What on earth have you been doing?W: Oh, I’ve been such a fool! You just wouldn’t believe what I have done.M: I would. Come on.W: I’ve been to London. I thought I’d be very sensible, so I drove down to the underground in&the suburbs of London. But when I got back out of London, I couldn’t find my car. So I rang&the police and told him what had happened.M: Did he help you find your car?W: Yes. He took me back into the underground station and out the other side into the other car park…and there was my car. Because there are two exits, you see, so I walked out of an exit, not knowing there were two and it was the other one.M: And was he angry?W: Yeah, and I was so sorry that I apologized all the time.M: Sounds like a terrible trip!Text 10You may think Twitter, a universally popular social media platform, is used for just a small talk. No one can really convey a message in just 140 characters. But according to researchers, our Twitter messages provide a valuable insight towards our diet and our health.&Coffee, beer and pizza were the most talked about products on the social media platform. Starbucks also featured highly, followed by alcohol, which increases the risk of some types of cancer.&Researchers from the University of Utah assessed around 80 million Twitter messages sent between mid-2014 and mid-2015 only to find 4 million, which had mentioned food or drink.&Besides, researchers found messages from poor areas were less likely to mention healthy foods while people living in developed areas were more likely to talk about fast food.&The study also found the areas which talked more about walking, dancing and running had fewer deaths and lower rates of being overweight.&感谢您的关注创梦英语名师工作室专业打造英语学习及英语教学的创意平台,帮助您实现梦想,走向成功。


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